Exemple #1
        public override void OnResponse(NetState state, RelayInfo info)
            Mobile       from = state.Mobile;
            PlayerMobile pm   = from as PlayerMobile;

            ImbuingContext context = Imbuing.GetContext(pm);

            int buttonNum = 0;

            if (info.ButtonID > 0 && info.ButtonID < 10000)
                buttonNum = 0;
            else if (info.ButtonID > 20004)
                buttonNum = 30000;
                buttonNum = info.ButtonID;

            switch (buttonNum)
            case 0:

            case 10051:     // = Decrease Mod Value [<]
                if (context.Imbue_ModInt > m_Definition.IncAmount)
                    context.Imbue_ModInt -= m_Definition.IncAmount;

                from.SendGump(new ImbuingGumpC(from, m_Item, context.Imbue_Mod, context.Imbue_ModInt));

            case 10052:    // = Decrease Mod Value [<<]
                if ((m_Mod == 42 || m_Mod == 24) && context.Imbue_ModInt > 20)
                    context.Imbue_ModInt -= 20;
                if ((m_Mod == 13 || m_Mod == 20 || m_Mod == 21) && context.Imbue_ModInt > 10)
                    context.Imbue_ModInt -= 10;
                else if (context.Imbue_ModInt > 5)
                    context.Imbue_ModInt -= 5;

                from.SendGump(new ImbuingGumpC(from, context.LastImbued, context.Imbue_Mod, context.Imbue_ModInt));

            case 10053:    // = Minimum Mod Value [<<<]
                context.Imbue_ModInt = 1;
                from.SendGump(new ImbuingGumpC(from, context.LastImbued, context.Imbue_Mod, context.Imbue_ModInt));

            case 10054:     // = Increase Mod Value [>]
                int max = Imbuing.GetMaxIntensity(m_Item, m_Definition);

                if (m_Mod == 12 && context.LastImbued is BaseJewel)
                    max /= 2;

                if (context.Imbue_ModInt + m_Definition.IncAmount <= max)
                    context.Imbue_ModInt += m_Definition.IncAmount;

                from.SendGump(new ImbuingGumpC(from, context.LastImbued, context.Imbue_Mod, context.Imbue_ModInt));

            case 10055:     // = Increase Mod Value [>>]
                int max = Imbuing.GetMaxIntensity(m_Item, m_Definition);

                if (m_Mod == 12 && context.LastImbued is BaseJewel)
                    max /= 2;

                if (m_Mod == 42 || m_Mod == 24)
                    if (context.Imbue_ModInt + 20 <= max)
                        context.Imbue_ModInt += 20;
                        context.Imbue_ModInt = max;
                if (m_Mod == 13 || m_Mod == 20 || m_Mod == 21)
                    if (context.Imbue_ModInt + 10 <= max)
                        context.Imbue_ModInt += 10;
                        context.Imbue_ModInt = max;
                else if (context.Imbue_ModInt + 5 <= max)
                    context.Imbue_ModInt += 5;
                    context.Imbue_ModInt = Imbuing.GetMaxIntensity(m_Item, m_Definition);

                from.SendGump(new ImbuingGumpC(from, context.LastImbued, context.Imbue_Mod, context.Imbue_ModInt));

            case 10056:     // = Maximum Mod Value [>>>]
                int max = Imbuing.GetMaxIntensity(m_Item, m_Definition);

                if (m_Mod == 12 && context.LastImbued is BaseJewel)
                    max /= 2;

                context.Imbue_ModInt = max;
                from.SendGump(new ImbuingGumpC(from, context.LastImbued, context.Imbue_Mod, context.Imbue_ModInt));

            case 10099:     // - Back
                from.SendGump(new ImbuingGumpB(from, context.LastImbued));

            case 10100:      // = Imbue the Item
                context.Imbue_IWmax = m_MaxWeight;

                if (Imbuing.OnBeforeImbue(from, m_Item, m_Mod, m_Value, m_TotalProps, MaxProps, m_TotalItemWeight, m_MaxWeight))
                    Imbuing.ImbueItem(from, m_Item, m_Mod, m_Value);

