/// <summary>
        /// Add the data to the Zone object
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="row">COBieZoneRow holding the data</param>
        private void AddZone(COBieZoneRow row)
            //we are merging so check for an existing item name, assume the same item as should be the same building
            if (CheckIfExistOnMerge <IfcZone>(row.Name))
                return;//we have it so no need to create
            IfcZone ifcZone = Model.Instances.New <IfcZone>();

            //Add Created By, Created On and ExtSystem to Owner History.
            SetUserHistory(ifcZone, row.ExtSystem, row.CreatedBy, row.CreatedOn);

            //using statement will set the Model.OwnerHistoryAddObject to ifcZone.OwnerHistory as OwnerHistoryAddObject is used upon any property changes,
            //then swaps the original OwnerHistoryAddObject back in the dispose, so set any properties within the using statement
            using (COBieXBimEditScope context = new COBieXBimEditScope(Model, ifcZone.OwnerHistory))
                //Add Name
                if (ValidateString(row.Name))
                    ifcZone.Name = row.Name;

                //Add Category
                AddCategory(row.Category, ifcZone);

                //add space to the zone group
                string spaceNames = row.SpaceNames;
                if (ValidateString(spaceNames))
                    char splitKey = GetSplitChar(spaceNames);
                    //COBieCell spaceCell = row["SpaceNames"];
                    //List<string> spaceArray = new List<string>();
                    //if (spaceCell.COBieColumn.AllowsMultipleValues)
                    //    spaceArray = spaceCell.CellValues;
                    List <string> spaceArray = SplitString(spaceNames, splitKey); //uses escaped characters
                    foreach (string spaceName in spaceArray)
                        AddSpaceToZone(spaceName, ifcZone);

                //Add GlobalId
                AddGlobalId(row.ExtIdentifier, ifcZone);

                //Add Description
                if (ValidateString(row.Description))
                    ifcZone.Description = row.Description;
        internal void AddSpaceToZone(SpaceKey spaceKey, IfcZone ifcZone)
            var relationship = TargetRepository.Instances.OfType <IfcRelAssignsToGroup>().FirstOrDefault(r => r.RelatingGroup == ifcZone);

            if (relationship == null)
                relationship = TargetRepository.Instances.New <IfcRelAssignsToGroup>();
                relationship.RelatingGroup = ifcZone;
            var ifcSpace = GetIfcSpace(spaceKey);

            relationship.RelatedObjectsType = IfcObjectType.Product;
        protected override Zone Mapping(IfcZone ifcZone, Zone target)
            var helper = ((IfcToCOBieLiteUkExchanger)Exchanger).Helper;

            target.ExternalEntity = helper.ExternalEntityName(ifcZone);
            target.ExternalId     = helper.ExternalEntityIdentity(ifcZone);
            target.AltExternalId  = ifcZone.GlobalId;
            target.ExternalSystem = helper.ExternalSystemName(ifcZone);
            target.Description    = ifcZone.Description;
            target.Categories     = helper.GetCategories(ifcZone);
            if (target.Categories == CoBieLiteUkHelper.UnknownCategory)
                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ifcZone.ObjectType))
                    target.Categories = new List <Category>(new [] { new Category {
                                                                         Code = ifcZone.ObjectType
                                                                     } });
            target.CreatedBy = helper.GetCreatedBy(ifcZone);
            target.CreatedOn = helper.GetCreatedOn(ifcZone);
            target.Name      = ifcZone.Name;
            target.Attributes = helper.GetAttributes(ifcZone);
            var docsMappings = Exchanger.GetOrCreateMappings <MappingIfcDocumentSelectToDocument>();

            helper.AddDocuments(docsMappings, target, ifcZone);

            //get spaces in zones
            var spaces    = helper.GetSpaces(ifcZone);
            var ifcSpaces = spaces as IList <IfcSpace> ?? spaces.ToList();

            if (ifcSpaces.Any())
                target.Spaces = new List <SpaceKey>();
                foreach (var space in ifcSpaces)
                    var spaceKey = new SpaceKey {
                        Name = space.Name
            //Space Issues

