private void SaveImageTileAeroFile(XmlSerializer xmlSerializer, ImageTile imageTile, string path)
     using (TextWriter tw = new StreamWriter(path + imageTile.FileName + ".aero"))
         xmlSerializer.Serialize(tw, imageTile);
Exemple #2
        private async Task LoadFilmData()
            BaseStorageHelper bsh        = new BaseStorageHelper();
            List <Uri>        posterUrls = await bsh.GetImageList();

            ImageTile it = new ImageTile()
                Width = 300, Height = 300, Rows = 2, Columns = 3, Margin = new Thickness(20, 20, 0, 0), AnimationType = ImageTileAnimationTypes.Fade, ItemsSource = posterUrls
            Grid g = new Grid()
                Width  = 280,
                Height = 280,
                Margin = new Thickness(10)
            TextBlock tb = new TextBlock()
                Text = "All Films", VerticalAlignment = Windows.UI.Xaml.VerticalAlignment.Bottom

            Grid.SetRow(tb, 0);
            Grid.SetColumn(tb, 0);

            it.Content = g;

            it.Click += ImageTile_Click;
Exemple #3
        private RingSequence?CreateGroupKey(ImageTile tile)
            var averagedColor = tile.Average();

                   .Select(x => (Item: x, Distance: RgbComparer.CompareByAmplitude(x.Color, averagedColor)))
                   .Where(x => x.Distance < 0.2)
                   .OrderBy(x => x.Distance)
        public void GetDataWithoutBorder()
            var tileData = TestTileData;
            var tile     = new ImageTile(0, tileData);

            var expected = TestTileDataNoBorder;
            var actual   = string.Join("\n", tile.GetDataWithoutBorder());

            Assert.Equal(expected, actual);
        public void FlipX()
            var tileData = TestTileData;
            var tile     = new ImageTile(0, tileData);

            var expectedNorth = ".#..#.##..";

            Assert.Equal(expectedNorth, tile.BorderNorth);
        public void FlipY()
            var tileData = TestTileData;
            var tile     = new ImageTile(0, tileData);


            var expectedEast = "#..##.#...";

            Assert.Equal(expectedEast, tile.BorderEast);
        public static void Output(BackgroundWorker sender, ImageGrid g, string id_, string path)
            ImageTile it   = imageTiles[id_];
            DateTime  time = DateTime.Now;

            MainWindow.Log("Saving Image (" + it.worldX + " " + it.worldY + ")");

            time = DateTime.Now;

                for (int i = 0; i < MainWindow.classesList.Count; i += 4)
                    Classes c0 = MainWindow.classesList[i];
                    Classes c1 = i + 1 < MainWindow.classesList.Count ? MainWindow.classesList[i + 1] : null;
                    Classes c2 = i + 2 < MainWindow.classesList.Count ? MainWindow.classesList[i + 2] : null;
                    Classes c3 = i + 3 < MainWindow.classesList.Count ? MainWindow.classesList[i + 3] : null;

                    string classesNames = c0.className.Replace(' ', '_');
                    classesNames += c1 != null?c1.className.Replace(' ', '_') : "";

                    classesNames += c2 != null?c2.className.Replace(' ', '_') : "";

                    classesNames += c3 != null?c3.className.Replace(' ', '_') : "";

                    string filename = path + "\\" + (it.worldY) + "_" + (it.worldX) + "_" + classesNames + ".png";

                    MainWindow.dispatcher.Invoke(() =>
                        ImageHelper.ExportClassification(, c0, c1, c2, c3, filename, ref Stitch, i / 4, ref StichLock);

            MainWindow.dispatcher.Invoke(() =>
                                         g.RemoveTile(it.tileX, it.tileY)

            float t = (float)(DateTime.Now - time).TotalSeconds;

            averageOutputTime = (averageOutputTime * outputDone + t) / (outputDone + 1);

            MainWindow.Log("Image (" + it.worldX + " " + it.worldY + ") saved in " + t + "s. Done");

Exemple #8
        private async Task LoadFilmData()
            BaseStorageHelper bsh        = new BaseStorageHelper();
            List <Uri>        posterUrls = await bsh.GetImageList();

