/// <summary>
 /// Checks the Xbox Controller input from the specified player to see if it has been pressed.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="player">'IndexPlayer' enum type.</param>
 /// <param name="button">'Button' enum type of which input to check for.</param>
 /// <returns>Returns true if button is pressed on specified player. Returns false if not.</returns>
 public bool this[IndexPlayers player, Buttons button]
         return _gamePadCommandsC [(int)player] [button].Pressed;
 public bool IsFirstReleased(IndexPlayers player, Buttons button)
     return _gamePadCommandsC [(int)player] [button].FirstReleased;
 public double TimePressed(IndexPlayers player, Buttons button)
     return _gamePadCommandsC [(int)player] [button].TimePressed;
 public void EmulateInput(IndexPlayers player, Buttons button)
     _gamePadCommandsC [(int)player] [button].Pressed = true;