/// <summary> /// When the user has successfully dropped PRPO files into the application, this timer will initiate. /// The import process will then begin, importing all the data contained within the PRPO report into the /// Acces Database located in the resources folder. /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> private void ImportTimer_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { if (Importer.ImportComplete) { Importer.ImportComplete = false; ImportTimer.Stop(); BeginDataRemovalProcess(); foreach (var file in processedFiles) { if (file is UsPrpoExcelFile) { if (AccessDatabaseUtils.US_PRPO_TableExists) { DateTime dt = file.Date; reportSettings.PrpoUsDate = dt.Month.ToString() + " " + dt.Day.ToString() + " " + dt.Year.ToString(); reportSettings.PrpoUsReportLoaded = true; } } if (file is MxPrpoExcelFile) { if (AccessDatabaseUtils.MX_PRPO_TableExists) { DateTime dt = file.Date; reportSettings.PrpoMxDate = dt.Month.ToString() + " " + dt.Day.ToString() + " " + dt.Year.ToString(); reportSettings.PrpoMxReportLoaded = true; } } // Save the report settings reportSettings.Save(); } } } catch (DataImporter.Importing.Exceptions.ImportExceptions.InvalidDataFileException) { ShowPage(Pages.DragDropDash); } }
/// <summary> /// When the user has successfully dropped PRPO files into the application, this timer will initiate. /// The import process will then begin, importing all the data contained within the PRPO report into the /// Acces Database located in the resources folder. /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> private void ImportTimer_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { if (!Importer.importStarted) { Importer.importStarted = true; NavigationLocked = true; // Lock the navigation bar // load loading screen if (ExcelInfo.USUpdated) { // import only the US PRPO file Importer usImport = new Importer( new ExcelInfo() { FileName = DragDropUtils.US_PRPO_FilePath, HasHeaders = true, SheetName = ExcelInfo.sheetName[(int)ExcelInfo.SheetNames.US_PRPO] }, new AccessInfo() { FileName = Configuration.DbPath, TableName = AccessInfo.mainTableNames[(int)AccessInfo.MainTables.US_PRPO] } ); usThread = new Thread(() => { usImport.Run(); }); usThread.Name = "US"; usThread.Start(); } if (ExcelInfo.MXUpdated) { // Import only the MX PRPO file. Importer mxImport = new Importer( new ExcelInfo() { FileName = DragDropUtils.MX_PRPO_FilePath, HasHeaders = true, SheetName = ExcelInfo.sheetName[(int)ExcelInfo.SheetNames.MX_PRPO] }, new AccessInfo() { FileName = Configuration.DbPath, TableName = AccessInfo.mainTableNames[(int)AccessInfo.MainTables.MX_PRPO] } ); mxThread = new Thread(() => { mxImport.Run(); }); mxThread.Name = "MX"; mxThread.Start(); } } if (Importer.ImportComplete) { Importer.ImportComplete = false; ImportTimer.Stop(); PRPO_DB_Utils.DataRemovalProcessStarted = false; PRPO_DB_Utils.DataRemoved = false; PRPO_DB_Utils.CompletedDataRemovals = 0; PRPO_DB_Utils.ScheduledDataRemovals = 0; PRPO_DB_Utils.ConnectToDatabase(); if (AccessUtils.US_PRPO_TableExists) { string strFileName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(DragDropUtils.US_PRPO_FilePath); string strMonth = strFileName[7].ToString() + strFileName[8].ToString(); string strday = strFileName[9].ToString() + strFileName[10].ToString(); string strYear = strFileName[11].ToString() + strFileName[12].ToString() + strFileName[13].ToString() + strFileName[14].ToString(); int month = int.Parse(strMonth.TrimStart('0')); int day = int.Parse(strday.TrimStart('0')); int year = int.Parse(strYear); DateTime dt = new DateTime(year, month, day); lbl_dashboardDate.Text = dt.ToString("MMMM dd, yyyy"); Logger.Log(AppDirectoryUtils.LogFiles.LoadedUSDate, lbl_dashboardDate.Text); } if (AccessUtils.MX_PRPO_TableExists) { string strFileName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(DragDropUtils.MX_PRPO_FilePath); string strMonth = strFileName[7].ToString() + strFileName[8].ToString(); string strday = strFileName[9].ToString() + strFileName[10].ToString(); string strYear = strFileName[11].ToString() + strFileName[12].ToString() + strFileName[13].ToString() + strFileName[14].ToString(); int month = int.Parse(strMonth.TrimStart('0')); int day = int.Parse(strday.TrimStart('0')); int year = int.Parse(strYear); DateTime dt = new DateTime(year, month, day); lbl_dashboardDate.Text = dt.ToString("MMMM dd, yyyy"); Logger.Log(AppDirectoryUtils.LogFiles.LoadedMXDate, lbl_dashboardDate.Text); } DataRemovalTimer.Start(); } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.StackTrace, "Import Function Error"); } }