            ImageTile it = new ImageTile()
                Width = 410, Height = 200, LargeTileColumns = 1, LargeTileRows = 1, Rows = 1, Columns = 3, Margin = new Thickness(0, 0, 10, 10), AnimationType = ImageTileAnimationTypes.Fade, ItemsSource = posterUrls
            Grid g = new Grid()
                Width  = 480,
                Height = 200,
                Margin = new Thickness(0)

            g.RowDefinitions.Add(new RowDefinition()
                Height = new GridLength(1, GridUnitType.Auto)
            g.RowDefinitions.Add(new RowDefinition()
                Height = new GridLength(1, GridUnitType.Star)

            TextBlock tb = new TextBlock()
                Text = "All Films", VerticalAlignment = Windows.UI.Xaml.VerticalAlignment.Bottom, Margin = new Thickness(10)
            Border b = new Border()
                Background = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Gray), Opacity = 0.9

            b.Child = tb;

            Grid.SetRow(b, 0);
            Grid.SetColumn(b, 0);

            it.Content = g;

            ToolTipService.SetToolTip(it, "Click to view all films");

            it.Click += ImageTile_Click;
        public void Rotate_4Times()
            var tileData = TestTileData;
            var tile     = new ImageTile(0, tileData);

            var(n, s, e, w) = (tile.BorderNorth, tile.BorderSouth, tile.BorderEast, tile.BorderWest);


            Assert.Equal(0, tile.Rotation);
            Assert.Equal(n, tile.BorderNorth);
            Assert.Equal(s, tile.BorderSouth);
            Assert.Equal(e, tile.BorderEast);
            Assert.Equal(w, tile.BorderWest);
        public void Rotate()
            var tileData = TestTileData;
            var tile     = new ImageTile(0, tileData);

            var expectedNorth = tile.BorderWest;
            var expectedEast  = tile.BorderNorth;
            var expectedSouth = tile.BorderEast;
            var expectedWest  = tile.BorderSouth;


            Assert.Equal(90, tile.Rotation);
            Assert.Equal(expectedNorth, tile.BorderNorth.Reverse());
            Assert.Equal(expectedEast, tile.BorderEast);
            Assert.Equal(expectedSouth, tile.BorderSouth.Reverse());
            Assert.Equal(expectedWest, tile.BorderWest);
        private static bool canOutput(ImageGrid g, ImageTile it)
            if (!postProcessed[it.tileX, it.tileY])

            for (int x = Math.Max(0, it.tileX - 1); x <= Math.Min(g.width - 1, it.tileX + 1); x++)
                for (int y = Math.Max(0, it.tileY - 1); y <= Math.Min(g.height - 1, it.tileY + 1); y++)
                    if (!postProcessed[x, y])

        public void Part1Test()
            // Given
            var tiles = Input.GetGroups(20).Select(ImageTile.Parse).ToList();

            // When
            var image = ImageTile.Arrange(tiles);


            var width       = image.GetLength(0);
            var height      = image.GetLength(1);
            var topLeft     = image[0, 0];
            var topRight    = image[width - 1, 0];
            var bottomLeft  = image[0, height - 1];
            var bottomRight = image[width - 1, height - 1];

            // Then
            Assert.Equal(20899048083289, (long)topLeft.Id * topRight.Id * bottomLeft.Id * bottomRight.Id);
Exemple #13
        // Note: This will probably only work well with OBJ files generated by Pix4D
        // as I have only supported the subset of data types it outputs.
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var opt = CliParser.Parse <Options>(args);

            foreach (string path in opt.Input)
                // Check if we are processing an image or a mesh
                if (Path.GetExtension(path).ToUpper().EndsWith("JPG"))
                    ImageTile tiler = new ImageTile(path, opt.xSize, opt.ySize);
                    CubeManager manager = new CubeManager(path, opt.xSize, opt.ySize, opt.zSize);
                    manager.GenerateCubes(Path.Combine(opt.OutputPath, Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(path)));

Exemple #14
        protected override void Initialize()
            //var content = GetExample();
            var content = ReadFile();

            Tiles = new List <ImageTile>();
            ImageTile imageTile      = null;
            var       imageLineIndex = 0;

            foreach (var line in content)
                var imageSize = line.Length;
                if (line == string.Empty)
                    // End of tile
                    imageLineIndex = 0;
                else if (line.StartsWith("Tile"))
                    // Start of new tile
                    var splitLine  = line.TrimEnd(':').Split(' ');
                    var tileNumber = int.Parse(splitLine[1]);
                    imageTile = new ImageTile(tileNumber, imageSize);
                    // Image
                    imageTile.Image[imageLineIndex] = line;

