Exemple #1
        public unsafe void Load(int map)
            IndexMap im = GetIndex(map);

            if (im.MapAddress != 0)
                MapBlock block = Marshal.PtrToStructure <MapBlock>((IntPtr)im.MapAddress);
                int      bx    = X * 8;
                int      by    = Y * 8;

                for (int x = 0; x < 8; x++)
                    for (int y = 0; y < 8; y++)
                        int       pos    = y * 8 + x;
                        ushort    tileID = (ushort)(block.Cells[pos].TileID & 0x3FFF);
                        sbyte     z      = block.Cells[pos].Z;
                        Tile      tile   = Tiles[x][y];
                        LandTiles info   = TileData.LandData[tileID];
                        tile.Graphic     = tileID;
                        tile.Position    = new Position((ushort)(bx + x), (ushort)(by + y), z);
                        tile.AverageZ    = z;
                        tile.MinZ        = z;
                        tile.IsStretched = info.TexID == 0 && TileData.IsWet((long)info.Flags);

                if (im.StaticAddress != 0)
                    StaticsBlock *sb = (StaticsBlock *)im.StaticAddress;

                    if (sb != null)
                        int count = (int)im.StaticCount;

                        for (int i = 0; i < count; i++, sb++)
                            if (sb->Color > 0 && sb->Color != 0xFFFF)
                                ushort x   = sb->X;
                                ushort y   = sb->Y;
                                int    pos = y * 8 + x;

                                if (pos >= 64)
                                sbyte z = sb->Z;

                                Static staticObject = new Static(sb->Color, sb->Hue, pos)
                                    Position = new Position((ushort)(bx + x), (ushort)(by + y), z)

                                if (TileData.IsAnimated((long)staticObject.ItemData.Flags))
                                    staticObject.Effect = new AnimatedItemEffect(staticObject, staticObject.Graphic, staticObject.Hue, -1);
                                //Service.Get<EffectManager>().Add(GraphicEffectType.FixedXYZ, Serial.Invalid, Serial.Invalid, staticObject.Graphic, staticObject.Hue, staticObject.Position, Position.Invalid, 0, -1, false, false, false, GraphicEffectBlendMode.Normal);

        // internal methods
        internal BulkWriteUpsert WithMappedIndex(IndexMap indexMap)
            var mappedIndex = indexMap.Map(_index);

            return((_index == mappedIndex) ? this : new BulkWriteUpsert(mappedIndex, _id));
        public static BulkWriteBatchResult Create(
            bool isOrdered,
            IList <WriteRequest> requests,
            BsonDocument writeCommandResponse,
            IndexMap indexMap,
            Batch <WriteRequest> nextBatch)
            var writeErrors         = CreateWriteErrors(writeCommandResponse);
            var writeConcernError   = CreateWriteConcernError(writeCommandResponse);
            var processedRequests   = CreateProcessedRequests(requests, writeErrors, isOrdered);
            var unprocessedRequests = CreateUnprocessedRequests(requests, writeErrors, isOrdered);
            var upserts             = CreateUpserts(writeCommandResponse);

            var  n             = writeCommandResponse.GetValue("n", 0).ToInt64();
            var  matchedCount  = 0L;
            var  deletedCount  = 0L;
            var  insertedCount = 0L;
            long?modifiedCount = 0L;
            var  firstRequest  = requests.FirstOrDefault();

            if (firstRequest != null)
                switch (firstRequest.RequestType)
                case WriteRequestType.Delete:
                    deletedCount = n;

                case WriteRequestType.Insert:
                    insertedCount = n;

                case WriteRequestType.Update:
                    matchedCount = n - upserts.Count();
                    BsonValue nModified;
                    if (writeCommandResponse.TryGetValue("nModified", out nModified))
                        modifiedCount = nModified.ToInt64();
                        modifiedCount = null;

            return(new BulkWriteBatchResult(
 public void should_throw_if_max_auto_merge_is_larger_than_map_value()
     Assert.Throws <CorruptIndexException>(() => IndexMap.FromFile(_filename, maxAutoMergeLevel: 5));
Exemple #5
        public unsafe void Load(int map)
            IndexMap im = GetIndex(map);

            if (im.MapAddress != 0)
                MapBlock *block = (MapBlock *)im.MapAddress;
                MapCells *cells = (MapCells *)&block->Cells;
                int       bx    = X * 8;
                int       by    = Y * 8;

                for (int x = 0; x < 8; x++)
                    for (int y = 0; y < 8; y++)
                        int    pos    = y * 8 + x;
                        ushort tileID = (ushort)(cells[pos].TileID & 0x3FFF);
                        sbyte  z      = cells[pos].Z;

