protected void specs_page() { Utility utility = new Utility(); try { Image_Physical_Specs ips = new Image_Physical_Specs(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(image.ClientSizeCustom)) ips = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Image_Physical_Specs>(image.ClientSizeCustom); else ips = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Image_Physical_Specs>(image.ClientSize); List<HD_Physical_Specs> specslist = new List<HD_Physical_Specs>(); foreach (var hd in ips.hd) { long logical_block_size = Convert.ToInt64(hd.lbs); hd.size = (Convert.ToInt64(hd.size) * logical_block_size / 1000f / 1000f / 1000f).ToString("#.##") + " GB" + " / " + (Convert.ToInt64(hd.size) * logical_block_size / 1024f / 1024f / 1024f).ToString("#.##") + " GB"; specslist.Add(hd); } gvHDs.DataSource = specslist; gvHDs.DataBind(); foreach (GridViewRow row in gvHDs.Rows) { string isActive = ((HiddenField)row.FindControl("HiddenActive")).Value; if (isActive == "1") { CheckBox box = row.FindControl("chkHDActive") as CheckBox; box.Checked = true; } } } catch { lblSpecsUnavailable.Text = "Image Specifications Will Be Available After The Image Is Uploaded"; lblSpecsUnavailable.Visible = true; } if(utility.GetSettings("Image Checksum") == "On" && lblSpecsUnavailable.Visible != true) { try { List<HD_Checksum> listPhysicalImageChecksums = new List<HD_Checksum>(); string path = utility.GetSettings("Image Store Path") + image.Name; HD_Checksum imageChecksum = new HD_Checksum(); imageChecksum.hdNumber = "hd1"; imageChecksum.path = path; listPhysicalImageChecksums.Add(imageChecksum); for (int x = 2; true; x++) { imageChecksum = new HD_Checksum(); string subdir = path + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "hd" + x; if (Directory.Exists(subdir)) { imageChecksum.hdNumber = "hd" + x; imageChecksum.path = subdir; listPhysicalImageChecksums.Add(imageChecksum); } else break; } foreach (HD_Checksum hd in listPhysicalImageChecksums) { List<File_Checksum> listChecksums = new List<File_Checksum>(); var files = Directory.GetFiles(hd.path, "*.*"); foreach (var file in files) { File_Checksum fc = new File_Checksum(); fc.fileName = Path.GetFileName(file); fc.checksum = image.Calculate_Hash(file); listChecksums.Add(fc); } hd.path = string.Empty; hd.fc = listChecksums.ToArray(); } string physicalImageJson = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(listPhysicalImageChecksums); if (physicalImageJson != image.Checksum) { incorrectChecksum.Visible = true; ViewState["checkSum"] = physicalImageJson; } } catch(Exception ex) { Logger.Log(ex.Message + " This can be safely ignored if the image has not been uploaded yet"); incorrectChecksum.Visible = false; } } }
protected void btnUpdateImageSpecs_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Image_Physical_Specs ips = new Image_Physical_Specs(); try { ips = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Image_Physical_Specs>(image.ClientSize); } catch { return; } int rowCounter = 0; foreach (GridViewRow row in gvHDs.Rows) { CheckBox box = row.FindControl("chkHDActive") as CheckBox; if (box.Checked) { ips.hd[rowCounter].active = "1"; } else { ips.hd[rowCounter].active = "0"; } GridView gvParts = (GridView)row.FindControl("gvParts"); int partCounter = 0; foreach (GridViewRow partRow in gvParts.Rows) { CheckBox boxPart = partRow.FindControl("chkPartActive") as CheckBox; if (boxPart.Checked) { ips.hd[rowCounter].partition[partCounter].active = "1"; } else { ips.hd[rowCounter].partition[partCounter].active = "0"; } TextBox txtCustomSize = partRow.FindControl("txtCustomSize") as TextBox; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtCustomSize.Text)) { string customSize_BLK = (Convert.ToInt64(txtCustomSize.Text) * 1024 * 1024 / Convert.ToInt32(ips.hd[rowCounter].lbs)).ToString(); ips.hd[rowCounter].partition[partCounter].size_override = customSize_BLK; } GridView gvVG = (GridView)partRow.FindControl("gvVG"); foreach (GridViewRow vg in gvVG.Rows) { GridView gvLVS = (GridView)vg.FindControl("gvLVS"); int lvCounter = 0; foreach (GridViewRow LV in gvLVS.Rows) { CheckBox boxLv = LV.FindControl("chkPartActive") as CheckBox; if (boxLv.Checked) { ips.hd[rowCounter].partition[partCounter][lvCounter].active = "1"; } else { ips.hd[rowCounter].partition[partCounter][lvCounter].active = "0"; } TextBox txtCustomSizeLv = LV.FindControl("txtCustomSize") as TextBox; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtCustomSizeLv.Text)) { string customSize_BLK = (Convert.ToInt64(txtCustomSizeLv.Text) * 1024 * 1024 / Convert.ToInt32(ips.hd[rowCounter].lbs)).ToString(); ips.hd[rowCounter].partition[partCounter][lvCounter].size_override = customSize_BLK; } lvCounter++; } } partCounter++; } rowCounter++; } if (image.UpdateSpecs(image.Name, JsonConvert.SerializeObject(ips))) { Master.Msgbox("Successfully Updated Image Specs"); } else { Master.Msgbox("Could Not Update Image Specs"); } }
protected void btnUpdateImageSpecs_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Image_Physical_Specs ips = new Image_Physical_Specs(); try { ips = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Image_Physical_Specs>(image.ClientSize); } catch { return; } int rowCounter = 0; foreach (GridViewRow row in gvHDs.Rows) { CheckBox box = row.FindControl("chkHDActive") as CheckBox; if (box.Checked) ips.hd[rowCounter].active = "1"; else ips.hd[rowCounter].active = "0"; GridView gvParts = (GridView)row.FindControl("gvParts"); int partCounter = 0; foreach (GridViewRow partRow in gvParts.Rows) { CheckBox boxPart = partRow.FindControl("chkPartActive") as CheckBox; if (boxPart.Checked) ips.hd[rowCounter].partition[partCounter].active = "1"; else ips.hd[rowCounter].partition[partCounter].active = "0"; TextBox txtCustomSize = partRow.FindControl("txtCustomSize") as TextBox; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtCustomSize.Text)) { string customSize_BLK = (Convert.ToInt64(txtCustomSize.Text) * 1024 * 1024 / Convert.ToInt32(ips.hd[rowCounter].lbs)).ToString(); ips.hd[rowCounter].partition[partCounter].size_override = customSize_BLK; } GridView gvVG = (GridView)partRow.FindControl("gvVG"); foreach(GridViewRow vg in gvVG.Rows) { GridView gvLVS = (GridView)vg.FindControl("gvLVS"); int lvCounter = 0; foreach (GridViewRow LV in gvLVS.Rows) { CheckBox boxLv = LV.FindControl("chkPartActive") as CheckBox; if (boxLv.Checked) ips.hd[rowCounter].partition[partCounter][lvCounter].active = "1"; else ips.hd[rowCounter].partition[partCounter][lvCounter].active = "0"; TextBox txtCustomSizeLv = LV.FindControl("txtCustomSize") as TextBox; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtCustomSizeLv.Text)) { string customSize_BLK = (Convert.ToInt64(txtCustomSizeLv.Text) * 1024 * 1024 / Convert.ToInt32(ips.hd[rowCounter].lbs)).ToString(); ips.hd[rowCounter].partition[partCounter][lvCounter].size_override = customSize_BLK; } lvCounter++; } } partCounter++; } rowCounter++; } if (image.UpdateSpecs(image.Name, JsonConvert.SerializeObject(ips))) Master.Msgbox("Successfully Updated Image Specs"); else Master.Msgbox("Could Not Update Image Specs"); }
protected void btnVG_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { GridViewRow gvRow = (GridViewRow)(sender as Control).Parent.Parent; GridView gv = (GridView)gvRow.FindControl("gvLVS"); string selectedHD = (string)(ViewState["selectedHD"]); Image_Physical_Specs ips = new Image_Physical_Specs(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(image.ClientSizeCustom)) ips = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Image_Physical_Specs>(image.ClientSizeCustom); else ips = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Image_Physical_Specs>(image.ClientSize); List<LV_Physical_Specs> lvList = new List<LV_Physical_Specs>(); foreach(var partition in ips.hd[Convert.ToInt32(selectedHD)].partition) { if ( != null) { if ( != null) { foreach (var lv in { if (gvRow.Cells[1].Text == { long logical_block_size = Convert.ToInt64(ips.hd[Convert.ToInt32(selectedHD)].lbs); if ((Convert.ToInt64(lv.size) * logical_block_size) < 1048576000) lv.size = (Convert.ToInt64(lv.size) * logical_block_size / 1024f / 1024f).ToString("#.##") + " MB"; else lv.size = (Convert.ToInt64(lv.size) * logical_block_size / 1024f / 1024f / 1024f).ToString("#.##") + " GB"; lv.used_mb = lv.used_mb + " MB"; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(lv.size_override)) lv.size_override = (Convert.ToInt64(lv.size_override) * logical_block_size / 1024f / 1024f).ToString(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(lv.resize)) lv.resize = lv.resize + " MB"; lvList.Add(lv); } } } } } LinkButton btn = (LinkButton)gvRow.FindControl("vgClick"); if (gv.Visible == false) { gv.Visible = true; var td = gvRow.FindControl("tdLVS"); td.Visible = true; gv.DataSource = lvList; gv.DataBind(); btn.Text = "-"; } else { gv.Visible = false; var td = gvRow.FindControl("tdLVS"); td.Visible = false; btn.Text = "+"; } foreach (GridViewRow row in gv.Rows) { string isActive = ((HiddenField)row.FindControl("HiddenActivePart")).Value; if (isActive == "1") { CheckBox box = row.FindControl("chkPartActive") as CheckBox; box.Checked = true; } } }
