private Texture textureForInputKey(string key, bool segmentationMap) { Texture2D texture = null; if (inputData[key] is Texture) { texture = inputData[key] as Texture2D; } else if (inputData[key] is GameObject) { GameObject go = ((GameObject)inputData[key]); Camera mainCamera = go.GetComponent <Camera>(); if (segmentationMap) { ImageSynthesis synthesis = go.GetComponent <ImageSynthesis>(); if (synthesis == null) { synthesis = go.AddComponent <ImageSynthesis>(); } Camera cam = synthesis.capturePasses[2].camera; texture = RunwayUtils.CameraToTexture(cam, mainCamera.pixelWidth, mainCamera.pixelHeight); } else { texture = RunwayUtils.CameraToTexture(mainCamera, mainCamera.pixelWidth, mainCamera.pixelHeight); } } if (texture == null) { return(null); } return(texture); }
void Start() { var camera = GameObject.Find("Main Camera"); _imageSynthesis = camera.GetComponent(typeof(ImageSynthesis)) as ImageSynthesis; created = new GameObject[maxObjects]; }
private void addImageSynthesisImageForm(WWWForm form, ImageSynthesis synth, bool flag, string captureName, string fieldName) { if (flag) { if (!synth.hasCapturePass(captureName)) { Debug.LogError(captureName + " not available - sending empty image"); } byte[] bytes = synth.Encode(captureName); form.AddBinaryData(fieldName, bytes); } }
public override void OnInspectorGUI() { DrawDefaultInspector(); ImageSynthesis imageSynthesis = (ImageSynthesis)target; // Only display the "Save" button if playing if (EditorApplication.isPlaying && GUILayout.Button("Save Captures")) { Vector2 gameViewSize = Handles.GetMainGameViewSize(); imageSynthesis.Save(imageSynthesis.filename, width: (int)gameViewSize.x, height: (int)gameViewSize.y, imageSynthesis.filepath); } }
/// <summary> /// Start the simulator and build the environment. /// </summary> private void Start() { // fixed framerate to equalize differences in performance UnityEngine.QualitySettings.vSyncCount = 0; UnityEngine.Application.targetFrameRate = 30; // init variables grid = FindObjectOfType <Grid>(); flowCam = cam.GetComponent <ImageSynthesis>(); flowCamSensitivity = flowCam.opticalFlowSensitivity; if (!fixedObstacle) { currentObstacleID = 0; } lastData = new CollectedData(-1, "init", 0, 0, 0,,, 0, currentObstacleID, currentEpoch); // load obstacles loadedObstacles = Resources.LoadAll <GameObject>("Ready"); // IMPORTANT: RUN THESE LINES ONLY WITH NEW MODELS ONCE!!! // otherwise new meshcolliders will be added to the prefabs all the time //foreach (GameObject obj in loadedObstacles) //{ // MeshCollider mc = obj.AddComponent<MeshCollider>(); // mc.sharedMesh = obj.GetComponentInChildren<MeshFilter>().sharedMesh; //} // generate environment GenerateEnvironment(); // create output path if (Directory.Exists(outputFolder)) { Directory.Delete(outputFolder, true); } Directory.CreateDirectory(outputFolder); // request new path & start moving PathRequestManager.RequestPath(new PathRequest(transform.position, target.position, OnPathFound)); }
//public override void InitializeAgent() void Start() { academy = GameObject.FindObjectOfType <UAVAcademy> (); Application.runInBackground = true; //mysteps = 0; vel_limit = 10; rb = GetComponent <Rigidbody> (); TargetRb = Target.GetComponent <Rigidbody> (); old_distance = Vector3.Distance(StartPos.position, TargetRb.position); distance = Vector3.Distance(StartPos.position, TargetRb.position); if (GetComponentInChildren <ImageSynthesis> ().capturePasses [2].camera == null) { print("Null!"); } imgSyn = GetComponentInChildren <ImageSynthesis> (); //observations [0] = GetComponentInChildren<ImageSynthesis>().capturePasses[2].camera; agentParameters.agentCameras [0] = imgSyn.capturePasses[2].camera; agentParameters.agentCameras [1] = imgSyn.capturePasses[3].camera; //imgSyn.OnSceneChange (); request = false; density = 0; }
private void enableImageSynthesis() { imageSynthesis = this.gameObject.GetComponentInChildren <ImageSynthesis> () as ImageSynthesis; imageSynthesis.enabled = true; }
