Exemple #1
        public TValue GetCoBieProperty <TValue>(string valueName, IfcObject ifcObject) where TValue : struct
            XbimAttributedObject attributedObject;

            if (_attributedObjects.TryGetValue(ifcObject, out attributedObject))
                string[] propertyNames;
                if (_cobieFieldMap.TryGetValue(valueName, out propertyNames))
                    foreach (var propertyName in propertyNames)
                        TValue value;
                        if (attributedObject.GetSimplePropertyValue(propertyName, out value))
                    throw new ArgumentException("Illegal COBie Attribute name:", valueName);
Exemple #2
        public void SampleChildren(IfcObject objIfc, Action <List <string> > collectionSampler)
            List <IfcRelDecomposes> decomposed = objIfc.IsDecomposedBy.ToList();

            if (decomposed == null || decomposed.Count == 0)
            List <string> collection = new List <string> {

            foreach (var dec in decomposed)
                foreach (var obj in dec.RelatedObjects)
                    if (typeof(IfcSpatialStructureElement).IsAssignableFrom(obj.GetType()))
                        SampleSpatialStructure((IfcSpatialStructureElement)obj, collectionSampler);
                        //do nothing ? actually, later try to figure out what these objs are

        /// <summary>
        /// Set the property sets mapped to list of simple property values held for the IfcTypeObject
        /// filtered by a IfcPropertySet name
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ifcTypeObject">IfcTypeObject holding the property values</param>
        /// <param name="propertySetNames">List of IfcPropertySetName</param>
        public void SetAllPropertyValues(IfcTypeObject ifcTypeObject, List <string> propertySetNames)
            _currentObject = ifcTypeObject;
            PSetFilterOn   = true;

            if (ifcTypeObject.HasPropertySets != null) //we have properties to get
                _mapPsetToProps = ifcTypeObject.HasPropertySets.OfType <IfcPropertySet>()
                                  .Where(ps => (propertySetNames.Contains(ps.Name)))
                                  .ToDictionary(ps => ps, ps => ps.HasProperties.OfType <IfcSimpleProperty>());
                _mapPsetToProps.Clear(); //clear as we have no properties for this object

            //fall back to related items to get the information from
            if (!_mapPsetToProps.Any())//not sure we should do this, but we get values to fill from an object that is using the type object
                if (ifcTypeObject.ObjectTypeOf.Any())
                    IfcObject IfcObj = ifcTypeObject.ObjectTypeOf.First().RelatedObjects.FirstOrDefault();
                    if (IfcObj != null)
                        SetAllPropertyValues(IfcObj); //we do not filter on property set name here, just go for all of them
Exemple #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Set values for attribute sheet
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ifcObject">ifcObject to extract properties from</param>
        /// <param name="_attributes">The attribute Sheet to add the properties to its rows</param>
        public void PopulateAttributesRows(IfcObject ifcObject)
            if (PropertSetValues.PSetFilterOn) //we have a property set filter set in the PropertSetValues class, so reset to retrieve all property sets for this object

            foreach (KeyValuePair <IfcPropertySet, IEnumerable <IfcSimpleProperty> > pairValues in PropertSetValues.MapPsetToProps)
                IfcPropertySet ps = pairValues.Key; //get Property Set

                //check property set exclude list
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ps.Name))
                    if (ExcludeAttributePropertySetNames.Count() > 0)
                        if (ExcludeAttributePropertySetNames.Contains(ps.Name))
                            continue; //skip this loop iteration if property set name matches exclude list item

                //Get Property SetAttribSheet Property Single Values
                IEnumerable <IfcSimpleProperty> pSVs = pairValues.Value;

                //filter on ExcludePropertyValueNames and ExcludePropertyValueNamesWildcard
                pSVs = FilterRows(pSVs);

