public void Register(string name) { if (canvas == null) { Debug.LogError("No canvas loaded, cannot filter!"); return; } if (search == null) { List <Node> nodes = canvas.nodes; foreach (Node node in nodes) { IngredientNode iNode = node as IngredientNode; if (iNode == null) { continue; } if (iNode.ingredientName != name) { continue; } List <Node> candidates = CollectOutputNodes(iNode); search = new SearchState(candidates, name); break; } } else { search.Filter(name); } }
public void Filter(string name) { elements.Add(name); for (int index = 0; index < nodes.Count; index++) // go through all nodes { Node node = nodes[index]; bool hasIngredient = false; foreach (NodeInput ipt in node.Inputs) // look at all parents and if you've found the element { Node parent = ipt.connection.body; // then signalize it - so it won't be deleted. IngredientNode ingredient = GetIngredientNode(parent); if (ingredient.ingredientName == name) { hasIngredient = true; break; } } if (!hasIngredient) { nodes.Remove(node); } } }
List <IngredientNode> GetIngredients(HtmlNode documentNode) { var nodes = documentNode.SelectNodes(ingredientPath); var ingredients = new List <IngredientNode>(); foreach (var node in nodes) { var ingredient = new IngredientNode(); ingredient.fullText = node.InnerText; ingredients.Add(ingredient); } return(ingredients); }
public void AddConnection(IngredientNode node) { if (connections == null) { connections = new ConnectorVertex(); } else { if (connections.HasConnection(node)) return; } connections.AddConnection(node); }
void OnGUI() { if (GUI.Button(new Rect(5, 85, 60, 20), "TEST")) { CraftingInterface c = GetComponent <CraftingInterface>(); Debug.Log(c); c.Register("Penis Herb"); c.Register("V****a Herb"); Node node = c.Retrieve(); IngredientNode iNode = node as IngredientNode; if (iNode != null) { Debug.Log(iNode.ingredientName); } } }
public void AddConnection(IngredientNode node) { if (connections == null) { connections = new ConnectorVertex(); } else { if (connections.HasConnection(node)) { return; } } connections.AddConnection(node); }
public void AddConnection(IngredientNode node) { if (this.Connections == null) { this.Connections = new ConnectorVertex(); } else { if (this.Connections.HasConnection(node)) { return; } } this.Connections.AddConnection(node); }
// Use this for initialization void OnGUI() { if (GUI.Button(new Rect(5, 85, 60, 20), "TEST")) { CraftingInterface c = GetComponent <CraftingInterface>(); Debug.Log(c); c.Register("Green Herb"); c.Register("Blue Herb"); Node node = c.Retrieve(); IngredientNode recipe = node as IngredientNode; if (recipe != null) { Debug.Log(recipe.ingredientName); } } }
private List <Node> CollectOutputNodes(IngredientNode node) { List <Node> result = new List <Node>(); List <NodeOutput> outputs = node.Outputs; foreach (NodeOutput opt in outputs) { foreach (NodeInput ipt in opt.connections) { Node candidate = ipt.body; result.Add(candidate); } } return(result); }
void Start() { canvas = NodeEditorSaveManager.LoadSceneNodeCanvas("CraftingCanvas", false); Debug.Log(canvas); IngredientNode iNode = Instantiate(canvas.nodes.Find(x => ((IngredientNode)x).ingredientName == "Green Herb")) as IngredientNode; BaseItem item_ = new BaseItem(iNode); _inventory.Add(item_); iNode = Instantiate(canvas.nodes.Find(x => ((IngredientNode)x).ingredientName == "Blue Herb")) as IngredientNode; item_ = new BaseItem(iNode); _inventory.Add(item_); iNode = Instantiate(canvas.nodes.Find(x => ((IngredientNode)x).ingredientName == "Green Herb")) as IngredientNode; item_ = new BaseItem(iNode); _inventory.Add(item_); iNode = Instantiate(canvas.nodes.Find(x => ((IngredientNode)x).ingredientName == "Blue Herb")) as IngredientNode; item_ = new BaseItem(iNode); _inventory.Add(item_); }
