static void Main(string[] args)
            SvmModelBuilder modelBuilder = new SvmModelBuilder();

            string modelFileName = "model.svm";
            if (!modelBuilder.LoadFromFile(modelFileName))
                // first time usage, train from feature file
                string problemFile = @"D:\UW\2012 Autumn\CSE 481\Kinect Capstone\WindowsFormsApplication1\WindowsFormsApplication1\rgbdfea_depth_first2.mat";
                Console.WriteLine("Training new model from {0}.", problemFile);

                Console.WriteLine("Trainning finished. Saving Model as {0}", modelFileName);

            Console.WriteLine("Model Ready.");

            ImageFeature imgFeature = new ImageFeature();

            short[,] imagePixels = new Png16Reader().Read("../../sampleImages/good/good_1/good_101_depthcrop.png");
            double[] vector = imgFeature.GenerateFeature(imagePixels);

            double category = svm.svm_predict(modelBuilder.GetModel(), MatrixUtil.DoubleToSvmNode(vector));


        public ImageFeature GetImageFeatureByDataStream(DataStream dataStream)
            ImageFeature feature = (ImageFeature)this.Features.Find(x => (x is ImageFeature) && (x.DataStream == dataStream));

            // add feature is needed
            if (feature == null)
                if (dataStream is ImageDataStream)
                    feature = new ImageFeature(dataStream as ImageDataStream);
                else if (dataStream is VideoDataStream)
                    feature = new ImageFeature(dataStream as VideoDataStream);
                    throw new NotImplementedException();


        static void Main(string[] args)
            SvmModelBuilder modelBuilder = new SvmModelBuilder();

            string modelFileName = "model.svm";

            if (!modelBuilder.LoadFromFile(modelFileName))
                // first time usage, train from feature file
                string problemFile = @"D:\UW\2012 Autumn\CSE 481\Kinect Capstone\WindowsFormsApplication1\WindowsFormsApplication1\rgbdfea_depth_first2.mat";
                Console.WriteLine("Training new model from {0}.", problemFile);

                Console.WriteLine("Trainning finished. Saving Model as {0}", modelFileName);

            Console.WriteLine("Model Ready.");

            ImageFeature imgFeature = new ImageFeature();

            short[,] imagePixels = new Png16Reader().Read("../../sampleImages/good/good_1/good_101_depthcrop.png");
            double[] vector = imgFeature.GenerateFeature(imagePixels);

            double category = svm.svm_predict(modelBuilder.GetModel(), MatrixUtil.DoubleToSvmNode(vector));


Exemple #4
        private void frameBox_Paint(object sender, PaintEventArgs e)
            int markerSize = 5;

            // put digitized points on the images
            if (CurrentHotFrame != null)
                Feature features = CurrentHotFrame.Features.Find(x => x.DataStream == dataStream);
                if (features != null)
                    ImageFeature imageFeature = features as ImageFeature;
                    using (Pen pen = new Pen(new SolidBrush(Color.Red), 1))
                        System.Drawing.Font         drawFont   = new System.Drawing.Font("Arial", 12);
                        System.Drawing.SolidBrush   drawBrush  = new System.Drawing.SolidBrush(System.Drawing.Color.Red);
                        System.Drawing.StringFormat drawFormat = new System.Drawing.StringFormat();

                        foreach (ImagePoint pt in imageFeature.Points)
                            Point pti = frameBox.GetOffsetPoint(pt.GetPoint());
                            //e.Graphics.DrawLine(pen, new Point(pti.X, pti.Y), new Point(pti.X+10, pti.Y));
                            e.Graphics.DrawLine(pen, pti.X - markerSize, pti.Y, pti.X + markerSize, pti.Y);
                            e.Graphics.DrawLine(pen, pti.X, pti.Y - markerSize, pti.X, pti.Y + markerSize);
                            e.Graphics.DrawString(pt.ID.ToString(), drawFont, drawBrush, pti.X + markerSize / 2, pti.Y + markerSize / 2, drawFormat);
Exemple #5
        private void frameBox_MouseClick(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
            if (this.windowState == StreamWindowState.DigitizePoints)
                if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Left) // add point
                    if (CurrentHotFrame == null)