                        Land land = new Land(tileID)
                            Graphic  = tileID,
                            AverageZ = z,
                            MinZ     = z,

                        ushort tileX = (ushort)(bx + x);
                        ushort tileY = (ushort)(by + y);

                        land.Calculate(tileX, tileY, z);
                        land.Position = new Position(tileX, tileY, z);

                        land.AddToTile(Tiles[x, y]);

                if (im.StaticAddress != 0)
                    StaticsBlock *sb = (StaticsBlock *)im.StaticAddress;

                    if (sb != null)
                        int count = (int)im.StaticCount;

                        for (int i = 0; i < count; i++, sb++)
                            if (sb->Color != 0 && sb->Color != 0xFFFF)
                                ushort x   = sb->X;
                                ushort y   = sb->Y;
                                int    pos = y * 8 + x;

                                if (pos >= 64)
                                sbyte z = sb->Z;

                                ushort staticX = (ushort)(bx + x);
                                ushort staticY = (ushort)(by + y);

                                Static staticObject = new Static(sb->Color, sb->Hue, pos)
                                    Position = new Position(staticX, staticY, z)

                                if (staticObject.ItemData.IsAnimated)
                                    World.AddEffect(new AnimatedItemEffect(staticObject, staticObject.Graphic, staticObject.Hue, -1));
                                    staticObject.AddToTile(Tiles[x, y]);

Exemple #6
        public unsafe void LoadMap(int i)
            if (i < 0 || i > 5 || _filesMap[i] == null)
                i = 0;

            if (BlockData[i] != null || _filesMap[i] == null)

            int mapblocksize       = UnsafeMemoryManager.SizeOf <MapBlock>();
            int staticidxblocksize = UnsafeMemoryManager.SizeOf <StaidxBlock>();
            int staticblocksize    = UnsafeMemoryManager.SizeOf <StaticsBlock>();
            int width         = MapBlocksSize[i, 0];
            int height        = MapBlocksSize[i, 1];
            int maxblockcount = width * height;

            BlockData[i] = new IndexMap[maxblockcount];
            UOFile file                = _filesMap[i];
            UOFile fileidx             = _filesIdxStatics[i];
            UOFile staticfile          = _filesStatics[i];
            ulong  staticidxaddress    = (ulong)fileidx.StartAddress;
            ulong  endstaticidxaddress = staticidxaddress + (ulong)fileidx.Length;
            ulong  staticaddress       = (ulong)staticfile.StartAddress;
            ulong  endstaticaddress    = staticaddress + (ulong)staticfile.Length;
            ulong  mapddress           = (ulong)file.StartAddress;
            ulong  endmapaddress       = mapddress + (ulong)file.Length;
            ulong  uopoffset           = 0;
            int    fileNumber          = -1;
            bool   isuop               = file is UOFileUop;

            for (int block = 0; block < maxblockcount; block++)
                ulong realmapaddress = 0, realstaticaddress = 0;
                uint  realstaticcount = 0;
                int   blocknum        = block;

                if (isuop)
                    blocknum &= 4095;
                    int shifted = block >> 12;

                    if (fileNumber != shifted)
                        fileNumber = shifted;

                        if (shifted < file.Entries.Length)
                            uopoffset = (ulong)file.Entries[shifted].Offset;

                ulong address = mapddress + uopoffset + (ulong)(blocknum * mapblocksize);

                if (address < endmapaddress)
                    realmapaddress = address;
                ulong        stidxaddress = staticidxaddress + (ulong)(block * staticidxblocksize);
                StaidxBlock *bb           = (StaidxBlock *)stidxaddress;

                if (stidxaddress < endstaticidxaddress && bb->Size > 0 && bb->Position != 0xFFFFFFFF)
                    ulong address1 = staticaddress + bb->Position;

                    if (address1 < endstaticaddress)
                        realstaticaddress = address1;
                        realstaticcount   = (uint)(bb->Size / staticblocksize);

                        if (realstaticcount > 1024)
                            realstaticcount = 1024;

                ref var data = ref BlockData[i][block];
                data.MapAddress            = realmapaddress;
                data.StaticAddress         = realstaticaddress;
                data.StaticCount           = realstaticcount;
                data.OriginalMapAddress    = realmapaddress;
                data.OriginalStaticAddress = realstaticaddress;
                data.OriginalStaticCount   = realstaticcount;
Exemple #7
        public void when_indexmap_file_is_garbage()
            File.WriteAllText(_indexMapFileName, "alkfjasd;lkf\nasdfasdf\n");

