public TabViewModelBase(TabType type, IconType icon, string title, bool isVisible = true) { Key = type; Icon = icon.ToString(); Title = title; IsVisible = isVisible; }
public static void ToastSweetMVC(dynamic ViewBag, IconType iconType, TiposMensajes Mensaje) { string IconTypeDescripcion = iconType.ToString(); string MensajeDescripcion = Mensaje.GetDescription(); ViewBag.JSF = $"ToastSweetAlert('{IconTypeDescripcion}','{MensajeDescripcion}')"; }
public static bool MessageBox(string title, string message, DialogType dialogType, IconType iconType, bool okDefault) { string dialog = dialogType.ToString( ).ToLower( ); string icon = iconType.ToString( ).ToLower( ); return(tinyfd_messageBox(title, message, dialog, icon, okDefault ? 1 : 0) == 1); }
public void Init(ButtonType type, IconType iconType = IconType.None) { // icon.sprite = Resources.Load ("Icon/" + type.ToString () +"_Icon") as Sprite; if (iconType != null && iconType != IconType.None) { icon.sprite = Resources.Load <Sprite> ("Icon/" + iconType.ToString() + "_Icon"); } m_type = type; if (m_callEnterType == CallEnterType.OnInit) { OnEnter(true); } if (type == ButtonType.FeedNormalMeat) { m_pitch.min *= 0.8f; m_pitch.max *= 0.8f; } else if (type == ButtonType.FeedNormalGrass) { m_pitch.min *= 1.2f; m_pitch.max *= 1.2f; } }
public static void SweetAlert(dynamic ViewBag, TipoTitulo Titulo, TiposMensajes Mensaje, IconType iconType) { string TituloDescripcion = Titulo.GetDescription(); string MensajeDescripcion = Mensaje.GetDescription(); string iconTypeDescripcion = iconType.ToString(); ViewBag.JSF = $"sweetalert('{TituloDescripcion}','{MensajeDescripcion}','{iconTypeDescripcion}');"; }
public static void ToastSweet(System.Web.UI.Page page, IconType iconType, TiposMensajes Mensaje) { string IconTypeDescripcion = iconType.ToString(); string MensajeDescripcion = Mensaje.GetDescription(); ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(page, page.GetType(), "alert", $"ToastSweetAlert('{IconTypeDescripcion}','{MensajeDescripcion}')", true); }
public ServiceStatusViewModel(WebServiceType type, string title, IconType iconType, string genericErrorMessage, IWebServicesStatus webStatusService) { Icon = iconType.ToString(); Title = title; _genericErrorMessage = genericErrorMessage; _type = type; _webStatusService = webStatusService; }
public static void Alerta(System.Web.UI.Page page, TipoTitulo Titulo, TiposMensajes Mensaje, IconType iconType) { string TituloDescripcion = Titulo.GetDescription(); string MensajeDescripcion = Mensaje.GetDescription(); string iconTypeDescripcion = iconType.ToString(); ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(page, page.GetType(), "alert", $"sweetalert('{TituloDescripcion}','{MensajeDescripcion}','{iconTypeDescripcion}')", true); }
public DialogViewModel(IMessenger messenger, string title, IconType iconType, Action callback = null, bool startInCenter = true) { _messenger = messenger; _callback = callback; Title = title; Icon = iconType.ToString(); Guid = Guid.NewGuid(); StartInCenter = startInCenter; }
/// <summary> /// Show message in a dialog. /// </summary> /// <returns><c>true</c>, if ok/yes was clicked, <c>false</c> otherwise.</returns> /// <param name="title">Title.</param> /// <param name="message">Message.</param> /// <param name="dialogType">Dialog type.</param> /// <param name="iconType">Icon type.</param> /// <param name="okIsDefault">If set to <c>true</c>, OK/Yes is the default selected button, otherwise Cancel/No is default.</param> public static bool MessageBox( string title, string message, DialogType dialogType = DialogType.ok, IconType iconType =, bool okIsDefault = true ) { return(0 != tinyfd_messageBox(title, message, dialogType.ToString(), iconType.ToString(), okIsDefault ? 1 : 0)); }
