/// <summary>
        /// Create JVM.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="cfg">Configuration.</param>
        /// <param name="cbs">Callbacks.</param>
        /// <returns>Context.</returns>
        internal static void CreateJvmContext(IgniteConfiguration cfg, UnmanagedCallbacks cbs)
            lock (SyncRoot)
                // 1. Warn about possible configuration inconsistency.
                JvmConfiguration jvmCfg = JvmConfig(cfg);

                if (!cfg.SuppressWarnings && _jvmCfg != null)
                    if (!_jvmCfg.Equals(jvmCfg))
                        Console.WriteLine("Attempting to start Ignite node with different Java " +
                            "configuration; current Java configuration will be ignored (consider " +
                            "starting node in separate process) [oldConfig=" + _jvmCfg +
                            ", newConfig=" + jvmCfg + ']');

                // 2. Create unmanaged pointer.
                void* ctx = CreateJvm(cfg, cbs);


                // 3. If this is the first JVM created, preserve it.
                if (_ctx == null)
                    _ctx = ctx;
                    _jvmCfg = jvmCfg;
Exemple #2
        public void TestIgniteStartup()
            var memoryLog = CreateMemoryLogger();
            var logger = new IgniteLog4NetLogger();

            var cfg = new IgniteConfiguration
                DiscoverySpi = TestUtil.GetLocalDiscoverySpi(),
                Logger = logger

            Func<IEnumerable<string>> getLogs = () => memoryLog.GetEvents().Select(x => x.MessageObject.ToString());

            using (var ignite = Ignition.Start(cfg))
                    string.Format("Starting Ignite.NET {0}", typeof(Ignition).Assembly.GetName().Version)));

                Assert.IsTrue(getLogs().Any(x => x.Contains(">>> Topology snapshot.")));


                ignite.Logger.Info("Log from user code.");

                Assert.IsTrue(getLogs().Contains("Log from user code."));

            Assert.IsTrue(getLogs().Contains("Grid is stopping."));
        public void TestNoCacheNode()
            const string cacheName = "cache";

            var cacheNodeCfg = new IgniteConfiguration(TestUtils.GetTestConfiguration())
                SpringConfigUrl = @"Config\cache-local-node.xml",
                GridName = "cacheGrid"

            using (var gridNoCache = Ignition.Start(TestUtils.GetTestConfiguration()))
                Assert.Throws<ArgumentException>(() => gridNoCache.GetCache<int, int>(cacheName));

                var gridWithCache = Ignition.Start(cacheNodeCfg);

                var streamer = gridNoCache.GetDataStreamer<int, int>(cacheName);

                streamer.AddData(1, 2);

                Ignition.Stop(gridWithCache.Name, true);

                Thread.Sleep(500);  // Wait for node to stop

                var task = streamer.AddData(2, 3);

        /// <summary>
        /// Serializes specified <see cref="IgniteConfiguration" /> to <see cref="XmlWriter" />.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="configuration">The configuration.</param>
        /// <param name="writer">The writer.</param>
        /// <param name="rootElementName">Name of the root element.</param>
        public static void Serialize(IgniteConfiguration configuration, XmlWriter writer, string rootElementName)
            IgniteArgumentCheck.NotNull(configuration, "configuration");
            IgniteArgumentCheck.NotNull(writer, "writer");
            IgniteArgumentCheck.NotNullOrEmpty(rootElementName, "rootElementName");

            WriteElement(configuration, writer, rootElementName, typeof(IgniteConfiguration));
Exemple #5
        public void FixtureSetUp()
            var cfg = new IgniteConfiguration
                DiscoverySpi = TestUtil.GetLocalDiscoverySpi(),
                CacheConfiguration = new [] {new CacheConfiguration("aspNetCache") }

        public void TestStartDefault()
            var cfg = new IgniteConfiguration {JvmClasspath = TestUtils.CreateTestClasspath()};

            var grid = Ignition.Start(cfg);


            Assert.AreEqual(1, grid.Cluster.Nodes().Count);
Exemple #7
        public void FixtureSetUp()
            var cfg = new IgniteConfiguration
                DiscoverySpi = TestUtil.GetLocalDiscoverySpi(),
                BinaryConfiguration = new BinaryConfiguration(typeof(Person))

        public void TestAllConfigurationProperties()
            var cfg = new IgniteConfiguration(GetCustomConfig());

            using (var ignite = Ignition.Start(cfg))
                var resCfg = ignite.GetConfiguration();

                var disco = (TcpDiscoverySpi) cfg.DiscoverySpi;
                var resDisco = (TcpDiscoverySpi) resCfg.DiscoverySpi;

                Assert.AreEqual(disco.NetworkTimeout, resDisco.NetworkTimeout);
                Assert.AreEqual(disco.AckTimeout, resDisco.AckTimeout);
                Assert.AreEqual(disco.MaxAckTimeout, resDisco.MaxAckTimeout);
                Assert.AreEqual(disco.SocketTimeout, resDisco.SocketTimeout);
                Assert.AreEqual(disco.JoinTimeout, resDisco.JoinTimeout);

                var ip = (TcpDiscoveryStaticIpFinder) disco.IpFinder;
                var resIp = (TcpDiscoveryStaticIpFinder) resDisco.IpFinder;

                // There can be extra IPv6 endpoints
                Assert.AreEqual(ip.Endpoints, resIp.Endpoints.Take(2).Select(x => x.Trim('/')).ToArray());

                Assert.AreEqual(cfg.GridName, resCfg.GridName);
                Assert.AreEqual(cfg.IncludedEventTypes, resCfg.IncludedEventTypes);
                Assert.AreEqual(cfg.MetricsExpireTime, resCfg.MetricsExpireTime);
                Assert.AreEqual(cfg.MetricsHistorySize, resCfg.MetricsHistorySize);
                Assert.AreEqual(cfg.MetricsLogFrequency, resCfg.MetricsLogFrequency);
                Assert.AreEqual(cfg.MetricsUpdateFrequency, resCfg.MetricsUpdateFrequency);
                Assert.AreEqual(cfg.NetworkSendRetryCount, resCfg.NetworkSendRetryCount);
                Assert.AreEqual(cfg.NetworkTimeout, resCfg.NetworkTimeout);
                Assert.AreEqual(cfg.NetworkSendRetryDelay, resCfg.NetworkSendRetryDelay);
                Assert.AreEqual(cfg.WorkDirectory, resCfg.WorkDirectory);
                Assert.AreEqual(cfg.JvmClasspath, resCfg.JvmClasspath);
                Assert.AreEqual(cfg.JvmOptions, resCfg.JvmOptions);
                Assert.AreEqual(cfg.Localhost, resCfg.Localhost);
                Assert.AreEqual(cfg.IsDaemon, resCfg.IsDaemon);
                Assert.AreEqual(cfg.UserAttributes, resCfg.UserAttributes);

                var atm = cfg.AtomicConfiguration;
                var resAtm = resCfg.AtomicConfiguration;
                Assert.AreEqual(atm.AtomicSequenceReserveSize, resAtm.AtomicSequenceReserveSize);
                Assert.AreEqual(atm.Backups, resAtm.Backups);
                Assert.AreEqual(atm.CacheMode, resAtm.CacheMode);