public IEnumerator EmitFrame() { frameCounter += 1; bool shouldRender = this.renderImage && serverSideScreenshot; if (shouldRender) { // we should only read the screen buffer after rendering is complete yield return(new WaitForEndOfFrame()); } WWWForm form = new WWWForm(); MultiAgentMetadata multiMeta = new MultiAgentMetadata(); multiMeta.agents = new MetadataWrapper[this.agents.Count]; multiMeta.activeAgentId = this.activeAgentId; multiMeta.sequenceId = this.currentSequenceId; ThirdPartyCameraMetadata[] cameraMetadata = new ThirdPartyCameraMetadata[this.thirdPartyCameras.Count]; RenderTexture currentTexture = null; JavaScriptInterface jsInterface = null; if (shouldRender) { currentTexture =; for (int i = 0; i < this.thirdPartyCameras.Count; i++) { ThirdPartyCameraMetadata cMetadata = new ThirdPartyCameraMetadata(); Camera camera = thirdPartyCameras.ToArray()[i]; cMetadata.thirdPartyCameraId = i; cMetadata.position = camera.gameObject.transform.position; cMetadata.rotation = camera.gameObject.transform.eulerAngles; cameraMetadata[i] = cMetadata; ImageSynthesis imageSynthesis = camera.gameObject.GetComponentInChildren <ImageSynthesis> () as ImageSynthesis; addThirdPartyCameraImageForm(form, camera); addImageSynthesisImageForm(form, imageSynthesis, this.renderDepthImage, "_depth", "image_thirdParty_depth"); addImageSynthesisImageForm(form, imageSynthesis, this.renderNormalsImage, "_normals", "image_thirdParty_normals"); addImageSynthesisImageForm(form, imageSynthesis, this.renderObjectImage, "_id", "image_thirdParty_image_ids"); addImageSynthesisImageForm(form, imageSynthesis, this.renderClassImage, "_class", "image_thirdParty_classes"); addImageSynthesisImageForm(form, imageSynthesis, this.renderClassImage, "_flow", "image_thirdParty_flow");//XXX fix this in a bit } } for (int i = 0; i < this.agents.Count; i++) { BaseFPSAgentController agent = this.agents.ToArray() [i]; jsInterface = agent.GetComponent <JavaScriptInterface>(); MetadataWrapper metadata = agent.generateMetadataWrapper(); metadata.agentId = i; // we don't need to render the agent's camera for the first agent if (shouldRender) { addImageForm(form, agent); addImageSynthesisImageForm(form, agent.imageSynthesis, this.renderDepthImage, "_depth", "image_depth"); addImageSynthesisImageForm(form, agent.imageSynthesis, this.renderNormalsImage, "_normals", "image_normals"); addObjectImageForm(form, agent, ref metadata); addImageSynthesisImageForm(form, agent.imageSynthesis, this.renderClassImage, "_class", "image_classes"); addImageSynthesisImageForm(form, agent.imageSynthesis, this.renderFlowImage, "_flow", "image_flow"); metadata.thirdPartyCameras = cameraMetadata; } multiMeta.agents [i] = metadata; } if (shouldRender) { = currentTexture; } var serializedMetadata = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(multiMeta); #if UNITY_WEBGL // JavaScriptInterface jsI = FindObjectOfType<JavaScriptInterface>(); // jsInterface.SendAction(new ServerAction(){action = "Test"}); if (jsInterface != null) { jsInterface.SendActionMetadata(serializedMetadata); } #endif //form.AddField("metadata", JsonUtility.ToJson(multiMeta)); form.AddField("metadata", serializedMetadata); form.AddField("token", robosimsClientToken); #if !UNITY_WEBGL if (synchronousHttp) { if (this.sock == null) { // Debug.Log("connecting to host: " + robosimsHost); IPAddress host = IPAddress.Parse(robosimsHost); IPEndPoint hostep = new IPEndPoint(host, robosimsPort); this.sock = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp); try { this.sock.Connect(hostep); } catch (SocketException e) { Debug.Log("Socket exception: " + e.ToString()); } } if (this.sock != null && this.sock.Connected) { byte[] rawData =; string request = "POST /train HTTP/1.1\r\n" + "Content-Length: " + rawData.Length.ToString() + "\r\n"; foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> entry in form.headers) { request += entry.Key + ": " + entry.Value + "\r\n"; } request += "\r\n"; int sent = this.sock.Send(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(request)); sent = this.sock.Send(rawData); // waiting for a frame here keeps the Unity window in sync visually // its not strictly necessary, but allows the interact() command to work properly // and does not reduce the overall FPS yield return(new WaitForEndOfFrame()); byte[] headerBuffer = new byte[1024]; int bytesReceived = 0; byte[] bodyBuffer = null; int bodyBytesReceived = 0; int contentLength = 0; // read header while (true) { int received = this.sock.Receive(headerBuffer, bytesReceived, headerBuffer.Length - bytesReceived, SocketFlags.None); if (received == 0) { Debug.LogError("0 bytes received attempting to read header - connection closed"); break; } bytesReceived += received;; string headerMsg = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(headerBuffer, 0, bytesReceived); int offset = headerMsg.IndexOf("\r\n\r\n"); if (offset > 0) { contentLength = parseContentLength(headerMsg.Substring(0, offset)); bodyBuffer = new byte[contentLength]; bodyBytesReceived = bytesReceived - (offset + 4); Array.Copy(headerBuffer, offset + 4, bodyBuffer, 0, bodyBytesReceived); break; } } // read body while (bodyBytesReceived < contentLength) { // check for 0 bytes received int received = this.sock.Receive(bodyBuffer, bodyBytesReceived, bodyBuffer.Length - bodyBytesReceived, SocketFlags.None); if (received == 0) { Debug.LogError("0 bytes received attempting to read body - connection closed"); break; } bodyBytesReceived += received; //Debug.Log("total bytes received: " + bodyBytesReceived); } string msg = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(bodyBuffer, 0, bodyBytesReceived); ProcessControlCommand(msg); } } else { using (var www = UnityWebRequest.Post("http://" + robosimsHost + ":" + robosimsPort + "/train", form)) { yield return(www.SendWebRequest()); if (www.isNetworkError || www.isHttpError) { Debug.Log("Error: " + www.error); yield break; } ProcessControlCommand(www.downloadHandler.text); } } #endif }
private IEnumerator EmitFrame() { frameCounter += 1; // we should only read the screen buffer after rendering is complete yield return(new WaitForEndOfFrame()); WWWForm form = new WWWForm(); MultiAgentMetadata multiMeta = new MultiAgentMetadata(); multiMeta.agents = new MetadataWrapper[this.agents.Count]; ThirdPartyCameraMetadata[] cameraMetadata = new ThirdPartyCameraMetadata[this.thirdPartyCameras.Count]; multiMeta.activeAgentId = this.activeAgentId; multiMeta.sequenceId = this.currentSequenceId; RenderTexture currentTexture =; for (int i = 0; i < this.thirdPartyCameras.Count; i++) { ThirdPartyCameraMetadata cMetadata = new ThirdPartyCameraMetadata(); Camera camera = thirdPartyCameras.ToArray()[i]; cMetadata.thirdPartyCameraId = i; cMetadata.position = camera.gameObject.transform.position; cMetadata.rotation = camera.gameObject.transform.eulerAngles; cameraMetadata[i] = cMetadata; ImageSynthesis imageSynthesis = camera.gameObject.GetComponentInChildren <ImageSynthesis> () as ImageSynthesis; addThirdPartyCameraImageForm(form, camera); addImageSynthesisImageForm(form, imageSynthesis, this.renderDepthImage, "_depth", "image_thirdParty_depth"); addImageSynthesisImageForm(form, imageSynthesis, this.renderNormalsImage, "_normals", "image_thirdParty_normals"); addImageSynthesisImageForm(form, imageSynthesis, this.renderObjectImage, "_id", "image_thirdParty_image_ids"); addImageSynthesisImageForm(form, imageSynthesis, this.renderClassImage, "_class", "image_thirdParty_classes"); } for (int i = 0; i < this.agents.Count; i++) { BaseFPSAgentController agent = this.agents.ToArray() [i]; if (i > 0) { this.agents.ToArray() [i - 1].m_Camera.enabled = false; } agent.m_Camera.enabled = true; MetadataWrapper metadata = agent.generateMetadataWrapper(); metadata.agentId = i; // we don't need to render the agent's camera for the first agent addImageForm(form, agent); addImageSynthesisImageForm(form, agent.imageSynthesis, this.renderDepthImage, "_depth", "image_depth"); addImageSynthesisImageForm(form, agent.imageSynthesis, this.renderNormalsImage, "_normals", "image_normals"); addObjectImageForm(form, agent, ref metadata); addImageSynthesisImageForm(form, agent.imageSynthesis, this.renderClassImage, "_class", "image_classes"); metadata.thirdPartyCameras = cameraMetadata; multiMeta.agents [i] = metadata; } if (this.agents.Count != 1) { this.agents.ToArray()[this.agents.Count - 1].m_Camera.enabled = false; } this.agents.ToArray()[0].m_Camera.enabled = true; = currentTexture; //form.AddField("metadata", JsonUtility.ToJson(multiMeta)); form.AddField("metadata", Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(multiMeta)); form.AddField("token", robosimsClientToken); #if !UNITY_WEBGL using (var www = UnityWebRequest.Post("http://" + robosimsHost + ":" + robosimsPort + "/train", form)) { yield return(www.SendWebRequest()); if (www.isNetworkError || www.isHttpError) { Debug.Log("Error: " + www.error); yield break; } ProcessControlCommand(www.downloadHandler.text); } #endif }
