protected override void Start() { HitLayers = Global.TriggerLayers | Global.CharacterDamageLayers; IgnoreCollideObjects.AddRange(GetComponentsInChildren <Collider2D>()); spriteRenderers.AddRange(GetComponentsInChildren <SpriteRenderer>()); graphookTip.SetActive(false); grapCableRender.gameObject.SetActive(false); if (weapons.Count > 0) { weapon = weapons[CurrentWeaponIndex % weapons.Count]; } // unpack InteractIndicator.SetActive(false); InteractIndicator.transform.SetParent(null); }
new void UpdateCollision(float dT) { collideRight = false; collideLeft = false; collideTop = false; collideBottom = false; adjust = transform.position; #region multisampleAttempt /* * // Avoid the (box-to-box) standing-on-a-corner-and-moving-means-momentarily-not-on-ground bug by 'sampling' the ground at multiple points * RaycastHit2D right = Physics2D.Raycast( adjust + Vector2.right * box.x, Vector2.down, Mathf.Max( raylength, -velocity.y * Time.deltaTime ), LayerMask.GetMask( PlayerCollideLayers ) ); * RaycastHit2D left = Physics2D.Raycast( adjust + Vector2.left * box.x, Vector2.down, Mathf.Max( raylength, -velocity.y * Time.deltaTime ), LayerMask.GetMask( PlayerCollideLayers ) ); * if( right.transform != null ) * rightFoot = right.point; * else * rightFoot = adjust + ( Vector2.right * box.x ) + ( Vector2.down * Mathf.Max( raylength, -velocity.y * Time.deltaTime ) ); * if( left.transform != null ) * leftFoot = left.point; * else * leftFoot = adjust + ( Vector2.left * box.x ) + ( Vector2.down * Mathf.Max( raylength, -velocity.y * Time.deltaTime ) ); * * if( right.transform != null || left.transform != null ) * { * Vector2 across = rightFoot - leftFoot; * Vector3 sloped = Vector3.Cross( across.normalized, Vector3.back ); * if( sloped.y > corner ) * { * collideFeet = true; * adjust.y = ( leftFoot + across * 0.5f ).y + contactSeparation + verticalOffset; * hitBottomNormal = sloped; * } * } * * if( left.transform != null ) * Debug.DrawLine( adjust + Vector2.left * box.x, leftFoot, ); * else * Debug.DrawLine( adjust + Vector2.left * box.x, leftFoot, Color.grey ); * if( right.transform != null ) * Debug.DrawLine( adjust + Vector2.right * box.x, rightFoot, ); * else * Debug.DrawLine( adjust + Vector2.right * box.x, rightFoot, Color.grey ); * */ #endregion float down = jumping ? raydown - downOffset : raydown; hitCount = Physics2D.BoxCastNonAlloc(adjust, box.size, 0, Vector2.down, RaycastHits, Mathf.Max(down, -velocity.y * dT), Global.CharacterCollideLayers); for (int i = 0; i < hitCount; i++) { hit = RaycastHits[i]; if (IgnoreCollideObjects.Contains(hit.collider)) { continue; } if (hit.normal.y > corner) { collideBottom = true; adjust.y = hit.point.y + box.size.y * 0.5f + downOffset; hitBottomNormal = hit.normal; // moving platforms Entity cha = hit.transform.GetComponent <Entity>(); if (cha != null) { #if UNITY_EDITOR if (cha.GetInstanceID() == GetInstanceID()) { Debug.LogError("character set itself as carry character", gameObject); Debug.Break(); } #endif carryCharacter = cha; } break; } } hitCount = Physics2D.BoxCastNonAlloc(adjust + Vector2.down * headboxy, headbox, 0, Vector2.up, RaycastHits, Mathf.Max(raylength, velocity.y * dT), Global.CharacterCollideLayers); for (int i = 0; i < hitCount; i++) { hit = RaycastHits[i]; if (IgnoreCollideObjects.Contains(hit.collider)) { continue; } if (hit.normal.y < -corner) { collideTop = true; adjust.y = hit.point.y - box.size.y * 0.5f - contactSeparation; break; } } hitCount = Physics2D.BoxCastNonAlloc(adjust, box.size, 0, Vector2.left, RaycastHits, Mathf.Max(contactSeparation, -velocity.x * dT), Global.CharacterCollideLayers); for (int i = 0; i < hitCount; i++) { hit = RaycastHits[i]; if (IgnoreCollideObjects.Contains(hit.collider)) { continue; } if (hit.normal.x > corner) { collideLeft = true; hitLeft = hit; adjust.x = hit.point.x + box.size.x * 0.5f + contactSeparation; wallSlideNormal = hit.normal; break; } } hitCount = Physics2D.BoxCastNonAlloc(adjust, box.size, 0, Vector2.right, RaycastHits, Mathf.Max(contactSeparation, velocity.x * dT), Global.CharacterCollideLayers); for (int i = 0; i < hitCount; i++) { hit = RaycastHits[i]; if (IgnoreCollideObjects.Contains(hit.collider)) { continue; } if (hit.normal.x < -corner) { collideRight = true; hitRight = hit; adjust.x = hit.point.x - box.size.x * 0.5f - contactSeparation; wallSlideNormal = hit.normal; break; } } transform.position = adjust; }