                var tx = cfg.TransactionConfiguration;
                var resTx = resCfg.TransactionConfiguration;
                Assert.AreEqual(tx.DefaultTimeout, resTx.DefaultTimeout);
                Assert.AreEqual(tx.DefaultTransactionConcurrency, resTx.DefaultTransactionConcurrency);
                Assert.AreEqual(tx.DefaultTransactionIsolation, resTx.DefaultTransactionIsolation);
                Assert.AreEqual(tx.PessimisticTransactionLogLinger, resTx.PessimisticTransactionLogLinger);
                Assert.AreEqual(tx.PessimisticTransactionLogSize, resTx.PessimisticTransactionLogSize);
        /// <summary>
        /// Deserializes <see cref="IgniteConfiguration"/> from specified <see cref="XmlReader"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="reader">The reader.</param>
        /// <returns>Resulting <see cref="IgniteConfiguration"/>.</returns>
        public static IgniteConfiguration Deserialize(XmlReader reader)
            IgniteArgumentCheck.NotNull(reader, "reader");

            var cfg = new IgniteConfiguration();

            if (reader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element || reader.Read())
                ReadElement(reader, cfg);

            return cfg;
        /** <inheritdoc /> */
        public override void TestSetUp()

            // Start another node without spring config
            if (Ignition.TryGetIgnite("grid2") == null)
                var cfg = new IgniteConfiguration(TestUtils.GetTestConfiguration()) {GridName = "grid2"};
                _ignite = Ignition.Start(cfg);
Exemple #11
        public void TestDisconnectedException()
            var cfg = new IgniteConfiguration
                SpringConfigUrl = "config\\reconnect-test.xml",
                JvmClasspath = TestUtils.CreateTestClasspath(),
                JvmOptions = TestUtils.TestJavaOptions()

            var proc = StartServerProcess(cfg);

            Ignition.ClientMode = true;

            using (var ignite = Ignition.Start(cfg))
                var reconnected = 0;
                var disconnected = 0;
                ignite.ClientDisconnected += (sender, args) => { disconnected++; };
                ignite.ClientReconnected += (sender, args) => { reconnected += args.HasClusterRestarted ? 10 : 1; };


                var cache = ignite.CreateCache<int, int>("c");

                cache[1] = 1;

                // Suspend external process to cause disconnect

                var ex = Assert.Throws<CacheException>(() => cache.Get(1));

                    "javax.cache.CacheException: class org.apache.ignite.IgniteClientDisconnectedException: " +
                    "Operation has been cancelled (client node disconnected)"));

                var inner = (ClientDisconnectedException) ex.InnerException;

                var clientReconnectTask = inner.ClientReconnectTask;

                Assert.AreEqual(ignite.GetCluster().ClientReconnectTask, clientReconnectTask);
                Assert.AreEqual(1, disconnected);
                Assert.AreEqual(0, reconnected);

                // Resume process to reconnect


                Assert.AreEqual(1, cache[1]);
                Assert.AreEqual(1, disconnected);
                Assert.AreEqual(1, reconnected);
Exemple #12
        public void TestClusterRestart()
            var serverCfg = new IgniteConfiguration(TestUtils.GetTestConfiguration())
                CacheConfiguration = new[] {new CacheConfiguration(CacheName)}

            var clientCfg = new IgniteConfiguration(TestUtils.GetTestConfiguration())
                GridName = "client",
                ClientMode = true

            var server = Ignition.Start(serverCfg);
            var client = Ignition.Start(clientCfg);

            ClientReconnectEventArgs eventArgs = null;

            client.ClientReconnected += (sender, args) => { eventArgs = args; };

            var cache = client.GetCache<int, int>(CacheName);

            cache[1] = 1;

            Ignition.Stop(server.Name, true);

            var cacheEx = Assert.Throws<CacheException>(() => cache.Get(1));
            var ex = cacheEx.InnerException as ClientDisconnectedException;


            // Start the server and wait for reconnect.

            // Check the event args.
            Thread.Sleep(1);  // Wait for event handler


            // Refresh the cache instance and check that it works.
            var cache1 = client.GetCache<int, int>(CacheName);
            Assert.AreEqual(0, cache1.GetSize());

            cache1[1] = 2;
            Assert.AreEqual(2, cache1[1]);

            // Check that old cache instance does not work.
            var cacheEx1 = Assert.Throws<InvalidOperationException>(() => cache.Get(1));
            Assert.AreEqual("Cache has been closed or destroyed: " + CacheName, cacheEx1.Message);
        public void TestStartWithConfigPath()
            var cfg = new IgniteConfiguration
                SpringConfigUrl = "config/default-config.xml",
                JvmClasspath = TestUtils.CreateTestClasspath()

            var grid = Ignition.Start(cfg);


            Assert.AreEqual(1, grid.Cluster.Nodes().Count);
Exemple #14
        public void TestDisabledSwapSpace()
            var cfg = new IgniteConfiguration(TestUtils.GetTestConfiguration());

            using (var ignite = Ignition.Start(cfg))
                // NoopSwapSpaceSpi is used by default.

                var ex = Assert.Throws<CacheException>(
                    () => ignite.CreateCache<int, int>(new CacheConfiguration {EnableSwap = true}));

                Assert.IsTrue(ex.Message.EndsWith("has not swap SPI configured"));
Exemple #15
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculate Ignite home.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="cfg">Configuration.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static string Resolve(IgniteConfiguration cfg)
            var home = cfg == null ? null : cfg.IgniteHome;

            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(home))
                home = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable(EnvIgniteHome);
            else if (!IsIgniteHome(new DirectoryInfo(home)))
                throw new IgniteException(string.Format("IgniteConfiguration.IgniteHome is not valid: '{0}'", home));

            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(home))
                home = Resolve();
            else if (!IsIgniteHome(new DirectoryInfo(home)))
                throw new IgniteException(string.Format("{0} is not valid: '{1}'", EnvIgniteHome, home));

            return home;
Exemple #16
        public void TestSwapSpace()
            const int entrySize = 1024;

            var cfg = new IgniteConfiguration(TestUtils.GetTestConfiguration())
                SwapSpaceSpi = new FileSwapSpaceSpi
                    BaseDirectory = _tempDir,
                    WriteBufferSize = 64

            using (var ignite = Ignition.Start(cfg))
                // Create cache with eviction and swap.
                var cache = ignite.CreateCache<int, byte[]>(new CacheConfiguration("cache")
                    EnableSwap = true,
                    EvictionPolicy = new LruEvictionPolicy
                        MaxSize = 3
                    OffHeapMaxMemory = 5 * entrySize

                // Populate to trigger eviction.
                var data = Enumerable.Range(1, entrySize).Select(x => (byte) x).ToArray();

                for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                    cache[i] = data;

                // Check that swap files exist.
                var files = Directory.GetFiles(_tempDir, "*.*", SearchOption.AllDirectories);
                // Wait for metrics update and check metrics.
                Thread.Sleep(((TcpDiscoverySpi) ignite.GetConfiguration().DiscoverySpi).HeartbeatFrequency);

                var metrics = cache.GetLocalMetrics();