public CommandIcon(IconType icon, string toolTip, Action <CommandIcon> action, bool on = true, IconType?offIcon = null, string offToolTip = null) { _action = action; _onIcon = icon.ToString(); _offIcon = offIcon.HasValue ? offIcon.Value.ToString() : _onIcon; _onToolTip = toolTip; _offToolTip = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(offToolTip) ? offToolTip : _onToolTip; Command = new RelayCommand(OnClick); On = on; }
public EntityClassAttribute(string name = "", string category = "Game", string helper = null, IconType icon = IconType.None, bool hide = false) { Name = name; EditorPath = category; Helper = helper; Hide = hide; //get icon path attribute bounded to the icon path enum (if available) var enumType = icon.GetType(); var enumMemberInfo = enumType.GetMember(icon.ToString()); var iconPathAttribute = (IconPathAttribute)enumMemberInfo[0].GetCustomAttributes(typeof(IconPathAttribute), true)[0]; Icon = iconPathAttribute == null ? "": iconPathAttribute.Path; }
internal static string GetIconPath(this IconType source, ThemeTone themeTone) { var themeSuffix = themeTone switch { ThemeTone.Lighter => "light", ThemeTone.Darker => "dark", _ => throw new Exception($"Unknown theme {themeTone}, cannot find image suffix.") }; var fileName = $"{source.ToString().ToLower()}_{themeSuffix}.svg"; return(Path.Combine(BaseIconPath, fileName)); } }
/// <summary> /// Used to specify specific parameters for entity components. If a parameter is not set, a default value will be set by the engine. /// The <paramref name="icon"/> parameter is not optionally and should be set to a value of <see cref="IconType"/>. /// If it is set to <see cref="IconType.None"/> it will still receive an icon in the Sandbox by default. /// Default name is the entity component class name. /// Default category is General. /// Default description will be empty. /// Default guid will be retrieved from a GUID-attribute if available. Otherwise it will be generated based on the class's fullname. /// </summary> /// <param name="icon"></param> /// <param name="uiName">The name of the component as it will be shown in the Sandbox.</param> /// <param name="category">The category in the Create Object and Add Component menu of the Sandbox that this component will be shown in.</param> /// <param name="description">Description of the component that will be shown in tooltips.</param> /// <param name="guid">GUID in the format of XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX</param> public EntityComponentAttribute(IconType icon, string uiName = "", string category = "", string description = "", string guid = "") { Name = uiName; Category = category; Description = description; Guid = guid; // Get the icon path attribute bounded to the icon path enum (if available) var enumType = icon.GetType(); var enumMemberInfo = enumType.GetMember(icon.ToString()); var iconPathAttribute = (IconPathAttribute)enumMemberInfo[0].GetCustomAttributes(typeof(IconPathAttribute), true)[0]; Icon = iconPathAttribute == null ? "" : (iconPathAttribute.Path ?? ""); }
private string GetIconPath(IconType iconType, ColorType colorType) { var path = "../Resources/Icons/"; var iconName = iconType.ToString().ToLower(); if (colorType != ColorType.Gray) { var fix = colorType.ToString().Substring(0, 1).ToLower(); iconName = $"{iconName}-{fix}"; } iconName += "-40.png"; var iconPath = Path.Combine(path, iconName); return(iconPath); }
/// <summary> /// 弹出提示窗口 /// </summary> /// <param name="MessageText">消息文本</param> /// <param name="Title">消息标题</param> /// <param name="iconType">图表类型</param> public MyMessageBox(string MessageText, string Title, IconType iconType) { InitializeComponent(); CheckForIllegalCrossThreadCalls = false; TitleLabel.Text = Title; MessageLabel.Text = MessageText; IconLabel.Image = UnityResource.ResourceManager.GetObject(iconType.ToString()) as Image; if (iconType == IconType.Question) { CancelButton.Left = (this.Width - CancelButton.Width * 2 - 20) / 2; OKButton.Left = CancelButton.Right + 20; } else { CancelButton.Hide(); OKButton.Left = (this.Width - OKButton.Width) / 2; } }