            Assert.Throws <CorruptIndexException>(() => IndexMap.FromFile(_indexMapFileName, maxTablesPerLevel: 2));
Exemple #8
 public IndexMap CreateIndexMap(FactDeclaration factDeclaration)
     return(IndexMap.CreateMap(_parameters, _parameters));
Exemple #9
 public ArgumentMap(IndexMap factMap, int count)
     FactMap = factMap;
     Count   = count;
Exemple #10
 public void throw_corruptedindexexception_if_prepare_checkpoint_is_minus_one_and_there_are_ptables_in_indexmap()
     CreateArtificialIndexMapFile(_indexMapFileName, -1, 0, _ptableFileName);
     Assert.Throws <CorruptIndexException>(() => IndexMap.FromFile(_indexMapFileName, x => false, 2));
Exemple #11
 public void Setup()
     _map = IndexMap.FromFile("thisfiledoesnotexist");
Exemple #12
 public void throw_corruptedindexexception_when_prepare_checkpoint_is_less_than_minus_one()
     CreateArtificialIndexMapFile(_indexMapFileName, -2, 0, null);
     Assert.Throws <CorruptIndexException>(() => IndexMap.FromFile(_indexMapFileName, x => false, 2));
Exemple #13
        public IOWriteResult Write(TextWriter writer, List <WriteMesh> vMeshes, WriteOptions options)
            int nAccumCountV  = 1;      // OBJ indices always start at 1
            int nAccumCountUV = 1;

            // collect materials
            string sMaterialLib   = "";
            int    nHaveMaterials = 0;

            if (options.bWriteMaterials && options.MaterialFilePath.Length > 0)
                List <GenericMaterial> vMaterials = MeshIOUtil.FindUniqueMaterialList(vMeshes);
                IOWriteResult          ok         = write_materials(vMaterials, options);
                if (ok.code == IOCode.Ok)
                    sMaterialLib   = Path.GetFileName(options.MaterialFilePath);
                    nHaveMaterials = vMeshes.Count;

            if (options.AsciiHeaderFunc != null)

            if (sMaterialLib != "")
                writer.WriteLine("mtllib {0}", sMaterialLib);

            for (int mi = 0; mi < vMeshes.Count; ++mi)
                IMesh mesh       = vMeshes[mi].Mesh;
                bool  bVtxColors = options.bPerVertexColors && mesh.HasVertexColors;
                bool  bNormals   = options.bPerVertexNormals && mesh.HasVertexNormals;

                // use separate UV set if we have it, otherwise write per-vertex UVs if we have those
                bool bVtxUVs = options.bPerVertexUVs && mesh.HasVertexUVs;
                if (vMeshes[mi].UVs != null)
                    bVtxUVs = false;

                int[] mapV = new int[mesh.MaxVertexID];

                // write vertices for this mesh
                foreach (int vi in mesh.VertexIndices())
                    mapV[vi] = nAccumCountV++;
                    Vector3D v = mesh.GetVertex(vi);
                    if (bVtxColors)
                        Vector3D c = mesh.GetVertexColor(vi);
                        writer.WriteLine("v {0} {1} {2} {3:F8} {4:F8} {5:F8}", v[0], v[1], v[2], c[0], c[1], c[2]);
                        writer.WriteLine("v {0} {1} {2}", v[0], v[1], v[2]);

                    if (bNormals)
                        Vector3D n = mesh.GetVertexNormal(vi);
                        writer.WriteLine("vn {0:F10} {1:F10} {2:F10}", n[0], n[1], n[2]);

                    if (bVtxUVs)
                        Vector2F uv = mesh.GetVertexUV(vi);
                        writer.WriteLine("vt {0:F10} {1:F10}", uv.x, uv.y);

                // write independent UVs for this mesh, if we have them
                IIndexMap   mapUV = (bVtxUVs) ? new IdentityIndexMap() : null;
                DenseUVMesh uvSet = null;
                if (vMeshes[mi].UVs != null)
                    uvSet = vMeshes[mi].UVs;
                    int      nUV     = uvSet.UVs.Length;
                    IndexMap fullMap = new IndexMap(false, nUV);                       // [TODO] do we really need a map here? is just integer shift, no?
                    for (int ui = 0; ui < nUV; ++ui)
                        writer.WriteLine("vt {0:F8} {1:F8}", uvSet.UVs[ui].x, uvSet.UVs[ui].y);
                        fullMap[ui] = nAccumCountUV++;
                    mapUV = fullMap;