Exemple #4
        public ZoneType(IfcZone ifcZone, CoBieLiteHelper helper)
            : this()
            externalEntityName = helper.ExternalEntityName(ifcZone);
            externalID = helper.ExternalEntityIdentity(ifcZone);
            externalSystemName = helper.ExternalSystemName(ifcZone);
            ZoneDescription = ifcZone.Description;
            ZoneCategory = helper.GetClassification(ifcZone);
            ZoneName = ifcZone.Name;
            var ifcAttributes = helper.GetAttributes(ifcZone);
            if (ifcAttributes != null && ifcAttributes.Any())
                ZoneAttributes = new AttributeCollectionType { Attribute = ifcAttributes };

            //Space Issues
            //Space Documents
 /// <summary>
 /// Add space to the building story(Floor)
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="spaceName"></param>
 /// <param name="ifcZone"></param>
 private void AddSpaceToZone(string spaceName, IfcZone ifcZone)
     if (ValidateString(spaceName))
         spaceName = spaceName.Trim().ToLower();
         IfcSpace space = null;
         if (Spaces.ContainsKey(spaceName))
             space = Spaces[spaceName];
             space = Model.FederatedInstances.OfType <IfcSpace>().Where(sp => sp.Name.ToString().ToLower() == spaceName).FirstOrDefault();
             if (space != null)
                 Spaces.Add(spaceName, space);
         if (space != null)
Exemple #6
        public ZoneType(IfcZone ifcZone, CoBieLiteHelper helper)
            : this()
            externalEntityName = helper.ExternalEntityName(ifcZone);
            externalID         = helper.ExternalEntityIdentity(ifcZone);
            externalSystemName = helper.ExternalSystemName(ifcZone);
            ZoneDescription    = ifcZone.Description;
            ZoneCategory       = helper.GetClassification(ifcZone);
            ZoneName           = ifcZone.Name;
            AttributeType[] ifcAttributes = helper.GetAttributes(ifcZone);
            if (ifcAttributes != null && ifcAttributes.Length > 0)
                ZoneAttributes = new AttributeCollectionType {
                    Attribute = ifcAttributes

            //Space Issues
            //Space Documents
Exemple #7
        internal static DatabaseIfc Generate(ModelView mdv, string path)
            DatabaseIfc db = new DatabaseIfc(true, mdv);
            IfcSite site = new IfcSite(db, "TestSite");
            //IfcPerson  NOT RV
            //IfcOrganization  NOT RV
            //IfcPersonAndOrganization  NOT RV
            //IfcOwnerHistory  NOT RV
            //fcApplication NOT RV
            //                     IfcProjectLibrary NOT RV Can't have multiple context
            IfcProject project = new IfcProject(site, "TestProject", IfcUnitAssignment.Length.Millimetre)
            IfcBuilding building = new IfcBuilding(site, "TestBuilding")
            IfcBuildingStorey buildingStorey = new IfcBuildingStorey(building, "TestBuildingStorey", 3000);
            IfcSpace          space          = new IfcSpace(buildingStorey, null, null)
                Name = "TestSpace"

            space.RelatingType = new IfcSpaceType(db, "TestSpaceType", IfcSpaceTypeEnum.INTERNAL);

            IfcZone zone = new IfcZone(buildingStorey, "TestZone", "TestZoneLongName", new List <IfcSpace>()

            IfcLocalPlacement localPlacement = buildingStorey.Placement as IfcLocalPlacement;

