Exemple #1
        public void UpdateBefore(Erp.Tablesets.GLJournalEntryTableset ds, Ice.Tablesets.ContextTableset ctxx, string WarrantRelBookID, string WRJrnCode)
            StringBuilder LogMsg = new StringBuilder();

                LogMsg.AppendLine("UpdateBefore => Start.......");

                #region Get SessionBookId
                var bpmRow = ctxx.BpmData.FirstOrDefault();
                if (bpmRow != null && (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(bpmRow.ShortChar01) || !String.IsNullOrEmpty(bpmRow.ShortChar02)))
                    SessionBookId      = Convert.ToString(gblProc.GetSysParam(bpmRow.ShortChar01)).ToUpper();
                    SessionJournalCode = Convert.ToString(gblProc.GetSysParam(bpmRow.ShortChar02)).ToUpper();
                    throw new BLException("CallContaxt Bpm data not found OR Invalid SessionBookId and SessionJournalCode, Please contact administrator");

                LogMsg.AppendLine("UpdateBefore => SessionBookId : " + SessionBookId + "    SessionJournalCode : " + SessionJournalCode);

                string TreasuryCompany    = Convert.ToString(gblProc.GetSysParam("TreasuryCompany")).ToUpper();
                string PayableAcct        = Convert.ToString(gblProc.GetSysParam("PayableAcct")).ToUpper();
                string BudgetBookID       = Convert.ToString(gblProc.GetSysParam("BudgetBookID")).ToUpper();
                string ISSBCSegValue      = Convert.ToString(gblProc.GetSysParam("ISSBCSegValue")).ToUpper();
                string SubBudgClassSegNbr = Convert.ToString(gblProc.GetSysParam("SubBudgClassSegNbr"));
                string VoteSegNbr         = Convert.ToString(gblProc.GetSysParam("VoteSegNbr"));
                string LineComment        = Convert.ToString(gblProc.GetSysParam("LineComment")).ToUpper();
                Int16  CompanySegNbr      = Convert.ToInt16(gblProc.GetSysParam("CompanySegNbr"));
                string IsVoteToMultipleCompanyApplicable = Convert.ToString(gblProc.GetSysParam("IsVoteToMultipleCompanyApplicable")).ToUpper();

                LogMsg.AppendLine("UpdateBefore => Global Constant Values Created");

                #region Validation of global constant values
                if (TreasuryCompany == string.Empty)
                    throw new BLException("TreasuryCompany value does not found in sys param table, Please contact administrator");

                if (PayableAcct == string.Empty)
                    throw new BLException("PayableAcct value does not found in sys param table, Please contact administrator");

                if (BudgetBookID == string.Empty)
                    throw new BLException("BudgetBookID value does not found in sys param table, Please contact administrator");

                if (ISSBCSegValue == string.Empty)
                    throw new BLException("ISSBCSegValue value does not found in sys param table, Please contact administrator");

                if (SubBudgClassSegNbr == string.Empty)
                    throw new BLException("SubBudgClassSegNbr value does not found in sys param table, Please contact administrator");

                if (VoteSegNbr == string.Empty)
                    throw new BLException("VoteSegNbr value does not found in sys param table, Please contact administrator");

                if (LineComment == string.Empty)
                    throw new BLException("LineComment value does not found in sys param table, Please contact administrator");

                if (SessionBookId == WarrantRelBookID && SessionJournalCode == WRJrnCode)
                    #region Code for validation for approval
                    LogMsg.AppendLine("UpdateBefore => ValidateApprSetups > Code for validation for approval success");

                    LogMsg.AppendLine("UpdateBefore => StopUpdateOfApprovedRecs > Code for validation for approval success");

                    #region GLJrnHed Start

                    #region Description/Reference already used. Please use another Description/Reference.
                    string DescriptionRowModBlnk = string.Empty;
                    var    GLJrnHedRow           = (from ttGLJrnHed in ds.GLJrnHed.AsEnumerable()
                                                    where ttGLJrnHed.Company == Session.CompanyID &&
                                                    ttGLJrnHed.BookID.ToUpper() == SessionBookId &&
                                                    select ttGLJrnHed).FirstOrDefault();
                    if (GLJrnHedRow != null)
                        DescriptionRowModBlnk = GLJrnHedRow.Description;
                    LogMsg.AppendLine("UpdateBefore => DescriptionRowModBlnk : " + DescriptionRowModBlnk);

                    foreach (var DataGLJrnHedRow in (from ttGLJrnHedRow1 in ds.GLJrnHed.AsEnumerable()
                                                     where ttGLJrnHedRow1.Company == Session.CompanyID &&
                                                     ttGLJrnHedRow1.BookID.ToUpper() == SessionBookId &&
                                                     (string.Equals(ttGLJrnHedRow1.RowMod, IceRow.ROWSTATE_ADDED, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) ||
                                                      string.Equals(ttGLJrnHedRow1.RowMod, IceRow.ROWSTATE_UPDATED, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                                                     select ttGLJrnHedRow1))
                        #region Set the Central Payment Warrant Release. This flag determines if bank adjustments should be generated in the Treasury company or not.*/
                        string SubBudgetClass = Convert.ToString(DataGLJrnHedRow["SubBudgetCls_c"]);
                        LogMsg.AppendLine("UpdateBefore => SubBudgetClass : " + SubBudgetClass);
                        if (ISSBCSegValue.ToUpper() == "TRUE")
                            if (SubBudgetClass == string.Empty)
                                throw new BLException("Please Select Sub Budget Class");

                            if (Session.CompanyID.ToUpper() == TreasuryCompany && SessionBookId == WarrantRelBookID && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(SubBudgetClass))
                                var QryData = (Dbctx.UD100A.Where(t => t.Company == TreasuryCompany &&
                                                                  t.ChildKey1 == SubBudgetClass)).Select(t => new
                                    PymtFromTreasury = t.CheckBox01,
                                    GenerateBankAdj  = t.CheckBox02
                                if (QryData == null)
                                    throw new BLException("Invalid Sub Budget Classification Setup, Selected sub budget class code and 'Account Segment Values' of sub budget class should be same ");
                                    DataGLJrnHedRow["PymtFromTreasury_c"] = QryData.PymtFromTreasury;
                                    DataGLJrnHedRow["GenerateBankAdj_c"]  = QryData.GenerateBankAdj;
                            LogMsg.AppendLine("UpdateBefore => Set the Central Payment Warrant Release Flag seccess");