Exemple #2
        public ImbuingGumpC(Mobile from, Item item, int mod, int value) : base(520, 340)
            PlayerMobile m = from as PlayerMobile;


            // SoulForge Check
            if (!Imbuing.CheckSoulForge(from, 1))

            ImbuingContext context = Imbuing.GetContext(m);

            // = Check Type of Ingredients Needed
            if (!Imbuing.Table.ContainsKey(mod))

            m_Definition = Imbuing.Table[mod];

            if (value == -1)
                value = m_Definition.IncAmount;

            m_Item  = item;
            m_Mod   = mod;
            m_Value = value;

            int maxInt = Imbuing.GetMaxIntensity(item, m_Definition);
            int inc    = m_Definition.IncAmount;
            int weight = m_Definition.Weight;

            if (m_Item is BaseJewel && m_Mod == 12)
                maxInt /= 2;

            if (m_Value < inc)
                m_Value = inc;
            if (m_Value > maxInt)
                m_Value = maxInt;

            if (m_Value <= 0)
                m_Value = 1;

            double currentIntensity = Math.Floor((m_Value / (double)maxInt) * 100);

            //Set context
            context.LastImbued     = item;
            context.Imbue_Mod      = mod;
            context.Imbue_ModVal   = weight;
            context.ImbMenu_ModInc = inc;
            context.Imbue_ModInt   = value;

            // - Current Mod Weight
            m_TotalItemWeight = Imbuing.GetTotalWeight(m_Item, m_Mod);
            m_TotalProps      = Imbuing.GetTotalMods(m_Item, m_Mod);

            if (maxInt <= 1)
                currentIntensity = 100;

            m_PropWeight = (int)Math.Floor(((double)weight / (double)maxInt) * m_Value);

            // - Maximum allowed Property Weight & Item Mod Count
            m_MaxWeight = Imbuing.GetMaxWeight(m_Item);

            // = Times Item has been Imbued
            int timesImbued = Imbuing.TimesImbued(m_Item);

            // = Check Ingredients needed at the current Intensity
            m_GemAmount     = Imbuing.GetGemAmount(m_Item, m_Mod, m_Value);
            m_PrimResAmount = Imbuing.GetPrimaryAmount(m_Item, m_Mod, m_Value);
            m_SpecResAmount = Imbuing.GetSpecialAmount(m_Item, m_Mod, m_Value);

            // ------------------------------ Gump Menu -------------------------------------------------------------
            AddBackground(0, 0, 520, 440, 5054);
            AddImageTiled(10, 10, 500, 420, 2624);

            AddImageTiled(10, 30, 500, 10, 5058);
            AddImageTiled(250, 40, 10, 290, 5058);
            AddImageTiled(10, 180, 500, 10, 5058);
            AddImageTiled(10, 330, 500, 10, 5058);
            AddImageTiled(10, 400, 500, 10, 5058);

            AddAlphaRegion(10, 10, 500, 420);

            AddHtmlLocalized(10, 12, 520, 20, 1079717, LabelColor, false, false); //<CENTER>IMBUING CONFIRMATION</CENTER>
            AddHtmlLocalized(50, 50, 200, 20, 1114269, LabelColor, false, false); //PROPERTY INFORMATION

            AddHtmlLocalized(25, 80, 80, 20, 1114270, LabelColor, false, false);  //Property:
            AddHtmlLocalized(95, 80, 150, 20, m_Definition.AttributeName, LabelColor, false, false);

            AddHtmlLocalized(25, 100, 80, 20, 1114271, LabelColor, false, false); // Replaces:
            int replace = WhatReplacesWhat(m_Mod, m_Item);

            if (replace > 0)
                AddHtmlLocalized(95, 100, 150, 20, replace, LabelColor, false, false);

            // - Weight Modifier
            AddHtmlLocalized(25, 120, 80, 20, 1114272, 0xFFFFFF, false, false);   //Weight:
            AddLabel(95, 120, 1153, String.Format("{0}x", ((double)m_Definition.Weight / 100.0).ToString("0.0")));

            AddHtmlLocalized(25, 140, 80, 20, 1114273, LabelColor, false, false);   //Intensity:
            AddLabel(95, 140, 1153, String.Format("{0}%", currentIntensity));