            // Set the edges for each tile
            foreach (var tile in Tiles)
        private void DownloadFile(HttpClient httpClient, CookieContainer cookieContainer, ImageTile imageTile, string path, OrthophotoSource orthophotoSource)
            string fullFilePath = path + imageTile.FileName + "." + imageTile.ImageExtension;

            cookieContainer = new CookieContainer();
            cookieContainer.Add(new Uri(imageTile.URL), new Cookie("APISID", Guid.NewGuid().ToString()));
            cookieContainer.Add(new Uri(imageTile.URL), new Cookie("NID", "119=" + Guid.NewGuid().ToString()));
            cookieContainer.Add(new Uri(imageTile.URL), new Cookie("NID", "129=" + Guid.NewGuid().ToString()));

            httpClient.DefaultRequestHeaders.Referrer = new Uri("");
            httpClient.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("Accept-Language", "en-US,en;q=0.5");
            httpClient.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("Accept-Encoding", "gzip, deflate");
            httpClient.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("Accept", "application/json, text/javascript, */*; q=0.01");

                var responseResult = httpClient.GetAsync(imageTile.URL);

                bool saveFile = true;

                // If we are Bing we might be served a valid image but there is really no tile available
                if (orthophotoSource == OrthophotoSource.Bing)
                    // Check the Bing tile info header
                    if (responseResult.Result.Headers.Contains("X-VE-Tile-Info"))
                        var tileInfoHeaderValue = responseResult.Result.Headers.GetValues("X-VE-Tile-Info").FirstOrDefault();

                        // If there is really no file, the header value will be no-tile
                        // In this case we shouldn't save the image
                        if (tileInfoHeaderValue == "no-tile")
                            saveFile = false;

                if (saveFile)
                    using (var memStream = responseResult.Result.Content.ReadAsStreamAsync().Result)
                        using (var fileStream = File.Create(fullFilePath))
                            var fileSize = memStream.Length;

                            if (fileSize == 1033)
                                var afd = "asdf";

            catch (Exception ex)
                log.Error("There was an error downloading " + imageTile.URL, ex);
Exemple #16
        // Note: This will probably only work well with OBJ files generated by Pix4D
        // as I have only supported the subset of data types it outputs.
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Options opt;

            // Setup a timer for all operations
            Stopwatch stopwatch = new Stopwatch();


                opt = CliParser.Parse <Options>(args);

                foreach (string path in opt.Input)
                    // Check if we are processing an image or a mesh
                    if (Path.GetExtension(path).ToUpper().EndsWith("JPG"))
                        ImageTile tiler = new ImageTile(path, opt.XSize, opt.YSize);
                    else if (Path.GetExtension(path).ToUpper().EndsWith("OBJ"))
                        // Generate subfolders named after input file
                        // if multiple input files are provided
                        string outputPath;
                        if (opt.Input.Count == 1)
                            outputPath = opt.OutputPath;
                            outputPath = Path.Combine(opt.OutputPath, Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(path));

                        if (opt.ForceCubical)
                            int longestGridSide = Math.Max(Math.Max(opt.XSize, opt.YSize), opt.ZSize);
                            opt.XSize = opt.YSize = opt.ZSize = longestGridSide;

                            Console.WriteLine("Due to -ForceCubical grid size is now {0},{0},{0}", longestGridSide);

                        var options = new SlicingOptions
                            OverrideMtl       = opt.MtlOverride,
                            GenerateEbo       = opt.Ebo,
                            GenerateOpenCtm   = opt.OpenCtm,
                            Debug             = opt.Debug,
                            GenerateObj       = opt.Obj,
                            Texture           = opt.Texture,
                            Obj               = path,
                            WriteMtl          = opt.WriteMtl,
                            TextureScale      = opt.ScaleTexture,
                            TextureSliceX     = opt.TextureXSize,
                            TextureSliceY     = opt.TextureYSize,
                            ForceCubicalCubes = opt.ForceCubical,
                            CubeGrid          = new Vector3 {
                                X = opt.XSize, Y = opt.YSize, Z = opt.ZSize

                        CubeManager manager = new CubeManager(options);

                        if (opt.MarkupUV)
                            Texture tex = new Texture(manager.ObjInstance);
                            manager.GenerateCubes(outputPath, options);
                        Console.WriteLine("PyriteCli only accepts .jpg and .obj files for input.");
            catch (ParserExit)
            catch (ParseException ex)
                Console.WriteLine("usage: PyriteCli --help\n" + ex.ToString());

        public static void PostProcess(BackgroundWorker sender, ImageGrid g, string id_, int NStep, int blurRadius)
            ImageTile it   = imageTiles[id_];
            DateTime  time = DateTime.Now;