                //fill in the data to the attribute rows
                ProcessAttributeRow(ps, pSVs);
Exemple #5
        private IEnumerable <IPersistIfcEntity> FilterElementsByType(IEnumerable <IPersistIfcEntity> elements, IEnumerable <IPersistIfcEntity> types)
            //create lists from input arguments because enumeration crashes otherwise
            List <IPersistIfcEntity> elemList = elements.ToList();
            List <IPersistIfcEntity> typeList = types.ToList();

            foreach (var element in elemList)
                IfcObject obj = element as IfcObject;
                if (obj != null)
                    IfcTypeObject defType = obj.GetDefiningType();
                    if (defType != null)
                        if (typeList.Contains(defType))
                            yield return(element);
                        yield return(element);
 internal XbimMaterialQuantities(IfcTypeObject ifcTypeObject, XbimDocument document)
     if (ifcTypeObject == null || document == null) throw new ArgumentNullException();
     _typeObject = ifcTypeObject;
     _object = null;
     _document = document;
        public static void SetElementPhysicalSimpleQuantity(this IfcObject elem, string qSetName, string qualityName, double value, XbimQuantityTypeEnum quantityType, IfcNamedUnit unit)
            IModel model = elem.ModelOf;

            IfcElementQuantity qset = GetElementQuantity(elem, qSetName);

            if (qset == null)
                qset      = model.Instances.New <IfcElementQuantity>();
                qset.Name = qSetName;
                IfcRelDefinesByProperties relDef = model.Instances.New <IfcRelDefinesByProperties>();
                relDef.RelatingPropertyDefinition = qset;

            //remove existing simple quality
            IfcPhysicalSimpleQuantity simpleQuality = GetElementPhysicalSimpleQuantity(elem, qSetName, qualityName);

            if (simpleQuality != null)
                IfcElementQuantity elementQuality = GetElementQuantity(elem, qSetName);

            switch (quantityType)
            case XbimQuantityTypeEnum.AREA:
                simpleQuality = model.Instances.New <IfcQuantityArea>(sq => sq.AreaValue = (IfcAreaMeasure)value);

            case XbimQuantityTypeEnum.COUNT:
                simpleQuality = model.Instances.New <IfcQuantityCount>(sq => sq.CountValue = (IfcCountMeasure)value);

            case XbimQuantityTypeEnum.LENGTH:
                simpleQuality = model.Instances.New <IfcQuantityLength>(sq => sq.LengthValue = (IfcLengthMeasure)value);

            case XbimQuantityTypeEnum.TIME:
                simpleQuality = model.Instances.New <IfcQuantityTime>(sq => sq.TimeValue = (IfcTimeMeasure)value);

            case XbimQuantityTypeEnum.VOLUME:
                simpleQuality = model.Instances.New <IfcQuantityVolume>(sq => sq.VolumeValue = (IfcVolumeMeasure)value);

            case XbimQuantityTypeEnum.WEIGHT:
                simpleQuality = model.Instances.New <IfcQuantityWeight>(sq => sq.WeightValue = (IfcMassMeasure)value);


            simpleQuality.Unit = unit;
            simpleQuality.Name = qualityName;

        private void FillMaterialData()
            if (_materials.Count > 0)
                return;                       //don't fill unless empty
            IfcObject ifcObj = _entity as IfcObject;

            if (ifcObj != null)
                IEnumerable <IfcRelAssociatesMaterial> matRels = ifcObj.HasAssociations.OfType <IfcRelAssociatesMaterial>();
                foreach (IfcRelAssociatesMaterial matRel in matRels)
                    // todo: bonghi: the following material items query is only temporary for debug purposes.
                    // it shouldn't effect on Release because of lazy nature of yielded IEnumerables.
                    var v = Model.Instances.GetInstancesOfMaterial(matRel.RelatingMaterial, true);
                        string.Format("Items: {0}",
                                      string.Join(";", v.Select(x => x.EntityLabel).ToArray())
                    // end todo
                    AddMaterialData(matRel.RelatingMaterial, "");
 private static void extractPsetBase(IfcObject element, JsonIfcElement newElement, string logId = null)
     if (element.IsDefinedBy != null && element.IsDefinedBy.Count > 0)
         foreach (var psv in element.IsDefinedBy
                  .OfType <IfcPropertySet>()
                  .SelectMany(pset => pset.HasProperties
                              .Select(tuple => tuple.Value)
                              .OfType <IfcPropertySingleValue>()))
                 if (psv.Name != null && psv.NominalValue.ValueString != null &&
                     newElement.userData.pset.Add(psv.Name, psv.NominalValue.ValueString);
             catch (Exception e)
                 if (logId != null)
                     Console.WriteLine($"{logId}. Pset write error {e.Message}");
 internal bool TryCreatePropertySingleValue(IfcObject ifcObject, string value, string cobiePropertyName)
         NamedProperty namedProperty;
         if (CobieToIfcPropertyMap.TryGetValue(cobiePropertyName, out namedProperty))
             List <IfcPropertySetDefinition> propertySetDefinitionList;
             if (!_objectsToPropertySets.TryGetValue(ifcObject, out propertySetDefinitionList))
                 propertySetDefinitionList = new List <IfcPropertySetDefinition>();
                 _objectsToPropertySets.Add(ifcObject, propertySetDefinitionList);
             var propertySet = propertySetDefinitionList.Find(p => p.Name == namedProperty.PropertySetName) as IfcPropertySet;
             if (propertySet == null)
                 propertySet = TargetRepository.Instances.New <IfcPropertySet>();
                 propertySet.Name = namedProperty.PropertySetName;
                 var relDef = TargetRepository.Instances.New <IfcRelDefinesByProperties>();
                 relDef.RelatingPropertyDefinition = propertySet;
             AddProperty(ifcObject, new IfcText(value), cobiePropertyName, propertySet, namedProperty);
         throw new ArgumentException("Incorrect property map", "cobiePropertyName");
     catch (Exception e)
         Debug.WriteLine("Incorrect property map, " + e.Message);
Exemple #11
        private IfcTypeObject GetDefiningTypeObject(IfcObject ifcObject)
            IfcTypeObject definingType;