                Assert.AreEqual(4, metrics.OffHeapEntriesCount);  // Entry takes more space than the value
                Assert.AreEqual(3, metrics.SwapEntriesCount);  // 10 - 3 - 4 = 3
                Assert.AreEqual(3, metrics.OverflowSize / entrySize);
                Assert.AreEqual(metrics.SwapSize, metrics.OverflowSize);
Exemple #17
        public void TestCodeConfig()
            var cfg = new IgniteConfiguration
                DiscoverySpi = TestUtil.GetLocalDiscoverySpi(),
                CacheConfiguration = new[] {new CacheConfiguration("testcache")}

            using (var ignite = Ignition.Start(cfg))
                var cache = ignite.GetCache<int, int>("testcache");

                cache[1] = 5;

                Assert.AreEqual(5, cache[1]);
Exemple #18
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates classpath from the given configuration, or default classpath if given config is null.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ggHome">The home dir.</param>
        /// <param name="cfg">The configuration.</param>
        /// <param name="forceTestClasspath">Append test directories even if
        ///     <see cref="EnvIgniteNativeTestClasspath" /> is not set.</param>
        /// <returns>
        /// Classpath string.
        /// </returns>
        internal static string CreateClasspath(string ggHome, IgniteConfiguration cfg, bool forceTestClasspath)
            var cpStr = new StringBuilder();

            if (cfg != null && cfg.JvmClasspath != null)

                if (!cfg.JvmClasspath.EndsWith(";"))

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ggHome))
                AppendHomeClasspath(ggHome, forceTestClasspath, cpStr);

            return ClasspathPrefix + cpStr;
Exemple #19
        public virtual void StartGrids()

            IgniteConfiguration cfg = new IgniteConfiguration();

            cfg.JvmClasspath = TestUtils.CreateTestClasspath();
            cfg.JvmOptions = TestUtils.TestJavaOptions();
            cfg.SpringConfigUrl = "config\\native-client-test-cache-affinity.xml";

            for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                cfg.GridName = "grid-" + i;

Exemple #20
        public void FixtureSetUp()
            var cfg = new IgniteConfiguration(TestUtils.GetTestConfiguration())
                CacheConfiguration = new[]
                    new CacheConfiguration(CacheName)
                        AffinityFunction = new SimpleAffinityFunction(),
                        Backups = 7

            _ignite = Ignition.Start(cfg);

            _ignite2 = Ignition.Start(new IgniteConfiguration(TestUtils.GetTestConfiguration()) {GridName = "grid2"});
        public void TestQueryEntityConfiguration()
            var cfg = new IgniteConfiguration
                JvmOptions = TestUtils.TestJavaOptions(),
                JvmClasspath = TestUtils.CreateTestClasspath(),
                BinaryConfiguration = new BinaryConfiguration(typeof (QueryPerson)),
                CacheConfiguration = new[]
                    new CacheConfiguration(CacheName, new QueryEntity(typeof (int), typeof (QueryPerson))
                        Fields = new[]
                            new QueryField("Name", typeof (string)),
                            new QueryField("Age", typeof (int))
                        Indexes = new[]
                            new QueryIndex(false, QueryIndexType.FullText, "Name"), new QueryIndex("Age")

            using (var ignite = Ignition.Start(cfg))
                var cache = ignite.GetCache<int, QueryPerson>(CacheName);


                cache[1] = new QueryPerson("Arnold", 10);
                cache[2] = new QueryPerson("John", 20);

                using (var cursor = cache.Query(new SqlQuery(typeof (QueryPerson), "age > 10")))
                    Assert.AreEqual(2, cursor.GetAll().Single().Key);

                using (var cursor = cache.Query(new TextQuery(typeof (QueryPerson), "Ar*")))
                    Assert.AreEqual(1, cursor.GetAll().Single().Key);
Exemple #22
        public void TestIgniteStartup()
            var cfg = new IgniteConfiguration
                DiscoverySpi = TestUtil.GetLocalDiscoverySpi(),
                Logger = new IgniteNLogLogger(LogManager.GetCurrentClassLogger())

            using (Ignition.Start(cfg))
                    string.Format("|Debug|Starting Ignite.NET {0}||", typeof(Ignition).Assembly.GetName().Version)));

                Assert.IsTrue(_logTarget.Logs.Any(x => x.Contains(">>> Topology snapshot.")));

                "org.apache.ignite.internal.IgniteKernal|Debug|Grid is stopping.||"));
        public virtual void BeforeTests()
            //TestUtils.JVM_DEBUG = true;


            TestUtils.JvmDebug = true;

            IgniteConfiguration cfg = new IgniteConfiguration
                GridName = IgniteName,
                JvmClasspath = TestUtils.CreateTestClasspath(),
                JvmOptions = TestUtils.TestJavaOptions(),
                SpringConfigUrl = @"config\cache\store\cache-store-session.xml"

        public void TestStartupPutGet()
            var cfg = new IgniteConfiguration
                DiscoverySpi = TestUtil.GetLocalDiscoverySpi(),
                GridName = "myGrid"
            // ReSharper disable once ObjectCreationAsStatement
            new IgniteDbConfiguration(cfg,
                new CacheConfiguration("efMetaCache") {AtomicityMode = CacheAtomicityMode.Transactional},
                new CacheConfiguration("efDataCache"), null);

            var ignite = Ignition.GetIgnite(cfg.GridName);

            Assert.IsNotNull(ignite.GetCache<string, object>("efMetaCache"));
            Assert.IsNotNull(ignite.GetCache<string, object>("efDataCache"));
Exemple #25
        public void TestDisconnectedException()
            var cfg = new IgniteConfiguration
                SpringConfigUrl = "config\\compute\\compute-grid1.xml",
                JvmClasspath = TestUtils.CreateTestClasspath(),
                JvmOptions = TestUtils.TestJavaOptions()

            var proc = StartServerProcess(cfg);

            Ignition.ClientMode = true;

            using (var ignite = Ignition.Start(cfg))

                var cache = ignite.GetCache<int, int>(null);

                cache[1] = 1;

                // Suspend external process to cause disconnect

                var ex = Assert.Throws<CacheException>(() => cache.Get(1));

                var inner = (ClientDisconnectedException) ex.InnerException;

                var clientReconnectTask = inner.ClientReconnectTask;

                Assert.AreEqual(ignite.GetCluster().ClientReconnectTask, clientReconnectTask);

                // Resume process to reconnect


                Assert.AreEqual(1, cache[1]);
        public void TestCacheCreationWithDirectQueryEntityMappingsDoesNotLogWarnings(Type type)
            var cfg = new IgniteConfiguration(GetConfigWithLogger())
                CacheConfiguration = new[]
                    new CacheConfiguration("cache1", new QueryEntity(type, type)
                        Fields = new[]
                            new QueryField("myField", type)

            using (Ignition.Start(cfg))
                int warnsCount = TestLogger.Entries.Count(x => x.Level == LogLevel.Warn && x.Args != null);
                Assert.AreEqual(0, warnsCount);
        public void TestInvalidConfiguration()
            // Pass open generic type.
            var cfg = new IgniteConfiguration(TestUtils.GetTestConfiguration())
                // Open generics are not allowed
                BinaryConfiguration = new BinaryConfiguration(typeof(List <>))

            var ex = Assert.Throws <IgniteException>(() => Ignition.Start(cfg));

