Exemple #1
    public void DummyFilterMatchesToFalse()
        var rnd       = new Random(123456);
        var blockHash = new byte[32];


        var filter = IndexBuilderService.CreateDummyEmptyFilter(new uint256(blockHash));

        var scriptPubKeys = Enumerable.Range(0, 1000).Select(x =>
            var buffer = new byte[20];
        var key = blockHash[0..16];
    public static FilterModel GetStartingFilter(Network network)
        var startingHeader = SmartHeader.GetStartingHeader(network);

        if (network == Network.Main)
        else if (network == Network.TestNet)
        else if (network == Network.RegTest)
            GolombRiceFilter filter = IndexBuilderService.CreateDummyEmptyFilter(startingHeader.BlockHash);
            throw new NotSupportedNetworkException(network);
Exemple #3
        public async Task FilterDownloaderTestAsync()
            (_, IRPCClient rpc, _, _, _, BitcoinStore bitcoinStore, _) = await Common.InitializeTestEnvironmentAsync(RegTestFixture, 1);

            var httpClientFactory = new HttpClientFactory(torEndPoint: null, backendUriGetter: () => new Uri(RegTestFixture.BackendEndPoint));
            var synchronizer      = new WasabiSynchronizer(rpc.Network, bitcoinStore, httpClientFactory);

                synchronizer.Start(requestInterval: TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1), TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5), 1000);

                var blockCount = await rpc.GetBlockCountAsync() + 1;                 // Plus one because of the zeroth.

                // Test initial synchronization.
                var times = 0;
                int filterCount;
                while ((filterCount = bitcoinStore.SmartHeaderChain.HashCount) < blockCount)
                    if (times > 500)                     // 30 sec
                        throw new TimeoutException($"{nameof(WasabiSynchronizer)} test timed out. Needed filters: {blockCount}, got only: {filterCount}.");
                    await Task.Delay(100);


                Assert.Equal(blockCount, bitcoinStore.SmartHeaderChain.HashCount);

                // Test later synchronization.
                await RegTestFixture.BackendRegTestNode.GenerateAsync(10);

                times = 0;
                while ((filterCount = bitcoinStore.SmartHeaderChain.HashCount) < blockCount + 10)
                    if (times > 500)                     // 30 sec
                        throw new TimeoutException($"{nameof(WasabiSynchronizer)} test timed out. Needed filters: {blockCount + 10}, got only: {filterCount}.");
                    await Task.Delay(100);


                // Test correct number of filters is received.
                Assert.Equal(blockCount + 10, bitcoinStore.SmartHeaderChain.HashCount);

                // Test filter block hashes are correct.
                var filterList = new List <FilterModel>();
                await bitcoinStore.IndexStore.ForeachFiltersAsync(async x =>
                    await Task.CompletedTask;
                                                                  new Height(0));

                FilterModel[] filters = filterList.ToArray();
                for (int i = 0; i < 101; i++)
                    var expectedHash = await rpc.GetBlockHashAsync(i);

                    var filter = filters[i];
                    Assert.Equal(i, (int)filter.Header.Height);
                    Assert.Equal(expectedHash, filter.Header.BlockHash);
                    Assert.Equal(IndexBuilderService.CreateDummyEmptyFilter(expectedHash).ToString(), filter.Filter.ToString());
                if (synchronizer is { })
Exemple #4
        public async Task ReorgTestAsync()
            (string password, IRPCClient rpc, Network network, _, _, BitcoinStore bitcoinStore, Backend.Global global) = await Common.InitializeTestEnvironmentAsync(RegTestFixture, 1);

            var keyManager = KeyManager.CreateNew(out _, password, network);