            // - Materials needed
            AddHtmlLocalized(10, 200, 245, 20, 1044055, LabelColor, false, false); //<CENTER>MATERIALS</CENTER>

            AddHtmlLocalized(40, 230, 180, 20, m_Definition.PrimaryName, LabelColor, false, false);
            AddLabel(210, 230, 1153, m_PrimResAmount.ToString());

            AddHtmlLocalized(40, 255, 180, 20, m_Definition.GemName, LabelColor, false, false);
            AddLabel(210, 255, 1153, m_GemAmount.ToString());

            if (m_SpecResAmount > 0)
                AddHtmlLocalized(40, 280, 180, 17, m_Definition.SpecialName, LabelColor, false, false);
                AddLabel(210, 280, 1153, m_SpecResAmount.ToString());

            // - Mod Description
            AddHtmlLocalized(280, 55, 200, 110, m_Definition.Description, LabelColor, false, false);

            AddHtmlLocalized(350, 200, 150, 20, 1113650, LabelColor, false, false); //RESULTS

            AddHtmlLocalized(280, 220, 150, 20, 1113645, LabelColor, false, false); //Properties:
            AddLabel(430, 220, m_TotalProps + 1 >= 5 ? 54 : 64, String.Format("{0}/5", m_TotalProps + 1));

            int projWeight = m_TotalItemWeight + m_PropWeight;

            AddHtmlLocalized(280, 240, 150, 20, 1113646, LabelColor, false, false); //Total Property Weight:
            AddLabel(430, 240, projWeight >= m_MaxWeight ? 54 : 64, String.Format("{0}/{1}", projWeight, m_MaxWeight));

            AddHtmlLocalized(280, 260, 150, 20, 1113647, LabelColor, false, false); //Times Imbued:
            AddLabel(430, 260, timesImbued >= 20 ? 54 : 64, String.Format("{0}/20", timesImbued));

            // ===== CALCULATE DIFFICULTY =====
            double dif;
            double suc   = Imbuing.GetSuccessChance(from, item, m_TotalItemWeight, m_PropWeight, out dif);
            int    color = 64;

            AddHtmlLocalized(300, 300, 150, 20, 1044057, 0xFFFFFF, false, false); // Success Chance:

            if (suc > 100)
                suc = 100;
            if (suc < 0)
                suc = 0;

            if (suc < 75.0)
                if (suc >= 50.0)
                    color = 54;
                    color = 46;

            AddLabel(420, 300, color, String.Format("{0}%", suc.ToString("0.0")));

            // - Attribute Level
            if (maxInt > 1)
                // - Set Intesity to Minimum
                if (m_Value <= 0)
                    m_Value = 1;

                // = New Value:
                AddHtmlLocalized(235, 350, 100, 17, 1062300, LabelColor, false, false); // New Value:

                if (m_Mod == 41)                                                        // - Mage Weapon Value ( i.e [Mage Weapon -25] )
                    AddHtml(240, 368, 40, 20, String.Format("<CENTER><BASEFONT COLOR=#CCCCFF> -{0}</CENTER>", 30 - m_Value), false, false);
                else if (maxInt <= 8 || m_Mod == 21 || m_Mod == 17)  // - Show Property Value as just Number ( i.e [Mana Regen 2] )
                    AddHtml(240, 368, 40, 20, String.Format("<CENTER><BASEFONT COLOR=#CCCCFF> {0}</CENTER>", m_Value), false, false);
                else                                                 // - Show Property Value as % ( i.e [Hit Fireball 25%] )
                    AddHtml(240, 368, 40, 20, String.Format("<CENTER><BASEFONT COLOR=#CCCCFF> {0}%</CENTER>", m_Value), false, false);

                // == Buttons ==
                AddButton(180, 370, 5230, 5230, 10053, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0); // To Minimum Value
                AddButton(200, 370, 5230, 5230, 10052, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0); // Dec Value by %
                AddButton(220, 370, 5230, 5230, 10051, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0); // dec value by 1

