Exemple #1
 private void UpdateHotkeys()
     if (_info == null)
         Info = new ObservableCollection <Triple <string, string, string> >();
     if (Hotkey.Length != 0)
         var active = Hotkey.Where(x => x.Active).ToArray();
         if (active.Length != 0)
             foreach (var item in active.Select(x => new Triple <string, string, string>()
                 A = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(x.Name) ? "N/A" : x.Name,
                 B = x.Link,
                 C = (x.Alt ? "Alt + " : "") +
                     (x.Ctrl ? "Ctrl + " : "") +
                     (x.Shift ? "Shift + " : "") +
             Info.Add(new Triple <string, string, string>("N/A", "N/A", "N/A"));
         Info.Add(new Triple <string, string, string>("N/A", "N/A", "N/A"));
        private void btReadTags_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            var tags = _player.Tags_Read(edFilenameOrURL.Text);

        private async void btReadInfo_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)

            var infoReader = new MediaInfoReader(_player);
            await infoReader.OpenAsync(new Uri(edFilenameOrURL.Text));

            if (infoReader.Info.VideoStreams.Count > 0)
                Info.Add("Video streams:");
                foreach (var video in infoReader.Info.VideoStreams)
                    Info.Add($"{video.Width}x{video.Height}, {video.FrameRate:F2} fps, Duration: {video.Duration.ToString()}");

            if (infoReader.Info.AudioStreams.Count > 0)
                Info.Add("Audio streams:");
                foreach (var audio in infoReader.Info.AudioStreams)
                    Info.Add($"{audio.SampleRate} Hz, {audio.Channels} channels, Duration: {audio.Duration.ToString()}");
        public ApplicationViewModel(IDialogService dialogService, IFileService fileService)
            this.dialogService = dialogService;
            this.fileService   = fileService;
            // Only get files that begin with the letter "c".
            string[] dirs = Directory.GetFiles(@"files\", "day*");

            foreach (string dir in dirs)
                var userfile = fileService.Open(dir);
                foreach (var p in userfile)
                    if (!Users.ContainsKey(p.User))
                        Users.Add(p.User, new ObservableCollection <UserDay>());
            double sum;
            double average;
            int    best;
            int    worst;

            foreach (var c in Users)
                best  = 0;
                worst = 1000000000;
                sum   = 0;
                foreach (var o in c.Value)
                    if (best < o.Steps)
                        best = o.Steps;
                    if (worst > o.Steps)
                        worst = o.Steps;
                    sum    += o.Steps;
                    average = sum / c.Value.Count;
                average = sum / c.Value.Count;

                Info.Add(c.Key, new PageInfo(average, best, worst));
            if (!selected.Equals(default(KeyValuePair <string, PageInfo>)))
                foreach (UserDay c in Users[selected.Key])
                    points.Add(new Point(count, c.Steps));
            count = 1;
        public void ParseGemGet(string response)
            string[] split = response.Split(new char[] { '\n' });

            foreach (string s in split)
                var line = s.Trim();

                string message;

                if (line != "")
                    if (line.Substring(0, 12) == "StatusCode: ")
                        StatusCode = int.Parse(line.Substring(12));
                    else if (line.Substring(0, 8) == "Status: ")
                        Status = line.Substring(8);
                    else if (line.Substring(0, 14) == "Content-Type: ")
                        ContentType = line.Substring(14);
                    else if (line.Substring(0, 12) == "Redirected: ")
                        line = line.Substring(12);
                        //is redirected.
                        FinalUrl   = line;
                        Redirected = true;
                    else if (line.Substring(0, 7) == "Error: ")
                    else if (line.Substring(0, 6) == "Info: ")
                        message = line.Substring(6);

                        if (message.Contains("File is larger than max size limit"))
                            AbandonedSize = true;
                        else if (message.Contains("Download timed out"))
                            AbandonedTimeout = true;
        /// <summary>
        /// Marca el resultado como fallido
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="message">Mensaje de error a ingresar a la lista</param>
        /// <param name="errorCode">Código de error</param>
        public void MarkAsFailed(string message = "Ha ocurrido un error y el proceso no ha podido continuar", ErrorCodeEnum errorCode = ErrorCodeEnum.LOGIC_ERROR)
            Result = ResultTypeEnum.Error;

            Info.Add(new OperationMessage(message, MessageTypeEnum.Error));
            ErrorCode = errorCode;
Exemple #7
 /// <summary>
 /// add all the categorys in database and subscribe to add new categories when an item is added
 /// </summary>
 public Category()
     MessagingCenter.Subscribe <CategoryModel>(this, "update", (category) =>
Exemple #8
        public BufferGasHardware()
            // add the boards
            Boards.Add("daq", "/dev1");
            Boards.Add("pg", "/dev2");

            // map the digital channels
            string pgBoard = (string)Boards["pg"];

            AddDigitalOutputChannel("q", pgBoard, 0, 0);             //Pin 10
            AddDigitalOutputChannel("aom", pgBoard, 1, 1);           //
            AddDigitalOutputChannel("flash", pgBoard, 0, 2);         //Pin 45
            //(0,3) pin 12 is unconnected
            AddDigitalOutputChannel("shutterTrig1", pgBoard, 1, 6);  // Pin 21, triggers camera for on-shots
            AddDigitalOutputChannel("shutterTrig2", pgBoard, 1, 7);  // Pin 22, triggers camera for off-shots (not wired up)
            AddDigitalOutputChannel("probe", pgBoard, 0, 1);         //Pin 44 previously connected to aom (not wired up)

            AddDigitalOutputChannel("valve", pgBoard, 0, 6);         //

            AddDigitalOutputChannel("detector", pgBoard, 1, 0);      //Pin 16 (onShot)from pg to daq
            AddDigitalOutputChannel("detectorprime", pgBoard, 0, 7); //Pin 15 (OffShot)from pg to daq

            //digital output P 0.6 wired up, not used (Pin 48)
            // this is the digital output from the daq board that the TTlSwitchPlugin wil switch
            AddDigitalOutputChannel("digitalSwitchChannel", (string)Boards["daq"], 0, 0);//enable for camera

            // add things to the info
            // the analog triggers
            Info.Add("analogTrigger0", (string)Boards["daq"] + "/PFI0");
            Info.Add("analogTrigger1", (string)Boards["daq"] + "/PFI1");
            Info.Add("phaseLockControlMethod", "analog");
            Info.Add("PGClockLine", Boards["pg"] + "/PFI2");
            Info.Add("PatternGeneratorBoard", pgBoard);
            Info.Add("PGType", "dedicated");

            // map the analog channels
            string daqBoard = (string)Boards["daq"];

            AddAnalogInputChannel("detector1", daqBoard + "/ai0", AITerminalConfiguration.Nrse);   //Pin 68
            AddAnalogInputChannel("detector2", daqBoard + "/ai3", AITerminalConfiguration.Nrse);   //Pin
            AddAnalogInputChannel("detector3", daqBoard + "/ai8", AITerminalConfiguration.Nrse);   //Pin 34
            AddAnalogInputChannel("pressure1", daqBoard + "/ai1", AITerminalConfiguration.Nrse);   //Pin 33 pressure reading at the moment
            AddAnalogInputChannel("cavity", daqBoard + "/ai2", AITerminalConfiguration.Nrse);      //Pin 65
            AddAnalogInputChannel("cavitylong", daqBoard + "/ai4", AITerminalConfiguration.Nrse);  //Pin 28
            AddAnalogInputChannel("cavityshort", daqBoard + "/ai5", AITerminalConfiguration.Nrse); //Pin 60

            AddAnalogOutputChannel("laser", daqBoard + "/ao0");                 //Pin 22
            AddAnalogOutputChannel("phaseLockAnalogOutput", daqBoard + "/ao1"); //pin 21

            //map the counter channels
            //AddCounterChannel("pmt", daqBoard + "/ctr0");
            //AddCounterChannel("sample clock", daqBoard + "/ctr1");

