Exemple #1
        /// <summary>
        /// 測試
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="args"></param>
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            //const string configFile = "C:/workspace/RbtProject/srcExcelOpt/import_sample.xml";
            const string configFile = "e:/TESN/ExcelConfig/Import/Import_UnitRawData.xml";

            const string configID   = "UnitRawData";
            const string importFile = "q:/統一編號/utn3386k_xlsx/utn3386K_00.xlsx";

            ImportConfigInfo importConfigInfo = (new ImportConfigReader()).read(configFile, configID);

            IList <Dictionary <string, object> > result;

            using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(importFile))
                result = new ExcelImporter().readXlsx(sr.BaseStream, importConfigInfo);

Exemple #2
        /// <summary>
        /// 依據ID讀取設定檔案
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="configFilePath"> 設定檔案完整路徑 </param>
        /// <param name="configID"> 設定資訊 ID
        /// @return </param>
        public ImportConfigInfo read(string configFilePath, string configID)
            // =========================================================
            // 讀取設定檔案
            // =========================================================
            XmlDocument document = this.readConfigFile(configFilePath);

            // =========================================================
            // 讀取 ImportConfigInfo
            // =========================================================
            ImportConfigInfo importConfigInfo = this.readExcelInfo(document, configID);

            // =========================================================
            // 讀取 FormatInfo
            // =========================================================
            importConfigInfo.FunctionInfoMap = this.readFunctionInfo(document);

            // =========================================================
            // 讀取 FormatInfo
            // =========================================================
            importConfigInfo.FormatInfoMap = this.readFormatInfo(document);

Exemple #3
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="inStream"></param>
        /// <param name="importConfigInfo"></param>
        /// <param name="isXlsx"></param>
        /// <param name="isCloseStream"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private IList <Dictionary <string, object> > parseXsl(
            Stream inStream, ImportConfigInfo importConfigInfo,
            bool isXlsx, bool isCloseStream = true)
            IWorkbook wb = null;

            //以複製 Stream 方式使用, 避免 inStream 需要被重用
            using (MemoryStream memstream = new MemoryStream())
                memstream.Position = 0; // <-- Add this, to make it work

                if (isXlsx)
                    wb = new XSSFWorkbook(memstream);
                    wb = new HSSFWorkbook(memstream);
            inStream.Position = 0;

            // 錯誤訊息
            string blankLineMessage = "";
            // 欄位資料List
            IList <Dictionary <string, object> > dataRowList = new List <Dictionary <string, object> >();

            // ==============================================
            // 設定檔資料
            // ==============================================
            // 起始行數
            int startRow = importConfigInfo.StartRow;
            // Sheet 名稱
            int sheetNum = importConfigInfo.SheetNum;

            if (sheetNum < 1)
                throw new ExcelOperateException(" sheetNum 屬性設定錯誤, 不可小於 1");
            // 取得欄位讀取設定
            IList <ColumnInfo> columnInfoList = importConfigInfo.ColumnInfoList;

                // ==============================================
                // 讀取檔案資料
                // ==============================================
                ISheet sheet = null;
                    // 讀取 sheet
                    sheet = wb.GetSheetAt(sheetNum - 1);
                catch (Exception e)
                    throw new ExcelOperateException("檔案解析失敗", e);

                if (sheet == null)
                    throw new ExcelOperateException(" 檔案解析錯誤,第[" + sheetNum + "]個 sheet 不存在");

                // ==============================================
                // 讀取行
                // ==============================================
                // 取得行數
                int lastRowNum = sheet.LastRowNum;

                // 檢核無內容
                if (lastRowNum - startRow < 0)
                    throw new ExcelOperateException("上傳檔案無資料內容! rows[" + lastRowNum + "], startRow:[" + startRow + "]");

                // 檢核是否以下都是空行
                bool tailBlankLine = false;

                for (int rowNum = (startRow - 1); rowNum <= lastRowNum; rowNum++)
                    // 取得 row (列)
                    var row = sheet.GetRow(rowNum);
                    if (row == null)

                    // 資料MAP
                    Dictionary <string, object> dataRowMap = new Dictionary <string, object>();
                    bool isBlankline = true;
                    for (int colNum = 0; colNum < columnInfoList.Count; colNum++)
                        // 取得欄位參數設定
                        ColumnInfo columnInfo = columnInfoList[colNum];

                        string cellContent = "";

                        //長度足夠時才讀取 cell
                        if ((colNum + 1) <= row.Cells.Count)
                            var cell = row.Cells[colNum];