public void Craft() { Node node = craftingInterface.Retrieve(); recipe = node as IngredientNode; if (recipe != null) { myButton.interactable = false; removeItemsFromInventory(); BaseItem product = new BaseItem((Instantiate(canvas.nodes.Find(x => ((IngredientNode)x).ingredientName == recipe.ingredientName)) as IngredientNode)); generateItemAffix(product); InventoryWindow.playerInventory.Add(product); craftingInterface.ResetHistory(); InventoryWindow.itemCounter.Clear(); } else { myButton.interactable = false; removeItemsFromInventory(); craftingInterface.ResetHistory(); InventoryWindow.itemCounter.Clear(); InventoryWindow.playerInventory.Add(new BaseItem()); } }
public void LoadScenery() { try { GameObject hider = new GameObject(); char dsc = System.IO.Path.DirectorySeparatorChar; using (WWW www = new WWW("file://" + Path + dsc + "assetbundle" + dsc + "mod")) { if (www.error != null) { throw new Exception("Loading had an error:" + www.error); } AssetBundle bundle = www.assetBundle; try { XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument(); string[] files = System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(Path, "*.xml"); doc.Load(files[0]); XmlElement xelRoot = doc.DocumentElement; XmlNodeList ModNodes = xelRoot.SelectNodes("/Mod"); foreach (XmlNode Mod in ModNodes) { modName = Mod["ModName"].InnerText; modDiscription = Mod["ModDiscription"].InnerText; } XmlNodeList ObjectNodes = xelRoot.SelectNodes("/Mod/Objects/Object"); foreach (XmlNode ParkOBJ in ObjectNodes) { try { ModdedObject MO = null; GameObject asset = Instantiate(bundle.LoadAsset(ParkOBJ["OBJName"].InnerText)) as GameObject; = Identifier + "@" + ParkOBJ["OBJName"].InnerText; switch (ParkOBJ["Type"].InnerText) { case "deco": DecoMod DM = new DecoMod(); DM.HeightDelta = float.Parse(ParkOBJ["heightDelta"].InnerText); DM.GridSubdivision = 1f; DM.SnapCenter = Convert.ToBoolean(ParkOBJ["snapCenter"].InnerText); DM.category = ParkOBJ["category"].InnerText; DM.BuildOnGrid = Convert.ToBoolean(ParkOBJ["grid"].InnerText); DM.gridSubdivision = float.Parse(ParkOBJ["gridSubdivision"].InnerText); MO = DM; break; case "trashbin": MO = new TrashBinMod(); break; case "seating": SeatingMod SM = new SeatingMod(); SM.hasBackRest = false; MO = SM; break; case "seatingAuto": SeatingAutoMod SMA = new SeatingAutoMod(); SMA.hasBackRest = false; SMA.seatCount = 2; MO = SMA; break; case "lamp": MO = new LampMod(); break; case "fence": FenceMod FM = new FenceMod(); FM.FenceFlat = null; FM.FencePost = null; MO = FM; break; case "FlatRide": FlatRideMod FR = new FlatRideMod(); FR.XSize = (int)float.Parse(ParkOBJ["X"].InnerText); FR.ZSize = (int)float.Parse(ParkOBJ["Z"].InnerText); FR.Excitement = float.Parse(ParkOBJ["Excitement"].InnerText); FR.Intensity = float.Parse(ParkOBJ["Intensity"].InnerText); FR.Nausea = float.Parse(ParkOBJ["Nausea"].InnerText); FR.closedAngleRetraints = getVector3(ParkOBJ["RestraintAngle"].InnerText); RideAnimationMod RA = new RideAnimationMod(); RA.motors = FlatRideLoader.LoadMotors(ParkOBJ, asset); RA.phases = FlatRideLoader.LoadPhases(ParkOBJ, asset); FR.Animation = RA; XmlNodeList WaypointsNodes = ParkOBJ.SelectNodes("Waypoints/Waypoint"); foreach (XmlNode xndNode in WaypointsNodes) { Waypoint w = new Waypoint(); w.isOuter = Convert.ToBoolean(xndNode["isOuter"].InnerText); w.isRabbitHoleGoal = Convert.ToBoolean(xndNode["isRabbitHoleGoal"].InnerText); if (xndNode["connectedTo"].InnerText != "") { w.connectedTo = xndNode["connectedTo"].InnerText.Split(',').ToList().ConvertAll(s => Int32.Parse(s)); } w.localPosition = getVector3(xndNode["localPosition"].InnerText); FR.waypoints.Add(w); } MO = FR; break; case "Shop": ShopMod S = new ShopMod(); asset.SetActive(false); XmlNodeList ProductNodes = ParkOBJ.SelectNodes("Shop/Product"); foreach (XmlNode ProductNode in ProductNodes) { ProductMod PM = new ProductMod(); switch (ProductNode["Type"].InnerText) { case "consumable": consumable C = new consumable(); C.ConsumeAnimation = (consumable.consumeanimation)Enum.Parse(typeof(consumable.consumeanimation), ProductNode["ConsumeAnimation"].InnerText); C.Temprature = (consumable.temprature)Enum.Parse(typeof(consumable.temprature), ProductNode["Temprature"].InnerText); C.portions = Int32.Parse(ProductNode["Portions"].InnerText); PM = C; break; case "wearable": wearable W = new wearable(); W.BodyLocation = (wearable.bodylocation)Enum.Parse(typeof(wearable.bodylocation), ProductNode["BodyLocation"].InnerText); PM = W; break; case "ongoing": ongoing O = new ongoing(); O.duration = Int32.Parse(ProductNode["Duration"].InnerText); PM = O; break; default: break; } PM.Name = ProductNode["Name"].InnerText; PM.GO = Instantiate(bundle.LoadAsset(ProductNode["Model"].InnerText)) as GameObject; PM.GO.SetActive(false); PM.Hand = (ProductMod.hand)Enum.Parse(typeof(ProductMod.hand), ProductNode["Hand"].InnerText); PM.price = float.Parse(ProductNode["Price"].InnerText); XmlNodeList IngredientNodes = ProductNode.SelectNodes("Ingredients/Ingredient"); foreach (XmlNode IngredientNode in IngredientNodes) { ingredient I = new ingredient(); I.Name = IngredientNode["Name"].InnerText; I.price = float.Parse(IngredientNode["Price"].InnerText); I.amount = float.Parse(IngredientNode["Amount"].InnerText); I.tweakable = Boolean.Parse(IngredientNode["tweakable"].InnerText); XmlNodeList EffectNodes = IngredientNode.SelectNodes("Effects/effect"); foreach (XmlNode EffectNode in EffectNodes) { effect E = new effect(); E.Type = (effect.Types)Enum.Parse(typeof(effect.Types), EffectNode["Type"].InnerText); E.amount = float.Parse(EffectNode["Amount"].InnerText); I.effects.Add(E); } PM.ingredients.Add(I); } S.products.Add(PM); } MO = S; break; case "PathStyle": Registar.RegisterPath(asset.GetComponent <Renderer>().material.mainTexture, ParkOBJ["inGameName"].InnerText, (Registar.PathType)Enum.Parse(typeof(Registar.PathType), ParkOBJ["PathStyle"].InnerText)); break; case "CoasterCar": Debug.Log("Test CoasterCar"); CoasterCarMod CC = new CoasterCarMod(); CC.CoasterName = ParkOBJ["CoasterName"].InnerText; CC.Name = ParkOBJ["inGameName"].InnerText; try { CC.closedAngleRetraints = getVector3(ParkOBJ["RestraintAngle"].InnerText); CC.FrontCarGO = Instantiate(bundle.LoadAsset(ParkOBJ["FrontCarGO"].InnerText)) as GameObject; } catch { } MO = CC; MO.Name = ParkOBJ["inGameName"].InnerText; MO.Object = asset; break; default: break; } if (MO != null) { MO.Name = ParkOBJ["inGameName"].InnerText; MO.Object = asset; MO.Price = float.Parse(ParkOBJ["price"].InnerText); MO.Shader = ParkOBJ["shader"].InnerText; if (ParkOBJ["BoudingBoxes"] != null) { XmlNodeList BoudingBoxNodes = ParkOBJ.SelectNodes("BoudingBoxes/BoudingBox"); foreach (XmlNode Box in BoudingBoxNodes) { BoundingBox BB = MO.Object.AddComponent <BoundingBox>(); BB.isStatic = false; BB.bounds.min = getVector3(Box["min"].InnerText); BB.bounds.max = getVector3(Box["max"].InnerText); BB.layers = BoundingVolume.Layers.Buildvolume; BB.isStatic = true; } } MO.Recolorable = Convert.ToBoolean(ParkOBJ["recolorable"].InnerText); if (MO.Recolorable) { List <Color> colors = new List <Color>(); if (HexToColor(ParkOBJ["Color1"].InnerText) != new Color(0.95f, 0, 0)) { colors.Add(HexToColor(ParkOBJ["Color1"].InnerText)); } if (HexToColor(ParkOBJ["Color2"].InnerText) != new Color(0.32f, 1, 0)) { colors.Add(HexToColor(ParkOBJ["Color2"].InnerText)); } Debug.Log("Color 3" + HexToColor(ParkOBJ["Color3"].InnerText)); if (ParkOBJ["Color3"].InnerText != "1C0FFF") { colors.Add(HexToColor(ParkOBJ["Color3"].InnerText)); } if (HexToColor(ParkOBJ["Color4"].InnerText) != new Color(1, 0, 1)) { colors.Add(HexToColor(ParkOBJ["Color4"].InnerText)); } MO.Colors = colors.ToArray(); } Registar.Register(MO).GetComponent <BuildableObject>(); } } catch (Exception e) { LogException(e); } } } catch (Exception e) { LogException(e); } bundle.Unload(false); Debug.Log("Bundle Unloaded"); } } catch (Exception e) { LogException(e); } }