            _objectToTypeObjectMap.TryGetValue(ifcObject, out definingType);
        private void FillTypeData()
            if (_typeProperties.Count > 0)
                return;                            //don't fill unless empty
            IfcObject ifcObj = _entity as IfcObject;

            if (ifcObj != null)
                IfcTypeObject typeEntity = ifcObj.GetDefiningType();
                if (typeEntity != null)
                    IfcType ifcType = IfcMetaData.IfcType(typeEntity);
                    _typeProperties.Add(new PropertyItem()
                        Name = "Type", Value = ifcType.Type.Name
                    _typeProperties.Add(new PropertyItem()
                        Name = "Ifc Label", Value = "#" + typeEntity.EntityLabel

                    _typeProperties.Add(new PropertyItem()
                        Name = "Name", Value = typeEntity.Name
                    _typeProperties.Add(new PropertyItem()
                        Name = "Description", Value = typeEntity.Description
                    _typeProperties.Add(new PropertyItem()
                        Name = "GUID", Value = typeEntity.GlobalId
                    _typeProperties.Add(new PropertyItem()
                        Name  = "Ownership",
                        Value = typeEntity.OwnerHistory.OwningUser.ToString() + " using " + typeEntity.OwnerHistory.OwningApplication.ApplicationIdentifier
                    //now do properties in further specialisations that are text labels
                    foreach (var pInfo in ifcType.IfcProperties.Where
                                 (p => p.Value.IfcAttribute.Order > 4 &&
                                 p.Value.IfcAttribute.State != IfcAttributeState.DerivedOverride)
                             ) //skip the first for of root, and derived and things that are objects
                        object val = pInfo.Value.PropertyInfo.GetValue(typeEntity, null);
                        if (val != null && val is ExpressType) //only do express types
                            PropertyItem pi = new PropertyItem()
                                Name = pInfo.Value.PropertyInfo.Name, Value = ((ExpressType)val).ToPart21
Exemple #13
 internal XbimQuantities(IfcTypeObject ifcTypeObject, string propertySetName)
     if (ifcTypeObject == null || propertySetName == null || propertySetName == "") throw new ArgumentNullException();
     _psetName = propertySetName;
     _ifcObject = null;
     _ifcTypeObject = ifcTypeObject ;
        /// <summary>
        /// Use this method to get all element quantities related to this object
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>All related element quantities</returns>
        public static IEnumerable <IfcElementQuantity> GetAllElementQuantities(this IfcObject elem)
            var rels = elem.IsDefinedByProperties.Where(r => r.RelatingPropertyDefinition is IfcElementQuantity);

            foreach (var rel in rels)
                yield return(rel.RelatingPropertyDefinition as IfcElementQuantity);
        /// <summary>
        /// Set the property sets mapped to list of simple property values held for the IfcObject
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ifcObject">IfcObject holding the property values</param>
        public void SetAllPropertyValues(IfcObject ifcObject)
            _currentObject = ifcObject;
            PSetFilterOn   = false;

