public void ToIndexesWithoutModificationTestBase(int[] indexesArr) { var indexesList = new List <int>(indexesArr); var imapIntervals = new ImapIntervals(indexesList); Assert.IsTrue(indexesList.SequenceEqual(imapIntervals.ToIndexes())); }
public void SetBeginIndexForSeveralIntervalsBase(int[] indexes, int beginIndex, int[] indexesMody, UidInterval[] intervals) { var imapIntervals = new ImapIntervals(new List <int>(indexes)); imapIntervals.SetBeginIndex(beginIndex); var uidIntervals = imapIntervals.GetUnhandledIntervalsCopy(); foreach (var interval in intervals) { Assert.IsTrue(uidIntervals.Contains(interval)); } var indexesListMody = new List <int>(indexesMody); Assert.IsTrue(indexesListMody.SequenceEqual(imapIntervals.ToIndexes())); }
public void AddUnhandledIntervalBaseTest(int[] indexes, UidInterval newInterval, int[] indexesMody, UidInterval[] intervals) { var imapIntervals = new ImapIntervals(new List <int>(indexes)); imapIntervals.AddUnhandledInterval(newInterval); var uidIntervals = imapIntervals.GetUnhandledIntervalsCopy(); Assert.IsTrue(uidIntervals.Count == intervals.Count()); foreach (var interval in intervals) { Assert.IsTrue(uidIntervals.Contains(interval)); } var indexesListMody = new List <int>(indexesMody); Assert.IsTrue(indexesListMody.SequenceEqual(imapIntervals.ToIndexes())); }
private int LoadFolderMessages(IMailFolder folder, MailFolder mailFolder, int limitMessages) { var loaded = 0; ImapFolderUids folderUids; if (!Account.ImapIntervals.TryGetValue(folder.Name, out folderUids)) { folderUids = new ImapFolderUids(new List <int> { 1, int.MaxValue }, 1); // by default - mailbox never was processed before } var imapIntervals = new ImapIntervals(folderUids.UnhandledUidIntervals); var beginDateUid = folderUids.BeginDateUid; IList <UniqueId> allUids; try { allUids = folder.Fetch(0, -1, MessageSummaryItems.UniqueId, CancelToken).Select(r => r.UniqueId).ToList(); } catch (NotSupportedException) { const int start = 0; var end = folder.Count; const int increment = 1; allUids = Enumerable .Repeat(start, (end - start) / 1 + 1) .Select((tr, ti) => tr + increment * ti) .Select(n => new UniqueId((uint)n)) .ToList(); } foreach (var uidsInterval in imapIntervals.GetUnhandledIntervalsCopy()) { var interval = uidsInterval; var uidsCollection = allUids.Select(u => u) .Where(u => u.Id <= interval.To && u.Id >= interval.From) .OrderByDescending(x => x) .ToList(); if (!uidsCollection.Any()) { if (!uidsInterval.IsToUidMax()) { imapIntervals.AddHandledInterval(uidsInterval); } continue; } var first = uidsCollection.First().Id; var toUid = (int)(uidsInterval.IsToUidMax() ? first : Math.Max(uidsInterval.To, first)); var infoList = folder.Fetch(limitMessages > 0 ? uidsCollection.Take(limitMessages * 3).ToList() : uidsCollection, MessageSummaryItems.Flags | MessageSummaryItems.GMailLabels | MessageSummaryItems.InternalDate); foreach (var uid in uidsCollection) { try { if (!Imap.IsConnected || CancelToken.IsCancellationRequested) { break; } var message = folder.GetMessage(uid, CancelToken); var uid1 = uid; var info = infoList.FirstOrDefault(t => t.UniqueId == uid1); message.FixDateIssues(info != null ? info.InternalDate : null, Log); if (message.Date < Account.BeginDate) { Log.Debug("Skip message (Date = {0}) on BeginDate = {1}", message.Date, Account.BeginDate); imapIntervals.SetBeginIndex(toUid); beginDateUid = toUid; break; } var unread = info != null && (info.UserFlags.Contains("\\Unseen") || info.Flags.HasValue && !info.Flags.Value.HasFlag(MessageFlags.Seen)); message.FixEncodingIssues(Log); OnGetMessage(message, uid.Id.ToString(), unread, mailFolder); loaded++; } catch (OperationCanceledException) { break; } catch (Exception e) { Log.Error( "ProcessMessages() Tenant={0} User='******' Account='{2}', MailboxId={3}, UID={4} Exception:\r\n{5}\r\n", Account.TenantId, Account.UserId, Account.EMail.Address, Account.MailBoxId, uid, e); if (uid != uidsCollection.First() && (int)uid.Id != toUid) { imapIntervals.AddHandledInterval(new UidInterval((int)uid.Id + 1, toUid)); } toUid = (int)uid.Id - 1; if (e is IOException) { break; // stop checking other mailboxes } continue; } // after successfully message saving - lets update imap intervals state imapIntervals.AddHandledInterval( new UidInterval( uid.Id == uidsCollection.Last().Id&& uidsInterval.IsFromUidMin() ? uidsInterval.From : (int)uid.Id, toUid)); toUid = (int)uid.Id - 1; if (limitMessages > 0 && loaded >= limitMessages) { break; } } if (CancelToken.IsCancellationRequested || limitMessages > 0 && loaded >= limitMessages) { break; } } var updatedImapFolderUids = new ImapFolderUids(imapIntervals.ToIndexes(), beginDateUid); if (!Account.ImapIntervals.Keys.Contains(folder.Name)) { Account.ImapFolderChanged = true; Account.ImapIntervals.Add(folder.Name, updatedImapFolderUids); } else if (Account.ImapIntervals[folder.Name] != updatedImapFolderUids) { Account.ImapFolderChanged = true; Account.ImapIntervals[folder.Name] = updatedImapFolderUids; } return(loaded); }