                            //// 取得 cell 內容 (並去空白)
                            ////如果是數字型 就要取 NumericCellValue  這屬性的值
                            //if (cell.CellType == NPOI.SS.UserModel.CellType.Numeric)
                            //    cellContent = StringUtil.SafeTrim(cell.NumericCellValue);
                            ////如果是字串型 就要取 StringCellValue  這屬性的值
                            //else if (cell.CellType == NPOI.SS.UserModel.CellType.String)
                            //    cellContent = StringUtil.SafeTrim(cell.StringCellValue);

                            cellContent = ExcelStringUtil.SafeTrim(GetFormattedCellValue(cell));

                        // 不為空時異動 flag
                        if (ExcelStringUtil.NotEmpty(cellContent))
                            isBlankline = false;

                        // 為空時,放入預設值
                        if (ExcelStringUtil.IsEmpty(cellContent))
                            cellContent = columnInfo.DefaultValue;
                        // 依據Key放入放入 map
                        dicPut(dataRowMap, columnInfo.Key, cellContent);

                    // 本行無資料時
                    if (isBlankline)
                        // 尾部空行標記
                        tailBlankLine = true;
                        // 空行訊息
                        blankLineMessage += "第" + (rowNum + 1) + "行為空行,請重新檢查資料";
                        // 空行略過 加入List

                    tailBlankLine = false;
                    // 加入List

                // ==============================================
                // 檢核
                // ==============================================
                // 1.排除以下都是空行
                // 2.有設定需檢核空行
                // 3.錯誤訊息不為空
                if (!tailBlankLine &&
                    "true".Equals(importConfigInfo.CheckEmptyRow, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase) &&
                    throw new ExcelOperateException("資料內容有誤!\n" + blankLineMessage);

                if (inStream != null && isCloseStream)
Exemple #4
        /// <summary>
        /// 讀取 excel 檔案
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="inStream">Excel 檔案 input Stream (以 StreamReader 讀取檔案)</param>
        /// <param name="importConfigInfo">設定檔資料</param>
        /// <param name="isXlsx">是否為 xlsx </param>
        /// <param name="isCloseStream">是否自動關閉 inStream  (多 sheet 用)</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public IList <Dictionary <string, object> > read(
            Stream inStream, ImportConfigInfo importConfigInfo,
            bool isXlsx = false, bool isCloseStream = true)
            this.configInfo = importConfigInfo;

            // ==============================================
            // 讀取檔案內容
            // ==============================================
            IList <Dictionary <string, object> > dataList = this.parseXsl(inStream, importConfigInfo, isXlsx, isCloseStream);

            // ==============================================
            // 建立以 key 為引索的 設定 map, 與收集欄位list
            // ==============================================
            // Map
            Dictionary <string, AbstractImportCommonAttrInfo> paramInfoMap =
                new Dictionary <string, AbstractImportCommonAttrInfo>();
            // List
            List <AbstractImportCommonAttrInfo> paramInfoList = new List <AbstractImportCommonAttrInfo>();

            foreach (ColumnInfo columnInfo in importConfigInfo.ColumnInfoList)
                dicPut(paramInfoMap, columnInfo.Key, columnInfo);

            foreach (ParamInfo paramInfo in importConfigInfo.ParamInfoList)
                dicPut(paramInfoMap, paramInfo.Key, paramInfo);

            // ==============================================
            // param (其他額外設定欄位)
            // ==============================================
            foreach (Dictionary <string, object> rowDataMap in dataList)
                foreach (ParamInfo paramInfo in importConfigInfo.ParamInfoList)
                    // 取得預設值
                    string defaultValue = paramInfo.DefaultValue;
                    // 存入 map
                    dicPut(rowDataMap, paramInfo.Key, defaultValue);

            // ==============================================
            // 欄位值額外處理
            // ==============================================
            string errorMessage = "";

            int rowNum = importConfigInfo.SheetNum;

            foreach (Dictionary <string, object> rowDataMap in dataList)
                foreach (ColumnInfo columnInfo in importConfigInfo.ColumnInfoList)
                    // 取得欄位 key
                    string key = columnInfo.Key;
                    // 取得欄位說明
                    string desc = columnInfo.Desc;
                    // 取得值
                    string value = ExcelStringUtil.SafeTrim(rowDataMap[key]);

                    // =======================================
                    // 資料檢核
                    // =======================================
                    // 該欄位已檢核出錯誤時, 不繼續進行檢核

