public override void CalculateWeights(Mat image, ImageFeatureMap target) { DetectionTime = 0; if (!Enabled) { return; } List <Rectangle> objects = new List <Rectangle> (); List <Rect> normObjects = new List <Rect> (); DetectObjects(image, objects, Params.DetectorParameters); int W = image.Width; int H = image.Height; //fill features to the features map foreach (Rectangle o in objects) { //expand the detected area few pixels Rectangle r = new Rectangle(); r.X = o.X + (int)(Params.DetectorParameters.ExpansionRect.x * o.Width); r.Y = o.Y + (int)(Params.DetectorParameters.ExpansionRect.y * o.Height); r.Width = o.Width + (int)((Params.DetectorParameters.ExpansionRect.width) * o.Width); r.Height = o.Height + (int)((Params.DetectorParameters.ExpansionRect.height) * o.Height); //fill detected face rectangle with full weight target.FillRectangle((float)r.X / (float)W, (float)r.Y / (float)H, (float)r.Width / (float)W, (float)r.Height / (float)H, 1); normObjects.Add(new Rect(r.Left / (float)W, r.Top / (float)H, r.Width / (float)W, r.Height / (float)H)); } lock (_objectsLock) { _detectedObjects = normObjects; } }
public override void CalculateWeights(GstImageInfo image, ImageFeatureMap target) { DetectionTime = 0; if (!Enabled) { return; } List <Rect> normObjects = new List <Rect> (); _detector.BindImage(image); if (!_featuresDetected) { return; } _featuresDetected = false; int W = image.Width; int H = image.Height; //fill features to the features map foreach (Rect o in _faces) { //expand the detected area few pixels Rect r = new Rect(); r.x = o.x + (int)(Params.FaceConfig.ExpansionRect.x * o.width); r.y = o.y + (int)(Params.FaceConfig.ExpansionRect.y * o.height); r.width = o.width + (int)((Params.FaceConfig.ExpansionRect.width) * o.width); r.height = o.height + (int)((Params.FaceConfig.ExpansionRect.height) * o.height); //fill detected face rectangle with full weight target.FillRectangle((float)r.x / (float)W, (float)r.y / (float)H, (float)r.width / (float)W, (float)r.height / (float)H, 1); normObjects.Add(new Rect(r.left / (float)W, / (float)H, r.width / (float)W, r.height / (float)H)); } _detectedObjects = normObjects; }
void Start() { Gaze = GameObject.FindObjectOfType <GazeFollowComponent> (); _processor = new OffscreenProcessor(); _processor.ShaderName = "GazeBased/Blend"; Image <Gray, byte> cache = null; EmguImageUtil.UnityTextureToOpenCVImageGray(TargetTexture, ref cache); //new Mat(pictureStr, LoadImageType.Color); //Read the files as an 8-bit Bgr image long detectionTime; List <Rectangle> faces = new List <Rectangle>(); List <Rectangle> eyes = new List <Rectangle>(); //The cuda cascade classifier doesn't seem to be able to load "haarcascade_frontalface_default.xml" file in this release //disabling CUDA module for now bool tryUseCuda = true; bool tryUseOpenCL = false; DetectObjectCL.DetectFace( cache.Mat, false, faces, eyes, tryUseCuda, tryUseOpenCL, out detectionTime); foreach (Rectangle face in faces) { CvInvoke.Rectangle(cache.Mat, face, new Bgr(0, 0, 1).MCvScalar, 2); } foreach (Rectangle eye in eyes) { CvInvoke.Rectangle(cache.Mat, eye, new Bgr(1, 0, 0).MCvScalar, 2); } Debug.Log("detected faces:" + faces.Count); Debug.Log("face detection time:" + detectionTime.ToString() + "ms"); //display the image /* ImageViewer.Show(image, String.Format( * "Completed face and eye detection using {0} in {1} milliseconds", * (tryUseCuda && CudaInvoke.HasCuda) ? "GPU" * : (tryUseOpenCL && CvInvoke.HaveOpenCLCompatibleGpuDevice) ? "OpenCL" * : "CPU", * detectionTime)); */ _map = new ImageFeatureMap(128, 128); foreach (Rectangle face in faces) { Rectangle r = new Rectangle(); r.X = face.X - 50; r.Y = face.Y - 5; r.Width = face.Width + 50; r.Height = face.Height + 520; _map.FillRectangle((float)r.X / (float)cache.Mat.Width, (float)r.Y / (float)cache.Mat.Height, (float)r.Width / (float)cache.Mat.Width, (float)r.Height / (float)cache.Mat.Height, 1); } _map.Blur(); _map.Blur(); _map.Blur(); _map.Blur(); Texture2D tex = new Texture2D(1, 1); tex.filterMode = FilterMode.Point; _map.ConvertToTexture(tex, true); _processor.ProcessingMaterial.SetTexture("_TargetMask", tex); _processor.ProcessingMaterial.SetTexture("_MainTex", TargetTexture); GetComponent <UITexture> ().mainTexture = tex; //_processor.ProcessTexture (TargetTexture); }
