/// <summary> /// Ignore if returns null. /// </summary> /// <param name="propertyElement"></param> /// <returns></returns> private static XElement GetPropertyElement(XElement propertyElement) { var result = new XElement(xsd + "element", new XAttribute("name", (string)propertyElement.Attribute("camelName")), new XAttribute("minOccurs", "0")); string propertyType = (string)propertyElement.Attribute("type"); if (propertyType == "Collection") { result.Add(new XAttribute("maxOccurs", "unbounded")); var elementType = propertyElement.Element("elementType"); result.Attribute("name").Value = (string)elementType.Attribute("elementTag"); result.Add(new XAttribute("type", (string)elementType.Attribute("name"))); } else if (propertyType == "Enum") { string enumType = (string)propertyElement.Attribute("enumType"); result.Add(new XAttribute("maxOccurs", "1")); result.Add(new XAttribute("type", enumType)); } else if (IgnoreTypes.Contains(propertyType)) { return(null); } else { result.Add(new XAttribute("maxOccurs", "1")); result.Add(new XAttribute("type", GetXsdType(propertyType, false))); } return(result); }
private void WriteIEnumerable(System.IO.TextWriter writer, object value) { WritingArray = true; writer.Write("["); PushIndent(); IEnumerable?enumerable = value as System.Collections.IEnumerable; int writeCount = 0; #pragma warning disable CS8600 // Converting null literal or possible null value to non-nullable type. #pragma warning disable CS8602 // Dereference of a possibly null reference. foreach (object item in enumerable) #pragma warning restore CS8602 // Dereference of a possibly null reference. #pragma warning restore CS8600 // Converting null literal or possible null value to non-nullable type. { bool skip = false; if (!(item is null) && IgnoreTypes.Contains(item.GetType())) { skip = true; } if (!skip && ((item?.GetType().IsValueType != false) || (value is System.Collections.IEnumerable))) { if (writeCount > 0) { if (!WritingArray) { writer.Write($",{GetLineFeed()}{GetIndent()}"); } else { writer.Write(","); } } #pragma warning disable CS8604 // Possible null reference argument. Write(writer, item); #pragma warning restore CS8604 // Possible null reference argument. ++writeCount; } } PopIndent(); if (!WritingArray) { writer.Write($"{GetLineFeed()}{GetIndent()}]{GetLineFeed()}"); } else { writer.Write($"]"); } WritingArray = false; }
private void DoCheck(object sender, LuaEventArgs e) { if (_weightSet == null) { LogDebug("No weight set was found for your character.{0}Ensure that the 'Data\\Weight Sets\\' folder exists and has valid weight sets.", Environment.NewLine); return; } if (!TreeRoot.IsRunning || StyxWoW.Me.Combat || StyxWoW.Me.Dead || StyxWoW.Me.IsGhost || Battlegrounds.IsInsideBattleground) { return; } // So.. beautiful! var equippableItems = (from item in StyxWoW.Me.BagItems where item != null where EquipQualities.Contains(item.Quality) let info = item.ItemInfo where info.Bond != WoWItemBondType.OnEquip || EquipBoEQualities.Contains(item.Quality) let inventoryType = info.InventoryType let slots = InventoryManager.GetInventorySlotsByEquipSlot(inventoryType) where !IgnoreTypes.Contains(inventoryType) || slots.Any(s => EquippedItems[s] == null) where inventoryType != InventoryType.TwoHandWeapon || AutoEquipSettings.Instance.WeaponStyle == WeaponStyle.TwoHander where inventoryType != InventoryType.Shield || AutoEquipSettings.Instance.WeaponStyle == WeaponStyle.OneHanderAndShield where StyxWoW.Me.CanEquipItem(item) select item).ToList(); if (equippableItems.Count == 0) { return; } if (AutoEquipSettings.Instance.AutoEquipItems) { CheckForItems(equippableItems); } if (AutoEquipSettings.Instance.AutoEquipBags) { CheckForBag(equippableItems); } }
