Exemple #1
        public void Should_ReturnIncludeQueryWithCorrectPath_IfIncludeCollection()
            var includeAggregator = new IncludeAggregator <Book>();
            var includeQuery      = includeAggregator.Include(o => o.Author.Friends);

            Assert.Contains(includeQuery.Paths, path => path == $"{nameof(Book.Author)}.{nameof(Person.Friends)}");
Exemple #2
        public void Should_ReturnIncludeQueryWithCorrectPath_IfIncludeObject()
            var includeAggregator = new IncludeAggregator <Person>();
            var includeQuery      = includeAggregator.Include(p => p.FavouriteBook.Author);

            Assert.Contains(includeQuery.Paths, path => path == $"{nameof(Person.FavouriteBook)}.{nameof(Book.Author)}");
Exemple #3
        public void Should_ReturnIncludeQueryWithCorrectPath_IfIncludeSimpleType()
            var includeAggregator = new IncludeAggregator <Person>();

            // There may be ORM libraries where including a simple type makes sense.
            var includeQuery = includeAggregator.Include(p => p.Age);

            Assert.Contains(includeQuery.Paths, path => path == nameof(Person.Age));
Exemple #4
        public void Should_ReturnIncludeQueryWithCorrectPath_IfIncludeFunction()
            var includeAggregator = new IncludeAggregator <Person>();

            // This include does not make much sense, but it should at least do not modify the paths.
            var includeQuery = includeAggregator.Include(p => p.FavouriteBook.GetNumberOfSales());

            Assert.Contains(includeQuery.Paths, path => path == nameof(Person.FavouriteBook));
Exemple #5
        public void Include_Function_ReturnsIncludeQueryWithCorrectPath()
            var includeAggregator = new IncludeAggregator <Person>();

            // This include does not make much sense, but it should at least not modify the paths.
            var includeQuery = includeAggregator.Include(p => p.FavouriteBook.GetNumberOfSales());

            // The resulting paths should not include number of sales.
            Assert.DoesNotContain(includeQuery.Paths, path => path == nameof(Book.GetNumberOfSales));