            MainWindow.Log("Postprocessing Image (" + it.worldX + " " + it.worldY + ")");

                //First Erase the not more useful color image
                images.TryRemove(it.baseFileName, out PixelColor[,] r);

                it.Status(new PixelColor(255, 0, 120, 100));

                for (int step = 0; step < NStep; step++)
                    for (int _x = 0; _x < 256; _x++)
                        for (int _y = 0; _y < 256; _y++)
                            int centralClass = -1;
                            int maxClass     = -1;
                            int maxValue     = -1;

                            int[] counters = new int[MainWindow.classesList.Count];

                            for (int i = 0; i < counters.Length; i++)
                                if (MainWindow.classesList[i].classifiedPointsList[][_y, _x] != null)
                                    centralClass = i;

                            int radius = MainWindow.classesList[centralClass].radius;

                            for (int x = _x - radius; x <= _x + radius; x++)
                                for (int y = _y - radius; y <= _y + radius; y++)
                                    bool found = false;

                                    int tileX = it.tileX;
                                    int tileY = it.tileY;

                                    int x_ = x;
                                    int y_ = y;

                                    if (x >= 0 && x < 256 && y > 0 && y < 256)
                                        found = true;
                                    else if (x < 0 && it.tileX > 0)
                                        tileX -= 1;
                                        x_    += 256;
                                        if (y < 0 && it.tileY > 0)
                                            tileY -= 1;
                                            y_    += 256;
                                        else if (y >= 256 && it.tileY < g.height - 1)
                                            tileY += 1;
                                            y_    -= 256;
                                    else if (x >= 256 && it.tileX < g.width - 1)
                                        tileX += 1;
                                        x_    -= 256;
                                        if (y < 0 && it.tileY > 0)
                                            tileY -= 1;
                                            y_    += 256;
                                        else if (y >= 256 && it.tileY < g.height - 1)
                                            tileY += 1;
                                            y_    -= 256;
                                    else if (x >= 0 && x < 256)
                                        if (y < 0 && it.tileY > 0)
                                            tileY -= 1;
                                            y_    += 256;
                                        else if (y >= 255 && it.tileY < g.height - 1)
                                            tileY += 1;
                                            y_    -= 256;

                                    for (int i = 0; i < counters.Length; i++)
                                        string id;
                                        if (found)
                                            id =;
                                            id = g.tiles[tileX, tileY].id;
                                        if (MainWindow.classesList[i].classifiedPointsList.ContainsKey(id))
                                            if (MainWindow.classesList[i].classifiedPointsList[id][y_, x_] != null)
                                                if (maxValue < counters[i])
                                                    maxValue = counters[i];
                                                    maxClass = i;
                                            MainWindow.Log("ERROR with Image (" + it.worldX + " " + it.worldY + ") while postprocessing: Image with id " + id + " is not present in classified points. Trying to continue execution without it.");

                            if (counters[centralClass] < MainWindow.classesList[centralClass].threshold)
                                MainWindow.classesList[centralClass].classifiedPointsList[][_y, _x] = null;
                                MainWindow.classesList[maxClass].classifiedPointsList[][_y, _x]     = (FeaturePoint.GetOrAddFeaturePoint(_x, _y,;

                MainWindow.dispatcher.Invoke(() =>
                    foreach (Classes c in MainWindow.classesList)
                        for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++)
                            for (int j = 0; j < 256; j++)
                                FeaturePoint fp = c.classifiedPointsList[][i, j];
                                if (fp != null)
                                    ImageHelper.DrawOverlayClass(, fp.x, fp.y, c, c.classColor);

                    // BluringEdges_4(MainWindow.Instance,, blurRadius);

                postProcessed[it.tileX, it.tileY] = true;

                float t = (float)(DateTime.Now - time).TotalSeconds;

                averagePostprocessTime = (averagePostprocessTime * postprocessgDone + t) / (postprocessgDone + 1);