            Assert.AreEqual("Failed to start Ignite.NET, check inner exception for details", ex.Message);
                              "Open generic types (Type.IsGenericTypeDefinition == true) are not allowed in BinaryConfiguration: " +
                              "System.Collections.Generic.List`1, mscorlib"));

            // Pass open generic type name.
            cfg.BinaryConfiguration = new BinaryConfiguration {
                Types = new[] { typeof(IList <>).AssemblyQualifiedName }

            ex = Assert.Throws <IgniteException>(() => Ignition.Start(cfg));
            Assert.AreEqual("Failed to start Ignite.NET, check inner exception for details", ex.Message);
                              "Open generic types (Type.IsGenericTypeDefinition == true) are not allowed in BinaryConfiguration: " +
                              "System.Collections.Generic.IList`1, mscorlib"));

            // Pass interface.
            cfg.BinaryConfiguration = new BinaryConfiguration(typeof(ICollection));

            ex = Assert.Throws <IgniteException>(() => Ignition.Start(cfg));
            Assert.AreEqual("Failed to start Ignite.NET, check inner exception for details", ex.Message);
                              "Abstract types and interfaces are not allowed in BinaryConfiguration: " +
                              "System.Collections.ICollection, mscorlib"));
Exemple #28
        public static void Main()
            var cfg = new IgniteConfiguration
                SpringConfigUrl = @"platforms\dotnet\examples\config\example-compute.xml",
                JvmOptions      = new List <string> {
                    "-Xms512m", "-Xmx1024m"

            using (var ignite = Ignition.Start(cfg))
                Console.WriteLine(">>> Services example started.");

                // Deploy a service
                var svc = new MapService <int, string>();
                Console.WriteLine(">>> Deploying service to all nodes...");
                ignite.GetServices().DeployNodeSingleton("service", svc);

                // Get a sticky service proxy so that we will always be contacting the same remote node.
                var prx = ignite.GetServices().GetServiceProxy <IMapService <int, string> >("service", true);

                for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                    prx.Put(i, i.ToString());

                var mapSize = prx.Size;

                Console.WriteLine(">>> Map service size: " + mapSize);


            Console.WriteLine(">>> Example finished, press any key to exit ...");
Exemple #29
        public static void KeepWalsSeparately()
            // tag::separate-wal[]
            var cfg = new IgniteConfiguration
                DataStorageConfiguration = new DataStorageConfiguration
                    // Sets a path to the root directory where data and indexes are to be persisted.
                    // It's assumed the directory is on a separated SSD.
                    StoragePath = "/ssd/storage",

                    // Sets a path to the directory where WAL is stored.
                    // It's assumed the directory is on a separated HDD.
                    WalPath = "/wal",

                    // Sets a path to the directory where WAL archive is stored.
                    // The directory is on the same HDD as the WAL.
                    WalArchivePath = "/wal/archive"
            // end::separate-wal[]
Exemple #30
        public static void startCache()
            IgniteConfiguration cfg = new IgniteConfiguration
                BinaryConfiguration = new BinaryConfiguration(typeof(TestObject))

            using (var ignite = Ignition.Start(cfg))
                var cacheCfg = new CacheConfiguration
                    ReadThrough       = true,
                    WriteThrough      = true,
                    KeepBinaryInStore = false,
                    CacheStoreFactory = new OracleStoreFactory()

                var cache = ignite.CreateCache <int, TestObject>(cacheCfg);
                Console.WriteLine(cache.Get(1).ID + "  " + cache.Get(1).NAME);  // OracleStore.Load is called.
Exemple #31
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructor.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="cfg">Configuration.</param>
        /// <param name="name">Grid name.</param>
        /// <param name="proc">Interop processor.</param>
        /// <param name="marsh">Marshaller.</param>
        /// <param name="lifecycleBeans">Lifecycle beans.</param>
        /// <param name="cbs">Callbacks.</param>
        public Ignite(IgniteConfiguration cfg, string name, IUnmanagedTarget proc, Marshaller marsh,
                      IList <LifecycleBeanHolder> lifecycleBeans, UnmanagedCallbacks cbs)
            Debug.Assert(cfg != null);
            Debug.Assert(proc != null);
            Debug.Assert(marsh != null);
            Debug.Assert(lifecycleBeans != null);
            Debug.Assert(cbs != null);

            _cfg            = cfg;
            _name           = name;
            _proc           = proc;
            _marsh          = marsh;
            _lifecycleBeans = lifecycleBeans;
            _cbs            = cbs;

            marsh.Ignite = this;

            _prj = new ClusterGroupImpl(proc, UU.ProcessorProjection(proc), marsh, this, null);

            _binary = new Binary.Binary(marsh);

            _binaryProc = new BinaryProcessor(UU.ProcessorBinaryProcessor(proc), marsh);

            _proxy = new IgniteProxy(this);


            // Grid is not completely started here, can't initialize interop transactions right away.
            _transactions = new Lazy <TransactionsImpl>(
                () => new TransactionsImpl(UU.ProcessorTransactions(proc), marsh, GetLocalNode().Id));

            // Set reconnected task to completed state for convenience.


            _pluginProcessor = new PluginProcessor(this);
Exemple #32
        static void Main()
            var cfg = new IgniteConfiguration
                DataStorageConfiguration = new DataStorageConfiguration
                    DefaultDataRegionConfiguration = new DataRegionConfiguration
                        Name        = "defaultRegion",
                        InitialSize = 256 * 1024 * 1024,      // 256 MB,
                        MaxSize     = 4L * 1024 * 1024 * 1025 // 4 GB
                    DataRegionConfigurations = new[]
                        new DataRegionConfiguration
                            Name        = "customRegion",
                            InitialSize = 32 * 1024 * 1024,  // 32 MB,
                            MaxSize     = 512 * 1024 * 1025  // 512 MB
                CacheConfiguration = new[]
                    new CacheConfiguration
                        Name = "cache1"          // Use default region
                    new CacheConfiguration
                        Name           = "cache2",
                        DataRegionName = "customRegion"

            Console.WriteLine("Done !!!");
        public static void Configuration()
            // tag::cfg[]
            var cfg = new IgniteConfiguration
                DataStorageConfiguration = new DataStorageConfiguration
                    // tag::storage-path[]
                    StoragePath = "/ssd/storage",

                    // end::storage-path[]
                    DefaultDataRegionConfiguration = new DataRegionConfiguration
                        Name = "Default_Region",
                        PersistenceEnabled = true

            // end::cfg[]
Exemple #34
        public void TestLoadFromGac()

            var cfg = new IgniteConfiguration
                SpringConfigUrl = "config\\start-test-grid3.xml",
                Assemblies =
                    new List<string>
                JvmClasspath = TestUtils.CreateTestClasspath()

            var grid = Ignition.Start(cfg);


