public JsonNetResult ProcessImage(string imageId, string objectType, string objectId, string imageGroupNameKey, string imageFormatNameKey, string containerName, string imageFormat, string type, int quality, float top, float left, float right, float bottom, string title, string description, string tags, int brightness, int contrast, int saturation, int sharpness, bool sepia, bool polaroid, bool greyscale)
            var response = new ApplicationImagesService.DataAccessResponseType();

            #region Generate Job Models

            var imageProcessingManifest = new ImageProcessingManifestModel
                SourceContainerName = containerName,
                FileName            = imageId + "." + imageFormat,

                GroupTypeNameKey = objectType,
                ObjectId         = objectId,

                Type    = type,
                Quality = quality,

                GroupNameKey  = imageGroupNameKey,
                FormatNameKey = imageFormatNameKey,

                ImageId     = imageId,
                Title       = title,
                Description = description

            var imageCropCoordinates = new ImageCropCoordinates
                Top    = top,
                Left   = left,
                Right  = right,
                Bottom = bottom

            var imageEnhancementInstructions = new ImageEnhancementInstructions();

            if (brightness != 0 || contrast != 0 || saturation != 0 || saturation != 0 || sharpness != 0 || sepia == true || polaroid == true || greyscale == true)
                imageEnhancementInstructions.Brightness = brightness;
                imageEnhancementInstructions.Contrast   = contrast;
                imageEnhancementInstructions.Saturation = saturation;
                imageEnhancementInstructions.Sharpen    = sharpness;
                imageEnhancementInstructions.Sepia      = sepia;
                imageEnhancementInstructions.Greyscale  = greyscale;
                imageEnhancementInstructions.Polaroid   = polaroid;
                imageEnhancementInstructions = null;


            #region Submit Job

            var user    = AuthenticationCookieManager.GetAuthenticationCookie();
            var account = Common.GetAccountObject(user.AccountNameKey);

                var applicationImagesServicesClient = new ApplicationImagesServiceClient();
                response = applicationImagesServicesClient.ProcessImage(user.AccountID.ToString(), imageProcessingManifest, imageCropCoordinates, user.Id, ApplicationImagesService.RequesterType.AccountUser, imageEnhancementInstructions, Common.SharedClientKey);
            catch (Exception e)
                response.isSuccess    = false;
                response.ErrorMessage = e.Message;


            #region Handle Caching Expiration on Account image type

            if (objectType == "account")
                //Expire accountimages cache


            //Append account CDN url to Success message (newImageUrlPath)
            var storagePartition = CoreServices.PlatformSettings.StorageParitions.FirstOrDefault(partition => partition.Name == account.StoragePartition);
            response.SuccessMessage = "https://" + storagePartition.CDN + "/" + response.SuccessMessage;

            #region Handle Results

            JsonNetResult jsonNetResult = new JsonNetResult();
            jsonNetResult.Formatting = Newtonsoft.Json.Formatting.Indented;
            jsonNetResult.SerializerSettings.DateTimeZoneHandling = DateTimeZoneHandling.Local; //<-- Convert UTC times to LocalTime
            jsonNetResult.Data = response;


Exemple #2
        //Creates initial record (as well as replacements for existing records and additions for gallery images) for ALL types (listings, galleries, etc...)
        public static DataAccessResponseType ProcessAndRecordApplicationImage(Account account, ImageProcessingManifestModel imageManifest, ImageCropCoordinates imageCropCoordinates, ImageEnhancementInstructions imageEnhancementInstructions = null)
            var tableStorageResult = new DataAccessResponseType();

            #region Get image format & group for this new record

            ImageFormatGroupModel imageGroup;
            var imageFormat = ImageFormatsManager.GetImageFormat(account.AccountNameKey, imageManifest.GroupTypeNameKey, imageManifest.GroupNameKey, imageManifest.FormatNameKey, out imageGroup);

            if (imageFormat == null)
                return(new DataAccessResponseType {
                    isSuccess = false, ErrorMessage = "Not a valid image format"


            #region Get Image Record for this image slot on this object (If one exists)

