public void RemoveById_AddANewIncidentThenRemoveIt_ReturnTrue()
            var options = new DbContextOptionsBuilder <FacilityContext>()
                          .UseInMemoryDatabase(databaseName: MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name)

            using var context = new FacilityContext(options);
            IIncidentRepository      incidentRepository      = new IncidentRepository(context);
            IRoomRepository          roomRepository          = new RoomRepository(context);
            IFloorRepository         floorRepository         = new FloorRepository(context);
            IComponentTypeRepository componentTypeRepository = new ComponentTypeRepository(context);
            IIssueRepository         issueRepository         = new IssueRepository(context);
            //Room(and it's floor)
            var floor = new FloorTO {
                Number = 2
            var addedFloor1 = floorRepository.Add(floor);

            RoomTO room = new RoomTO {
                Name = new MultiLanguageString("Room1", "Room1", "Room1"), Floor = addedFloor1
            var addedRoom = roomRepository.Add(room);

            var componentType = new ComponentTypeTO {
                Archived = false, Name = new MultiLanguageString("Name1En", "Name1Fr", "Name1Nl")
            var addedComponentType = componentTypeRepository.Add(componentType);

            var issue = new IssueTO {
                Description = "prout", Name = new MultiLanguageString("Issue1EN", "Issue1FR", "Issue1NL"), ComponentType = addedComponentType
            var addedIssue = issueRepository.Add(issue);

            var incident = new IncidentTO
                Description = "No coffee",
                Issue       = addedIssue,
                Status      = IncidentStatus.Waiting,
                SubmitDate  = DateTime.Now,
                UserId      = 1,
                Room        = addedRoom
            var addedIncident = incidentRepository.Add(incident);

            var result = incidentRepository.Remove(addedIncident.Id);

        public IncidentTO Update(IncidentTO Entity)
            if (Entity is null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(Entity));
            if (Entity.Id <= 0)
                throw new ArgumentException("The Incident's ID is not in the correct format !");

            if (!facilityContext.Incidents.Any(x => x.Id == Entity.Id))
                throw new KeyNotFoundException("No incident found !");

            var attachedIncident = facilityContext.Incidents
                                   .Include(i => i.Issue)
                                   .ThenInclude(i => i.ComponentType)
                                   .Include(i => i.Room)
                                   .ThenInclude(r => r.Floor)
                                   .FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == Entity.Id);

            if (attachedIncident != null)

            var tracking = facilityContext.Incidents.Update(attachedIncident);

            tracking.State = EntityState.Detached;

        public bool CreateIncident(IncidentTO incidentTO)
            if (incidentTO is null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(incidentTO));

            if (incidentTO.Id != 0)
                throw new LoggedException("The incident ID has to be 0 when adding a new incident.");

            // Todo : add incidentTO.Verify() or something similar

            if (incidentTO.Issue is null)
                throw new LoggedException("The incident has to reference an existing issue.");

            if (incidentTO.Room is null)
                throw new LoggedException("The incident has to reference an existing room.");

            if (incidentTO.Status != IncidentStatus.Waiting)
                throw new LoggedException("The incident status has to be IncidentStatus.Waiting when creating a new incident.");

            // Todo check unique constraints, check if room + componenttype exists, etc.
            var incident = unitOfWork.IncidentRepository.Add(incidentTO);

            return(incident.Id != 0);
Exemple #4
        public void CreateIncident_InvalidStatus_ThrowsException()
            // Arrange
            var floor = new FloorTO {
                Number = 2
            var room = new RoomTO {
                Name = new MultiLanguageString("Room1", "Room1", "Room1"), Floor = floor
            var componentType = new ComponentTypeTO {
                Archived = false, Name = new MultiLanguageString("Name1EN", "Name1FR", "Name1NL")
            var issue = new IssueTO {
                Description = "Broken thing", Name = new MultiLanguageString("Issue1EN", "Issue1FR", "Issue1NL"), ComponentType = componentType
            var incident = new IncidentTO
                Description = "This thing is broken !",
                Room        = room,
                Issue       = issue,
                Status      = IncidentStatus.Accepted,
                SubmitDate  = DateTime.Now,
                UserId      = 1,

            var mockUnitOfWork = new Mock <IFSUnitOfWork>();

            mockUnitOfWork.Setup(uow => uow.IncidentRepository.Add(It.IsAny <IncidentTO>()));
            var sut = new FSAttendeeRole(mockUnitOfWork.Object);