protected override JsonProperty CreateProperty(MemberInfo member, MemberSerialization memberSerialization) { var property = base.CreateProperty(member, memberSerialization); if (IgnoreTypes.Contains(property.PropertyType) || typeof(MulticastDelegate).IsAssignableFrom(property.PropertyType.BaseType)) { Trace.TraceError( $"Runtime avoided JSON serializing property '{property.PropertyType.Name} {property.DeclaringType.Name}.{property.PropertyName}' that would cause a circular reference."); property.ShouldSerialize = i => false; property.Ignored = true; } return(property); }
static void Main(string[] args) { if (args.Length == 0) { Console.WriteLine("Usage: AdobeTypeGen <adobe-type>.xml > <adobe-type>.d.ts"); return; } var xmlPath = args[0]; if (!File.Exists(xmlPath)) { Console.Error.WriteLine($"File not exists: {xmlPath}"); } // dictionary // - map // - topicref // - topicref // - package // - classdef // - elements // - property // - method var xmlDoc = XElement.Load(xmlPath); var classDefs = GenerateClassDefs(xmlDoc); var customTypes = GenerateCustomTypes(); Console.WriteLine("/// <reference path=\"global.d.ts\" />"); foreach (var cls in classDefs) { if (IgnoreTypes.IndexOf(cls.Name) >= 0) { continue; } Console.WriteLine(cls.ToExpr()); } foreach (var ct in customTypes) { Console.WriteLine(ct.ToExpr()); } Console.WriteLine(); }
/// <summary> /// After the action has been executed, the Rescue will be invoked if the filterContext has an Exception. /// </summary> /// <param name="filterContext">The current filter context.</param> public virtual void OnException(ExceptionContext filterContext) { Type baseExceptionType = filterContext.Exception.GetBaseException().GetType(); if (IgnoreAjax && filterContext.HttpContext.Request.IsAjaxRequest()) { return; } if (IgnoreTypes != null && IgnoreTypes.Contains(baseExceptionType)) { return; } foreach (var expectedExceptionType in ExceptionsTypes) { if (expectedExceptionType.IsAssignableFrom(baseExceptionType)) { if (AutoLocate) { if (ViewExists(baseExceptionType, filterContext)) { ViewName = baseExceptionType.Name; filterContext.Result = CreateActionResult(filterContext.Exception, filterContext); filterContext.ExceptionHandled = true; return; } if (ViewExists(expectedExceptionType, filterContext)) { ViewName = expectedExceptionType.Name; filterContext.Result = CreateActionResult(filterContext.Exception, filterContext); filterContext.ExceptionHandled = true; return; } } filterContext.Result = CreateActionResult(filterContext.Exception, filterContext); filterContext.ExceptionHandled = true; return; } } }
/// <summary> /// Ignore if returns null /// </summary> /// <param name="propertyElement"></param> /// <returns></returns> private static XElement GetAttributeElement(XElement propertyElement) { var result = new XElement(xsd + "attribute", new XAttribute("name", (string)propertyElement.Attribute("camelName"))); var propertyType = (string)propertyElement.Attribute("type"); if (propertyType == "Collection") { return(null); } if (propertyType == "Enum") { string enumType = (string)propertyElement.Attribute("enumType"); result.Add(new XAttribute("type", enumType)); } else if (IgnoreTypes.Contains(propertyType)) { return(null); } else { result.Add(new XAttribute("type", GetXsdType(propertyType, true))); } var doc = propertyElement.Element("doc"); if (doc != null) { var summary = doc.Element("summary"); if (summary != null) { result.Add(new XElement(xsd + "annotation", new XElement(xsd + "documentation", summary.Value))); } } return(result); }