public static MvcHtmlString Button(this HtmlHelper helper, string id, IconType iconType, string text = null, bool isSubmit = false) { var i = new TagBuilder("i"); i.MergeAttribute("aria-hidden", "true"); i.MergeAttribute("class", GetCssClass(iconType)); var button = new TagBuilder("button"); button.MergeAttribute("id", id); button.MergeAttribute("class", "btn btn-default btn-antt"); if (isSubmit) { button.MergeAttribute("type", "submit"); } button.InnerHtml = string.Format("{0} {1}", i, text ?? iconType.ToString()); return(MvcHtmlString.Create(button.ToString())); }
public static Color ToColor(this IconType iconType) { switch (iconType) { case IconType.Default: return(Color.LightYellow); case IconType.Cyan: return(Color.LightCyan); case IconType.SmokeWhite: return(Color.WhiteSmoke); case IconType.Dark: return(Color.DarkGray); case IconType.Red: return(Color.Red); case IconType.Orenge: return(Color.Orange); case IconType.Green: return(Color.Green); case IconType.SkyBlue: return(Color.SkyBlue); case IconType.Blue: return(Color.Blue); case IconType.Purple: return(Color.Purple); default: throw new NotSupportedException($"not support {nameof(IconType)}.{iconType.ToString()}"); } }
/// <summary> /// 获取mapicon /// </summary> /// <param name="type">Icontype</param> /// <param name="entity">要显示icon的实体</param> /// <param name="contaninerParentTransrom">IconContainer的父节点</param> /// <returns></returns> public GameObject GetIcon(IconType type, IEntity entity, Transform contaninerParentTransrom) { List <GameObject> gameList; string key = GetStringByType(type); if (iconPoolDic.TryGetValue(key, out gameList)) { gameList = iconPoolDic[key]; if (gameList.Count > 0) { GameObject go = gameList[0]; gameList.RemoveAt(0); if (go == null) { strIconContainer.Remove(0, strIconContainer.Length); strIconContainer.Append("IconContainer/"); strIconContainer.Append(type.ToString()); Transform iconTrans = contaninerParentTransrom.Find(strIconContainer.ToString()); go = GameObject.Instantiate(iconTrans.gameObject); } = GetIconName(type, entity); go.SetActive(true); return(go); } else { GameObject go = GetIconGameObject(type, entity, contaninerParentTransrom); return(go); } } else { gameList = new List <GameObject>(); iconPoolDic.Add(key, gameList); return(GetIconGameObject(type, entity, contaninerParentTransrom)); } }
public string CreateSvgContent(IconType iconType, IconNameType iconNameType, Color iconColor, string iconWidth, string iconHeight) { string wwwrootPath = _hostingEnvironment.WebRootPath; var svgPath = Path.Combine(wwwrootPath, $@"svgfaicons\{iconType.ToString().ToLower()}\{iconNameType.ToString().ToLower().Replace("_", "-")}.svg"); var svgContent = new HtmlDocument(); svgContent.Load(svgPath); var svgNode = svgContent.DocumentNode.SelectSingleNode("//svg"); string svgStyle = string.Empty; if (!iconColor.IsEmpty) { string color; if (iconColor.IsNamedColor && iconColor.IsKnownColor) // like Red { color = iconColor.Name; } else if (iconColor.IsNamedColor && !iconColor.IsKnownColor) // Hex { color = $"#{iconColor.Name}"; } else { color = $"rgb({iconColor.R}, {iconColor.G}, {iconColor.B})"; // RGB } svgStyle += $"fill: {color}; "; } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(iconWidth)) { if (!iconWidth.EndsWith("px") && !iconWidth.EndsWith("em")) //15 => 15px { iconWidth += "px"; } svgStyle += $"width: {iconWidth}; "; } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(iconHeight)) { if (!iconHeight.EndsWith("px") && !iconHeight.EndsWith("em")) //15 => 15px { iconHeight += "px"; } svgStyle += $"height: {iconHeight}; "; } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(IconVerticalAlign)) { if (!IconVerticalAlign.EndsWith("px") && !IconHeight.EndsWith("em")) { IconVerticalAlign += "px"; } svgStyle += $"vertical-align: {IconVerticalAlign}; "; } if (IconFlip) { svgStyle += $"transform: scaleX(-1);"; } svgNode.Attributes.Add("style", svgStyle); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(IconClass)) { svgNode.AddClass(IconClass); } return(svgNode.OuterHtml); }