            //These need to be activated for the phase lock
            AddCounterChannel("phaseLockOscillator", daqBoard + "/ctr0"); //This should be the source pin of a counter
            AddCounterChannel("phaseLockReference", daqBoard + "/PFI9");  //This should be the gate pin of the same counter - need to check it's name
Exemple #9
        public void UpdateOutput(Battlefield battlefield)
            Info.Add("This is " + battlefield.GetActor().Name + "'s turn.");
            var lines = new List <string>();;

            if (Action.Count > 0)
                lines[0] += FormatMessage(MessageType.Action, string.Join(" ", Action));
            if (Damage != 0)
                lines[0] += FormatMessage(MessageType.Damage, Damage.ToString());
            if (lines[0] == "")

            if (Hit.Count > 0)
                lines.Add(FormatMessage(MessageType.Hit, string.Join("\n", Hit)));
            if (Status.Count > 0)
                lines.Add(string.Join("\n", Status));
            if (Hint.Count > 0)
                lines.Add(FormatMessage(MessageType.Hint, string.Join("\n", Hint)));
            if (Special.Count > 0)
                lines.Add(FormatMessage(MessageType.Special, string.Join("\n", Special)));
            if (Info.Count > 0)
                lines.Add("\n" + string.Join("\n", Info));

            LastMessageSent = string.Join("\n", lines);

            battlefield.Plugin.FChatClient.SendMessageInChannel(LastMessageSent, battlefield.Plugin.Channel);
            if (Error.Count > 0)
                battlefield.Plugin.FChatClient.SendMessageInChannel(string.Join("\n", Error), battlefield.Plugin.Channel);

            //clear messages from the queue once they have been displayed
            Damage = 0;
Exemple #10
 public void AddItem(string message, TaskState state)
     Info.Add(new Message(message, state));
     //reset the counter so the ticks don't get too long
     if (ItemCount.Count > 20)
Exemple #11
    public Attack_Haunt()
        var ess = new List <Essence.Type> {
        var d = new KeyValuePair <Stat.Name, float>[1] {
            new KeyValuePair <Stat.Name, float>(Stat.Name.M_Power, 0.5f)

        AttackVars(1, 40, 1f, ess, d);
        Info.Add(Key.Targets, new string[] { "enemy" });
Exemple #12
 public override void Append(string info)
     if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Last.Field))
         Last.Field = info;
         Last.Field2 = info;
         Info.Add(new ExplainInfo());
Exemple #13
        protected override void CreateNextGeneration()
            ArrayList AllAlgInfos = new ArrayList();

            Result[] result = new Result[3];
            for (int l = 0; l < 3; l++)
                Result[,] results = new Result[9, 2];
                for (int j = 0; j < 9; j++)
                    for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
                        switch (i)
                        case 0:
                            StoppingType = StoppingType.GenerationNumber;

                        case 1:
                            StoppingType = StoppingType.EvaluationNumber;

                        case 2:
                            StoppingType = StoppingType.PerformanceTreshold;
                        Result Results = Optimizer.Optimize();
                        Results.InfoList.Add(InfoTypes.AlgType, Optimizer.GetType());
                        Results.InfoList.Add(InfoTypes.SelectAlgNum, l);
                        results[j, i] = Results;
                result[l] = BestCalc(results);
            int    index = -1;
            double id    = double.MaxValue;

            for (int i = 0; i < result.Length; i++)
                if ((double)result[i].InfoList[InfoTypes.SelectAlgFitness] < id)
                    id    = (double)result[i].InfoList[InfoTypes.SelectAlgFitness];
                    index = i;
            Info.Add(InfoTypes.SelectAlgType, result[index].InfoList[InfoTypes.AlgType]);
            Info.Add(InfoTypes.SelectAlgResult, result[index]);
            Info.Add(InfoTypes.SelectAlgInfos, AllAlgInfos);
            Stop = true;
        /// <summary>
        /// Marca el resultado como fallido
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ex">Excepción que genera el error. Toma en cuenta el error interno si es que este existe</param>
        /// <param name="errorCode">Código de error</param>
        public void MarkAsFailed(Exception ex, ErrorCodeEnum errorCode = ErrorCodeEnum.LOGIC_ERROR)
            Result = ResultTypeEnum.Error;

            Info.Add(new OperationMessage("Ha ocurrido una excepción no controlada, ha quedado registrada en el log de la plataforma.", MessageTypeEnum.Error));

            ErrorCode = errorCode;
            if (ex.InnerException != null)
                log.Error(ex.InnerException, "Inner Exception");
Exemple #15
        public void AddInfo(string key, string value)
            Info ??= new Dictionary <string, string>();

            if (!Info.ContainsKey(key))
                Info.Add(key, value);
                Info[key] = value;
Exemple #16
        public D006MMTFZ400Hardware()
            Boards.Add("pgBoard", "/PXI1Slot2");
            string pgBoard = (string)Boards["pgBoard"];

            Info.Add("PatternGeneratorBoard", pgBoard);
            Info.Add("PGType", "dedicated");

            Info.Add("PGClockLine", pgBoard + "/PFI4");

            //Boards.Add("testBoard2", "/dev2");
            //string TCLBoard2 = (string)Boards["testBoard2"];

            //PG channels
            AddDigitalOutputChannel("q", pgBoard, 0, 1);     //t = 0;
            AddDigitalOutputChannel("valve", pgBoard, 0, 6); //Use this for the microwaves as it has the valvePulseLength feature!
            AddDigitalOutputChannel("flash", pgBoard, 0, 2); //Basically unused
            AddDigitalOutputChannel("detector", pgBoard, 0, 3);
            AddDigitalOutputChannel("detectorprime", pgBoard, 0, 4);
            AddDigitalOutputChannel("aom", pgBoard, 0, 5);

            //Info.Add("analogTrigger2", TCLBoard + "/PFI0");
            //TCL Lockable lasers
            //Info.Add("TCLLockableLasers", new string[] { "laser" });
            //Info.Add("TCLPhotodiodes", new string[] { "cavity", "master", "p1" });// THE FIRST TWO MUST BE CAVITY AND MASTER PHOTODIODE!!!!
            //Info.Add("TCL_Slave_Voltage_Limit_Upper",5.0); //volts: Laser control
            //Info.Add("TCL_Slave_Voltage_Limit_Lower", 0.0); //volts: Laser control
            //Info.Add("TCL_Default_Gain", 0.5);
            //Info.Add("TCL_Default_VoltageToLaser", 0.0);
            //Info.Add("TCL_MAX_INPUT_VOLTAGE", 10.0);
            //Info.Add("TCL_Default_ScanPoints", 100);
            //Info.Add("TCLReadAutostart", true);

            // Some matching up for TCL
            //Info.Add("laser", "p1");
            //Info.Add("laser2", "p2");

            // AddAnalogInputChannel("p1", TCLBoard + "/ai0", AITerminalConfiguration.Rse);//Pin 2
            //AddAnalogInputChannel("p2", TCLBoard + "/ai1", AITerminalConfiguration.Rse);//Pin 5
            //AddAnalogInputChannel("cavity", TCLBoard + "/ai2", AITerminalConfiguration.Rse); //Pin 8
            //AddAnalogInputChannel("master", TCLBoard + "/ai3", AITerminalConfiguration.Rse); //Pin 8

            //map the analog output channels
            // AddAnalogOutputChannel("laser", TCLBoard2 + "/ao0",0,5); // Pin 22
            //AddAnalogOutputChannel("rampfb", TCLBoard2 + "/ao1",0,5);
            //AddAnalogOutputChannel("cavity", TCLBoard2 + "/ao1"); // Pin 21
 public DesignItem() : base()
     for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
         Info.Add(new TradeItem()
             Name      = "TestName",
             BotName   = "TestBot",
             BotURL    = "https://google.com",
             SellPrice = 666,
             BuyPrice  = 999,
             Stock     = 1,
             Max       = 2,
             ID        = 1234
Exemple #18
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Info <string> str = new Info <string>();

            for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)