            // Act & Assert
            Assert.ThrowsException <LoggedException>(() => sut.CreateIncident(incident));
            mockUnitOfWork.Verify(u => u.CommentRepository.Add(It.IsAny <CommentTO>()), Times.Never);
Exemple #5
 public static Incident ToDomain(this IncidentTO IncidentTO)
     return(new Incident
         Id = IncidentTO.Id,
         Component = IncidentTO.Component.ToDomain(),
         Issue = IncidentTO.Issue.ToDomain(),
         Comment = IncidentTO.Comment,
         Status = IncidentTO.Status,
         SubmitDate = IncidentTO.SubmitDate
Exemple #6
        public List <IncidentTO> GetTestsListOfIncidents()
            var floor1 = new FloorTO {
                Number = 2
            var floor2 = new FloorTO {
                Number = -1
            RoomTO room1 = new RoomTO {
                Name = new MultiLanguageString("Room1", "Room1", "Room1"), Floor = floor1
            RoomTO room2 = new RoomTO {
                Name = new MultiLanguageString("Room2", "Room2", "Room2"), Floor = floor1
            RoomTO room3 = new RoomTO {
                Name = new MultiLanguageString("Room3", "Room3", "Room3"), Floor = floor2
            var componentType1 = new ComponentTypeTO {
                Archived = false, Name = new MultiLanguageString("Name1En", "Name1Fr", "Name1Nl")
            var componentType2 = new ComponentTypeTO {
                Archived = false, Name = new MultiLanguageString("Name2En", "Name2Fr", "Name2Nl")
            var issue1 = new IssueTO {
                Description = "Plus de café", Name = new MultiLanguageString("Issue1EN", "Issue1FR", "Issue1NL"), ComponentType = componentType1
            var issue2 = new IssueTO {
                Description = "Fuite d'eau", Name = new MultiLanguageString("Issue2EN", "Issue2FR", "Issue2NL"), ComponentType = componentType2
            var issue3 = new IssueTO {
                Description = "Plus de PQ", Name = new MultiLanguageString("Issue3EN", "Issue3FR", "Issue3NL"), ComponentType = componentType2
            var incident1 = new IncidentTO {
                Room = room1, Issue = issue1, Status = IncidentStatus.Accepted
            var incident2 = new IncidentTO {
                Room = room2, Issue = issue2, Status = IncidentStatus.Resolved
            var incident3 = new IncidentTO {
                Room = room3, Issue = issue2, Status = IncidentStatus.Accepted

            return(new List <IncidentTO> {
                incident1, incident2, incident3
        public IncidentTO Add(IncidentTO Entity)
            if (Entity is null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(Entity));

            var incident = Entity.ToEF();

            incident.Issue = facilityContext.Issues.First(x => x.Id == Entity.Issue.Id && x.Archived != true);
            incident.Room  = facilityContext.Rooms.First(x => x.Id == Entity.Room.Id && x.Archived != true);

Exemple #8
        public void CreateIncident_IncidentIdNotZero_ThrowsException()
            // Arrange
            var incident = new IncidentTO {
                Id = 1

            var mockUnitOfWork = new Mock <IFSUnitOfWork>();

            mockUnitOfWork.Setup(uow => uow.IncidentRepository.Add(It.IsAny <IncidentTO>()));
            var sut = new FSAttendeeRole(mockUnitOfWork.Object);

            // Act & Assert
            Assert.ThrowsException <LoggedException>(() => sut.CreateIncident(incident));
            mockUnitOfWork.Verify(u => u.CommentRepository.Add(It.IsAny <CommentTO>()), Times.Never);
        public void Update_ThrowException_WhenUnexistingIncidentIsSupplied()
            var options = new DbContextOptionsBuilder <FacilityContext>()
                          .UseInMemoryDatabase(databaseName: MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name)

            using var context = new FacilityContext(options);
            IIncidentRepository incidentRepository = new IncidentRepository(context);
            var incident = new IncidentTO {
                Id = 999