void Start() { frame = 0; sintetizer = GetComponent <ImageSynthesis>(); Screen.SetResolution(640, 480, true); }
void RenderSegmentationInput(Field input, int index) { GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(horizontalStyle); GUILayout.FlexibleSpace(); Texture tex = textureForInputKey(, true); if (inputData[] != null) { RenderTextureInfo(tex); } else { RenderNotAvailable(); } GUILayout.FlexibleSpace(); GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); GUILayout.Space(5); GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); GUILayout.FlexibleSpace(); if (userPickedObjectForIndex == index) { GameObject go = EditorGUIUtility.GetObjectPickerObject() as GameObject; inputData[] = go; if (go != null) { ImageSynthesis synthesis = go.GetComponent <ImageSynthesis>(); synthesis.labels = input.labels; synthesis.colors = input.colors; synthesis.defaultColor = input.defaultColor; inputWidths[index] = maxWidths[index] = (int)go.GetComponent <Camera>().pixelWidth; inputHeights[index] = maxHeights[index] = (int)go.GetComponent <Camera>().pixelHeight; } userPickedObjectForIndex = -1; } if (Event.current.commandName == "ObjectSelectorUpdated" && EditorGUIUtility.GetObjectPickerControlID() == index) { userPickedObjectForIndex = index; } GUILayout.FlexibleSpace(); GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); GUILayout.FlexibleSpace(); if (GUILayout.Button("Select")) { EditorGUIUtility.ShowObjectPicker <UnityEngine.Object>(inputData[] as UnityEngine.Object, true, "t:Camera", index); } GUILayout.Space(5); if (GUILayout.Button("Preview")) { if (index == 0) { inputWindows[index] = GetWindow <RunwayInput1Window>(false, "Runway - Model Input 1", true); } else { inputWindows[index] = GetWindow <RunwayInput2Window>(false, "Runway - Model Input 2", true); } } GUILayout.Space(5); if (GUILayout.Button("Save")) { string path = EditorUtility.SaveFilePanel("Save as PNG", "", "ModelInput.png", "png"); byte[] data = RunwayUtils.TextureToPNG(tex as Texture2D); File.WriteAllBytes(path, data); } GUILayout.FlexibleSpace(); GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); RenderObjectTagger(input, index); if (inputData[] != null) { if (inputWindows.ContainsKey(index)) { inputWindows[index].texture = tex; inputWindows[index].Repaint(); } } }
private IEnumerator EmitFrame() { frameCounter += 1; bool shouldRender = this.renderImage && serverSideScreenshot; if (shouldRender) { // we should only read the screen buffer after rendering is complete yield return(new WaitForEndOfFrame()); if (synchronousHttp) { // must wait an additional frame when in synchronous mode otherwise the frame lags yield return(new WaitForEndOfFrame()); } } WWWForm form = new WWWForm(); MultiAgentMetadata multiMeta = new MultiAgentMetadata(); multiMeta.agents = new MetadataWrapper[this.agents.Count]; multiMeta.activeAgentId = this.activeAgentId; multiMeta.sequenceId = this.currentSequenceId; ThirdPartyCameraMetadata[] cameraMetadata = new ThirdPartyCameraMetadata[this.thirdPartyCameras.Count]; RenderTexture currentTexture = null; if (shouldRender) { currentTexture =; for (int i = 0; i < this.thirdPartyCameras.Count; i++) { ThirdPartyCameraMetadata cMetadata = new ThirdPartyCameraMetadata(); Camera camera = thirdPartyCameras.ToArray()[i]; cMetadata.thirdPartyCameraId = i; cMetadata.position = camera.gameObject.transform.position; cMetadata.rotation = camera.gameObject.transform.eulerAngles; cameraMetadata[i] = cMetadata; ImageSynthesis imageSynthesis = camera.gameObject.GetComponentInChildren <ImageSynthesis> () as