private int LoadMailboxMessage(Mailbox mb, int folderId, int maxMessagesPerSession, string[] tagsNames, out bool quotaErrorFlag) { UpdateTimeCheckedIfNeeded(); ImapFolderUids folderUids; if (!Account.ImapIntervals.TryGetValue(mb.Name, out folderUids)) { folderUids = new ImapFolderUids(new List <int> { 1, int.MaxValue }, 1); // by default - mailbox never was processed before } var imapIntervals = new ImapIntervals(folderUids.UnhandledUidIntervals); var beginDateUid = folderUids.BeginDateUid; quotaErrorFlag = false; int[] tagsIds = null; var tagsRetrieved = false; var allUids = mb.UidSearch("1:*").OrderBy(i => i).SkipWhile(i => i < beginDateUid).ToList(); foreach (var uidsInterval in imapIntervals.GetUnhandledIntervalsCopy()) { cancelToken.ThrowIfCancellationRequested(); if (!mb.SourceClient.IsConnected) { break; } if (maxMessagesPerSession == 0) { break; } var interval = uidsInterval; var uidsCollection = allUids.Select(u => u) .Where(u => u <= interval.To && u >= interval.From) .OrderByDescending(x => x) .ToList(); if (!uidsCollection.Any()) { if (!uidsInterval.IsToUidMax()) { imapIntervals.AddHandledInterval(uidsInterval); } continue; } var toUid = uidsInterval.IsToUidMax() ? uidsCollection.First() : Math.Max(uidsInterval.To, uidsCollection.First()); #region Loading messages foreach (var uid in uidsCollection) { var hasParseError = false; cancelToken.ThrowIfCancellationRequested(); try { if (!mb.SourceClient.IsConnected) { log.Warn("Imap4-server is disconnected. Skip another messages."); break; } log.Debug("Processing new message\tUID: {0}", uid); // flags should be retrieved before message fetch - because mail server // could add seen flag right after message was retrieved by us var flags = mb.Fetch.UidFlags(uid); //Peek method didn't set \Seen flag on mail var message = mb.Fetch.UidMessageObjectPeek(uid); if (message.ParseException != null) { log.Error( "ActiveUp: message parsed with some errors. MailboxId = {0} Message UID = {1} Error: {2}", Account.MailBoxId, uid, message.ParseException.ToString()); hasParseError = true; } UpdateTimeCheckedIfNeeded(); if (message.Date < Account.BeginDate) { log.Debug("Skip message (Date = {0}) on BeginDate = {1}", message.Date, Account.BeginDate); imapIntervals.SetBeginIndex(toUid); beginDateUid = toUid; break; } var uniqueIdentifier = string.Format("{0}|{1}|{2}|{3}", message.From.Email, message.Subject, message.DateString, message.MessageId); var headerMd5 = uniqueIdentifier.GetMd5(); //Get tags ids for folder before message proccessing only once if (!tagsRetrieved) { tagsIds = tagsNames.Any() ? InvokeOnGetOrCreateTags(tagsNames) : null; tagsRetrieved = true; } var unread = null == flags["seen"]; var uidl = string.Format("{0}-{1}", uid, folderId); RetrieveMessage(message, folderId, uidl, headerMd5, hasParseError, unread, tagsIds); } catch (Exception e) { log.Error( "ProcessMessages() Tenant={0} User='******' Account='{2}', MailboxId={3}, UID={4} Exception:\r\n{5}\r\n", Account.TenantId, Account.UserId, Account.EMail.Address, Account.MailBoxId, uid, e); if (e is IOException || e is MailBoxOutException) { maxMessagesPerSession = 0; // stop checking other mailboxes } else if (e is TenantQuotaException) { quotaErrorFlag = true; } if (uid != uidsCollection.First() && uid != toUid) { imapIntervals.AddHandledInterval(new UidInterval(uid + 1, toUid)); } toUid = uid - 1; if (maxMessagesPerSession == 0) { break; } continue; } // after successfully message saving - lets update imap intervals state imapIntervals.AddHandledInterval( new UidInterval( uid == uidsCollection.Last() && uidsInterval.IsFromUidMin() ? uidsInterval.From : uid, toUid)); toUid = uid - 1; UpdateTimeCheckedIfNeeded(); maxMessagesPerSession--; if (maxMessagesPerSession != 0) { continue; } log.Info("Limit of max messages per session is exceeded!"); break; } #endregion } var updatedImapFolderUids = new ImapFolderUids(imapIntervals.ToIndexes(), beginDateUid); if (!Account.ImapIntervals.Keys.Contains(mb.Name)) { Account.ImapFolderChanged = true; Account.ImapIntervals.Add(mb.Name, updatedImapFolderUids); } else if (Account.ImapIntervals[mb.Name] != updatedImapFolderUids) { Account.ImapFolderChanged = true; Account.ImapIntervals[mb.Name] = updatedImapFolderUids; } return(maxMessagesPerSession); }