                MainWindow.Log("Image (" + it.worldX + " " + it.worldY + ") postprocessing done in " + t + "s. Now waiting for output and dispose");


                it.Status(new PixelColor(0, 0, 0, 0));

            catch (Exception e)
                MainWindow.Log("ERROR when postprocessing Image (" + it.worldX + " " + it.worldY + "): " + e.Message);

                it.Status(new PixelColor(0, 0, 255, 100));

                if (postProcessed[it.tileX, it.tileY])
                    postprocessQueue++; postprocessgDone--;
                postProcessed[it.tileX, it.tileY] = false;



        public static void Classifiy(BackgroundWorker sender, ImageGrid g, ClassifyProcessParam p, int classifier, int NStep, string path, int blurRadius)
            MainWindow.Log("Loading Image (" + p.WorldX + " " + p.WorldY + ")");

            DateTime time = DateTime.Now;

            ImageTile it  = null;
            int       max = (int)Math.Pow(2, p.zoom);

            int TileX = p.TileX - 1;

            for (int x = p.WorldX - 1; x <= p.WorldX + 1; x++, TileX++)
                int TileY = p.TileY - 1;
                for (int y = p.WorldY - 1; y <= p.WorldY + 1; y++, TileY++)
                    if (x >= 0 && x < max && y >= 0 && y < max && TileX >= 0 && TileX < g.width && TileY >= 0 && TileY < g.height)
                        string id       = + "_" + p.zoom + "_" + y + "_" + x;
                        string filename = "tmp\\sat\\" + (p.zoom) + "_" + (y) + "_" + (x) + ".png";

                        if (x == p.WorldX && y == p.WorldY)
                            MainWindow.dispatcher.Invoke(() =>
                                if (imageTiles.ContainsKey(id))
                                    it = imageTiles[id];
                                    it = new ImageTile(MainWindow.Instance, g, filename, id, p.zoom, TileX, TileY, false);
                            MainWindow.dispatcher.Invoke(() =>
                                if (!imageTiles.ContainsKey(id))
                                    ImageTile it_ = new ImageTile(MainWindow.Instance, g, filename, id, p.zoom, TileX, TileY, false);

            if (it == null)
            it.Status(new PixelColor(0, 255, 255, 100));

            it.classified = false;

            MainWindow.Log("Classifying Image (" + p.WorldX + " " + p.WorldY + ")");

                MainWindow.dispatcher.Invoke(() =>
                    foreach (Classes c in MainWindow.classesList)
                        g.AddOverlayClass(it, c, MainWindow.Instance);

                        if (c.classifiedPointsList.ContainsKey(

                        c.classifiedPointsList.Add(, new FeaturePoint[256, 256]);

                Parallel.For(0, 256, x =>
                    for (int y = 0; y < 256; y++)
                        FeaturePoint fp = FeaturePoint.GetOrAddFeaturePoint(x, y,;
                        var output      = Array.Empty <double>();

                        switch (classifier)
                        case 0:
                            dfprocess(MainWindow.Instance.DecisionForest, fp.GetFeatures(), ref output);

                        case 1:
                            mlpprocess(MainWindow.Instance.NeuralNetwork, fp.GetFeatures(), ref output);

                        case 2:
                            mlpeprocess(MainWindow.Instance.NeuralNetworkEnsemble, fp.GetFeatures(), ref output);

                        default: break;

                        int predictedClass = 0;
                        for (int k = 1; k < output.Length; k++)
                            if (output[k] > output[predictedClass])
                                predictedClass = k;

                        MainWindow.GetClassByNum(predictedClass).classifiedPointsList[][fp.y, fp.x] = fp;


                it.classified = true;

                float t = (float)(DateTime.Now - time).TotalSeconds;

                averageClassificationTime = (averageClassificationTime * classificationDone + t) / (classificationDone + 1);



                MainWindow.Log("Image (" + p.WorldX + " " + p.WorldY + ") Classification done in " + t + "s. Now waiting for postprocessing");


                it.Status(new PixelColor(0, 255, 0, 100));

            catch (Exception e)
                MainWindow.Log("ERROR when classifying Image (" + p.WorldX + " " + p.WorldY + "): " + e.Message);

                it.Status(new PixelColor(0, 0, 255, 100));

                if (it.classified)
                    classificationQueue++; classificationDone--;

                it.classified = false;


Exemple #19
 /// <summary>
 /// Изучить способность хоть один раз
 /// </summary>
 public void UpSpell(Player player)
     LevelCast += 1;
Exemple #20
        private void ALL_GLCM(int half_size, int[] disp0, int[] disp1, int[] disp2, int[] disp3, ref double[] ret)
            int MATRIX_SIZE = 8;

            double[,] matrix0 = new double[MATRIX_SIZE, MATRIX_SIZE];
            double[,] matrix1 = new double[MATRIX_SIZE, MATRIX_SIZE];
            double[,] matrix2 = new double[MATRIX_SIZE, MATRIX_SIZE];
            double[,] matrix3 = new double[MATRIX_SIZE, MATRIX_SIZE];

            double total0 = 0;
            double total1 = 0;
            double total2 = 0;
            double total3 = 0;