protected void btnHds_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Utility utility = new Utility(); GridViewRow row = (GridViewRow)(sender as Control).Parent.Parent; Image image = new Image(); image.ID = image.GetImageID(row.Cells[4].Text); image.Read(image); GridView gvHDs = (GridView)row.FindControl("gvHDs"); List <HD_Physical_Specs> specslist = new List <HD_Physical_Specs>(); Image_Physical_Specs ips = new Image_Physical_Specs(); try { ips = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Image_Physical_Specs>(image.ClientSize); } catch { return; } if (ips == null) { return; } foreach (var hd in ips.hd) { specslist.Add(hd); } LinkButton btn = (LinkButton)row.FindControl("btnHDs"); if (gvHDs.Visible == false) { var td = row.FindControl("tdHds"); td.Visible = true; gvHDs.Visible = true; gvHDs.DataSource = specslist; gvHDs.DataBind(); btn.Text = "-"; } else { var td = row.FindControl("tdHds"); td.Visible = false; gvHDs.Visible = false; btn.Text = "+"; } foreach (GridViewRow hdrow in gvHDs.Rows) { string imagePath = null; try { Label lbl = hdrow.FindControl("lblHDSize") as Label; try { if (hdrow.RowIndex.ToString() == "0") { imagePath = utility.GetSettings("Image Store Path") + row.Cells[4].Text; } else { string selectedHD = (hdrow.RowIndex + 1).ToString(); imagePath = utility.GetSettings("Image Store Path") + row.Cells[4].Text + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "hd" + selectedHD; } } catch { return; } float size = GetDirectorySize(new DirectoryInfo(imagePath)) / 1024f / 1024f / 1024f; if (size == 0.0f) { lbl.Text = "N/A"; } else { lbl.Text = size.ToString("#.##") + " GB"; if (lbl.Text == " GB") { lbl.Text = "< .01 GB"; } } } catch { Label lbl = hdrow.FindControl("lblHDSize") as Label; lbl.Text = "N/A"; Utility.Message = ""; } try { Label lblClient = hdrow.FindControl("lblHDSizeClient") as Label; float fltClientSize = image.CalculateMinSizeHD(image.Name, hdrow.RowIndex, "1") / 1024f / 1024f / 1024f; if (fltClientSize == 0.0f) { lblClient.Text = "N/A"; } else { lblClient.Text = fltClientSize.ToString("#.##") + " GB"; if (lblClient.Text == " GB") { lblClient.Text = "< .01 GB"; } } } catch (Exception) { Label lblClient = hdrow.FindControl("lblHDSizeClient") as Label; lblClient.Text = "N/A"; Utility.Message = ""; } } }
protected void btnParts_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { GridViewRow gvRow = (GridViewRow)(sender as Control).Parent.Parent; GridView gv = (GridView)gvRow.FindControl("gvParts"); string selectedHD = gvRow.Cells[3].Text; ViewState["selectedHD"] = gvRow.RowIndex.ToString(); ViewState["selectedHDName"] = selectedHD; Image_Physical_Specs ips = new Image_Physical_Specs(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(image.ClientSizeCustom)) ips = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Image_Physical_Specs>(image.ClientSizeCustom); else ips = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Image_Physical_Specs>(image.ClientSize); List<Partition_Physical_Specs> specslist = new List<Partition_Physical_Specs>(); List<VG_Physical_Specs> vgList = new List<VG_Physical_Specs>(); foreach (var hd in ips.hd) { if ( == selectedHD) { foreach (var part in hd.partition) { long logical_block_size = Convert.ToInt64(hd.lbs); if ((Convert.ToInt64(part.size) * logical_block_size) < 1048576000) part.size = (Convert.ToInt64(part.size) * logical_block_size / 1024f / 1024f ).ToString("#.##") + " MB"; else part.size = (Convert.ToInt64(part.size) * logical_block_size / 1024f / 1024f / 1024f).ToString("#.##") + " GB"; part.used_mb = part.used_mb + " MB"; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(part.size_override)) part.size_override = (Convert.ToInt64(part.size_override) * logical_block_size / 1024f / 1024f).ToString(); if(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(part.resize)) part.resize = part.resize + " MB"; specslist.Add(part); if( != null) if( != null) vgList.Add(; } } } LinkButton btn = (LinkButton)gvRow.FindControl("btnParts"); if (gv.Visible == false) { gv.Visible = true; var td = gvRow.FindControl("tdParts"); td.Visible = true; gv.DataSource = specslist; gv.DataBind(); btn.Text = "-"; } else { gv.Visible = false; var td = gvRow.FindControl("tdParts"); td.Visible = false; btn.Text = "+"; } foreach (GridViewRow row in gv.Rows) { GridView gvVG = (GridView)row.FindControl("gvVG"); foreach(var vg in vgList) { if(vg.pv == selectedHD + row.Cells[3].Text) { List<VG_Physical_Specs> vgListBind = new List<VG_Physical_Specs>(); vgListBind.Add(vg); gvVG.DataSource = vgListBind; gvVG.DataBind(); gvVG.Visible = true; var td = row.FindControl("tdVG"); td.Visible = true; } } string isActive = ((HiddenField)row.FindControl("HiddenActivePart")).Value; if (isActive == "1") { CheckBox box = row.FindControl("chkPartActive") as CheckBox; box.Checked = true; } } }
public ExtendedPartition CalculateMinSizeExtended(string imgName, int hdNumberToGet) { Image image = new Image(); image.ID = image.GetImageID(imgName); image.Read(image); Image_Physical_Specs ips = new Image_Physical_Specs(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(image.ClientSizeCustom)) { ips = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Image_Physical_Specs>(image.ClientSizeCustom); } else { ips = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Image_Physical_Specs>(image.ClientSize); } int lbs_BYTE = Convert.ToInt32(ips.hd[hdNumberToGet].lbs); ExtendedPartition EP = new ExtendedPartition(); EP.minSize_BLK = 0; EP.isOnlySwap = false; bool hasExtendedPartition = false; bool hasLogicalPartition = false; //Determine if any Extended or Logical Partitions are present. Needed ahead of time correctly calculate sizes. //And calculate minimum needed extended partition size string logicalFSType = null; foreach (var part in ips.hd[hdNumberToGet].partition) { if ( != "1") { continue; } if (part.type.ToLower() == "extended") { hasExtendedPartition = true; } if (part.type.ToLower() == "logical") { EP.logicalCount++; logicalFSType = part.fstype; hasLogicalPartition = true; EP.hasLogical = true; } } if (EP.logicalCount == 1 && logicalFSType.ToLower() == "swap") { EP.isOnlySwap = true; } if (hasExtendedPartition) { foreach (var partition in ips.hd[hdNumberToGet].partition) { if ( != "1") { continue; } if (hasExtendedPartition && hasLogicalPartition) { if (partition.type.ToLower() == "logical") { if (partition.fsid.ToLower() == "8e") { List <VolumeGroup> listVGS = image.CalculateMinSizeVG(imgName, hdNumberToGet); foreach (var VG in listVGS) { if (VG.pv == ips.hd[hdNumberToGet].name + partition.number) { EP.minSize_BLK = VG.minSize_BLK; } } if (EP.minSize_BLK == 0) { EP.minSize_BLK = Convert.ToInt64(partition.size); } } else { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(partition.size_override)) { EP.minSize_BLK += Convert.ToInt64(partition.size_override); } else { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(partition.resize)) { EP.minSize_BLK += Convert.ToInt64(partition.size); } else { if (Convert.ToInt64(partition.resize) > Convert.ToInt64(partition.used_mb)) { EP.minSize_BLK += (Convert.ToInt64(partition.resize) * 1024 * 1024) / lbs_BYTE; } else { EP.minSize_BLK += (Convert.ToInt64(partition.used_mb) * 1024 * 1024) / lbs_BYTE; } } } } } } //If Hd has extended but no logical, use the extended to calc size else if (hasExtendedPartition && !hasLogicalPartition) { //In this case someone has defined an extended partition but has not created any logical //This could just be for preperation of leaving room for more logical partition later //This should be highly unlikely but should account for it anyway. There is no way of knowing a minimum size required //while still having the partition be resizable. So will set minimum sized required to unless user overrides if (partition.type.ToLower() == "extended") { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(partition.size_override)) { EP.minSize_BLK = Convert.ToInt64(partition.size_override); } else { //set arbitary minimum to 100MB EP.minSize_BLK = (Convert.ToInt64("100") * 1024 * 1024) / lbs_BYTE; } } } } } //Logical paritions default to 1MB more than the previous block using fdisk. This needs to be added to extended size so logical parts will fit inside long epPadding = (((1048576 / lbs_BYTE) * EP.logicalCount) + (1048576 / lbs_BYTE)); EP.minSize_BLK += epPadding; return(EP); }
protected void btnVG_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { GridViewRow gvRow = (GridViewRow)(sender as Control).Parent.Parent; GridView gv = (GridView)gvRow.FindControl("gvLVS"); string selectedHD = (string)(ViewState["selectedHD"]); Image_Physical_Specs ips = new Image_Physical_Specs(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(image.ClientSizeCustom)) { ips = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Image_Physical_Specs>(image.ClientSizeCustom); } else { ips = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Image_Physical_Specs>(image.ClientSize); } List <LV_Physical_Specs> lvList = new List <LV_Physical_Specs>(); foreach (var partition in ips.hd[Convert.ToInt32(selectedHD)].partition) { if ( != null) { if ( != null) { foreach (var lv in { if (gvRow.Cells[1].Text == { long logical_block_size = Convert.ToInt64(ips.hd[Convert.ToInt32(selectedHD)].lbs); if ((Convert.ToInt64(lv.size) * logical_block_size) < 1048576000) { lv.size = (Convert.ToInt64(lv.size) * logical_block_size / 1024f / 1024f).ToString("#.##") + " MB"; } else { lv.size = (Convert.ToInt64(lv.size) * logical_block_size / 1024f / 1024f / 1024f).ToString("#.##") + " GB"; } lv.used_mb = lv.used_mb + " MB"; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(lv.size_override)) { lv.size_override = (Convert.ToInt64(lv.size_override) * logical_block_size / 1024f / 1024f).ToString(); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(lv.resize)) { lv.resize = lv.resize + " MB"; } lvList.Add(lv); } } } } } LinkButton btn = (LinkButton)gvRow.FindControl("vgClick"); if (gv.Visible == false) { gv.Visible = true; var td = gvRow.FindControl("tdLVS"); td.Visible = true; gv.DataSource = lvList; gv.DataBind(); btn.Text = "-"; } else { gv.Visible = false; var td = gvRow.FindControl("tdLVS"); td.Visible = false; btn.Text = "+"; } foreach (GridViewRow row in gv.Rows) { string isActive = ((HiddenField)row.FindControl("HiddenActivePart")).Value; if (isActive == "1") { CheckBox box = row.FindControl("chkPartActive") as CheckBox; box.Checked = true; } } }