            Info <int> Myint = new Info <int>();

            for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
Exemple #19
        public static void Register(Type type, ClientVersion version, int oldItemID, int newItemID)
            List <ArtworkInfo> infoList;

            if (!Info.TryGetValue(type, out infoList))
                Info.Add(type, (infoList = new List <ArtworkInfo>()));
            else if (infoList == null)
                Info[type] = infoList = new List <ArtworkInfo>();

            var info = infoList.FirstOrDefault(i => i.ItemID.Left == oldItemID);

            if (info != null)
                if (CSOptions.ServiceDebug)
                        "Replacing ArtworkInfo for '{0}' -> \n({1}, 0x{2:X4} -> 0x{3:X4}) with ({4}, 0x{5:X4} -> 0x{6:X4})",

                info.Version = version;
                info.ItemID  = Pair.Create(oldItemID, newItemID);
                if (CSOptions.ServiceDebug)
                        "Adding ArtworkInfo for '{0}' -> \n({1}, 0x{2:X4} -> 0x{3:X4})", type.Name, version, oldItemID, newItemID);

                infoList.Add(new ArtworkInfo(version, oldItemID, newItemID));
Exemple #20
        //private int GetVertexForMaterial(float x, float y, float u, float v)

        public void SortPolygonsAndGenerateTextureInfo()
            List <TexturePolygon> newPolygons = new List <TexturePolygon>();
            short totalCount = 0;

            foreach (TextureName tex in GetTextureList())
                TextureInfo info = new TextureInfo(this);
                info.TextureStart = totalCount;
                List <TexturePolygon>         tempList = Polygons.Where(pol => (pol.Texture == tex.Name)).ToList();
                TexturePolygon_SortByMaterial sorter   = new TexturePolygon_SortByMaterial();
                foreach (TexturePolygon poly in tempList)
                    if (poly.Material == P3DMaterial.MAT_FLAT)
                    else if (poly.Material == P3DMaterial.MAT_FLAT_METAL)
                    else if (poly.Material == P3DMaterial.MAT_GORAUD)
                    else if (poly.Material == P3DMaterial.MAT_GORAUD_METAL)
                    else if (poly.Material == P3DMaterial.MAT_GORAUD_METAL_ENV)
                    else if (poly.Material == P3DMaterial.MAT_SHINING)
        public ResearchTeam AutoGeneration(int index)
            ResearchTeam researchTeam;

            if (index >= Teams.Count)
                researchTeam = new ResearchTeam(index.ToString(), index.ToString(), index + 1, TimeFrame.Year);
                Teams.Add(researchTeam as Team);
                RTeams.Add(researchTeam as Team, researchTeam);
                RInfo.Add(researchTeam.ToString(), researchTeam);
                Team team = Teams[index];
                RTeams.TryGetValue(team, out researchTeam);
Exemple #22
        public override void Append(object info)
            if (Last.IsNewArray)
                Last.Value = info;

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Last.Field) &&
                !(string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Last.Method) && Last.Type == null) &&
                Last.Value != null &&
                Info.Add(new ExplainInfo());
Exemple #23
 public override Task Read(SourceBufferReader buf, SourceDemo demo)
     for (int i = 0; i < (demo.Game.MaxSplitscreenClients ?? 1); i++)
         Info.Add(new PacketInfo
             Flags            = (DemoFlags)buf.Read <int>(),
             ViewOrigin       = buf.Read <Vector>(),
             ViewAngles       = buf.Read <QAngle>(),
             LocalViewAngles  = buf.Read <QAngle>(),
             ViewOrigin2      = buf.Read <Vector>(),
             ViewAngles2      = buf.Read <QAngle>(),
             LocalViewAngles2 = buf.Read <QAngle>()
     InSequence  = buf.Read <int>();
     OutSequence = buf.Read <int>();
     Buffer      = new SourceBufferReader(buf.ReadBufferField());
Exemple #24
        protected RtuBelongDataHold()
            lock (obj)
                if (_mySlef != null)
                _mySlef = this;

                var tmp = TxtDataReadWrite.ReadFile(out LastUpdateTime);
                foreach (var t in tmp)
                    if (Info.ContainsKey(t.Key))
                    Info.Add(t.Key, t.Value);
        public override void Analyze(List <Lexeme> lexemes)
            grammarTable = GrammarChecker.PrecedenceTable;
            grammarMap   = GrammarChecker.Map;

            input = new Stack <string>();
            foreach (var lexeme in lexemes)
            for (int i = 0; i < input.Count; i++)
                string stackLexeme = stack.Peek();
                string sign        = grammarTable[getFirstElementRelation(stackLexeme, grammarTable), getSecondElementRelation(input.Skip(i).First(), grammarTable)];
                if (sign.Equals("<") || sign.Equals("="))
                    Info.Add(new AscendingInfo(Info.Count, getStackString(stack), sign, getInputString(input)));
                else if (sign.Equals(">"))
                    Info.Add(new AscendingInfo(Info.Count, getStackString(stack), sign, getInputString(input)));
                else if (!stackLexeme.Equals("#") && !input.Skip(i).First().Equals("#"))
                    throw new ArgumentException($"Не існує відношення між {stackLexeme} та {input.Skip(i).First()}");
Exemple #26
        public PXISympatheticHardware()
            // add the boards
            Boards.Add("multiDAQ", "/PXI1Slot6");
            Boards.Add("aoBoard", "/PXI1Slot5");
            Boards.Add("usbDAQ", "/Dev1");

            string multiDAQ = (string)Boards["multiDAQ"];
            string aoBoard  = (string)Boards["aoBoard"];
            string usbDAQ   = (string)Boards["usbDAQ"];

            // add things to the info
            Info.Add("PGClockLine", multiDAQ + "/PFI14");
            Info.Add("PatternGeneratorBoard", multiDAQ);
            Info.Add("PGClockCounter", "/ctr0");
            Info.Add("APGClockCounter", aoBoard + "/ctr0");
            Info.Add("AOPatternTrigger", aoBoard + "/PFI0");
            Info.Add("MOTMasterDigitalPatternClockFrequency", 10000);
            Info.Add("MOTMasterAnalogPatternClockFrequency", 10000);

            Info.Add("Element", "Li");
            //Test this
            //Info.Add("PGType", "dedicated");
            Info.Add("PGType", "integrated");

            // map the digital output channels
            // Control of atoms
            AddDigitalOutputChannel("MOTMasterPatternTrigger", multiDAQ, 0, 0);

            AddDigitalOutputChannel("aom0enable", multiDAQ, 0, 0);
            AddDigitalOutputChannel("aom1enable", multiDAQ, 0, 1);
            AddDigitalOutputChannel("aom2enable", multiDAQ, 0, 2);
            AddDigitalOutputChannel("aom3enable", multiDAQ, 0, 3);

            AddDigitalOutputChannel("CameraTrigger", multiDAQ, 0, 4);
            AddDigitalOutputChannel("AnalogPatternTrigger", multiDAQ, 0, 5);
            AddDigitalOutputChannel("TranslationStageTrigger", multiDAQ, 0, 6);
            AddDigitalOutputChannel("shutterenable", multiDAQ, 1, 1);

             * //Control of molecules
             * AddDigitalOutputChannel("valve", multiDAQ, 0, 0);
             * AddDigitalOutputChannel("valve2", multiDAQ, 0, 1);
             * AddDigitalOutputChannel("q", multiDAQ, 0, 2);
             * AddDigitalOutputChannel("discharge", multiDAQ, 0, 3);
             * AddDigitalOutputChannel("aom", multiDAQ, 0, 4);
             * AddDigitalOutputChannel("flash2", multiDAQ, 0, 5);
             * AddDigitalOutputChannel("q2", multiDAQ, 0, 6);
             * AddDigitalOutputChannel("detector", multiDAQ, 0, 7);
             * AddDigitalOutputChannel("detectorprime", multiDAQ, 0, 8);
             * AddDigitalOutputChannel("flash", multiDAQ, 0, 9);

            // map the analog input channels
            AddAnalogInputChannel("pmt", multiDAQ + "/ai0", AITerminalConfiguration.Rse);        //Pin 68
            AddAnalogInputChannel("lockcavity", multiDAQ + "/ai1", AITerminalConfiguration.Rse); //Pin 33
            AddAnalogInputChannel("probepower", multiDAQ + "/ai9", AITerminalConfiguration.Rse); //Pin 66

