public static void Main(string[] args) { using (var channel = new InMemoryChannel()) { var configuration = new ConfigurationBuilder() .AddJsonFile("appsettings.json", optional: false, reloadOnChange: false) .Build(); using (var serviceProvider = ConfigureService(configuration, channel)) { string exceptionMessage = null; Console.WriteLine("Do you want this to break? Y/N"); var foo = Console.ReadLine(); var useRandomError = false; int errorCount = 0; var shouldBreak = foo == "Y"; if (shouldBreak) { Console.WriteLine("Fair enough, we'll break in a bit"); Console.WriteLine("Should we use random errors?"); var shouldWe = Console.ReadLine(); useRandomError = string.Equals(shouldWe, "Y", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase); if (useRandomError) { Console.WriteLine("Hooray! Random errors!"); } else { Console.WriteLine("Boring..."); Console.WriteLine("Ok, so what would you like the exception message to be?"); exceptionMessage = Console.ReadLine(); } Console.WriteLine("How many errors should we generate?"); var howManyErrorsString = Console.ReadLine(); errorCount = int.Parse(howManyErrorsString); } else { Console.WriteLine("Suit yourself, we won't break this time"); } serviceProvider.GetService <TestService>().Run(shouldBreak, useRandomError, errorCount, exceptionMessage); } Console.WriteLine("Hello World!"); channel.Flush(); Thread.Sleep(1000); } }
public static void Initialize(ILogger customLogger) { IServiceCollection services = new ServiceCollection(); IConfiguration config = GetConfiguration(); services.AddSingleton(typeof(IConfiguration), config); ITelemetryChannel channel = new InMemoryChannel(); services.AddSingleton(typeof(ITelemetryChannel), channel); if (customLogger == null) { services.AddLogging(builder => { if (config.GetSection(LoggingConsoleSection).Exists()) { builder.AddConsole(); } if (config.GetSection(LoggingApplicationInsightsSection).Exists()) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(config[LoggingApplicationInsightsInstrumentationKey])) { builder.AddApplicationInsights(config[LoggingApplicationInsightsInstrumentationKey], options => options.FlushOnDispose = true); } } builder.AddConfiguration(config.GetSection(LoggingSection)); }); } else { services.AddSingleton(typeof(ILogger), customLogger); } services.Configure <TelemetryConfiguration>((o) => { o.TelemetryChannel = channel; o.TelemetryInitializers.Add(new ApplicationInsightsTelemetryInitializer()); o.TelemetryInitializers.Add(new OperationCorrelationTelemetryInitializer()); }); ServiceProvider = services.BuildServiceProvider(); // The logging in the application uses an ILogger, not a ILogger<T>. So if the ILogger is not // present, re-register the service. ILogger baseLogger = ServiceProviderFactory.ServiceProvider.GetService <ILogger>(); if (baseLogger == null) { ILogger categoryLogger = ServiceProviderFactory.ServiceProvider.GetService <ILogger <ILogger> >(); services.AddSingleton(typeof(ILogger), categoryLogger); ServiceProvider = services.BuildServiceProvider(); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { // Create the DI container. IServiceCollection services = new ServiceCollection(); // Uncomment the following lines for debugging AI.K8s. // Refer to for details. // var observer = new ApplicationInsightsKubernetesDiagnosticObserver(DiagnosticLogLevel.Trace); // ApplicationInsightsKubernetesDiagnosticSource.Instance.Observable.SubscribeWithAdapter(observer); // Add application insights for Kubernetes. Making sure this is called before services.Configure<TelemetryConfiguration>(). services.AddApplicationInsightsKubernetesEnricher(); // Channel is explicitly configured to do flush on it later. var channel = new InMemoryChannel(); services.Configure <TelemetryConfiguration>( (config) => { config.TelemetryChannel = channel; } ); // Add the logging pipelines to use. We are using Application Insights only here. services.AddLogging(builder => { // Optional: Apply filters to configure LogLevel Trace or above is sent to // Application Insights for all categories. builder.AddFilter <Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ApplicationInsights.ApplicationInsightsLoggerProvider>("", LogLevel.Trace); builder.AddApplicationInsights("---Your AI instrumentation key---"); // Optional: Show the logs in console at the same time builder.AddConsole(); }); // Build ServiceProvider. IServiceProvider serviceProvider = services.BuildServiceProvider(); ILogger <Program> logger = serviceProvider.GetRequiredService <ILogger <Program> >(); while (true) { // Begin a new scope. This is optional. using (logger.BeginScope(new Dictionary <string, object> { { "Method", nameof(Main) } })) { logger.LogInformation("Logger is working"); // this will be captured by Application Insights. } // Explicitly call Flush() followed by sleep is required in Console Apps. // This is to ensure that even if application terminates, telemetry is sent to the back-end. channel.Flush(); Thread.Sleep(10000); } }
