/** * render image area to PDF * * @param area the image area to render */ public void RenderImageArea(ImageArea area) { int x = this.currentXPosition + area.getXOffset(); int y = this.currentYPosition; int w = area.getContentWidth(); int h = area.GetHeight(); this.currentYPosition -= h; FonetImage img = area.getImage(); PdfXObject xobj = this.pdfCreator.AddImage(img); CloseText(); currentStream.FillImage(x, y, w, h, xobj); this.currentXPosition += area.getContentWidth(); }
/** * render image area to PDF * * @param area the image area to render */ public void RenderImageArea(ImageArea area) { int x = this.currentXPosition + area.getXOffset(); int y = this.currentYPosition; int w = area.getContentWidth(); int h = area.GetHeight(); this.currentYPosition -= h; FonetImage img = area.getImage(); PdfXObject xobj = this.pdfDoc.AddImage(img); CloseText(); currentStream.Write("ET\nq\n" + PdfNumber.doubleOut(((float)w) / 1000f) + " 0 0 " + PdfNumber.doubleOut(((float)h) / 1000f) + " " + PdfNumber.doubleOut(((float)x) / 1000f) + " " + PdfNumber.doubleOut(((float)(y - h)) / 1000f) + " cm\n" + "/" + xobj.Name.Name + " Do\nQ\nBT\n"); this.currentXPosition += area.getContentWidth(); }
public override Status Layout(Area area) { if (this.marker == MarkerStart) { AccessibilityProps mAccProps = propMgr.GetAccessibilityProps(); AuralProps mAurProps = propMgr.GetAuralProps(); BorderAndPadding bap = propMgr.GetBorderAndPadding(); BackgroundProps bProps = propMgr.GetBackgroundProps(); MarginInlineProps mProps = propMgr.GetMarginInlineProps(); RelativePositionProps mRelProps = propMgr.GetRelativePositionProps(); this.align = this.properties.GetProperty("text-align").GetEnum(); this.startIndent = this.properties.GetProperty("start-indent").GetLength().MValue(); this.endIndent = this.properties.GetProperty("end-indent").GetLength().MValue(); this.spaceBefore = this.properties.GetProperty("space-before.optimum").GetLength().MValue(); this.spaceAfter = this.properties.GetProperty("space-after.optimum").GetLength().MValue(); this.width = this.properties.GetProperty("width").GetLength().MValue(); this.height = this.properties.GetProperty("height").GetLength().MValue(); this.src = this.properties.GetProperty("src").GetString(); this.id = this.properties.GetProperty("id").GetString(); area.getIDReferences().CreateID(id); this.marker = 0; } try { FonetImage img = FonetImageFactory.Make(src); if ((width == 0) || (height == 0)) { double imgWidth = img.Width; double imgHeight = img.Height; if ((width == 0) && (height == 0)) { width = (int)((imgWidth * 1000d)); height = (int)((imgHeight * 1000d)); } else if (height == 0) { height = (int)((imgHeight * ((double)width)) / imgWidth); } else if (width == 0) { width = (int)((imgWidth * ((double)height)) / imgHeight); } } double ratio = (double)width / (double)height; Length maxWidth = this.properties.GetProperty("max-width").GetLength(); Length maxHeight = this.properties.GetProperty("max-height").GetLength(); if (maxWidth != null && width > maxWidth.MValue()) { width = maxWidth.MValue(); height = (int)(((double)width) / ratio); } if (maxHeight != null && height > maxHeight.MValue()) { height = maxHeight.MValue(); width = (int)(ratio * ((double)height)); } int areaWidth = area.getAllocationWidth() - startIndent - endIndent; int pageHeight = area.getPage().getBody().getMaxHeight() - spaceBefore; if (height > pageHeight) { height = pageHeight; width = (int)(ratio * ((double)height)); } if (width > areaWidth) { width = areaWidth; height = (int)(((double)width) / ratio); } if (area.spaceLeft() < (height + spaceBefore)) { return(new Status(Status.AREA_FULL_NONE)); } this.imageArea = new ImageArea(propMgr.GetFontState(area.getFontInfo()), img, area.getAllocationWidth(), width, height, startIndent, endIndent, align); if ((spaceBefore != 0) && (this.marker == 0)) { area.addDisplaySpace(spaceBefore); } if (marker == 0) { area.GetMyRefs().ConfigureID(id, area); } imageArea.start(); imageArea.end(); if (spaceAfter != 0) { area.addDisplaySpace(spaceAfter); } if (breakBefore == BreakBefore.PAGE || ((spaceBefore + imageArea.GetHeight()) > area.spaceLeft())) { return(new Status(Status.FORCE_PAGE_BREAK)); } if (breakBefore == BreakBefore.ODD_PAGE) { return(new Status(Status.FORCE_PAGE_BREAK_ODD)); } if (breakBefore == BreakBefore.EVEN_PAGE) { return(new Status(Status.FORCE_PAGE_BREAK_EVEN)); } if (area is BlockArea) { BlockArea ba = (BlockArea)area; LineArea la = ba.getCurrentLineArea(); if (la == null) { return(new Status(Status.AREA_FULL_NONE)); } la.addPending(); if (imageArea.getContentWidth() > la.getRemainingWidth()) { la = ba.createNextLineArea(); if (la == null) { return(new Status(Status.AREA_FULL_NONE)); } } la.addInlineArea(imageArea, GetLinkSet()); } else { area.addChild(imageArea); area.increaseHeight(imageArea.getContentHeight()); } imageArea.setPage(area.getPage()); if (breakAfter == BreakAfter.PAGE) { this.marker = MarkerBreakAfter; return(new Status(Status.FORCE_PAGE_BREAK)); } if (breakAfter == BreakAfter.ODD_PAGE) { this.marker = MarkerBreakAfter; return(new Status(Status.FORCE_PAGE_BREAK_ODD)); } if (breakAfter == BreakAfter.EVEN_PAGE) { this.marker = MarkerBreakAfter; return(new Status(Status.FORCE_PAGE_BREAK_EVEN)); } } catch (FonetImageException imgex) { FonetDriver.ActiveDriver.FireFonetError("Error while creating area : " + imgex.Message); } return(new Status(Status.OK)); }