                // check if we need to write usemtl lines for this mesh
                bool bWriteMaterials = nHaveMaterials > 0 &&
                                       vMeshes[mi].TriToMaterialMap != null &&
                                       vMeshes[mi].Materials != null;

                // various ways we can write triangles to minimize state changes...
                // [TODO] support writing materials when mesh has groups!!
                if (options.bWriteGroups && mesh.HasTriangleGroups)
                    write_triangles_bygroup(writer, mesh, mapV, uvSet, mapUV, bNormals);
                    write_triangles_flat(writer, vMeshes[mi], mapV, uvSet, mapUV, bNormals, bWriteMaterials);

            return(new IOWriteResult(IOCode.Ok, ""));
Exemple #14
 internal Activation(ICompiledRule compiledRule, Tuple tuple, IndexMap factMap)
     CompiledRule = compiledRule;
     Tuple        = tuple;
     FactMap      = factMap;
        public static BulkWriteBatchResult Create(
            WriteRequest request,
            WriteConcernResult writeConcernResult,
            WriteConcernException writeConcernException,
            IndexMap indexMap)
            var       processedRequests   = new[] { request };
            var       unprocessedRequests = __noWriteRequests;
            BsonValue upsertId            = null;
            var       documentsAffected   = 0L;

            if (writeConcernResult != null)
                upsertId          = writeConcernResult.Upserted;
                documentsAffected = writeConcernResult.DocumentsAffected;
                var updateRequest = request as UpdateRequest;

                if (upsertId == null &&
                    documentsAffected == 1 &&
                    updateRequest != null &&
                    updateRequest.IsUpsert &&
                    // Get the _id field first from the Update document
                    // and then from the Query document.
                    upsertId =
                        updateRequest.Update.ToBsonDocument().GetValue("_id", null) ??
                        updateRequest.Criteria.ToBsonDocument().GetValue("_id", null);

            var upserts     = (upsertId == null) ? __noUpserts : new[] { new BulkWriteOperationUpsert(0, upsertId) };
            var writeErrors = __noWriteErrors;
            BulkWriteConcernError writeConcernError = null;

            if (writeConcernException != null)
                var getLastErrorResponse = writeConcernResult.Response;
                if (IsGetLasterrorResponseAWriteConcernError(getLastErrorResponse))
                    writeConcernError = CreateWriteConcernErrorFromGetLastErrorResponse(getLastErrorResponse);
                    writeErrors = new[] { CreateWriteErrorFromGetLastErrorResponse(getLastErrorResponse) };

            if (request.RequestType == WriteRequestType.Insert && writeErrors.Count == 0)
                documentsAffected = 1; // note: DocumentsAffected is 0 for inserts

            var  matchedCount  = 0L;
            var  deletedCount  = 0L;
            var  insertedCount = 0L;
            long?modifiedCount = 0L;

            switch (request.RequestType)
            case WriteRequestType.Delete:
                deletedCount = documentsAffected;

            case WriteRequestType.Insert:
                insertedCount = documentsAffected;

            case WriteRequestType.Update:
                matchedCount  = documentsAffected - upserts.Count();
                modifiedCount = null;     // getLasterror does not report this value

            return(new BulkWriteBatchResult(
                       1, // batchCount
Exemple #16
 public AggregateExpression(LambdaExpression expression, FastDelegate <Func <object[], object> > compiledExpression, IndexMap factMap)
     _expression         = expression;
     _factMap            = factMap;
     _compiledExpression = compiledExpression;
Exemple #17
 public void Setup()
     _map = IndexMap.FromFile("shitbird");
 public void Setup()
     _map = IndexMap.FromFile(_file, x => false);
     _map.EnterUnsafeState(new FileInfo(_file).DirectoryName);
Exemple #19
        public void when_indexmap_file_exists_but_is_empty()
            File.WriteAllText(_indexMapFileName, "");

            Assert.Throws <CorruptIndexException>(() => IndexMap.FromFile(_indexMapFileName, maxTablesPerLevel: 2));
        public override void TestFixtureSetUp()

            _filename        = GetTempFilePath();
            _finalmergefile  = GetTempFilePath();
            _finalmergefile2 = GetTempFilePath();

            _map = IndexMapTestFactory.FromFile(_filename);
            var memtable = new HashListMemTable(_ptableVersion, maxSize: 10);

            memtable.Add(0, 1, 0);
            var guidFilename = new GuidFilenameProvider(PathName);