            ImageTile it = ImageHelper.imageTiles[imageId];

            for (int px = x - half_size; px < x + half_size; px++)
                if (px < 0 && it.tileX == 0)
                if (px > 255 && it.tileX > it.grid.width)

                for (int py = y - half_size; py < y + half_size; py++)
                    if (py < 0 && it.tileY == 0)
                    if (py > 255 && it.tileY > it.grid.height)

                    int i = (int)Math.Round(Luminance(ImageHelper.Get(imageId, px, py)) * (MATRIX_SIZE - 1));

                    int px2 = px + disp0[0];
                    int py2 = py + disp0[1];
                    int j   = (int)Math.Round(Luminance(ImageHelper.Get(imageId, px2, py2)) * (MATRIX_SIZE - 1));
                    matrix0[i, j]++;

                    px2 = px + disp1[0];
                    py2 = py + disp1[1];

                    j = (int)Math.Round(Luminance(ImageHelper.Get(imageId, px2, py2)) * (MATRIX_SIZE - 1));
                    matrix1[i, j]++;

                    px2 = px + disp2[0];
                    py2 = py + disp2[1];
                    j   = (int)Math.Round(Luminance(ImageHelper.Get(imageId, px2, py2)) * (MATRIX_SIZE - 1));
                    matrix2[i, j]++;

                    px2 = px + disp3[0];
                    py2 = py + disp3[1];
                    j   = (int)Math.Round(Luminance(ImageHelper.Get(imageId, px2, py2)) * (MATRIX_SIZE - 1));
                    matrix3[i, j]++;

            double mu0x  = 0;
            double sig0x = 0;
            double mu1x  = 0;
            double sig1x = 0;
            double mu2x  = 0;
            double sig2x = 0;
            double mu3x  = 0;
            double sig3x = 0;

            double mu0y  = 0;
            double sig0y = 0;
            double mu1y  = 0;
            double sig1y = 0;
            double mu2y  = 0;
            double sig2y = 0;
            double mu3y  = 0;
            double sig3y = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < MATRIX_SIZE; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < MATRIX_SIZE; j++)
                    if (total0 != 0)
                        matrix0[i, j] /= total0;
                    if (total1 != 0)
                        matrix1[i, j] /= total1;
                    if (total2 != 0)
                        matrix2[i, j] /= total2;
                    if (total3 != 0)
                        matrix3[i, j] /= total3;

                    mu0x += (i + 1) * matrix0[i, j];
                    mu1x += (i + 1) * matrix1[i, j];
                    mu2x += (i + 1) * matrix2[i, j];
                    mu3x += (i + 1) * matrix3[i, j];

                    mu0y += (j + 1) * matrix0[i, j];
                    mu1y += (j + 1) * matrix1[i, j];
                    mu2y += (j + 1) * matrix2[i, j];
                    mu3y += (j + 1) * matrix3[i, j];

            for (int i = 0; i < MATRIX_SIZE; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < MATRIX_SIZE; j++)
                    sig0x += (i + 1 - mu0x) * (i + 1 - mu0x) * matrix0[i, j];
                    sig1x += (i + 1 - mu1x) * (i + 1 - mu1x) * matrix1[i, j];
                    sig2x += (i + 1 - mu2x) * (i + 1 - mu2x) * matrix2[i, j];
                    sig3x += (i + 1 - mu3x) * (i + 1 - mu3x) * matrix3[i, j];

                    sig0y += (j + 1 - mu0y) * (j + 1 - mu0y) * matrix0[i, j];
                    sig1y += (j + 1 - mu1y) * (j + 1 - mu1y) * matrix1[i, j];
                    sig2y += (j + 1 - mu2y) * (j + 1 - mu2y) * matrix2[i, j];
                    sig3y += (j + 1 - mu3y) * (j + 1 - mu3y) * matrix3[i, j];

            double sig0 = Math.Sqrt(sig0x * sig0y);
            double sig1 = Math.Sqrt(sig1x * sig1y);
            double sig2 = Math.Sqrt(sig2x * sig2y);
            double sig3 = Math.Sqrt(sig3x * sig3y);