public void Index(IKPCContext context) { var timer = new Stopwatch(); timer.Start(); ratingGraph = new RatingGraph(); var loader = context.ModelerLoader; foreach (var dataItem in loader.LoadRatingGraph()) { var r = dataItem.Rating; var uid = dataItem.UserId; var rid = dataItem.RecipeId; if (r < 4) //Rating too low to worry about { continue; //TODO: Might not be needed, DB should only query for 4 or 5 star ratings } ratingGraph.AddRating(r, uid, rid); } ModelingSession.Log.InfoFormat("Building Rating Graph took {0}ms.", timer.ElapsedMilliseconds); timer.Reset(); timer.Start(); //Create empty recipe nodes without links snapshot.recipeMap = (from o in loader.LoadRecipeGraph() select new RecipeNode() { RecipeId = o.Id, Rating = o.Rating, Tags = o.Tags, Hidden = o.Hidden, Ingredients = new List<IngredientUsage>() }).ToDictionary(k => k.RecipeId); ModelingSession.Log.InfoFormat("Building empty RecipeNodes took {0}ms.", timer.ElapsedMilliseconds); timer.Reset(); timer.Start(); //Build tag index foreach (var r in snapshot.recipeMap.Values) { if (r.Hidden) continue; //_recipeList does not include Hidden recipes so they don't get picked at random foreach (var tag in r.Tags) { var nodes = snapshot.recipeList[tag.Value] as List<RecipeNode>; if (nodes == null) snapshot.recipeList[tag.Value] = nodes = new List<RecipeNode>(); nodes.Add(r); } } for (var i = 0; i < snapshot.recipeList.Length; i++) { var list = snapshot.recipeList[i] as List<RecipeNode>; if (list != null) { snapshot.recipeList[i] = list.ToArray(); } else //No recipes in DB use this tag { snapshot.recipeList[i] = new RecipeNode[0]; } } ModelingSession.Log.InfoFormat("Indexing recipes by tag took {0}ms.", timer.ElapsedMilliseconds); timer.Reset(); timer.Start(); //Loop through ingredient usages and fill in vertices on graph //For each item: Create IngredientUsage and add to recipe, create IngredientNode (if necessary) and add recipe to IngredientNode foreach (var o in loader.LoadIngredientGraph()) { var rid = o.RecipeId; var ingid = o.IngredientId; var qty = o.Qty; var unit = o.Unit; var convType = Unit.GetConvType(unit); List<RecipeNode>[] nodes; IngredientNode ingNode; var node = snapshot.recipeMap[rid]; if (!snapshot.ingredientMap.TryGetValue(ingid, out ingNode)) //New ingredient, create node for it { nodes = new List<RecipeNode>[RecipeTag.NUM_TAGS]; snapshot.ingredientMap.Add(ingid, ingNode = new IngredientNode() { IngredientId = ingid, RecipesByTag = nodes, ConvType = convType }); } else { nodes = ingNode.RecipesByTag as List<RecipeNode>[]; } //For each tag the recipe has, we need to create a link through ingNode.RecipesByTag to the recipe if (!node.Hidden) //Don't index Hidden recipes { foreach (var tag in node.Tags) { if (nodes[tag.Value] == null) { nodes[tag.Value] = new List<RecipeNode>(); } nodes[tag.Value].Add(node); //Add ingredient link to RecipeNode } } var usages = node.Ingredients as List<IngredientUsage>; //Add ingredient usage to recipe usages.Add(new IngredientUsage() { Amt = qty, Ingredient = ingNode, Unit = unit }); } ModelingSession.Log.InfoFormat("Creating IngredientUsage vertices took {0}ms.", timer.ElapsedMilliseconds); timer.Reset(); timer.Start(); //Create suggestion links for each recipe foreach (var r in snapshot.recipeMap.Values) { r.Suggestions = (from s in ratingGraph.GetSimilarRecipes(r.RecipeId) select snapshot.recipeMap[s]).ToArray(); } ModelingSession.Log.InfoFormat("Building suggestions for each recipe took {0}ms.", timer.ElapsedMilliseconds); timer.Reset(); }
public BaseItem(IngredientNode iNode) { ItemName = iNode.ingredientName; ItemDescription = iNode.description; ItemValue = iNode.price; }