            IfcMaterial material = new IfcMaterial(db, "TestMaterial")
                Description = "TestDescription", Category = "TestCategory"
            IfcMaterialProperties materialProperties = new IfcMaterialProperties("TestMaterialProperties", material);

            materialProperties.AddProperty(new IfcPropertySingleValue(db, "MassDensity", new IfcMassDensityMeasure(1)));
            IfcSurfaceStyleShading surfaceStyleShading = new IfcSurfaceStyleShading(new IfcColourRgb(db, 1, 0, 0)
                Name = "Red"
            IfcSurfaceStyle surfaceStyle = new IfcSurfaceStyle(surfaceStyleShading, null, null, null, null);
            IfcMaterialDefinitionRepresentation materialDefinitionRepresentation = new IfcMaterialDefinitionRepresentation(new IfcStyledRepresentation(new IfcStyledItem(surfaceStyle)
                Name = "TestStyledItem"
            }), material);

            IfcIndexedPolyCurve          indexedPolyCurve          = IPE200Curve(db);
            IfcArbitraryClosedProfileDef arbitraryClosedProfileDef = new IfcArbitraryClosedProfileDef("IPE200", indexedPolyCurve);
            IfcMaterialProfile           materialProfile           = new IfcMaterialProfile("TestMaterialProfile", material, arbitraryClosedProfileDef);
            IfcMaterialProfileSet        materialProfileSet        = new IfcMaterialProfileSet("TestMaterialProfileSet", materialProfile);

            IfcExtrudedAreaSolid extrudedAreaSolid = new IfcExtrudedAreaSolid(arbitraryClosedProfileDef, new IfcAxis2Placement3D(new IfcCartesianPoint(db, 0, 0, 0), new IfcDirection(db, 1, 0, 0), new IfcDirection(db, 0, 1, 0)), new IfcDirection(db, 0, 0, 1), 5000);
            IfcBeamType          beamType          = new IfcBeamType(db, "TestBeamType", IfcBeamTypeEnum.BEAM);

            beamType.MaterialSelect = materialProfileSet;
            IfcBeam beam = new IfcBeam(buildingStorey, new IfcLocalPlacement(localPlacement, new IfcAxis2Placement3D(new IfcCartesianPoint(db, 1000, 2000, 0))
                RefDirection = new IfcDirection(db, 0, 1, 0)
            }), new IfcProductDefinitionShape(new IfcShapeRepresentation(extrudedAreaSolid)));

            beam.RelatingType = beamType;

