public static void Main(string[] args)
            var options = new OptionSet
                    "m|maxcount=", "Maximum number of files to be downloaded",
                    (int m) => maxCount = m
                    "n|accountName=", "Azure Service account name",
                    s => accountName = s
                    "k|accountKey=", "Azure Service access key",
                    (string o) => accountKey = o
                    "c|container=", "Azure Blob Container name where files will be uploaded",
                    (string c) => container = c
                    "t|output=", "Sync folder",
                    (string t) => output = t
                    "s|simulation=", "Simulate changes but don't upload or download files (s=true/t/1 OR false/f/0. Simulation off by default)",
                    (string s) => simulate = (s != null && (s == "true" || s == "t" || s == "1"))
                    "f|fullthrottle=", "By default true, uploads as fast as it can. If false, breaks down files in 1024byte chunks and give 100 ms break before uploading each chunk",
                    (string f) => fullThrottle = (f != null && (f == "true" || f == "t" || f == "1"))
                    "v|moveall=", "Moves all files in root folder to specified folder",
                    (string v) => moveall = v
                    "h|help", "Show this message and exit",
                    h => showHelp = h != null

            var sessionId = DateTime.Now.Ticks;

                if (showHelp || args.Length == 0)
                    int result = 0;
                    //int.TryParse(maxCount, out result);
                    result = maxCount;
                        "Options: \r\n " +
                        $"1-n: {accountName} \r\n " +
                        $"2-k: {accountKey} \r\n " +
                        $"3-c: {container} \r\n " +
                        $"4-t: {output} \r\n " +
                        $"5-m: {maxCount} \r\n " +
                        $"6-f: {fullThrottle.ToString()}, \r\n " +
                        $"7-v: {moveall.ToString()}, \r\n " +
                        $"8-h: {showHelp.ToString()}");

                    Logging.Logger.Info(string.Format("Starting new session id: {0} at {1} :---------------------", sessionId, DateTime.Now.ToLongDateString()));
                    Downloader downloader = new Downloader(container, accountName, accountKey);
                    downloader.SimulationMode = simulate;
                    downloader.DownloadAll(output, result);

                    Indexer differ = new Indexer(container, accountName, accountKey, output);
                    System.Console.WriteLine("Indexing Complete");

                    var uploadList = differ.CreateUploadList(output);

                    Uploader uploader = new Uploader(container, accountName, accountKey);
                    uploader.SimulationMode = simulate;
                    uploader.FullThrottle   = fullThrottle;
                    uploader.Upload(output, uploadList);

                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(moveall))
                        VirtualFileSystem vfs = new VirtualFileSystem(accountName, accountKey, container);
            catch (Exception ex)
                System.Console.WriteLine("Error {0}", ex.Message);
                Logging.Logger.Error(ex.Message, ex);
                Logging.Logger.Info(string.Format("Ending session {0} at {1} :---------------------", sessionId, DateTime.Now.ToLongDateString()));