Exemple #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Determines if the input matches any registered scanners, and invokes the scanner callback if a match is found.
        /// This method will also invoke the <see cref="InputResultDelegate"/> callback if a scanner is found
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="input"></param>
        /// <param name="ctx"></param>
        /// <param name="callback"></param>
        public bool ScanInput(string input, IContextObject ctx, InputResultDelegate callback)

            if (_scanners.Count == 0)

            ScannerData scanner = _scanners.FirstOrDefault(s => s.Pattern.Matches(input));

            if (scanner != null)
                bool remove = false;

                object result = scanner.Callback.Invoke(ctx, input, new LightweightParser(ctx), ref remove);
                callback?.Invoke(InputResult.Scanner, result);

                if (remove)


Exemple #2
 /// <summary>
 /// Generates a new parser that uses the given registry, args, metadata, context, and ID to run
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="registry">Registry from which the parser will obtain <see cref="IObjectConverter"/>s</param>
 /// <param name="input">The original input string</param>
 /// <param name="additionalArgs">Any additional arguments to be added to the end of the argument list</param>
 /// <param name="metadata">CommandMetadata containing information used to parse and execute</param>
 /// <param name="exeData"><see cref="CommandExecutorData"/> containing the data required for execution</param>
 /// <param name="ctx">Context object passed to the executed command, and an <see cref="IObjectConverter"/>s that are used</param>
 /// <param name="callback">Reference to a method used as a callback when processing completes</param>
 public Parser(CommandRegistry registry,
               string input,
               IEnumerable <object> additionalArgs,
               CommandMetadata metadata,
               CommandExecutorData exeData,
               IContextObject ctx,
               InputResultDelegate callback)
     : base(registry, input, additionalArgs, metadata, exeData, ctx, callback)
Exemple #3
        private void PipeThreadCallback(string[] inputs, InputResultDelegate callback, IContextObject ctx)
            object output = null;

            for (int i = 0; i < inputs.Length; i++)
                string          input = $"{inputs[i]}".Trim();
                CommandMetadata metadata;
                lock (_lock)
                    //Lock the metadata collection, and grab the first metadata that has a matching executor
                    List <CommandMetadata> metadatas = _metadata.Where(m => m.GetFirstOrDefaultExecutorData(input) != null).ToList();
                    metadata = metadatas.FirstOrDefault();

                if (metadata == null)
                    //No command matches, so ignore this entire piped input
                    callback.Invoke(InputResult.Unhandled, null);

                CommandExecutorData exeData = metadata.GetFirstOrDefaultExecutorData(input);

                RegexString trigger = exeData.ExecutorAttribute.CommandMatcher;
                input = trigger.RemoveMatchedString(input);
                object[] arguments = null;
                if (output != null)
                    //If there's output from a previous command, append it to the arguments for this command
                    arguments = new[] { output };

                AbstractParser parser;

                if (i == inputs.Length - 1)
                    //We only want the final parsing to invoke the parser callback
                    parser = _registry.GetParser(_registry, input, arguments, metadata, exeData, ctx, callback);
                    parser = _registry.GetParser(_registry, input, arguments, metadata, exeData, ctx, null);

                //Threads are joined for synchronous behaviour. Running each command concurrently (and thus potentially out of order) will not work here.
                Thread thread = parser.GetThread();

                //Set output so that it's appended to the end of the next input
                output = parser.Output;
 /// <summary>
 /// Returns an instance of the parser that is currently registered.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="registry">Registry to be used by the parser</param>
 /// <param name="input">String input provided to the parser</param>
 /// <param name="args">Additional arguments to be used by the parser</param>
 /// <param name="metadata">Metadata to be used by the parser</param>
 /// <param name="exeData">CommandExecutorData to be used by the parser</param>
 /// <param name="ctx">Context to be used by the parser</param>
 /// <param name="callback">Callback method to be invoked when the parser completes</param>
 public AbstractParser GetParser(CommandRegistry registry,
                                 string input,
                                 IEnumerable <object> args,
                                 CommandMetadata metadata,
                                 CommandExecutorData exeData,
                                 IContextObject ctx,
                                 InputResultDelegate callback)
     return((AbstractParser)Activator.CreateInstance(_parser, registry, input, args, metadata, exeData, ctx, callback));
Exemple #5
    public static UiDialogHandle Show(
        string msg, string value     = null, ButtonType buttonType = ButtonType.Ok,
        InputResultDelegate callback = null, string customOkName   = null)
        UiDialogHandle handle;

            var builtin = UiManager.Instance.FindFromDialogRoot("InputBox");
            if (builtin != null)
                handle = UiManager.Instance.ShowModalTemplate(builtin.gameObject);
                var msgBoxPrefab = Resources.Load("InputBox") as GameObject;
                handle = UiManager.Instance.ShowModalPrefab(msgBoxPrefab);