            // Mine some coins, make a few bech32 transactions then make it confirm.
            await rpc.GenerateAsync(1);

            var key = keyManager.GenerateNewKey(SmartLabel.Empty, KeyState.Clean, isInternal: false);
            var tx2 = await rpc.SendToAddressAsync(key.GetP2wpkhAddress(network), Money.Coins(0.1m));

            key = keyManager.GenerateNewKey(SmartLabel.Empty, KeyState.Clean, isInternal: false);
            var tx3 = await rpc.SendToAddressAsync(key.GetP2wpkhAddress(network), Money.Coins(0.1m));

            var tx4 = await rpc.SendToAddressAsync(key.GetP2pkhAddress(network), Money.Coins(0.1m));

            var tx5 = await rpc.SendToAddressAsync(key.GetP2shOverP2wpkhAddress(network), Money.Coins(0.1m));

            var tx1 = await rpc.SendToAddressAsync(key.GetP2wpkhAddress(network), Money.Coins(0.1m), replaceable : true);

            await rpc.GenerateAsync(2);             // Generate two, so we can test for two reorg

            var node = RegTestFixture.BackendRegTestNode;

            using HttpClientFactory httpClientFactory = new(torEndPoint : null, backendUriGetter : () => new Uri(RegTestFixture.BackendEndPoint));
            WasabiSynchronizer synchronizer = new(bitcoinStore, httpClientFactory);

                synchronizer.Start(requestInterval: TimeSpan.FromSeconds(3), 1000);

                var reorgAwaiter = new EventsAwaiter <FilterModel>(
                    h => bitcoinStore.IndexStore.Reorged += h,
                    h => bitcoinStore.IndexStore.Reorged -= h,

                // Test initial synchronization.
                await WaitForIndexesToSyncAsync(global, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(90), bitcoinStore);

                var tip = await rpc.GetBestBlockHashAsync();

                Assert.Equal(tip, bitcoinStore.SmartHeaderChain.TipHash);
                var tipBlock = await rpc.GetBlockHeaderAsync(tip);

                Assert.Equal(tipBlock.HashPrevBlock, bitcoinStore.SmartHeaderChain.GetChain().Select(x => x.header.BlockHash).ToArray()[bitcoinStore.SmartHeaderChain.HashCount - 2]);

                // Test synchronization after fork.
                await rpc.InvalidateBlockAsync(tip);                 // Reorg 1

                tip = await rpc.GetBestBlockHashAsync();

                await rpc.InvalidateBlockAsync(tip);                 // Reorg 2

                var tx1bumpRes = await rpc.BumpFeeAsync(tx1);        // RBF it

                await rpc.GenerateAsync(5);
                await WaitForIndexesToSyncAsync(global, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(90), bitcoinStore);

                var hashes = bitcoinStore.SmartHeaderChain.GetChain().Select(x => x.header.BlockHash).ToArray();
                Assert.DoesNotContain(tip, hashes);
                Assert.DoesNotContain(tipBlock.HashPrevBlock, hashes);

                tip = await rpc.GetBestBlockHashAsync();

                Assert.Equal(tip, bitcoinStore.SmartHeaderChain.TipHash);

                var filterList = new List <FilterModel>();
                await bitcoinStore.IndexStore.ForeachFiltersAsync(async x =>
                    await Task.CompletedTask;
                                                                  new Height(0));

                var filterTip = filterList.Last();
                Assert.Equal(tip, filterTip.Header.BlockHash);

                // Test filter block hashes are correct after fork.
                var blockCountIncludingGenesis = await rpc.GetBlockCountAsync() + 1;

                await bitcoinStore.IndexStore.ForeachFiltersAsync(async x =>
                    await Task.CompletedTask;
                                                                  new Height(0));

                FilterModel[] filters = filterList.ToArray();
                for (int i = 0; i < blockCountIncludingGenesis; i++)
                    var expectedHash = await rpc.GetBlockHashAsync(i);

                    var filter = filters[i];
                    Assert.Equal(i, (int)filter.Header.Height);
                    Assert.Equal(expectedHash, filter.Header.BlockHash);
                    if (i < 101)                     // Later other tests may fill the filter.
                        Assert.Equal(IndexBuilderService.CreateDummyEmptyFilter(expectedHash).ToString(), filter.Filter.ToString());

                // Test the serialization, too.
                tip = await rpc.GetBestBlockHashAsync();

                var blockHash = tip;
                for (var i = 0; i < hashes.Length; i++)
                    var block = await rpc.GetBlockHeaderAsync(blockHash);

                    Assert.Equal(blockHash, hashes[hashes.Length - i - 1]);
                    blockHash = block.HashPrevBlock;

                // Assert reorg happened exactly as many times as we reorged.
                await reorgAwaiter.WaitAsync(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10));
                await synchronizer.StopAsync();