            AddAnalogInputChannel("laserLockErrorSignal", multiDAQ + "/ai2", AITerminalConfiguration.Rse);
            AddAnalogInputChannel("chamber1Pressure", usbDAQ + "/ai0", AITerminalConfiguration.Differential);
            AddAnalogInputChannel("chamber2Pressure", usbDAQ + "/ai1", AITerminalConfiguration.Differential);
            // map the analog output channels
            // Control of atoms
            AddAnalogOutputChannel("aom0amplitude", aoBoard + "/ao16");
            AddAnalogOutputChannel("aom0frequency", aoBoard + "/ao9");
            AddAnalogOutputChannel("aom1amplitude", aoBoard + "/ao10");
            AddAnalogOutputChannel("aom1frequency", aoBoard + "/ao11");
            AddAnalogOutputChannel("aom2amplitude", aoBoard + "/ao12");
            AddAnalogOutputChannel("aom2frequency", aoBoard + "/ao13");
            AddAnalogOutputChannel("aom3amplitude", aoBoard + "/ao14");
            AddAnalogOutputChannel("aom3frequency", aoBoard + "/ao15");
            AddAnalogOutputChannel("coil0current", aoBoard + "/ao8");
            AddAnalogOutputChannel("coil1current", aoBoard + "/ao17");
            AddAnalogOutputChannel("laser", aoBoard + "/ao1");
            AddAnalogOutputChannel("cavity", multiDAQ + "/ao1");

            //Control of molecules
            //AddAnalogOutputChannel("laser", aoBoard + "/ao0"); // Pin 22
            //AddAnalogOutputChannel("highvoltage", aoBoard + "/ao1"); // Note - this is just here because a channel called "highvoltage" has been hard-wired into DecelerationHardwareControl - this needs to be rectified
            //AddAnalogOutputChannel("cavity", aoBoard + "/ao1"); // Pin 21

            // map the counter channels
            AddCounterChannel("pmt", multiDAQ + "/ctr0");          //Source is pin 37, gate is pin 3, out is pin 2
            AddCounterChannel("sample clock", multiDAQ + "/ctr1"); //Source is pin 42, gate is pin 41, out is pin 40

            // Calibrations
            AddCalibration("chamber1Pressure", new PowerCalibration(1, 0, 10.875, 1, 10));
            AddCalibration("chamber2Pressure", new PowerCalibration(1, 0, 10.875, 1, 10));
            //AddCalibration("aom3frequency", new PolynomialCalibration
            //(new double[] {-27.2757, 0.698297, -0.0075598, 0.000045057, -1.33872 * Math.Pow(10,-7), 1.57402* Math.Pow(10, -10)}));
            AddCalibration("aom0frequency", new PolynomialCalibration(new double[]
                                                                      { 9.73471, -0.389447, 0.00439124, -0.0000200009, 4.27697 * Math.Pow(10, -8), -3.44365 * Math.Pow(10, -11) }, 130, 260));
            AddCalibration("aom1frequency", new PolynomialCalibration(new double[]
                                                                      { -11.9562, 0.185676, -0.00161757, 0.0000109047, -3.54351 * Math.Pow(10, -8), 4.35218 * Math.Pow(10, -11) }, 130, 260));
            AddCalibration("aom2frequency", new PolynomialCalibration(new double[]
                                                                      { 0.471968, -0.139565, 0.00173958, -6.18839 * Math.Pow(10, -6), 7.4987 * Math.Pow(10, -9), 8.99272 * Math.Pow(10, -13) }, 130, 260));
            AddCalibration("aom3frequency", new PolynomialCalibration(new double[]
                                                                      { 0.879515, -0.143097, 0.00170292, -5.6672 * Math.Pow(10, -6), 5.44491 * Math.Pow(10, -9), 3.56736 * Math.Pow(10, -12) }, 130, 260));
            //AddCalibration("coil0current", new LinearInterpolationCalibration(new double[,] {{0.0, 0.0}, {0.0, 0.5}, {0.23, 0.75}, {0.82, 1}, {1.44, 1.25},
            //{2.1, 1.5}, {2.75, 1.75}, {3.41, 2}, {4.73, 2.5}, {6.08, 3}, {7.4, 3.5}, {8.76, 4}, {10.08, 4.5}, {11.45, 5}, {12.77, 5.5}, {14.14, 6},
            //{15.46, 6.5}, {16.83, 7}, {17.48, 7.25}, {18.15, 7.5}, {18.83, 7.75}, {19.53, 8}, {19.98, 8.5}, {19.98, 9}, {19.98, 9.5}, {19.98, 10}}));
Exemple #27
        public static async Task <bool> ParseSpecifiedInfo(WebSite webSite, string id, string url)
            string content    = "";
            int    StatusCode = 404;

            if (webSite == WebSite.DB)
                (content, StatusCode) = await Net.Http(url, Cookie : Properties.Settings.Default.DBCookie);
            if (webSite == WebSite.DMM)
                (content, StatusCode) = await Net.Http(url, Cookie : Properties.Settings.Default.DMMCookie);
                (content, StatusCode) = await Net.Http(url);

            if (StatusCode != 200 || content == "")
                Dictionary <string, string> Info = new Dictionary <string, string>();

                if (webSite == WebSite.Bus)
                    Info = new BusParse(id, content, Identify.GetVedioType(id)).Parse();
                    Info.Add("source", "javbus");
                else if (webSite == WebSite.BusEu)
                    Info = new BusParse(id, content, VedioType.欧美).Parse();
                    Info.Add("source", "javbus");
                else if (webSite == WebSite.DB)
                    Info = new JavDBParse(id, content, url.Split('/').Last()).Parse();
                    Info.Add("source", "javdb");
                else if (webSite == WebSite.Library)
                    Info = new LibraryParse(id, content).Parse();
                    Info.Add("source", "javlibrary");
                Info.Add("sourceurl", url);
                if (Info.Count > 2)
                    Info["id"] = id;
                    DetailMovie detailMovie = DataBase.SelectDetailMovieById(id);

                    //nfo 信息保存到视频同目录
                    if (Properties.Settings.Default.SaveInfoToNFO)
                        if (Directory.Exists(Properties.Settings.Default.NFOSavePath))
                            nfo.SaveToNFO(detailMovie, Path.Combine(Properties.Settings.Default.NFOSavePath, $"{id}.nfo"));
                            string path = detailMovie.filepath;
                            if (System.IO.File.Exists(path))
                                nfo.SaveToNFO(detailMovie, Path.Combine(new FileInfo(path).DirectoryName, $"{id}.nfo"));

Exemple #28
        public EDMHardware()
            // add the boards
            Boards.Add("daq", "/dev1");
            Boards.Add("pg", "/dev2");
            Boards.Add("counter", "/dev3");
            Boards.Add("usbDAQ1", "/dev4");
            Boards.Add("analogIn", "/dev5");
            Boards.Add("usbDAQ2", "/dev6");
            Boards.Add("usbDAQ3", "/dev7");
            Boards.Add("usbDAQ4", "/dev9");
            string pgBoard      = (string)Boards["pg"];
            string daqBoard     = (string)Boards["daq"];
            string counterBoard = (string)Boards["counter"];
            string usbDAQ1      = (string)Boards["usbDAQ1"];
            string analogIn     = (string)Boards["analogIn"];
            string usbDAQ2      = (string)Boards["usbDAQ2"];
            string usbDAQ3      = (string)Boards["usbDAQ3"];
            string usbDAQ4      = (string)Boards["usbDAQ4"];

            // add things to the info
            // the analog triggers
            Info.Add("analogTrigger0", (string)Boards["analogIn"] + "/PFI0");
            Info.Add("analogTrigger1", (string)Boards["analogIn"] + "/PFI1");
            Info.Add("sourceToDetect", 1.3);
            Info.Add("moleculeMass", 193.0);
            Info.Add("phaseLockControlMethod", "synth");
            Info.Add("PGClockLine", Boards["pg"] + "/PFI2");
            Info.Add("PatternGeneratorBoard", pgBoard);
            Info.Add("PGType", "dedicated");

            // YAG laser
            yag = new BrilliantLaser("ASRL1::INSTR");