ImageSynthesis; addThirdPartyCameraImageForm(form, camera); addImageSynthesisImageForm(form, imageSynthesis, this.renderDepthImage, "_depth", "image_thirdParty_depth"); addImageSynthesisImageForm(form, imageSynthesis, this.renderNormalsImage, "_normals", "image_thirdParty_normals"); addImageSynthesisImageForm(form, imageSynthesis, this.renderObjectImage, "_id", "image_thirdParty_image_ids"); addImageSynthesisImageForm(form, imageSynthesis, this.renderClassImage, "_class", "image_thirdParty_classes"); } } for (int i = 0; i < this.agents.Count; i++) { BaseFPSAgentController agent = this.agents.ToArray() [i]; MetadataWrapper metadata = agent.generateMetadataWrapper(); metadata.agentId = i; // we don't need to render the agent's camera for the first agent if (shouldRender) { addImageForm(form, agent); addImageSynthesisImageForm(form, agent.imageSynthesis, this.renderDepthImage, "_depth", "image_depth"); addImageSynthesisImageForm(form, agent.imageSynthesis, this.renderNormalsImage, "_normals", "image_normals"); addObjectImageForm(form, agent, ref metadata); addImageSynthesisImageForm(form, agent.imageSynthesis, this.renderClassImage, "_class", "image_classes"); metadata.thirdPartyCameras = cameraMetadata; } multiMeta.agents [i] = metadata; } if (shouldRender) { = currentTexture; } //form.AddField("metadata", JsonUtility.ToJson(multiMeta)); form.AddField("metadata", Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(multiMeta)); form.AddField("token", robosimsClientToken); #if !UNITY_WEBGL if (synchronousHttp) { if (this.sock == null) { // Debug.Log("connecting to host: " + robosimsHost); IPAddress host = IPAddress.Parse(robosimsHost); IPEndPoint hostep = new IPEndPoint(host, robosimsPort); try { Socket s = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp); s.Connect(hostep); this.sock = s; } catch (SocketException ex) { # if UNITY_EDITOR // swallowing the error since its fine to run without the Python side with the editor yield break; # else throw ex; # endif } }
public void CreateImage() { Camera camera = view.GetGameObject().GetComponent <Camera>(); int width = ApplicationManager.instance.GlobalSettingsModel.GeneralParameterModel.ResolutionX; int height = ApplicationManager.instance.GlobalSettingsModel.GeneralParameterModel.ResolutionY; RenderTexture previousActive =; RenderTexture previousCamera = camera.targetTexture; RenderTextureDescriptor descriptor = new RenderTextureDescriptor(width, height); camera.targetTexture = new RenderTexture(descriptor); string targetPath = ApplicationManager.instance.GlobalSettingsModel.GeneralParameterModel.TargetFolder; = camera.targetTexture; Texture2D imageTexture = new Texture2D(width, height); //Create color image if (ApplicationManager.instance.GlobalSettingsModel.GeneralParameterModel.ColorPictures) { Directory.CreateDirectory(targetPath + "\\Color"); camera.Render(); imageTexture.ReadPixels(new Rect(0, 0, width, height), 0, 0); imageTexture.Apply(); byte[] bytes = imageTexture.EncodeToPNG(); File.WriteAllBytes(targetPath + "\\Color\\" + ApplicationManager.instance.generatedImages + ".png", bytes); } //Create depth image with greyScale if (ApplicationManager.instance.GlobalSettingsModel.GeneralParameterModel.DepthPictures) { Directory.CreateDirectory(targetPath + "\\Depth"); camera.GetComponent <RenderDepth>().enabled = true; camera.Render(); imageTexture.ReadPixels(new Rect(0, 0, width, height), 0, 0); imageTexture.Apply(); byte[] depthBytes = imageTexture.EncodeToPNG(); File.WriteAllBytes(targetPath + "\\Depth\\" + ApplicationManager.instance.generatedImages + ".png", depthBytes); camera.GetComponent <RenderDepth>().enabled = false; } if (ApplicationManager.instance.GlobalSettingsModel.GeneralParameterModel.SegmentationPicture) { Directory.CreateDirectory(targetPath + "\\Segmentation"); ImageSynthesis imageSynthesis = camera.GetComponent <ImageSynthesis>(); imageSynthesis.enabled = false; imageSynthesis.enabled = true; imageSynthesis.saveDepth = false; imageSynthesis.saveImage = false; imageSynthesis.saveOpticalFlow = false; imageSynthesis.saveNormals = false; imageSynthesis.saveLayerSegmentation = false; imageSynthesis.saveIdSegmentation = true; imageSynthesis.Save(ApplicationManager.instance.generatedImages + ".png", width, height, targetPath + "\\Segmentation"); } = previousActive; Texture2D.Destroy(imageTexture); }