public static HtmlString Render(this IconType icon) { return(new HtmlString($"<i class=\"{icon.ToString()}\"></i>")); }
public static string ToCssClass(this IconType type) { return("glyphicon glyphicon-" + type.ToString().Replace('_', '-').ToLowerInvariant()); }
public static string GetIconSvg(IconType iconType) { return(loadedIcons[iconType.ToString()].ToString()); }
} // end () static public int GetLockedIcon(string assetName, IconType iconType, MOG_Properties properties) { try { // Check to see if we can find this loced icon in our cache string lockedIconKeyName = assetName + "_" + iconType.ToString() + "_locked"; TstDictionaryEntry assetLocked = mAssetTypes.Find(lockedIconKeyName); if (assetLocked != null) { // Yup, return the index return((int)assetLocked.Value); } else { // ******************************************* // Nope, We are going to have to create it // ******************************************* // We need 3 things: // 1) Lock icon // 2) Asset or class icon // 3) New overlayed icon // Setup some new containers Bitmap myImage = null; Bitmap lockSource = null; Bitmap source = null; // 1) Can we find the locked image TstDictionaryEntry nodeLocked = mAssetTypes.Find("locked"); if (nodeLocked != null && nodeLocked.IsKey) { // Great, get a copy of that lockSource = (Bitmap)mAssetTypeImages.Images[(int)nodeLocked.Value]; // Do we have a valid properties object? if (properties == null) { // If we didn't get anything, we need to load this icon into our array properties = new MOG_Properties(assetName); } // Lets now populate our icon name to load string assetIconName = ""; string nodeIconName = ""; // What kind of icon is this? switch (iconType) { case IconType.ASSET: assetIconName = properties.AssetIcon; nodeIconName = assetName + "_ASSET"; break; case IconType.CLASS: assetIconName = properties.ClassIcon; nodeIconName = assetName + "_CLASS"; break; default: return(0); } // 2) Can we find the class icon for this asset TstDictionaryEntry nodeSource = mAssetTypes.Find(nodeIconName); if (nodeSource != null && nodeSource.IsKey) { // Great get a copy of that source = (Bitmap)mAssetTypeImages.Images[(int)nodeSource.Value]; } else { // If we didn't get anything, we need to load this icon into our array int newIconIndex = LoadIcon(assetIconName, nodeIconName); source = (Bitmap)mAssetTypeImages.Images[newIconIndex]; } // 3) Ok, if we got a lockSource and a class source icon, lets attempt to overlay them if (source != null && lockSource != null) { myImage = BitmapManipulator.OverlayBitmap(source, lockSource, 100, BitmapManipulator.ImageCornerEnum.BottomRight); } // Did the overlay work? if (myImage != null) { //Debug.WriteLine("Requesting icon - " + lockedIconKeyName); return(InternalAddIconToLists(lockedIconKeyName, myImage)); } } else { // Try to just turn the source icon red or something string message = "We could not locate the (FileLocked.png)lock icon! Make sure that it is located in one of your images directories within the MOG repository!"; MOG_Report.ReportSilent("Load Icon", message, Environment.StackTrace, MOG_ALERT_LEVEL.ERROR); } } } catch (Exception e) { MOG_Report.ReportSilent("Get Locked Icon", e.Message, e.StackTrace, MOG_ALERT_LEVEL.CRITICAL); } return(0); }