            for (int i = 0; i < MATRIX_SIZE; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < MATRIX_SIZE; j++)
                    double ij2     = Math.Pow(i - j, 2);
                    double inv_abs = 1.0 / (1 + (i - j) * (i - j));

                    ret[0] += ij2 * matrix0[i, j];                                                    //Contrast
                    ret[1] -= matrix0[i, j] <= 0 ? 0 : matrix0[i, j] * Math.Log(matrix0[i, j]);       //Entropy
                    ret[2] += Math.Pow(matrix0[i, j], 2);                                             //Uniformity;
                    ret[3] += matrix0[i, j] * inv_abs;                                                // Homogeneity
                    ret[4] += sig0 == 0 ? 0 : matrix0[i, j] * (i + 1 - mu0x) * (j + 1 - mu0y) / sig0; //Correlation

                    ret[6]  += ij2 * matrix1[i, j];                                                    //Contrast
                    ret[7]  -= matrix1[i, j] <= 0 ? 0 : matrix1[i, j] * Math.Log(matrix1[i, j]);       //Entropy
                    ret[8]  += Math.Pow(matrix1[i, j], 2);                                             //Uniformity;
                    ret[9]  += matrix1[i, j] * inv_abs;                                                // Homogeneity
                    ret[10] += sig1 == 0 ? 0 : matrix1[i, j] * (i + 1 - mu1x) * (j + 1 - mu1y) / sig1; //Correlation

                    ret[12] += ij2 * matrix2[i, j];                                                    //Contrast
                    ret[13] -= matrix2[i, j] <= 0 ? 0 : matrix2[i, j] * Math.Log(matrix2[i, j]);       //Entropy
                    ret[14] += Math.Pow(matrix2[i, j], 2);                                             //Uniformity;
                    ret[15] += matrix2[i, j] * inv_abs;                                                // Homogeneity
                    ret[16] += sig2 == 0 ? 0 : matrix2[i, j] * (i + 1 - mu2x) * (j + 1 - mu2y) / sig2; //Correlation

                    ret[18] += ij2 * matrix3[i, j];                                                    //Contrast
                    ret[19] -= matrix3[i, j] <= 0 ? 0 : matrix3[i, j] * Math.Log(matrix3[i, j]);       //Entropy
                    ret[20] += Math.Pow(matrix3[i, j], 2);                                             //Uniformity;
                    ret[21] += matrix3[i, j] * inv_abs;                                                // Homogeneity
                    ret[22] += sig3 == 0 ? 0 : matrix3[i, j] * (i + 1 - mu3x) * (j + 1 - mu3y) / sig3; //Correlation

            for (int i = 0; i < MATRIX_SIZE; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < MATRIX_SIZE; j++)
                    ret[5]  += sig0 == 0 ? 0 : Math.Pow(i + 1 + j + 1 - 2 * mu0x, 3) * matrix0[i, j] / (Math.Pow(sig0 * 2 * (1 + ret[4]), 1.5));
                    ret[11] += sig1 == 0 ? 0 : Math.Pow(i + 1 + j + 1 - 2 * mu1x, 3) * matrix0[i, j] / (Math.Pow(sig1 * 2 * (1 + ret[10]), 1.5));
                    ret[17] += sig2 == 0 ? 0 : Math.Pow(i + 1 + j + 1 - 2 * mu2x, 3) * matrix0[i, j] / (Math.Pow(sig2 * 2 * (1 + ret[16]), 1.5));
                    ret[23] += sig3 == 0 ? 0 : Math.Pow(i + 1 + j + 1 - 2 * mu3x, 3) * matrix0[i, j] / (Math.Pow(sig3 * 2 * (1 + ret[22]), 1.5));

                ret[5]  = Math.Sign(ret[5]) * Math.Pow(Math.Abs(ret[5]), 1.0 / 3.0);
                ret[11] = Math.Sign(ret[11]) * Math.Pow(Math.Abs(ret[11]), 1.0 / 3.0);
                ret[17] = Math.Sign(ret[17]) * Math.Pow(Math.Abs(ret[17]), 1.0 / 3.0);
                ret[23] = Math.Sign(ret[23]) * Math.Pow(Math.Abs(ret[23]), 1.0 / 3.0);
                ret[5]  = 0;
                ret[11] = 0;
                ret[17] = 0;
                ret[23] = 0;
        public List <ImageTile> ImageTilesForGridSquares(AFS2GridSquare afs2GridSquare, int zoomLevel)
            List <ImageTile> imageTiles = new List <ImageTile>();