            _result = _map.AddPTable(
                PTable.FromMemtable(memtable, GetTempFilePath(), skipIndexVerify: _skipIndexVerify), 0, 0,
                (streamId, hash) => hash, _ => true, _ => new System.Tuple <string, bool>("", true), guidFilename,
                _ptableVersion, _maxAutoMergeIndexLevel, 0, skipIndexVerify: _skipIndexVerify);
            _result.ToDelete.ForEach(x => x.MarkForDestruction());
            _result = _result.MergedMap.AddPTable(
                PTable.FromMemtable(memtable, GetTempFilePath(), skipIndexVerify: _skipIndexVerify), 0, 0,
                (streamId, hash) => hash, _ => true, _ => new System.Tuple <string, bool>("", true), guidFilename,
                _ptableVersion, _maxAutoMergeIndexLevel, 0, skipIndexVerify: _skipIndexVerify);
            _result.ToDelete.ForEach(x => x.MarkForDestruction());
            _result = _result.MergedMap.AddPTable(
                PTable.FromMemtable(memtable, GetTempFilePath(), skipIndexVerify: _skipIndexVerify), 0, 0,
                (streamId, hash) => hash, _ => true, _ => new System.Tuple <string, bool>("", true), guidFilename,
                _ptableVersion, _maxAutoMergeIndexLevel, 0, skipIndexVerify: _skipIndexVerify);
            _result.ToDelete.ForEach(x => x.MarkForDestruction());
            _result = _result.MergedMap.AddPTable(
                PTable.FromMemtable(memtable, GetTempFilePath(), skipIndexVerify: _skipIndexVerify), 0, 0,
                (streamId, hash) => hash, _ => true, _ => new System.Tuple <string, bool>("", true), guidFilename,
                _ptableVersion, _maxAutoMergeIndexLevel, 0, skipIndexVerify: _skipIndexVerify);
            _result.ToDelete.ForEach(x => x.MarkForDestruction());
            _result = _result.MergedMap.AddPTable(
                PTable.FromMemtable(memtable, GetTempFilePath(), skipIndexVerify: _skipIndexVerify), 0, 0,
                (streamId, hash) => hash, _ => true, _ => new System.Tuple <string, bool>("", true), guidFilename,
                _ptableVersion, _maxAutoMergeIndexLevel, 0, skipIndexVerify: _skipIndexVerify);
            _result.ToDelete.ForEach(x => x.MarkForDestruction());
            _result = _result.MergedMap.AddPTable(
                PTable.FromMemtable(memtable, GetTempFilePath(), skipIndexVerify: _skipIndexVerify), 0, 0,
                (streamId, hash) => hash, _ => true, _ => new System.Tuple <string, bool>("", true), guidFilename,
                _ptableVersion, _maxAutoMergeIndexLevel, 0, skipIndexVerify: _skipIndexVerify);
            _result.ToDelete.ForEach(x => x.MarkForDestruction());
            _result = _result.MergedMap.AddPTable(
                PTable.FromMemtable(memtable, GetTempFilePath(), skipIndexVerify: _skipIndexVerify), 0, 0,
                (streamId, hash) => hash, _ => true, _ => new System.Tuple <string, bool>("", true), guidFilename,
                _ptableVersion, _maxAutoMergeIndexLevel, 0, skipIndexVerify: _skipIndexVerify);
            _result.ToDelete.ForEach(x => x.MarkForDestruction());
            _result = _result.MergedMap.AddPTable(
                PTable.FromMemtable(memtable, GetTempFilePath(), skipIndexVerify: _skipIndexVerify), 0, 0,
                (streamId, hash) => hash, _ => true, _ => new System.Tuple <string, bool>("", true), guidFilename,
                _ptableVersion, _maxAutoMergeIndexLevel, 0, skipIndexVerify: _skipIndexVerify);
            _result.ToDelete.ForEach(x => x.MarkForDestruction());
            _result = _result.MergedMap.AddPTable(
                PTable.FromMemtable(memtable, GetTempFilePath(), skipIndexVerify: _skipIndexVerify), 0, 0,
                (streamId, hash) => hash, _ => true, _ => new System.Tuple <string, bool>("", true), guidFilename,
                _ptableVersion, _maxAutoMergeIndexLevel, 0, skipIndexVerify: _skipIndexVerify);
            _result.ToDelete.ForEach(x => x.MarkForDestruction());
            _result = _result.MergedMap.AddPTable(
                PTable.FromMemtable(memtable, GetTempFilePath(), skipIndexVerify: _skipIndexVerify), 0, 0,
                (streamId, hash) => hash, _ => true, _ => new System.Tuple <string, bool>("", true), guidFilename,
                _ptableVersion, _maxAutoMergeIndexLevel, 0, skipIndexVerify: _skipIndexVerify);
            _result.ToDelete.ForEach(x => x.MarkForDestruction());
            _result = _result.MergedMap.AddPTable(
                PTable.FromMemtable(memtable, GetTempFilePath(), skipIndexVerify: _skipIndexVerify), 0, 0,
                (streamId, hash) => hash, _ => true, _ => new System.Tuple <string, bool>("", true), guidFilename,
                _ptableVersion, _maxAutoMergeIndexLevel, 0, skipIndexVerify: _skipIndexVerify);
            _result.ToDelete.ForEach(x => x.MarkForDestruction());
            _result = _result.MergedMap.AddPTable(
                PTable.FromMemtable(memtable, GetTempFilePath(), skipIndexVerify: _skipIndexVerify), 0, 0,
                (streamId, hash) => hash, _ => true, _ => new System.Tuple <string, bool>("", true), guidFilename,
                _ptableVersion, _maxAutoMergeIndexLevel, 0, skipIndexVerify: _skipIndexVerify);
            _result.ToDelete.ForEach(x => x.MarkForDestruction());
            _result = _result.MergedMap.AddPTable(
                PTable.FromMemtable(memtable, GetTempFilePath(), skipIndexVerify: _skipIndexVerify), 0, 0,
                (streamId, hash) => hash, _ => true, _ => new System.Tuple <string, bool>("", true), guidFilename,
                _ptableVersion, _maxAutoMergeIndexLevel, 0, skipIndexVerify: _skipIndexVerify);
            _result.ToDelete.ForEach(x => x.MarkForDestruction());
            _result = _result.MergedMap.AddPTable(
                PTable.FromMemtable(memtable, GetTempFilePath(), skipIndexVerify: _skipIndexVerify), 0, 0,
                (streamId, hash) => hash, _ => true, _ => new System.Tuple <string, bool>("", true), guidFilename,
                _ptableVersion, _maxAutoMergeIndexLevel, 0, skipIndexVerify: _skipIndexVerify);
            _result.ToDelete.ForEach(x => x.MarkForDestruction());
            _result = _result.MergedMap.AddPTable(
                PTable.FromMemtable(memtable, GetTempFilePath(), skipIndexVerify: _skipIndexVerify), 0, 0,
                (streamId, hash) => hash, _ => true, _ => new System.Tuple <string, bool>("", true), guidFilename,
                _ptableVersion, _maxAutoMergeIndexLevel, 0, skipIndexVerify: _skipIndexVerify);
            _result.ToDelete.ForEach(x => x.MarkForDestruction());
            _result = _result.MergedMap.AddPTable(
                PTable.FromMemtable(memtable, GetTempFilePath(), skipIndexVerify: _skipIndexVerify), 1, 2,
                (streamId, hash) => hash, _ => true, _ => new System.Tuple <string, bool>("", true),
                new FakeFilenameProvider(_finalmergefile, _finalmergefile2), _ptableVersion, 4, 0,
                skipIndexVerify: _skipIndexVerify);
            _result.ToDelete.ForEach(x => x.MarkForDestruction());
Exemple #21
        public CompiledRule(IRuleDefinition definition, IEnumerable <Declaration> declarations, IEnumerable <IRuleAction> actions, IRuleFilter filter, IndexMap factMap)
            Definition    = definition;
            Filter        = filter;
            FactMap       = factMap;
            _declarations = new List <Declaration>(declarations);
            _actions      = new List <IRuleAction>(actions);