/// <summary> /// Gets an icon that is one step lower in resolution as the type of the given paremter /// </summary> private ImageSource GetProtocolIcon_LowerType(IconType currentType) { switch (currentType) { case IconType.SMALL: throw new ProtocolConfigurationException(beRemoteExInfoPackage.SignificantInformationPackage, "The given icon size is not available: " + currentType.ToString()); case IconType.MEDIUM: return(GetProtocolIcon(IconType.SMALL)); case IconType.LARGE: return(GetProtocolIcon(IconType.MEDIUM)); case IconType.HIGHDEF: return(GetProtocolIcon(IconType.LARGE)); default: throw new ProtocolConfigurationException(beRemoteExInfoPackage.SignificantInformationPackage, "Problem determinig lower type: " + currentType.ToString()); } }
/// <summary> /// 弹出提示,点击确定后执行脚本 /// 需要引用 jquery-1.2.6.pack.js /// </summary> /// <param name="msg">提示消息</param> /// <param name="title">提示标题</param> /// <param name="callback">回调javascript代码或者方法名称</param> public void jAlert(string msg, string title, IconType ico, string callback) { RegScripts("jquery-easyui/easyloader.js"); System.Text.StringBuilder build = new System.Text.StringBuilder(); build.Append("$(document).ready(function() {"); //build.Append("using(['messager'], function(){"); build.Append("$.messager.alert('" + title + "','" + msg + "','" + ico.ToString().ToLower() + "',"); build.Append("function(r){" + callback + "});"); //build.Append("});"); build.Append("});"); Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "jAlert", build.ToString().ToLower(), true); }
/// <summary> /// 防止update里面 tostring 造成的gc /// </summary> /// <param name="type"></param> /// <returns></returns> public string GetStringByType(IconType type) { if (type == IconType.duiyouicon) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(m_duiyouStr)) { m_duiyouStr = type.ToString(); } return(m_duiyouStr); } else if (type == IconType.mastericon) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(m_masterStr)) { m_masterStr = type.ToString(); } return(m_masterStr); } else if (type == IconType.npcicon) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(m_npcStr)) { m_npcStr = type.ToString(); } return(m_npcStr); } else if (type == IconType.otherplayericon) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(m_otherPlayer)) { m_otherPlayer = type.ToString(); } return(m_otherPlayer); } else if (type == IconType.pathpointicon) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(m_pathStr)) { m_pathStr = type.ToString(); } return(m_pathStr); } else if (type == IconType.peticon) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(m_petStr)) { m_petStr = type.ToString(); } return(m_petStr); } else if (type == IconType.playericon) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(m_playerStr)) { m_playerStr = type.ToString(); } return(m_playerStr); } else if (type == IconType.robot) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(m_robotStr)) { m_robotStr = type.ToString(); } return(m_robotStr); } else { Engine.Utility.Log.Error("类型不存在"); } return(""); }
/// <summary> /// Message Box with name, title and icon /// </summary> /// <param name="title"></param> /// <param name="dialogMsg"></param> /// <param name="iconType"></param> public BookerStudioMessageBox(string title, string dialogMsg, GuestBookerMessageBoxButtons dialogType, IconType iconType) : this(title, dialogMsg, dialogType) { BookerStudioMessageBoximage.Source = new BitmapImage(new Uri(iconType.ToString(), UriKind.Relative)); }
public static Sprite Get(IconType type) => Get($"icon_{type.ToString().ToLower()}");
/// <summary> /// Gets the icon. /// </summary> /// <param name="iconType">Type of the icon.</param> /// <returns></returns> private Icon GetIcon(IconType iconType) { return(new Icon(GetType(), "icons." + iconType.ToString().ToLower() + ".ico")); }