            //ACT & ASSERT
            Assert.ThrowsException <KeyNotFoundException>(() => incidentRepository.Update(incident));
Exemple #10
        public static IncidentEF ToEF(this IncidentTO Incident)
            if (Incident is null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(Incident));

            return(new IncidentEF
                Id = Incident.Id,
                Component = Incident.Component.ToEF(),
                Issue = Incident.Issue.ToEF(),
                Comment = Incident.Comment,
                Status = Incident.Status,
                SubmitDate = Incident.SubmitDate
        public bool Remove(IncidentTO entity)
            if (entity is null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(entity));

            if (!facilityContext.Incidents.Any(x => x.Id == entity.Id))
                throw new KeyNotFoundException("No incident found !");

            var entityEF = facilityContext.Incidents.Find(entity.Id);
            var tracking = facilityContext.Incidents.Remove(entityEF);

            return(tracking.State == EntityState.Deleted);
Exemple #12
        public static Incident ToDomain(this IncidentTO IncidentTO)
            if (IncidentTO is null)
                throw new NullIncidentException(nameof(IncidentTO));

            return(new Incident
                Id = IncidentTO.Id,
                Issue = IncidentTO.Issue.ToDomain(),
                Status = IncidentTO.Status,
                SubmitDate = IncidentTO.SubmitDate,
                UserId = IncidentTO.UserId,
                Description = IncidentTO.Description,
                Room = IncidentTO.Room.ToDomain(),
Exemple #13
        public static IncidentEF ToEF(this IncidentTO Incident)
            if (Incident is null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(Incident));

            return(new IncidentEF
                Id = Incident.Id,
                Issue = Incident.Issue.ToEF(),
                Status = Incident.Status,
                SubmitDate = Incident.SubmitDate,
                Description = Incident.Description,
                UserId = Incident.UserId,
                Room = Incident.Room.ToEF()
        public void AddComment_ValidComment_ReturnsCommentNotNull()
            // Arrange
            var floor = new FloorTO {
                Number = 2
            var room = new RoomTO {
                Name = new MultiLanguageString("Room1", "Room1", "Room1"), Floor = floor
            var componentType = new ComponentTypeTO {
                Archived = false, Name = new MultiLanguageString("Name1EN", "Name1FR", "Name1NL")
            var issue = new IssueTO {
                Description = "Broken thing", Name = new MultiLanguageString("Issue1EN", "Issue1FR", "Issue1NL"), ComponentType = componentType
            var incident = new IncidentTO
                Description = "This thing is broken !",
                Room        = room,
                Issue       = issue,
                Status      = IncidentStatus.Waiting,
                SubmitDate  = DateTime.Now,
                UserId      = 1,
            var comment = new CommentTO
                Incident   = incident,
                Message    = "I got in touch with the right people, it'll get fixed soon!",
                SubmitDate = DateTime.Now,
                UserId     = 1

            var mockUnitOfWork = new Mock <IFSUnitOfWork>();

            mockUnitOfWork.Setup(uow => uow.CommentRepository.Add(It.IsAny <CommentTO>())).Returns(comment);
            var sut = new FSAssistantRole(mockUnitOfWork.Object);

            // Act
            var addedComment = sut.AddComment(comment);

            // Assert
            mockUnitOfWork.Verify(u => u.CommentRepository.Add(It.IsAny <CommentTO>()), Times.Once);
        public void Update_ThrowException_WhenInvalidIdIsSupplied()
            var options = new DbContextOptionsBuilder <FacilityContext>()
                          .UseInMemoryDatabase(databaseName: MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name)

            using var context = new FacilityContext(options);
            IIncidentRepository incidentRepository = new IncidentRepository(context);
            var incident1 = new IncidentTO {
                Id = 0
            var incident2 = new IncidentTO {
                Id = -1

            //ACT & ASSERT
            Assert.ThrowsException <ArgumentException>(() => incidentRepository.Update(incident1));
            Assert.ThrowsException <ArgumentException>(() => incidentRepository.Update(incident2));
Exemple #16
        public void CreateIncident_ValidIncident_ReturnsIncidentNotNull()
            // Arrange
            var floor = new FloorTO {
                Number = 2
            var room = new RoomTO {
                Name = new MultiLanguageString("Room1", "Room1", "Room1"), Floor = floor
            var componentType = new ComponentTypeTO {
                Archived = false, Name = new MultiLanguageString("Name1EN", "Name1FR", "Name1NL")
            var issue = new IssueTO {
                Description = "Broken thing", Name = new MultiLanguageString("Issue1EN", "Issue1FR", "Issue1NL"), ComponentType = componentType
            var incident = new IncidentTO
                Description = "This thing is broken !",
                Room        = room,
                Issue       = issue,
                Status      = IncidentStatus.Waiting,
                SubmitDate  = DateTime.Now,
                UserId      = 1,

            var mockUnitOfWork = new Mock <IFSUnitOfWork>();

            mockUnitOfWork.Setup(uow => uow.IncidentRepository.Add(It.IsAny <IncidentTO>())).Returns((IncidentTO incident) =>
                incident.Id = 1;
            var sut = new FSAttendeeRole(mockUnitOfWork.Object);

