internal static void ExportCnf(IfcDoc.Schema.CNF.configuration cnf, DocProject docProject, DocModelView[] docViews, Dictionary<DocObject, bool> included) { // configure general settings /* <cnf:option inheritance="true" exp-type="unspecified" concrete-attribute="attribute-content" entity-attribute="double-tag" tagless="unspecified" naming-convention="preserve-case" generate-keys="false"/> <cnf:schema targetNamespace="" embed-schema-items="true" elementFormDefault="qualified" attributeFormDefault="unqualified"> <cnf:namespace prefix="ifc" alias=""/> </cnf:schema> <cnf:uosElement name="ifcXML"/> <cnf:type select="NUMBER" map="xs:double"/> <cnf:type select="BINARY" map="xs:hexBinary"/> <cnf:type select="IfcStrippedOptional" keep="false"/> */ = "IFC4"; IfcDoc.Schema.CNF.option opt = new Schema.CNF.option(); opt.inheritance = true; opt.exp_type = Schema.CNF.exp_type.unspecified; opt.concrete_attribute = Schema.CNF.exp_attribute_global.attribute_content; opt.entity_attribute = Schema.CNF.exp_attribute_global.double_tag; opt.tagless = Schema.CNF.boolean_or_unspecified.unspecified; opt.naming_convention = Schema.CNF.naming_convention.preserve_case; opt.generate_keys = false; cnf.option.Add(opt); IfcDoc.Schema.CNF.schema sch = new IfcDoc.Schema.CNF.schema(); sch.targetNamespace = ""; //... make parameter... sch.embed_schema_items = true; sch.elementFormDefault = Schema.CNF.qual.qualified; sch.attributeFormDefault = Schema.CNF.qual.unqualified; IfcDoc.Schema.CNF._namespace ns = new Schema.CNF._namespace(); ns.prefix = "ifc"; ns.alias = ""; sch._namespace = ns; cnf.schema.Add(sch); IfcDoc.Schema.CNF.uosElement uos = new Schema.CNF.uosElement(); = "ifcXML"; cnf.uosElement.Add(uos); IfcDoc.Schema.CNF.type typeNumber = new Schema.CNF.type(); = "NUMBER"; = "xs:double"; cnf.type.Add(typeNumber); IfcDoc.Schema.CNF.type typeBinary = new Schema.CNF.type(); = "BINARY"; = "xs:hexBinary"; cnf.type.Add(typeBinary); IfcDoc.Schema.CNF.type typeStripped = new Schema.CNF.type(); = "IfcStrippedOptional"; typeStripped.keep = false; cnf.type.Add(typeStripped); SortedDictionary<string, IfcDoc.Schema.CNF.entity> mapEntity = new SortedDictionary<string, Schema.CNF.entity>(); // export default configuration -- also export for Common Use Definitions (base view defined as itself to include everything) //if (docViews == null || docViews.Length == 0 || (docViews.Length == 1 && docViews[0].BaseView == docViews[0].Uuid.ToString())) { foreach (DocSection docSection in docProject.Sections) { foreach (DocSchema docSchema in docSection.Schemas) { foreach(DocEntity docEntity in docSchema.Entities) { bool include = true; //... check if included in graph? if (included != null && !included.ContainsKey(docEntity)) { include = false; } if (include) { foreach (DocAttribute docAttr in docEntity.Attributes) { if (docAttr.XsdFormat != DocXsdFormatEnum.Default || docAttr.XsdTagless == true) { IfcDoc.Schema.CNF.entity ent = null; if (!mapEntity.TryGetValue(docEntity.Name, out ent)) { ent = new Schema.CNF.entity(); = docEntity.Name; mapEntity.Add(docEntity.Name, ent); } ExportCnfAttribute(ent, docAttr, docAttr.XsdFormat, docAttr.XsdTagless); } } } } } } } // export view-specific configuration foreach (DocModelView docView in docViews) { foreach (DocXsdFormat format in docView.XsdFormats) { DocEntity docEntity = docProject.GetDefinition(format.Entity) as DocEntity; if (docEntity != null) { DocAttribute docAttr = null; foreach (DocAttribute docEachAttr in docEntity.Attributes) { if (docEachAttr.Name != null && docEachAttr.Name.Equals(format.Attribute)) { docAttr = docEachAttr; break; } } if (docAttr != null) { IfcDoc.Schema.CNF.entity ent = null; if (!mapEntity.TryGetValue(docEntity.Name, out ent)) { ent = new Schema.CNF.entity(); mapEntity.Add(docEntity.Name, ent); } ExportCnfAttribute(ent, docAttr, format.XsdFormat, format.XsdTagless); } } } } // add at end, such that sorted foreach(IfcDoc.Schema.CNF.entity ent in mapEntity.Values) { cnf.entity.Add(ent); } }