            _mapPsetToProps = ifcObject.IsDefinedByProperties
                              .Select(def => def.RelatingPropertyDefinition).OfType <IfcPropertySet>()
                              .ToDictionary(ps => ps, ps => ps.HasProperties.OfType <IfcSimpleProperty>());
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds an existing property set to the objecty, NB no check is done for duplicate psets
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="obj"></param>
        /// <param name="pSet"></param>
        public static void AddPropertySet(this IfcObject obj, IfcPropertySet pSet)
            IModel model = obj.ModelOf;
            IfcRelDefinesByProperties relDef = model.Instances.OfType <IfcRelDefinesByProperties>().Where(r => r.RelatingPropertyDefinition == pSet).FirstOrDefault();;

            if (relDef == null)
                relDef = model.Instances.New <IfcRelDefinesByProperties>();
                relDef.RelatingPropertyDefinition = pSet;
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns simple physical quality of the element.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="elem"></param>
        /// <param name="pSetName"></param>
        /// <param name="qualityName"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static IfcPhysicalSimpleQuantity GetElementPhysicalSimpleQuantity(this IfcObject elem, string pSetName, string qualityName)
            IfcElementQuantity elementQuality = GetElementQuantity(elem, pSetName);

            if (elementQuality != null)
                return(elementQuality.Quantities.Where <IfcPhysicalSimpleQuantity>(sq => sq.Name == qualityName).FirstOrDefault());
        public static void RemoveElementPhysicalSimpleQuantity(this IfcObject elem, string pSetName, string qualityName)
            IfcElementQuantity elementQuality = GetElementQuantity(elem, pSetName);

            if (elementQuality != null)
                IfcPhysicalSimpleQuantity simpleQuality = elementQuality.Quantities.Where <IfcPhysicalSimpleQuantity>(sq => sq.Name == qualityName).FirstOrDefault();
                if (simpleQuality != null)
        public static IfcTypeObject GetDefiningType(this IfcObject tObj)
            IfcRelDefinesByType def = tObj.ModelOf.Instances.Where <IfcRelDefinesByType>(rd => rd.RelatedObjects.Contains(tObj)).FirstOrDefault();

            if (def != null)
 /// <summary>
 /// Get the related entity properties for the IfcTypeObject
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="ifcTypeObject"> IfcTypeObject </param>
 /// <returns>Dictionary of IfcPropertySet keyed to List of IfcPropertySingleValue</returns>
 public Dictionary <IfcPropertySet, IEnumerable <IfcSimpleProperty> > GetRelatedProperties(IfcTypeObject ifcTypeObject)
     if ((ifcTypeObject != null) && (ifcTypeObject.ObjectTypeOf.Any()))
         IfcObject IfcObj = ifcTypeObject.ObjectTypeOf.First().RelatedObjects.FirstOrDefault();
         if (IfcObj != null)
                    .Select(def => def.RelatingPropertyDefinition).OfType <IfcPropertySet>()
                    .ToDictionary(ps => ps, ps => ps.HasProperties.OfType <IfcSimpleProperty>()));
     return(new Dictionary <IfcPropertySet, IEnumerable <IfcSimpleProperty> >());
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns the first quantity that matches the quantity name
        /// </summary>
        /// <typeparam name="QType"></typeparam>
        /// <param name="elem"></param>
        /// <param name="qName"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static QType GetQuantity <QType>(this IfcObject elem, string qName) where QType : IfcPhysicalQuantity
            IfcRelDefinesByProperties rel = elem.IsDefinedByProperties.Where(r => r.RelatingPropertyDefinition is IfcElementQuantity).FirstOrDefault();

            if (rel != null)
                IfcElementQuantity eQ = rel.RelatingPropertyDefinition as IfcElementQuantity;
                if (eQ != null)
                    QType result = eQ.Quantities.Where <QType>(q => q.Name == qName).FirstOrDefault();
        public static IfcElementQuantity GetElementQuantity(this IfcObject elem, string pSetName, bool caseSensitive = true)
            IfcRelDefinesByProperties rel = caseSensitive ?
                                            elem.IsDefinedByProperties.Where(r => r.RelatingPropertyDefinition.Name == pSetName && r.RelatingPropertyDefinition is IfcElementQuantity).FirstOrDefault()
                : elem.IsDefinedByProperties.Where(r => r.RelatingPropertyDefinition.Name.ToString().ToLower() == pSetName.ToLower() && r.RelatingPropertyDefinition is IfcElementQuantity).FirstOrDefault();