            // Act
            var result = sut.CreateIncident(incident);

            // Assert
            mockUnitOfWork.Verify(u => u.IncidentRepository.Add(It.IsAny <IncidentTO>()), Times.Once);
Exemple #17
        public void CreateIncident_IncompleteIncident_ThrowsException()
            // Arrange
            var incident1 = new IncidentTO(); // Missing Issue & Room

            var componentType = new ComponentTypeTO {
                Archived = false, Name = new MultiLanguageString("Name1EN", "Name1FR", "Name1NL")
            var issue = new IssueTO {
                Description = "Broken thing", Name = new MultiLanguageString("Issue1EN", "Issue1FR", "Issue1NL"), ComponentType = componentType
            var incident2 = new IncidentTO {
                Issue = issue
            };                                                // Missing Room

            var floor = new FloorTO {
                Number = 2
            var room = new RoomTO {
                Name = new MultiLanguageString("Room1", "Room1", "Room1"), Floor = floor
            var incident3 = new IncidentTO {
                Room = room
            };                                              // Missing Issue

            var mockUnitOfWork = new Mock <IFSUnitOfWork>();

            mockUnitOfWork.Setup(uow => uow.IncidentRepository.Add(It.IsAny <IncidentTO>()));
            var sut = new FSAttendeeRole(mockUnitOfWork.Object);

            // Act & Assert
            Assert.ThrowsException <LoggedException>(() => sut.CreateIncident(incident1));
            Assert.ThrowsException <LoggedException>(() => sut.CreateIncident(incident2));
            Assert.ThrowsException <LoggedException>(() => sut.CreateIncident(incident3));
            mockUnitOfWork.Verify(u => u.CommentRepository.Add(It.IsAny <CommentTO>()), Times.Never);
Exemple #18
        public void GetAll_AddThreeIncidents_ReturnCorrectNumberOfIncidents()
            var options = new DbContextOptionsBuilder <FacilityContext>()
                          .UseInMemoryDatabase(databaseName: MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name)

            using var context = new FacilityContext(options);
            IIncidentRepository      incidentRepository      = new IncidentRepository(context);
            IRoomRepository          roomRepository          = new RoomRepository(context);
            IFloorRepository         floorRepository         = new FloorRepository(context);
            IComponentTypeRepository componentTypeRepository = new ComponentTypeRepository(context);
            IIssueRepository         issueRepository         = new IssueRepository(context);
            //Room(and it's floor)
            var floor = new FloorTO {
                Number = 2
            var addedFloor1 = floorRepository.Add(floor);

            RoomTO room = new RoomTO {
                Name = new MultiLanguageString("Room1", "Room1", "Room1"), Floor = addedFloor1
            var addedRoom = roomRepository.Add(room);

            var componentType = new ComponentTypeTO {
                Archived = false, Name = new MultiLanguageString("Name1En", "Name1Fr", "Name1Nl")
            var addedComponentType = componentTypeRepository.Add(componentType);

            var issue = new IssueTO {
                Description = "prout", Name = new MultiLanguageString("Issue1EN", "Issue1FR", "Issue1NL"), ComponentType = addedComponentType
            var addedIssue = issueRepository.Add(issue);

            var incident1 = new IncidentTO
                Description = "No coffee",
                Issue       = addedIssue,
                Status      = IncidentStatus.Waiting,
                SubmitDate  = DateTime.Now,
                UserId      = 1,
                Room        = addedRoom
            var incident2 = new IncidentTO
                Description = "Technical issue",
                Issue       = addedIssue,
                Status      = IncidentStatus.Waiting,
                SubmitDate  = DateTime.Now,
                UserId      = 2,
                Room        = addedRoom
            var incident3 = new IncidentTO
                Description = "No sugar",
                Issue       = addedIssue,
                Status      = IncidentStatus.Waiting,
                SubmitDate  = DateTime.Now,
                UserId      = 1,
                Room        = addedRoom

            var result = incidentRepository.GetAll();

