public List <Drive> GetDrives(IIdoit idoit) { if (hardDisks == null) { GetStorageDevices(); } IdoitEnumerator fsEnumerator = idoit.Dialog(new Drive().Constant, "filesystem"); //IdoitEnumerator onDeviceEnumerator = idoit.Dialog(new Drive().Constant, "device"); //Das funktioniert wegen einem Bug in der i-doit API leider nicht... List <Drive> result = new List <Drive>(); foreach (DriveInfo di in DriveInfo.GetDrives()) { if (!di.IsReady) { continue; //Wechseldatenträger und DVDs überspringen. } Drive child = new Drive(); child.mount_point = di.Name; child.title = di.VolumeLabel; child.system_drive = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("windir") .ToLowerInvariant() .StartsWith(di.RootDirectory.FullName.ToLowerInvariant()) ? 1 : 0; if (fsEnumerator.TestTitle(di.DriveFormat)) { child.filesystem = fsEnumerator.FindTitleLike(di.DriveFormat); } else { idoit.DialogEdit(child, "filesystem", di.DriveFormat); fsEnumerator = idoit.Dialog(new Drive().Constant, "filesystem"); child.filesystem = fsEnumerator.FindTitleLike(di.DriveFormat); } child.capacity = (float)((long)(di.TotalSize / 1000 / 1000 / 1000)); child.serial = GetVolumeSerialNumber(di.Name); child.unit = Drive.Unit.GB; //child.device lässt sich wegen o.g. Bug nicht korrekt setzen... result.Add(child); } return(result); }
public List <SoundCard> GetSoundCards(IIdoit idoit) { IdoitEnumerator manufacEnum = idoit.Dialog(new SoundCard().Constant, "manufacturer"); List <SoundCard> result = new List <SoundCard>(); try { ManagementObjectSearcher searcher = new ManagementObjectSearcher("root\\CIMV2", "SELECT * FROM Win32_SoundDevice"); foreach (ManagementObject queryObj in searcher.Get()) { SoundCard child = new SoundCard(); //Wert für Hersteller herausfinden. string manufacQuery = (string)queryObj["Manufacturer"]; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(manufacQuery)) { if (!manufacEnum.TestTitle(manufacQuery)) { //Hersteller hinzufügen, falls noch nicht bekannt... idoit.DialogEdit(new SoundCard(), "manufacturer", manufacQuery); manufacEnum = idoit.Dialog(new SoundCard().Constant, "manufacturer"); } child.manufacturer = manufacEnum.FindTitleLike(manufacQuery); } child.title = (string)queryObj["Caption"]; child.description = (string)queryObj["Description"]; result.Add(child); } } catch (Exception e) { throw; } return(result); }
private static void ScanLocal(string apiKey, string url, string username, string password) { //In i-doit einloggen, und Konstanten abfragen. Idoit idoit = null; try { idoit = Idoit.Login(apiKey, url, username, password); } catch (JsonRpcException rpcException) { Console.WriteLine("-> Unable to connect to i-doit:"); Console.WriteLine(rpcException.Error.message); return; } catch (WebException we) { Console.WriteLine("-> Unable to connect to i-doit:"); Console.WriteLine(string.Format("-> {1}", null, we.Message)); return; } VersionResponse vr = idoit.Version(); Version parsedVersion = new Version(vr.version); if (parsedVersion < new Version(1, 4, 8)) { Console.WriteLine("-> This Program requires i-doit 1.4.8"); idoit.Logout(); return; } ConstantsResponse constants = idoit.Constants(); ObjectTypesResponse ot = idoit.ObjectTypes(); //Die i-doit API erlaubt es uns nicht Objekttypen programmatisch anzulegen oder zu modifizieren. //Von daher testen die drei nächsten Absätze, ob es möglich ist Notebooks einzutragen, falls nicht, wird der Anwender aufgefordert, //den Objekttyp anzulegen. if (!constants.objectTypes.ContainsValue("Notebook")) { Console.WriteLine("-> Could