Exemple #1
 public void SetBuildProperties(int firstCatalogEntryId, int lastCatalogEntryId, string catalogName)
     _indexer.GetBuildConfig().Properties = new[]
         new BuildProperty {
             name = "StartingRecord", value = firstCatalogEntryId.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)
         new BuildProperty {
             name = "LastRecordKey", value = lastCatalogEntryId.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)
         new BuildProperty {
             name = "CatalogName", value = catalogName
Exemple #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Builds the index.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="rebuild">if set to <c>true</c> [rebuild].</param>
        public override void BuildIndex(bool rebuild)
            OnEvent(String.Format("CatalogIndexBuilder Started"), 0);

            IndexBuilder indexer   = this.Indexer;
            DateTime     lastBuild = DateTime.MinValue;

            // Parameters used to restart build from the previous error
            //string restartCatalogName = String.Empty;
            //int restartRecordKey = 0;

            // On complete rebuild no need to check date
            if (!rebuild)
                lastBuild = indexer.GetBuildConfig().LastBuildDate;

            ICatalogSystem system = CatalogContext.Current;

            // Get catalog lists
            CatalogDto catalogs = system.GetCatalogDto();

            double percentage = 0;

            bool incremental      = false;
            int  allRecords       = 0;
            int  allCurrentRecord = 0;
            int  allRecordsCount  = GetTotalRecords();
            int  catalogCount     = 1;

            // If date is set, we do incremental rebuild
            if (lastBuild != DateTime.MinValue)
                incremental = true;

            // remove deleted items first
            if (incremental)
                int startingRecord = 0;
                int totalRemoved   = 0;

                while (true)
                    int    count = 0;
                    LogDto dto   = LogManager.GetAppLog("catalog", DataRowState.Deleted.ToString(), "entry", lastBuild.ToUniversalTime(), startingRecord, 100, ref count);

                    // add up to a total number to calculate percentage correctly
                    if (startingRecord == 0)
                        allRecordsCount += count;

                    if (count <= 0)

                    foreach (LogDto.ApplicationLogRow row in dto.ApplicationLog)
                        if (allCurrentRecord % 20 == 0)
                            percentage = ((double)allCurrentRecord / (double)allRecordsCount) * 100;
                            OnEvent(String.Format("Removing old entry from index ({1}/{2}) ...", allCurrentRecord, count), percentage);

                        totalRemoved += indexer.DeleteContent("_id", row.ObjectKey);

                    startingRecord += 100;

                percentage = ((double)allCurrentRecord / (double)allRecordsCount) * 100;
                OnEvent(String.Format("CatalogIndexBuilder Removed {0} records.", totalRemoved), percentage);

            // Index new or updated items
            foreach (CatalogDto.CatalogRow catalog in catalogs.Catalog)
                string catalogName     = catalog.Name;
                string defaultCurrency = catalog.DefaultCurrency;

                OnEvent(String.Format("Indexing {0} catalog ...", catalogName), percentage);

                int currentRecord  = 0;
                int startingRecord = 0;
                int totalIndexed   = 0;
                int lastRecordKey  = 0;

                while (true)
                    // Get Catalog Nodes
                    CatalogSearchParameters pars    = new CatalogSearchParameters();
                    CatalogSearchOptions    options = new CatalogSearchOptions();

                    options.CacheResults = false;
                    options.RecordsToRetrieve = 100;
                    options.StartingRecord    = startingRecord;

                    if (incremental)
                        pars.SqlMetaWhereClause = String.Format("META.Modified > '{0}'", lastBuild.ToUniversalTime().ToString("s"));

                    int             count    = 0;
                    CatalogEntryDto entryDto = CatalogContext.Current.FindItemsDto(pars, options, ref count, new CatalogEntryResponseGroup(CatalogEntryResponseGroup.ResponseGroup.CatalogEntryFull));

                    if (count <= 0)

                    startingRecord += options.RecordsToRetrieve;

                    List <string> languages = new List <string>();


                    foreach (CatalogDto.CatalogLanguageRow row in catalog.GetCatalogLanguageRows())

                    foreach (CatalogEntryDto.CatalogEntryRow row in entryDto.CatalogEntry)

                        // Do not index non active entries
                        if (!row.IsActive)

                        // In case of incremental, check if item already exists and delete it
                        if (incremental)
                            indexer.DeleteContent("_id", row.CatalogEntryId.ToString());

                            lastRecordKey = row.CatalogEntryId;
                            totalIndexed += IndexCatalogEntryDto(indexer, row, defaultCurrency, languages.ToArray());
                        catch (Exception)
                            percentage = ((double)allCurrentRecord / (double)allRecordsCount) * 100;
                            OnEvent(String.Format("Failed to index catalog entry {0}({1}) in {2}.", row.Name, row.CatalogEntryId, catalogName), percentage);

                        if (allCurrentRecord % 20 == 0)
                            percentage = ((double)allCurrentRecord / (double)allRecordsCount) * 100;
                            OnEvent(String.Format("Indexing {0} catalog entries ({1}/{2}) ...", catalogName, allCurrentRecord, allRecordsCount), percentage);

