protected override void ProcessRecord()
            IReadOnlyDictionary <string, IndexField> fields = Fields != null ? new ReadOnlyDictionary <string, IndexField>(Fields.ToDictionary(f => f.Key, StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) : null;

            var reader = new IndexResultReader(Path, fields);

            var rows = new List <IndexRow>();

            var task = reader.ReadToEndAsync(
                row =>

                fields != null);


            rows.ForEach(r => WriteObject(r));
Exemple #2
        private static async Task RunAsync()
            var configuration = new SampleConfiguration();

            // Sample Configuration
            // Either add a .adsk-forge/SampleConfiguration.json file to the Environment.SpecialFolder.UserProfile
            // folder (this will be different on windows vs mac/linux) or pass the optional configuration
            // Dictionary<string, string> to set AuthToken, Account and Project values on SampleConfiguration
            // configuration.Load(new Dictionary<string, string>
            // {
            //     { "AuthToken", "Your Forge App OAuth token" },
            //     { "AccountId", "Your BIM 360 account GUID (no b. prefix)" },
            //     { "ProjectId", "Your BIM 360 project GUID (no b. prefix)"}
            // });
            // See: SampleConfigurationExtensions.cs for more information.


            // create a service provider for IoC composition
            var serviceProvider = new ServiceCollection()

            // load the state from GetClashResultsSample this includes the latest
            // model set version that was associated with the clash test. It means
            // the results of this query relate to the clashing objects in the
            // proceeding sample, GetClashresultsSample
            var fileManager = serviceProvider.GetRequiredService <ILocalFileManager>();

            var clashResultSampleState = await fileManager.ReadJsonAsync <GetClashResultsSampleState>()
                                         ?? throw new InvalidOperationException("Could not load GetClashResultsSampleState.json, have you run GetClashResultsSample?");

            // load the model set verison from the GetClashresultsSample
            var modelSetClient = serviceProvider.GetRequiredService <IModelSetClient>();

            var modelSetVersion = await modelSetClient.GetModelSetVersionAsync(
                clashResultSampleState.Container, clashResultSampleState.Latest.ModelSetId, clashResultSampleState.Latest.ModelSetVersion)
                                  ?? throw new InvalidOperationException($"Error could not load latest model set version for model set {clashResultSampleState.Latest.ModelSetId}, have you run GetClashResultsSample?");

            // next load the index manifest for the model set verison
            // this object contains the look-up values for the seed files
            // documents and databases which were used to build the index. You
            // will need these valuse to display query results in the LMV if
            // they are viewable in 3D
            var modelSetIndex = serviceProvider.GetRequiredService <IModelSetIndex>();

            var indexManifest = await modelSetIndex.GetManifest(
                                ?? throw new InvalidOperationException($"No indfex manifest found for {clashResultSampleState.Latest.ModelSetVersion}:{clashResultSampleState.Latest.ModelSetVersion}");

            ColourConsole.WriteSuccess($"Manifest contains {indexManifest.SeedFiles.Count} seed files.");

            // load the fields for the index and go after the field with a name == "name" and category == "__name__"
            var fields = await modelSetIndex.GetFields(clashResultSampleState.Container, clashResultSampleState.Latest.ModelSetId, clashResultSampleState.Latest.ModelSetVersion);

            ColourConsole.WriteSuccess($"Loaded {fields.Count} unique index fields");

            var nameField = fields.Values.SingleOrDefault(
                f => f.Name.Equals("name", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) &&
                f.Category.Equals("__name__", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase));

            // run a query to find all the objects which have a name as defined by (name == "name" && category == "__name__")
            // the not missing S3 select keywords assert that this projection is in the data
            string query = $"select s.file, s.db,,, s.{nameField.Key} from s3object s where s.{nameField.Key} is not missing";


            var queryResults = await modelSetIndex.Query(
                clashResultSampleState.Latest.ModelSetVersion, query);

            ColourConsole.WriteSuccess($"Query results downloaded to {queryResults.FullName}");

            // itterate over the results and count the number of rows returned
            // substituteFieldkeys == true below will pull out the unique set of
            // fields in this data
            var reader = new IndexResultReader(queryResults, fields);

            var summary = await reader.ReadToEndAsync(null, true);

            ColourConsole.WriteSuccess($"Query returned {summary.RowCount} objects with {summary.Fields.Count} unique fields.");
Exemple #3
        private static async Task RunAsync()
            var configuration = new SampleConfiguration();

            // Sample Configuration
            // Either add a .adsk-forge/SampleConfiguration.json file to the Environment.SpecialFolder.UserProfile
            // folder (this will be different on windows vs mac/linux) or pass the optional configuration
            // Dictionary<string, string> to set AuthToken, Account and Project values on SampleConfiguration
            // configuration.Load(new Dictionary<string, string>
            // {
            //     { "AuthToken", "Your Forge App OAuth token" },
            //     { "AccountId", "Your BIM 360 account GUID (no b. prefix)" },
            //     { "ProjectId", "Your BIM 360 project GUID (no b. prefix)"}
            // });
            // See: SampleConfigurationExtensions.cs for more information.