internal static void ExportCnfAttribute(IfcDoc.Schema.CNF.entity ent, DocAttribute docAttr, DocXsdFormatEnum xsdformat, bool? tagless) { Schema.CNF.exp_attribute exp = Schema.CNF.exp_attribute.unspecified; bool keep = true; switch (xsdformat) { case DocXsdFormatEnum.Content: exp = Schema.CNF.exp_attribute.attribute_content; break; case DocXsdFormatEnum.Attribute: exp = Schema.CNF.exp_attribute.attribute_tag; break; case DocXsdFormatEnum.Element: exp = Schema.CNF.exp_attribute.double_tag; break; case DocXsdFormatEnum.Hidden: keep = false; break; default: break; } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(docAttr.Inverse)) { IfcDoc.Schema.CNF.inverse inv = new Schema.CNF.inverse(); = docAttr.Name; inv.exp_attribute = exp; ent.inverse.Add(inv); } else { IfcDoc.Schema.CNF.attribute att = new Schema.CNF.attribute(); = docAttr.Name; att.exp_attribute = exp; att.keep = keep; if (tagless != null) { if (tagless == true) { att.tagless = Schema.CNF.boolean_or_unspecified.boolean_true; } else { att.tagless = Schema.CNF.boolean_or_unspecified.boolean_false; } } ent.attribute.Add(att); } }
internal static void ImportXsdElement(IfcDoc.Schema.XSD.element sub, DocEntity docEntity, bool list) { DocAttribute docAttr = new DocAttribute(); docEntity.Attributes.Add(docAttr); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty( { docAttr.Name =; } else { docAttr.Name = sub.reftype; } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(sub.type)) { docAttr.DefinedType = sub.type; } else { docAttr.DefinedType = sub.reftype; } // list or set??... if (list || sub.minOccurs != null) { if (list || sub.maxOccurs != null) { // list if (list || sub.maxOccurs == "unbounded") { docAttr.AggregationType = 1; // list if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(sub.minOccurs)) { docAttr.AggregationLower = sub.minOccurs; } else { docAttr.AggregationLower = "0"; } docAttr.AggregationUpper = "?"; } } else if (sub.minOccurs == "0") { docAttr.IsOptional = true; } } docAttr.Documentation = ImportXsdAnnotation(sub.annotation); }
internal static void ImportXsdSimple(IfcDoc.Schema.XSD.simpleType simple, DocSchema docSchema, string name) { string thename =; if ( == null) { thename = name; } if (simple.restriction != null && simple.restriction.enumeration.Count > 0) { DocEnumeration docEnum = new DocEnumeration(); docSchema.Types.Add(docEnum); docEnum.Name = thename; docEnum.Documentation = ImportXsdAnnotation(simple.annotation); foreach (IfcDoc.Schema.XSD.enumeration en in simple.restriction.enumeration) { DocConstant docConst = new DocConstant(); docConst.Name = en.value; docConst.Documentation = ImportXsdAnnotation(en.annotation); docEnum.Constants.Add(docConst); } } else { DocDefined docDef = new DocDefined(); docDef.Name = thename; docDef.Documentation = ImportXsdAnnotation(simple.annotation); if (simple.restriction != null) { docDef.DefinedType = ImportXsdType(simple.restriction.basetype); } docSchema.Types.Add(docDef); } }
internal static void ImportXsdAttribute(IfcDoc.Schema.XSD.attribute att, DocSchema docSchema, DocEntity docEntity) { DocAttribute docAttr = new DocAttribute(); docEntity.Attributes.Add(docAttr); docAttr.Name =; docAttr.IsOptional = (att.use == Schema.XSD.use.optional); if (att.simpleType != null) { string refname = docEntity.Name + "_" +; docAttr.DefinedType = refname; ImportXsdSimple(att.simpleType, docSchema, refname); } else { docAttr.DefinedType = ImportXsdType(att.type); } }