public static async Task Main(string[] args) { // Channel is explicitly configured to do flush on it later. var channel = new InMemoryChannel(); var host = new HostBuilder() .ConfigureServices((context, services) => { // Uncomment the following lines for debugging AI.K8s. // Refer to for details. // var observer = new ApplicationInsightsKubernetesDiagnosticObserver(DiagnosticLogLevel.Trace); // ApplicationInsightsKubernetesDiagnosticSource.Instance.Observable.SubscribeWithAdapter(observer); // Add application insights for Kubernetes. Making sure this is called before services.Configure<TelemetryConfiguration>(). services.AddApplicationInsightsKubernetesEnricher(); services.Configure <TelemetryConfiguration>( (config) => { config.TelemetryChannel = channel; } ); // Add the logging pipelines to use. We are using Application Insights only here. services.AddLogging(builder => { // Optional: Apply filters to configure LogLevel Trace or above is sent to // Application Insights for all categories. builder.AddFilter <Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ApplicationInsights.ApplicationInsightsLoggerProvider> ("", LogLevel.Trace); builder.AddApplicationInsights("----Your instrumentation key----"); builder.AddConsole(); }); // Register your services that implemented IHostedService interface. For example, SendAIEventService services.AddHostedService <SendAIEventService>(); }).Build(); IApplicationLifetime lifetime = host.Services.GetRequiredService <IApplicationLifetime>(); lifetime.ApplicationStopping.Register(() => { channel.Flush(); // Work around Application Insights issue: // System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(2)); }); await host.RunAsync(); }
public void VerifySetConnectionString_SetsChannelDefaultEndpoint() { var connectionString = $"InstrumentationKey=00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"; var channel = new InMemoryChannel(); var configuration = new TelemetryConfiguration { TelemetryChannel = channel, ConnectionString = connectionString, }; Assert.AreEqual("00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", configuration.InstrumentationKey); Assert.AreEqual("", configuration.EndpointContainer.Ingestion.AbsoluteUri); Assert.AreEqual("", channel.EndpointAddress); }
public void VerifySetConnectionString_SetsChannelExpliticEndpoint() { var explicitEndpoint = ""; var connectionString = $"InstrumentationKey=00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000;IngestionEndpoint={explicitEndpoint}"; var channel = new InMemoryChannel(); var configuration = new TelemetryConfiguration { TelemetryChannel = channel, ConnectionString = connectionString, }; Assert.AreEqual("00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", configuration.InstrumentationKey); Assert.AreEqual(explicitEndpoint, configuration.EndpointContainer.Ingestion.AbsoluteUri); Assert.AreEqual(explicitEndpoint + "v2/track", channel.EndpointAddress); }
void ObservePreferenceChange(PreferenceChange change) { if (change.Key == Prefs.Telemetry.Enabled.Key) { enabled = Prefs.Telemetry.Enabled.GetValue(); if (!enabled) { Log.Info(TAG, "Telemetry disabled."); appInsightsClient = null; // Not bothering to Dispose channel, because that will trigger a synchronous Flush channel = null; } else if (appInsightsClient == null) { Log.Info(TAG, "Telemetry will be enabled after restart."); } } }
static void Main(string[] args) { // Create the DI container. IServiceCollection services = new ServiceCollection(); // Channel is explicitly configured to do flush on it later. var channel = new InMemoryChannel(); services.Configure <TelemetryConfiguration>( (config) => { config.TelemetryChannel = channel; } ); // Add the logging pipelines to use. We are using Application Insights only here. services.AddLogging(builder => { // Optional: Apply filters to configure LogLevel Trace or above is sent to // Application Insights for all categories. builder.AddFilter <Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ApplicationInsights.ApplicationInsightsLoggerProvider>("", LogLevel.Trace); builder.AddApplicationInsights("---Your AI instrumentation key---"); }); // Add application insights for Kubernetes. services.AddApplicationInsightsKubernetesEnricher(); // Build ServiceProvider. IServiceProvider serviceProvider = services.BuildServiceProvider(); ILogger <Program> logger = serviceProvider.GetRequiredService <ILogger <Program> >(); // Begin a new scope. This is optional. using (logger.BeginScope(new Dictionary <string, object> { { "Method", nameof(Main) } })) { logger.LogInformation("Logger is working"); // this will be captured by Application Insights. } // Explicitly call Flush() followed by sleep is required in Console Apps. // This is to ensure that even if application terminates, telemetry is sent to the back-end. channel.Flush(); Thread.Sleep(1000); }
