//Init the InhaTimes list and fill it with the physiotherapy times from activetherapies void InitInhaTimes() { TherapiePlanManager manager = TherapiePlanManager.instance; inhaTimes = new List <float>(); foreach (float time in manager.AktiveTherapieZeiten) { int dayOfWeek = (int)System.DateTime.Now.DayOfWeek - 1; dayOfWeek = dayOfWeek < 0 ? 6 : dayOfWeek; //If the time is from yesterday if (time > System.DateTime.Now.Hour) { dayOfWeek -= 1; dayOfWeek = dayOfWeek < 0 ? 6 : dayOfWeek; } foreach (TherapiePlan.TherapieInfo therapieInfo in manager.TherapiePlan.GetTherapieInfoFor(dayOfWeek, time)) { Therapie t = manager.TherapiePlan.Therapien[therapieInfo.index]; Inhalation inha = t as Inhalation; if (inha != null) { inhaTimes.Add(time); int i = inha.Times.IndexOf(time); m_fLengthInhalationMin = inha.Durations[i]; } } } }
public void AddTherapie() { switch (therapieTyp) { case TherapieTyp.MEDIKAMENT: Medikament medi = new Medikament(therapieName, description, weekdays, times, imageIndex, colorsImage[colorIndex], counts); manager.TherapiePlan.AddMedikament(medi); therapiePanel.AddElement(medi); break; case TherapieTyp.INHALATION: Inhalation inha = new Inhalation(therapieName, description, weekdays, times, durations); manager.TherapiePlan.AddInhalation(inha); therapiePanel.AddElement(inha); break; case TherapieTyp.PHYSIOTHERAPIE: Physiotherapie physio = new Physiotherapie(weekdays, times, sportTyp); manager.TherapiePlan.AddPhysiotherapie(physio); therapiePanel.AddElement(physio); break; default: break; } therapieNeuCanvas.SetActive(false); therapiePlanCanvas.SetActive(true); Reset(); manager.needsToSave = true; }
//Aufbau des internen Therapiekalenders public void BuildCalendar() { //Initialization calendar = new Dictionary <float, List <TherapieInfo> > [7]; for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) { calendar[i] = new Dictionary <float, List <TherapieInfo> >(); } foreach (Therapie therapie in therapieListe) { if (therapie.Times.Count == 0) { continue; } int therapieIndex = therapieListe.IndexOf(therapie); for (int weekday = 0; weekday < 7; weekday++) { if (therapie.Weekdays[weekday]) { for (int time = 0; time < therapie.Times.Count; time++) { float t = therapie.Times[time]; TherapieInfo ti; ti.index = therapieIndex; Medikament medi = therapie as Medikament; ti.count = (medi != null && medi.Counts.Count > 0)? medi.Counts[time] : 0; Inhalation inha = therapie as Inhalation; ti.duration = (inha != null && inha.Durations.Count > 0) ? inha.Durations[time] : 0; //Debug.Log("Adding Therapy" + therapie.Name + " medi|" + (medi != null) + " inha|" + (inha != null)); if (calendar[weekday].ContainsKey(t)) { calendar[weekday][t].Add(ti); //Debug.Log("Added TherapyNo" + therapieIndex + "to Day" + i + "at time " + t); } else { calendar[weekday].Add(t, new List <TherapieInfo>()); calendar[weekday][t].Add(ti); //Debug.Log("Added TherapyNo" + therapieIndex + "to Day" + i + "at time " + t); } } } } } }
public void EditTherapie(Therapie _therapie) { Reset(); therapieName = _therapie.Name; inputName.text = therapieName; times = _therapie.Times; _therapie.Weekdays.CopyTo(weekdays, 0); for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) { tgWeekDays[i].isOn = weekdays[i]; } if (_therapie is Medikament) { therapieTyp = TherapieTyp.MEDIKAMENT; Medikament medi = (_therapie as Medikament); counts = medi.Counts; imageIndex = medi.ImageIndex; FindColorIndex(medi.Color); ShowActiveColor(); manager.TherapiePlan.RemoveMedikament(medi); } else if (_therapie is Inhalation) { therapieTyp = TherapieTyp.INHALATION; Inhalation inha = (_therapie as Inhalation); durations = inha.Durations; manager.TherapiePlan.RemoveInhalation(inha); } else { therapieTyp = TherapieTyp.PHYSIOTHERAPIE; manager.TherapiePlan.RemovePhysiotherapie(_therapie as Physiotherapie); } ShowActiveImage(); therapiePlanCanvas.SetActive(false); therapieNeuCanvas.SetActive(true); timesListPanel.UpdateList(times, counts, durations); therapiePanel.UpdateList(manager.TherapiePlan.Therapien); manager.needsToSave = true; }
public void AddInhalation(Inhalation _inhalation) { inhalationListe.Add(_inhalation); AddTherapie(_inhalation); }
public void RemoveInhalation(Inhalation _inhalation) { inhalationListe.Remove(_inhalation); RemoveTherapie(_inhalation); }