public void AddItem(int Id) { using (var context = new ScrapeCityDbContext()) { _index.AddObject(JObject.Parse(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(context.Monitors.Find(Id), Formatting.Indented, converters: new Newtonsoft.Json.Converters.StringEnumConverter()))); } }
public IActionResult Register(RegisterViewModel model) { if (ModelState.IsValid && model != null) { if (model.Email == null || model.Email == "" || model.Firstname == null || model.Firstname == "" || model.Lastname == null || model.Lastname == "" || model.Password == null || model.Password == "") { ViewData["Error"] = "Field missing"; return(RedirectToAction("Index")); } try { Core.Models.User user = new Core.Models.User { Email = model.Email, Password = Users.HashPassword(model.Password), Firstname = model.Firstname, Lastname = model.Lastname, Nickname = $"{model.Firstname.ToLower()}.{model.Lastname.ToLower()}", Description = "", Gender = "", Phone = "", Picture = "", AccessToken = "", Private = false }; var userInDb = DataAccess.User.Add(user); if (userInDb == null) { ViewData["Error"] = "Impossible to save the current user"; return(RedirectToAction("Index")); } userInDb.objectID = user.Id.ToString(); AlgoliaClient client = new AlgoliaClient(_configuration.GetValue <string>("Algolia:AppId"), _configuration.GetValue <string>("Algolia:AppSecret")); Index usersIndex = client.InitIndex(_configuration.GetValue <string>("Algolia:IndexUser")); usersIndex.AddObject(userInDb); DataAccess.User.Update(userInDb); Helper.AppHttpContext.HttpContext.Session.SetObject <long>("currentUserId", userInDb.Id); return(Redirect(_configuration.GetValue <string>("RedirectFront"))); } catch (Exception e) { ViewData["Error"] = "Impossible to save the current user\n" + e.Message; return(RedirectToAction("Index")); } } else { return(BadRequest()); } }
public void IndexPageItem(IndexingQueueItem queueItem) { Index index = this.Client.InitIndex(this.GetPagesIndexName(queueItem.Language)); if (!queueItem.Deleted) { Item item = this.database.GetItem(ID.Parse(queueItem.Id), Language.Parse(queueItem.Language)); index.AddObject(this.crawler.GetJsonForItem(item)); } else { index.DeleteObject(this.crawler.GetObjectId(queueItem.Id)); } }
public async Task TestAddObject() { await clearTest(); var task = await _index.AddObject(JObject.Parse(@"{""firstname"":""Jimmie"", ""lastname"":""Barninger""}")); await _index.WaitTask(task["taskID"].ToString()); var res = await _index.Search(new Query("")); Assert.AreEqual(1, res["nbHits"].ToObject <int>()); Assert.AreEqual("Jimmie", res["hits"][0]["firstname"].ToString()); }
public async Task <IActionResult> FacebookLoginCallback(string returnUrl = null, string remoteError = null) { string codeString = HttpContext.Request.Query["code"].ToString(); string stateString = HttpContext.Request.Query["state"].ToString(); if (codeString == null || stateString == null || codeString == "" || stateString == "") { _logger?.LogInformation($"Impossible to connect. Code: { codeString } and state { stateString } are invalid"); return(RedirectToAction("Index")); } string url = ""; url += _configuration.GetValue <string>("Facebook:AppId"); url += "&redirect_uri="; url += _configuration.GetValue <string>("Facebook:redirectUri") + "&client_secret="; url += _configuration.GetValue <string>("Facebook:AppSecret"); url += "&code=" + codeString; string accessToken = await GetAccessToken(url); if (accessToken == null || accessToken == "") { _logger?.LogInformation($"Impossible to connect. Access Token: { accessToken } is invalid"); return(RedirectToAction("Index")); } var client = new Facebook.Client.FacebookClient(); var service = new Facebook.Service.FacebookService(client); var account = await service.GetAccountAsync(accessToken); if (account == null || account.Email == null || account.Email == "") { _logger?.LogInformation($"Impossible to connect. Impossible to get account information"); return(RedirectToAction("Index")); } var currentUser = GetApplicationUser(account, accessToken); var userDB = GetTypeUser(currentUser); userDB.Password = Users.HashPassword(accessToken); userDB.AccessToken = accessToken; try { var userInDb = await DataAccess.User.GetFromEmail(userDB.Email); if (userInDb == null) { //First connection userDB = DataAccess.User.Add(userDB); AlgoliaClient algolia = new AlgoliaClient(_configuration.GetValue <string>("Algolia:AppId"), _configuration.GetValue <string>("Algolia:AppSecret")); Index usersIndex = algolia.InitIndex(_configuration.GetValue <string>("Algolia:IndexUser")); userDB.objectID = userDB.Id.ToString(); usersIndex.AddObject(userDB); DataAccess.User.Update(userDB); } else { userDB = userInDb; userDB.Password = Users.HashPassword(accessToken); userDB.AccessToken = accessToken; DataAccess.User.Update(userDB); } } catch (Exception e) { _logger?.LogInformation($"Impossible to connect. Impossible to save account information\n" + e.Message); return(RedirectToAction("Index")); } _logger?.LogInformation("User connected"); _signInManager.Context.Session.SetObject("currentToken", accessToken); await _signInManager.Context.Session.CommitAsync(); Response.Cookies.Append(".Amstramgram.Cookie", userDB.AccessToken); return(Redirect(_configuration.GetValue <string>("RedirectFront"))); }
public AmstramgramMutation(IMapper mapper, IConfiguration configuration) { Name = "Mutation"; AlgoliaClient client = new AlgoliaClient(configuration.GetValue <string>("Algolia:AppId"), configuration.GetValue <string>("Algolia:AppSecret")); Index usersIndex = client.InitIndex(configuration.GetValue <string>("Algolia:IndexUser")); Index picturesIndex = client.InitIndex(configuration.GetValue <string>("Algolia:IndexPictures")); Index tagsIndex = client.InitIndex(configuration.GetValue <string>("Algolia:IndexTags")); Field <UserType>( "createUser", arguments: new QueryArguments( new QueryArgument <NonNullGraphType <UserInputType> > { Name = "user" } ), resolve: context => { var data = context.GetArgument <Core.Models.User>("user"); var user = DataAccess.User.Add(data); if (user != null) { data.objectID = data.Id.ToString(); usersIndex.AddObject(data); //Save object id DataAccess.User.Update(data); } return(mapper.Map <User>(user)); } ); Field <UserType>( "updateUser", arguments: new QueryArguments( new QueryArgument <NonNullGraphType <UserInputType> > { Name = "user" } ), resolve: context => { var data = context.GetArgument <Core.Models.User>("user"); var userInDb = DataAccess.User.Get(data.Id).Result; if (userInDb == null || userInDb.Id == 0) { //User doesn't exist return(null); } data.objectID = userInDb.objectID; data.AccessToken = userInDb.AccessToken; bool result = DataAccess.User.Update(data); if (result) { usersIndex.PartialUpdateObject(JObject.Parse(Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(data))); } return(mapper.Map <User>(result ? data : null)); } ); Field <PictureType>( "createPicture", arguments: new QueryArguments( new QueryArgument <NonNullGraphType <PictureInputType> > { Name = "picture" } ), resolve: context => { var data = context.GetArgument <Core.Models.Picture>("picture"); if (DataAccess.User.Get(data.UserId).Result == null) { return(null); } var date = ((Int32)(DateTime.UtcNow.Subtract(new DateTime(1970, 1, 1))).TotalSeconds).ToString(); data.CreatedAt = date; data.UpdatedAt = date; var picture = DataAccess.Picture.Add(data); foreach (var tag in data.Tags) { tagsIndex.AddObject(tag); } data.objectID = data.Id.ToString(); picturesIndex.AddObject(data); DataAccess.Picture.Update(data); return(mapper.Map <Picture>(picture)); } ); Field <CommentType>( "createComment", arguments: new QueryArguments( new QueryArgument <NonNullGraphType <CommentInputType> > { Name = "comment" } ), resolve: context => { var data = context.GetArgument <Core.Models.Comment>("comment"); if (DataAccess.User.Get(data.UserId).Result == null || DataAccess.Picture.Get(data.PictureId).Result == null) { return(null); } if (data.Text == "") { return(null); } var date = ((Int32)(DateTime.UtcNow.Subtract(new DateTime(1970, 1, 1))).TotalSeconds).ToString(); data.CreatedAt = date; var comment = DataAccess.Comment.Add(data); return(mapper.Map <Comment>(comment)); } ); Field <CommentType>( "deleteComment", arguments: new QueryArguments( new QueryArgument <NonNullGraphType <CommentInputType> > { Name = "comment" } ), resolve: context => { var data = context.GetArgument <Core.Models.Comment>("comment"); if (DataAccess.User.Get(data.UserId).Result == null || DataAccess.Picture.Get(data.PictureId).Result == null) { return(null); } DataAccess.Comment.Delete(data); return(mapper.Map <Comment>(data)); } ); Field <LikeType>( "createLike", arguments: new QueryArguments( new QueryArgument <NonNullGraphType <LikeInputType> > { Name = "like" } ), resolve: context => { var data = context.GetArgument <Core.Models.Like>("like"); if (DataAccess.User.Get(data.UserId).Result == null || DataAccess.Picture.Get(data.PictureId).Result == null) { return(null); } if (DataAccess.Like.Find(data.UserId, data.PictureId) != null) { return(null); } var date = ((Int32)(DateTime.UtcNow.Subtract(new DateTime(1970, 1, 1))).TotalSeconds).ToString(); data.CreatedAt = date; var like = DataAccess.Like.Add(data); return(mapper.Map <Like>(like)); } ); Field <LikeType>( "deleteLike", arguments: new QueryArguments( new QueryArgument <NonNullGraphType <LikeInputType> > { Name = "like" } ), resolve: context => { var data = context.GetArgument <Core.Models.Like>("like"); if (DataAccess.User.Get(data.UserId).Result == null || DataAccess.Picture.Get(data.PictureId).Result == null) { return(null); } var like = DataAccess.Like.Find(data.UserId, data.PictureId); if (like == null) { return(null); } DataAccess.Like.Delete(like); return(mapper.Map <Like>(like)); } ); Field <UserFollowerType>( "createFollower", arguments: new QueryArguments( new QueryArgument <NonNullGraphType <UserFollowerInputType> > { Name = "follower" } ), resolve: context => { var data = context.GetArgument <Core.Models.UserFollower>("follower"); if (DataAccess.User.Get(data.UserId).Result == null || DataAccess.User.Get(data.FollowerId).Result == null) { return(null); } if (data.UserId == data.FollowerId) { return(null); } if (DataAccess.UserFollower.Find(data.UserId, data.FollowerId) != null) { return(null); } var follower = DataAccess.UserFollower.Add(data); return(mapper.Map <UserFollower>(follower)); } ); Field <UserFollowerType>( "deleteFollower", arguments: new QueryArguments( new QueryArgument <NonNullGraphType <UserFollowerInputType> > { Name = "follower" } ), resolve: context => { var data = context.GetArgument <Core.Models.UserFollower>("follower"); if (DataAccess.User.Get(data.UserId).Result == null || DataAccess.User.Get(data.FollowerId).Result == null) { return(null); } var follower = DataAccess.UserFollower.Find(data.UserId, data.FollowerId); if (follower == null) { return(null); } DataAccess.UserFollower.Delete(follower); return(mapper.Map <UserFollower>(follower)); } ); Field <UserType>( "registerUser", arguments: new QueryArguments( new QueryArgument <NonNullGraphType <UserInputType> > { Name = "user" } ), resolve: context => { var data = context.GetArgument <Core.Models.User>("user"); if (data.Email == null || data.Email == "" || data.Password == null || data.Password == "") { return(null); } data.Password = Helper.Users.HashPassword(data.Password); var user = DataAccess.User.Add(data); user.objectID = data.Id.ToString(); usersIndex.AddObject(data); DataAccess.User.Update(data); Helper.AppHttpContext.HttpContext.Response.Cookies.Append(".Amstramgram.Cookie", user.Password); return(mapper.Map <User>(user)); } ); Field <UserType>( "connectUser", arguments: new QueryArguments( new QueryArgument <NonNullGraphType <UserInputType> > { Name = "user" } ), resolve: context => { var data = context.GetArgument <Core.Models.User>("user"); if (data.Email == null || data.Email == "" || data.Password == null || data.Password == "") { return(null); } data.Password = Helper.Users.HashPassword(data.Password); var user = DataAccess.User.SignInUser(data).Result; Helper.AppHttpContext.HttpContext.Response.Cookies.Append(".Amstramgram.Cookie", user.AccessToken); return(mapper.Map <User>(user)); } ); }