                AddButton(320, 370, 5230, 5230, 10056, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0); //To Maximum Value
                AddButton(300, 370, 5230, 5230, 10055, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0); // Inc Value by %
                AddButton(280, 370, 5230, 5230, 10054, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0); // inc Value by 1

                AddLabel(322, 368, 0, ">");
                AddLabel(326, 368, 0, ">");
                AddLabel(330, 368, 0, ">");

                AddLabel(304, 368, 0, ">");
                AddLabel(308, 368, 0, ">");

                AddLabel(286, 368, 0, ">");

                AddLabel(226, 368, 0, "<");

                AddLabel(203, 368, 0, "<");
                AddLabel(207, 368, 0, "<");

                AddLabel(181, 368, 0, "<");
                AddLabel(185, 368, 0, "<");
                AddLabel(189, 368, 0, "<");

            AddButton(15, 410, 4005, 4007, 10099, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);
            AddHtmlLocalized(50, 410, 100, 18, 1114268, LabelColor, false, false);            //Back

            AddButton(390, 410, 4005, 4007, 10100, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);
            AddHtmlLocalized(425, 410, 120, 18, 1114267, LabelColor, false, false);         //Imbue Item
Exemple #3
        public ImbuingGumpC(Mobile from, Item item, int mod, int value) : base(520, 340)
            PlayerMobile m = from as PlayerMobile;


            // SoulForge Check
            if (!Imbuing.CheckSoulForge(from, 1))

            ImbuingContext context = Imbuing.GetContext(m);

            // = Check Type of Ingredients Needed
            if (!Imbuing.Table.ContainsKey(mod))

            m_Definition = Imbuing.Table[mod];

            if (value == -1)
                value = m_Definition.IncAmount;

            m_Item  = item;
            m_Mod   = mod;
            m_Value = value;

            int maxInt = Imbuing.GetMaxIntensity(item, m_Definition);
            int inc    = m_Definition.IncAmount;
            int weight = m_Definition.Weight;

            if (m_Item is BaseJewel && m_Mod == 12)
                maxInt /= 2;

            if (m_Value < inc)
                m_Value = inc;
            if (m_Value > maxInt)
                m_Value = maxInt;

            if (m_Value <= 0)
                m_Value = 1;

            double currentIntensity = Math.Floor((m_Value / (double)maxInt) * 100);

            //Set context
            context.LastImbued     = item;
            context.Imbue_Mod      = mod;
            context.Imbue_ModVal   = weight;
            context.ImbMenu_ModInc = inc;
            context.Imbue_ModInt   = value;

            // - Current Mod Weight
            m_TotalItemWeight = Imbuing.GetTotalWeight(m_Item, m_Mod);
            m_TotalProps      = Imbuing.GetTotalMods(m_Item, m_Mod);

            if (maxInt <= 1)
                currentIntensity = 100;

            m_PropWeight = (int)Math.Floor(((double)weight / (double)maxInt) * m_Value);

            // - Maximum allowed Property Weight & Item Mod Count
            m_MaxWeight = Imbuing.GetMaxWeight(m_Item);

            // = Times Item has been Imbued
            int timesImbued = 0;

            if (m_Item is BaseWeapon)
                timesImbued = ((BaseWeapon)m_Item).TimesImbued;
            if (m_Item is BaseArmor)
                timesImbued = ((BaseArmor)m_Item).TimesImbued;
            if (m_Item is BaseJewel)
                timesImbued = ((BaseJewel)m_Item).TimesImbued;
            if (m_Item is BaseHat)
                timesImbued = ((BaseHat)m_Item).TimesImbued;

            // = Check Ingredients needed at the current Intensity
            m_GemAmount     = Imbuing.GetGemAmount(m_Item, m_Mod, m_Value);
            m_PrimResAmount = Imbuing.GetPrimaryAmount(m_Item, m_Mod, m_Value);
            m_SpecResAmount = Imbuing.GetSpecialAmount(m_Item, m_Mod, m_Value);

            // ------------------------------ Gump Menu -------------------------------------------------------------
            AddBackground(0, 0, 540, 450, 5054);
            AddImageTiled(10, 10, 520, 430, 2624);