                    // Save index every 500 records
                    if (allCurrentRecord % 500 == 0)
                        percentage = ((double)allCurrentRecord / (double)allRecordsCount) * 100;
                        OnEvent(String.Format("Saving {0} catalog index file.", catalogName), percentage);
                        Build config = indexer.GetBuildConfig();

                        // Preserve the information needed to restart the indexing on the exact same location as before
                        BuildProperty prop1 = new BuildProperty();
                        prop1.name  = "StartingRecord";
                        prop1.value = startingRecord.ToString();

                        BuildProperty prop2 = new BuildProperty();
                        prop2.name  = "LastRecordKey";
                        prop2.value = lastRecordKey.ToString();

                        BuildProperty prop3 = new BuildProperty();
                        prop3.name  = "CatalogName";
                        prop3.value = catalogName;

                        config.Properties = new BuildProperty[] { prop1, prop2, prop3 };

                    if (startingRecord > count)

                percentage = ((double)allCurrentRecord / (double)allRecordsCount) * 100;

                allRecords += totalIndexed;

            OnEvent(String.Format("CatalogIndexBuilder Indexed {0} language records in {1} catalog(s)", allRecords.ToString(), (catalogCount - 1).ToString()), 99);
            OnEvent(String.Format("CatalogIndexBuilder Finished"), 100);
Exemple #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Builds the index.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="rebuild">if set to <c>true</c> [rebuild].</param>
        public override void BuildIndex(bool rebuild)
            OnEvent(String.Format("ProfileIndexBuilder Started"), 0);

            IndexBuilder indexer   = this.Indexer;
            DateTime     lastBuild = DateTime.MinValue;

            // On complete rebuild no need to check date
            if (!rebuild)
                lastBuild = indexer.GetBuildConfig().LastBuildDate;

            double percentage = 0;

            bool incremental      = false;
            int  allRecords       = 0;
            int  allCurrentRecord = 0;
            int  allRecordsCount  = GetTotalRecords();

            // If date is set, we do incremental rebuild
            if (lastBuild != DateTime.MinValue)
                incremental = true;

            int startingRecord = 0;

            // remove deleted items first
            if (incremental)
                int totalRemoved = 0;

                while (true)
                    int    count = 0;
                    LogDto dto   = LogManager.GetAppLog("profile", DataRowState.Deleted.ToString(), "ACCOUNT", lastBuild.ToUniversalTime(), startingRecord, 100, ref count);

                    // add up to a total number to calculate percentage correctly
                    if (startingRecord == 0)
                        allRecordsCount += count;

                    if (count <= 0)

                    foreach (LogDto.ApplicationLogRow row in dto.ApplicationLog)
                        if (allCurrentRecord % 20 == 0)
                            percentage = ((double)allCurrentRecord / (double)allRecordsCount) * 100;
                            OnEvent(String.Format("Removing old profile from index ({1}/{2}) ...", allCurrentRecord, count), percentage);

                        totalRemoved += indexer.DeleteContent("_id", row.ObjectKey);

                    startingRecord += 100;

                percentage = ((double)allCurrentRecord / (double)allRecordsCount) * 100;
                OnEvent(String.Format("ProfileIndexBuilder Removed {0} records.", totalRemoved), percentage);

            int currentRecord = 0;

            startingRecord = 0;
            int totalIndexed = 0;

            while (true)
                ProfileSearchParameters pars    = new ProfileSearchParameters();
                ProfileSearchOptions    options = new ProfileSearchOptions();

                options.CacheResults      = false;
                options.RecordsToRetrieve = 100;
                options.StartingRecord    = startingRecord;

                if (incremental)
                    pars.SqlMetaWhereClause = String.Format("META.Modified > '{0}'", lastBuild.ToUniversalTime().ToString("s"));

                int       count    = 0;
                Account[] accounts = ProfileContext.Current.FindAccounts(pars, options, out count);
                if (accounts == null)

                if (count <= 0)

                startingRecord += options.RecordsToRetrieve;

                foreach (Account account in accounts)

                    // In case of incremental, check if item already exists and delete it
                    if (incremental)
                        indexer.DeleteContent("_id", account.PrincipalId.ToString());

                    totalIndexed += IndexAccount(indexer, account);

                    if (allCurrentRecord % 20 == 0)
                        percentage = ((double)allCurrentRecord / (double)allRecordsCount) * 100;
                        OnEvent(String.Format("Indexing profiles ({0}/{1}) ...", allCurrentRecord, allRecordsCount), percentage);

                if (startingRecord > count)

            percentage = ((double)allCurrentRecord / (double)allRecordsCount) * 100;

            allRecords += totalIndexed;

            OnEvent(String.Format("ProfileIndexBuilder Indexed {0} records", allRecords.ToString()), 99);
            OnEvent(String.Format("ProfileIndexBuilder Finished"), 100);