public void getOriginalLVM(string imgName, string hdToGet, string clienthd) { Image image = new Image(); image.ID = image.GetImageID(imgName); image.Read(image); Image_Physical_Specs ips = new Image_Physical_Specs(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(image.ClientSizeCustom)) ips = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Image_Physical_Specs>(image.ClientSizeCustom); else ips = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Image_Physical_Specs>(image.ClientSize); int hdNumberToGet = Convert.ToInt32(hdToGet) - 1; foreach (var part in ips.hd[hdNumberToGet].partition) { if ( != "1") continue; if ( != null) { if ( != null) { HttpContext.Current.Response.Write("pvcreate -u " + part.uuid + " --norestorefile -yf " +[ - 1] + "\r\n"); HttpContext.Current.Response.Write("vgcreate " + + " " + clienthd +[ - 1] + " -yf" + "\r\n"); HttpContext.Current.Response.Write("echo \"" + + "\" >>/tmp/vg-" + "\r\n"); foreach (var lv in { if ( == "1") { HttpContext.Current.Response.Write("lvcreate -L " + lv.size + "s -n " + + " " + + "\r\n"); HttpContext.Current.Response.Write("echo \"" + lv.uuid + "\" >>/tmp/" + + "-" + + "\r\n"); } } HttpContext.Current.Response.Write("vgcfgbackup -f /tmp/lvm-" + + "\r\n"); } } } }
public void getPartLayout(string imgName, string hdToGet, string newHDSize, string clientHD, string taskType) { Image image = new Image(); image.ID = image.GetImageID(imgName); image.Read(image); Image_Physical_Specs ips = new Image_Physical_Specs(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(image.ClientSizeCustom)) ips = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Image_Physical_Specs>(image.ClientSizeCustom); else ips = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Image_Physical_Specs>(image.ClientSize); int activeCounter = Convert.ToInt32(hdToGet); int hdNumberToGet = Convert.ToInt32(hdToGet) - 1; //Look for first active hd if (ips.hd[hdNumberToGet].active != "1") { while (activeCounter <= ips.hd.Count()) { if (ips.hd[activeCounter - 1].active == "1") { hdNumberToGet = activeCounter - 1; } activeCounter++; } } newHDSize = (Convert.ToInt64(newHDSize) * .99).ToString("#"); int lbs_BYTE = Convert.ToInt32(ips.hd[hdNumberToGet].lbs); long newHD_BYTES = Convert.ToInt64(newHDSize); long newHD_BLK = Convert.ToInt64(newHDSize) / lbs_BYTE; List<Partition_Resized_Client> listPhysicalAndExtended = new List<Partition_Resized_Client>(); List<Partition_Resized_Client> listLogical = new List<Partition_Resized_Client>(); List<Partition_Resized_Client_LVM> listLVM = new List<Partition_Resized_Client_LVM>(); string bootPart = null; if(ips.hd[hdNumberToGet].boot.Length > 0) bootPart = ips.hd[hdNumberToGet].boot.Substring(ips.hd[hdNumberToGet].boot.Length - 1, 1); ExtendedPartition EP = image.CalculateMinSizeExtended(imgName,hdNumberToGet); List<VolumeGroup> listVGS = new List<VolumeGroup>(); long agreedExtendedSize_BLK = 0; double percentCounter = 0; bool partLayoutVerified = false; bool hasResizableVG = false; int startPart = 0; while (!partLayoutVerified) { double totalPercentage = 0; listPhysicalAndExtended.Clear(); listLogical.Clear(); listVGS.Clear(); startPart = Convert.ToInt32(ips.hd[hdNumberToGet].partition[0].start); int partCounter = 0; hasResizableVG = false; foreach (var part in ips.hd[hdNumberToGet].partition) { if (Convert.ToInt32(part.start) < startPart) startPart = Convert.ToInt32(part.start); if ( != "1") continue; if (part.type.ToLower() == "logical") continue; VolumeGroup VG = image.SinglePartMinSizeVG(imgName, hdNumberToGet, partCounter); if (VG.pv != null) { part.resize = (VG.minSize_BLK * lbs_BYTE / 1024 / 1024).ToString(); hasResizableVG = true; } Partition_Resized_Client resizedPart = new Partition_Resized_Client(); if (bootPart == part.number) resizedPart.isBoot = true; else resizedPart.isBoot = false; resizedPart.number = part.number; resizedPart.start = part.start; resizedPart.type = part.type; resizedPart.fsid = part.fsid; resizedPart.uuid = part.uuid; resizedPart.guid = part.guid; resizedPart.fstype = part.fstype; //If not resizable set aside a minimum size based off original partition length long newPartSize_BLK = 0; double tmpTotalPercentage = 0; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(part.size_override)) { newPartSize_BLK = Convert.ToInt64(part.size_override); resizedPart.size = newPartSize_BLK.ToString(); tmpTotalPercentage = (double)newPartSize_BLK / newHD_BLK; resizedPart.partResized = false; if (resizedPart.type.ToLower() == "extended") { resizedPart.size = EP.minSize_BLK.ToString(); agreedExtendedSize_BLK = EP.minSize_BLK; } } else if ((string.IsNullOrEmpty(part.resize) && part.type.ToLower() != "extended") || (part.type.ToLower() == "extended" && EP.isOnlySwap) || Convert.ToInt64(part.size) * lbs_BYTE <= 2097152000) { newPartSize_BLK = Convert.ToInt64(part.size); resizedPart.size = newPartSize_BLK.ToString(); tmpTotalPercentage = (double)newPartSize_BLK / newHD_BLK; resizedPart.partResized = false; if (resizedPart.type.ToLower() == "extended") { resizedPart.size = EP.minSize_BLK.ToString(); agreedExtendedSize_BLK = EP.minSize_BLK; } } //If resizable determine what percent of drive partition was originally and match that to the new drive //while making sure the min size is still greater than the resized size. else { resizedPart.partResized = true; if (part.type.ToLower() == "extended") newPartSize_BLK = EP.minSize_BLK; else { if (VG.pv != null) { newPartSize_BLK = (Convert.ToInt64(part.resize) * 1024 * 1024) / lbs_BYTE; } else { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(part.used_mb)) part.used_mb = "0"; if (Convert.ToInt64(part.resize) > Convert.ToInt64(part.used_mb)) newPartSize_BLK = (Convert.ToInt64(part.resize) * 1024 * 1024) / lbs_BYTE; else newPartSize_BLK = (Convert.ToInt64(part.used_mb) * 1024 * 1024) / lbs_BYTE; } } double percentOfOrigDrive = (double)(Convert.ToInt64(part.size) / (double)(Convert.ToInt64(ips.hd[hdNumberToGet].size))); if (percentOfOrigDrive - (percentCounter / 100) <= 0) resizedPart.size = (newHD_BLK * (percentOfOrigDrive)).ToString("#"); else resizedPart.size = (newHD_BLK * (percentOfOrigDrive - (percentCounter / 100))).ToString("#"); if (resizedPart.type.ToLower() == "extended") tmpTotalPercentage = ((double)(Convert.ToInt64(resizedPart.size)) + (((1048576 / lbs_BYTE) * EP.logicalCount) + (1048576 / lbs_BYTE))) / newHD_BLK; else tmpTotalPercentage = (double)(Convert.ToInt64(resizedPart.size)) / newHD_BLK; if (Convert.ToInt64(resizedPart.size) < newPartSize_BLK) { if (resizedPart.type.ToLower() == "extended") { resizedPart.size = (newPartSize_BLK + (((1048576 / lbs_BYTE) * EP.logicalCount) + (1048576 / lbs_BYTE))).ToString(); tmpTotalPercentage = (double)(Convert.ToInt64(resizedPart.size)) / newHD_BLK; } else { resizedPart.size = newPartSize_BLK.ToString(); tmpTotalPercentage = (double)(Convert.ToInt64(resizedPart.size)) / newHD_BLK; } } if (resizedPart.type.ToLower() == "extended") agreedExtendedSize_BLK = Convert.ToInt64(resizedPart.size); } if (hasResizableVG) { VG.agreedPVSize_BLK = Convert.ToInt64(resizedPart.size); listVGS.Add(VG); } totalPercentage += tmpTotalPercentage; listPhysicalAndExtended.Add(resizedPart); partCounter++; } percentCounter++; if (totalPercentage <= 1) { long totalAllocated_BLK = 0; long totalUnallocated = 0; int resizablePartsCount = 0; //If totalPercentage is too far below 1 try to increase size of available resizable partitions if (totalPercentage < .95) { foreach (var partition in listPhysicalAndExtended) { totalAllocated_BLK += Convert.ToInt64(partition.size); if (partition.partResized) resizablePartsCount++; } totalUnallocated = newHD_BLK - totalAllocated_BLK; if (resizablePartsCount > 0) { foreach (var partition in listPhysicalAndExtended) { if (partition.partResized) { partition.size = (Convert.ToInt64(partition.size) + (totalUnallocated / resizablePartsCount)).ToString(); if (partition.type.ToLower() == "extended") agreedExtendedSize_BLK = Convert.ToInt64(partition.size); for (int i = 0; i < listVGS.Count(); i++) if (ips.hd[hdNumberToGet].name + partition.number == listVGS[i].pv) listVGS[i].agreedPVSize_BLK = Convert.ToInt64(partition.size); } } } } partLayoutVerified = true; } //Theoretically should never hit this, but added to prevent infinite loop if (percentCounter == 99) { HttpContext.Current.Response.Write("false"); Logger.Log("Error. Could Not Determine A Partition Layout That Fits This HD"); return; } } //Try to resize lv to fit inside newly created lvm if (partLayoutVerified && hasResizableVG) { foreach (var volumeGroup in listVGS) { volumeGroup.agreedPVSize_BLK = Convert.ToInt64(volumeGroup.agreedPVSize_BLK * .99); foreach (var partition in ips.hd[hdNumberToGet].partition) { if (ips.hd[hdNumberToGet].name + partition.number == volumeGroup.pv) { bool singleLvVerified = false; percentCounter = 0; while (!singleLvVerified) { double totalPercentage = 0; listLVM.Clear(); if ( != "1") continue; foreach (var lv in { if ( != "1") continue; Partition_Resized_Client_LVM resizedLV = new Partition_Resized_Client_LVM(); =; =; resizedLV.uuid = lv.uuid; resizedLV.fstype = lv.fstype; //If not resizable set aside a minimum size based off original partition length long newPartSize_BLK = 0; double tmpTotalPercentage = 0; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(lv.size_override)) { newPartSize_BLK = Convert.ToInt64(lv.size_override); resizedLV.size = newPartSize_BLK.ToString(); tmpTotalPercentage = (double)newPartSize_BLK / volumeGroup.agreedPVSize_BLK; resizedLV.partResized = false; } else if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(lv.resize)) { newPartSize_BLK = (Convert.ToInt64(lv.size)); resizedLV.size = newPartSize_BLK.ToString(); tmpTotalPercentage = (double)newPartSize_BLK / volumeGroup.agreedPVSize_BLK; resizedLV.partResized = false; } //If resizable determine what percent of drive partition was originally and match that to the new drive //while making sure the min size is still greater than the resized size. else { resizedLV.partResized = true; if (Convert.ToInt64(lv.resize) > Convert.ToInt64(lv.used_mb)) newPartSize_BLK = (Convert.ToInt64(lv.resize) * 1024 * 1024) / lbs_BYTE; else newPartSize_BLK = (Convert.ToInt64(lv.used_mb) * 1024 * 1024) / lbs_BYTE; double percentOfOrigDrive = (double)(Convert.ToInt64(lv.size) / (double)(Convert.ToInt64(ips.hd[hdNumberToGet].size))); if (percentOfOrigDrive - (percentCounter / 100) <= 0) resizedLV.size = (volumeGroup.agreedPVSize_BLK * (percentOfOrigDrive)).ToString("#"); else resizedLV.size = (volumeGroup.agreedPVSize_BLK * (percentOfOrigDrive - (percentCounter / 100))).ToString("#"); tmpTotalPercentage = (double)(Convert.ToInt64(resizedLV.size)) / volumeGroup.agreedPVSize_BLK; if (Convert.ToInt64(resizedLV.size) < newPartSize_BLK) { resizedLV.size = newPartSize_BLK.ToString(); tmpTotalPercentage = (double)(Convert.ToInt64(resizedLV.size)) / volumeGroup.agreedPVSize_BLK; } } totalPercentage += tmpTotalPercentage; listLVM.Add(resizedLV); } percentCounter++; if (totalPercentage <= 1) { long totalAllocated_BLK = 0; long totalUnallocated = 0; int resizablePartsCount = 0; //If totalPercentage is too far below 1 try to increase size of available resizable partitions if (totalPercentage < .95) { foreach (var lv in listLVM) { totalAllocated_BLK += Convert.ToInt64(lv.size); if (lv.partResized) resizablePartsCount++; } totalUnallocated = volumeGroup.agreedPVSize_BLK - totalAllocated_BLK; if (resizablePartsCount > 0) { foreach (var lv in listLVM) { if (lv.partResized) lv.size = (Convert.ToInt64(lv.size) + (totalUnallocated / resizablePartsCount)).ToString(); } } } singleLvVerified = true; } //Theoretically should never hit this, but added to prevent infinite loop if (percentCounter == 99) { HttpContext.Current.Response.Write("Error"); break; } } } } } } // Try to resize logical to fit inside newly created extended if (partLayoutVerified && EP.hasLogical) { percentCounter = 0; bool logicalPartLayoutVerified = false; while (!logicalPartLayoutVerified) { listLogical.Clear(); double totalPercentage = 0; foreach (var part in ips.hd[hdNumberToGet].partition) { if (part.type.ToLower() != "logical") continue; Partition_Resized_Client resizedPart = new Partition_Resized_Client(); if (bootPart == part.number) resizedPart.isBoot = true; else resizedPart.isBoot = false; resizedPart.number = part.number; resizedPart.start = part.start; resizedPart.type = part.type; resizedPart.fsid = part.fsid; resizedPart.uuid = part.uuid; resizedPart.guid = part.guid; resizedPart.fstype = part.fstype; //If not resizable set aside a minimum size based off original partition length long newPartSize_BLK = 0; double tmpTotalPercentage = 0; //If partition is logical and lvm if (part.fsid.ToLower() == "8e") { //List<VolumeGroup> listVGS_lv = new List<VolumeGroup>(); listVGS = image.CalculateMinSizeVG(imgName, hdNumberToGet); foreach (var VG in listVGS) { if (VG.pv == ips.hd[hdNumberToGet].name + part.number) newPartSize_BLK = VG.minSize_BLK; } if (newPartSize_BLK == 0) newPartSize_BLK = Convert.ToInt64(part.size); part.resize = ((newPartSize_BLK * lbs_BYTE) / 1024 / 1024).ToString(); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(part.size_override)) { newPartSize_BLK = Convert.ToInt64(part.size_override); resizedPart.size = newPartSize_BLK.ToString(); tmpTotalPercentage = (double)newPartSize_BLK / agreedExtendedSize_BLK; resizedPart.partResized = false; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(part.resize)) { newPartSize_BLK = (Convert.ToInt64(part.size)); resizedPart.size = newPartSize_BLK.ToString(); tmpTotalPercentage = (double)newPartSize_BLK / agreedExtendedSize_BLK; resizedPart.partResized = false; } //If resizable determine what percent of drive partition was originally and match that to the new drive //while making sure the min size is still greater than the resized size. else { resizedPart.partResized = true; if (part.fsid.ToLower() == "8e") { newPartSize_BLK = (Convert.ToInt64(part.resize) * 1024 * 1024) / lbs_BYTE; } else { if (Convert.ToInt64(part.resize) > Convert.ToInt64(part.used_mb)) newPartSize_BLK = (Convert.ToInt64(part.resize) * 1024 * 1024) / lbs_BYTE; else newPartSize_BLK = (Convert.ToInt64(part.used_mb) * 1024 * 1024) / lbs_BYTE; } if (taskType == "upload") resizedPart.size = newPartSize_BLK.ToString(); else { double percentOfOrigDrive = (double)(Convert.ToInt64(part.size) / (double)(Convert.ToInt64(ips.hd[hdNumberToGet].size))); if (percentOfOrigDrive - (percentCounter / 100) <= 0) resizedPart.size = (agreedExtendedSize_BLK * (percentOfOrigDrive)).ToString("#"); else resizedPart.size = (agreedExtendedSize_BLK * (percentOfOrigDrive - (percentCounter / 100))).ToString("#"); tmpTotalPercentage = (double)(Convert.ToInt64(resizedPart.size)) / agreedExtendedSize_BLK; if (Convert.ToInt64(resizedPart.size) < newPartSize_BLK) { resizedPart.size = newPartSize_BLK.ToString(); tmpTotalPercentage = (double)(Convert.ToInt64(resizedPart.size)) / agreedExtendedSize_BLK; } } } totalPercentage += tmpTotalPercentage; listLogical.Add(resizedPart); } percentCounter++; if (totalPercentage <= 1) { long totalAllocated_BLK = 0; long totalUnallocated = 0; int resizablePartsCount = 0; //If totalPercentage is too far below 1 try to increase size of available resizable partitions if (totalPercentage < .95) { foreach (var partition in listLogical) { totalAllocated_BLK += Convert.ToInt64(partition.size); if (partition.partResized) resizablePartsCount++; } totalUnallocated = agreedExtendedSize_BLK - totalAllocated_BLK; if (resizablePartsCount > 0) { foreach (var partition in listLogical) { if (partition.partResized) partition.size = (Convert.ToInt64(partition.size) + (totalUnallocated / resizablePartsCount)).ToString(); } } } logicalPartLayoutVerified = true; //testing if logical is also lvm foreach (var part in listLogical) { if (part.fsid.ToLower() == "8e") { foreach (var VG in listVGS) { if (VG.pv == ips.hd[hdNumberToGet].name + part.number) { VG.agreedPVSize_BLK = Convert.ToInt64(part.size); } } foreach (var volumeGroup in listVGS) { volumeGroup.agreedPVSize_BLK = Convert.ToInt64(volumeGroup.agreedPVSize_BLK * .99); foreach (var partition in ips.hd[hdNumberToGet].partition) { if (ips.hd[hdNumberToGet].name + partition.number == volumeGroup.pv) { bool singleLvVerified = false; percentCounter = 0; while (!singleLvVerified) { totalPercentage = 0; listLVM.Clear(); if ( != "1") continue; foreach (var lv in { if ( != "1") continue; Partition_Resized_Client_LVM resizedLV = new Partition_Resized_Client_LVM(); =; =; resizedLV.uuid = lv.uuid; resizedLV.fstype = lv.fstype; //If not resizable set aside a minimum size based off original partition length long newPartSize_BLK = 0; double tmpTotalPercentage = 0; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(lv.size_override)) { newPartSize_BLK = Convert.ToInt64(lv.size_override); resizedLV.size = newPartSize_BLK.ToString(); tmpTotalPercentage = (double)newPartSize_BLK / volumeGroup.agreedPVSize_BLK; resizedLV.partResized = false; } else if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(lv.resize)) { newPartSize_BLK = (Convert.ToInt64(lv.size)); resizedLV.size = newPartSize_BLK.ToString(); tmpTotalPercentage = (double)newPartSize_BLK / volumeGroup.agreedPVSize_BLK; resizedLV.partResized = false; } //If resizable determine what percent of drive partition was originally and match that to the new drive //while making sure the min size is still greater than the resized size. else { resizedLV.partResized = true; if (Convert.ToInt64(lv.resize) > Convert.ToInt64(lv.used_mb)) newPartSize_BLK = (Convert.ToInt64(lv.resize) * 1024 * 1024) / lbs_BYTE; else newPartSize_BLK = (Convert.ToInt64(lv.used_mb) * 1024 * 1024) / lbs_BYTE; double percentOfOrigDrive = (double)(Convert.ToInt64(lv.size) / (double)(Convert.ToInt64(ips.hd[hdNumberToGet].size))); if (percentOfOrigDrive - (percentCounter / 100) <= 