            AddImageTiled(10, 35, 520, 10, 5058);
            AddImageTiled(260, 45, 15, 290, 5058);
            AddImageTiled(10, 185, 520, 10, 5058);
            AddImageTiled(10, 335, 520, 10, 5058);
            AddImageTiled(10, 405, 520, 10, 5058);

            AddAlphaRegion(10, 10, 520, 430);

            AddHtmlLocalized(10, 13, 520, 18, 1079717, LabelColor, false, false); //<CENTER>IMBUING CONFIRMATION</CENTER>
            AddHtmlLocalized(57, 49, 200, 18, 1114269, LabelColor, false, false); //PROPERTY INFORMATION

            // - Attribute to Imbue
            AddHtmlLocalized(30, 80, 80, 17, 1114270, LabelColor, false, false);  //Property:
            AddHtmlLocalized(100, 80, 150, 17, m_Definition.AttributeName, LabelColor, false, false);

            // - Weight Modifier
            AddHtmlLocalized(30, 120, 80, 17, 1114272, 0xFFFFFF, false, false);   //Weight:

            double w = (double)m_Definition.Weight / 100.0;

            AddHtml(90, 120, 80, 17, String.Format("<BASEFONT COLOR=#CCCCFF> {0}x", w), false, false);

            AddHtmlLocalized(30, 140, 80, 17, 1114273, LabelColor, false, false);   //Intensity:
            AddHtml(90, 140, 80, 17, String.Format("<BASEFONT COLOR=#CCCCFF> {0}%", currentIntensity), false, false);

            // - Materials needed
            AddHtmlLocalized(10, 199, 255, 18, 1044055, LabelColor, false, false); //<CENTER>MATERIALS</CENTER>
            AddHtmlLocalized(40, 230, 180, 17, m_Definition.PrimaryName, LabelColor, false, false);
            AddHtml(210, 230, 40, 17, String.Format("<BASEFONT COLOR=#CCCCFF> {0}", m_PrimResAmount.ToString()), false, false);
            AddHtmlLocalized(40, 255, 180, 17, m_Definition.GemName, LabelColor, false, false);
            AddHtml(210, 255, 40, 17, String.Format("<BASEFONT COLOR=#CCCCFF> {0}", m_GemAmount.ToString()), false, false);
            if (m_SpecResAmount > 0)
                AddHtmlLocalized(40, 280, 180, 17, m_Definition.SpecialName, LabelColor, false, false);
                AddHtml(210, 280, 40, 17, String.Format("<BASEFONT COLOR=#CCCCFF> {0}", m_SpecResAmount.ToString()), false, false);

            // - Mod Description
            AddHtmlLocalized(290, 65, 215, 110, m_Definition.Description, LabelColor, false, false);

            AddHtmlLocalized(365, 199, 150, 18, 1113650, LabelColor, false, false); //RESULTS

            AddHtmlLocalized(288, 220, 150, 17, 1113645, LabelColor, false, false); //Properties:
            AddHtml(443, 220, 80, 17, String.Format("<BASEFONT COLOR=#CCFFCC> {0}/5", m_TotalProps + 1), false, false);
            AddHtmlLocalized(288, 240, 150, 17, 1113646, LabelColor, false, false); //Total Property Weight:
            AddHtml(443, 240, 80, 17, String.Format("<BASEFONT COLOR=#CCFFCC> {0}/{1}", m_TotalItemWeight + (int)m_PropWeight, m_MaxWeight), false, false);

            // - Times Imbued
            AddHtmlLocalized(288, 260, 150, 17, 1113647, LabelColor, false, false);                                   //Times Imbued:
            AddHtml(443, 260, 80, 17, String.Format("<BASEFONT COLOR=#CCFFCC> {0}/20", timesImbued + 1), false, false);

            // - Name of Attribute to be Replaced
            int replace = WhatReplacesWhat(m_Mod, m_Item);

            AddHtmlLocalized(30, 100, 80, 17, 1114271, LabelColor, false, false);
            if (replace <= 0)
                replace = m_Definition.AttributeName;

            AddHtmlLocalized(100, 100, 150, 17, replace, LabelColor, false, false);