static void Main(string[] args) { // Create DI container. IServiceCollection services = new ServiceCollection(); var channel = new InMemoryChannel(); services.Configure <TelemetryConfiguration>( (config) => { config.TelemetryChannel = channel; } ); // Add the logging pipelines to use. We are using Application Insights only here. services.AddLogging(loggingBuilder => { // Optional: Apply filters to configure LogLevel Trace or above is sent to ApplicationInsights for all // categories. loggingBuilder.AddFilter <ApplicationInsightsLoggerProvider>("", LogLevel.Trace); loggingBuilder.AddApplicationInsights("***"); }); // Build ServiceProvider. IServiceProvider serviceProvider = services.BuildServiceProvider(); ILogger <Program> logger = serviceProvider.GetRequiredService <ILogger <Program> >(); logger.LogCritical("critical message working"); // Begin a new scope. This is optional. Epecially in case of AspNetCore request info is already // present in scope. using (logger.BeginScope(new Dictionary <string, object> { { "Method", nameof(Main) } })) { logger.LogWarning("Logger is working - warning"); // this will be captured by Application Insights. } channel.Flush(); Thread.Sleep(1000); }
static ServiceProviderFactory() { IServiceCollection services = new ServiceCollection(); IConfiguration config = GetConfiguration(); services.AddSingleton(typeof(IConfiguration), config); ITelemetryChannel channel = new InMemoryChannel(); services.AddSingleton(typeof(ITelemetryChannel), channel); services.AddLogging(builder => { if (config.GetSection(LoggingConsoleSection).Exists()) { builder.AddConsole(); } if (config.GetSection(LoggingApplicationInsightsSection).Exists()) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(config[LoggingApplicationInsightsInstrumentationKey])) { builder.AddApplicationInsights(config[LoggingApplicationInsightsInstrumentationKey], options => options.FlushOnDispose = true); } } builder.AddConfiguration(config.GetSection(LoggingSection)); }); services.Configure <TelemetryConfiguration>((o) => { o.TelemetryChannel = channel; o.TelemetryInitializers.Add(new ApplicationInsightsTelemetryInitializer()); o.TelemetryInitializers.Add(new OperationCorrelationTelemetryInitializer()); }); ServiceProvider = services.BuildServiceProvider(); }
private static void InitializeTelemetry() { var isDebugging = Debugger.IsAttached; var config = TelemetryConfiguration.CreateDefault(); if (!isDebugging) { config.InstrumentationKey = "9fcef3c7-f401-41c7-9e91-1f6029c8dcc3"; } var dependencyTracking = new DependencyTrackingTelemetryModule(); dependencyTracking.ExcludeComponentCorrelationHttpHeadersOnDomains.Add(""); dependencyTracking.Initialize(config); config.TelemetryInitializers.Add(new HttpDependenciesParsingTelemetryInitializer()); var channel = new InMemoryChannel { DeveloperMode = isDebugging }; config.TelemetryChannel = channel; s_telemetryClient = new TelemetryClient(config); }
private static ServiceProvider ConfigureService(IConfigurationRoot configuration, InMemoryChannel channel) { var services = new ServiceCollection() .Configure <TelemetryConfiguration>((config) => { config.TelemetryChannel = channel; }) .AddLogging(builder => { var consoleEnabled = configuration.GetValue <bool>("Console:Enabled"); if (consoleEnabled) { builder.AddConsole(); } var applicationInsightsInstrumentationKey = configuration.GetValue <string>("ApplicationInsights:InstrumentationKey"); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(applicationInsightsInstrumentationKey)) { builder.AddApplicationInsights(applicationInsightsInstrumentationKey); } }) .AddScoped <TestService>(); services.AddApplicationInsightsTelemetryWorkerService(); return(services.BuildServiceProvider()); }