            foreach (var ruleAction in _actions)
                ActionTriggers |= ruleAction.Trigger;
Exemple #22
        internal unsafe void ReloadBlock(int map, int blocknum)
            int    mapblocksize       = UnsafeMemoryManager.SizeOf <MapBlock>();
            int    staticidxblocksize = UnsafeMemoryManager.SizeOf <StaidxBlock>();
            int    staticblocksize    = UnsafeMemoryManager.SizeOf <StaticsBlock>();
            UOFile file = _filesMap[map];
            UOFile fileidx = _filesIdxStatics[map];
            UOFile staticfile = _filesStatics[map];
            ulong  staticidxaddress = (ulong)fileidx.StartAddress;
            ulong  endstaticidxaddress = staticidxaddress + (ulong)fileidx.Length;
            ulong  staticaddress = (ulong)staticfile.StartAddress;
            ulong  endstaticaddress = staticaddress + (ulong)staticfile.Length;
            ulong  mapddress = (ulong)file.StartAddress;
            ulong  endmapaddress = mapddress + (ulong)file.Length;
            ulong  uopoffset = 0;
            int    fileNumber = -1;
            bool   isuop = file is UOFileUop;
            ulong  realmapaddress = 0, realstaticaddress = 0;
            uint   realstaticcount = 0;
            int    block           = blocknum;