0) resizedLV.size = (volumeGroup.agreedPVSize_BLK * (percentOfOrigDrive)).ToString("#"); else resizedLV.size = (volumeGroup.agreedPVSize_BLK * (percentOfOrigDrive - (percentCounter / 100))).ToString("#"); tmpTotalPercentage = (double)(Convert.ToInt64(resizedLV.size)) / volumeGroup.agreedPVSize_BLK; if (Convert.ToInt64(resizedLV.size) < newPartSize_BLK) { resizedLV.size = newPartSize_BLK.ToString(); tmpTotalPercentage = (double)(Convert.ToInt64(resizedLV.size)) / volumeGroup.agreedPVSize_BLK; } } totalPercentage += tmpTotalPercentage; listLVM.Add(resizedLV); } percentCounter++; if (totalPercentage <= 1) { totalAllocated_BLK = 0; totalUnallocated = 0; resizablePartsCount = 0; //If totalPercentage is too far below 1 try to increase size of available resizable partitions if (totalPercentage < .95) { foreach (var lv in listLVM) { totalAllocated_BLK += Convert.ToInt64(lv.size); if (lv.partResized) resizablePartsCount++; } totalUnallocated = volumeGroup.agreedPVSize_BLK - totalAllocated_BLK; if (resizablePartsCount > 0) { foreach (var lv in listLVM) { if (lv.partResized) lv.size = (Convert.ToInt64(lv.size) + (totalUnallocated / resizablePartsCount)).ToString(); } } } singleLvVerified = true; } //Theoretically should never hit this, but added to prevent infinite loop if (percentCounter == 99) { HttpContext.Current.Response.Write("Error"); break; } } } } } } } } //Theoretically should never hit this, but added to prevent infinite loop if (percentCounter == 99) { HttpContext.Current.Response.Write("Error"); break; } } } //Order partitions based of block start listPhysicalAndExtended = listPhysicalAndExtended.OrderBy(Part => Part.start, new Image.CustomComparer()).ToList(); listLogical = listLogical.OrderBy(Part => Part.start, new Image.CustomComparer()).ToList(); if(taskType == "debug") { try { agreedExtendedSize_BLK = agreedExtendedSize_BLK * 512 / 1024 / 1024; } catch { } foreach(var p in listPhysicalAndExtended) p.size = (Convert.ToInt64(p.size) * 512 / 1024 /1024).ToString(); foreach (var p in listLogical) p.size = (Convert.ToInt64(p.size) * 512 / 1024 / 1024).ToString(); foreach (var p in listLVM) p.size = (Convert.ToInt64(p.size) * 512 / 1024 / 1024).ToString(); } //Create Menu if (ips.hd[hdNumberToGet].table.ToLower() == "mbr") { int counter = 0; int partCount = listPhysicalAndExtended.Count; string partitionCommands = null; if(Convert.ToInt32(listPhysicalAndExtended[0].start) < 2048) partitionCommands = "fdisk -c=dos " + clientHD + " &>>/tmp/clientlog.log <<FDISK\r\n"; else partitionCommands = "fdisk " + clientHD + " &>>/tmp/clientlog.log <<FDISK\r\n"; foreach (var part in listPhysicalAndExtended) { counter++; partitionCommands += "n\r\n"; if (part.type == "primary") partitionCommands += "p\r\n"; else if (part.type == "extended") { partitionCommands += "e\r\n"; } partitionCommands += part.number + "\r\n"; if (counter == 1 || taskType == "upload") partitionCommands += startPart.ToString() + "\r\n"; else partitionCommands += "\r\n"; if(part.type == "extended") partitionCommands += "+" + (Convert.ToInt64(agreedExtendedSize_BLK) - 1).ToString() + "\r\n"; else //FDISK seems to include the starting sector in size so we need to subtract 1 partitionCommands += "+" + (Convert.ToInt64(part.size) -1).ToString() + "\r\n"; partitionCommands += "t\r\n"; if (counter == 1) partitionCommands += part.fsid + "\r\n"; else { partitionCommands += part.number + "\r\n"; partitionCommands += part.fsid + "\r\n"; } if (counter == 1 && part.isBoot) partitionCommands += "a\r\n"; if (counter != 1 && part.isBoot) { partitionCommands += "a\r\n"; partitionCommands += part.number + "\r\n"; } if ((counter == partCount && listLogical.Count == 0)) { partitionCommands += "w\r\n"; partitionCommands += "FDISK\r\n"; } } int logicalCounter = 0; foreach (var logicalPart in listLogical) { logicalCounter++; partitionCommands += "n\r\n"; if (listPhysicalAndExtended.Count < 4) partitionCommands += "l\r\n"; partitionCommands += "\r\n"; if (taskType == "debug") partitionCommands += "+" + (Convert.ToInt64(logicalPart.size) - (logicalCounter * 1)).ToString() + "\r\n"; else partitionCommands += "+" + (Convert.ToInt64(logicalPart.size) - (logicalCounter * 2049)).ToString() + "\r\n"; partitionCommands += "t\r\n"; partitionCommands += logicalPart.number + "\r\n"; partitionCommands += logicalPart.fsid + "\r\n"; if (logicalPart.isBoot) { partitionCommands += "a\r\n"; partitionCommands += logicalPart.number + "\r\n"; } if (logicalCounter == listLogical.Count) { partitionCommands += "w\r\n"; partitionCommands += "FDISK\r\n"; } } HttpContext.Current.Response.Write(partitionCommands); } else { int counter = 0; int partCount = listPhysicalAndExtended.Count; string partitionCommands = "gdisk " + clientHD + " &>>/tmp/clientlog.log <<GDISK\r\n"; foreach (var part in listPhysicalAndExtended) { counter++; partitionCommands += "n\r\n"; partitionCommands += part.number + "\r\n"; if (counter == 1 || taskType == "upload") partitionCommands += startPart.ToString() + "\r\n"; else partitionCommands += "\r\n"; //GDISK seems to NOT include the starting sector in size so don't subtract 1 like in FDISK partitionCommands += "+" + Convert.ToInt64(part.size).ToString() + "\r\n"; partitionCommands += part.fsid + "\r\n"; if ((counter == partCount)) { partitionCommands += "w\r\n"; partitionCommands += "y\r\n"; partitionCommands += "GDISK\r\n"; } } HttpContext.Current.Response.Write(partitionCommands); } foreach (var part in ips.hd[hdNumberToGet].partition) { if ( != "1") continue; if ( != null) { if ( != null) { HttpContext.Current.Response.Write("echo \"pvcreate -u " + part.uuid + " --norestorefile -yf " + clientHD +[ - 1] + "\" >>/tmp/lvmcommands \r\n"); HttpContext.Current.Response.Write("echo \"vgcreate " + + " " + clientHD +[ - 1] + " -yf" + "\" >>/tmp/lvmcommands \r\n"); HttpContext.Current.Response.Write("echo \"" + + "\" >>/tmp/vg-" + + " \r\n"); foreach (var lv in { foreach(var rlv in listLVM) { if ( == && == { HttpContext.Current.Response.Write("echo \"lvcreate -L " + ((Convert.ToInt64(rlv.size) - 8192).ToString()) + "s -n " + + " " + + "\" >>/tmp/lvmcommands \r\n"); HttpContext.Current.Response.Write("echo \"" + rlv.uuid + "\" >>/tmp/" + + "-" + + "\r\n"); } } } HttpContext.Current.Response.Write("echo \"vgcfgbackup -f /tmp/lvm-" + + "\" >>/tmp/lvmcommands\r\n"); } } } }
public void getMinHDSize(string imgName, string hdToGet, string newHDSize) { Image image = new Image(); image.ID = image.GetImageID(imgName); image.Read(image); Image_Physical_Specs ips = new Image_Physical_Specs(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(image.ClientSizeCustom)) { ips = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Image_Physical_Specs>(image.ClientSizeCustom); try { ips = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Image_Physical_Specs>(image.ClientSizeCustom); } catch { } } else { ips = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Image_Physical_Specs>(image.ClientSize); try { ips = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Image_Physical_Specs>(image.ClientSize); } catch { } } if(ips.hd == null) { HttpContext.Current.Response.Write("compatibility,0"); return; } if (ips.hd.Count() < Convert.ToInt32(hdToGet)) { HttpContext.Current.Response.Write("notexist,0"); return; } int activeCounter = Convert.ToInt32(hdToGet); bool foundActive = false; int hdNumberToGet = Convert.ToInt32(hdToGet) - 1; //Look for first active hd if (ips.hd[hdNumberToGet].active == "1") { foundActive = true; } else { while(activeCounter <= ips.hd.Count()) { if(ips.hd[activeCounter -1 ].active == "1") { hdNumberToGet = activeCounter - 1; foundActive = true; break; } activeCounter++; } } if(!foundActive) { HttpContext.Current.Response.Write("notactive,0"); return; } long minHDSizeRequired_BYTE = image.CalculateMinSizeHD(imgName, hdNumberToGet, newHDSize); long newHD_BYTES = Convert.ToInt64(newHDSize); if (minHDSizeRequired_BYTE > newHD_BYTES) { HttpContext.Current.Response.Write("false," + (hdNumberToGet + 1)); Logger.Log("Error: " + newHD_BYTES / 1024 / 1024 + " MB Is Less Than The Minimum Required HD Size For This Image(" + minHDSizeRequired_BYTE / 1024 / 1024 + " MB)"); } else if(minHDSizeRequired_BYTE == newHD_BYTES) { HttpContext.Current.Response.Write("original,"+ (hdNumberToGet + 1)); } else HttpContext.Current.Response.Write("true," + (hdNumberToGet + 1)); }
