void Handle(Input.MoveUp action)
     //What I want to do: check what number, first name and last name of the person on the row in
     //which the button was clicked. Save that in a temporary variable. Then, access the names and
     //number of the person above, and save that on the space below. Then, use the info in the temporary
     //variable to write in the row above the row in which the button was clicked.
     //(Then pretty much opposite for MoveDown)
 void Handle(Input.MoveUp Action)
     //can only move up if it is not the first row
     if (this.SortOrder > 1)
         //swap SortOrder values, execute as an atomic operation
         Db.Transact(() =>
             var previousPerson       = Db.SQL <Person>("SELECT p FROM Person p WHERE SortOrder = ?", (this.SortOrder - 1)).First;
             previousPerson.SortOrder = this.SortOrder;
             this.SortOrder           = this.SortOrder - 1;
         //refresh table binding