/// <summary> /// Release the objects /// </summary> /// <param name="ipk"></param> private void releaseObjects(InputPlayableKeyBoard ipk) { foreach (var item in objects) { item.PhysicObject.isMotionLess = false; } }
/// <summary> /// y /// </summary> /// <param name="ipk"></param> private void Load(InputPlayableKeyBoard ipk) { if (this.World.CameraManager.ActiveCamera is CameraFollowPath) { if (!(this.World.CameraManager.ActiveCamera as CameraFollowPath).Ended) { return; } } else if (isRecording == true) { return; } ///Carrega um caminho de um arquivo e seta uma camera para segui-lo CameraPathData pd = record.LoadCurveFile("teste.bin"); CameraFollowPath fcp = new CameraFollowPath(pd, this.World, "stdCam"); fcp.OnLoop = false; this.World.CameraManager.AddCamera(fcp, "follow"); this.World.CameraManager.SetActiveCamera("follow"); fcp.OnPathEnded += new OnPathEnded(fcp_OnPathEnded); isStopped = false; isLoading = true; }
void ik_KeyStateChange(InputPlayableKeyBoard ipk) { if (ssao.Enabled) { ssao.OutputONLYSSAOMAP = !ssao.OutputONLYSSAOMAP; } }
void ipk_KeyStateChange2(InputPlayableKeyBoard ipk) { if (wh.CurrentWaypointsCollection.State == WaypointsState.Connected) { wh.SaveConnectedWaypoints("waypoints.xml"); saved = true; } }
/// <summary> /// Binds the KeyBoard input. /// </summary> /// <param name="ipk">The InputPlayableKeyBoard.</param> public void BindInput(InputPlayableKeyBoard ipk) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(ipk != null); BindKeyCommand bkc = new BindKeyCommand(ipk, BindAction.ADD); KeyBinds.Add(ipk, bkc); CommandProcessor.getCommandProcessor().SendCommandAssyncronous(bkc); }
public void specularChange(InputPlayableKeyBoard ipk) { foreach (var item in withSpecular) { DeferredCustomShader shader = item.Material.Shader as DeferredCustomShader; System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(shader != null); shader.UseSpecular = !shader.UseSpecular; specular = shader.UseSpecular; } }
public void bumpChange(InputPlayableKeyBoard ipk) { foreach (var item in withBump) { DeferredCustomShader shader = item.Material.Shader as DeferredCustomShader; System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(shader != null); shader.UseBump = !shader.UseBump; bump = shader.UseBump; } }
/// <summary> /// Removes the KeyBoard binding. /// </summary> /// <param name="ipk">The InputPlayableKeyBoard.</param> public void RemoveInputBinding(InputPlayableKeyBoard ipk) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(ipk != null); BindKeyCommand bc = KeyBinds[ipk]; if (bc != null) { bc.BindAction = BindAction.REMOVE; CommandProcessor.getCommandProcessor().SendCommandAssyncronous(bc); } }
void ipk_KeyStateChange(InputPlayableKeyBoard ipk) { if (wh.CurrentWaypointsCollection.State == WaypointsState.UnConnected) { List <Waypoint> waypointsList = wh.CurrentWaypointsCollection.GetWaypointsList(); if (waypointsList.Count > 0) { VisibilityWaypointConnector VisibilityWaypointConnector = new VisibilityWaypointConnector(this.World); wh.ConnectWaypoints(VisibilityWaypointConnector); } } }
public void ChangeCamera(InputPlayableKeyBoard ipk) { if (shouldDraw) { shouldDraw = false; } else { shouldDraw = true; } camerasNames.Next(); this.World.CameraManager.SetActiveCamera(camerasNames.Value, InterpolationType.BYTIME, 3); }
/// <summary> /// Ao PRESSIONAR R /// </summary> /// <param name="ipk"></param> private void Start(InputPlayableKeyBoard ipk) { if (isRecording || this.World.CameraManager.ActiveCamera is CameraFollowPath) { return; } ///Comeca a gravar record.StartRecord(); isFinished = false; isRecording = true; }
void sc_KeyStateChange(InputPlayableKeyBoard ipk) { SpriteAnimated sa = sheet.Modelo as SpriteAnimated; if (sa.GetCurrentAnimation().Name == "ANIM1") { sa.ChangeAnimation("ANIM2"); } else { sa.ChangeAnimation("ANIM1"); } }
public void ChangeDemo(InputPlayableKeyBoard ipk) { if (this.ScreenState == PloobsEngine.SceneControl.ScreenState.Active) { this.ScreenState = ScreenState.Hidden; } if (active != null) { ScreenManager.RemoveScreen(active); } active = GetScreen(screenList[index % screenList.GetLength(0)]); ScreenManager.AddScreen(active); index++; }
/// <summary> /// t /// </summary> /// <param name="ipk"></param> private void Stop(InputPlayableKeyBoard ipk) { if ((this.World.CameraManager.ActiveCamera is CameraFollowPath) || isRecording == false) { return; } record.StopRecord(); record.SaveCurveToFile("teste.bin"); this.World.CameraManager.SetActiveCamera("stdCam"); isRecording = false; isStopped = true; }