            // ===== CALCULATE DIFFICULTY =====
            double dif;
            double suc = Imbuing.GetSuccessChance(from, item, m_TotalItemWeight, m_PropWeight, out dif);

            int    Succ = Convert.ToInt32(suc);
            string color;

            // = Imbuing Success Chance %
            AddHtmlLocalized(305, 300, 150, 17, 1044057, 0xFFFFFF, false, false);
            if (Succ <= 1)
                color = "#FF5511";
            else if (Succ > 1 && Succ < 10)
                color = "#EE6611";
            else if (Succ >= 10 && Succ < 20)
                color = "#DD7711";
            else if (Succ >= 20 && Succ < 30)
                color = "#CC8811";
            else if (Succ >= 30 && Succ < 40)
                color = "#BB9911";
            else if (Succ >= 40 && Succ < 50)
                color = "#AAAA11";
            else if (Succ >= 50 && Succ < 60)
                color = "#99BB11";
            else if (Succ >= 60 && Succ < 70)
                color = "#88CC11";
            else if (Succ >= 70 && Succ < 80)
                color = "#77DD11";
            else if (Succ >= 80 && Succ < 90)
                color = "#66EE11";
            else if (Succ >= 90 && Succ < 100)
                color = "#55FF11";
            else if (Succ >= 100)
                color = "#01FF01";
                color = "#FFFFFF";

            if (suc > 100)
                suc = 100;
            if (suc < 0)
                suc = 0;

            AddHtml(430, 300, 80, 17, String.Format("<BASEFONT COLOR={0}>\t{1}%", color, suc), false, false);

            // - Attribute Level
            if (maxInt > 1)
                // - Set Intesity to Minimum
                if (m_Value <= 0)
                    m_Value = 1;

                // = New Value:
                AddHtmlLocalized(245, 350, 100, 17, 1062300, LabelColor, false, false);
                // - Mage Weapon Value ( i.e [Mage Weapon -25] )
                if (m_Mod == 41)
                    AddHtml(254, 374, 50, 17, String.Format("<BASEFONT COLOR=#CCCCFF> -{0}", 30 - m_Value), false, false);
                // - Show Property Value as % ( i.e [Hit Fireball 25%] )
                else if (maxInt <= 8 || m_Mod == 21 || m_Mod == 17)
                    AddHtml(254, 374, 50, 17, String.Format("<BASEFONT COLOR=#CCCCFF> {0}", m_Value), false, false);
                // - Show Property Value as just Number ( i.e [Mana Regen 2] )
                    AddHtml(254, 374, 50, 17, String.Format("<BASEFONT COLOR=#CCCCFF> {0}%", m_Value), false, false);

                // == Buttons ==
                AddButton(192, 376, 5230, 5230, 10053, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0); // To Minimum Value
                AddButton(211, 376, 5230, 5230, 10052, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0); // Dec Value by %
                AddButton(230, 376, 5230, 5230, 10051, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0); // dec value by 1

                AddButton(331, 376, 5230, 5230, 10056, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0); //To Maximum Value
                AddButton(312, 376, 5230, 5230, 10055, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0); // Inc Value by %
                AddButton(293, 376, 5230, 5230, 10054, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0); // inc Value by 1

                AddLabel(341, 374, 0, ">");
                AddLabel(337, 374, 0, ">");
                AddLabel(333, 374, 0, ">");

                AddLabel(320, 374, 0, ">");
                AddLabel(316, 374, 0, ">");

                AddLabel(298, 374, 0, ">");

                AddLabel(235, 374, 0, "<");

                AddLabel(216, 374, 0, "<");
                AddLabel(212, 374, 0, "<");

                AddLabel(199, 374, 0, "<");
                AddLabel(195, 374, 0, "<");
                AddLabel(191, 374, 0, "<");

            AddButton(19, 416, 4005, 4007, 10099, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);
            AddHtmlLocalized(58, 417, 100, 18, 1114268, LabelColor, false, false);            //Back

            AddButton(400, 416, 4005, 4007, 10100, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);
            AddHtmlLocalized(439, 417, 120, 18, 1114267, LabelColor, false, false);         //Imbue Item