public override void CalculateWeights(Mat image, ImageFeatureMap target) { DetectionTime = 0; if (!Enabled) { return; } byte[] status; float[] errTracker; PointF[] features; float W = image.Width; float H = image.Height; if (_isFirstFrame || _prevImage.Width != image.Width || _prevImage.Height != image.Height) { _prevImage = image.Clone(); _isFirstFrame = false; return; } DateTime t = DateTime.Now; if (_currPoints == null || _currPoints.Length < 50 || (t - _time).TotalSeconds > Params.OFParameters.FeaturesUpdateTime) { _time = t; UnityEngine.Debug.Log("Recalculating feature points"); GFTTDetector _GFTTdetector = new GFTTDetector(Params.OFParameters.MaxFeaturesCount); MKeyPoint[] featPoints = _GFTTdetector.Detect(image, null); _prevPoints = new PointF[featPoints.Length]; int i = 0; foreach (var k in featPoints) { _prevPoints [i] = k.Point; ++i; } _currPoints = _prevPoints; } Stopwatch watch; watch = Stopwatch.StartNew(); try{ _criteria.Type = Params.OFParameters.CriteriaType; _criteria.MaxIter = Params.OFParameters.Iterations; _criteria.Epsilon = Params.OFParameters.Epsilon; CvInvoke.CalcOpticalFlowPyrLK(_prevImage, image, _prevPoints, new Size((int)Params.OFParameters.SearchWindow.x, (int)Params.OFParameters.SearchWindow.y), Params.OFParameters.Level, _criteria, out features, out status, out errTracker); //calculate homography matrix CvInvoke.FindHomography(_prevPoints, features, _homography, Emgu.CV.CvEnum.HomographyMethod.Default); }catch (Exception e) { UnityEngine.Debug.Log(e.Message); return; } watch.Stop(); DetectionTime = watch.ElapsedMilliseconds; //calculate homography transformation, and remove it from points Matrix4x4 m = new Matrix4x4(); m.SetRow(0, new Vector4((float)_homography[0, 0], (float)_homography[0, 1], 0, (float)_homography[0, 2])); m.SetRow(1, new Vector4((float)_homography[1, 0], (float)_homography[1, 1], 0, (float)_homography[1, 2])); m.SetRow(2, new Vector4(0, 0, 1, 0)); m.SetRow(3, new Vector4((float)_homography[2, 0], (float)_homography[2, 1], 0, (float)_homography[2, 2])); Matrix4x4 homographyInverse = Matrix4x4.Inverse(m); //get the inverse //next, fill weight map Vector2 direction = new Vector2((float)_homography [0, 2], (float)_homography [1, 2]); direction.Normalize(); _opticalFlow.Clear(); int count = 0; for (int i = 0; i < features.Length; ++i) { Vector3 dp = m * new Vector3(features [i].X, features [i].Y, 0); float dist = (dp.x - _prevPoints [i].X) * (dp.x - _prevPoints [i].X) + (dp.y - _prevPoints [i].Y) * (dp.y - _prevPoints [i].Y); if (dist > Params.OFParameters.MinDistance * Params.OFParameters.MinDistance && dist < Params.OFParameters.MaxDistance * Params.OFParameters.MaxDistance) { //check if the calculated point belongs to the object motion or to camera motion //Vector3 d = new Vector3 (features [i].X - dp.x, features [i].Y - dp.y,0); /* float len= Mathf.Sqrt(dist);//dp.magnitude; * if (len < Params.OFParameters.FeatureSimilarityThreshold) { * continue;//skip this point, correlated with camera motion * }*/ /* * Vector3 d = new Vector3 (features [i].X - _currPoints [i].X, features [i].Y - _currPoints [i].Y,0); * d.Normalize (); * float dp = Vector2.Dot (d, direction); * if (dp > Params.OFParameters.FeatureSimilarityThreshold) { * continue;//skip this point, correlated with camera motion * }*/ // add this point ++count; float x = features [i].X / (float)W; float y = (features [i].Y / (float)H); if (x > 1 || x < 0 || y > 1 || y < 0) { continue; } float w = 20 / W; // Mathf.Abs(_currPoints [i].X - features [i].X)/W; float h = 20 / H; //Mathf.Abs(_currPoints [i].Y - features [i].Y)/H; Rect r = new Rect(x - w / 2.0f, y - h / 2.0f /*1-y-h*/, w, h); //target.SetWeight (x,1-y,1.0f); target.FillRectangle(r.x, r.y, r.width, r.height, 1); TrackedFeature f = new TrackedFeature(); f.v1 = new Vector2(_currPoints[i].X / W, _currPoints[i].Y / H); f.v2 = new Vector2(features [i].X / W, features [i].Y / H); _opticalFlow.Add(f); } } if (count > features.Length / 10) { _featuresDetected = true; } else { _featuresDetected = false; } if (features != null) { lock (_objectsLock) { _prevPoints = _currPoints; _currPoints = features; } } _prevImage = image.Clone(); }