internal static void ImportXsdComplex(IfcDoc.Schema.XSD.complexType complex, DocSchema docSchema, DocEntity docEntity) { if (complex == null) return; foreach (IfcDoc.Schema.XSD.attribute att in complex.attribute) { ImportXsdAttribute(att, docSchema, docEntity); } if (complex.choice != null) { foreach (IfcDoc.Schema.XSD.element sub in complex.choice.element) { ImportXsdElement(sub, docEntity, true); } } if (complex.sequence != null) { foreach (IfcDoc.Schema.XSD.element sub in complex.sequence.element) { ImportXsdElement(sub, docEntity, true); } } if (complex.all != null) { foreach (IfcDoc.Schema.XSD.element sub in complex.all.element) { ImportXsdElement(sub, docEntity, true); } } if (complex.complexContent != null) { if(complex.complexContent.extension != null) { docEntity.BaseDefinition = complex.complexContent.extension.basetype; foreach (IfcDoc.Schema.XSD.attribute att in complex.complexContent.extension.attribute) { ImportXsdAttribute(att, docSchema, docEntity); } if(complex.complexContent.extension.choice != null) { foreach (IfcDoc.Schema.XSD.element sub in complex.complexContent.extension.choice.element) { ImportXsdElement(sub, docEntity, true); } } } } }
internal static string ImportXsdAnnotation(IfcDoc.Schema.XSD.annotation annotation) { if (annotation == null) return null; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); foreach (string s in annotation.documentation) { sb.AppendLine("<p>"); sb.AppendLine(s); sb.AppendLine("</p>"); } return sb.ToString(); }
internal static DocSchema ImportXsd(IfcDoc.Schema.XSD.schema schema, DocProject docProject) { // use resource-level section DocSection docSection = docProject.Sections[6]; // source schemas DocSchema docSchema = new DocSchema(); docSchema.Name =;//?? docSchema.Code =; docSchema.Version = schema.version; docSection.Schemas.Add(docSchema); foreach(IfcDoc.Schema.XSD.simpleType simple in schema.simpleType) { ImportXsdSimple(simple, docSchema, null); } foreach (IfcDoc.Schema.XSD.complexType complex in schema.complexType) { DocEntity docEntity = new DocEntity(); docSchema.Entities.Add(docEntity); docEntity.Name =; docEntity.Documentation = ImportXsdAnnotation(complex.annotation); ImportXsdComplex(complex, docSchema, docEntity); } foreach (IfcDoc.Schema.XSD.element element in schema.element) { DocEntity docEntity = new DocEntity(); docSchema.Entities.Add(docEntity); docEntity.Name =; docEntity.Documentation = ImportXsdAnnotation(element.annotation); ImportXsdComplex(element.complexType, docSchema, docEntity); } return docSchema; }
public static void ExportSch(IfcDoc.Schema.SCH.schema schema, DocProject docProject, Dictionary<DocObject, bool> included) { Dictionary<DocExchangeDefinition, phase> mapPhase = new Dictionary<DocExchangeDefinition, phase>(); foreach (DocModelView docModel in docProject.ModelViews) { if (included == null || included.ContainsKey(docModel)) { foreach (DocExchangeDefinition docExchange in docModel.Exchanges) { phase ph = new phase(); schema.Phases.Add(ph); = docExchange.Name.ToLower().Replace(" ", "-"); mapPhase.Add(docExchange, ph); } foreach (DocConceptRoot docRoot in docModel.ConceptRoots) { foreach (DocTemplateUsage docConcept in docRoot.Concepts) { pattern pat = new pattern(); schema.Patterns.Add(pat); = docRoot.ApplicableEntity.Name.ToLower() + "-" + docConcept.Definition.Name.ToLower().Replace(" ", "-");// docConcept.Uuid.ToString(); = docConcept.Definition.Name; pat.p = docConcept.Documentation; foreach (DocExchangeItem docExchangeUsage in docConcept.Exchanges) { if (docExchangeUsage.Applicability == DocExchangeApplicabilityEnum.Export && docExchangeUsage.Requirement == DocExchangeRequirementEnum.Mandatory) { phase ph = mapPhase[docExchangeUsage.Exchange]; active a = new active(); a.pattern =; ph.Actives.Add(a); } } // recurse through template rules List<DocModelRule> listParamRules = new List<DocModelRule>(); if (docConcept.Definition.Rules != null) { foreach (DocModelRule docRule in docConcept.Definition.Rules) { docRule.BuildParameterList(listParamRules); } } List<DocModelRule[]> listPaths = new List<DocModelRule[]>(); foreach (DocModelRule docRule in listParamRules) { DocModelRule[] rulepath = docConcept.Definition.BuildRulePath(docRule); listPaths.Add(rulepath); } if (docConcept.Items.Count > 0) { foreach (DocTemplateItem docItem in docConcept.Items) { rule r = new rule(); pat.Rules.Add(r); r.context = "//" + docRoot.ApplicableEntity.Name; //TODO: detect constraining parameter and generate XPath... for(int iRule = 0; iRule < listParamRules.Count; iRule++)// (DocModelRule docRule in listParamRules) { DocModelRule docRule = listParamRules[iRule]; if (docRule.IsCondition()) { DocModelRule[] docPath = listPaths[iRule]; StringBuilder sbContext = new StringBuilder(); sbContext.Append("[@"); for (int iPart = 0; iPart < docPath.Length; iPart++) { sbContext.Append(docPath[iPart].Name); sbContext.Append("/"); } sbContext.Append(" = "); string cond = docItem.GetParameterValue(docRule.Identification); sbContext.Append(cond); sbContext.Append("]"); r.context += sbContext.ToString(); } } for (int iRule = 0; iRule < listParamRules.Count; iRule++)// (DocModelRule docRule in listParamRules) { DocModelRule docRule = listParamRules[iRule]; if (!docRule.IsCondition()) { string value = docItem.GetParameterValue(docRule.Identification); if (value != null) { DocModelRule[] docPath = listPaths[iRule]; StringBuilder sbContext = new StringBuilder(); for (int iPart = 0; iPart < docPath.Length; iPart++) { sbContext.Append(docPath[iPart].Name); sbContext.Append("/"); } sbContext.Append(" = '"); sbContext.Append(value); sbContext.Append("'"); assert a = new assert(); a.test = sbContext.ToString(); r.Asserts.Add(a); } } } } } else { // recurse through each rule List<DocModelRule> pathRule = new List<DocModelRule>(); foreach (DocModelRule docModelRule in docConcept.Definition.Rules) { pathRule.Add(docModelRule); rule r = new rule(); r.context = "//" + docRoot.ApplicableEntity; pat.Rules.Add(r); ExportSchRule(r, pathRule); pathRule.Remove(docModelRule); } } } } } } }
internal static void ImportCnfAttribute(IfcDoc.Schema.CNF.exp_attribute exp_attribute, bool keep, Schema.CNF.boolean_or_unspecified tagless, DocEntity docEntity, DocAttribute docAttribute, DocModelView docView) { DocXsdFormatEnum xsdformat = DocXsdFormatEnum.Default; if (exp_attribute == Schema.CNF.exp_attribute.attribute_content) { xsdformat = DocXsdFormatEnum.Content; } else if (exp_attribute == Schema.CNF.exp_attribute.attribute_tag) { xsdformat = DocXsdFormatEnum.Attribute; } else if (exp_attribute == Schema.CNF.exp_attribute.double_tag) { xsdformat = DocXsdFormatEnum.Element; } else if (!keep) { xsdformat = DocXsdFormatEnum.Hidden; } else { xsdformat = DocXsdFormatEnum.Element; } bool? booltagless = null; switch (tagless) { case Schema.CNF.boolean_or_unspecified.boolean_true: booltagless = true; break; case Schema.CNF.boolean_or_unspecified.boolean_false: booltagless = false; break; } if (docView != null) { // configure specific model view DocXsdFormat docFormat = new DocXsdFormat(); docFormat.Entity = docEntity.Name; docFormat.Attribute = docAttribute.Name; docFormat.XsdFormat = xsdformat; docFormat.XsdTagless = booltagless; docView.XsdFormats.Add(docFormat); } else { // configure default docAttribute.XsdFormat = xsdformat; docAttribute.XsdTagless = booltagless; } }
internal static void ImportCnf(IfcDoc.Schema.CNF.configuration cnf, DocProject docProject, DocModelView docView) { Dictionary<string, DocEntity> mapEntity = new Dictionary<string, DocEntity>(); foreach (DocSection docSection in docProject.Sections) { foreach (DocSchema docSchema in docSection.Schemas) { foreach (DocEntity docEntity in docSchema.Entities) { mapEntity.Add(docEntity.Name, docEntity); } } } foreach (IfcDoc.Schema.CNF.entity ent in cnf.entity) { DocEntity docEntity = null; if (mapEntity.TryGetValue(, out docEntity)) { if (ent.attribute != null) { foreach (IfcDoc.Schema.CNF.attribute atr in ent.attribute) { // find attribute on entity foreach (DocAttribute docAttribute in docEntity.Attributes) { if ( != null && { ImportCnfAttribute(atr.exp_attribute, atr.keep, atr.tagless, docEntity, docAttribute, docView); } } } } if (ent.inverse != null) { foreach (IfcDoc.Schema.CNF.inverse inv in ent.inverse) { // find attribute on entity foreach (DocAttribute docAttribute in docEntity.Attributes) { if ( != null && { ImportCnfAttribute(inv.exp_attribute, true, Schema.CNF.boolean_or_unspecified.unspecified, docEntity, docAttribute, docView); } } } } } } }