private void Start() { //TODO : make that WAYYY more generic and robust Canvas canvas = GetComponent <Canvas>(); canvas.worldCamera = Camera.main; if (KeyboardMapping == null) { Debug.LogError("You need to setup at least a keyboard mapping before opening the InputMapper"); return; } _mapperEntries = new InputMapperEntry[KeyboardMapping.buttons.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < KeyboardMapping.buttons.Length; ++i) { _mapperEntries[i] = Instantiate(entryPrefab, listParent); _mapperEntries[i].padEntry.SetActive(PadMapping != null); _mapperEntries[i].nameText.text = KeyboardMapping.buttons[i].name; _mapperEntries[i].keyboardKey.text = KeyboardMapping.GetKeyCode(KeyboardMapping.buttons[i].name).ToString(); if (PadMapping != null) { _mapperEntries[i].padKey.text = PadMapping.GetKeyCode(PadMapping.buttons[i].name).ToString().Replace("Joystick", ""); } } _currentActive = 0; }
public void HandleInput() { Vector2 velocity = _po.velocity; Vector2 move =; //_pushing = false; if (_controlled) { KeyCode jumpKeyboardKeycode = inputKeyboardMapping.GetKeyCode(JUMP_BUTTON_HASH); KeyCode jumpPadKeycode = inputPadMapping.GetKeyCode(JUMP_BUTTON_HASH); KeyCode attackKeyboardKeycode = inputKeyboardMapping.GetKeyCode(ATTACK_BUTTON_HASH); KeyCode attackPadKeycode = inputPadMapping.GetKeyCode(ATTACK_BUTTON_HASH); move.x = Input.GetAxis("Horizontal"); move.y = Input.GetAxis("Vertical"); if (_po.grounded) { if (Input.GetKeyDown(jumpKeyboardKeycode) || Input.GetKeyDown(jumpPadKeycode)) { bool jump = true; if (jump) { velocity.y = jumpTakeoffSpeed; _po.velocity = velocity; } } else if (Input.GetKeyDown(attackKeyboardKeycode) || Input.GetKeyDown(attackPadKeycode)) { _animator.SetTrigger("attacking"); } } else if ((Input.GetKeyUp(jumpKeyboardKeycode) || Input.GetKeyUp(jumpPadKeycode))) { if (_po.velocity.y > 0) { _po.velocity = _po.velocity * 0.5f; } } move.y = 0; bool needChange = _renderer.flipX ? (move.x > 0.01f) : (move.x < -0.01f); if (needChange) { _renderer.flipX = !_renderer.flipX; } _po.moveInput = move; } _animator.SetBool("grounded", _po.grounded); float velocityParam = Mathf.Abs(move.x); _animator.SetFloat("velocityX", velocityParam); _animator.SetFloat("velocityY", move.y); _animator.SetFloat("verticalSpeed", _po.velocity.y); //check for mapper input if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Escape) && Time.timeScale > 0) { Time.timeScale = 0.0f; InputMapper.SetMappingData(inputKeyboardMapping, inputPadMapping); SceneManager.LoadSceneAsync("inputMapper", LoadSceneMode.Additive); } }