                    // 有限定欄位不可為空時,進行資料檢查
                    if ("true".Equals(columnInfo.CheckNull, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase) && ExcelStringUtil.IsEmpty(value))
                        errorMessage += "<br/>第" + rowNum + "行, 欄位:【" + desc + "." + key + "】資料內容不可為空";
                    // 有設定 formatId 時,進行資料檢查
                    if (ExcelStringUtil.NotEmpty(columnInfo.FormatId))
                        errorMessage += this.validateDataByFormatId(columnInfo.FormatId, value, key, desc, rowNum);
                    // 有設定 regex 時,進行資料檢查
                    if (ExcelStringUtil.NotEmpty(columnInfo.Regex))
                        errorMessage += this.validateData(value, columnInfo.Regex, key, desc, rowNum, columnInfo.RegexErrorMsg);

            // 有檢核到錯誤時,拋出
            if (ExcelStringUtil.NotEmpty(errorMessage))
                throw new ExcelOperateException(errorMessage);

            // ==============================================
            // 欄位值額外處理
            // ==============================================
            foreach (Dictionary <string, object> rowDataMap in dataList)
                foreach (KeyValuePair <string, AbstractImportCommonAttrInfo> infoEntry in paramInfoMap)
                    // key
                    string key = infoEntry.Key;
                    // 資料值
                    string value = ExcelStringUtil.SafeTrim(rowDataMap[key]);
                    // 設定檔
                    AbstractImportCommonAttrInfo info = infoEntry.Value;
                    // 進行額外處理
                    value = this.functionProcess(key, info.FuncId, info.FuncParam, value, rowDataMap, this.Conn);
                    // 放回資料
                    dicPut(rowDataMap, key, value);

            // ==============================================
            // 檢核資料重覆
            // ==============================================
            // 未設定時跳出
            if (ExcelStringUtil.NotEmpty(importConfigInfo.CheckDuplicate))
                // 檢核欄位陣列
                string[] duplicateColumns = importConfigInfo.CheckDuplicate.Split(',');
                // 檢核欄位值
                Dictionary <string, int> duplicateValueStoreMap = new Dictionary <string, int>();

                // 重置 rowNum
                rowNum = 1;
                foreach (Dictionary <string, object> cellMap in dataList)
                    string keyContent = "";

                    // 組成 key
                    foreach (string checkColumnKey in duplicateColumns)
                        keyContent += ExcelStringUtil.SafeTrim(cellMap[checkColumnKey], "NULL") + "_";
                    // 檢核同樣的內容是否已存在
                    if (duplicateValueStoreMap.ContainsKey(keyContent))
                        int    num          = duplicateValueStoreMap[keyContent];
                        string errormessage = "";
                        foreach (string checkColumnKey in duplicateColumns)
                            errormessage += "【" + paramInfoMap[checkColumnKey].Desc + "." +
                                            paramInfoMap[checkColumnKey].Key + "】:[" + cellMap[checkColumnKey] +
                        throw new ExcelOperateException(
                                  "<br/>第[" + num + "]行資料與第[" + (rowNum + importConfigInfo.StartRow) + "]行重複!(鍵值)<br/>" + errormessage);
                    duplicateValueStoreMap[keyContent] = rowNum + importConfigInfo.StartRow;

            // ==============================================
            // 欄位List 排序
            // ==============================================
            paramInfoList.Sort(new ComparatorAnonymousInnerClassHelper(this));

            // ==============================================
            // 資料欄位重新排序
            // ==============================================
            IList <Dictionary <string, object> > sortDataList = new List <Dictionary <string, object> >();

            foreach (Dictionary <string, object> rowDataMap in dataList)
                Dictionary <string, object> sortRowDataMap = new Dictionary <string, object>();
                foreach (AbstractImportCommonAttrInfo commonAttrInfo in paramInfoList)
                    string key = commonAttrInfo.Key;
                    dicPut(sortRowDataMap, key, rowDataMap[key]);

            dataList = sortDataList;

            // ==============================================
            // 移除不需要的欄位
            // ==============================================
            foreach (Dictionary <string, object> rowDataMap in dataList)
                foreach (ColumnInfo columnInfo in importConfigInfo.ColumnInfoList)
                    // 欄位設定為 pass 時,移除該欄位
                    if (columnInfo.Pass)

Exemple #5
 /// <summary>
 /// 讀取 excel 檔案
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="inStream">Excel 檔案 input Stream (以 StreamReader 讀取檔案)</param>
 /// <param name="importConfigInfo">設定檔資料</param>
 /// <param name="isXlsx">是否為 xlsx </param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public IList <Dictionary <string, object> > readXlsx(
     Stream inStream, ImportConfigInfo importConfigInfo, bool isCloseStream = true)
     return(read(inStream, importConfigInfo, true, isCloseStream));
Exemple #6
        /// <summary>
        /// ExportConfigInfo
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="document"> </param>
        /// <param name="id"></param>
        private ImportConfigInfo readExcelInfo(XmlDocument document, string id)
            // =========================================================
            // 讀取設定資訊
            // =========================================================
            XmlNode excelNode = document.SelectSingleNode(
                "//" + Constant.ELEMENT_EXCEL +
                "[@" + Constant.ATTRIBUTE_ID + "=\"" + id + "\"]");