public void getHDParameter(string imgName, string paramName, string hdToGet, string partNumber) { Image image = new Image(); image.ID = image.GetImageID(imgName); image.Read(image); Image_Physical_Specs ips = new Image_Physical_Specs(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(image.ClientSizeCustom)) ips = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Image_Physical_Specs>(image.ClientSizeCustom); else ips = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Image_Physical_Specs>(image.ClientSize); int activeCounter = Convert.ToInt32(hdToGet); int hdNumberToGet = Convert.ToInt32(hdToGet) - 1; //Look for first active hd if (ips.hd[hdNumberToGet].active != "1") { while (activeCounter <= ips.hd.Count()) { if (ips.hd[activeCounter - 1].active == "1") { hdNumberToGet = activeCounter - 1; } activeCounter++; } } if (paramName == "uuid") { foreach (var partition in ips.hd[hdNumberToGet].partition) if (partition.number == partNumber) { HttpContext.Current.Response.Write(partition.uuid); break; } } else if (paramName == "lvmswap") { foreach (var partition in ips.hd[hdNumberToGet].partition) { if ( != null) { if ( != null) { foreach (var lv in { if (lv.fstype.ToLower() == "swap" && == "1") { HttpContext.Current.Response.Write("-","--") + "-" +"-","--") + "," + lv.uuid); break; } } } } } } else if (paramName == "guid") { foreach (var partition in ips.hd[hdNumberToGet].partition) if (partition.number == partNumber) { HttpContext.Current.Response.Write(partition.guid); break; } } else if (paramName == "table") { HttpContext.Current.Response.Write(ips.hd[hdNumberToGet].table); } else if (paramName == "partCount") { int activePartsCounter = 0; foreach(var part in ips.hd[hdNumberToGet].partition) { if ( == "1") activePartsCounter++; } HttpContext.Current.Response.Write(activePartsCounter.ToString()); } else if (paramName == "activeParts") { Utility settings = new Utility(); string parts = null; string imageFiles = null; String[] partFiles = null; string compExt = null; foreach (var part in ips.hd[hdNumberToGet].partition) { if ( == "1") { if (hdNumberToGet == 0) imageFiles = settings.GetSettings("Image Store Path") + imgName; else imageFiles = settings.GetSettings("Image Store Path") + imgName + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "hd" + (hdNumberToGet + 1).ToString(); try { // modified by cocoon^M foreach (var ext in ImageExtensions) { partFiles = Directory.GetFiles(imageFiles + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar, "*" + ext); if (partFiles != null && partFiles.Length > 0) { compExt = ext; break; } } if (partFiles.Length == 0) { Logger.Log("Image Files Could Not Be Located"); } } catch { Logger.Log("Image Files Could Not Be Located"); } // modified by cocoon^M foreach (var pType in ImagePartTypes) { if (File.Exists(imageFiles + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "part" + part.number + pType + compExt)) { parts += part.number + " "; break; } } } } HttpContext.Current.Response.Write(parts); } else if (paramName == "lvmactiveParts") { Utility settings = new Utility(); string parts = null; string imageFiles = null; String[] partFiles = null; string compExt = null; foreach (var part in ips.hd[hdNumberToGet].partition) { if ( != "1") continue; if (hdNumberToGet == 0) imageFiles = settings.GetSettings("Image Store Path") + imgName; else imageFiles = settings.GetSettings("Image Store Path") + imgName + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "hd" + (hdNumberToGet + 1).ToString(); try { // modified by cocoon foreach (var ext in ImageExtensions) { partFiles = Directory.GetFiles(imageFiles + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar, "*" + ext); if (partFiles != null && partFiles.Length > 0) { compExt = ext; break; } } if (partFiles.Length == 0) { Logger.Log("Image Files Could Not Be Located"); } } catch { Logger.Log("Image Files Could Not Be Located"); } if ( != null) { if ( != null) { foreach (var lv in { if ( == "1") { // modified by cocoon foreach (var pType in ImagePartTypes) { if (File.Exists(imageFiles + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + + "-" + + pType + compExt)) { parts += + "-" + + " "; break; } } } } } } } HttpContext.Current.Response.Write(parts); } else if (paramName == "HDguid") { HttpContext.Current.Response.Write(ips.hd[hdNumberToGet].guid); } else if (paramName == "originalHDSize") { string originalSize = (Convert.ToInt64(ips.hd[hdNumberToGet].size) * Convert.ToInt32(ips.hd[hdNumberToGet].lbs)).ToString(); HttpContext.Current.Response.Write(originalSize); } else if (paramName == "isKnownLayout") { if(ips.hd[hdNumberToGet].table == "mbr") { if(ips.hd[hdNumberToGet].partition.Count() == 1) if(ips.hd[hdNumberToGet].partition[0].start == "63") HttpContext.Current.Response.Write("winxp"); else if (ips.hd[hdNumberToGet].partition[0].start == "2048") HttpContext.Current.Response.Write("winvista"); else HttpContext.Current.Response.Write("false"); else if(ips.hd[hdNumberToGet].partition.Count() == 2) { string part1Size = ((Convert.ToInt64(ips.hd[hdNumberToGet].partition[0].size) * Convert.ToInt32(ips.hd[hdNumberToGet].lbs) / 1024 /1024)).ToString(); if(ips.hd[hdNumberToGet].partition[0].start == "2048" && part1Size == "100") HttpContext.Current.Response.Write("win7"); else if(ips.hd[hdNumberToGet].partition[0].start == "2048" && part1Size == "350") HttpContext.Current.Response.Write("win8"); else HttpContext.Current.Response.Write("false"); } else HttpContext.Current.Response.Write("false"); } else if (ips.hd[hdNumberToGet].table == "gpt") { if (ips.hd[hdNumberToGet].partition.Count() == 3) if (ips.hd[hdNumberToGet].partition[0].start == "2048" && ips.hd[hdNumberToGet].partition[1].start == "206848" && ips.hd[hdNumberToGet].partition[2].start == "468992") HttpContext.Current.Response.Write("win7gpt"); else HttpContext.Current.Response.Write("false"); else if (ips.hd[hdNumberToGet].partition.Count() == 4) { if (ips.hd[hdNumberToGet].partition[0].start == "2048" && ips.hd[hdNumberToGet].partition[1].start == "616448" && ips.hd[hdNumberToGet].partition[2].start == "821248" && ips.hd[hdNumberToGet].partition[3].start == "1083392") HttpContext.Current.Response.Write("win8gpt"); else if (ips.hd[hdNumberToGet].partition[0].start == "2048" && ips.hd[hdNumberToGet].partition[1].start == "616448" && ips.hd[hdNumberToGet].partition[2].start == "819200" && ips.hd[hdNumberToGet].partition[3].start == "1081344") HttpContext.Current.Response.Write("win8gpt"); else HttpContext.Current.Response.Write("false"); } else HttpContext.Current.Response.Write("false"); } else HttpContext.Current.Response.Write("Error: Could Not Determine Partition Table Type"); } }
public void imagesize() { Utility utility = new Utility(); HttpContext postedContext = HttpContext.Current; HttpFileCollection Files = postedContext.Request.Files; string imagename = utility.Decode((string)postedContext.Request.Form["imgName"]); string imagesize = utility.Decode((string)postedContext.Request.Form["imageSize"]); try { using (NpgsqlConnection conn = new NpgsqlConnection(Utility.DBString)) { NpgsqlCommand cmd = new NpgsqlCommand("images_updatesize", conn); cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; cmd.Parameters.Add(new NpgsqlParameter("@imagename", imagename)); cmd.Parameters.Add(new NpgsqlParameter("@imagesize", imagesize)); conn.Open(); cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); } } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.Log(ex.ToString()); HttpContext.Current.Response.Write("false"); return; } //Validate image specifications were recorded successfully Image image = new Image(); image.ID = image.GetImageID(imagename); image.Read(image); Image_Physical_Specs existingips = new Image_Physical_Specs(); try { existingips = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Image_Physical_Specs>(image.ClientSize); } catch(Exception ex) { Logger.Log(ex.ToString()); HttpContext.Current.Response.Write("false"); return; } if (existingips.hd == null) { HttpContext.Current.Response.Write("false"); return; } //Reset Custom Specs image.UpdateSpecs(image.Name, ""); HttpContext.Current.Response.Write("true"); }
protected void specs_page() { Utility utility = new Utility(); try { Image_Physical_Specs ips = new Image_Physical_Specs(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(image.ClientSizeCustom)) { ips = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Image_Physical_Specs>(image.ClientSizeCustom); } else { ips = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Image_Physical_Specs>(image.ClientSize); } List <HD_Physical_Specs> specslist = new List <HD_Physical_Specs>(); foreach (var hd in ips.hd) { long logical_block_size = Convert.ToInt64(hd.lbs); hd.size = (Convert.ToInt64(hd.size) * logical_block_size / 1000f / 1000f / 1000f).ToString("#.##") + " GB" + " / " + (Convert.ToInt64(hd.size) * logical_block_size / 1024f / 1024f / 1024f).ToString("#.##") + " GB"; specslist.Add(hd); } gvHDs.DataSource = specslist; gvHDs.DataBind(); foreach (GridViewRow row in gvHDs.Rows) { string isActive = ((HiddenField)row.FindControl("HiddenActive")).Value; if (isActive == "1") { CheckBox box = row.FindControl("chkHDActive") as CheckBox; box.Checked = true; } } } catch { lblSpecsUnavailable.Text = "Image Specifications Will Be Available After The Image Is Uploaded"; lblSpecsUnavailable.Visible = true; } if (utility.GetSettings("Image Checksum") == "On" && lblSpecsUnavailable.Visible != true) { try { List <HD_Checksum> listPhysicalImageChecksums = new List <HD_Checksum>(); string path = utility.GetSettings("Image Store Path") + image.Name; HD_Checksum imageChecksum = new HD_Checksum(); imageChecksum.hdNumber = "hd1"; imageChecksum.path = path; listPhysicalImageChecksums.Add(imageChecksum); for (int x = 2; true; x++) { imageChecksum = new HD_Checksum(); string subdir = path + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "hd" + x; if (Directory.Exists(subdir)) { imageChecksum.hdNumber = "hd" + x; imageChecksum.path = subdir; listPhysicalImageChecksums.Add(imageChecksum); } else { break; } } foreach (HD_Checksum hd in listPhysicalImageChecksums) { List <File_Checksum> listChecksums = new List <File_Checksum>(); var files = Directory.GetFiles(hd.path, "*.*"); foreach (var file in files) { File_Checksum fc = new File_Checksum(); fc.fileName = Path.GetFileName(file); fc.checksum = image.Calculate_Hash(file); listChecksums.Add(fc); } hd.path = string.Empty; hd.fc = listChecksums.ToArray(); } string physicalImageJson = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(listPhysicalImageChecksums); if (physicalImageJson != image.Checksum) { incorrectChecksum.Visible = true; ViewState["checkSum"] = physicalImageJson; } } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.Log(ex.Message + " This can be safely ignored if the image has not been uploaded yet"); incorrectChecksum.Visible = false; } } }