            if (rel != null)
                return(rel.RelatingPropertyDefinition as IfcElementQuantity);
Exemple #23
 public JsonIfcObjectElement(IfcObject ifcElement) : base(ifcElement)
     if (ifcElement.ObjectType != null)
         userData.objectType = ifcElement.ObjectType;
     if (ifcElement.Name != null)
         userData.name = ifcElement.Name;
     if (ifcElement.StepClassName != null)
         userData.type = ifcElement.StepClassName;
Exemple #24
        /// <summary>
        /// Get the associated Type for a IfcObject, so a Door can be of type "Door Type A"
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="obj">IfcObject to get associated type information from</param>
        /// <returns>string holding the type information</returns>
        protected string GetTypeName(IfcObject obj)
            var value  = "";
            var elType = obj.IsDefinedBy.OfType <IfcRelDefinesByType>().FirstOrDefault();

            if ((elType != null) && (elType.RelatingType.Name != null))
                value = elType.RelatingType.Name.ToString();
            if ((string.IsNullOrEmpty(value)) && (obj.ObjectType != null))
                value = obj.ObjectType.ToString();
            return((string.IsNullOrEmpty(value)) ?  DEFAULT_STRING : value);
            //var elType = obj.IsDefinedBy.OfType<IfcRelDefinesByType>().FirstOrDefault();
            //return (elType != null) ? elType.RelatingType.Name.ToString() : DEFAULT_STRING;
Exemple #25
        public static TQType GetQuantity <TQType>(IfcObject elem, string qName) where TQType : IfcPhysicalQuantity
            var rel = elem.IsDefinedByProperties.FirstOrDefault(r => r.RelatingPropertyDefinition is IfcElementQuantity);

            if (rel == null)
            var eQ = rel.RelatingPropertyDefinition as IfcElementQuantity;

            if (eQ == null)
            var result = eQ.Quantities.FirstOrDefault <TQType>(q => q.Name == qName);

 private void AddProperty(IfcObject ifcObject, IfcValue value, string cobiePropertyName, IfcPropertySet propertySet,
                          NamedProperty namedProperty)
         var property = TargetRepository.Instances.New <IfcPropertySingleValue>();
         property.NominalValue = value;
         property.Description  = "Converted from COBie " + cobiePropertyName;
         property.Name         = namedProperty.PropertyName;
         var relDef = TargetRepository.Instances.New <IfcRelDefinesByProperties>();
         relDef.RelatingPropertyDefinition = propertySet;
     catch (Exception e)
         throw new Exception("Failed to convert a COBie Value to and Ifc Single Value Property. " + e.Message);
        private void FillPropertyData()
            if (_properties.Count > 0)
                return;                        //don't fill unless empty
            //now the property sets for any
            IfcObject ifcObj = _entity as IfcObject;

            if (ifcObj != null)
                foreach (IfcRelDefinesByProperties relDef in ifcObj.IsDefinedByProperties)
                    IfcPropertySet pSet = relDef.RelatingPropertyDefinition as IfcPropertySet;
                    if (pSet != null)
                        foreach (var item in pSet.HasProperties.OfType <IfcPropertySingleValue>()) //only handle simple properties
                            string val = "";
                            if (item.NominalValue != null)
                                var nomVal = (ExpressType)(item.NominalValue);
                                if (nomVal.Value != null)
                                    val = nomVal.Value.ToString(); // value (not ToPart21) for visualisation
                                    val = item.NominalValue.ToString();
                            _properties.Add(new PropertyItem()
                                PropertySetName = pSet.Name,
                                Name            = item.Name,
                                Value           = val
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds a new IfcPhysicalQuantity to the IfcElementQuantity called propertySetName
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="elem"></param>
        /// <param name="propertySetName">Name of the IfcElementQuantity property set</param>
        /// <param name="quantity">quantity to be added</param>
        /// <param name="methodOfMeasurement">Sets the method of measurement, if not null overrides previous value</param>
        public static IfcElementQuantity AddQuantity(this IfcObject elem, string propertySetName, IfcPhysicalQuantity quantity, string methodOfMeasurement)
            IfcElementQuantity pset = elem.GetElementQuantity(propertySetName);