Exemple #35
        static void Sample()
            var cfg = new IgniteConfiguration
                // Register custom class for Ignite serialization
                BinaryConfiguration = new BinaryConfiguration(typeof(Person))
            IIgnite ignite = Ignition.Start(cfg);

            ICache <int, Person> cache = ignite.GetOrCreateCache <int, Person>("persons");

            cache[1] = new Person {
                Name = "Micky Mouse", Age = 25
            cache[2] = new Person {
                Name = "lmn", Age = 27
            foreach (ICacheEntry <int, Person> cacheEntry in cache)
        public void TestAllConfigurationProperties()
            var cfg = new IgniteConfiguration(GetCustomConfig());

            using (var ignite = Ignition.Start(cfg))
                var resCfg = ignite.GetConfiguration();

                var disco = (TcpDiscoverySpi) cfg.DiscoverySpi;
                var resDisco = (TcpDiscoverySpi) resCfg.DiscoverySpi;

                Assert.AreEqual(disco.NetworkTimeout, resDisco.NetworkTimeout);
                Assert.AreEqual(disco.AckTimeout, resDisco.AckTimeout);
                Assert.AreEqual(disco.MaxAckTimeout, resDisco.MaxAckTimeout);
                Assert.AreEqual(disco.SocketTimeout, resDisco.SocketTimeout);
                Assert.AreEqual(disco.JoinTimeout, resDisco.JoinTimeout);

                var ip = (TcpDiscoveryStaticIpFinder) disco.IpFinder;
                var resIp = (TcpDiscoveryStaticIpFinder) resDisco.IpFinder;

                // There can be extra IPv6 endpoints
                Assert.AreEqual(ip.Endpoints, resIp.Endpoints.Take(2).Select(x => x.Trim('/')).ToArray());

                Assert.AreEqual(cfg.GridName, resCfg.GridName);
                Assert.AreEqual(cfg.IncludedEventTypes, resCfg.IncludedEventTypes);
                Assert.AreEqual(cfg.MetricsExpireTime, resCfg.MetricsExpireTime);
                Assert.AreEqual(cfg.MetricsHistorySize, resCfg.MetricsHistorySize);
                Assert.AreEqual(cfg.MetricsLogFrequency, resCfg.MetricsLogFrequency);
                Assert.AreEqual(cfg.MetricsUpdateFrequency, resCfg.MetricsUpdateFrequency);
                Assert.AreEqual(cfg.NetworkSendRetryCount, resCfg.NetworkSendRetryCount);
                Assert.AreEqual(cfg.NetworkTimeout, resCfg.NetworkTimeout);
                Assert.AreEqual(cfg.NetworkSendRetryDelay, resCfg.NetworkSendRetryDelay);
                Assert.AreEqual(cfg.WorkDirectory, resCfg.WorkDirectory);
                Assert.AreEqual(cfg.JvmClasspath, resCfg.JvmClasspath);
                Assert.AreEqual(cfg.JvmOptions, resCfg.JvmOptions);
                Assert.AreEqual(cfg.Localhost, resCfg.Localhost);
        public void TestSpringXml()
            // When Spring XML is used, .NET overrides Spring.
            var cfg = new IgniteConfiguration(TestUtils.GetTestConfiguration())
                SpringConfigUrl       = @"config\spring-test.xml",
                NetworkSendRetryDelay = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(45),
                MetricsHistorySize    = 57

            using (var ignite = Ignition.Start(cfg))
                var resCfg = ignite.GetConfiguration();

                Assert.AreEqual(45, resCfg.NetworkSendRetryDelay.TotalSeconds); // .NET overrides XML
                Assert.AreEqual(2999, resCfg.NetworkTimeout.TotalMilliseconds); // Not set in .NET -> comes from XML
                Assert.AreEqual(57, resCfg.MetricsHistorySize);                 // Only set in .NET

                var disco = resCfg.DiscoverySpi as TcpDiscoverySpi;
                Assert.AreEqual(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(300), disco.SocketTimeout);

                // Check memory configuration defaults.
                var mem = resCfg.MemoryConfiguration;

                Assert.AreEqual("dfltPlc", mem.DefaultMemoryPolicyName);
                Assert.AreEqual(MemoryConfiguration.DefaultPageSize, mem.PageSize);
                Assert.AreEqual(MemoryConfiguration.DefaultSystemCacheInitialSize, mem.SystemCacheInitialSize);
                Assert.AreEqual(MemoryConfiguration.DefaultSystemCacheMaxSize, mem.SystemCacheMaxSize);

                var plc = mem.MemoryPolicies.Single();
                Assert.AreEqual("dfltPlc", plc.Name);
                Assert.AreEqual(MemoryPolicyConfiguration.DefaultEmptyPagesPoolSize, plc.EmptyPagesPoolSize);
                Assert.AreEqual(MemoryPolicyConfiguration.DefaultEvictionThreshold, plc.EvictionThreshold);
                Assert.AreEqual(MemoryPolicyConfiguration.DefaultInitialSize, plc.InitialSize);
                Assert.AreEqual(MemoryPolicyConfiguration.DefaultMaxSize, plc.MaxSize);
Exemple #38
        public static void ConfigurationExample()
            // tag::cfg[]
            var cfg = new IgniteConfiguration
                CacheConfiguration = new[]
                    new CacheConfiguration
                        Name                     = "myCache",
                        CacheMode                = CacheMode.Partitioned,
                        Backups                  = 2,
                        RebalanceMode            = CacheRebalanceMode.Sync,
                        WriteSynchronizationMode = CacheWriteSynchronizationMode.FullSync,
                        PartitionLossPolicy      = PartitionLossPolicy.ReadOnlySafe

            // end::cfg[]
Exemple #39
        public void TestJavaInterop()
            var cfg = new IgniteConfiguration(TestUtils.GetTestConfiguration())
                BinaryConfiguration = new BinaryConfiguration
                    NameMapper = BinaryBasicNameMapper.SimpleNameInstance

            using (var ignite = Ignition.Start(cfg))
                var cacheCfg = new CacheConfiguration("default", new QueryEntity(typeof(PlatformComputeBinarizable))
                    Fields = new[] { new QueryField("Field", typeof(int)) }

                var cache = ignite.CreateCache <int, object>(cacheCfg);

                // Force dynamic registration for .NET
                cache.Put(-1, new PlatformComputeBinarizable {
                    Field = 7
                cache.Put(ComputeApiTest.EchoTypeBinarizable, 255);

                // Run Java code that will also perform dynamic registration
                var fromJava = ignite.GetCompute().ExecuteJavaTask <PlatformComputeBinarizable>(ComputeApiTest.EchoTask,

                // Check that objects are compatible
                Assert.AreEqual(255, fromJava.Field);

                // Check that Java can read what .NET has put
                var qryRes = ignite.GetCompute().ExecuteJavaTask <IList>(
                    BinaryCompactFooterInteropTest.PlatformSqlQueryTask, "Field = 7");