            ImageRecordModel existingImageRecord = null;

            var imageRecords = ImageRecordsManager.GetImageRecordsForObject(account.AccountID.ToString(), account.StoragePartition, account.AccountNameKey, imageManifest.GroupTypeNameKey, imageManifest.ObjectId);

            foreach (ImageRecordGroupModel imageRecordGroupModel in imageRecords)
                if (imageRecordGroupModel.GroupNameKey == imageManifest.GroupNameKey)
                    foreach (ImageRecordModel record in imageRecordGroupModel.ImageRecords)
                        if (record.FormatNameKey == imageManifest.FormatNameKey)
                            if (record.BlobPath != null || record.GalleryImages.Count > 0)
                                existingImageRecord = record; //<-- We only assign it if images exist (single or gallery)


            #region  Process image according to ImageFormat specs, save to blob storage for the AccountID

            //var folderName = account.AccountID.ToString() + "/" + imageManifest.GroupTypeNameKey + "images";
            var folderName = imageManifest.GroupTypeNameKey + "Images";

            //Override of "Product" to "Item" -----------------
            if (folderName == "productImages")
                folderName = "itemImages";

            var applicationImageProcessor = new Imaging.ApplicationImageProcessor();

            if (imageManifest.Title.Length > Settings.Objects.Limitations.ImageFormatTitleMaxLength)
                return(new DataAccessResponseType {
                    isSuccess = false, ErrorMessage = "Image titles cannot be longer than " + Settings.Objects.Limitations.ImageFormatTitleMaxLength + " characters"
            if (imageManifest.Description.Length > Settings.Objects.Limitations.ImageFormatDescriptionMaxLength)
                return(new DataAccessResponseType {
                    isSuccess = false, ErrorMessage = "Image descriptions cannot be longer than " + Settings.Objects.Limitations.ImageFormatDescriptionMaxLength + " characters"

            //If this is an addition to an image gallery. Make sure we are within safe limits before creating the image
            if (existingImageRecord != null && imageFormat.Gallery && existingImageRecord.GalleryImages.Count >= account.PaymentPlan.MaxImagesPerGallery)
                return(new DataAccessResponseType {
                    isSuccess = false, ErrorMessage = "Your plan does not allow for more than " + account.PaymentPlan.MaxImagesPerGallery + " images per gallery"

            //If this is a gallery type we cannot use pipes "|" in titles or descriptions
            if (imageFormat.Gallery && imageManifest.Title.Contains("|"))
                return(new DataAccessResponseType {
                    isSuccess = false, ErrorMessage = "Cannot use the '|' character in gallery titles."
            if (imageFormat.Gallery && imageManifest.Description.Contains("|"))
                return(new DataAccessResponseType {
                    isSuccess = false, ErrorMessage = "Cannot use the '|' character in gallery descriptions."

            var processingResult = applicationImageProcessor.ProcessApplicationImage(account.AccountID.ToString(), account.StoragePartition, imageManifest.SourceContainerName, imageManifest.FileName, imageFormat.Width, imageFormat.Height, folderName, imageManifest.Type, imageManifest.Quality, imageCropCoordinates, imageEnhancementInstructions);


            if (processingResult.isSuccess)
                //var cdnUrl = Settings.Azure.Storage.GetStoragePartition(account.StoragePartition).CDN;

                var newContainerName = account.AccountID.ToString();
                var newImageFileName = processingResult.SuccessMessage + "." + imageManifest.Type;
                //var newUrl = "http://" + cdnUrl + "/" + newContainerName + "/" + folderName + "/" + newImageFileName; //<-- CDN now assigned by consumers in case of future migration
                var newUrl      = newContainerName + "/" + folderName + "/" + newImageFileName;
                var newBlobPath = folderName + "/" + newImageFileName;
                var newFilePath = newContainerName + "/" + newBlobPath;

                #region Record data to table storage

                if (existingImageRecord == null || !imageFormat.Gallery)
                    // This is the first image added to this record (gallery or single)
                    #region Store or Replace Image Record for this ObjectType/ObjectID

                    tableStorageResult = ImageRecordsManager.CreateImageRecordForObject(

                    //This is an addition to a Galley, Append to the array of gallery image (And do not delete any previous blobs)
                    #region Append to gallery Image Record for this ObjectType/ObjectID

                    tableStorageResult = ImageRecordsManager.AppendToImageGalleryRecordForObject(


                // Add URL for UI to preload:
                tableStorageResult.SuccessMessage = newUrl;

                #region Clean up previous blob data

                if (existingImageRecord == null || imageFormat.Gallery)
                    //Do nothing, this was the first image created for this slot, or was an image appended to a gallery
                    //This is a replacement on a single image. Delete the previous image from blob storage
                    #region Delete previous blob image