                        string GroupId          = DataGLJrnHedRow.GroupID;
                        int    FiscalYear       = DataGLJrnHedRow.FiscalYear;
                        int    JournalNum       = DataGLJrnHedRow.JournalNum;
                        string FiscalYearSuffix = DataGLJrnHedRow.FiscalYearSuffix;
                        string JournalCode      = DataGLJrnHedRow.JournalCode.ToUpper();
                        string FiscalCalendarID = DataGLJrnHedRow.FiscalCalendarID;

                        #region validate sudgetclass and its GLAccount
                        if (ISSBCSegValue.ToUpper() == "TRUE")
                            foreach (var DataGlJrnDtlMnlRow in (from ttGlJrnHedDtlMnlRow in Dbctx.GLJrnDtlMnl.AsQueryable()
                                                                where ttGlJrnHedDtlMnlRow.Company.ToUpper() == TreasuryCompany &&
                                                                ttGlJrnHedDtlMnlRow.BookID.ToUpper() == WarrantRelBookID &&
                                                                ttGlJrnHedDtlMnlRow.FiscalYear == FiscalYear &&
                                                                ttGlJrnHedDtlMnlRow.FiscalYearSuffix == FiscalYearSuffix &&
                                                                ttGlJrnHedDtlMnlRow.JournalCode.ToUpper() == JournalCode &&
                                                                ttGlJrnHedDtlMnlRow.JournalNum == JournalNum &&
                                                                ttGlJrnHedDtlMnlRow.FiscalCalendarID == FiscalCalendarID &&
                                                                ttGlJrnHedDtlMnlRow.GroupID == GroupId &&
                                                                ttGlJrnHedDtlMnlRow.TransAmt > 0
                                                                select new
                                SBCSegmentValue = ttGlJrnHedDtlMnlRow.SubBudgetCls_c
                                if (DataGlJrnDtlMnlRow != null)
                                    string SBCSegmentValue = DataGlJrnDtlMnlRow.SBCSegmentValue;
                                    LogMsg.AppendLine("UpdateBefore => 1 SBCSegmentValue : " + SBCSegmentValue + "     SubBudgetClass : " + SubBudgetClass);

                                    if (SBCSegmentValue != SubBudgetClass)
                                        throw new BLException("Budget Class selected in the Journal Header and the account do not match. Please select account that has matching sub budget class.");
                            LogMsg.AppendLine("UpdateBefore => Validated Sudgetclass and its GLAccount Success");

                        #region Description/Reference already used. Please use another Description/Reference.
                        var GLJrnHedRow1 = (from ttGLJrnHed in Dbctx.GLJrnHed.AsQueryable()
                                            where ttGLJrnHed.Company == DataGLJrnHedRow.Company &&
                                            ttGLJrnHed.BookID.ToUpper() == DataGLJrnHedRow.BookID.ToUpper() &&
                                            ttGLJrnHed.Description.ToUpper() == DataGLJrnHedRow.Description.ToUpper()
                                            select ttGLJrnHed.Description).FirstOrDefault();
                        if (GLJrnHedRow1 != null)
                            if (DescriptionRowModBlnk != GLJrnHedRow1)
                                throw new BLException("Description/Reference already used. Please use another Description/Reference.");
                        LogMsg.AppendLine("UpdateBefore => Description/Reference already used. Please use another Description/Reference.");

                        #region Get Max Transaction Control No
                        if (Convert.ToString(DataGLJrnHedRow["TrxCtrlNum_c"]) == "")
                            foreach (var DataGetMaxNo in Dbctx.ExecuteStoreQuery <BusinessObject>("Stcl_CIFMIS_Global_GetMaxNo " + "@company = {0}, @journalcode = {1}", Session.CompanyID, JournalCode))
                                ObjBO.MaxNo  = DataGetMaxNo.MaxNo;
                                ObjBO.Prefix = DataGetMaxNo.Prefix;
                            if (ObjBO.MaxNo > 0 && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(ObjBO.Prefix))
                                //DataGLJrnHedRow["TrxCtrlNum_c"] = FiscalYear.ToString().Substring(2, 2) + "CR" + ObjBO.MaxNo;
                                DataGLJrnHedRow["TrxCtrlNum_c"] = FiscalYear.ToString().Substring(2, 2) + ObjBO.Prefix + ObjBO.MaxNo;
                                LogMsg.AppendLine("UpdateBefore => Get Max Transaction Control No Procedure Success");
                                LogMsg.AppendLine("UpdateBefore => TrxCtrlNum Or Prefix is Invalid, Validate Stcl_CIFMIS_Global_GetMaxNo. Session.CompanyID: " + Session.CompanyID + ", JournalCode: " + JournalCode);
                                throw new BLException("TrxCtrlNum Or Prefix is Invalid, Please Contact to Administrator.");
                    #endregion GLJrnHed End

                    #region Foreach loop for GLJrnDtlMnl-set OrigDebitAmount and  OrigGLAccount
                    foreach (var DataGlJrnDtlMnlRow in (from ttGlJrnHedDtlMnlRow in ds.GLJrnDtlMnl.AsEnumerable()
                                                        where ttGlJrnHedDtlMnlRow.BookID.ToUpper() == SessionBookId &&
                                                        select ttGlJrnHedDtlMnlRow))
                        if (DataGlJrnDtlMnlRow != null)
                            ObjBO.OrigDebitAmount = Convert.ToDecimal(DataGlJrnDtlMnlRow.TotDebit);
                            ObjBO.OrigGLAccount   = DataGlJrnDtlMnlRow.GLAccount.ToString();
                        LogMsg.AppendLine("UpdateBefore => Set OrigDebitAmount And OrigGLAccount Success");

                    #region Validate GL Account
                    LogMsg.AppendLine("UpdateBefore => Validate GL Account Success");