/// <summary> /// Whether to load the Startup Type or not, allows all Startup Types not in IgnoreTypes by default /// </summary> public virtual bool LoadType(Type startupType) => !IgnoreTypes.Contains(startupType);
public void DumpObject(object?o, bool avoidDumpEntity = false) { if (o == null) { Sb.Append("null"); return; } if (o is Type type) { Sb.Append("typeof("); Sb.Append(CSharpRenderer.TypeName(type)); Sb.Append(")"); return; } Type t = o.GetType(); if (IsDelegate(t)) { Sb.Append("[DELEGATE]"); return; } if (IsBasicType(t) || t.IsValueType) { Sb.Append(DumpValue(o !)); return; } Sb.Append("new "); Sb.Append(CSharpRenderer.CleanIdentifiers(CSharpRenderer.TypeName(t))); if (IgnoreTypes.Contains(t)) { Sb.Append("{ " + o !.ToString() + " }"); return; } if (objects.Contains(o !)) { if (o is Entity ent) { Sb.Append("({0}{1})".FormatWith( ent.IsNew ? "IsNew": ent.IdOrNull.ToString(), ent == null ? null : ", ticks: " + ent.ticks )); } if (o is Lite <Entity> ) { var id = ((Lite <Entity>)o).IdOrNull; Sb.Append(id.HasValue ? "({0})".FormatWith(id.Value) : ""); } Sb.Append(" /* [ALREADY] {0} */".FormatWith(SafeToString(o !))); return; } objects.Add(o !); if (o is Entity e) { Sb.Append("({0}{1})".FormatWith( e.IsNew ? "IsNew" : e.IdOrNull.ToString(), e.ticks == 0 ? null : ", ticks: " + e.ticks )); string toString = SafeToString(o); Sb.Append(" /* {0} {1} */".FormatWith(toString, (avoidDumpEntity ? "[DUMP AS LITE]" : ""))); if (avoidDumpEntity) { return; } } if (o is Lite <Entity> l) { Sb.Append("({0}, \"{1}\")".FormatWith((l.IdOrNull.HasValue ? l.Id.ToString() : "null"), l.ToString())); if (((Lite <Entity>)o).EntityOrNull != null && !avoidDumpEntity) { Sb.AppendLine().AppendLine("{".Indent(level)); level += 1; var prop = o.GetType().GetProperty(nameof(Lite <Entity> .Entity)) !; DumpPropertyOrField(prop.PropertyType, prop.Name, prop.GetValue(o, null) !); level -= 1; Sb.Append("}".Indent(level)); } return; } if (o is IEnumerable ie && !Any(ie)) { Sb.Append("{}"); return; } if (o is byte[] && !showByteArrays) { Sb.Append("{...}"); return; } Sb.AppendLine().AppendLine("{".Indent(level)); level += 1; if (t.Namespace.HasText() && t.Namespace.StartsWith("System.Reflection")) { Sb.AppendLine("ToString = {0},".FormatWith(SafeToString(o !)).Indent(level)); } else if (o is Exception ex) { DumpPropertyOrField(typeof(string), "Message", ex.Message); DumpPropertyOrField(typeof(string), "StackTrace", ex.StackTrace); DumpPropertyOrField(typeof(Exception), "InnerException", ex.InnerException); DumpPropertyOrField(typeof(IDictionary), "Data", ex.Data); } else if (o is IEnumerable) { if (o is IDictionary dic) { foreach (DictionaryEntry?item in dic) { Sb.Append("{".Indent(level)); DumpObject(item !.Value.Key); Sb.Append(", "); DumpObject(item !.Value.Value); Sb.AppendLine("},"); } } else { foreach (var item in (o as IEnumerable) !) { Sb.Append("".Indent(level)); DumpObject(item, avoidDumpEntity); Sb.AppendLine(","); } } } else if (!typeof(ModifiableEntity).IsAssignableFrom(t)) { foreach (var prop in t.GetProperties(BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public)) { var hasAvoidDumpEntityAttr = prop.HasAttribute <AvoidDumpEntityAttribute>(); DumpPropertyOrField(prop.PropertyType, prop.Name, prop.GetValue(o, null), hasAvoidDumpEntityAttr); } } else { foreach (var field in Reflector.InstanceFieldsInOrder(t).OrderBy(IsMixinField)) { if (IsIdOrTicks(field)) { continue; } var hasAvoidDumpEntityAttr = field.HasAttribute <AvoidDumpEntityAttribute>() || Reflector.TryFindPropertyInfo(field)?.HasAttribute <AvoidDumpEntityAttribute>() == true; if (IsMixinField(field)) { var val = field.GetValue(o); if (val == null) { continue; } DumpPropertyOrField(field.FieldType, GetFieldName(field), val, hasAvoidDumpEntityAttr); } var skip = this.showIgnoredFields == ShowIgnoredFields.Yes ? false : this.showIgnoredFields == ShowIgnoredFields.OnlyQueryables ? IsIgnored(field) && Reflector.TryFindPropertyInfo(field)?.HasAttribute <QueryablePropertyAttribute>() != true : this.showIgnoredFields == ShowIgnoredFields.No ? IsIgnored(field) : throw new InvalidOperationException("Unexpected ShowIgnoredFields"); if (!skip) { DumpPropertyOrField(field.FieldType, GetFieldName(field), field.GetValue(o), hasAvoidDumpEntityAttr); } } } level -= 1; Sb.Append("}".Indent(level)); return; }
private void WriteIDictionary(System.IO.TextWriter writer, object value) { WritingArray = false; int index = 0; writer.Write("{"); PushIndent(); if (value is IDictionary dictionary) { List <string>?keys = new List <string>(); #pragma warning disable CS8600 // Converting null literal or possible null value to non-nullable type. #pragma warning disable CS8604 // Possible null reference argument. foreach (string key in dictionary.Keys) { keys.Add(key); } #pragma warning restore CS8604 // Possible null reference argument. #pragma warning restore CS8600 // Converting null literal or possible null value to non-nullable type. //foreach (object key in dictionary.Keys) foreach (string key in keys) { object?item = dictionary[key]; bool skip = false; if (!(item is null) && IgnoreTypes.Contains(item.GetType())) { skip = true; } if (!skip) { if (index > 0) { writer.Write($",{GetLineFeed()}{GetIndent()}"); } else { writer.Write($"{GetLineFeed()}{GetIndent()}"); } writingPrimitiveValue = true; Write(writer, key); writingPrimitiveValue = false; object?tmp = dictionary[key]; if (tmp?.GetType().IsPrimitive != false || (tmp is string)) { writer.Write(":"); writingPrimitiveValue = true; #pragma warning disable CS8604 // Possible null reference argument. Write(writer, dictionary[key]); #pragma warning restore CS8604 // Possible null reference argument. writingPrimitiveValue = false; } else { writer.Write($": "); #pragma warning disable CS8604 // Possible null reference argument. Write(writer, dictionary[key]); #pragma warning restore CS8604 // Possible null reference argument. } ++index; } } PopIndent(); if (dictionary.Count > 0) { writer.Write(GetLineFeed()); } writer.Write($"{GetIndent()}}}"); } }
public bool DefaultIgnoreFilter(object o) { var type = o.GetType(); return(IgnoreTypes?.Contains(type) == true || o is IDisposable); }
public static bool ShouldBeConverted(Type objType) { return(!objType.IsPrimitive && !objType.IsValueType && !IgnoreTypes.Contains(objType)); }
public static void Load(XElement xml) { XElement[] elements = xml.Elements().ToArray(); foreach (XElement element in elements) { string name = element.Name.ToString(); string value = element.Value; switch (name.ToLower()) { case "autoequipitems": case "equipitems": bool autoEquipItems; if (!bool.TryParse(value, out autoEquipItems)) { Log(false, "Setting {0} has wrong value - boolean value expected, True/False. Value was: {1}", name, value); autoEquipItems = true; } AutoEquipItems = autoEquipItems; break; case "autoequipbags": case "equipbags": bool autoEquipBags; if (!bool.TryParse(value, out autoEquipBags)) { Log(false, "Setting {0} has wrong value - boolean value expected, True/False. Value was: {1}", name, value); autoEquipBags = true; } AutoEquipBags = autoEquipBags; break; case "equipepics": case "equipepic": case "equippurples": case "equippurple": bool equipEpics; if (!bool.TryParse(value, out equipEpics)) { Log(false, "Setting {0} has wrong value - boolean value expected, True/False. Value was: {1}", name, value); equipEpics = false; } EquipPurples = equipEpics; break; case "equiprares": case "equiprare": case "equipblues": case "equipblue": bool equipRares; if (!bool.TryParse(value, out equipRares)) { Log(false, "Setting {0} has wrong value - boolean value expected, True/False. Value was: {1}", name, value); equipRares = false; } EquipBlues = equipRares; break; case "equipuncommons": case "equipuncommon": case "equipgreens": case "equipgreen": bool equipGreens; if (!bool.TryParse(value, out equipGreens)) { Log(false, "Setting {0} has wrong value - boolean value expected, True/False. Value was: {1}", name, value); equipGreens = false; } EquipGreens = equipGreens; break; case "equipcommons": case "equipcommon": case "equipwhites": case "equipwhite": bool equipWhites; if (!bool.TryParse(value, out equipWhites)) { Log(false, "Setting {0} has wrong value - boolean value expected, True/False. Value was: {1}", name, value); equipWhites = false; } EquipWhites = equipWhites; break; case "equippoors": case "equippoor": case "equipgray": case "equipgrays": case "equipgrey": case "equipgreys": bool equipGrays; if (!bool.TryParse(value, out equipGrays)) { Log(false, "Setting {0} has wrong value - boolean value expected, True/False. Value was: {1}", name, value); equipGrays = false; } EquipGrays = equipGrays; break; case "replaceboa": case "replaceboas": case "replaceheirloom": case "replaceheirlooms": bool replaceHeirlooms; if (!bool.TryParse(value, out replaceHeirlooms)) { Log(false, "Setting ReplaceHeirlooms has wrong value - boolean value expected, True/False. Value was: {0}", value); replaceHeirlooms = false; } ReplaceHeirlooms = replaceHeirlooms; break; case "ignoretypes": case "dontequiptypes": XElement[] ignoreTypes = element.Elements("Type").ToArray(); foreach (XElement ignoreType in ignoreTypes) { string ignoreTypeValue = ignoreType.Value; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ignoreTypeValue)) { continue; } InventoryType type; try { type = (InventoryType)Enum.Parse(typeof(InventoryType), ignoreTypeValue, true); } catch (ArgumentException) { Log(false, "Ignore type \"{0}\" is unknown!", ignoreTypeValue); continue; } if (!IgnoreTypes.Contains(type)) { IgnoreTypes.Add(type); } } break; case "protectedslots": case "protectslots": XElement[] protectedSlots = element.Elements("Slot").ToArray(); foreach (XElement protectedSlot in protectedSlots) { string protectedSlotValue = protectedSlot.Value; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(protectedSlotValue)) { continue; } InventorySlot slot; try { slot = (InventorySlot)Enum.Parse(typeof(InventorySlot), protectedSlotValue, true); } catch (ArgumentException) { Log(false, "Protected slot \"{0}\" is unknown!", protectedSlotValue); continue; } if (!ProtectedSlots.Contains(slot)) { ProtectedSlots.Add(slot); } } break; case "ignoreitems": case "protecteditems": XElement[] ignoreItems = element.Elements("Item").ToArray(); foreach (XElement ignoreItem in ignoreItems) { uint ignoreItemId = 0; string ignoreItemName = ""; XAttribute[] ignoreItemAttribs = ignoreItem.Attributes().ToArray(); foreach (XAttribute ignoreItemAttrib in ignoreItemAttribs) { string attribName = ignoreItemAttrib.Name.ToString(); string attribValue = ignoreItemAttrib.Value; switch (attribName.ToLower()) { case "id": case "entry": if (!uint.TryParse(attribValue, out ignoreItemId)) { Log(false, "Setting {0} has wrong value - positive number expected, 0 or > 0. Value was: {1}", name, value); } break; case "name": ignoreItemName = attribValue; break; } } IgnoreItems.Add(new KeyValuePair <uint, string>(ignoreItemId, ignoreItemName)); } break; } } }