            if (pset == null)
                IModel model = elem.ModelOf;
                pset      = model.Instances.New <IfcElementQuantity>();
                pset.Name = propertySetName;
                IfcRelDefinesByProperties relDef = model.Instances.New <IfcRelDefinesByProperties>();
                relDef.RelatingPropertyDefinition = pset;
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(methodOfMeasurement))
                pset.MethodOfMeasurement = methodOfMeasurement;
Exemple #29
        /// <summary>
        /// Get Category method
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="obj">Object to try and extract method from</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public string GetCategory(IfcObject obj)
            var categoryRef = GetCategoryClassification(obj);

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(categoryRef))
            //Try by PropertySet as fallback
            var query = from pSet in obj.PropertySets
                        from props in pSet.HasProperties
                        where props.Name.ToString() == "OmniClass Table 13 Category" || props.Name.ToString() == "Category Code" || props.Name.ToString() == "Omniclass Title"
                        select props.ToString().TrimEnd();

            var val = query.FirstOrDefault();

            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(val))
        //Removes the current object from any RelDefinesByType relationships and adds a relationship to the specified Type
        public static void SetDefiningType(this IfcObject obj, IfcTypeObject typeObj, IModel model)
            //divorce any exisitng related types
            IEnumerable <IfcRelDefinesByType> rels = model.Instances.Where <IfcRelDefinesByType>(rd => rd.RelatedObjects.Contains(obj));

            foreach (var rel in rels)
            //find any existing relationships to this type
            IfcRelDefinesByType typeRel = model.Instances.Where <IfcRelDefinesByType>(rd => rd.RelatingType == typeObj).FirstOrDefault();

            if (typeRel == null) //none defined create the relationship
                IfcRelDefinesByType relSub = model.Instances.New <IfcRelDefinesByType>();
                relSub.RelatingType = typeObj;
            else //we have the type
        private void FillQuantityData()
            if (_quantities.Count > 0)
                return;                        //don't fill unless empty
            //now the property sets for any
            IfcObject ifcObj = _entity as IfcObject;
            // local cache for efficiency
            IfcUnitAssignment modelUnits = null;

            if (ifcObj != null)
                foreach (IfcRelDefinesByProperties relDef in ifcObj.IsDefinedByProperties.Where(r => r.RelatingPropertyDefinition is IfcElementQuantity))
                    IfcElementQuantity pSet = relDef.RelatingPropertyDefinition as IfcElementQuantity;
                    if (pSet != null)
                        foreach (var item in pSet.Quantities.OfType <IfcPhysicalSimpleQuantity>()) //only handle simple quantities properties
                            if (modelUnits == null)
                                modelUnits = item.ModelOf.Instances.OfType <IfcUnitAssignment>().FirstOrDefault(); // not optional, should never return void in valid model
                            var v = modelUnits.GetUnitFor(item);
                            _quantities.Add(new PropertyItem()
                                PropertySetName = pSet.Name,
                                Name            = item.Name,
                                Value           = item.ToString() + " " + v.GetName()
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates the property and if required the property set, populates them with the correct values and adds them to the IfcObject
        /// If the value is null or empty no property is created
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ifcObject">Object to associate the property with</param>
        /// <param name="valueBaseType">COBie value to populate the property with</param>
        /// <param name="cobiePropertyName">Name of the COBie property being mapped</param>
        /// <param name="defaultUnits">Units to use if the COBie property does not specify</param>
        internal bool TryCreatePropertySingleValue(IfcObject ifcObject, ValueBaseType valueBaseType, string cobiePropertyName, IfcUnitConverter?defaultUnits)
            if (!valueBaseType.HasValue())
                return(false);                           //nothing to do
                NamedProperty namedProperty;
                if (CobieToIfcPropertyMap.TryGetValue(cobiePropertyName, out namedProperty))
                    var actualUnits = new IfcUnitConverter(valueBaseType.UnitName);
                    if (actualUnits.IsUndefined && defaultUnits.HasValue)
                        actualUnits = defaultUnits.Value;
                    List <IfcPropertySetDefinition> propertySetDefinitionList;
                    if (!_objectsToPropertySets.TryGetValue(ifcObject, out propertySetDefinitionList))
                        propertySetDefinitionList = new List <IfcPropertySetDefinition>();
                        _objectsToPropertySets.Add(ifcObject, propertySetDefinitionList);
                    var propertySetDef = propertySetDefinitionList.Find(p => p.Name == namedProperty.PropertySetName);
                    //see what sets we have against this object
                    if (propertySetDef == null)
                        //simplistic way to decide if this should be a quantity, IFC 4 specifies the name starts with QTO, under 2x3 most vendors have gone for BaseQuantities
                        if (namedProperty.PropertySetName.StartsWith("qto_", true, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) ||
                            namedProperty.PropertySetName.StartsWith("basequantities", true,
                            var quantitySet = TargetRepository.Instances.New <IfcElementQuantity>();
                            quantitySet.Name = namedProperty.PropertySetName;
                            var relDef = TargetRepository.Instances.New <IfcRelDefinesByProperties>();
                            relDef.RelatingPropertyDefinition = quantitySet;
                            AddQuantity(valueBaseType, cobiePropertyName, actualUnits, quantitySet,
                        else //it is a normal property set
                            var propertySet = TargetRepository.Instances.New <IfcPropertySet>();
                            propertySet.Name = namedProperty.PropertySetName;
                            var relDef = TargetRepository.Instances.New <IfcRelDefinesByProperties>();
                            relDef.RelatingPropertyDefinition = propertySet;
                            AddProperty(ifcObject, valueBaseType.ConvertToIfcValue(), cobiePropertyName,
                    else //need to use an existing PropertySet definition
                        //simplistic way to decide if this should be a quantity, IFC 4 specifies the name starts with QTO, under 2x3 most vendors have gone for BaseQuantities
                        if (namedProperty.PropertySetName.StartsWith("qto_", true, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) ||
                            namedProperty.PropertySetName.StartsWith("basequantities", true,
                            AddQuantity(valueBaseType, cobiePropertyName, actualUnits,
                        else //it is a normal property set