private static async Task Main(string[] args) { // Channel is explicitly configured to do flush on it later. var channel = new InMemoryChannel { SendingInterval = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10) }; try { await new HostBuilder() .ConfigureHostConfiguration(configuration => { configuration .AddEnvironmentVariables("NETCORE_") .AddCommandLine(args); }) .ConfigureAppConfiguration((hostContext, configuration) => { configuration .AddJsonFile("appsettings.json", false, true) .AddJsonFile($"appsettings.{hostContext.HostingEnvironment.EnvironmentName}.json", false, true); //optionally add in azure app config by setting a conneciton string AppConfig var appConfig = configuration.Build().GetConnectionString("AppConfig"); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(appConfig)) { configuration.AddAzureAppConfiguration(appConfig); } }) .ConfigureLogging((hostContext, logging) => { var logConfig = hostContext.Configuration.GetSection("Logging"); logging .AddConfiguration(logConfig) .AddDebug() .AddConsole() .AddEventSourceLogger() .AddApplicationInsights(); }) .ConfigureServices((hostContext, services) => { services .AddApplicationInsightsTelemetryWorkerService() .Configure <TelemetryConfiguration>(telemetry => { telemetry.TelemetryChannel = channel; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(telemetry.InstrumentationKey)) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(telemetry.InstrumentationKey)); } }) .AddSingleton <IPickANumber, PickANumber>() .AddTransient <ILooper, Looper>() .AddTransient <IMyTelemetry, MyTelemetry>() .AddHostedService <Worker>(); }) .RunConsoleAsync(); } finally { // Explicitly call Flush() followed by sleep is required in ConsoleApp Apps. // This is to ensure that even if application terminates, telemetry is sent to the back-end. channel.Flush(); Thread.Sleep(5000); } }
public Client(Guid sessionid, ClientAppHostEnvironment host, UpdaterService updater) { if (Interactive.Client.CommandLineTool.TestDriver.ShouldRun) { return; } PreferenceStore.Default.Subscribe(ObservePreferenceChange); try { if (!Prefs.Telemetry.Enabled.GetValue()) { Log.Info(TAG, "Telemetry is disabled"); return; } // InMemoryChannel is the default channel, but we set it up manually here so we can tweak several // default settings that are undesirable for desktop apps. channel = new InMemoryChannel { // Defaults to 30s, but since we are changing buffer.Capacity to 1, we can make this infinite and // avoid pointlessly waking up InMemoryTransmitter's Runner. SendingInterval = Timeout.InfiniteTimeSpan, }; // There is no reasonable public API for changing the buffer capacity at this time. // You can achieve it by turning on DeveloperMode, but that has other consequences. // So we reflect. // // The default Capacity is 500, which is far too large for us (and perhaps most non-server apps). // We want to avoid having to perform a blocking Flush call on the UI thread, and since our events // are currently few and far between, we set Capacity to 1 to essentially get auto-flush. var channelBuffer = typeof(InMemoryChannel) .GetField("buffer", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance) .GetValue(channel); channelBuffer .GetType() .GetProperty("Capacity", BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance) .SetValue(channelBuffer, 1); var config = new TelemetryConfiguration("@TELEMETRY_INSTRUMENTATION_KEY@", channel); appInsightsClient = new TelemetryClient(config); appInsightsClient.Context.Session.Id = sessionid.ToString(); appInsightsClient.Context.Device.OperatingSystem = host.OSName.ToString(); // TODO: Make these GlobalProperties when we bump to 2.7.0-beta3 or later var globalProperties = appInsightsClient.Context.Properties; globalProperties.Add( "Product Version", BuildInfo.VersionString); globalProperties.Add( "Build Hash", BuildInfo.Hash); globalProperties.Add( "OS Platform", Runtime.CurrentProcessRuntime.OSPlatform.ToString()); globalProperties.Add( "OS Architecture", RuntimeInformation.OSArchitecture.ToString()); globalProperties.Add( "Process Architecture", Runtime.CurrentProcessRuntime.Architecture.ToString()); globalProperties.Add( "Runtime Identifier", Runtime.CurrentProcessRuntime.RuntimeIdentifier); globalProperties.Add( "OS Version", host.OSVersion.ToString()); globalProperties.Add( "Release Candidate Level", ((byte)BuildInfo.Version.CandidateLevel).ToString()); globalProperties.Add( "Release Candidate Level Name", BuildInfo.Version.CandidateLevel.ToString().ToLowerInvariant()); globalProperties.Add( "Machine ID", Sha256Hasher.Hash(MacAddressGetter.GetMacAddress())); globalProperties.Add( "Update Channel", updater.UpdateChannel); enabled = true; } catch (Exception e) { LogErrorWithoutTelemetry(e, "Unable to create AppInsights client for telemetry"); } }