            // add the GPIB instruments
            Instruments.Add("green", new HP8657ASynth("GPIB0::7::INSTR"));
            Instruments.Add("red", new HP3325BSynth("GPIB0::12::INSTR"));
            Instruments.Add("4861", new ICS4861A("GPIB0::4::INSTR"));
            Instruments.Add("bCurrentMeter", new HP34401A("GPIB0::22::INSTR"));
            Instruments.Add("rfCounter", new Agilent53131A("GPIB0::3::INSTR"));
            Instruments.Add("rfPower", new HP438A("GPIB0::13::INSTR"));

            // map the digital channels
            // these channels are generally switched by the pattern generator
            // they're all in the lower half of the pg
            AddDigitalOutputChannel("valve", pgBoard, 0, 0);
            AddDigitalOutputChannel("flash", pgBoard, 0, 1);
            AddDigitalOutputChannel("q", pgBoard, 0, 2);
            AddDigitalOutputChannel("detector", pgBoard, 0, 3);
            AddDigitalOutputChannel("detectorprime", pgBoard, 1, 2);             // this trigger is for switch scanning
            // see ModulatedAnalogShotGatherer.cs
            // for details.
            AddDigitalOutputChannel("rfSwitch", pgBoard, 0, 4);
            AddDigitalOutputChannel("fmSelect", pgBoard, 1, 0);            // This line selects which fm voltage is
            // sent to the synth.
            AddDigitalOutputChannel("attenuatorSelect", pgBoard, 0, 5);    // This line selects the attenuator voltage
            // sent to the voltage-controlled attenuator.
            AddDigitalOutputChannel("piFlip", pgBoard, 1, 1);
            AddDigitalOutputChannel("ttlSwitch", pgBoard, 1, 3);                // This is the output that the pg
            // will switch if it's switch scanning.
            AddDigitalOutputChannel("scramblerEnable", pgBoard, 1, 4);

            // these channel are usually software switched - they should not be in
            // the lower half of the pattern generator
            AddDigitalOutputChannel("b", pgBoard, 2, 0);
            AddDigitalOutputChannel("notB", pgBoard, 2, 1);
            AddDigitalOutputChannel("db", pgBoard, 2, 2);
            AddDigitalOutputChannel("notDB", pgBoard, 2, 3);
//			AddDigitalOutputChannel("notEOnOff", pgBoard, 2, 4);  // this line seems to be broken on our pg board
//          AddDigitalOutputChannel("eOnOff", pgBoard, 2, 5);  // this and the above are not used now we have analog E control
            AddDigitalOutputChannel("targetStepper", pgBoard, 2, 5);
            AddDigitalOutputChannel("ePol", pgBoard, 2, 6);
            AddDigitalOutputChannel("notEPol", pgBoard, 2, 7);
            AddDigitalOutputChannel("eBleed", pgBoard, 3, 0);
            AddDigitalOutputChannel("piFlipEnable", pgBoard, 3, 1);
            AddDigitalOutputChannel("notPIFlipEnable", pgBoard, 3, 5);
            AddDigitalOutputChannel("pumpShutter", pgBoard, 3, 3);
            AddDigitalOutputChannel("probeShutter", pgBoard, 3, 4);
            AddDigitalOutputChannel("argonShutter", pgBoard, 3, 2);// (3,6) & (3,7) are dead.

            // map the analog channels

            // These channels are on the daq board. Used mainly for diagnostic purposes.
            // On no account should they switch during the edm acquisition pattern.
            AddAnalogInputChannel("iodine", daqBoard + "/ai2", AITerminalConfiguration.Nrse);
            AddAnalogInputChannel("cavity", daqBoard + "/ai3", AITerminalConfiguration.Nrse);
            AddAnalogInputChannel("probePD", daqBoard + "/ai4", AITerminalConfiguration.Nrse);
            AddAnalogInputChannel("pumpPD", daqBoard + "/ai5", AITerminalConfiguration.Nrse);
            AddAnalogInputChannel("northLeakage", daqBoard + "/ai6", AITerminalConfiguration.Nrse);
            AddAnalogInputChannel("southLeakage", daqBoard + "/ai7", AITerminalConfiguration.Nrse);
            // Used ai10,11 & 12 over 6,7 & 8 for miniFluxgates, because ai8, 9 have an isolated ground.
            AddAnalogInputChannel("miniFlux1", daqBoard + "/ai10", AITerminalConfiguration.Nrse);
            AddAnalogInputChannel("miniFlux2", daqBoard + "/ai11", AITerminalConfiguration.Nrse);
            AddAnalogInputChannel("miniFlux3", daqBoard + "/ai12", AITerminalConfiguration.Nrse);

            // high quality analog inputs (will be) on the S-series analog in board
            AddAnalogInputChannel("top", analogIn + "/ai0", AITerminalConfiguration.Differential);
            AddAnalogInputChannel("norm", analogIn + "/ai1", AITerminalConfiguration.Differential);
            AddAnalogInputChannel("magnetometer", analogIn + "/ai2", AITerminalConfiguration.Differential);
            AddAnalogInputChannel("gnd", analogIn + "/ai3", AITerminalConfiguration.Differential);
            AddAnalogInputChannel("battery", analogIn + "/ai4", AITerminalConfiguration.Differential);
            AddAnalogInputChannel("piMonitor", analogIn + "/ai5", AITerminalConfiguration.Differential);

            AddAnalogOutputChannel("phaseScramblerVoltage", daqBoard + "/ao0");
            AddAnalogOutputChannel("b", daqBoard + "/ao1");

            // rf rack control
            //AddAnalogInputChannel("rfPower", usbDAQ1 + "/ai0", AITerminalConfiguration.Rse);

            AddAnalogOutputChannel("rf1Attenuator", usbDAQ1 + "/ao0", 0, 5);
            AddAnalogOutputChannel("rf2Attenuator", usbDAQ1 + "/ao1", 0, 5);
            AddAnalogOutputChannel("rf1FM", usbDAQ2 + "/ao0", 0, 5);
            AddAnalogOutputChannel("rf2FM", usbDAQ2 + "/ao1", 0, 5);

            // E field control and monitoring
            AddAnalogInputChannel("cPlusMonitor", usbDAQ3 + "/ai1", AITerminalConfiguration.Differential);
            AddAnalogInputChannel("cMinusMonitor", usbDAQ3 + "/ai2", AITerminalConfiguration.Differential);

            AddAnalogOutputChannel("cPlus", usbDAQ3 + "/ao0", -5, 0);
            AddAnalogOutputChannel("cMinus", usbDAQ3 + "/ao1", 0, 5);

            // B field control
            AddAnalogOutputChannel("steppingBBias", usbDAQ4 + "/ao0", 0, 5);

            // FL control
            AddAnalogOutputChannel("flPZT", usbDAQ4 + "/ao1", 0, 5);

            // map the counter channels
            AddCounterChannel("phaseLockOscillator", counterBoard + "/ctr7");
            AddCounterChannel("phaseLockReference", counterBoard + "/pfi10");
            //AddCounterChannel("northLeakage", counterBoard +"/ctr0");
            //AddCounterChannel("southLeakage", counterBoard +"/ctr1");
        public PXIEDMHardwareNormal()
            // add the boards
            Boards.Add("daq", "/PXI1Slot18");
            Boards.Add("pg", "/PXI1Slot10");
            Boards.Add("counter", "/PXI1Slot3");
            Boards.Add("aoBoard", "/PXI1Slot4");
            // this drives the rf attenuators
            Boards.Add("usbDAQ1", "/Dev2");
            Boards.Add("analogIn", "/PXI1Slot2");
            Boards.Add("usbDAQ2", "/dev1");
            Boards.Add("usbDAQ3", "/dev4");
            Boards.Add("usbDAQ4", "/dev3");
            Boards.Add("tclBoard", "/PXI1Slot9");
            string pgBoard      = (string)Boards["pg"];
            string daqBoard     = (string)Boards["daq"];
            string counterBoard = (string)Boards["counter"];
            string aoBoard      = (string)Boards["aoBoard"];
            string usbDAQ1      = (string)Boards["usbDAQ1"];
            string analogIn     = (string)Boards["analogIn"];
            string usbDAQ2      = (string)Boards["usbDAQ2"];
            string usbDAQ3      = (string)Boards["usbDAQ3"];
            string usbDAQ4      = (string)Boards["usbDAQ4"];
            string tclBoard     = (string)Boards["tclBoard"];