            // create a service provider for IoC composition
            var serviceProvider = new ServiceCollection()

            // load the state from GetClashResultsSample
            var fileManager = serviceProvider.GetRequiredService <ILocalFileManager>();

            var clashResultSampleState = await fileManager.ReadJsonAsync <GetClashResultsSampleState>()
                                         ?? throw new InvalidOperationException("Could not load GetClashResultsSampleState.json, have you run GetClashResultsSample?");

            // get the model set versoin associated with the clash test
            var modelSetClient = serviceProvider.GetRequiredService <IModelSetClient>();

            var modelSetVersion = await modelSetClient.GetModelSetVersionAsync(

            ColourConsole.WriteSuccess($"Loaded model set version {clashResultSampleState.Latest.ModelSetId}:{clashResultSampleState.Latest.ModelSetVersion}");

            // Get the first page of assigned clash groups AKA coordination issues.
            var clashClient = serviceProvider.GetRequiredService <IClashClient>();

            var assignedClashGroups = await clashClient.GetClashTestAssignedClashGroupIntersectionAsync(

            ColourConsole.WriteSuccess($"Loaded page 1 of asigned clash issues with test context {clashResultSampleState.Latest.Id}");

            // Get the details of the clash groups returned
            var assignedClashGroupDetails = await clashClient.GetAssignedClashGroupBatchAsync(
                assignedClashGroups.Groups.Select(cg => cg.Id));

            ColourConsole.WriteSuccess($"Loaded {assignedClashGroups.Groups.Count} clash groups");

            // get the index manifest and map the document URNs from the clash data to index seed file document keys
            var modelSetIndex = serviceProvider.GetRequiredService <IModelSetIndex>();

            var indexManifest = await modelSetIndex.GetManifest(
                                ?? throw new InvalidOperationException($"No indfex manifest found for {clashResultSampleState.Latest.ModelSetVersion}:{clashResultSampleState.Latest.ModelSetVersion}");

            ColourConsole.WriteSuccess($"Loaded index manifest {clashResultSampleState.Latest.ModelSetId}:{clashResultSampleState.Latest.ModelSetVersion}");

            // map of document version URN -> document index key
            var documentObjectIndexIdMap = modelSetVersion.DocumentVersions.ToDictionary(
                doc => doc.VersionUrn,
                doc => new IndexDocumentObjects
                SeedFileVersionUrn = doc.OriginalSeedFileVersionUrn,
                DocumentVersionUrn = doc.VersionUrn,
                IndexFileKey       = indexManifest.SeedFiles.Single(sf => sf.Urn.Equals(doc.OriginalSeedFileVersionUrn, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)).Id,
                IndexDocumentKey   = indexManifest.SeedFiles.SelectMany(sf => sf.Documents).Single(d => d.VersionUrn.Equals(doc.VersionUrn, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)).Id

            foreach (var kvp in documentObjectIndexIdMap)
                ColourConsole.WriteInfo($"File {kvp.Value.IndexFileKey} contains document {kvp.Value.IndexDocumentKey}");

            // Grab all of the objects we are intrested in by getting the left and right LMV object IDs from the individual clashes.
            foreach (var clashGroupDetail in assignedClashGroupDetails)
                var documentIdMap = clashGroupDetail.ClashData.Documents.ToDictionary(d => d.Id, d => d.Urn);

                foreach (var clashInstance in clashGroupDetail.ClashData.ClashInstances)

            var rows = new List <IndexRow>();

            foreach (var kvp in documentObjectIndexIdMap)
                if (kvp.Value.Objects.Count == 0)

                ColourConsole.WriteInfo($"Query file key {kvp.Value.IndexFileKey}, objects {string.Join(',', kvp.Value.Objects)}");

                // get the objects in this seed file using WHERE IN - watch out for ovweflow
                // this might need to be chunked into multiple queries if you have lots of objects...
                string query = $"select * from s3object s where s.file = '{kvp.Value.IndexFileKey}' and in (" + string.Join(',', kvp.Value.Objects) + ")";


                var queryResults = await modelSetIndex.Query(
                    clashResultSampleState.Latest.ModelSetVersion, query);

                ColourConsole.WriteSuccess($"Query results downloaded to {queryResults.FullName}");

                // itterate over the results and pull out the rows
                var reader = new IndexResultReader(queryResults, null);

                var summary = await reader.ReadToEndAsync(obj =>
                }, false);

            // get the issue container for this project
            var dataClient = serviceProvider.GetRequiredService <IForgeDataClient>();

            dynamic obj = await dataClient.GetProjectAsJObject()
                          ?? throw new InvalidOperationException($"Could not load prject {configuration.ProjectId}");

            Guid issueContainer =;

            var issueClient = serviceProvider.GetRequiredService <IForgeIssueClient>();

            foreach (var clashGroupDetail in assignedClashGroupDetails)
                dynamic issue = await issueClient.GetIssue(issueContainer, clashGroupDetail.IssueId);

                ColourConsole.WriteSuccess($"Issue : {}");

                foreach (var clashInstance in clashGroupDetail.ClashData.ClashInstances)
                    var leftDocument = documentObjectIndexIdMap[clashGroupDetail.ClashData.Documents.Single(d => d.Id == clashInstance.Ldid).Urn];
                    var leftObject   = rows.SingleOrDefault(r => r.Id == clashInstance.Lvid && r.DocumentIds.Contains(leftDocument.IndexDocumentKey));

                    var rightDocument = documentObjectIndexIdMap[clashGroupDetail.ClashData.Documents.Single(d => d.Id == clashInstance.Rdid).Urn];
                    var rightObject   = rows.SingleOrDefault(r => r.Id == clashInstance.Rvid && r.DocumentIds.Contains(rightDocument.IndexDocumentKey));

                    ColourConsole.WriteInfo($"  {(string)leftObject.Data["p153cb174"]} clashes with {(string)rightObject.Data["p153cb174"]}");