                    ImageStorageManager.DeleteImageBlobs(account.StoragePartition, existingImageRecord.ContainerName, existingImageRecord.BlobPath);



                if (!tableStorageResult.isSuccess)
                    #region There was an issue recording data to table storage. Delete the blobs we just created

                        ImageStorageManager.DeleteImageBlobs(account.StoragePartition, newContainerName, newBlobPath);


            //Return results
        public DataAccessResponseType ProcessApplicationImage(string accountId, string storagePartition, string sourceContainerName, string sourceFileName, int formatWidth, int formatHeight, string folderName, string type, int quality, ImageCropCoordinates imageCropCoordinates, ImageEnhancementInstructions imageEnhancementInstructions)
            //Create image id and response object
            string imageId  = System.Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
            var    response = new DataAccessResponseType();

            //var imageSpecs = Sahara.Core.Settings.Imaging.Images.ApplicationImage;
            //var setSizes = imageSpecs.SetSizes;
            //var folderName = imageSpecs.ParentName;

            // REFACTORING NOTES
            // In this scenario we have ApplicationImages hard coded to 600x300 for the LARGE size. We then create a medium and small dynmically (as well as a thumbnail hardcoded to 96px tall)(specific sizes can be factored in if required).
            // In extended scenarios we can pass these specs from CoreServices to clients via a call or from a Redis Cache or WCF fallback.
            // In scenarios where accounts have "Flexible Schemas" we can retreive these properties from a Redis or WCF call for each account based on that accounts set properties.

            //var largeSize = new ApplicationImageSize{X=600, Y=300, Name="Large", NameKey = "large"};
            //var mediumSize = new ApplicationImageSize { X = Convert.ToInt32(largeSize.X / 1.25), Y = Convert.ToInt32(largeSize.Y / 1.25), Name = "Medium", NameKey = "medium" }; //<-- Med is 1/1.25 of large
            //var smallSize = new ApplicationImageSize { X = largeSize.X / 2, Y = largeSize.Y / 2, Name = "Small", NameKey = "small" }; //<-- Small is 1/2 of large

            //We calculate thumbnail width based on a set height of 96px.
            //Must be a Double and include .0 in calculation or will ALWAYS calculate to 0!
            //double calculatedThumbnailWidth = ((96.0 / largeSize.Y) * largeSize.X); //<-- Must be a Double and include .0 or will calculate to 0!

            //var thumbnailSize = new ApplicationImageSize { X = (int)calculatedThumbnailWidth, Y = 96, Name = "Thumbnail", NameKey = "thumbnail" }; //<-- Thumbnail is 96px tall, width is calculated based on this

            //We are going to loop through each size during processing
            //var setSizes = new List<ApplicationImageSize> { largeSize, mediumSize, smallSize, thumbnailSize };

            //Folder name within Blob storage for application image collection
            //var folderName = "applicationimages"; //" + imageId; //<-- Each image lives within a folder named after it's id: /applicationimages/[imageid]/[size].jpg

            //Image Format Settings
            var outputFormatString = "." + type;

            ISupportedImageFormat outputFormatProcessorProperty; // = new JpegFormat { Quality = 90 }; // <-- Format is automatically detected though can be changed.

            //ImageFormat outputFormatSystemrawingFormat; // = System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Jpeg;

            if (type == "gif")
                outputFormatProcessorProperty = new GifFormat {
                    Quality = quality
                };                                                                   // <-- Format is automatically detected though can be changed.
                //outputFormatSystemrawingFormat = System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Gif;
            else if (type == "png")
                outputFormatProcessorProperty = new PngFormat {
                    Quality = quality
                };                                                                   // <-- Format is automatically detected though can be changed.
                //outputFormatSystemrawingFormat = System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Png;
                outputFormatProcessorProperty = new JpegFormat {
                    Quality = quality
                };                                                                    // <-- Format is automatically detected though can be changed.
                //outputFormatSystemrawingFormat = System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Jpeg;



            //Create instance of ApplicationImageDocumentModel to store image details into DocumentDB
            // var applicationImageDocumentModel = new ApplicationImageDocumentModel();
            //applicationImageDocumentModel.Id = imageId;
            // applicationImageDocumentModel.FilePath = folderName; //<--Concatenates with each FileName for fil location

            //Note: We store all images in a single folder to make deletions more performant

            // applicationImageDocumentModel.FileNames = new ApplicationImageFileSizes();