                Assert.AreEqual(7, qryRes.OfType <PlatformComputeBinarizable>().Single().Field);
Exemple #40
        public void TestTwoGrids([Values(false, true)] bool clientMode)
            using (var ignite1 = Ignition.Start(TestUtils.GetTestConfiguration()))
                var cfg = new IgniteConfiguration(TestUtils.GetTestConfiguration())
                    IgniteInstanceName = "grid2",
                    ClientMode         = clientMode

                using (var ignite2 = Ignition.Start(cfg))
                    Test(ignite1, ignite2);

                // Test twice to verify double registration.
                using (var ignite2 = Ignition.Start(cfg))
                    Test(ignite1, ignite2);
Exemple #41
        public void TestLoadFromGac()

            var cfg = new IgniteConfiguration
                SpringConfigUrl = "config\\start-test-grid3.xml",
                Assemblies      =
                    new List <string>
                JvmClasspath = TestUtils.CreateTestClasspath()

            var grid = Ignition.Start(cfg);


        public void TestClientNodeReconnectWithoutClusterRestartKeepsNearCache()
            var cfg = new IgniteConfiguration(TestUtils.GetTestConfiguration())
                CommunicationSpi = new TcpCommunicationSpi {
                    IdleConnectionTimeout = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(2)
                FailureDetectionTimeout       = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(2),
                ClientFailureDetectionTimeout = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(2),
                IgniteInstanceName            = "srv"
            var server      = Ignition.Start(cfg);
            var serverCache = server.CreateCache <int, Foo>(new CacheConfiguration(CacheName)
                PlatformNearConfiguration = new PlatformNearCacheConfiguration()

            var clientCfg = new IgniteConfiguration(cfg)
                ClientMode         = true,
                IgniteInstanceName = "client"
            var client = Ignition.Start(clientCfg);

            var clientCache = client.GetOrCreateNearCache <int, Foo>(CacheName, new NearCacheConfiguration());

            clientCache[1] = new Foo(2);
            Assert.AreEqual(2, clientCache.LocalPeek(1, CachePeekMode.PlatformNear).Bar);


            // Near cache data is removed after disconnect.
            Assert.AreEqual(0, clientCache.GetLocalSize(CachePeekMode.PlatformNear));

            // Updates work as expected.
            Assert.AreEqual(2, clientCache[1].Bar);
            serverCache[1] = new Foo(33);
            TestUtils.WaitForTrueCondition(() => 33 == clientCache.LocalPeek(1, CachePeekMode.PlatformNear).Bar);
Exemple #43
        public static void Main()
            var cfg = new IgniteConfiguration
                SpringConfigUrl = @"platforms\dotnet\examples\config\example-compute.xml",
                JvmOptions      = new List <string> {
                    "-Xms512m", "-Xmx1024m"

            using (var ignite = Ignition.Start(cfg))
                Console.WriteLine(">>> Closure execution example started.");

                // Split the string by spaces to count letters in each word in parallel.
                ICollection <string> words = "Count characters using closure".Split().ToList();

                Console.WriteLine(">>> Calculating character count with manual reducing:");

                var res = ignite.GetCompute().Apply(new CharacterCountClosure(), words);

                int totalLen = res.Sum();

                Console.WriteLine(">>> Total character count: " + totalLen);
                Console.WriteLine(">>> Calculating character count with reducer:");

                totalLen = ignite.GetCompute().Apply(new CharacterCountClosure(), words, new CharacterCountReducer());

                Console.WriteLine(">>> Total character count: " + totalLen);

            Console.WriteLine(">>> Example finished, press any key to exit ...");
        public static void AffinityRunDemo()
            var cfg = new IgniteConfiguration();
            // end::affinityRun[]
            var discoverySpi = new TcpDiscoverySpi
                LocalPort      = 48500,
                LocalPortRange = 20,
                IpFinder       = new TcpDiscoveryStaticIpFinder
                    Endpoints = new[]

            cfg.DiscoverySpi = discoverySpi;
            // tag::affinityRun[]
            var ignite = Ignition.Start(cfg);

            var cache = ignite.GetOrCreateCache <int, string>("myCache");

            cache.Put(0, "foo");
            cache.Put(1, "bar");
            cache.Put(2, "baz");
            var keyCnt = 3;

            var compute = ignite.GetCompute();

            for (var key = 0; key < keyCnt; key++)
                // This closure will execute on the remote node where
                // data for the given 'key' is located.
                compute.AffinityRun("myCache", key, new MyComputeAction {
                    Key = key
        public void TestIgniteStartsFromSpringXml()
            // When Spring XML is used, .NET overrides Spring.
            var cfg = new IgniteConfiguration(TestUtils.GetTestConfiguration())
                DataStorageConfiguration = null,
                SpringConfigUrl          = @"Config\spring-test.xml",
                NetworkSendRetryDelay    = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(45),
                MetricsHistorySize       = 57

            using (var ignite = Ignition.Start(cfg))
                var resCfg = ignite.GetConfiguration();

                Assert.AreEqual(45, resCfg.NetworkSendRetryDelay.TotalSeconds); // .NET overrides XML
                Assert.AreEqual(2999, resCfg.NetworkTimeout.TotalMilliseconds); // Not set in .NET -> comes from XML
                Assert.AreEqual(57, resCfg.MetricsHistorySize);                 // Only set in .NET

                var disco = resCfg.DiscoverySpi as TcpDiscoverySpi;
                Assert.AreEqual(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(300), disco.SocketTimeout);

                // DataStorage defaults.
                var dsCfg = new DataStorageConfiguration
                    DefaultDataRegionConfiguration = new DataRegionConfiguration
                        Name = "default"
                    SystemDataRegionConfiguration = new SystemDataRegionConfiguration()

                AssertExtensions.ReflectionEqual(dsCfg, resCfg.DataStorageConfiguration,
                                                 ignoredProperties: new HashSet <string> {
        public void TestAllConfigurationProperties()
            var cfg = new IgniteConfiguration(GetCustomConfig());

            using (var ignite = Ignition.Start(cfg))
                var resCfg = ignite.GetConfiguration();

                var disco    = (TcpDiscoverySpi)cfg.DiscoverySpi;
                var resDisco = (TcpDiscoverySpi)resCfg.DiscoverySpi;

                Assert.AreEqual(disco.NetworkTimeout, resDisco.NetworkTimeout);
                Assert.AreEqual(disco.AckTimeout, resDisco.AckTimeout);
                Assert.AreEqual(disco.MaxAckTimeout, resDisco.MaxAckTimeout);
                Assert.AreEqual(disco.SocketTimeout, resDisco.SocketTimeout);
                Assert.AreEqual(disco.JoinTimeout, resDisco.JoinTimeout);

                var ip    = (TcpDiscoveryStaticIpFinder)disco.IpFinder;
                var resIp = (TcpDiscoveryStaticIpFinder)resDisco.IpFinder;

                // There can be extra IPv6 endpoints
                Assert.AreEqual(ip.Endpoints, resIp.Endpoints.Take(2).Select(x => x.Trim('/')).ToArray());