            // add things to the info
            // the analog triggers
            Info.Add("analogTrigger0", (string)Boards["analogIn"] + "/PFI0");
            Info.Add("analogTrigger1", (string)Boards["analogIn"] + "/PFI1");

            Info.Add("sourceToDetect", 1.3);
            Info.Add("moleculeMass", 193.0);
            Info.Add("phaseLockControlMethod", "synth");
            Info.Add("PGClockLine", pgBoard + "/PFI4"); //Mapped to PFI2 on 6533 connector
            Info.Add("PatternGeneratorBoard", pgBoard);
            Info.Add("PGType", "dedicated");
            // rf counter switch control seq``
            Info.Add("IodineFreqMon", new bool[] { false, false });      // IN 1
            Info.Add("pumpAOMFreqMon", new bool[] { false, true });      // IN 2
            Info.Add("FLModulationFreqMon", new bool[] { true, false }); // IN 3

            Info.Add("PGTrigger", pgBoard + "/PFI5");                    //Mapped to PFI7 on 6533 connector

            // YAG laser
            yag = new BrilliantLaser("ASRL2::INSTR");

            // add the GPIB/RS232 instruments
            Instruments.Add("green", new HP8657ASynth("GPIB0::7::INSTR"));
            Instruments.Add("red", new HP3325BSynth("GPIB0::12::INSTR"));
            Instruments.Add("4861", new ICS4861A("GPIB0::4::INSTR"));
            Instruments.Add("bCurrentMeter", new HP34401A("GPIB0::22::INSTR"));
            Instruments.Add("rfCounter", new Agilent53131A("GPIB0::3::INSTR"));
            //Instruments.Add("rfCounter2", new Agilent53131A("GPIB0::5::INSTR"));
            Instruments.Add("rfPower", new HP438A("GPIB0::13::INSTR"));
            Instruments.Add("BfieldController", new SerialDAQ("ASRL12::INSTR"));
            Instruments.Add("rfCounter2", new SerialAgilent53131A("ASRL8::INSTR"));
            Instruments.Add("probePolControl", new SerialMotorControllerBCD("ASRL5::INSTR"));
            Instruments.Add("pumpPolControl", new SerialMotorControllerBCD("ASRL3::INSTR"));

            // map the digital channels
            // these channels are generally switched by the pattern generator
            // they're all in the lower half of the pg
            AddDigitalOutputChannel("valve", pgBoard, 0, 0);
            AddDigitalOutputChannel("flash", pgBoard, 0, 1);
            AddDigitalOutputChannel("q", pgBoard, 0, 2);
            AddDigitalOutputChannel("detector", pgBoard, 0, 3);
            AddDigitalOutputChannel("detectorprime", pgBoard, 1, 2); // this trigger is for switch scanning
            // see ModulatedAnalogShotGatherer.cs
            // for details.
            AddDigitalOutputChannel("rfSwitch", pgBoard, 0, 4);
            AddDigitalOutputChannel("fmSelect", pgBoard, 1, 0);         // This line selects which fm voltage is
            // sent to the synth.
            AddDigitalOutputChannel("attenuatorSelect", pgBoard, 0, 5); // This line selects the attenuator voltage
            // sent to the voltage-controlled attenuator.
            AddDigitalOutputChannel("piFlip", pgBoard, 1, 1);
            AddDigitalOutputChannel("ttlSwitch", pgBoard, 1, 3);        // This is the output that the pg
            // will switch if it's switch scanning.
            AddDigitalOutputChannel("scramblerEnable", pgBoard, 1, 4);

            //RF Counter Control (single pole 4 throw)
            //AddDigitalOutputChannel("rfCountSwBit1", pgBoard, 3, 5);
            //AddDigitalOutputChannel("rfCountSwBit2", pgBoard, 3, 6);

            // new rf amp blanking
            AddDigitalOutputChannel("rfAmpBlanking", pgBoard, 1, 5);

            // these channel are usually software switched - they should not be in
            // the lower half of the pattern generator
            AddDigitalOutputChannel("b", pgBoard, 2, 0);
            AddDigitalOutputChannel("notB", pgBoard, 2, 1);
            AddDigitalOutputChannel("db", pgBoard, 2, 2);
            AddDigitalOutputChannel("notDB", pgBoard, 2, 3);
            //			AddDigitalOutputChannel("notEOnOff", pgBoard, 2, 4);  // this line seems to be broken on our pg board
            //          AddDigitalOutputChannel("eOnOff", pgBoard, 2, 5);  // this and the above are not used now we have analog E control
            AddDigitalOutputChannel("targetStepper", pgBoard, 2, 5);
            AddDigitalOutputChannel("ePol", pgBoard, 2, 6);
            AddDigitalOutputChannel("notEPol", pgBoard, 2, 7);
            AddDigitalOutputChannel("eBleed", pgBoard, 3, 0);
            AddDigitalOutputChannel("piFlipEnable", pgBoard, 3, 1);
            AddDigitalOutputChannel("notPIFlipEnable", pgBoard, 3, 5);
            AddDigitalOutputChannel("pumpShutter", pgBoard, 3, 3);
            AddDigitalOutputChannel("probeShutter", pgBoard, 3, 4);
            AddDigitalOutputChannel("argonShutter", pgBoard, 3, 2);

            //I2 Lock Control
            AddDigitalOutputChannel("I2PropSwitch", pgBoard, 2, 4);
            AddDigitalOutputChannel("I2IntSwitch", pgBoard, 3, 6);

            AddDigitalOutputChannel("fibreAmpEnable", aoBoard, 0, 0);

            // Map the digital input channels
            AddDigitalInputChannel("fibreAmpMasterErr", aoBoard, 0, 1);
            AddDigitalInputChannel("fibreAmpSeedErr", aoBoard, 0, 2);
            AddDigitalInputChannel("fibreAmpBackFeflectErr", aoBoard, 0, 3);
            AddDigitalInputChannel("fibreAmpTempErr", aoBoard, 0, 4);
            AddDigitalInputChannel("fibreAmpPowerSupplyErr", aoBoard, 0, 5);

            // map the analog channels
            // These channels are on the daq board. Used mainly for diagnostic purposes.
            // On no account should they switch during the edm acquisition pattern.
            AddAnalogInputChannel("diodeLaserCurrent", daqBoard + "/ai0", AITerminalConfiguration.Differential);
            AddAnalogInputChannel("iodine", daqBoard + "/ai2", AITerminalConfiguration.Nrse);
            AddAnalogInputChannel("cavity", daqBoard + "/ai3", AITerminalConfiguration.Nrse);
            AddAnalogInputChannel("probePD", daqBoard + "/ai4", AITerminalConfiguration.Nrse);
            AddAnalogInputChannel("pumpPD", daqBoard + "/ai5", AITerminalConfiguration.Nrse);
            AddAnalogInputChannel("northLeakage", daqBoard + "/ai6", AITerminalConfiguration.Nrse);
            AddAnalogInputChannel("southLeakage", daqBoard + "/ai7", AITerminalConfiguration.Nrse);
            // Used ai13,11 & 12 over 6,7 & 8 for miniFluxgates, because ai8, 9 have an isolated ground.
            AddAnalogInputChannel("miniFlux1", daqBoard + "/ai13", AITerminalConfiguration.Nrse);
            AddAnalogInputChannel("miniFlux2", daqBoard + "/ai11", AITerminalConfiguration.Nrse);
            AddAnalogInputChannel("miniFlux3", daqBoard + "/ai12", AITerminalConfiguration.Nrse);
            AddAnalogInputChannel("piMonitor", daqBoard + "/ai10", AITerminalConfiguration.Nrse);
            //AddAnalogInputChannel("diodeLaserRefCavity", daqBoard + "/ai13", AITerminalConfiguration.Nrse);
            // Don't use ai10, cross talk with other channels on this line