            if (isuop)
                blocknum &= 4095;
                int shifted = block >> 12;

                if (fileNumber != shifted)
                    fileNumber = shifted;

                    if (shifted < file.Entries.Length)
                        uopoffset = (ulong)file.Entries[shifted].Offset;

            ulong address = mapddress + uopoffset + (ulong)(blocknum * mapblocksize);

            if (address < endmapaddress)
                realmapaddress = address;
            ulong        stidxaddress = staticidxaddress + (ulong)(block * staticidxblocksize);
            StaidxBlock *bb           = (StaidxBlock *)stidxaddress;

            if (stidxaddress < endstaticidxaddress && bb->Size > 0 && bb->Position != 0xFFFFFFFF)
                ulong address1 = staticaddress + bb->Position;

                if (address1 < endstaticaddress)
                    realstaticaddress = address1;
                    realstaticcount   = (uint)(bb->Size / staticblocksize);

                    if (realstaticcount > 1024)
                        realstaticcount = 1024;
            BlockData[map][block] = new IndexMap(realmapaddress, realstaticaddress, realstaticcount, realmapaddress, realstaticaddress, realstaticcount);
 public void should_open_if_auto_merge_levels_match()
     Assert.DoesNotThrow(() => IndexMap.FromFile(_filename, maxAutoMergeLevel: 4));
Exemple #24
        public unsafe void Load(int map)
            IndexMap im = GetIndex(map);

            if (im.MapAddress != 0)
                MapBlock *block = (MapBlock *)im.MapAddress;
                MapCells *cells = (MapCells *)&block->Cells;
                int       bx    = X * 8;
                int       by    = Y * 8;

                for (int x = 0; x < 8; x++)
                    for (int y = 0; y < 8; y++)
                        int       pos    = y * 8 + x;
                        ushort    tileID = (ushort)(cells[pos].TileID & 0x3FFF);
                        sbyte     z      = cells[pos].Z;
                        LandTiles info   = TileData.LandData[tileID];

                        Land land = new Land(tileID)
                            Graphic     = tileID,
                            AverageZ    = z,
                            MinZ        = z,
                            IsStretched = info.TexID == 0 && TileData.IsWet(info.Flags),
                        ushort tileX = (ushort)(bx + x);
                        ushort tileY = (ushort)(by + y);
                        land.Calculate(tileX, tileY, z);
                        land.Position = new Position(tileX, tileY, z);

                if (im.StaticAddress != 0)
                    StaticsBlock *sb = (StaticsBlock *)im.StaticAddress;

                    if (sb != null)
                        int count = (int)im.StaticCount;

                        for (int i = 0; i < count; i++, sb++)
                            if (sb->Color > 0 && sb->Color != 0xFFFF)
                                ushort x   = sb->X;
                                ushort y   = sb->Y;
                                int    pos = y * 8 + x;

                                if (pos >= 64)
                                sbyte z = sb->Z;

                                Static staticObject = new Static(sb->Color, sb->Hue, pos)
                                    Position = new Position((ushort)(bx + x), (ushort)(by + y), z)

                                if (TileData.IsAnimated(staticObject.ItemData.Flags))
                                    staticObject.Effect = new AnimatedItemEffect(staticObject, staticObject.Graphic, staticObject.Hue, -1);
Exemple #25
        private unsafe void Load()
            int size = FileManager.Map.MapsDefaultSize[World.MapIndex, 0] * FileManager.Map.MapsDefaultSize[World.MapIndex, 1];

            ushort[] buffer   = new ushort[size];
            int      maxBlock = size - 1;

            for (int bx = 0; bx < FileManager.Map.MapBlocksSize[World.MapIndex, 0]; bx++)
                int mapX = bx * 8;

                for (int by = 0; by < FileManager.Map.MapBlocksSize[World.MapIndex, 1]; by++)
                    IndexMap indexMap = World.Map.GetIndex(bx, by);