        if (callback != null)
            handle.Hidden += (dlg, returnValue) => callback((string)returnValue);

        var msgBox = (UiInputBox)handle.Dialog;

        msgBox.MessageText.text = msg;
        msgBox.ValueInput.text  = value ?? "";

        var b0     = msgBox.Buttons[0];
        var b0Text = b0.transform.Find("Text").GetComponent <Text>();
        var b1     = msgBox.Buttons[1];
        var b1Text = b1.transform.Find("Text").GetComponent <Text>();

        b1.gameObject.SetActive(buttonType != ButtonType.Ok);

        switch (buttonType)
        case ButtonType.Ok:
            b0Text.text = customOkName ?? "Ok";
            b0.onClick.AddListener(() => msgBox.OnButtonClick(true));

        case ButtonType.OkCancel:
            b0Text.text = customOkName ?? "Ok";
            b0.onClick.AddListener(() => msgBox.OnButtonClick(true));
            b1Text.text = "Cancel";
            b1.onClick.AddListener(() => msgBox.OnButtonClick(false));

Exemple #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds a command to the command queue, ready to be executed
        /// </summary>
        public void QueueInputHandling(string input, IContextObject ctx, InputResultDelegate callback)

            if (!ScanInput(input, ctx, callback))
                _queue.Enqueue(new QueueData(input, callback, ctx));

                //Set the MRE so that our parser thread knows there's data
    public static UiDialogHandle Show(
        string msg, string value = null, ButtonType buttonType = ButtonType.Ok,
        InputResultDelegate callback = null, string customOkName = null)
        UiDialogHandle handle;
            var builtin = UiManager.Instance.FindFromDialogRoot("InputBox");
            if (builtin != null)
                handle = UiManager.Instance.ShowModalTemplate(builtin.gameObject);
                var msgBoxPrefab = Resources.Load("InputBox") as GameObject;
                handle = UiManager.Instance.ShowModalPrefab(msgBoxPrefab);

        if (callback != null)
            handle.Hidden += (dlg, returnValue) => callback((string)returnValue);

        var msgBox = (UiInputBox)handle.Dialog;
        msgBox.MessageText.text = msg;
        msgBox.ValueInput.text = value ?? "";

        var b0 = msgBox.Buttons[0];
        var b0Text = b0.transform.Find("Text").GetComponent<Text>();
        var b1 = msgBox.Buttons[1];
        var b1Text = b1.transform.Find("Text").GetComponent<Text>();

        b1.gameObject.SetActive(buttonType != ButtonType.Ok);

        switch (buttonType)
            case ButtonType.Ok:
                b0Text.text = customOkName ?? "Ok";
                b0.onClick.AddListener(() => msgBox.OnButtonClick(true));

            case ButtonType.OkCancel:
                b0Text.text = customOkName ?? "Ok";
                b0.onClick.AddListener(() => msgBox.OnButtonClick(true));
                b1Text.text = "Cancel";
                b1.onClick.AddListener(() => msgBox.OnButtonClick(false));

        return handle;
Exemple #8
 /// <summary>
 /// Generates a new parser that uses the given registry, args, metadata, context, and ID to run
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="registry">Registry from which the parser will obtain <see cref="IObjectConverter"/>s</param>
 /// <param name="input">The original input string</param>
 /// <param name="additionalArgs">Enumerable of objects to be parsed</param>
 /// <param name="metadata">CommandMetadata containing information used to parse and execute</param>
 /// <param name="exeData"><see cref="CommandExecutorData"/> containing the data required for execution</param>
 /// <param name="ctx">Context object passed to the executed command, and an <see cref="IObjectConverter"/>s that are used</param>
 /// <param name="callback">Reference to a method to be invoked when parsing completes</param>
 public AbstractParser(CommandRegistry registry,
                       string input,
                       IEnumerable <object> additionalArgs,
                       CommandMetadata metadata,
                       CommandExecutorData exeData,
                       IContextObject ctx,
                       InputResultDelegate callback)
     Registry       = registry;
     Input          = input;
     AdditionalArgs = additionalArgs;
     Metadata       = metadata;
     ExecutorData   = exeData;
     Context        = ctx;
     Callback       = callback;
Exemple #9
 internal QueueData(string input, InputResultDelegate callback, IContextObject ctx)
     Input    = input;
     Callback = callback;
     Context  = ctx;
        /// <summary>
        /// Queues an input for handling
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="input">The string from which command data will be parsed</param>
        /// <param name="ctx">A context object which is passed to the command method, and is used to convert data types</param>
        /// <param name="callback">A callback method for when the command completes</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public void HandleInput(string input, IContextObject ctx, InputResultDelegate callback)

            _queue.QueueInputHandling(input, ctx, callback);