public override bool SignalInputData(InputStream inputStream, IPEndPoint address) { inputStream.CopyPartTo(Buffer, (int)inputStream.AvaliableByteCounts); Buffer.Position = 0; Middle.FarProtocol.IOHandler.SignalOutputData(LocalEndPoint, Buffer); return(true); }
public override bool SignalInputData(InputStream inputStream, IPEndPoint address) { inputStream.CopyPartTo(Buffer, (int)inputStream.AvaliableByteCounts); if (!Connections.ContainsKey(address)) { Connections[address] = new Middle2ServerRTMFPProtocol { Application = Application, LocalEndPoint = address, ServerEndPoint = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(""), 19352) }; } Connections[address].EnqueueForOutbound(Buffer); return(true); }
public bool FeedData(uint channelId, InputStream buffer, uint length) { //1. Is the chanel number a valid chanel? if (channelId >= 4) { FATAL("Invalid chanel number: {0}", channelId); return(false); } if (!_protocols.ContainsKey(channelId)) { FATAL("Invalid chanel number: {0}", channelId); return(false); } _inputBuffer.IgnoreAll(); buffer.CopyPartTo(_inputBuffer, (int)length); _inputBuffer.Published = length; _inputBuffer.Position = 0; //_protocols[channelId].InputBuffer.WriteBytes(buffer); return(_protocols[channelId].SignalInputData(_inputBuffer, _dummyAddress)); }
private bool ProcessBytes(InputStream buffer) { while (true) { var availableBytesCount = buffer.AvaliableByteCounts; if (_selectedChannel < 0) { if (availableBytesCount < 1) { return(true); } var temp = buffer.ReadByte(); switch (temp & 0x3f) { case 0: if (availableBytesCount < 2) { FINEST("Not enough data"); return(true); } _selectedChannel = 64 + buffer.ReadByte(); GetChannel((uint)_selectedChannel).lastInHeaderType = (byte)(temp >> 6); availableBytesCount -= 2; break; case 1: FATAL("The server doesn't support channel ids bigger than 319"); return(false); default: _selectedChannel = temp & 0x3f; GetChannel((uint)_selectedChannel).lastInHeaderType = (byte)(temp >> 6); availableBytesCount -= 1; break; } } if (_selectedChannel >= MAX_CHANNELS_COUNT) { FATAL("Bogus connection. Drop it like is hot"); return(false); } var channel = GetChannel((uint)_selectedChannel); switch (channel.state) { case Channel.CS_HEADER: if (!channel.lastInHeader.Read((uint)_selectedChannel, channel.lastInHeaderType, buffer, availableBytesCount)) { FATAL("Unable to read header"); return(false); } if (!channel.lastInHeader.ReadCompleted) { return(true); } var ts = channel.lastInHeader.TimeStramp; switch (channel.lastInHeaderType) { case HT_FULL: channel.lastInAbsTs = ts; break; case HT_SAME_STREAM: case HT_SAME_LENGTH_AND_STREAM: channel.lastInAbsTs += ts; break; case HT_CONTINUATION: if (channel.lastInProcBytes == 0) { channel.lastInAbsTs += ts; } break; } channel.state = Channel.CS_PAYLOAD; goto case Channel.CS_PAYLOAD; case Channel.CS_PAYLOAD: var ml = channel.lastInHeader.MessageLength; var si = channel.lastInHeader.StreamId; var tempSize = ml - channel.lastInProcBytes; tempSize = tempSize >= _inboundChunkSize ? _inboundChunkSize : tempSize; if (tempSize > buffer.AvaliableByteCounts) { return(true); } channel.state = Channel.CS_HEADER; _selectedChannel = -1; var msgType = channel.lastInHeader.MessageType; switch (msgType) { case RM_HEADER_MESSAGETYPE_VIDEODATA: if (si >= MAX_STREAMS_COUNT) { FATAL("The server doesn't support stream ids bigger than {0}", MAX_STREAMS_COUNT); return(false); } if (_streams[si]?.Type == ST_IN_NET_RTMP) { if (!_streams[si].FeedData(buffer, tempSize, channel.lastInProcBytes, ml, channel.lastInAbsTs, false)) { FATAL("Unable to feed video"); return(false); } } channel.lastInProcBytes += tempSize; if (ml == channel.lastInProcBytes) { channel.lastInProcBytes = 0; } buffer.Ignore(tempSize); break; case RM_HEADER_MESSAGETYPE_AUDIODATA: if (si >= MAX_STREAMS_COUNT) { FATAL("The server doesn't support stream ids bigger than {0}", MAX_STREAMS_COUNT); return(false); } if (_streams[si]?.Type == ST_IN_NET_RTMP) { if (!_streams[si].FeedData(buffer, tempSize, channel.lastInProcBytes, ml, channel.lastInAbsTs, true)) { FATAL("Unable to feed video"); return(false); } } channel.lastInProcBytes += tempSize; if (ml == channel.lastInProcBytes) { channel.lastInProcBytes = 0; } buffer.Ignore(tempSize); break; default: buffer.CopyPartTo(channel.inputData.BaseStream, (int)tempSize); buffer.Recycle(); channel.lastInProcBytes += tempSize; if (ml == channel.lastInProcBytes) { channel.lastInProcBytes = 0; if (_pProtocolHandler == null) { FATAL("RTMP connection no longer associated with an application"); return(false); } channel.inputData.BaseStream.Position = 0; if (msgType != 0) { var messageBody = _rtmpProtocolSerializer.Deserialize(msgType, channel.inputData); bool recycleBody; if (!_pProtocolHandler.InboundMessageAvailable(this, messageBody, channel, out recycleBody)) { if (recycleBody) { messageBody.Recycle(); } FATAL("Unable to send rtmp message to application"); return(false); } if (recycleBody) { messageBody.Recycle(); } _rxInvokes++; if (channel.inputData.BaseStream.Position < channel.inputData.BaseStream.Length) { FATAL("Invalid message!!! We have leftovers:{0} bytes", channel.inputData.BaseStream.Position < channel.inputData.BaseStream.Length); return(false); } } channel.inputData.BaseStream.Recycle(); } break; } break; } } }