                    if (indexMap.MapAddress == 0)
                    int       mapY      = by * 8;
                    MapBlock  info      = new MapBlock();
                    MapCells *infoCells = (MapCells *)&info.Cells;
                    MapBlock *mapBlock  = (MapBlock *)indexMap.MapAddress;
                    MapCells *cells     = (MapCells *)&mapBlock->Cells;
                    int       pos       = 0;

                    for (int y = 0; y < 8; y++)
                        for (int x = 0; x < 8; x++)
                            ref MapCells cell     = ref cells[pos];
                            ref MapCells infoCell = ref infoCells[pos];
                            infoCell.TileID = cell.TileID;
                            infoCell.Z      = cell.Z;

                    StaticsBlock *sb = (StaticsBlock *)indexMap.StaticAddress;

                    if (sb != null)
                        int count = (int)indexMap.StaticCount;

                        for (int c = 0; c < count; c++)
                            StaticsBlock staticBlock = sb[c];

                            if (staticBlock.Color > 0 && staticBlock.Color != 0xFFFF && !GameObjectHelper.IsNoDrawable(staticBlock.Color))
                                pos = staticBlock.Y * 8 + staticBlock.X;
                                ref MapCells cell = ref infoCells[pos];

                                if (cell.Z <= staticBlock.Z)
                                    cell.TileID = (ushort)(staticBlock.Color + 0x4000);
                                    cell.Z      = staticBlock.Z;
Exemple #26
 public Parser(IndexMap idxMap)
     _idxMap = idxMap;
     _stream = new TokenStream(this);
     _reader = new Serialize.TextReader(_stream);
Exemple #27
        // internal methods
        internal BulkWriteError WithMappedIndex(IndexMap indexMap)
            var mappedIndex = indexMap.Map(_index);

            return((_index == mappedIndex) ? this : new BulkWriteError(mappedIndex, Category, Code, Message, Details));
Exemple #28
 public RuleAction(LambdaExpression expression, FastDelegate <Action <IContext, object[]> > compiledExpression, IndexMap factIndexMap, IndexMap dependencyIndexMap)
     _expression         = expression;
     _factIndexMap       = factIndexMap;
     _dependencyIndexMap = dependencyIndexMap;
     _compiledExpression = compiledExpression;
        public static BulkWriteBatchResult Create(
            WriteRequest request,
            WriteConcernResult writeConcernResult,
            WriteConcernException writeConcernException,
            IndexMap indexMap)
            var processedRequests   = new[] { request };
            var unprocessedRequests = Enumerable.Empty <WriteRequest>();
            var upsertId            = (writeConcernResult == null) ? null : writeConcernResult.Upserted;
            var upserts             = (upsertId == null) ? Enumerable.Empty <BulkWriteUpsert>() : new[] { new BulkWriteUpsert(0, upsertId) };
            var writeErrors         = __noWriteErrors;
            WriteConcernError    writeConcernError = null;
            Batch <WriteRequest> nextBatch         = null;

            if (writeConcernException != null)
                var getLastErrorResponse = writeConcernResult.Response;
                if (IsGetLasterrorResponseAWriteConcernError(getLastErrorResponse))
                    writeConcernError = CreateWriteConcernErrorFromGetLastErrorResponse(getLastErrorResponse);
                    writeErrors = new[] { CreateWriteErrorFromGetLastErrorResponse(getLastErrorResponse) };

            var documentsAffected = (writeConcernResult == null) ? 0 : writeConcernResult.DocumentsAffected;

            if (request.RequestType == WriteRequestType.Insert && writeErrors.Count == 0)
                documentsAffected = 1; // note: DocumentsAffected is 0 for inserts

            var  matchedCount  = 0L;
            var  deletedCount  = 0L;
            var  insertedCount = 0L;
            long?modifiedCount = 0L;

            switch (request.RequestType)
            case WriteRequestType.Delete:
                deletedCount = documentsAffected;

            case WriteRequestType.Insert:
                insertedCount = documentsAffected;

            case WriteRequestType.Update:
                matchedCount  = documentsAffected - upserts.Count();
                modifiedCount = null;     // getLasterror does not report this value

            return(new BulkWriteBatchResult(
                       1, // batchCount
Exemple #30
 public static ScavengeResult Success(IndexMap scavengedMap, PTable oldTable, PTable newTable, long spaceSaved,
                                      int level, int index)
     return(new ScavengeResult(scavengedMap, true, oldTable, newTable, spaceSaved, level, index));