                Assert.AreEqual(cfg.GridName, resCfg.GridName);
                Assert.AreEqual(cfg.IncludedEventTypes, resCfg.IncludedEventTypes);
                Assert.AreEqual(cfg.MetricsExpireTime, resCfg.MetricsExpireTime);
                Assert.AreEqual(cfg.MetricsHistorySize, resCfg.MetricsHistorySize);
                Assert.AreEqual(cfg.MetricsLogFrequency, resCfg.MetricsLogFrequency);
                Assert.AreEqual(cfg.MetricsUpdateFrequency, resCfg.MetricsUpdateFrequency);
                Assert.AreEqual(cfg.NetworkSendRetryCount, resCfg.NetworkSendRetryCount);
                Assert.AreEqual(cfg.NetworkTimeout, resCfg.NetworkTimeout);
                Assert.AreEqual(cfg.NetworkSendRetryDelay, resCfg.NetworkSendRetryDelay);
                Assert.AreEqual(cfg.WorkDirectory, resCfg.WorkDirectory);
                Assert.AreEqual(cfg.JvmClasspath, resCfg.JvmClasspath);
                Assert.AreEqual(cfg.JvmOptions, resCfg.JvmOptions);
                Assert.AreEqual(cfg.Localhost, resCfg.Localhost);
Exemple #47
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the config.
        /// </summary>
        private static IgniteConfiguration GetConfig(bool client, bool customMapper, string name = null)
            var cfg = new IgniteConfiguration(TestUtils.GetTestConfiguration())
                ClientMode         = client,
                IgniteInstanceName = name

            if (customMapper)
                cfg.BinaryConfiguration = new BinaryConfiguration
                    NameMapper = new BinaryBasicNameMapper
                        NamespaceToLower = true,
                        NamespacePrefix  = "foo.bar."

Exemple #48
        public void FixtureSetUp()
            var cfg = new IgniteConfiguration(TestUtils.GetTestConfiguration())
                BinaryConfiguration = new BinaryConfiguration(typeof(Foo))
                    TypeConfigurations =
                        new BinaryTypeConfiguration(typeof(Key))
                            EqualityComparer = new BinaryArrayEqualityComparer()
                        new BinaryTypeConfiguration(typeof(Key2))
                            EqualityComparer = new BinaryFieldEqualityComparer("Hi", "Lo")

Exemple #49
        public void FixtureSetUp()
            var cfg = new IgniteConfiguration(TestUtils.GetTestConfiguration())
                CacheConfiguration = new List <CacheConfiguration>
                    new CacheConfiguration(DefaultCacheName),
                IgniteInstanceName  = CacheName,
                BinaryConfiguration = new BinaryConfiguration(typeof(Entity)),
#pragma warning disable 618
                MemoryConfiguration = new MemoryConfiguration
                    MemoryPolicies = new[]
                        new MemoryPolicyConfiguration
                            Name        = "myMemPolicy",
                            InitialSize = 77 * 1024 * 1024,
                            MaxSize     = 99 * 1024 * 1024
                        new MemoryPolicyConfiguration
                            Name        = MemoryConfiguration.DefaultDefaultMemoryPolicyName,
                            InitialSize = 55 * 1024 * 1024,
                            MaxSize     = 88 * 1024 * 1024
#pragma warning restore 618
                DataStorageConfiguration = null,
                SpringConfigUrl          = Path.Combine("Config", "cache-default.xml")

            _ignite = Ignition.Start(cfg);
Exemple #50
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Random r       = new Random();
            int    biggest = Int32.MinValue;
            var    dtgrd   = new IgniteConfiguration {
                BinaryConfiguration = new BinaryConfiguration(typeof(CountFunc)), ClientMode = true

            using (var ignite = Ignition.Start(dtgrd))
                int     n = 5; int m = 5;
                int[][] mas = new int[n][];

                for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
                    mas[i] = new int[m];
                    for (int j = 0; j < m; j++)
                        mas[i][j] = r.Next(0, 10); Console.Write(mas[i][j] + " ");

                var res = ignite.GetCompute().Apply(new CountFunc(), mas);

                foreach (var ul in res)
                    if (ul > biggest)
                        biggest = ul;

                Console.WriteLine("Самый большой элемент строки: " + biggest);
Exemple #51
        public static void LocalListenDemo()
            var cfg = new IgniteConfiguration
                IncludedEventTypes = new[]
            var discoverySpi = new TcpDiscoverySpi
                LocalPort      = 48500,
                LocalPortRange = 20,
                IpFinder       = new TcpDiscoveryStaticIpFinder
                    Endpoints = new[]

            cfg.DiscoverySpi = discoverySpi;
            // tag::localListen[]
            var ignite = Ignition.Start(cfg);
            var events = ignite.GetEvents();

            events.LocalListen(new LocalListener(), EventType.CacheObjectPut, EventType.CacheObjectRead,

            var cache = ignite.GetOrCreateCache <int, int>("myCache");

            cache.Put(1, 1);
            cache.Put(2, 2);
Exemple #52
        /// <summary>
        /// Create JVM.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="cfg">Configuration.</param>
        /// <param name="log">Logger</param>
        /// <returns>Callback context.</returns>
        internal static UnmanagedCallbacks CreateJvmContext(IgniteConfiguration cfg, ILogger log)
            lock (SyncRoot)
                // 1. Warn about possible configuration inconsistency.
                JvmConfiguration jvmCfg = JvmConfig(cfg);

                if (!cfg.SuppressWarnings && _jvmCfg != null)
                    if (!_jvmCfg.Equals(jvmCfg))
                        log.Warn("Attempting to start Ignite node with different Java " +
                                 "configuration; current Java configuration will be ignored (consider " +
                                 "starting node in separate process) [oldConfig=" + _jvmCfg +
                                 ", newConfig=" + jvmCfg + ']');

                // 2. Create unmanaged pointer.
                var jvm = CreateJvm(cfg, log);

                if (cfg.RedirectJavaConsoleOutput)

                var cbs = new UnmanagedCallbacks(log, jvm);

                // 3. If this is the first JVM created, preserve configuration.
                if (_jvmCfg == null)
                    _jvmCfg = jvmCfg;

        static void Main(string[] args)
            var cfg = new IgniteConfiguration
                BinaryConfiguration = new BinaryConfiguration(typeof(Person), typeof(Organization))
            IIgnite ignite = Ignition.Start(cfg);

            Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("IGNITE_H2_DEBUG_CONSOLE", "true");
            ICache <int, Person> personCache = ignite.GetOrCreateCache <int, Person>(new CacheConfiguration("persons", typeof(Person)));
            var OrgCache = ignite.GetOrCreateCache <int, Organization>(new CacheConfiguration("orgs", typeof(Organization)));

            personCache[1] = new Person {
                Name = "Stan", Age = 55, OrgId = 2
            personCache[2] = new Person {
                Name = "Mike", Age = 54, OrgId = 1
            personCache[3] = new Person {
                Name = "Oprah", Age = 22, OrgId = 2

