/// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="FileShareDeliverySettings"/> class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="to">The e-mail address that appears on the To line of the e-mail message. Multiple e-mail addresses are separated by semicolons. Required.</param>
        /// <param name="cc">The e-mail address that appears on the Cc line of the e-mail message. Multiple e-mail addresses are separated by semicolons. Optional.</param>
        /// <param name="bcc">The e-mail address that appears on the Bcc line of the e-mail message. Multiple e-mail addresses are separated by semicolons. Optional.</param>
        /// <param name="replyTo">The e-mail address that appears in the Reply-To header of the e-mail message. The value must be a single e-mail address. Optional.</param>
        /// <param name="renderFormat">The name of the rendering extension to use to generate the rendered report. The name must correspond to one of the visible rendering extensions installed on the report server. This value is required if the IncludeReport setting is set to a value of true.<see cref="renderFormat"/></param>
        /// <param name="includeReport">A value that indicates whether to include the report in the e-mail delivery. A value of true indicates that the report is delivered in the body of the e-mail message.</param>
        /// <param name="priority">The priority with which the e-mail message is sent. Valid values are LOW, NORMAL, and HIGH. The default value is NORMAL.</param>
        /// <param name="subject">The text in the subject line of the e-mail message.</param>
        /// <param name="comment">The text included in the body of the e-mail message.</param>
        /// <param name="includeLink">A value that indicates whether to include a link to the report in the body of the e-mail.</param>
        public EmailDeliverySettings(string to, string cc, string bcc, string replyTo
            , ReportOutputType renderFormat, IncludeReport includeReport, EmailPriority priority, string subject, string comment, IncludeLink includeLink)
            // Parameters are passed into the web service using the ExtensionSettings object.
            _extensionSettings.ParameterValues = new ParameterValueOrFieldReference[10];
            _extensionSettings.ParameterValues[0] = new ReportingService.ParameterValue { Name = "TO", Value = to };

            _extensionSettings.ParameterValues[1] = new ReportingService.ParameterValue { Name = "CC", Value = cc };

            _extensionSettings.ParameterValues[2] = new ReportingService.ParameterValue { Name = "BCC", Value = bcc };

            _extensionSettings.ParameterValues[3] = new ReportingService.ParameterValue { Name = "ReplyTo", Value = replyTo };

            _extensionSettings.ParameterValues[4] = new ReportingService.ParameterValue
                                         {Name = "RenderFormat", Value = renderFormat.Format()};

            _extensionSettings.ParameterValues[5] = new ReportingService.ParameterValue
                                                        {Name = "IncludeReport", Value = includeReport.SsrsText()};

            _extensionSettings.ParameterValues[6] = new ReportingService.ParameterValue { Name = "Priority", Value = priority.SsrsText() };

            _extensionSettings.ParameterValues[7] = new ReportingService.ParameterValue { Name = "Subject", Value = subject };

            _extensionSettings.ParameterValues[8] = new ReportingService.ParameterValue { Name = "Comment", Value = comment };

            _extensionSettings.ParameterValues[9] = new ReportingService.ParameterValue { Name = "IncludeLink", Value = includeLink.SsrsText() };

            // The name of the extension as it appears in the report server configuration file. 
            // Valid values are Report Server Email, Report Server DocumentLibrary and Report Server FileShare.
            _extensionSettings.Extension = ExtensionString;
        public bool TryGetIncludeReportValue(out IncludeReport includeReportValue)
            string includeReportValueString = (from value in _extensionSettings.ParameterValues
                       let paramValue = (ReportingService.ParameterValue)value
                       where paramValue.Name == "IncludeReport"
                       select paramValue.Value).FirstOrDefault();
            if (includeReportValueString != null)
                includeReportValue = (IncludeReport)Enum.Parse(typeof(IncludeReport), includeReportValueString, true);
                return true;
            includeReportValue = IncludeReport.Yes;
            return false;
