Exemple #1
        public ActionResult UploadFiles(int automobileId, HttpPostedFileBase[] files)
            bool success = false;

            //Ensure model state is valid
            if (ModelState.IsValid)
            {   //iterating through multiple file collection
                foreach (HttpPostedFileBase file in files)
                    //Checking file is available to save.
                    if (file != null && automobileId != 0)
                        //variables used by returning of message for pass/fail upload
                        int counter = files.Count();

                        if (Path.GetExtension(file.FileName).ToLower() == ".jpg" ||
                            Path.GetExtension(file.FileName).ToLower() == ".png" ||
                            Path.GetExtension(file.FileName).ToLower() == ".gif" ||
                            Path.GetExtension(file.FileName).ToLower() == ".jpeg")
                            var InputFileName  = Path.GetFileName(file.FileName);
                            var ServerSavePath = Path.Combine(Server.MapPath("~/Content/Images/") + InputFileName);
                            //Save file to server folder

                            //add the images (their path and automobileId relation) to the DB
                            var image = new FileModel()
                                ImagePath    = "~/Content/Images/" + InputFileName,
                                AutomobileId = automobileId


                        //assigning file uploaded status to ViewBag for showing message to user.
                        if (counter != files.Count())
                            ViewBag.UploadStatus = "There are files which are not images." + System.Environment.NewLine
                                                   + counter + " files uploaded successfully.";
                            success = true;
                            ViewBag.UploadStatus = counter + " files uploaded successfully.";

            //return to the UploadFiles with information for the pass/fail upload
            IEnumerable <FileModel> filesInDb = _context.FileModels.ToList().Where(c => c.AutomobileId == automobileId);

            var imageModel = new ImagesFormViewModel()
                AutomobileId = automobileId,
                FileModels   = filesInDb,
                Success      = success

Exemple #2
        public ActionResult Save(Automobile automobile, List <AutomobileDetail> automobileDetails)
            if (!ModelState.IsValid)
                var viewModel = new AutomobileFormViewModel(automobile)
                    Countries         = _context.Countries.ToList(),
                    AutomobileMakes   = _context.AutomobileMakes.ToList(),
                    AutomobileModels  = _context.AutomobileModels.ToList(),
                    Details           = _context.Details.ToList(),
                    Engines           = _context.Engines.ToList(),
                    AutomobileDetails = automobileDetails

                return(View("AutomobileForm", viewModel));

            // create a variable 'automobileId' which will be passed as parameter to the 'UploadFiles' view
            int automobileId;

            // check if we create new automobile or edit existing one
            if (automobile.Id == 0)
                automobile.DateImported = DateTime.Now;
                automobile.StatusId     = 1;

                List <Detail> details = _context.Details.ToList();
                //  List<Automobile> automobiles = _context.Automobiles.ToList();
                var automobileLastId = _context.Automobiles.ToList().Last().Id;
                // var automobileLastId1 = _context.Automobiles.Max()
                // automobileId = automobiles.Last().Id;
                automobileId = automobileLastId;

                if (details.Any())
                    for (int i = 0; i < details.Count(); i++)
                        automobileDetails[i].DetailId = details[i].Id;
                        // automobileDetails[i].AutomobileId = automobiles.Last().Id;
                        automobileDetails[i].AutomobileId = automobileLastId;
                automobileId = automobile.Id;

                var automobileInDb = _context.Automobiles.Single(c => c.Id == automobile.Id);
                automobileInDb.ReleaseDate       = automobile.ReleaseDate;
                automobileInDb.CountryId         = automobile.CountryId;
                automobileInDb.AutomobileMakeId  = automobile.AutomobileMakeId;
                automobileInDb.AutomobileModelId = automobile.AutomobileModelId;
                automobileInDb.EngineId          = automobile.EngineId;
                automobileInDb.Color             = automobile.Color;
                automobileInDb.Transmission      = automobile.Transmission;
                automobileInDb.Miles             = automobile.Miles;

                if (automobileDetails.Any())
                    //we take all automobileDetails correcponding to the current automobile, then set their Vaues
                    //to the new Values coming from the view in the list automobileDetails
                    IEnumerable <AutomobileDetail> automobileDetailsInDb = _context.AutomobileDetails.Where(c => c.AutomobileId == automobile.Id);
                    List <AutomobileDetail>        automobileDetailsOld  = automobileDetails.FindAll(c => c.AutomobileId != null);
                    int n = 0;

                    foreach (var automobileDetail in automobileDetailsInDb)
                        automobileDetail.DetailValue = automobileDetailsOld[n].DetailValue;

                    if (automobileDetails.Any(c => c.AutomobileId == null))
                        //there are new automobileDetails wich should be created for first time
                        //we set their AutomobileId to the Id of the returned from the view automobile
                        List <AutomobileDetail> automobileDetailsNew = automobileDetails.FindAll(c => c.AutomobileId == null);
                        List <Detail>           detailsInDb          = _context.Details.ToList();

                        foreach (var automobileDetail in automobileDetailsNew)
                            automobileDetail.AutomobileId = automobile.Id;

                        // we find the diference between all details and these which should be added in automobileDetails table
                        // then in a loop set their detailsId and finally Add() them to the table in the DB
                        //  int dif = detailsInDb.Count() - automobileDetailsNew.Count();
                        int automobileDetailsNewCount = automobileDetailsNew.Count();
                        int detailCount = detailsInDb.Count();

                        for (int i = 0; i < automobileDetailsNewCount; i++)
                            automobileDetailsNew[i].DetailId = detailsInDb[detailCount - automobileDetailsNewCount + i].Id;

            //the next lines prepare image model which will be used to call the Uploadfiles view
            IEnumerable <FileModel> filesInDb = _context.FileModels.ToList().Where(c => c.AutomobileId == automobileId);

            var imageModel = new ImagesFormViewModel()
                AutomobileId = automobileId,
                FileModels   = filesInDb

            // return RedirectToAction("Index", "Automobiles");
            // return RedirectToAction("UploadFiles", "FileModels", automobileId);
            return(View("~/Views/FileModels/UploadFiles.cshtml", imageModel));
Exemple #3
 public ActionResult UploadFiles(ImagesFormViewModel imageModel)