            Assert.AreEqual(3, result.Count());
Exemple #19
        public void GetAll_AddThreeComments_ReturnsCorrectNumberOfComments()
            // Arrange
            var options = new DbContextOptionsBuilder <FacilityContext>()
                          .UseInMemoryDatabase(databaseName: MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name)

            using var context = new FacilityContext(options);
            ICommentRepository       commentRepository       = new CommentRepository(context);
            IIncidentRepository      incidentRepository      = new IncidentRepository(context);
            IRoomRepository          roomRepository          = new RoomRepository(context);
            IFloorRepository         floorRepository         = new FloorRepository(context);
            IComponentTypeRepository componentTypeRepository = new ComponentTypeRepository(context);
            IIssueRepository         issueRepository         = new IssueRepository(context);

            var floor = new FloorTO {
                Number = 2
            var addedFloor = floorRepository.Add(floor);


            RoomTO room = new RoomTO {
                Name = new MultiLanguageString("Room1", "Room1", "Room1"), Floor = addedFloor
            var addedRoom = roomRepository.Add(room);


            var componentType = new ComponentTypeTO {
                Archived = false, Name = new MultiLanguageString("Name1EN", "Name1FR", "Name1NL")
            var addedComponentType = componentTypeRepository.Add(componentType);


            var issue = new IssueTO {
                Description = "Broken thing", Name = new MultiLanguageString("Issue1EN", "Issue1FR", "Issue1NL"), ComponentType = addedComponentType
            var addedIssue = issueRepository.Add(issue);


            var incident = new IncidentTO
                Description = "This thing is broken !",
                Room        = addedRoom,
                Issue       = addedIssue,
                Status      = IncidentStatus.Waiting,
                SubmitDate  = DateTime.Now,
                UserId      = 1,
            var addedIncident = incidentRepository.Add(incident);


            var comment1 = new CommentTO
                Incident   = addedIncident,
                Message    = "I got in touch with the right people, it'll get fixed soon!",
                SubmitDate = DateTime.Now,
                UserId     = 2
            var comment2 = new CommentTO
                Incident   = addedIncident,
                Message    = "New ETA is Monday morning.",
                SubmitDate = DateTime.Now.AddDays(1),
                UserId     = 2
            var comment3 = new CommentTO
                Incident   = addedIncident,
                Message    = "Postponed to Tuesday morning.",
                SubmitDate = DateTime.Now.AddDays(2),
                UserId     = 2


            // Act
            var result = commentRepository.GetAll();

            // Assert
            Assert.AreEqual(3, result.Count());
Exemple #20
        public void GetUserIncidents_AddThreeIncidentsWithSameUserId_ThenRetrieveThem_ReturnsCorrectNumberOfIncidents()
            // Arrange
            var userId = 1;
            var floor  = new FloorTO {
                Number = 2
            var room = new RoomTO {
                Name = new MultiLanguageString("Room1", "Room1", "Room1"), Floor = floor
            var componentType = new ComponentTypeTO {
                Archived = false, Name = new MultiLanguageString("Name1EN", "Name1FR", "Name1NL")
            var issue = new IssueTO {
                Description = "Broken thing", Name = new MultiLanguageString("Issue1EN", "Issue1FR", "Issue1NL"), ComponentType = componentType
            var incident1 = new IncidentTO
                Description = "This thing is broken !",
                Room        = room,
                Issue       = issue,
                Status      = IncidentStatus.Waiting,
                SubmitDate  = DateTime.Now,
                UserId      = userId,
            var incident2 = new IncidentTO
                Description = "This thing is still broken !",
                Room        = room,
                Issue       = issue,
                Status      = IncidentStatus.Waiting,
                SubmitDate  = DateTime.Now.AddDays(7),
                UserId      = userId,
            var incident3 = new IncidentTO
                Description = "This hasn't been fixed yet ?!",
                Room        = room,
                Issue       = issue,
                Status      = IncidentStatus.Waiting,
                SubmitDate  = DateTime.Now.AddDays(14),
                UserId      = userId,

            var incidents = new List <IncidentTO> {
                incident1, incident2, incident3

            var mockUnitOfWork = new Mock <IFSUnitOfWork>();

            mockUnitOfWork.Setup(uow => uow.IncidentRepository.Add(It.IsAny <IncidentTO>())).Returns(new IncidentTO());
            mockUnitOfWork.Setup(uow => uow.IncidentRepository.GetIncidentsByUserId(It.Is <int>(i => i > 0))).Returns(incidents);
            var sut = new FSAttendeeRole(mockUnitOfWork.Object);