                    ImageFeature  imageFeature = (ImageFeature)CurrentHotFrame.GetImageFeatureByDataStream(dataStream);
                    Point         pt           = frameBox.PointToImage(e.X, e.Y);
                    ImagePoint    imagePoint   = new ImagePoint(++lastId, pt.X, pt.Y);
                    PropertiesWnd wnd          = new PropertiesWnd(imagePoint);
                    if (wnd.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
                        ImagePoint pti = wnd.Object as ImagePoint;
                        lastId = pti.ID;

                if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Right) // remove point
                    ImageFeature imageFeature = (ImageFeature)CurrentHotFrame.GetImageFeatureByDataStream(dataStream);
                    Point        pt           = frameBox.PointToImage(e.X, e.Y);

                    /*double minVal = imageFeature.Points.Min(x => Math.Pow(x.X - pt.X, 2) + Math.Pow(x.Y - pt.Y, 2));
                     * int minIndex = Array.IndexOf(imageFeature.Points, minVal);*/

                    ImagePoint minPt = null;
                    double     minR  = Double.MaxValue;
                    foreach (ImagePoint pti in imageFeature.Points)
                        double r = Math.Pow(pti.X - pt.X, 2) + Math.Pow(pti.Y - pt.Y, 2);
                        if (r < minR)
                            minPt = pti;
                            minR  = r;

                    if (minPt != null)
                        PropertiesWnd wnd = new PropertiesWnd(minPt);
                        if ((wnd.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) && (wnd.IsDeleteObject))
Exemple #6
        public void SetHotFrame(HotFrame frame)
            CurrentHotFrame = frame;

            ImageFeature imageFeature = frame.GetImageFeatureByDataStream(dataStream);

            imageFeature.Image     = frameBox.Image;
            imageFeature.TimeStamp = currentDataLine.TimeStamp;
Exemple #7
 private void steTest(int d, ImageFeature<float>[] item)
     for (int i = 0; i < item.Count(); i++)
         Testing_data.Add(new KeyValuePair<int, float[]>(d, item[i].Descriptor));
        public static void ExportHotFrame(String rootFolder, String annotationName, HotFrame frame,
                                          MatlabExporterOptions options = MatlabExporterOptions.Overwrite, ILogger logger = null, CancellationToken cancelletionToken = default(CancellationToken))
            // delete features

            /*List<Feature> newFeatureSet = new List<Feature>();
             * foreach (Feature feature in frame.Features)
             * {
             *  if (feature.DataStream != null) newFeatureSet.Add(feature);
             * }
             * frame.Features = newFeatureSet;*/

            String folderName  = rootFolder + "\\frame_" + annotationName;
            String matFilePath = folderName + "\\frame_" + annotationName + ".mat";


            logger?.WriteLineInfo("Convert frame to Matlab MAT format and export images!");
            logger?.WriteLineInfo("Export folder: " + folderName);
            logger?.WriteLineInfo("MAT file location: " + matFilePath);

            List <MLArray> mlList = new List <MLArray>();
            Dictionary <DataStream, List <VeloFeature> > velodyneData = new Dictionary <DataStream, List <VeloFeature> >();

            if ((options == MatlabExporterOptions.Append) && (File.Exists(matFilePath)))
                MatFileReader matReader = new MatFileReader(matFilePath);
                mlList = matReader.Data;

            int i = 0;

            foreach (Feature feature in frame.Features)
                logger?.WriteLineInfo("Exporting: " + feature.DataStream.ShortName);

                MLStructure structFeatures = new MLStructure(feature.DataStream.ShortName, new int[] { 1, 1 });
                structFeatures["Name", 0]      = new MLChar(null, feature.DataStream.Name);
                structFeatures["ShortName", 0] = new MLChar(null, feature.DataStream.ShortName);

                if (cancelletionToken.IsCancellationRequested == true)
                    logger?.WriteLineWarning("Export cancelled!");

                if (feature is GPSFeature)
                    var gpsFeature = feature as GPSFeature;
                    structFeatures["Lat", 0]     = new MLDouble("", new double[] { gpsFeature.Position.Lat }, 1);
                    structFeatures["Lon", 0]     = new MLDouble("", new double[] { gpsFeature.Position.Lon }, 1);
                    structFeatures["Height", 0]  = new MLDouble("", new double[] { gpsFeature.Position.Height }, 1);
                    structFeatures["Quality", 0] = new MLDouble("", new double[] { gpsFeature.Position.Quality }, 1);