            //Get source file as MemoryStream from Blob storage and apply image processing tasks to each spcification
            using (MemoryStream sourceStream = Common.GetAssetFromIntermediaryStorage(sourceContainerName, sourceFileName))
                //var sourceBmp = new Bitmap(sourceStream); //<--Convert to BMP in order to run verifications

                //Verifiy Image Settings Align With Requirements

                 * var verifySpecsResponse = Common.VerifyCommonImageSpecifications(sourceBmp, imageSpecs);
                 * if (!verifySpecsResponse.isSuccess)
                 * {
                 *  //return if fails
                 *  return verifySpecsResponse;
                 * }*/

                //Assign properties to the DocumentDB Document representation of this image
                //applicationImageDocumentModel.FileNames.Large = "large" + outputFormatString;
                //applicationImageDocumentModel.FileNames.Medium = "medium" + outputFormatString;
                //applicationImageDocumentModel.FileNames.Small = "small" + outputFormatString;
                //a/pplicationImageDocumentModel.FileNames.Thumbnail = "thumbnail" + outputFormatString;

                //Create 3 sizes (org, _sm & _xs)
                //List<Size> imageSizes = new List<Size>();

                Dictionary <Size, string> imageSizes = new Dictionary <Size, string>();

                imageSizes.Add(new Size(formatWidth, formatHeight), "");            //<-- ORG (no apennded file name)
                imageSizes.Add(new Size(formatWidth / 2, formatHeight / 2), "_sm"); //<-- SM (Half Size)
                imageSizes.Add(new Size(formatWidth / 4, formatHeight / 4), "_xs"); //<-- XS (Quarter Size)

                foreach (KeyValuePair <Size, string> entry in imageSizes)
                    Size   processingSize   = entry.Key;
                    string appendedFileName = entry.Value;

                    #region Image Processor & Storage

                    //Final location for EACH image will be: http://[uri]/[containerName]/[imageId]_[size].[format]

                    var filename     = imageId + appendedFileName + outputFormatString; //<-- [imageid][_xx].xxx
                    var fileNameFull = folderName + "/" + filename;                     //<-- /applicationimages/[imageid][_xx].xxx

                    //Size processingSize = new Size(formatWidth, formatHeight);
                    var resizeLayer = new ResizeLayer(processingSize)
                        ResizeMode = ResizeMode.Crop, AnchorPosition = AnchorPosition.Center

                    using (MemoryStream outStream = new MemoryStream())
                        using (ImageFactory imageFactory = new ImageFactory())
                            // Load, resize, set the format and quality and save an image.
                            // Applies all in order...
                            sourceStream.Position = 0; //<-- Have to set position to 0 to makse sure imageFactory.Load starts from the begining.

                            if (imageCropCoordinates != null)
                                var cropLayer = new ImageProcessor.Imaging.CropLayer(imageCropCoordinates.Left, imageCropCoordinates.Top, imageCropCoordinates.Right, imageCropCoordinates.Bottom, CropMode.Pixels);
                                //var cropRectangle = new Rectangle(imageCropCoordinates.Top, imageCropCoordinates.Left);

                                imageFactory.Crop(cropLayer);     //<-- Crop first
                                imageFactory.Resize(resizeLayer); //<-- Then resize
                                imageFactory.Resize(resizeLayer);//<-- Resize

                            //Convert to proper format

                            if (imageEnhancementInstructions != null)
                                //Basics ---

                                if (imageEnhancementInstructions.Brightness != 0)
                                if (imageEnhancementInstructions.Contrast != 0)
                                if (imageEnhancementInstructions.Saturation != 0)

                                // Sharpness ---
                                if (imageEnhancementInstructions.Sharpen != 0)

                                //Filters ----

                                if (imageEnhancementInstructions.Sepia == true)

                                if (imageEnhancementInstructions.Polaroid == true)
                                if (imageEnhancementInstructions.Greyscale == true)


                        //Store image size to BLOB STORAGE ---------------------------------
                        #region BLOB STORAGE

                        //CloudBlobClient blobClient = Sahara.Core.Settings.Azure.Storage.StorageConnections.AccountsStorage.CreateCloudBlobClient();
                        CloudBlobClient blobClient = Settings.Azure.Storage.GetStoragePartitionAccount(storagePartition).CreateCloudBlobClient();

                        //Create and set retry policy
                        IRetryPolicy exponentialRetryPolicy = new ExponentialRetry(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(400), 6);
                        blobClient.DefaultRequestOptions.RetryPolicy = exponentialRetryPolicy;