            // Act
            var userIncidents = sut.GetUserIncidents(userId);

            // Assert
            mockUnitOfWork.Verify(u => u.IncidentRepository.Add(It.IsAny <IncidentTO>()), Times.Exactly(3));
            Assert.AreEqual(3, userIncidents.Count());
Exemple #21
        public void UpdateComment_AddNewCommentThenUpdateIt_ReturnsUpdatedComment()
            // Arrange
            var options = new DbContextOptionsBuilder <FacilityContext>()
                          .UseInMemoryDatabase(databaseName: MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name)

            using var context = new FacilityContext(options);
            ICommentRepository       commentRepository       = new CommentRepository(context);
            IIncidentRepository      incidentRepository      = new IncidentRepository(context);
            IRoomRepository          roomRepository          = new RoomRepository(context);
            IFloorRepository         floorRepository         = new FloorRepository(context);
            IComponentTypeRepository componentTypeRepository = new ComponentTypeRepository(context);
            IIssueRepository         issueRepository         = new IssueRepository(context);

            var floor = new FloorTO {
                Number = 2
            var addedFloor = floorRepository.Add(floor);


            RoomTO room = new RoomTO {
                Name = new MultiLanguageString("Room1", "Room1", "Room1"), Floor = addedFloor
            var addedRoom = roomRepository.Add(room);


            var componentType = new ComponentTypeTO {
                Archived = false, Name = new MultiLanguageString("Name1EN", "Name1FR", "Name1NL")
            var addedComponentType = componentTypeRepository.Add(componentType);


            var issue = new IssueTO {
                Description = "Broken thing", Name = new MultiLanguageString("Issue1EN", "Issue1FR", "Issue1NL"), ComponentType = addedComponentType
            var addedIssue = issueRepository.Add(issue);


            var incident = new IncidentTO
                Description = "This thing is broken !",
                Room        = addedRoom,
                Issue       = addedIssue,
                Status      = IncidentStatus.Waiting,
                SubmitDate  = DateTime.Now,
                UserId      = 1,
            var addedIncident = incidentRepository.Add(incident);


            var comment = new CommentTO
                Incident   = addedIncident,
                Message    = "I got in touch with the right people, it'll get fixed soon!",
                SubmitDate = DateTime.Now,
                UserId     = 1
            var commentAdded = commentRepository.Add(comment);


            // Act
            var later = DateTime.Now.AddHours(2);

            commentAdded.Message    = "Updated message";
            commentAdded.SubmitDate = later;
            var result = commentRepository.Update(commentAdded);


            // Assert
            Assert.AreEqual("Updated message", result.Message);
            Assert.AreEqual(later, result.SubmitDate);
Exemple #22
 public IncidentTO Update(IncidentTO Entity)
     throw new System.NotImplementedException();
Exemple #23
 public bool Remove(IncidentTO entity)
     throw new System.NotImplementedException();
 public bool CreateIncident(IncidentTO incidentTO, int attendeeId)
Exemple #25
        public void RemoveCommentById_AddNewCommentThenRemoveIt_ReturnsTrue()
            // Arrange
            var options = new DbContextOptionsBuilder <FacilityContext>()
                          .UseInMemoryDatabase(databaseName: MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name)

            using var context = new FacilityContext(options);
            ICommentRepository       commentRepository       = new CommentRepository(context);
            IIncidentRepository      incidentRepository      = new IncidentRepository(context);
            IRoomRepository          roomRepository          = new RoomRepository(context);
            IFloorRepository         floorRepository         = new FloorRepository(context);
            IComponentTypeRepository componentTypeRepository = new ComponentTypeRepository(context);
            IIssueRepository         issueRepository         = new IssueRepository(context);

            var floor = new FloorTO {
                Number = 2
            var addedFloor = floorRepository.Add(floor);