public long CalculateMinSizeHD(string imgName, int hdNumberToGet, string newHDSize) { Image image = new Image(); image.ID = image.GetImageID(imgName); image.Read(image); Image_Physical_Specs ips = new Image_Physical_Specs(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(image.ClientSizeCustom)) { ips = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Image_Physical_Specs>(image.ClientSizeCustom); } else { ips = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Image_Physical_Specs>(image.ClientSize); } ExtendedPartition EP = image.CalculateMinSizeExtended(imgName, hdNumberToGet); List <VolumeGroup> listVGS = image.CalculateMinSizeVG(imgName, hdNumberToGet); long minHDSizeRequired_BLK = 0; int lbs_BYTE = Convert.ToInt32(ips.hd[hdNumberToGet].lbs); if (Convert.ToInt64(ips.hd[hdNumberToGet].size) * lbs_BYTE == Convert.ToInt64(newHDSize)) { return(Convert.ToInt64(newHDSize)); } foreach (var part in ips.hd[hdNumberToGet].partition) { if ( != "1") { continue; } long minPartSize_BLK = 0; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(part.size_override)) { minPartSize_BLK = Convert.ToInt64(part.size_override); } else if (part.fsid.ToLower() == "8e" || part.fsid.ToLower() == "8e00") { foreach (var VG in listVGS) { if (VG.pv == ips.hd[hdNumberToGet].name + part.number) { minPartSize_BLK = VG.minSize_BLK; } } if (minPartSize_BLK == 0) { minPartSize_BLK = Convert.ToInt64(part.size); } } else if ((string.IsNullOrEmpty(part.resize) && part.type.ToLower() != "extended") || (part.type.ToLower() == "extended" && EP.isOnlySwap)) { minPartSize_BLK = Convert.ToInt64(part.size); } else { if (part.type.ToLower() == "extended") { minPartSize_BLK = EP.minSize_BLK; } else { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(part.used_mb)) { part.used_mb = "0"; } if (Convert.ToInt64(part.resize) > Convert.ToInt64(part.used_mb)) { minPartSize_BLK = (Convert.ToInt64(part.resize) * 1024 * 1024) / lbs_BYTE; } else { minPartSize_BLK = (Convert.ToInt64(part.used_mb) * 1024 * 1024) / lbs_BYTE; } } } if (part.type.ToLower() != "logical") { minHDSizeRequired_BLK += minPartSize_BLK; } } return(minHDSizeRequired_BLK * lbs_BYTE); }
protected void btnParts_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { GridViewRow gvRow = (GridViewRow)(sender as Control).Parent.Parent; GridView gv = (GridView)gvRow.FindControl("gvParts"); string selectedHD = gvRow.Cells[3].Text; ViewState["selectedHD"] = gvRow.RowIndex.ToString(); ViewState["selectedHDName"] = selectedHD; Image_Physical_Specs ips = new Image_Physical_Specs(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(image.ClientSizeCustom)) { ips = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Image_Physical_Specs>(image.ClientSizeCustom); } else { ips = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Image_Physical_Specs>(image.ClientSize); } List <Partition_Physical_Specs> specslist = new List <Partition_Physical_Specs>(); List <VG_Physical_Specs> vgList = new List <VG_Physical_Specs>(); foreach (var hd in ips.hd) { if ( == selectedHD) { foreach (var part in hd.partition) { long logical_block_size = Convert.ToInt64(hd.lbs); if ((Convert.ToInt64(part.size) * logical_block_size) < 1048576000) { part.size = (Convert.ToInt64(part.size) * logical_block_size / 1024f / 1024f).ToString("#.##") + " MB"; } else { part.size = (Convert.ToInt64(part.size) * logical_block_size / 1024f / 1024f / 1024f).ToString("#.##") + " GB"; } part.used_mb = part.used_mb + " MB"; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(part.size_override)) { part.size_override = (Convert.ToInt64(part.size_override) * logical_block_size / 1024f / 1024f).ToString(); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(part.resize)) { part.resize = part.resize + " MB"; } specslist.Add(part); if ( != null) { if ( != null) { vgList.Add(; } } } } } LinkButton btn = (LinkButton)gvRow.FindControl("btnParts"); if (gv.Visible == false) { gv.Visible = true; var td = gvRow.FindControl("tdParts"); td.Visible = true; gv.DataSource = specslist; gv.DataBind(); btn.Text = "-"; } else { gv.Visible = false; var td = gvRow.FindControl("tdParts"); td.Visible = false; btn.Text = "+"; } foreach (GridViewRow row in gv.Rows) { GridView gvVG = (GridView)row.FindControl("gvVG"); foreach (var vg in vgList) { if (vg.pv == selectedHD + row.Cells[3].Text) { List <VG_Physical_Specs> vgListBind = new List <VG_Physical_Specs>(); vgListBind.Add(vg); gvVG.DataSource = vgListBind; gvVG.DataBind(); gvVG.Visible = true; var td = row.FindControl("tdVG"); td.Visible = true; } } string isActive = ((HiddenField)row.FindControl("HiddenActivePart")).Value; if (isActive == "1") { CheckBox box = row.FindControl("chkPartActive") as CheckBox; box.Checked = true; } } }
public VolumeGroup SinglePartMinSizeVG(string imgName, int hdNumberToGet, int partToGet) { Image image = new Image(); image.ID = image.GetImageID(imgName); image.Read(image); Image_Physical_Specs ips = new Image_Physical_Specs(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(image.ClientSizeCustom)) { ips = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Image_Physical_Specs>(image.ClientSizeCustom); } else { ips = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Image_Physical_Specs>(image.ClientSize); } int lbs_BYTE = Convert.ToInt32(ips.hd[hdNumberToGet].lbs); //Determine if any Volume Groups Are present. Needed ahead of time correctly calculate sizes. //And calculate minimum needed lvm partition size VolumeGroup VG = new VolumeGroup(); VG.minSize_BLK = 0; VG.hasLv = false; if (ips.hd[hdNumberToGet].partition[partToGet].fsid.ToLower() == "8e" || ips.hd[hdNumberToGet].partition[partToGet].fsid.ToLower() == "8e00") { if (ips.hd[hdNumberToGet].partition[partToGet].active != "1") { return(VG); } //if is null, most likely version 2.3.0 beta1 before lvm was added. if (ips.hd[hdNumberToGet].partition[partToGet].vg != null) { //if is null partition was uploaded at physical partion level, not using the resize flag if (ips.hd[hdNumberToGet].partition[partToGet] != null) { = ips.hd[hdNumberToGet].partition[partToGet]; foreach (var lv in ips.hd[hdNumberToGet].partition[partToGet] { if ( != "1") { continue; } VG.hasLv = true; VG.pv = ips.hd[hdNumberToGet].partition[partToGet].vg.pv; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(lv.size_override)) { VG.minSize_BLK += Convert.ToInt64(lv.size_override); } else { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(lv.resize)) { VG.minSize_BLK += Convert.ToInt64(lv.size); } else { if (Convert.ToInt64(lv.resize) > Convert.ToInt64(lv.used_mb)) { VG.minSize_BLK += (Convert.ToInt64(lv.resize) * 1024 * 1024) / lbs_BYTE; } else { VG.minSize_BLK += (Convert.ToInt64(lv.used_mb) * 1024 * 1024) / lbs_BYTE; } } } } //Could Have VG Without LVs //Set arbitary minimum size to 100mb if (!VG.hasLv) { VG.pv = ips.hd[hdNumberToGet].partition[partToGet].vg.pv; VG.minSize_BLK = (Convert.ToInt64("100") * 1024 * 1024) / lbs_BYTE; } } } } return(VG); }
protected void btnHds_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Utility utility = new Utility(); GridViewRow row = (GridViewRow)(sender as Control).Parent.Parent; Image image = new Image(); image.ID = image.GetImageID(row.Cells[4].Text); image.Read(image); GridView gvHDs = (GridView)row.FindControl("gvHDs"); List<HD_Physical_Specs> specslist = new List<HD_Physical_Specs>(); Image_Physical_Specs ips = new Image_Physical_Specs(); try { ips = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Image_Physical_Specs>(image.ClientSize); } catch { return; } if(ips == null) return; foreach (var hd in ips.hd) { specslist.Add(hd); } LinkButton btn = (LinkButton)row.FindControl("btnHDs"); if (gvHDs.Visible == false) { var td = row.FindControl("tdHds"); td.Visible = true; gvHDs.Visible = true; gvHDs.DataSource = specslist; gvHDs.DataBind(); btn.Text = "-"; } else { var td = row.FindControl("tdHds"); td.Visible = false; gvHDs.Visible = false; btn.Text = "+"; } foreach (GridViewRow hdrow in gvHDs.Rows) { string imagePath = null; try { Label lbl = hdrow.FindControl("lblHDSize") as Label; try { if (hdrow.RowIndex.ToString() == "0") { imagePath = utility.GetSettings("Image Store Path") + row.Cells[4].Text; } else { string selectedHD = (hdrow.RowIndex + 1).ToString(); imagePath = utility.GetSettings("Image Store Path") + row.Cells[4].Text + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "hd" + selectedHD; } } catch { return; } float size = GetDirectorySize(new DirectoryInfo(imagePath)) / 1024f / 1024f / 1024f; if (size == 0.0f) lbl.Text = "N/A"; else { lbl.Text = size.ToString("#.##") + " GB"; if (lbl.Text == " GB") lbl.Text = "< .01 GB"; } } catch { Label lbl = hdrow.FindControl("lblHDSize") as Label; lbl.Text = "N/A"; Utility.Message = ""; } try { Label lblClient = hdrow.FindControl("lblHDSizeClient") as Label; float fltClientSize = image.CalculateMinSizeHD(image.Name, hdrow.RowIndex, "1") / 1024f / 1024f / 1024f; if (fltClientSize == 0.0f) lblClient.Text = "N/A"; else { lblClient.Text = fltClientSize.ToString("#.##") + " GB"; if (lblClient.Text == " GB") lblClient.Text = "< .01 GB"; } } catch (Exception) { Label lblClient = hdrow.FindControl("lblHDSizeClient") as Label; lblClient.Text = "N/A"; Utility.Message = ""; } } }