                            AddProperty(ifcObject, valueBaseType.ConvertToIfcValue(), cobiePropertyName, (IfcPropertySet)propertySetDef,
                throw new ArgumentException("Incorrect property map", "cobiePropertyName");
            catch (Exception e)
                Debug.WriteLine("Incorrect property map, " + e.Message);
        /// <summary>
        /// Set values for attribute sheet
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ifcObject">ifcObject to extract properties from</param>
        /// <param name="_attributes">The attribute Sheet to add the properties to its rows</param>
        public void PopulateAttributesRows(IfcObject ifcObject)
            if (PropertSetValues.PSetFilterOn) //we have a property set filter set in the PropertSetValues class, so reset to retrieve all property sets for this object

            foreach (KeyValuePair<IfcPropertySet, IEnumerable<IfcSimpleProperty>> pairValues in PropertSetValues.MapPsetToProps)
                IfcPropertySet ps = pairValues.Key; //get Property Set

                //check property set exclude list
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ps.Name))
                    if (ExcludeAttributePropertySetNames.Count() > 0)
                        if (ExcludeAttributePropertySetNames.Contains(ps.Name))
                            continue; //skip this loop iteration if property set name matches exclude list item

                //Get Property SetAttribSheet Property Single Values
                IEnumerable<IfcSimpleProperty> pSVs = pairValues.Value;

                //filter on ExcludePropertyValueNames and ExcludePropertyValueNamesWildcard
                pSVs = FilterRows(pSVs);

                //fill in the data to the attribute rows
                ProcessAttributeRow( ps, pSVs);

        /// <summary>
        /// Set the property sets mapped to list of simple property values held for the IfcObject
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ifcObject">IfcObject holding the property values</param>
        public void SetAllPropertyValues (IfcObject ifcObject)
            _currentObject = ifcObject;
            PSetFilterOn = false;

            _mapPsetToProps = ifcObject.IsDefinedByProperties
                            .Select(def => def.RelatingPropertyDefinition).OfType<IfcPropertySet>()
                            .ToDictionary(ps => ps, ps => ps.HasProperties.OfType<IfcSimpleProperty>());
 internal XbimSingleProperties(IfcObject ifcObject)
     _object = ifcObject;
Exemple #36
 internal XbimProperties(IfcObject ifcObject, string propertySetName)
     _object = ifcObject;
     _psetName = propertySetName;