            RoomTO room = new RoomTO {
                Name = new MultiLanguageString("Room1", "Room1", "Room1"), Floor = addedFloor
            var addedRoom = roomRepository.Add(room);


            var componentType = new ComponentTypeTO {
                Archived = false, Name = new MultiLanguageString("Name1EN", "Name1FR", "Name1NL")
            var addedComponentType = componentTypeRepository.Add(componentType);


            var issue = new IssueTO {
                Description = "Broken thing", Name = new MultiLanguageString("Issue1EN", "Issue1FR", "Issue1NL"), ComponentType = addedComponentType
            var addedIssue = issueRepository.Add(issue);


            var incident = new IncidentTO
                Description = "This thing is broken !",
                Room        = addedRoom,
                Issue       = addedIssue,
                Status      = IncidentStatus.Waiting,
                SubmitDate  = DateTime.Now,
                UserId      = 1,
            var addedIncident = incidentRepository.Add(incident);


            var comment = new CommentTO
                Incident   = addedIncident,
                Message    = "I got in touch with the right people, it'll get fixed soon!",
                SubmitDate = DateTime.Now,
                UserId     = 1
            var addedComment = commentRepository.Add(comment);


            // Act
            var result = commentRepository.Remove(addedComment.Id);


            // Assert
            Assert.ThrowsException <KeyNotFoundException>(() => commentRepository.GetById(addedComment.Id));
        public void GetCommentsByIncidentId_AddMultipleComments_ReturnRelevantComments()
            // Arrange
            var options = new DbContextOptionsBuilder <FacilityContext>()
                          .UseInMemoryDatabase(databaseName: MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name)

            using var context = new FacilityContext(options);
            ICommentRepository       commentRepository       = new CommentRepository(context);
            IIncidentRepository      incidentRepository      = new IncidentRepository(context);
            IRoomRepository          roomRepository          = new RoomRepository(context);
            IFloorRepository         floorRepository         = new FloorRepository(context);
            IComponentTypeRepository componentTypeRepository = new ComponentTypeRepository(context);
            IIssueRepository         issueRepository         = new IssueRepository(context);

            var floor = new FloorTO {
                Number = 2
            var addedFloor = floorRepository.Add(floor);


            RoomTO room = new RoomTO {
                Name = new MultiLanguageString("Room1", "Room1", "Room1"), Floor = addedFloor
            var addedRoom = roomRepository.Add(room);


            var componentType = new ComponentTypeTO {
                Archived = false, Name = new MultiLanguageString("Name1EN", "Name1FR", "Name1NL")
            var addedComponentType = componentTypeRepository.Add(componentType);


            var issue = new IssueTO {
                Description = "Broken thing", Name = new MultiLanguageString("Issue1EN", "Issue1FR", "Issue1NL"), ComponentType = addedComponentType
            var addedIssue = issueRepository.Add(issue);


            var incident1 = new IncidentTO
                Description = "This thing is broken!",
                Room        = addedRoom,
                Issue       = addedIssue,
                Status      = IncidentStatus.Waiting,
                SubmitDate  = DateTime.Now,
                UserId      = 1,
            var incident2 = new IncidentTO
                Description = "This thing is still broken after a week!",
                Room        = addedRoom,
                Issue       = addedIssue,
                Status      = IncidentStatus.Waiting,
                SubmitDate  = DateTime.Now.AddDays(7),
                UserId      = 1,
            var addedIncident1 = incidentRepository.Add(incident1);
            var addedIncident2 = incidentRepository.Add(incident2);


            var comment1 = new CommentTO
                Incident   = addedIncident1,
                Message    = "I got in touch with the right people, it'll get fixed soon!",
                SubmitDate = DateTime.Now,
                UserId     = 2
            var comment2 = new CommentTO
                Incident   = addedIncident1,
                Message    = "New ETA is Monday morning.",
                SubmitDate = DateTime.Now.AddDays(1),
                UserId     = 2
            var comment3 = new CommentTO
                Incident   = addedIncident2,
                Message    = "It should be fixed very soon, sorry for the inconvenience!",
                SubmitDate = DateTime.Now.AddDays(8),
                UserId     = 2


            // Act
            var result1 = commentRepository.GetCommentsByIncident(addedIncident1.Id);
            var result2 = commentRepository.GetCommentsByIncident(addedIncident2.Id);

            // Assert
            Assert.AreEqual(2, result1.Count);
            Assert.AreEqual(1, result2.Count);