                    #region GLJrnDtlMnl Line Comments Should Not Be Empty
                    foreach (var GLJrnDtlMnlRow in (from DataGLJrnDtlMnl in ds.GLJrnDtlMnl.AsEnumerable()
                                                    where DataGLJrnDtlMnl.Company.ToUpper() == TreasuryCompany &&
                                                    DataGLJrnDtlMnl.BookID.ToUpper() == WarrantRelBookID &&
                                                    (string.Equals(DataGLJrnDtlMnl.RowMod, IceRow.ROWSTATE_ADDED, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) ||
                                                     string.Equals(DataGLJrnDtlMnl.RowMod, IceRow.ROWSTATE_UPDATED, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                                                    select DataGLJrnDtlMnl))
                        if (GLJrnDtlMnlRow != null)
                            #region Line Amount
                            decimal LineAmount = GLJrnDtlMnlRow.TotDebit;
                            if (LineAmount == 0 && GLJrnDtlMnlRow.SegValue1.ToUpper() != PayableAcct)
                                throw new BLException("Debit Line Amount can not be 0 (Zero) !");

                            #region Update CommentText
                            string CommentText = GLJrnDtlMnlRow.CommentText;
                            if ((LineComment == "TRUE") && (string.IsNullOrEmpty(CommentText)))
                                throw new BLException("Line Comments Should Not Be Empty!");

                            #region update WRCompany_c in GLJrnDtlMnl
                            if (GLJrnDtlMnlRow.SegValue1.ToUpper() == PayableAcct && GLJrnDtlMnlRow.TotCredit != 0)
                                GLJrnDtlMnlRow["WRCompany_c"] = TreasuryCompany;
                            LogMsg.AppendLine("UpdateBefore => Update WRCompany_c (" + TreasuryCompany + ") in GLJrnDtlMnl Success");

                            LogMsg.AppendLine("UpdateBefore => GLJrnDtlMnl Line Comments Should Not Be Empty");

                    #region GLJrnDtlMnl
                    foreach (var DataGLJrnDtlMnlJoinRow in (from DataGLJrnDtlMnl in ds.GLJrnDtlMnl.AsEnumerable()
                                                            where DataGLJrnDtlMnl.Company.ToUpper() == TreasuryCompany &&
                                                            DataGLJrnDtlMnl.BookID.ToUpper() == WarrantRelBookID &&
                                                            (string.Equals(DataGLJrnDtlMnl.RowMod, IceRow.ROWSTATE_ADDED, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) ||
                                                             string.Equals(DataGLJrnDtlMnl.RowMod, IceRow.ROWSTATE_UPDATED, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) &&
                                                            DataGLJrnDtlMnl.TotDebit != 0 &&
                                                            DataGLJrnDtlMnl.SegValue1.ToUpper() != PayableAcct
                                                            select DataGLJrnDtlMnl
                        if (DataGLJrnDtlMnlJoinRow != null)
                            #region validate sudgetclass and its GLAccount
                            if (ISSBCSegValue.ToUpper() == "TRUE")
                                string SubBudgetClass = string.Empty;

                                var GLJrnHedRow1 = (from ttGLJrnHed in Dbctx.GLJrnHed.AsQueryable()
                                                    where ttGLJrnHed.Company == DataGLJrnDtlMnlJoinRow.Company &&
                                                    ttGLJrnHed.BookID == DataGLJrnDtlMnlJoinRow.BookID &&
                                                    ttGLJrnHed.FiscalYear == DataGLJrnDtlMnlJoinRow.FiscalYear &&
                                                    ttGLJrnHed.FiscalYearSuffix == DataGLJrnDtlMnlJoinRow.FiscalYearSuffix &&
                                                    ttGLJrnHed.JournalCode.ToUpper() == DataGLJrnDtlMnlJoinRow.JournalCode.ToUpper() &&
                                                    ttGLJrnHed.JournalNum == DataGLJrnDtlMnlJoinRow.JournalNum &&
                                                    ttGLJrnHed.FiscalCalendarID == DataGLJrnDtlMnlJoinRow.FiscalCalendarID
                                                    select new
                                    SubBudgetCls = ttGLJrnHed.SubBudgetCls_c
                                if (GLJrnHedRow1 != null)
                                    SubBudgetClass = Convert.ToString(GLJrnHedRow1.SubBudgetCls);

                                string[] arrGL = DataGLJrnDtlMnlJoinRow.GLAccount.Split('|');
                                LogMsg.AppendLine("UpdateBefore => arrGL.Length : " + arrGL.Length);

                                string SBCSegmentValue = ISSBCSegValue.ToUpper() == "TRUE" ? arrGL[Convert.ToInt32(SubBudgClassSegNbr) - 1] : string.Empty;
                                LogMsg.AppendLine("UpdateBefore => 2 SBCSegmentValue : " + SBCSegmentValue + "     SubBudgetClass : " + SubBudgetClass);

                                if (SBCSegmentValue != SubBudgetClass)
                                    throw new BLException("Budget Class selected in the Journal Header and the account do not match. Please select account that has matching sub budget class.");

                            string GlAccountDisp = string.Empty;

                            foreach (var DataGetGLAcctDisp in Dbctx.ExecuteStoreQuery <BusinessObject>("Stcl_CIFMIS_Global_GetGLAcctDisp " + "@company = {0},@cOACode={1},@glAccount={2},@glAccountDisp={3}", DataGLJrnDtlMnlJoinRow.Company, DataGLJrnDtlMnlJoinRow.COACode, DataGLJrnDtlMnlJoinRow.GLAccount, GlAccountDisp))
                                GlAccountDisp = DataGetGLAcctDisp.GlAcctDisp;
                            LogMsg.AppendLine("UpdateBefore => GlAccountDisp Success ");

                            string[] arrGL1 = DataGLJrnDtlMnlJoinRow.GLAccount.Split('|');
                            LogMsg.AppendLine("UpdateBefore => arrGL.Length : " + arrGL1.Length);

                            string VoteCode = arrGL1[Convert.ToInt32(VoteSegNbr) - 1];

                            ObjBO.Vote = VoteCode;
                            LogMsg.AppendLine("UpdateBefore => VoteCode : " + VoteCode);