                else if (feature is ImageFeature)
                    ImageFeature imageFeature = feature as ImageFeature;
                    structFeatures["Timestamp", 0]  = new MLDouble("", new double[] { Utils.ConvertToUnixTimestamp(imageFeature.TimeStamp) }, 1);
                    structFeatures["TimestampC", 0] = ConvertDateTimeToMLDouble(imageFeature.TimeStamp);

                    double[][] points = new double[imageFeature.Points.Count][];
                    int        k      = 0;
                    foreach (ImagePoint pt in ((ImageFeature)feature).Points)
                        points[k]    = new double[3];
                        points[k][0] = pt.ID;
                        points[k][1] = pt.X;
                        points[k][2] = pt.Y;

                    if (k != 0)
                        MLDouble arrayPoints = new MLDouble("Points", points);
                        structFeatures["Points", 0] = arrayPoints;

                    // save images
                    if (imageFeature.Image != null)
                        using (Bitmap img = new Bitmap(imageFeature.Image))
                            img.Save(folderName + "\\frame_" + annotationName + "_" + feature.DataStream.ShortName + ".bmp");

                        // you can export the images here, but it's very slow and the code also needs to be tested!

                        /*using (Bitmap img = new Bitmap(imageFeature.Image))
                         * {
                         *  int[] dims = new int[] { img.Width, img.Height, 3 };
                         *  MLDouble arrImg = new MLDouble("Image", dims);
                         *  for (int i = 0; i < img.Width; i++)
                         *  {
                         *      for (int j = 0; j < img.Height; j++)
                         *      {
                         *          Color col = img.GetPixel(i, j);
                         *          arrImg.Set(col.R, i, j + img.Height * 0);
                         *          arrImg.Set(col.G, i, j + img.Height * 1);
                         *          arrImg.Set(col.B, i, j + img.Height * 2);
                         *      }
                         *  }
                         *  structFeatures["Image", 0] = arrImg;
                         * }*/

                else if (feature is VeloFeature)
                    VeloFeature veloFeature = feature as VeloFeature;
                    // if key does not exist create one
                    if (!velodyneData.ContainsKey(veloFeature.DataStream))
                        velodyneData.Add(veloFeature.DataStream, new List <VeloFeature>());


                logger?.WriteProgress((double)i / (double)frame.Features.Count() * 100.0);

            // ok, now finalize velodyne data
            foreach (KeyValuePair <DataStream, List <VeloFeature> > entry in velodyneData)
                if (cancelletionToken.IsCancellationRequested == true)
                    logger?.WriteLineWarning("Export cancelled!");

                MLStructure structFeatures = new MLStructure(entry.Key.ShortName, new int[] { 1, 1 });
                structFeatures["Name", 0]      = new MLChar(null, entry.Key.Name);
                structFeatures["ShortName", 0] = new MLChar(null, entry.Key.ShortName);
                structFeatures["TimeStamp", 0] = new MLDouble("", new double[] { Utils.ConvertToUnixTimestamp(frame.Timestamp) }, 1);

                // get number of points
                long n_points = 0;
                foreach (VeloFeature feature in entry.Value)
                    n_points += feature.Points.Count();

                if (n_points == 0)
                    logger?.WriteLineWarning(entry.Key.ShortName + ": No features!");

                // populate points
                double[][] points = new double[n_points][];
                int        k      = 0;
                foreach (VeloFeature feature in entry.Value)
                    foreach (VelodynePoint pt in feature.Points)
                        points[k]    = new double[9];
                        points[k][0] = feature.ID;
                        points[k][1] = pt.X;
                        points[k][2] = pt.Y;
                        points[k][3] = pt.Z;
                        points[k][4] = Convert.ToDouble(pt.Intensity);
                        points[k][5] = pt.Distance;
                        points[k][6] = pt.Hz;
                        points[k][7] = pt.Vz;
                        points[k][8] = pt.InternalTime;

                MLDouble arrayPoints = new MLDouble("Points", points);
                structFeatures["Points", 0] = arrayPoints;


                logger?.WriteLineInfo("Saving mat file...");
                MatFileWriter mfw = new MatFileWriter(matFilePath, mlList, true);
            catch (Exception ex)
                logger?.WriteLineError("Error occured: " + ex.ToString());

 public ImageFeature Post(ImageFeature imageFeature)
 public ImageFeature Get([FromUri] ImageFeature imageFeature)