public void Index(IKpcContext context) { var timer = new Stopwatch(); timer.Start(); this.ratingGraph = new RatingGraph(); var loader = context.ModelerLoader; foreach (var dataItem in loader.LoadRatingGraph()) { var rating = dataItem.Rating; var userId = dataItem.UserId; var recipeId = dataItem.RecipeId; if (rating < 4) { continue; // TODO: Might not be needed, DB should only query for 4 or 5 star ratings } this.ratingGraph.AddRating(rating, userId, recipeId); } ModelingSession.Log.InfoFormat("Building Rating Graph took {0}ms.", timer.ElapsedMilliseconds); timer.Reset(); timer.Start(); // Create empty recipe nodes without links this.snapshot.recipeMap = (from recipeGraph in loader.LoadRecipeGraph() select new RecipeNode { RecipeId = recipeGraph.Id, Rating = recipeGraph.Rating, Tags = recipeGraph.Tags, Hidden = recipeGraph.Hidden, Ingredients = new List<IngredientUsage>() }).ToDictionary(k => k.RecipeId); ModelingSession.Log.InfoFormat("Building empty RecipeNodes took {0}ms.", timer.ElapsedMilliseconds); timer.Reset(); timer.Start(); // Build tag index foreach (var recipe in this.snapshot.recipeMap.Values) { if (recipe.Hidden) { continue; // RecipeList does not include Hidden recipes so they don't get picked at random } foreach (var tag in recipe.Tags) { var nodes = this.snapshot.recipeList[tag.Value] as List<RecipeNode>; if (nodes == null) { this.snapshot.recipeList[tag.Value] = nodes = new List<RecipeNode>(); } nodes.Add(recipe); } } for (var i = 0; i < this.snapshot.recipeList.Length; i++) { var list = this.snapshot.recipeList[i] as List<RecipeNode>; if (list != null) { this.snapshot.recipeList[i] = list.ToArray(); } else { // No recipes in DB use this tag this.snapshot.recipeList[i] = new RecipeNode[0]; } } ModelingSession.Log.InfoFormat("Indexing recipes by tag took {0}ms.", timer.ElapsedMilliseconds); timer.Reset(); timer.Start(); // Loop through ingredient usages and fill in vertices on graph // For each item: Create IngredientUsage and add to recipe, create IngredientNode (if necessary) and add recipe to IngredientNode foreach (var ingredientGraph in loader.LoadIngredientGraph()) { var recipeId = ingredientGraph.RecipeId; var ingredientId = ingredientGraph.IngredientId; var quantity = ingredientGraph.Quantity; var unit = ingredientGraph.Unit; var convertedType = Unit.GetConvertedType(unit); List<RecipeNode>[] nodes; IngredientNode ingredientNode; var node = this.snapshot.recipeMap[recipeId]; if (!this.snapshot.ingredientMap.TryGetValue(ingredientId, out ingredientNode)) { // New ingredient, create node for it nodes = new List<RecipeNode>[RecipeTag.NumberOfTags]; this.snapshot.ingredientMap.Add( ingredientId, ingredientNode = new IngredientNode { IngredientId = ingredientId, RecipesByTag = nodes, ConvType = convertedType }); } else { nodes = ingredientNode.RecipesByTag as List<RecipeNode>[]; } // For each tag the recipe has, we need to create a link through ingNode.RecipesByTag to the recipe if (!node.Hidden) { // Don't index Hidden recipes foreach (var tag in node.Tags) { if (nodes[tag.Value] == null) { nodes[tag.Value] = new List<RecipeNode>(); } nodes[tag.Value].Add(node); // Add ingredient link to RecipeNode } } var usages = node.Ingredients as List<IngredientUsage>; // Add ingredient usage to recipe usages.Add(new IngredientUsage { Amount = quantity, Ingredient = ingredientNode, Unit = unit }); } ModelingSession.Log.InfoFormat("Creating IngredientUsage vertices took {0}ms.", timer.ElapsedMilliseconds); timer.Reset(); timer.Start(); // Create suggestion links for each recipe foreach (var recipe in this.snapshot.recipeMap.Values) { recipe.Suggestions = (from s in this.ratingGraph.GetSimilarRecipes(recipe.RecipeId) select this.snapshot.recipeMap[s]).ToArray(); } ModelingSession.Log.InfoFormat("Building suggestions for each recipe took {0}ms.", timer.ElapsedMilliseconds); timer.Reset(); }