public bool StartCustomMC(string imageName) { string appPath = null; string logPath = null; string shell = null; if (Environment.OSVersion.ToString().Contains("Unix")) { string dist = null; ProcessStartInfo distInfo = new ProcessStartInfo(); distInfo.UseShellExecute = false; distInfo.FileName = "uname"; distInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true; distInfo.RedirectStandardError = true; using (Process process = Process.Start(distInfo)) { dist = process.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd(); } Logger.Log("Distro is " + dist); if(dist.ToLower().Contains("bsd")) shell = "/bin/csh"; else shell = "/bin/bash"; logPath = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("~") + @"/data/logs" + @"/"; } else { appPath = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("~") + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "data" + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "apps" + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar; logPath = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("~") + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "data" + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "logs" + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar; shell = "cmd.exe"; } Multicast multicast = new Multicast(); Utility settings = new Utility(); string fullImagePath = null; Task task = new Task(); int portBase = task.GetPort(); string senderArgs = settings.GetSettings("Sender Args"); Process multiSender = null; ProcessStartInfo senderInfo = new ProcessStartInfo(); senderInfo.FileName = (shell); string udpFile = null; String[] partFiles = null; string compExt = null; string compAlg = null; string stdout = null; //Multicasting currently only supports the first active hd //Find First Active HD Image image = new Image(); image.ID = image.GetImageID(imageName); image.Read(image); Image_Physical_Specs ips = new Image_Physical_Specs(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(image.ClientSizeCustom)) { ips = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Image_Physical_Specs>(image.ClientSizeCustom); try { ips = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Image_Physical_Specs>(image.ClientSizeCustom); } catch { } } else { ips = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Image_Physical_Specs>(image.ClientSize); try { ips = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Image_Physical_Specs>(image.ClientSize); } catch { } } string activeHD = null; int activeCounter = 0; foreach (var hd in ips.hd) { if ( == "1") { activeHD = activeCounter.ToString(); break; } activeCounter++; } if (activeCounter == 0) { fullImagePath = settings.GetSettings("Image Store Path") + imageName; } else { fullImagePath = settings.GetSettings("Image Store Path") + imageName + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "hd" + (activeCounter + 1).ToString(); } try { // modified by cocoon string[] ImageExtensions = new string[3] { ".gz", ".lz4", ".none" }; // modified by cocoon foreach (var ext in ImageExtensions) { partFiles = Directory.GetFiles(fullImagePath + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar, "*" + ext); if (partFiles != null && partFiles.Length > 0) { compExt = ext; if (compExt == ".lz4") { compAlg = Environment.OSVersion.ToString().Contains("Unix") ? "lz4 -d " : "lz4.exe -d "; stdout = " - "; } else if (compExt == ".gz") { compAlg = Environment.OSVersion.ToString().Contains("Unix") ? "gzip -c -d " : "gzip.exe -c -d "; stdout = ""; } else { compAlg = Environment.OSVersion.ToString().Contains("Unix") ? "cat " : "type "; stdout = ""; } break; } } if (partFiles.Length == 0) { Utility.Message = "Image Files Could Not Be Located"; return false; } } catch { Utility.Message = "Image Files Could Not Be Located"; return false; } int x = 0; foreach (var part in ips.hd[activeCounter].partition) { udpFile = null; if ( == "1") { if (File.Exists(fullImagePath + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "part" + part.number + ".ntfs" + compExt)) udpFile = fullImagePath + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "part" + part.number + ".ntfs" + compExt; else if (File.Exists(fullImagePath + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "part" + part.number + ".fat" + compExt)) udpFile = fullImagePath + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "part" + part.number + ".fat" + compExt; else if (File.Exists(fullImagePath + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "part" + part.number + ".extfs" + compExt)) udpFile = fullImagePath + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "part" + part.number + ".extfs" + compExt; else if (File.Exists(fullImagePath + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "part" + part.number + ".hfsp" + compExt)) udpFile = fullImagePath + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "part" + part.number + ".hfsp" + compExt; else if (File.Exists(fullImagePath + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "part" + part.number + ".imager" + compExt)) udpFile = fullImagePath + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "part" + part.number + ".imager" + compExt; else { //Look for lvm if ( != null) { if ( != null) { foreach (var lv in { if ( == "1") { if (File.Exists(fullImagePath + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + + "-" + + ".ntfs" + compExt)) udpFile = fullImagePath + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + + "-" + + ".ntfs" + compExt; else if (File.Exists(fullImagePath + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + + "-" + + ".fat" + compExt)) udpFile = fullImagePath + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + + "-" + + ".fat" + compExt; else if (File.Exists(fullImagePath + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + + "-" + + ".extfs" + compExt)) udpFile = fullImagePath + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + + "-" + + ".extfs" + compExt; else if (File.Exists(fullImagePath + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + + "-" + + ".hfsp" + compExt)) udpFile = fullImagePath + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + + "-" + + ".hfsp" + compExt; else if (File.Exists(fullImagePath + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + + "-" + + ".imager" + compExt)) udpFile = fullImagePath + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + + "-" + + ".imager" + compExt; } } } } } if (udpFile == null) continue; else x++; if (Environment.OSVersion.ToString().Contains("Unix")) { if (x == 1) senderInfo.Arguments = (" -c \"" + compAlg + udpFile + stdout + " | udp-sender" + " --portbase " + portBase + " " + senderArgs + " --ttl 32"); else senderInfo.Arguments += (" ; " + compAlg + udpFile + stdout + " | udp-sender" + " --portbase " + portBase + " " + senderArgs + " --ttl 32"); } else { if (x == 1) senderInfo.Arguments = (" /c " + appPath + compAlg + udpFile + stdout + " | " + appPath + "udp-sender.exe" + " --portbase " + portBase + " " + senderArgs + " --ttl 32"); else senderInfo.Arguments += (" & " + appPath + compAlg + udpFile + stdout + " | " + appPath + "udp-sender.exe" + " --portbase " + portBase + " " + senderArgs + " --ttl 32"); } } } string log = ("\r\n" + DateTime.Now.ToString("MM.dd.yy hh:mm") + " Starting Multicast Session " + portBase + " With The Following Command:\r\n\r\n" + senderInfo.FileName + senderInfo.Arguments + "\r\n\r\n"); System.IO.File.AppendAllText(logPath + "multicast.log", log); if (Environment.OSVersion.ToString().Contains("Unix")) { senderInfo.Arguments += "\""; } try { multiSender = Process.Start(senderInfo); } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.Log(ex.ToString()); Utility.Message = "Could Not Start Multicast Sender. Check The Exception Log For More Info"; System.IO.File.AppendAllText(logPath + "multicast.log", "Could Not Start Session " + portBase + " Try Pasting The Command Into A Command Prompt"); return false; } Thread.Sleep(2000); if (multiSender.HasExited) { Utility.Message = "Could Not Start Multicast Sender"; System.IO.File.AppendAllText(logPath + "multicast.log", "Session " + portBase + @" Started And Was Forced To Quit, Try Pasting The Command Into A Command Prompt"); return false; } try { using (NpgsqlConnection conn = new NpgsqlConnection(Utility.DBString)) { NpgsqlCommand cmd = new NpgsqlCommand("multicast_createcustom", conn); cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; cmd.Parameters.Add(new NpgsqlParameter("@mcTaskName", portBase.ToString())); cmd.Parameters.Add(new NpgsqlParameter("@mcPID", multiSender.Id)); cmd.Parameters.Add(new NpgsqlParameter("@mcPortBase", portBase)); cmd.Parameters.Add(new NpgsqlParameter("@mcImage", imageName)); conn.Open(); cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); Utility.Message = "Successfully Started Task " + portBase; } } catch (Exception ex) { Utility.Message = "Could Not Create Custom Multicast. Check The Exception Log For More Info"; Logger.Log(ex.ToString()); return false; } return true; }