            // high quality analog inputs (will be) on the S-series analog in board
            AddAnalogInputChannel("top", analogIn + "/ai0", AITerminalConfiguration.Differential);
            AddAnalogInputChannel("norm", analogIn + "/ai1", AITerminalConfiguration.Differential);
            AddAnalogInputChannel("magnetometer", analogIn + "/ai2", AITerminalConfiguration.Differential);
            AddAnalogInputChannel("gnd", analogIn + "/ai3", AITerminalConfiguration.Differential);
            AddAnalogInputChannel("battery", analogIn + "/ai4", AITerminalConfiguration.Differential);
            //AddAnalogInputChannel("piMonitor", analogIn + "/ai5", AITerminalConfiguration.Differential);
            //AddAnalogInputChannel("bFieldCurrentMonitor", analogIn + "/ai6", AITerminalConfiguration.Differential);
            AddAnalogInputChannel("reflectedrf1Amplitude", analogIn + "/ai5", AITerminalConfiguration.Differential);
            AddAnalogInputChannel("reflectedrf2Amplitude", analogIn + "/ai6", AITerminalConfiguration.Differential);
            AddAnalogInputChannel("rfCurrent", analogIn + "/ai7 ", AITerminalConfiguration.Differential);

            AddAnalogOutputChannel("phaseScramblerVoltage", aoBoard + "/ao0");
            AddAnalogOutputChannel("b", aoBoard + "/ao1");

            // rf rack control
            //AddAnalogInputChannel("rfPower", usbDAQ1 + "/ai0", AITerminalConfiguration.Rse);

            AddAnalogOutputChannel("rf1Attenuator", usbDAQ1 + "/ao0", 0, 5);
            AddAnalogOutputChannel("rf2Attenuator", usbDAQ1 + "/ao1", 0, 5);
            AddAnalogOutputChannel("rf1FM", usbDAQ2 + "/ao0", 0, 5);
            AddAnalogOutputChannel("rf2FM", usbDAQ2 + "/ao1", 0, 5);

            // E field control and monitoring
            AddAnalogInputChannel("cPlusMonitor", usbDAQ3 + "/ai1", AITerminalConfiguration.Differential);
            AddAnalogInputChannel("cMinusMonitor", usbDAQ3 + "/ai2", AITerminalConfiguration.Differential);

            AddAnalogOutputChannel("cPlus", usbDAQ3 + "/ao0", 0, 10);
            AddAnalogOutputChannel("cMinus", usbDAQ3 + "/ao1", 0, 10);

            // B field control
            //AddAnalogOutputChannel("steppingBBias", usbDAQ4 + "/ao0", 0, 5);

            // map the counter channels
            AddCounterChannel("phaseLockOscillator", counterBoard + "/ctr7");
            AddCounterChannel("phaseLockReference", counterBoard + "/pfi10");
            //AddCounterChannel("northLeakage", counterBoard + "/ctr0");
            //AddCounterChannel("southLeakage", counterBoard + "/ctr1");

            //TCL Lockable lasers
            //Info.Add("TCLLockableLasers", new string[][] { new string[] { "flPZT2" }, /*new string[] { "flPZT2Temp" },*/ new string[] { "fibreAOM", "flPZT2Temp" } });
            Info.Add("TCLLockableLasers", new string[] { "flPZT2" });                 //, new string[] { "flPZT2Temp" }, new string[] { "fibreAOM"} });
            Info.Add("TCLPhotodiodes", new string[] { "transCavV", "master", "p1" }); // THE FIRST TWO MUST BE CAVITY AND MASTER PHOTODIODE!!!!
            Info.Add("TCL_Slave_Voltage_Limit_Upper", 10.0);                          //volts: Laser control
            Info.Add("TCL_Slave_Voltage_Limit_Lower", 0.0);                           //volts: Laser control
            Info.Add("TCL_Default_Gain", -1.1);
            //Info.Add("TCL_Default_ScanPoints", 250);
            Info.Add("TCL_Default_VoltageToLaser", 2.5);
            Info.Add("TCL_Default_VoltageToDependent", 1.0);
            // Some matching up for TCL
            Info.Add("flPZT2", "p1");
            Info.Add("flPZT2Temp", "p1");
            //Info.Add("fibreAOM", "p1");
            Info.Add("TCLTrigger", tclBoard + "/PFI0");
            Info.Add("TCL_MAX_INPUT_VOLTAGE", 10.0);

            AddAnalogInputChannel("transCavV", tclBoard + "/ai0", AITerminalConfiguration.Rse);
            AddAnalogInputChannel("master", tclBoard + "/ai1", AITerminalConfiguration.Rse);
            AddAnalogInputChannel("p1", tclBoard + "/ai2", AITerminalConfiguration.Rse);

            // Laser control
            //AddAnalogOutputChannel("flPZT", usbDAQ4 + "/ao1", 0, 5);
            AddAnalogOutputChannel("flPZT", aoBoard + "/ao7", 0, 10);
            AddAnalogOutputChannel("flPZT2", aoBoard + "/ao2", 0, 10);
            AddAnalogOutputChannel("fibreAmpPwr", aoBoard + "/ao3");
            //AddAnalogOutputChannel("pumpAOM", aoBoard + "/ao4", 0, 10);
            AddAnalogOutputChannel("pumpAOM", usbDAQ4 + "/ao0", 0, 5);
            //AddAnalogOutputChannel("flPZT2Temp", aoBoard + "/ao5", 0, 4); //voltage must not exceed 4V for Koheras laser
            //AddAnalogOutputChannel("flPZT2Cur", aoBoard + "/ao6", 0, 5); //voltage must not exceed 5V for Koheras laser
            //AddAnalogOutputChannel("fibreAOM", usbDAQ4 + "/ao1", 0, 5);
            AddAnalogOutputChannel("rampfb", aoBoard + "/ao4", -10, 10);
            AddAnalogOutputChannel("I2LockBias", aoBoard + "/ao5", 0, 5);
Exemple #30
        public TCLEDMHardware()
            //Add the boards
            Boards.Add("tclBoardPump", "/PXI1Slot5");
            Boards.Add("tclBoardProbe", "/PXI1Slot2");

            string tclBoardPump  = (string)Boards["tclBoardPump"];
            string tclBoardProbe = (string)Boards["tclBoardProbe"];

            // Analog inputs
            //AddAnalogInputChannel("CavityRampVoltage", tclBoardProbe + "/ai0", AITerminalConfiguration.Rse); //tick
            //AddAnalogInputChannel("Pumpmaster", tclBoardProbe + "/ai3", AITerminalConfiguration.Rse);
            //AddAnalogInputChannel("Pumpp1", tclBoardProbe + "/ai4", AITerminalConfiguration.Rse);
            //AddAnalogInputChannel("Pumpp2", tclBoardProbe + "/ai5", AITerminalConfiguration.Rse);

            // Change on 27/06/2019: I move the pump PD inputs to tclBoardPump
            // to increase the sample rate on tclBoardProbe
            AddAnalogInputChannel("PumpCavityRampVoltage", tclBoardPump + "/ai8", AITerminalConfiguration.Rse);
            AddAnalogInputChannel("Pumpmaster", tclBoardPump + "/ai1", AITerminalConfiguration.Rse);
            AddAnalogInputChannel("Pumpp1", tclBoardPump + "/ai2", AITerminalConfiguration.Rse);
            AddAnalogInputChannel("Pumpp2", tclBoardPump + "/ai3", AITerminalConfiguration.Rse);

            // Lasers locked to pump cavity
            AddAnalogOutputChannel("KeopsysDiodeLaser", tclBoardPump + "/ao2", -4, 4); //tick
            AddAnalogOutputChannel("MenloPZT", tclBoardPump + "/ao0", 0, 10);          //tick

            // Length stabilisation for pump cavity
            AddAnalogOutputChannel("PumpCavityLengthVoltage", tclBoardPump + "/ao1", -10, 10); //tick

            // Probe cavity inputs
            AddAnalogInputChannel("ProbeCavityRampVoltage", tclBoardProbe + "/ai0", AITerminalConfiguration.Rse); //tick
            AddAnalogInputChannel("Probemaster", tclBoardProbe + "/ai1", AITerminalConfiguration.Rse);            //tick
            AddAnalogInputChannel("Probep1", tclBoardProbe + "/ai2", AITerminalConfiguration.Rse);                //tick

            // Lasers locked to Probe cavity
            AddAnalogOutputChannel("TopticaSHGPZT", tclBoardProbe + "/ao0", -4, 4);              //tick
            AddAnalogOutputChannel("ProbeCavityLengthVoltage", tclBoardProbe + "/ao1", -10, 10); //tick