            // Just to make the code more readable
            var northWestCorner = afs2GridSquare.Coordinates[0];
            var northEastCorner = afs2GridSquare.Coordinates[1];
            var southEastCorner = afs2GridSquare.Coordinates[2];
            var southWestCorner = afs2GridSquare.Coordinates[3];

            // Get the pixel X & Y of the first tile
            int pixelX = 0;
            int pixelY = 0;

            BingHelper.LatLongToPixelXY(northWestCorner.Lat, northWestCorner.Lng, zoomLevel, out pixelX, out pixelY);

            // Get the tile X & Y of the frst tile
            int tileX = 0;
            int tileY = 0;

            BingHelper.PixelXYToTileXY(pixelX, pixelY, out tileX, out tileY);

            double currentTileNorthLatitude = 0;
            double currentTileSouthLatitude = 0;
            double currentTileWestLongitude = 0;
            double currentTileEastLongitude = 0;

            int currentTileX = tileX;
            int currentTileY = tileY;

            int currentRow    = 1;
            int currentColumn = 1;

            // Work through the tiles East to West, then top North to South
                    int currentPixelX;
                    int currentPixelY;
                    BingHelper.TileXYToPixelXY(currentTileX, currentTileY, out currentPixelX, out currentPixelY);

                    BingHelper.PixelXYToLatLong(currentPixelX, currentPixelY, zoomLevel, out currentTileNorthLatitude, out currentTileWestLongitude);

                    // Get the lat long of the tile "to the left and down", which will give us the south and east edge of the previous tile
                    int currentTileXPlusOnePixelX;
                    int currentTileYPlusOnePixelY;
                    BingHelper.TileXYToPixelXY(currentTileX + 1, currentTileY + 1, out currentTileXPlusOnePixelX, out currentTileYPlusOnePixelY);
                    BingHelper.PixelXYToLatLong(currentTileXPlusOnePixelX, currentTileYPlusOnePixelY, zoomLevel, out currentTileSouthLatitude, out currentTileEastLongitude);

                    var quadKey1 = BingHelper.TileXYToQuadKey(currentTileX, currentTileY, zoomLevel);

                    ImageTile tile = new ImageTile();
                    tile.Width          = 256;
                    tile.Height         = 256;
                    tile.NorthLatitude  = currentTileNorthLatitude;
                    tile.SouthLatitude  = currentTileSouthLatitude;
                    tile.WestLongitude  = currentTileWestLongitude;
                    tile.EastLongitude  = currentTileEastLongitude;
                    tile.ImageExtension = "jpg";
                    tile.TileX          = currentTileX;
                    tile.TileY          = currentTileY;
                    tile.LocalTileX     = currentColumn;
                    tile.LocalTileY     = currentRow;
                    tile.Source         = "b";
                    tile.ZoomLevel      = zoomLevel;
                    tile.URL            = String.Format(this.urlTemplate, quadKey1);


                }while (currentTileWestLongitude < southEastCorner.Lng);

                // Go back to the original tileX
                currentTileX = tileX;
                // Start at column 1 again
                currentColumn = 1;

                // Do the next row
            }while (currentTileNorthLatitude > southEastCorner.Lat);

        private void DownloadFile(HttpClient httpClient, CookieContainer cookieContainer, ImageTile imageTile, string path)
            string fullFilePath = path + imageTile.FileName + "." + imageTile.ImageExtension;

            cookieContainer = new CookieContainer();
            cookieContainer.Add(new Uri(imageTile.URL), new Cookie("APISID", Guid.NewGuid().ToString()));
            cookieContainer.Add(new Uri(imageTile.URL), new Cookie("NID", "119=" + Guid.NewGuid().ToString()));
            cookieContainer.Add(new Uri(imageTile.URL), new Cookie("NID", "129=" + Guid.NewGuid().ToString()));

            httpClient.DefaultRequestHeaders.Referrer = new Uri("");
            httpClient.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("Accept-Language", "en-US,en;q=0.5");
            httpClient.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("Accept-Encoding", "gzip, deflate");
            httpClient.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("Accept", "application/json, text/javascript, */*; q=0.01");

                var responseResult = httpClient.GetAsync(imageTile.URL);

                using (var memStream = responseResult.Result.Content.ReadAsStreamAsync().Result)
                    using (var fileStream = File.Create(fullFilePath))
            catch (Exception ex)
                log.Error("There was an error downloading " + imageTile.URL, ex);