not find object type \"Notebook\" in your i-doit setup!"); Console.WriteLine( "-> Please create it by creating it in the Object type configuration in the i-doit web interface."); idoit.Logout(); return; } ObjectTypeCategoriesResponse notebookCats = null; foreach (var m in constants.objectTypes) { if (m.Value.Equals("Notebook")) { notebookCats = idoit.ObjectTypeCategories(m.Key); break; } } foreach (Category c in new Category[] { new Drive(), new Model(), new SoundCard(), new Cpu(), new Memory(), new SoftwareAssignment(), }) { if (!notebookCats.TestForConstant(c.Constant)) { Console.WriteLine("-> Could not find category \"{0}\" in object type \"Notebook\" in your i-doit setup!", c.DisplayName); Console.WriteLine( "-> Please add it by editing the Object type configuration in the i-doit web interface."); idoit.Logout(); return; } } //Rauskriegen, auf was für einem OS wir laufen IOperatingSystemHandler osHandler; osHandler = DetectOperatingSystem(); if (osHandler == null) { idoit.Logout(); return; } //Herausfinden was wir für eine Art von PC sind... ObjectType targetObjectType = null; if (osHandler.IsLaptop()) { //Ich gehe mal davon aus, das Notebooks nicht als Server-artige Geräte verwendet werden. targetObjectType = ot.GetObjectTypeFromTitle("Notebook"); } else if (osHandler.IsVirtualMachine()) { if (osHandler.IsServer()) { targetObjectType = ot.GetObjectTypeFromTitle("Virtual server"); } else { targetObjectType = ot.GetObjectTypeFromTitle("Virtual client"); } } else { if (osHandler.IsVirtualMachineHost()) { targetObjectType = ot.GetObjectTypeFromTitle("Virtual host"); } else if (osHandler.IsServer()) { targetObjectType = ot.GetObjectTypeFromTitle("Server"); } else { targetObjectType = ot.GetObjectTypeFromTitle("Desktop"); } } ObjectTypeCategoriesResponse targetObjectTypeCategories = idoit.ObjectTypeCategories(targetObjectType); //Unseren Rechner aus der Datenbank rausfischen, oder ihn eintragen... CmdbObject objectId; List <CmdbObject> o = idoit.FindObjects(Environment.MachineName, targetObjectType); if (o.Count > 1) { Console.WriteLine( "Es gibt mehr als einen {0} der {1} heißt - bitte physikalisch beheben, dann in i-doit manuell löschen!"); idoit.Logout(); return; } else if (o.Count == 0) { CreateObjectResponse createObjectResponse = idoit.CreateCmdbObject(targetObjectType, Environment.MachineName); if (!createObjectResponse.success) { Console.WriteLine("-> {0}", createObjectResponse.message); Console.WriteLine("-> Konnte das Objekt nicht anlegen, bitte in den Logs von i-doit nachsehen..."); idoit.Logout(); return; } objectId = new CmdbObject(); =; } else { objectId = o[0]; } //CPU Hersteller IdoitEnumerator cpuManufactorEnumerator = idoit.Dialog(new Cpu().Constant, "manufacturer"); bool cpuManufactorEnumeratorChanged = false; foreach (string manufac in Config.cpuManufactors) //Liste der CPU Hersteller von: { if (!cpuManufactorEnumerator.TestTitle(manufac)) { idoit.DialogEdit(new Cpu(), "manufacturer", manufac); cpuManufactorEnumeratorChanged = true; } } if (cpuManufactorEnumeratorChanged) { cpuManufactorEnumerator = idoit.Dialog(new Cpu().Constant, "manufacturer"); } IdoitEnumerator cpuModelEnumator = idoit.Dialog(new Cpu().Constant, "type"); bool cpuModelEnumeratorChanged = false; foreach (string model in Config.cpuModels) //TODO: mehr Modell IDs rauskriegen... { if (!cpuModelEnumator.TestTitle(model)) { idoit.DialogEdit(new Cpu(), "type", model); cpuModelEnumeratorChanged = true; } } if (cpuModelEnumeratorChanged) { cpuModelEnumator = idoit.Dialog(new Cpu().Constant, "type"); } //CPU if (targetObjectTypeCategories.TestForConstant(new Cpu())) { List <Cpu> cpus = new List <Cpu>(); cpus.AddRange(osHandler.GetCpu()); foreach (Cpu c in cpus) { string modelCmp = c.title.Replace("(TM)", ""); foreach (string manufac in Config.cpuManufactors) { if (c.cpuid.Contains(manufac)) { c.manufacturer = cpuManufactorEnumerator.FindTitleLike(manufac); break; } } foreach (EnumInfo ei in cpuModelEnumator) { if (modelCmp.Contains(ei.title)) { c.type =; break; } } } List <Cpu> cpusInDb = idoit.CategoryRead <Cpu>(, cpus[0]); idoit.SyncList(objectId, cpusInDb, cpus); } else { Console.WriteLine("-> According to i-doit {0}s do not have {1}s", targetObjectType.title, "CPU"); } //Physikalische Laufwerke if (targetObjectTypeCategories.TestForConstant(new StorageDevice())) { List <StorageDevice> storageDevices = osHandler.GetStorageDevices(); List <StorageDevice> storageDevicesInDb = idoit.CategoryRead <StorageDevice>(, new StorageDevice()); idoit.SyncList(objectId, storageDevicesInDb, storageDevices); } else { Console.WriteLine("-> According to i-doit {0}s do not have {1}s", targetObjectType.title, "Storage Device"); } //Logische Laufwerke if (targetObjectTypeCategories.TestForConstant(new Drive())) { List <Drive> drives = osHandler.GetDrives(idoit); List <Drive> drivesInDb = idoit.CategoryRead <Drive>(, new Drive()); idoit.SyncList(objectId, drivesInDb, drives); } else { Console.WriteLine("-> According to i-doit {0}s do not have {1}s", targetObjectType.title, "Drive"); } //RAM Hersteller IdoitEnumerator ramManufactorEnumerator = idoit.Dialog(new Memory().Constant, "manufacturer"); foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> kv in Config.ramManufactors) { if (!ramManufactorEnumerator.TestTitle(kv.Value)) { idoit.DialogEdit(new Memory(), "manufacturer", kv.Value); ramManufactorEnumerator = idoit.Dialog(new Memory().Constant, "manufacturer"); } } //RAMs if (targetObjectTypeCategories.TestForConstant(new Memory())) { List <Memory> rams = osHandler.GetMemoryBanks(idoit); List <Memory> ramsInDb = idoit.CategoryRead <Memory>(, new Memory()); idoit.SyncList(objectId, ramsInDb, rams); } else { Console.WriteLine("-> According to i-doit {0}s do not have {1}s", targetObjectType.title, "Memory"); } //Als nächstes wollen wir Software Assignments eintragen, dazu stellen wir zunächst sicher, dass jede installierte Software auch in i-doit bekannt ist. if (targetObjectTypeCategories.TestForConstant(new SoftwareAssignment())) { ObjectType softwareObjectType = ot.GetObjectTypeFromTitle("Application"); List <SoftwareInfo> softwares = osHandler.GetSoftware(); List <CmdbObject> softwareKnown = idoit.FindObjects(softwareObjectType); IdoitEnumerator softwareManufacturers = idoit.Dialog(new Applications().Constant, "manufacturer"); foreach (SoftwareInfo si in softwares) { if (softwareKnown.Find(x => x.title.Equals(si.productName)) == null) { //Software in i-doit bekannt machen. int newSoftwareId = idoit.CreateCmdbObject(softwareObjectType, si.productName).id; CmdbObject newSoftware = idoit.GetCmdbObject(newSoftwareId); Applications newSoftwareApplications = new Applications(); newSoftwareApplications.install_path = si.installPath; newSoftwareApplications.release = si.version; //Software-Entwickler in i-doit bekannt machen. if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(si.manufacterer)) { bool manufacturerKnown = softwareManufacturers.TestTitle(si.manufacterer); if (!manufacturerKnown) { idoit.DialogEditSpecific(newSoftwareApplications, "manufacturer", si.manufacterer); softwareManufacturers = idoit.Dialog(new Applications().Constant, "manufacturer"); } newSoftwareApplications.manufacturer = softwareManufacturers.FindTitleLike(si.manufacterer); } //Software-Info schreiben. idoit.CategoryCreate(newSoftware, newSoftwareApplications); softwareKnown = idoit.FindObjects(softwareObjectType); //direkt nochmal abfragen, um Doubletten auszuschließen. } } //Liste von Software Assignments erzeugen: List <SoftwareAssignment> assignments = softwares.ConvertAll( x => new SoftwareAssignment(softwareKnown.Find(y => y.title.Equals(x.productName)).id)); //Das Betriebssystem ist nach der Logik von i-doit auch ein Software Assignment. Von daher müssen wir uns nun um Betriebssystem-Infos kümmern: string uname = osHandler.uname(); ObjectType operatingSystemObjectType = ot.GetObjectTypeFromTitle("Operating System"); List <CmdbObject> knownOperatingSystems = idoit.FindObjects(operatingSystemObjectType); CmdbObject operatingSystemCmdbObject = null; operatingSystemCmdbObject = knownOperatingSystems.Find((x) => x.title.Equals(uname)); if (operatingSystemCmdbObject == null) { operatingSystemCmdbObject = new CmdbObject(idoit.CreateCmdbObject(operatingSystemObjectType, uname)); } SoftwareAssignment osSoftwareAssignment = new SoftwareAssignment(); osSoftwareAssignment.application =; //Dem Software Assignment für das Betriebssystem ggf. eine Lizenz nahe bringen. if (osHandler.OperatingSystemNeedsLicense()) //sowas braucht bekanntlich nur Windows... :D { string cdKey = osHandler.OperatingSystemLicensingInfo(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(cdKey)) { string licenseName = string.Format("{0}-Lizenz für {1}", uname, Environment.MachineName); ObjectType licenseObjectType = ot.GetObjectTypeFromTitle("Licenses"); List <CmdbObject> knownLicenses = idoit.FindObjects(licenseObjectType); CmdbObject licenseCmdbObject = null; operatingSystemCmdbObject = knownLicenses.Find((x) => x.title.Equals(licenseName)); if (operatingSystemCmdbObject == null) { //Neues Objekt für die Lizenz anlegen: licenseCmdbObject = new CmdbObject(idoit.CreateCmdbObject(licenseObjectType, licenseName)); //...und die Lizenz im Feld "Description" hinterlegen. Global licenseGlobal = idoit.CategoryRead <Global>(, new Global())[0]; licenseGlobal.description = cdKey; try { idoit.CategoryCreate <Global>(licenseCmdbObject, licenseGlobal); //Gut zu wissen: Wenn eine Kategorie nur einmal in einem Objekt vorhanden ist, wird //sie durch Create überschrieben... } catch (JsonRpcException rpcException) { Console.WriteLine(rpcException.Error.ToString()); } try { idoit.CategoryUpdate(licenseCmdbObject, licenseGlobal); //Gut zu wissen: Wenn eine Kategorie nur einmal in einem Objekt vorhanden ist, wird //sie durch Create überschrieben... } catch (JsonRpcException rpcException) { Console.WriteLine(; } } } //osSoftwareAssignment.assigned_license =; //kann nicht direkt zugewiesen werden, gibt eine Exception dass irgendwelche SQL-Constraints nicht erfüllt sind... //TODO: Das selbe hier für Office und Konsorten machen... } assignments.Add(osSoftwareAssignment); List <SoftwareAssignment> assignmentsInDb = idoit.CategoryRead <SoftwareAssignment>(, new SoftwareAssignment()); idoit.SyncList(objectId, assignmentsInDb, assignments); } else { Console.WriteLine("-> According to i-doit {0}s do not have {1}s", targetObjectType.title, "Software assignment"); } //Samba Shares abgleichen if (targetObjectTypeCategories.TestForConstant(new Share())) { List <Share> shares = osHandler.GetShares(); List <Share> sharesInDb = idoit.CategoryRead <Share>(, new Share()); idoit.SyncList(objectId, sharesInDb, shares); } else { Console.WriteLine("-> According to i-doit {0}s do not have {1}s", targetObjectType.title, "Share"); } //Soundkarten abgleichen if (targetObjectTypeCategories.TestForConstant(new SoundCard())) { List <SoundCard> soundCards = osHandler.GetSoundCards(idoit); List <SoundCard> soundCardsInDb = osHandler.GetSoundCards(idoit); idoit.SyncList(objectId, soundCardsInDb, soundCards); } else { Console.WriteLine("-> According to i-doit {0}s do not have {1}s", targetObjectType.title, "Sound card"); } idoit.Logout(); }
public List <Memory> GetMemoryBanks(IIdoit idoit) { List <Memory> result = new List <Memory>(); List <string> knownBankLabels = new List <string>(); IdoitEnumerator titles = idoit.Dialog(new Memory().Constant, "title"); IdoitEnumerator manufactors = idoit.Dialog(new Memory().Constant, "manufacturer"); IdoitEnumerator type = idoit.Dialog(new Memory().Constant, "type"); int bankNo = 0; try { ManagementObjectSearcher searcher = new ManagementObjectSearcher("root\\CIMV2", "SELECT * FROM Win32_PhysicalMemory"); foreach (ManagementObject queryObj in searcher.Get()) { bankNo++; string actualPartNumber = (string)queryObj["PartNumber"]; //ältere RAM Bänke geben evtl. null zurück if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(actualPartNumber)) { actualPartNumber = actualPartNumber.Trim(); } string actualManufacturer = (string)queryObj["Manufacturer"]; //ältere RAM Bänke geben evtl. null zurück if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(actualManufacturer)) { actualManufacturer.Trim(); } if (IsRamManufacturerSpecified(actualManufacturer)) { //Wenn kein Hersteller definiert, dann anhand der PartNumber den Hersteller herausfinden. if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(actualPartNumber)) { foreach (var kv in Config.ramManufactors) { if (actualPartNumber.StartsWith(kv.Key)) { actualManufacturer = kv.Value; break; } } } } Memory child = new Memory(); child.quantity = 1; string bankLabel = queryObj["BankLabel"].ToString(); if (knownBankLabels.Contains(bankLabel)) { bankLabel = "Unknown Memory Bank " + bankNo; } else { knownBankLabels.Add(bankLabel); } if (!titles.TestTitle(bankLabel)) { idoit.DialogEdit(new Memory(), "title", bankLabel); titles = idoit.Dialog(new Memory().Constant, "title"); } child.title = titles.FindTitleLike(bankLabel); if (IsRamManufacturerSpecified(actualManufacturer)) { if (!manufactors.TestTitle(actualManufacturer)) { //Sollte der Hersteller des RAMs bekannt sein, und er ist weder in u-doit noch in i-doit bekannt, den RAM-Hersteller eintragen: idoit.DialogEdit(new Memory(), "manufacturer", actualManufacturer); manufactors = idoit.Dialog(new Memory().Constant, "manufacturer"); } child.manufacturer = manufactors.FindTitleLike(actualManufacturer); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(actualPartNumber)) { if (!type.TestTitle(actualPartNumber)) { idoit.DialogEdit(new Memory(), "type", actualPartNumber); type = idoit.Dialog(new Memory().Constant, "type"); } child.type = type.FindTitleLike(actualPartNumber); } child.capacity = (float)(Convert.ToInt64(queryObj["Capacity"].ToString()) / 1024 / 1024); child.unit = Memory.C__CATG__MEMORY_UNIT.C__MEMORY_UNIT__MB; child.description = queryObj["Description"].ToString(); result.Add(child); } } catch (Exception) { throw; } return(result); }