            //XmlNode excelNode = document.SelectSingleNode("//" + Constant.ELEMENT_EXCEL + "[" + Constant.ATTRIBUTE_ID + "=\"" + configID + "\"]");
            if (excelNode == null)
                throw new ExcelOperateException("設定資訊:[" + id + "] 不存在!");

            // =========================================================
            // 讀取 excel 標籤屬性
            // =========================================================
            ImportConfigInfo importConfigInfo = new ImportConfigInfo();

            importConfigInfo.Desc = ExcelStringUtil.GetNodeAttr(excelNode, Constant.ATTRIBUTE_ID);

            string sheetNum = ExcelStringUtil.GetNodeAttr(excelNode, Constant.ATTRIBUTE_SHEETNUM, "1");

            if (!ExcelStringUtil.isNumber(sheetNum))
                throw new ExcelOperateException("屬性 sheetNum 設定錯誤! sheetNum:[" + sheetNum + "]");
            importConfigInfo.SheetNum = Convert.ToInt32(sheetNum);

            string startRow = ExcelStringUtil.GetNodeAttr(excelNode, Constant.ATTRIBUTE_STARTROW);

            if (!ExcelStringUtil.isNumber(startRow))
                throw new ExcelOperateException("屬性 startRow 設定錯誤! startRow:[" + startRow + "]");
            importConfigInfo.StartRow = Convert.ToInt32(startRow);
            importConfigInfo.CheckEmptyRow = ExcelStringUtil.GetNodeAttr(excelNode, Constant.ATTRIBUTE_CHECK_EMPTY_ROW);
            //check duplicate
            importConfigInfo.CheckDuplicate = ExcelStringUtil.GetNodeAttr(excelNode, Constant.ATTRIBUTE_CHECK_DUPLICATE);
            importConfigInfo.Desc = ExcelStringUtil.GetNodeAttr(excelNode, Constant.ATTRIBUTE_DESC);

            // =========================================================
            // 讀取 excel/read 標籤 下的 column
            // =========================================================
            //讀取 node list
            XmlNodeList columnNodeList = excelNode.SelectNodes(Constant.ELEMENT_READ + "/" + Constant.ELEMENT_COLUMN);

            if (ExcelStringUtil.IsEmpty(columnNodeList))
                throw new ExcelOperateException("未找到任何 <column> (config/excel/read/column)");

            IList <ColumnInfo> columnInfoList = new List <ColumnInfo>();

            importConfigInfo.ColumnInfoList = columnInfoList;
            var keySet = new HashSet <string>();

            if (columnNodeList != null)
                foreach (XmlNode columnNode in columnNodeList)
                    //未設定 key 代表要略過的欄位
                    //if (ExcelStringUtil.GetNodeAttr(columnNode, Constant.ATTRIBUTE_KEY, "@@xx") == "@@xx")
                    //    continue;

                    ColumnInfo columnInfo = new ColumnInfo();
                    columnInfo.FormatId = ExcelStringUtil.GetNodeAttr(columnNode, Constant.ATTRIBUTE_FORMATID);
                    columnInfo.Regex = ExcelStringUtil.GetNodeAttr(columnNode, Constant.ATTRIBUTE_REGEX);
                    columnInfo.RegexErrorMsg = ExcelStringUtil.GetNodeAttr(columnNode, Constant.ATTRIBUTE_REGEX_ERROR_MSG);
                    columnInfo.CheckNull = ExcelStringUtil.GetNodeAttr(columnNode, Constant.ATTRIBUTE_CHECK_NULL);
                    columnInfo.Pass = "******".Equals(ExcelStringUtil.GetNodeAttr(columnNode, Constant.ATTRIBUTE_PASS), StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase);
                    //add to list
                    //檢核Key 是否重複
                    this.checkKey(keySet, columnInfo.Key);

            // =========================================================
            // 讀取 excel/params 標籤 下的 param
            // =========================================================
            //讀取 node list
            XmlNodeList paramNodeList = excelNode.SelectNodes(Constant.ELEMENT_PARAMS + "/" + Constant.ELEMENT_PARAM);

            IList <ParamInfo> paramInfoList = new List <ParamInfo>();

            importConfigInfo.ParamInfoList = paramInfoList;

            if (paramNodeList != null)
                foreach (XmlNode paramNode in paramNodeList)
                    ParamInfo paramInfo = new ParamInfo();
                    //add to list
                    //檢核Key 是否重複
                    this.checkKey(keySet, paramInfo.Key);