                            if (ObjBO.OrigGLAccount != DataGLJrnDtlMnlJoinRow.GLAccount)
                                ObjBO.OrigDebitAmount = 0;
                            LogMsg.AppendLine("UpdateBefore => OrigDebitAmount : " + ObjBO.OrigDebitAmount);

                            GetWarrantRelAvailBudget ObjGetWarrantRelAvailBudget = new GetWarrantRelAvailBudget(IceDtContext);
                            ObjBO.AvailBudget = ObjGetWarrantRelAvailBudget.GetWarRelAvailBudget(ObjBO.Vote, TreasuryCompany, BudgetBookID, SessionBookId, DataGLJrnDtlMnlJoinRow.GLAccount, Convert.ToDateTime(DataGLJrnDtlMnlJoinRow.JEDate));
                            LogMsg.AppendLine("UpdateBefore => GetWarrantRelAvailBudget Object Created");

                            string  VoteCompany      = string.Empty;
                            Decimal AvialBudAmt      = 0;
                            int     CountVoteCompany = 0;
                            foreach (var DataGetVote in Dbctx.ExecuteStoreQuery <BusinessObject>("Stcl_CIFMIS_Global_GetVote " + "@vote = {0}", ObjBO.Vote))
                                ObjBO.VoteCompany = DataGetVote.VoteCompany;
                                CountVoteCompany  = CountVoteCompany + 1;
                            LogMsg.AppendLine("UpdateBefore => CountVoteCompany : " + CountVoteCompany.ToString());
                            if (CountVoteCompany > 1 && IsVoteToMultipleCompanyApplicable == "TRUE")
                                ObjBO.VoteCompany = arrGL1[CompanySegNbr - 1];
                                LogMsg.AppendLine("UpdateBefore => Inside If-VoteCompany : " + ObjBO.VoteCompany.ToString());
                            DataGLJrnDtlMnlJoinRow["WRCompany_c"] = ObjBO.VoteCompany;
                            LogMsg.AppendLine("UpdateBefore => GetVote (" + ObjBO.VoteCompany + ") Procedure Success");

                            var CompanyRow = (from ttcompany in Dbctx.Company.AsQueryable()
                                              where ttcompany.Company1 == ObjBO.VoteCompany
                                              select ttcompany.Name).FirstOrDefault();
                                if (CompanyRow == null)
                                    throw new BLException(ObjBO.VoteCompany + " - Does not exist in company master");

                            string CurrenyCode = DataGLJrnDtlMnlJoinRow.CurrencyCode;

                            VoteCompany = ObjBO.VoteCompany;
                            AvialBudAmt = (ObjBO.AvailBudget + ObjBO.OrigDebitAmount - DataGLJrnDtlMnlJoinRow.TotDebit);
                            LogMsg.AppendLine("UpdateBefore => AvialBudAmt : " + AvialBudAmt + "  ObjBO.AvailBudget : " + ObjBO.AvailBudget + "  ObjBO.OrigDebitAmount : " + ObjBO.OrigDebitAmount + "  TotDebit : " + DataGLJrnDtlMnlJoinRow.TotDebit);

                            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ObjBO.VoteCompany))
                                ErrorMessage = "Vote Company definition for vote " + ObjBO.Vote.ToString() +
                                               " has not been completed. In order to proceed please complete the required setup in Form General Ledger --> Setup --> Vote Definitions";
                                throw new BLException(ErrorMessage);

                            if (AvialBudAmt < 0)
                                ErrorMessage = "Insufficient Budget available for Cash Allocation for the line : " + Convert.ToString(GlAccountDisp) +
                                               ", Available : " + CurrenyCode + " " + (ObjBO.AvailBudget + ObjBO.OrigDebitAmount).ToString("0,0.00", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                                throw new BLException(ErrorMessage);
                                string Message = "Budget available for Cash Allocation for the line : " + Convert.ToString(GlAccountDisp) +
                                                 ", Available : " + CurrenyCode + " " + (ObjBO.AvailBudget + ObjBO.OrigDebitAmount).ToString("0,0.00", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                                InfoMessage.Publish(Message, Ice.Common.BusinessObjectMessageType.Information, Ice.Bpm.InfoMessageDisplayMode.Individual);
                    throw new BLException("SessionBookId and SessionJournalCode does not match with global constant value, Please check global constant value");
                LogMsg.AppendLine("UpdateBefore => End.......");
            catch (Exception ex)
                GlobalSysFunctions.ShowCallerInfo("Warrant Release : " + LogMsg.ToString(), ex);
                throw new BLException("Warrant Release : " + ex.Message);
        public void UpdateBefore(Erp.Tablesets.GLJournalEntryTableset ds, Ice.Tablesets.ContextTableset ctxx, string warrantRelBookID, string wrwJrnCode)
            StringBuilder LogMsg = new StringBuilder();

                #region Get SessionBookId / System Audit Information / Global Data
                var bpmRow = ctxx.BpmData.FirstOrDefault();
                if (bpmRow != null && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(bpmRow.ShortChar01))
                    SessionBookId      = Convert.ToString(gblProc.GetSysParam(bpmRow.ShortChar01)).ToUpper();
                    SessionJournalCode = Convert.ToString(gblProc.GetSysParam(bpmRow.ShortChar02)).ToUpper();
                    throw new BLException("CallContaxt Bpm data not found OR Invalid SessionBookId and SessionJournalCode, Please contact administrator");
                LogMsg.AppendLine("UpdateBefore => SessionBookId : " + SessionBookId + "    SessionJournalCode : " + SessionJournalCode);

                string ErrorMessage       = string.Empty;
                string TreasuryCompany    = Convert.ToString(gblProc.GetSysParam("TreasuryCompany")).ToUpper();
                string SubWarrantBookID   = Convert.ToString(gblProc.GetSysParam("SubWarrantBookID")).ToUpper();
                string PayableAcct        = Convert.ToString(gblProc.GetSysParam("PayableAcct")).ToUpper();
                string BudgetBookID       = Convert.ToString(gblProc.GetSysParam("BudgetBookID")).ToUpper();
                string WRJrnCode          = Convert.ToString(gblProc.GetSysParam("WarrantRelJrnCode")).ToUpper();
                string ISSBCSegValue      = Convert.ToString(gblProc.GetSysParam("ISSBCSegValue")).ToUpper();
                string SubBudgClassSegNbr = Convert.ToString(gblProc.GetSysParam("SubBudgClassSegNbr"));
                string VoteSegNbr         = Convert.ToString(gblProc.GetSysParam("VoteSegNbr"));
                string LineComment        = Convert.ToString(gblProc.GetSysParam("LineComment")).ToUpper();
                string HeaderComment      = Convert.ToString(gblProc.GetSysParam("HeaderComment")).ToUpper();
                Int16  CompanySegNbr      = Convert.ToInt16(gblProc.GetSysParam("CompanySegNbr"));
                string IsVoteToMultipleCompanyApplicable = Convert.ToString(gblProc.GetSysParam("IsVoteToMultipleCompanyApplicable")).ToUpper();