                        //Creat/Connect to the Blob Container
                        blobClient.GetContainerReference(accountId).CreateIfNotExists(BlobContainerPublicAccessType.Blob); //<-- Create and make public
                        CloudBlobContainer blobContainer = blobClient.GetContainerReference(accountId);

                        //Get reference to the picture blob or create if not exists.
                        CloudBlockBlob blockBlob = blobContainer.GetBlockBlobReference(fileNameFull);

                        if (type == "gif")
                            blockBlob.Properties.ContentType = "image/gif";
                        else if (type == "png")
                            blockBlob.Properties.ContentType = "image/png";
                            blockBlob.Properties.ContentType = "image/jpg";

                        //Save to storage
                        //Convert final BMP to byteArray
                        Byte[] finalByteArray;

                        finalByteArray = outStream.ToArray();

                        blockBlob.UploadFromByteArray(finalByteArray, 0, finalByteArray.Length);


Exemple #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Before "adding" an image to an object the client must upload a source file to a dated directory within intermediary storage.
        /// Pass in the source file info along with any cropping or enhancement instructions and you will get back the final image id after processing is complete/
        /// Intermediary directory MUST named by todays date: "DD-MM-YYYY", this directory will be garbage collected by the Custodian at a set interval
        /// </summary>
        public DataAccessResponseType ProcessImage(string accountId, ImageProcessingManifestModel imageManifest, ImageCropCoordinates imageCropCoordinates, string requesterId, RequesterType requesterType, ImageEnhancementInstructions imageEnhancementInstructions, string sharedClientKey)
            // Ensure the clients are certified.
            if (sharedClientKey != Sahara.Core.Platform.Requests.RequestManager.SharedClientKey)

            var account = AccountManager.GetAccount(accountId);

            #region Adjust negative crop coordinates for top/left pixel

            //if any top/left values fall below 0 we adjust to 0
            if (imageCropCoordinates.Top < 0)
                imageCropCoordinates.Top = 0;
            if (imageCropCoordinates.Left < 0)
                imageCropCoordinates.Left = 0;


            #region Validate Request

            var requesterName  = string.Empty;
            var requesterEmail = string.Empty;

            var requestResponseType = RequestManager.ValidateRequest(requesterId,
                                                                     requesterType, out requesterName, out requesterEmail,

            if (!requestResponseType.isApproved)
                //Request is not approved, send results:
                return(new DataAccessResponseType {
                    isSuccess = false, ErrorMessage = requestResponseType.requestMessage


            #region Validate Plan Capabilities

            // If enhancement instructions are sent, verify that current plan allows for it
            if (imageEnhancementInstructions != null && account.PaymentPlan.AllowImageEnhancements == false)
                return(new DataAccessResponseType {
                    isSuccess = false, ErrorMessage = "Your account plan does not allow for image enhancements, please submit your job without enhancement instructions."

            //Verify that current image count is below maximum allowed by this plan
            //if (ApplicationImagesManager.GetApplicationImageCount(account) >= account.PaymentPlan.MaxProducts)
            //Log Limitation Issues (or send email) so that Platform Admins can immediatly contact Accounts that have hit their limits an upsell themm
            //Sahara.Core.Logging.PlatformLogs.Helpers.PlatformLimitationsHelper.LogLimitationAndAlertAdmins("images", account.AccountID.ToString(), account.AccountName);

            //return new DataAccessResponseType { isSuccess = false, ErrorMessage = "Your account plan does not allow for more than " + account.PaymentPlan.MaxProducts + " images, please update your plan." };


            var result = ApplicationImageProcessingManager.ProcessAndRecordApplicationImage(account, imageManifest, imageCropCoordinates, imageEnhancementInstructions);

            #region Log Account Activity

            if (result.isSuccess)
                 * {
                 *  //Object Log ---------------------------
                 *  AccountLogManager.LogActivity(
                 *      accountId,
                 *      CategoryType.ApplicationImage,
                 *      ActivityType.ApplicationImage_Created,
                 *      "Application image created",
                 *      requesterName + " created an application image",
                 *      requesterId,
                 *      requesterName,
                 *      requesterEmail,
                 *      null,
                 *      null,
                 *      result.SuccessMessage);
                 * }
                 * catch { }*/


            #region Invalidate Account Capacity Cache



            #region Invalidate Account API Caching Layer