            //TCL configuration for pump cavity: 27/06/2019 (Chris)
            TCLConfig tclConfigPump = new TCLConfig("Pump");

            tclConfigPump.Trigger           = tclBoardPump + "/PFI0";
            tclConfigPump.BaseRamp          = "PumpCavityRampVoltage";
            tclConfigPump.TCPChannel        = 1191;
            tclConfigPump.DefaultScanPoints = 500;
            tclConfigPump.PointsToConsiderEitherSideOfPeakInFWHMs = 12;
            tclConfigPump.AnalogSampleRate    = 61250;
            tclConfigPump.MaximumNLMFSteps    = 20;
            tclConfigPump.TriggerOnRisingEdge = false;
            string pump = "PumpCavity";

            tclConfigPump.Cavities[pump].AddSlaveLaser("MenloPZT", "Pumpp1");
            tclConfigPump.Cavities[pump].AddSlaveLaser("KeopsysDiodeLaser", "Pumpp2");
            tclConfigPump.Cavities[pump].MasterLaser = "Pumpmaster";
            tclConfigPump.Cavities[pump].RampOffset  = "PumpCavityLengthVoltage";
            tclConfigPump.Cavities[pump].AddDefaultGain("Master", 0.3);
            tclConfigPump.Cavities[pump].AddDefaultGain("MenloPZT", -0.2);
            tclConfigPump.Cavities[pump].AddDefaultGain("KeopsysDiodeLaser", 1);
            tclConfigPump.Cavities[pump].AddFSRCalibration("MenloPZT", 3.84);
            tclConfigPump.Cavities[pump].AddFSRCalibration("KeopsysDiodeLaser", 3.84);

            //TCL configuration of probe cavity: 27/06/2019 (Chris)
            TCLConfig tclConfigProbe = new TCLConfig("Probe");

            tclConfigProbe.Trigger           = tclBoardProbe + "/PFI0";
            tclConfigProbe.BaseRamp          = "ProbeCavityRampVoltage";
            tclConfigProbe.TCPChannel        = 1190;
            tclConfigProbe.DefaultScanPoints = 500 * 1 / 4;
            tclConfigProbe.PointsToConsiderEitherSideOfPeakInFWHMs = 12;
            tclConfigProbe.AnalogSampleRate    = 61250 * 1 / 2;
            tclConfigProbe.MaximumNLMFSteps    = 20;
            tclConfigProbe.TriggerOnRisingEdge = false;
            string probe = "ProbeCavity";

            tclConfigProbe.Cavities[probe].AddSlaveLaser("TopticaSHGPZT", "Probep1");
            tclConfigProbe.Cavities[probe].MasterLaser = "Probemaster";
            tclConfigProbe.Cavities[probe].RampOffset  = "ProbeCavityLengthVoltage";
            tclConfigProbe.Cavities[probe].AddDefaultGain("Master", 0.4);
            tclConfigProbe.Cavities[probe].AddDefaultGain("TopticaSHGPZT", 0.04);
            tclConfigProbe.Cavities[probe].AddFSRCalibration("TopticaSHGPZT", 3.84);

            Info.Add("TCLConfigPump", tclConfigPump);
            Info.Add("TCLConfigProbe", tclConfigProbe);
            Info.Add("DefaultCavity", tclConfigPump);

            ////TCL configuration for pump cavity
            //TCLConfig tcl1 = new TCLConfig("Pump Cavity");
            //tcl1.AddLaser("MenloPZT", "Pumpp1");
            //tcl1.AddLaser("KeopsysDiodeLaser", "Pumpp2");
            //tcl1.Trigger = tclBoardPump + "/PFI0";
            //tcl1.Cavity = "PumpCavityRampVoltage";
            //tcl1.MasterLaser = "Pumpmaster";
            //tcl1.Ramp = "PumpCavityLengthVoltage";
            //tcl1.TCPChannel = 1190;
            //tcl1.AnalogSampleRate = 61250;
            //tcl1.DefaultScanPoints = 500;
            //tcl1.MaximumNLMFSteps = 20;
            //tcl1.PointsToConsiderEitherSideOfPeakInFWHMs = 2.5;
            //tcl1.TriggerOnRisingEdge = false;
            //tcl1.AddFSRCalibration("MenloPZT", 3.84);
            //tcl1.AddFSRCalibration("KeopsysDiodeLaser", 3.84);
            //tcl1.AddDefaultGain("Master", 0.3);
            //tcl1.AddDefaultGain("MenloPZT", -0.2);
            //tcl1.AddDefaultGain("KeopsysDiodeLaser", 4);
            //Info.Add("PumpCavity", tcl1);
            //Info.Add("DefaultCavity", tcl1);

            //// TCL configuration for Probe cavity
            //TCLConfig tcl2 = new TCLConfig("Probe Cavity");
            //tcl2.AddLaser("TopticaSHGPZT", "Probep1");
            //tcl2.Trigger = tclBoardProbe + "/PFI0";
            //tcl2.Cavity = "ProbeRampVoltage";
            //tcl2.MasterLaser = "Probemaster";
            //tcl2.Ramp = "ProbeCavityLengthVoltage";
            //tcl2.TCPChannel = 1191;
            //tcl2.AnalogSampleRate = 61250 / 2;
            //tcl2.DefaultScanPoints = 250;
            //tcl2.MaximumNLMFSteps = 20;
            //tcl2.PointsToConsiderEitherSideOfPeakInFWHMs = 12;
            //tcl2.AddFSRCalibration("TopticaSHGPZT", 3.84);
            //tcl2.TriggerOnRisingEdge = false;
            //tcl2.AddDefaultGain("Master", 0.4);
            //tcl2.AddDefaultGain("TopticaSHGPZT", 0.04);
            //Info.Add("ProbeCavity", tcl2);
            //Info.Add("DefaultCavity", tcl2);

            // TCL configuration for pump and probe cavities
            //TCLConfig tclConfig = new TCLConfig("Pump and Probe");
            //tclConfig.Trigger = tclBoardProbe + "/PFI0";
            //tclConfig.BaseRamp = "CavityRampVoltage";
            //tclConfig.TCPChannel = 1190;
            //tclConfig.DefaultScanPoints = 500 * 5 / 2;
            //tclConfig.PointsToConsiderEitherSideOfPeakInFWHMs = 12;
            //tclConfig.AnalogSampleRate = 61250 * 5 / 2;
            //tclConfig.MaximumNLMFSteps = 20;
            //tclConfig.TriggerOnRisingEdge = false;
            //string pump = "PumpCavity";
            //string probe = "ProbeCavity";

            //tclConfig.Cavities[pump].AddSlaveLaser("MenloPZT", "Pumpp1");
            //tclConfig.Cavities[pump].AddSlaveLaser("KeopsysDiodeLaser", "Pumpp2");
            //tclConfig.Cavities[pump].MasterLaser = "Pumpmaster";
            //tclConfig.Cavities[pump].RampOffset = "PumpCavityLengthVoltage";
            //tclConfig.Cavities[pump].AddDefaultGain("Master", 0.3);
            //tclConfig.Cavities[pump].AddDefaultGain("MenloPZT", -0.2);
            //tclConfig.Cavities[pump].AddDefaultGain("KeopsysDiodeLaser", 1);
            //tclConfig.Cavities[pump].AddFSRCalibration("MenloPZT", 3.84);
            //tclConfig.Cavities[pump].AddFSRCalibration("KeopsysDiodeLaser", 3.84);

            //tclConfig.Cavities[probe].AddSlaveLaser("TopticaSHGPZT", "Probep1");
            //tclConfig.Cavities[probe].MasterLaser = "Probemaster";
            //tclConfig.Cavities[probe].RampOffset = "ProbeCavityLengthVoltage";
            //tclConfig.Cavities[probe].AddDefaultGain("Master", 0.4);
            //tclConfig.Cavities[probe].AddDefaultGain("TopticaSHGPZT", 0.04);
            //tclConfig.Cavities[probe].AddFSRCalibration("TopticaSHGPZT", 3.84);

            //Info.Add("TCLConfig", tclConfig);
            //Info.Add("DefaultCavity", tclConfig);