                LogMsg.AppendLine("UpdateBefore => Global Constant Values Created");

                #region Validation of global constant values
                if (TreasuryCompany == string.Empty)
                    throw new BLException("TreasuryCompany value does not found in sys param table, Please contact administrator");

                if (SubWarrantBookID == string.Empty)
                    throw new BLException("SubWarrantBookID value does not found in sys param table, Please contact administrator");

                if (PayableAcct == string.Empty)
                    throw new BLException("PayableAcct value does not found in sys param table, Please contact administrator");

                if (BudgetBookID == string.Empty)
                    throw new BLException("BudgetBookID value does not found in sys param table, Please contact administrator");

                if (WRJrnCode == string.Empty)
                    throw new BLException("WRJrnCode value does not found in sys param table, Please contact administrator");

                if (ISSBCSegValue == string.Empty)
                    throw new BLException("ISSBCSegValue value does not found in sys param table, Please contact administrator");

                if (SubBudgClassSegNbr == string.Empty)
                    throw new BLException("SubBudgClassSegNbr value does not found in sys param table, Please contact administrator");

                if (VoteSegNbr == string.Empty)
                    throw new BLException("VoteSegNbr value does not found in sys param table, Please contact administrator");

                if (LineComment == string.Empty)
                    throw new BLException("LineComment value does not found in sys param table, Please contact administrator");

                if (HeaderComment == string.Empty)
                    throw new BLException("HeaderComment value does not found in sys param table, Please contact administrator");

                if (SessionBookId == warrantRelBookID && SessionJournalCode == wrwJrnCode)
                    #region Code for validation for approval
                    LogMsg.AppendLine("UpdateBefore => ValidateApprSetups > Code for validation for approval success");

                    LogMsg.AppendLine("UpdateBefore => StopUpdateOfApprovedRecs > Code for validation for approval success");

                    #region GLJrnHed Start
                    foreach (var DataGLJrnHedRow in (from ttGLJrnHedRow1 in ds.GLJrnHed.AsEnumerable()
                                                     where ttGLJrnHedRow1.Company == Session.CompanyID &&
                                                     ttGLJrnHedRow1.BookID.ToUpper() == SessionBookId &&
                                                     (string.Equals(ttGLJrnHedRow1.RowMod, IceRow.ROWSTATE_ADDED, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) ||
                                                      string.Equals(ttGLJrnHedRow1.RowMod, IceRow.ROWSTATE_UPDATED, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                                                     select ttGLJrnHedRow1))
                        #region Set the Central Payment Warrant Release. This flag determines if bank adjustments should be generated in the Treasury company or not.*/
                        string SubBudgetClass = Convert.ToString(DataGLJrnHedRow["SubBudgetCls_c"]);
                        if (ISSBCSegValue.ToUpper() == "TRUE")
                            if (Session.CompanyID.ToUpper() == TreasuryCompany && SessionBookId == warrantRelBookID && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(SubBudgetClass))
                                var QryData = (Dbctx.UD100A.Where(t => t.Company == TreasuryCompany &&
                                                                  t.ChildKey1 == SubBudgetClass)).Select(t => new
                                    PymtFromTreasury = t.CheckBox01,
                                    GenerateBankAdj  = t.CheckBox02
                                if (QryData != null)
                                    DataGLJrnHedRow["PymtFromTreasury_c"] = QryData.PymtFromTreasury;
                                    DataGLJrnHedRow["GenerateBankAdj_c"]  = QryData.GenerateBankAdj;
                        LogMsg.AppendLine("UpdateBefore => Set the Central Payment Warrant Release Flag seccess");

                        #region Update CommentText Header
                        string CommentText = DataGLJrnHedRow.CommentText;
                        if (HeaderComment == "TRUE" && string.IsNullOrEmpty(CommentText))
                            throw new BLException("Header comments should not be empty!");

                        #region Validate Cash Allocation Dropdown Is Empty
                        string RefTrxCtrlNum = DataGLJrnHedRow["RefTrxCtrlNum_c"].ToString();
                        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(RefTrxCtrlNum))
                            throw new BLException("Please select one from the dropdown list.");

                        #region Update IsFullWithdrawal
                        string TrxCtrlNum = Convert.ToString(DataGLJrnHedRow["TrxCtrlNum_c"]);

                        bool IsPartialWithdrawal = false;

                        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(TrxCtrlNum) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(SubBudgetClass))
                            if (ISSBCSegValue.ToUpper() == "TRUE")
                                var QryData = (Dbctx.UD100A.AsQueryable().Where(t => t.Company.ToUpper() == TreasuryCompany &&
                                                                                t.ChildKey1 == SubBudgetClass)).Select
                                                  (t => new
                                    IsPartialWithdraw = t.IsPartialWithdrawal_c,
                                if (QryData != null)
                                    IsPartialWithdrawal = QryData.IsPartialWithdraw;
                            var ttGLJrnHed = (Dbctx.GLJrnHed.AsQueryable().Where(b => b.Company == Session.CompanyID &&
                                                                                 b.BookID.ToUpper() == warrantRelBookID &&
                                                                                 b.TrxCtrlNum_c == TrxCtrlNum).Select(
                                                  b => new
                                IsPartialWithdraw = b.IsPartialWithdrawal_c,
                            if (ttGLJrnHed != null)
                                IsPartialWithdrawal = ttGLJrnHed.IsPartialWithdraw;
                        DataGLJrnHedRow["IsPartialWithdrawal_c"] = IsPartialWithdrawal;