public void DumpObject(object o) { if (o == null) { Sb.Append("null"); return; } if (o is Type) { Sb.Append("typeof("); Sb.Append(CSharpRenderer.TypeName((Type)o)); Sb.Append(")"); return; } Type t = o.GetType(); if (IsDelegate(t)) { Sb.Append("[DELEGATE]"); return; } if (IsBasicType(t) || t.IsValueType) { Sb.Append(DumpValue(o)); return; } Sb.Append("new "); Sb.Append(CSharpRenderer.CleanIdentifiers(CSharpRenderer.TypeName(t))); if (IgnoreTypes.Contains(t)) { Sb.Append("{ " + o.ToString() + " }"); return; } if (objects.Contains(o)) { if (o is Entity) { var ident = o as Entity; var ent = o as Entity; Sb.Append("({0}{1})".FormatWith( ident.IsNew ? "IsNew": ident.IdOrNull.ToString(), ent == null ? null : ", ticks: " + ent.ticks )); } if (o is Lite <Entity> ) { var id = ((Lite <Entity>)o).IdOrNull; Sb.Append(id.HasValue ? "({0})".FormatWith(id.Value) : ""); } Sb.Append(" /* [CICLE] {0} */".FormatWith(SafeToString(o))); return; } objects.Add(o); if (o is Entity) { var ent = (Entity)o; Sb.Append("({0}{1})".FormatWith( ent.IsNew ? "IsNew" : ent.IdOrNull.ToString(), ent.ticks == 0 ? null : ", ticks: " + ent.ticks )); string toString = SafeToString(o); Sb.Append(" /* {0} */".FormatWith(toString)); } if (o is Lite <Entity> ) { var l = o as Lite <Entity>; Sb.Append("({0}, \"{1}\")".FormatWith((l.IdOrNull.HasValue ? l.Id.ToString() : "null"), l.ToString())); if (((Lite <Entity>)o).UntypedEntityOrNull == null) { return; } } if (o is IEnumerable && !Any((o as IEnumerable))) { Sb.Append("{}"); return; } if (o is byte[] && !showByteArrays) { Sb.Append("{...}"); return; } Sb.AppendLine().AppendLine("{".Indent(level)); level += 1; if (t.Namespace.HasText() && t.Namespace.StartsWith("System.Reflection")) { Sb.AppendLine("ToString = {0},".FormatWith(SafeToString(o)).Indent(level)); } else if (o is Exception) { var ex = o as Exception; DumpPropertyOrField(typeof(string), "Message", ex.Message); DumpPropertyOrField(typeof(string), "StackTrace", ex.StackTrace); DumpPropertyOrField(typeof(Exception), "InnerException", ex.InnerException); DumpPropertyOrField(typeof(IDictionary), "Data", ex.Data); } else if (o is IEnumerable) { if (o is IDictionary) { foreach (DictionaryEntry item in (o as IDictionary)) { Sb.Append("{".Indent(level)); DumpObject(item.Key); Sb.Append(", "); DumpObject(item.Value); Sb.AppendLine("},"); } } else { foreach (var item in (o as IEnumerable)) { Sb.Append("".Indent(level)); DumpObject(item); Sb.AppendLine(","); } } } else if (!typeof(ModifiableEntity).IsAssignableFrom(t)) { foreach (var prop in t.GetProperties(BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public)) { DumpPropertyOrField(prop.PropertyType, prop.Name, prop.GetValue(o, null)); } } else { foreach (var field in Reflector.InstanceFieldsInOrder(t).OrderBy(IsMixinField)) { if (IsIdOrTicks(field)) { continue; } if (IsMixinField(field)) { var val = field.GetValue(o); if (val == null) { continue; } DumpPropertyOrField(field.FieldType, GetFieldName(field), val); } if (!showIgnoredFields && (field.HasAttribute <IgnoreAttribute>()) || (Reflector.TryFindPropertyInfo(field)?.HasAttribute <IgnoreAttribute>() == true)) { continue; } DumpPropertyOrField(field.FieldType, GetFieldName(field), field.GetValue(o)); } } level -= 1; Sb.Append("}".Indent(level)); return; }