            //	if(mdv != ModelView.Ifc4Reference)
            //			IfcActorRole  NOT RV

            //IfcAdvancedBrep  NOT RV
            //IfcAdvancedFace   NOT RV
            //IfcAsymmetricIShapeProfileDef  NOT RV
            //IfcBeamStandardCase  NOT RV
            //IfcBlock   NOT RV
            //IfcBooleanClippingResult  NOT RV
            //IfcBooleanResult  NOT RV
            //IfcBSplineCurveWithKnots  NOT RV
            //IfcBSplineSurface  NOT RV
            //IfcBSplineSurfaceWithKnots  NOT RV
            //IfcCircleHollowProfileDef  NOT RV
            //IfcCircleProfileDef  NOT RV
            //IfcColumnStandardCase  NOT RV
            //IfcCompositeProfileDef  NOT RV
            //IfcConnectedFaceSet  NOT RV
            //IfcConnectionCurveGeometry  NOT RV
            //IfcConnectionVolumeGeometry  NOT RV
            //IfcCsgSolid  NOT RV
            //IfcCShapeProfileDef  NOT RV
            //IfcDerivedProfileDef  NOT RV
            //IfcDoorStandardCase  NOT RV
            //IfcEdge	 NOT RV
            //IfcEdgeCurve  NOT RV
            //IfcEdgeLoop  NOT RV
            //IfcEllipseProfileDef  NOT RV
            //IfcExtrudedAreaSolidTapered  NOT RV
            //IfcFace  NOT RV
            //IfcFaceBasedSurfaceModel  NOT RV
            //IfcFaceBound  NOT RV
            //IfcFaceOuterBound  NOT RV
            //IfcFaceSurface  NOT RV
            //IfcFacetedBrep  NOT RV
            //IfcFeatureElementAddition  NOT RV
            //IfcFixedReferenceSweptAreaSolid  NOT RV
            //IfcGridPlacement  NOT RV
            //IfcHalfSpaceSolid  NOT RV
            //IfcLibraryInformation  NOT RV
            //IfcLibraryReference  NOT RV
            //IfcLoop   NOT RV
            //IfcLShapeProfileDef  NOT RV
            //IfcMaterialLayerSetUsage  NOT RV
            //IfcMaterialLayerWithOffsets  NOT RV
            //IfcMaterialProfileSetUsage  NOT RV
            //IfcMaterialProfileSetUsageTapering  NOT RV
            //IfcMaterialProfileWithOffsets  NOT RV
            //IfcMaterialUsageDefinition  NOT RV
            //IfcMemberStandardCase  NOT RV
            //IfcOpeningStandardCase  NOT RV
            //IfcOpenShell  NOT RV
            //IfcOrientedEdge  NOT RV
            //IfcPcurve  NOT RV
            //IfcPlane  NOT RV
            //IfcPlateStandardCase  NOT RV
            //IfcPolygonalBoundedHalfSpace  NOT RV
            //IfcPolyline  NOT RV
            //IfcPolyLoop  NOT RV
            //IfcProjectionElement  NOT RV
            //IfcPropertySetTemplate  NOT RV
            //IfcPropertyTemplate  NOT RV
            //IfcPropertyTemplateDefinition  NOT RV
            //IfcRectangleHollowProfileDef  NOT RV
            //IfcRectangleProfileDef  NOT RV
            //IfcRectangularPyramid  NOT RV
            //IfcRelAssociatesLibrary  NOT RV
            //IfcRelConnectsElements  NOT RV
            //IfcRelConnectsPathElements  NOT RV
            //IfcRelConnectsWithRealizingElements  NOT RV
            //IfcRelFlowControlElements  NOT RV
            //IfcRelInterferesElements  NOT RV
            //IfcRelProjectsElement  NOT RV
            //IfcRevolvedAreaSolidTapered  NOT RV
            //IfcRightCircularCone  NOT RV
            //IfcRightCircularCylinder  NOT RV
            //IfcRoundedRectangleProfileDef  NOT RV
            //IfcShellBasedSurfaceModel  NOT RV
            //IfcSimplePropertyTemplate  NOT RV
            //IfcSlabElementedCase  NOT RV
            //IfcSlabStandardCase  NOT RV
            //IfcSphere  NOT RV
            //IfcSurface  NOT RV
            //IfcSurfaceCurveSweptAreaSolid  NOT RV
            //IfcSurfaceOfLinearExtrusion  NOT RV
            //IfcSurfaceOfRevolution  NOT RV
            //IfcSurfaceStyleWithTextures surfaceStyleWithTextures = new IfcSurfaceStyleWithTextures(new IfcImageTexture(db,true,true,""));
            //IfcTelecomAddress  NOT RV
            //IfcTShapeProfileDef  NOT RV
            //IfcUShapeProfileDef  NOT RV
            //IfcVertex  NOT RV
            //IfcVertexPoint  NOT RV
            //IfcVirtualGridIntersection  NOT RV
            //IfcWallElementedCase  NOT RV
            //IfcWallStandardCase  NOT RV
            //IfcWindowStandardCase  NOT RV
            //IfcZShapeProfileDef  NOT RV
            db.WriteFile(Path.Combine(path, mdv.ToString() + ".ifc"));
 /// <summary>
 /// Add space to the building story(Floor)
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="row"></param>
 /// <param name="ifcSpace"></param>
 private void AddSpaceToZone(string spaceName, IfcZone ifcZone)
     if (ValidateString(spaceName))
         spaceName = spaceName.Trim().ToLower();
         IfcSpace space = null;
         if (Spaces.ContainsKey(spaceName))
             space = Spaces[spaceName];
             space = Model.Instances.OfType<IfcSpace>().Where(sp => sp.Name.ToString().ToLower() == spaceName).FirstOrDefault();
             if (space != null)
                 Spaces.Add(spaceName, space);
         if (space != null)