            OrgCache[1] = new Organization {
                Name = "Asha Foundation", Id = 2
            OrgCache[2] = new Organization {
                Name = "Okla Foundation", Id = 1

            var fieldsQuery = new SqlFieldsQuery("select Person.Name from Person " +
                                                 "join \"orgs\".Organization as org on (Person.OrgId = org.Id) " +
                                                 "where org.Name = ?", "Asha Foundation");

            foreach (var fieldList in personCache.QueryFields(fieldsQuery))
Exemple #54
        public IIgnite Launch()
            var jvmDllPath = GetJvmDllPath();

            if (!File.Exists(jvmDllPath))
                throw new FileNotFoundException("Jvm not found", jvmDllPath);

            var configuration = new IgniteConfiguration()
                ClientMode          = false,
                JvmInitialMemoryMb  = 512,
                JvmMaxMemoryMb      = 8192,
                MetricsLogFrequency = TimeSpan.Zero,
                JvmDllPath          = jvmDllPath,
                JvmClasspath        = GetJvmClassPath(),
                JvmOptions          = new List <string>()
                Logger            = new IgniteLogger(logger, minLogLevel),
                LifecycleHandlers = new List <ILifecycleHandler>()
                DataStorageConfiguration = new DataStorageConfiguration()
                    DataRegionConfigurations = new List <DataRegionConfiguration>(IgniteDataRegions.All),
                    StoragePath = GetDirectory(true, "Data", "Storage")
                WorkDirectory = GetDirectory(true, "Data", "Work")

            var result = Ignition.Start(configuration);


        public static void Main()
            Console.WriteLine(">>> Lifecycle example started.");

            // Create new configuration.
            var lifecycleExampleBean = new LifecycleExampleBean();

            var cfg = new IgniteConfiguration
                DiscoverySpi = new TcpDiscoverySpi
                    IpFinder = new TcpDiscoveryStaticIpFinder
                        Endpoints = new[] { "" }
                LifecycleBeans = new List <ILifecycleBean> {

            // Provide lifecycle bean to configuration.
            using (Ignition.Start(cfg))
                // Make sure that lifecycle bean was notified about Ignite startup.
                Console.WriteLine(">>> Started (should be true): " + lifecycleExampleBean.Started);

            // Make sure that lifecycle bean was notified about Ignite stop.
            Console.WriteLine(">>> Started (should be false): " + lifecycleExampleBean.Started);

            Console.WriteLine(">>> Example finished, press any key to exit ...");
Exemple #56
        public void StartTRexGridCacheNode()
            var cfg = new IgniteConfiguration();


            _log.LogInformation($"Creating new Ignite node for {cfg.IgniteInstanceName}");

                mutableTRexGrid = DIContext.Obtain <ITRexGridFactory>()?.Grid(TRexGrids.MutableGridName(), cfg);
                _log.LogInformation($"Completed creation of new Ignite node: Exists = {mutableTRexGrid != null}, Factory available = {DIContext.Obtain<ITRexGridFactory>() != null}");

            // Wait until the grid is active
            DIContext.Obtain <IActivatePersistentGridServer>().WaitUntilGridActive(TRexGrids.MutableGridName());

            // Add the mutable Spatial & NonSpatial caches






            // Create the SiteModel MetaData Manager so later DI context references wont need to create the cache etc for it at an inappropriate time
            var _ = DIContext.Obtain <ISiteModelMetadataManager>();
Exemple #57
        public static void Main()
            var cfg = new IgniteConfiguration
                SpringConfigUrl = @"platforms\dotnet\examples\config\example-compute.xml",
                JvmOptions      = new List <string> {
                    "-Xms512m", "-Xmx1024m"

            using (var ignite = Ignition.Start(cfg))
                Console.WriteLine(">>> Task execution example started.");

                // Generate employees to calculate average salary for.
                ICollection <Employee> employees = Employees();

                Console.WriteLine(">>> Calculating average salary for employees:");

                foreach (Employee employee in employees)
                    Console.WriteLine(">>>     " + employee);

                // Execute task and get average salary.
                var avgSalary = ignite.GetCompute().Execute(new AverageSalaryTask(), employees);

                Console.WriteLine(">>> Average salary for all employees: " + avgSalary);

            Console.WriteLine(">>> Example finished, press any key to exit ...");
Exemple #58
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates classpath from the given configuration, or default classpath if given config is null.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="cfg">The configuration.</param>
        /// <param name="forceTestClasspath">Append test directories even if
        /// <see cref="EnvIgniteNativeTestClasspath" /> is not set.</param>
        /// <param name="log">The log.</param>
        /// <returns>
        /// Classpath string.
        /// </returns>
        internal static string CreateClasspath(IgniteConfiguration cfg = null, bool forceTestClasspath = false, 
            ILogger log = null)
            var cpStr = new StringBuilder();

            if (cfg != null && cfg.JvmClasspath != null)

                if (!cfg.JvmClasspath.EndsWith(";"))

            var ggHome = IgniteHome.Resolve(cfg, log);

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ggHome))
                AppendHomeClasspath(ggHome, forceTestClasspath, cpStr);

            if (log != null)
                log.Debug("Classpath resolved to: " + cpStr);

            return ClasspathPrefix + cpStr;
        public void TestNoCacheNode()
            const string cacheName = "cache";

            var cacheNodeCfg = new IgniteConfiguration(TestUtils.GetTestConfiguration())
                SpringConfigUrl = @"Config\cache-local-node.xml",
                GridName = "cacheGrid"

            using (var gridNoCache = Ignition.Start(TestUtils.GetTestConfiguration()))
                Assert.Throws<ArgumentException>(() => gridNoCache.GetCache<int, int>(cacheName));

                var gridWithCache = Ignition.Start(cacheNodeCfg);

                var streamer = gridNoCache.GetDataStreamer<int, int>(cacheName);

                streamer.AddData(1, 2);

                Ignition.Stop(gridWithCache.Name, true);

                Thread.Sleep(500);  // Wait for node to stop

                var task = streamer.AddData(2, 3);

                var ex = Assert.Throws<AggregateException>(task.Wait).InnerException;


                Assert.AreEqual("Java exception occurred [class=org.apache.ignite.cache." +
                                "CacheServerNotFoundException, message=Failed to find server node for cache " +
                                "(all affinity nodes have left the grid or cache was stopped): cache]", ex.Message);
Exemple #60
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculate Ignite home.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="cfg">Configuration.</param>
        /// <param name="log">The log.</param>
        public static string Resolve(IgniteConfiguration cfg, ILogger log = null)
            var home = cfg == null ? null : cfg.IgniteHome;

            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(home))
                home = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable(EnvIgniteHome);

                if (log != null)
                    log.Debug("IgniteHome retrieved from {0} environment variable: '{1}'", EnvIgniteHome, home);
            else if (!IsIgniteHome(new DirectoryInfo(home)))
                throw new IgniteException(string.Format("IgniteConfiguration.IgniteHome is not valid: '{0}'", home));

            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(home))
                home = Resolve(log);
            else if (!IsIgniteHome(new DirectoryInfo(home)))
                throw new IgniteException(string.Format("{0} is not valid: '{1}'", EnvIgniteHome, home));

            if (log != null)
                log.Debug("IgniteHome resolved to '{0}'", home);

            return home;