                        string GroupId          = DataGLJrnHedRow.GroupID;
                        int    FiscalYear       = DataGLJrnHedRow.FiscalYear;
                        int    JournalNum       = DataGLJrnHedRow.JournalNum;
                        string FiscalYearSuffix = DataGLJrnHedRow.FiscalYearSuffix;
                        string JournalCode      = DataGLJrnHedRow.JournalCode.ToUpper();
                        string FiscalCalendarID = DataGLJrnHedRow.FiscalCalendarID;

                        #region PymtFromTreasury_c / Set JEDate from WarrantRelease
                        DateTime?WarrantRelJEDate = null;
                        string   RefTrxCtrlNumber = Convert.ToString(DataGLJrnHedRow["RefTrxCtrlNum_c"]);
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(RefTrxCtrlNumber))
                            var ttGLJrnHed = (Dbctx.GLJrnHed.AsQueryable().Where(b => b.Company == Session.CompanyID &&
                                                                                 b.BookID.ToUpper() == warrantRelBookID &&
                                                                                 b.JournalCode.ToUpper() == WRJrnCode &&
                                                                                 b.TrxCtrlNum_c == RefTrxCtrlNumber).Select(
                                                  b => new
                                JEDate = b.JEDate,
                            if (ttGLJrnHed != null)
                                WarrantRelJEDate = Convert.ToDateTime(ttGLJrnHed.JEDate);

                        #region validate apply date
                        DateTime?SrcEndDate  = null;
                        DateTime?DestEndDate = null;
                        if (WarrantRelJEDate != null)
                            foreach (var ReturnDateValue in Dbctx.ExecuteStoreQuery <BusinessObject>("Stcl_CIFMIS_Global_GetFiscalPeriod " + "@company = {0},@acctType={1},@applyDate={2}", DataGLJrnHedRow.Company, "I", WarrantRelJEDate))
                                SrcEndDate = ReturnDateValue.EndDate;
                            foreach (var ReturnDateValue in Dbctx.ExecuteStoreQuery <BusinessObject>("Stcl_CIFMIS_Global_GetFiscalPeriod " + "@company = {0},@acctType={1},@applyDate={2}", DataGLJrnHedRow.Company, "I", DataGLJrnHedRow.JEDate))
                                DestEndDate = ReturnDateValue.EndDate;

                            if (SrcEndDate != DestEndDate)
                                throw new BLException("The parent and the child transaction must be applied in the same financial year");
                                if (DataGLJrnHedRow.JEDate < WarrantRelJEDate)
                                    throw new BLException("The Withdrawal of Cash Allocation must be applied after Cash Allocation #" + WarrantRelJEDate + "#");


                        #region validate budgetclass and its GLAccount
                        if (ISSBCSegValue.ToUpper() == "TRUE")
                            var DataGlJrnDtlMnlRow = (from ttGlJrnHedDtlMnlRow in Dbctx.GLJrnDtlMnl.AsQueryable()
                                                      where ttGlJrnHedDtlMnlRow.Company.ToUpper() == TreasuryCompany &&
                                                      ttGlJrnHedDtlMnlRow.BookID.ToUpper() == warrantRelBookID &&
                                                      ttGlJrnHedDtlMnlRow.FiscalYear == FiscalYear &&
                                                      ttGlJrnHedDtlMnlRow.FiscalYearSuffix == FiscalYearSuffix &&
                                                      ttGlJrnHedDtlMnlRow.JournalCode.ToUpper() == JournalCode &&
                                                      ttGlJrnHedDtlMnlRow.JournalNum == JournalNum &&
                                                      ttGlJrnHedDtlMnlRow.FiscalCalendarID == FiscalCalendarID &&
                                                      ttGlJrnHedDtlMnlRow.GroupID == GroupId &&
                                                      ttGlJrnHedDtlMnlRow.TransAmt < 0
                                                      select new
                                SubBudgetCls = ttGlJrnHedDtlMnlRow.SubBudgetCls_c
                                if (DataGlJrnDtlMnlRow != null)
                                    string SBCSegmentValue = DataGlJrnDtlMnlRow.SubBudgetCls;
                                    LogMsg.AppendLine("UpdateBefore => 1 SBCSegmentValue : " + SBCSegmentValue + "     SubBudgetClass : " + SubBudgetClass);
                                    if (SBCSegmentValue != SubBudgetClass)
                                        throw new BLException("Budget Class selected in the Journal Header and the account do not match. Please select account that has matching sub budget class.");
                            LogMsg.AppendLine("UpdateBefore => Validated Sudgetclass and its GLAccount Success");

                        #region Get Max Transaction Control No
                        if (Convert.ToString(DataGLJrnHedRow["TrxCtrlNum_c"]) == "")
                            foreach (var DataGetMaxNo in Dbctx.ExecuteStoreQuery <BusinessObject>("Stcl_CIFMIS_Global_GetMaxNo " + "@company = {0}, @journalcode = {1}", Session.CompanyID, JournalCode))
                                ObjBO.MaxNo  = DataGetMaxNo.MaxNo;
                                ObjBO.Prefix = DataGetMaxNo.Prefix;
                            if (ObjBO.MaxNo > 0 && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(ObjBO.Prefix))
                                //DataGLJrnHedRow["TrxCtrlNum_c"] = FiscalYear.ToString().Substring(2, 2) + "CRW" + ObjBO.MaxNo;
                                DataGLJrnHedRow["TrxCtrlNum_c"] = FiscalYear.ToString().Substring(2, 2) + ObjBO.Prefix + ObjBO.MaxNo;
                                LogMsg.AppendLine("UpdateBefore => Get Max Transaction Control No Procedure Success");
                                LogMsg.AppendLine("UpdateBefore => TrxCtrlNum Or Prefix is Invalid, Validate Stcl_CIFMIS_Global_GetMaxNo. Session.CompanyID: " + Session.CompanyID + ", JournalCode: " + JournalCode);
                                throw new BLException("TrxCtrlNum Or Prefix is Invalid, Please Contact to Administrator.");
                    #endregion GLJrnHed End

