Exemple #1
        private static void BuildIndex(
            AttributedIndexBuilderOptions options,
            EntityTypeBuilder builder1,
            OwnedNavigationBuilder builder2,
            IndexBuilderArgument builderArg,
            Action <IndexBuilder, IndexBuilderArgument> postProcess)
            if (!options.SuppressNotSupportedException.IsClustered && builderArg.IsClustered)
                throw new NotSupportedException(
                          "\"IsClustered=true\" of [Index] attribute is not supported.\n" +
                          "If you want to use \"IsClustered=true\", you need to call \"BuildIndexesFromAnnotationsForSqlServer()\" (in the Toolbelt.EntityFrameworkCore.IndexAttribute.SqlServer package) instead of \"BuildIndexesFromAnnotations()\", for a SQL Server connection.\n" +
                          "You can also suppress this exception by calling like \"BuildIndexesFromAnnotations(options => options.SupressUnsupportedException.IsClustered = true)\"");

            if (!options.SuppressNotSupportedException.Includes && (builderArg.Includes ?? new string[0]).Any())
                throw new NotSupportedException(
                          "\"Includes\" of [Index] attribute is not supported.\n" +
                          "If you want to use \"Includes\", you need to call \"BuildIndexesFromAnnotationsForSqlServer()\" (in the Toolbelt.EntityFrameworkCore.IndexAttribute.SqlServer package) instead of \"BuildIndexesFromAnnotations()\", for a SQL Server connection.\n" +
                          "You can also suppress this exception by calling like \"BuildIndexesFromAnnotations(options => options.SupressUnsupportedException.Includes = true)\"");

            var indexBuilder = builder1?.HasIndex(builderArg.PropertyNames) ?? builder2.HasIndex(builderArg.PropertyNames);

            if (builderArg.IndexName != "")
            postProcess?.Invoke(indexBuilder, builderArg);
Exemple #2
        private static void BuildPrimaryKey(EntityTypeBuilder builder1, OwnedNavigationBuilder builder2, IndexBuilderArgument builderArg, Action <KeyBuilder, IndexBuilderArgument> postProcess)
            if (builder1 == null)
                throw new NotSupportedException("Annotate primary key to owned entity isn't supported. If you want to do it, you have to implement it by Fluent API in DbContext.OnModelCreating() with EF Core v.2.2 or after.");

            var keyBuilder = builder1.HasKey(builderArg.PropertyNames);

            if (builderArg.IndexName != "")
            postProcess?.Invoke(keyBuilder, builderArg);