/// <summary> /// Chamada qd Espaco for pressionado /// </summary> /// <param name="ipk"></param> void KeyStateChange(InputPlayableKeyBoard ipk) { ///TO CHANGE ONLY IN THE END OF THE INTERPOLATION //if (mundo.CameraManager.ActiveCameraType != State.INTERPOLATING) //{ //camerasNames.Next(); //mundo.CameraManager.SetActiveCamera(camerasNames.Value,InterpolationType.BYSTEP, 0.005f); //mundo.CameraManager.SetActiveCamera(camerasNames.Value, InterpolationType.BYTIME, 3); //} ///Avanca o ponteiro da lista circular camerasNames.Next(); ///Ativa a camera correspondente ///Existem dois interpoladores, Por tempo (demora um tempo fixo independententemente da distancia) ///e um Por Etapa, que tem uma velocidade fixa de movimentacao (independente de quanto tempo for levar) this.World.CameraManager.SetActiveCamera(camerasNames.Value, InterpolationType.BYTIME, 3); }
void key_KeyStateChange2(InputPlayableKeyBoard ipk) { NetWorkEchoMessageClient c = new NetWorkEchoMessageClient("teste", (mes) => { mes.Write("TESTE"); return(mes); } , (mes) => { ///server will change the message =P (just a test ...) Debug.Assert(mes.ReadString() == "TESTE123"); } ); client.AddNetWorkEchoMessage(c, true); }
public void ChangeGroup(InputPlayableKeyBoard ipk) { index = (index + 1) % 3; ///Turn Off all Masks (we cant turn the GSYSTEM MASK, even if we try ....) TurnOffInputMaskCommand tof = new TurnOffInputMaskCommand(InputMask.GALL); CommandProcessor.getCommandProcessor().SendCommandAssyncronous(tof); ///Turn only the right mask ///Masks are Bit Field, You can turn more than one using InputMask.GALL | InputMask.G1 for example ///The TurnOnInputMaskCommand Just combine its actual mask with the mask provided, It does not TURN OFFthe active masks (this is the reason why i sent a turn off mask before) TurnOnInputMaskCommand tom = new TurnOnInputMaskCommand(Im[index] | InputMask.GNONE); CommandProcessor.getCommandProcessor().SendCommandAssyncronous(tom); isAllActive = false; isGroup1 = false; isGroup2 = false; isComboPressed = false; isChangeGroup = true; }
void key_KeyStateChange(InputPlayableKeyBoard ipk) { NetWorkClientObject no = new NetWorkClientObject("simpleball", (mes) => { mes.WriteSphere(new Vector3(50, 50, 10), 1, 1, 10, MaterialDescription.DefaultBepuMaterial()); return(mes); }, (mes, id) => { SimpleModel simpleModel = new SimpleModel(this.GraphicFactory, "Model//ball"); SphereObject sphere = mes.ReadSphere(); DeferredNormalShader shader = new DeferredNormalShader(); DeferredMaterial fmaterial = new DeferredMaterial(shader); IObject obj = new IObject(fmaterial, simpleModel, sphere); obj.SetId(id); return(obj); } ); client.CreateNetWorkObject(no); }
public void ChangeDemo(InputPlayableKeyBoard ipk) { ///lazy ways of cycling between demos ///just remove everything and load the righ screen if (active is LoadingScreen || (active != null && active.IsLoaded == false)) { return; } //if(this.ScreenState == PloobsEngine.SceneControl.ScreenState.Active) // this.ScreenState = ScreenState.Hidden; foreach (var item in ScreenManager.GetScreens()) { ScreenManager.RemoveScreen(item); } active = GetScreen(screenList[index % screenList.GetLength(0)]); ScreenManager.AddScreen(active, new LoadingScreen()); index++; }
public void aumentaBias(InputPlayableKeyBoard ipk) { paralax.ScaleBias = new Vector2(paralax.ScaleBias.X, paralax.ScaleBias.Y + 0.001f); }
public void Active(InputPlayableKeyBoard ipk) { ssao.Enabled = !ssao.Enabled; }
void GameMenu(InputPlayableKeyBoard ipk) { EngineSettings.freeMouse = !EngineSettings.freeMouse; }
void Save(InputPlayableKeyBoard ipk) { Saver.Save(); }
public void LeaveGame(InputPlayableKeyBoard ipk) { engine.Exit(); }
public void Multiple(InputPlayableKeyBoard ipk) { isGroup1 = false; isGroup2 = false; isComboPressed = true; }
public void g2(InputPlayableKeyBoard ipk) { isGroup1 = false; isComboPressed = false; isGroup2 = true; }
public void EnableDisableBump(InputPlayableKeyBoard ipk) { paralax.UseBump = !paralax.UseBump; }
public void EnableDisableParalax(InputPlayableKeyBoard ipk) { paralax.UseParalax = !paralax.UseParalax; }
public void diminuiBias(InputPlayableKeyBoard ipk) { paralax.ScaleBias = new Vector2(paralax.ScaleBias.X, paralax.ScaleBias.Y - 0.001f); }