                    #region GLJrnDtlMnl Line Comments Should Not Be Empty
                    foreach (var GLJrnDtlMnlRow in (from DataGLJrnDtlMnl in ds.GLJrnDtlMnl.AsEnumerable()
                                                    where DataGLJrnDtlMnl.Company.ToUpper() == TreasuryCompany &&
                                                    DataGLJrnDtlMnl.BookID.ToUpper() == warrantRelBookID &&
                                                    (string.Equals(DataGLJrnDtlMnl.RowMod, IceRow.ROWSTATE_ADDED, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) ||
                                                     string.Equals(DataGLJrnDtlMnl.RowMod, IceRow.ROWSTATE_UPDATED, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                                                    select DataGLJrnDtlMnl))
                        if (GLJrnDtlMnlRow != null)
                            #region Line Amount
                            decimal LineAmount = GLJrnDtlMnlRow.TotCredit;
                            if (LineAmount == 0 && GLJrnDtlMnlRow.SegValue1.ToUpper() != PayableAcct)
                                throw new BLException("Credit Line Amount can not be 0 (Zero) !");
                            LogMsg.AppendLine("UpdateBefore => Credit Line Amount can not be 0 (Zero) !");

                            #region update WRCompany_c in GLJrnDtlMnl
                            if (GLJrnDtlMnlRow.SegValue1.ToUpper() == PayableAcct && GLJrnDtlMnlRow.TotDebit != 0)
                                GLJrnDtlMnlRow["WRCompany_c"] = TreasuryCompany;
                            LogMsg.AppendLine("UpdateBefore => Update WRCompany_c (" + TreasuryCompany + ") in GLJrnDtlMnl Success");

                    #region Foreach loop for GLJrnDtlMnl-set OrigDebitAmount and  OrigGLAccount
                    foreach (var DataGlJrnDtlMnlRow in (from ttGlJrnHedDtlMnlRow in ds.GLJrnDtlMnl.AsEnumerable()
                                                        where ttGlJrnHedDtlMnlRow.BookID.ToUpper() == SessionBookId &&
                                                        select ttGlJrnHedDtlMnlRow))
                        if (DataGlJrnDtlMnlRow != null)
                            ObjBO.OrigCreditAmount = Convert.ToDecimal(DataGlJrnDtlMnlRow.TotCredit);
                            ObjBO.OrigGLAccount    = DataGlJrnDtlMnlRow.GLAccount.ToString();
                        LogMsg.AppendLine("UpdateBefore => Set OrigDebitAmount And OrigGLAccount Success");

                    #region Validate GL Account
                    LogMsg.AppendLine("UpdateBefore => Validate GL Account Success");

                    #region GLJrnDtlMnl
                    foreach (var DataGLJrnDtlMnlJoinRow in ((from DataGLJrnDtlMnl in ds.GLJrnDtlMnl.AsEnumerable()
                                                             where DataGLJrnDtlMnl.Company.ToUpper() == TreasuryCompany &&
                                                             DataGLJrnDtlMnl.BookID.ToUpper() == warrantRelBookID &&
                                                             (string.Equals(DataGLJrnDtlMnl.RowMod, IceRow.ROWSTATE_ADDED, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) ||
                                                              string.Equals(DataGLJrnDtlMnl.RowMod, IceRow.ROWSTATE_UPDATED, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) &&
                                                             DataGLJrnDtlMnl.TotCredit != 0 &&
                                                             DataGLJrnDtlMnl.SegValue1.ToUpper() != PayableAcct
                                                             select DataGLJrnDtlMnl
                        if (DataGLJrnDtlMnlJoinRow != null)
                            string SubBudgetClass = string.Empty;

                            #region Update CommentText Line
                            string CommentText = DataGLJrnDtlMnlJoinRow.CommentText;
                            if (LineComment == "TRUE" && string.IsNullOrEmpty(CommentText))
                                throw new BLException("Line comments should not be empty!");

                            #region validate sudgetclass and its GLAccount
                            if (ISSBCSegValue.ToUpper() == "TRUE")
                                var GLJrnHedRow1 = (from ttGLJrnHed in Dbctx.GLJrnHed.AsQueryable()
                                                    where ttGLJrnHed.Company == DataGLJrnDtlMnlJoinRow.Company &&
                                                    ttGLJrnHed.BookID.ToUpper() == DataGLJrnDtlMnlJoinRow.BookID.ToUpper() &&
                                                    ttGLJrnHed.FiscalYear == DataGLJrnDtlMnlJoinRow.FiscalYear &&
                                                    ttGLJrnHed.FiscalYearSuffix == DataGLJrnDtlMnlJoinRow.FiscalYearSuffix &&
                                                    ttGLJrnHed.JournalCode.ToUpper() == DataGLJrnDtlMnlJoinRow.JournalCode.ToUpper() &&
                                                    ttGLJrnHed.JournalNum == DataGLJrnDtlMnlJoinRow.JournalNum &&
                                                    ttGLJrnHed.FiscalCalendarID == DataGLJrnDtlMnlJoinRow.FiscalCalendarID
                                                    select new
                                    SubBudgetCls = ttGLJrnHed.SubBudgetCls_c
                                if (GLJrnHedRow1 != null)
                                    SubBudgetClass = Convert.ToString(GLJrnHedRow1.SubBudgetCls);

                                string[] arrGL = DataGLJrnDtlMnlJoinRow.GLAccount.Split('|');
                                LogMsg.AppendLine("UpdateBefore => arrGL.Length : " + arrGL.Length);

                                string SBCSegmentValue = ISSBCSegValue.ToUpper() == "TRUE" ? arrGL[Convert.ToInt32(SubBudgClassSegNbr) - 1] : string.Empty;
                                LogMsg.AppendLine("UpdateBefore => 2 SBCSegmentValue : " + SBCSegmentValue + "     SubBudgetClass : " + SubBudgetClass);

                                if (SBCSegmentValue != SubBudgetClass)
                                    throw new BLException("Budget Class selected in the Journal Header and the account do not match. Please select account that has matching sub budget class.");

                            string GlAccountDisp = string.Empty;

                            foreach (var DataGetGLAcctDisp in Dbctx.ExecuteStoreQuery <BusinessObject>("Stcl_CIFMIS_Global_GetGLAcctDisp " + "@company = {0},@cOACode={1},@glAccount={2},@glAccountDisp={3}", DataGLJrnDtlMnlJoinRow.Company, DataGLJrnDtlMnlJoinRow.COACode, DataGLJrnDtlMnlJoinRow.GLAccount, GlAccountDisp))
                                GlAccountDisp = DataGetGLAcctDisp.GlAcctDisp;
                            LogMsg.AppendLine("UpdateBefore => GlAccountDisp Success ");

                            string[] arrGL1 = DataGLJrnDtlMnlJoinRow.GLAccount.Split('|');
                            LogMsg.AppendLine("UpdateBefore => arrGL.Length : " + arrGL1.Length);

                            string VoteCode = arrGL1[Convert.ToInt32(VoteSegNbr) - 1];

                            ObjBO.Vote = VoteCode;
                            LogMsg.AppendLine("UpdateBefore => VoteCode : " + VoteCode);

                            if (ObjBO.OrigGLAccount != DataGLJrnDtlMnlJoinRow.GLAccount)
                                ObjBO.OrigCreditAmount = 0;

                            GetWarrantRelAvailBudget ObjGetWarrantRelAvailBudget = new GetWarrantRelAvailBudget(IceDtContext);
                            ObjBO.AvailBudget = ObjGetWarrantRelAvailBudget.GetWarRelAvailBudget(ObjBO.Vote, TreasuryCompany, BudgetBookID, SessionBookId, DataGLJrnDtlMnlJoinRow.GLAccount, Convert.ToDateTime(DataGLJrnDtlMnlJoinRow.JEDate));
                            LogMsg.AppendLine("UpdateBefore => ObjGetWarrantRelAvailBudget Object Created,  ObjBO.AvailBudget : " + ObjBO.AvailBudget);

                            string CostCenter      = string.Empty;
                            bool   CostCenterAlloc = false;
                            if (DataGLJrnDtlMnlJoinRow.BookID.ToUpper() == warrantRelBookID)
                                CostCenterAlloc = true;
                                CostCenter      = string.Empty;
                            int CountVoteCompany = 0;
                            foreach (var DataGetVote in Dbctx.ExecuteStoreQuery <BusinessObject>("Stcl_CIFMIS_Global_GetVote " + "@vote = {0}", ObjBO.Vote))
                                ObjBO.VoteCompany = DataGetVote.VoteCompany;
                                CountVoteCompany  = CountVoteCompany + 1;
                            LogMsg.AppendLine("UpdateBefore => CountVoteCompany : " + CountVoteCompany.ToString());
                            if (CountVoteCompany > 1 && IsVoteToMultipleCompanyApplicable == "TRUE")
                                ObjBO.VoteCompany = arrGL1[CompanySegNbr - 1];
                                LogMsg.AppendLine("UpdateBefore => Inside If-VoteCompany : " + ObjBO.VoteCompany.ToString());
                            DataGLJrnDtlMnlJoinRow["WRCompany_c"] = ObjBO.VoteCompany;

                            LogMsg.AppendLine("UpdateBefore => GetVote (" + ObjBO.VoteCompany + ") Procedure Success");

                            #region Validate existance of company in company master
                            var CompanyRow = (from ttcompany in Dbctx.Company.AsQueryable()
                                              where ttcompany.Company1 == ObjBO.VoteCompany
                                              select ttcompany.Name).FirstOrDefault();
                                if (CompanyRow == null)
                                    throw new BLException(ObjBO.VoteCompany + " - Does not exist in company master");

                            var ttGLJrnHed1 = (Dbctx.GLJrnHed.AsQueryable().Where(b =>
                                                                                  b.Company == Session.CompanyID &&
                                                                                  b.BookID.ToUpper() == warrantRelBookID &&
                                                                                  b.FiscalYear == DataGLJrnDtlMnlJoinRow.FiscalYear &&
                                                                                  b.FiscalYearSuffix == DataGLJrnDtlMnlJoinRow.FiscalYearSuffix &&
                                                                                  b.JournalCode.ToUpper() == SessionJournalCode &&
                                                                                  b.JournalNum == DataGLJrnDtlMnlJoinRow.JournalNum &&
                                                                                  b.FiscalCalendarID == DataGLJrnDtlMnlJoinRow.FiscalCalendarID &&
                                                                                  b.GroupID == DataGLJrnDtlMnlJoinRow.GroupID).Select(
                                                   b => new
                                SubBudgetCls_c = b.SubBudgetCls_c,
                                RefTrxCtrlNum_c = b.RefTrxCtrlNum_c,
                                IsPartialWithdrawal_c = b.IsPartialWithdrawal_c

                            string RefTrxCtrlNum       = string.Empty;
                            bool   IsPartialWithDrawal = false;
                            if (ttGLJrnHed1 != null)
                                SubBudgetClass      = ttGLJrnHed1.SubBudgetCls_c;
                                RefTrxCtrlNum       = ttGLJrnHed1.RefTrxCtrlNum_c;
                                IsPartialWithDrawal = ttGLJrnHed1.IsPartialWithdrawal_c;
                            LogMsg.AppendLine("UpdateBefore => SubBudgetClass : " + SubBudgetClass + "    RefTrxCtrlNum : " + RefTrxCtrlNum + "    IsPartialWithDrawal : " + IsPartialWithDrawal);

                            ////Get unallocated balance for Warrant relese i.e WR-SW
                            GetTotalAllocationAmt TotAllocAmt = new GetTotalAllocationAmt(IceDtContext);
                            decimal SWTrxAmt = TotAllocAmt.GetTotalAllocationAmount(ObjBO.VoteCompany, SubWarrantBookID, "", RefTrxCtrlNum, DataGLJrnDtlMnlJoinRow.GLAccount, Convert.ToDateTime(DataGLJrnDtlMnlJoinRow.JEDate), 1, 0);
                            LogMsg.AppendLine("UpdateBefore => SWTrxAmt : " + SWTrxAmt);

                            decimal UnallocatedTrxAmt   = 0;
                            decimal UnallocatedBankBal  = 0;
                            decimal UnallocatedCCBudget = 0;
                            bool    CentralPayment      = false;

                            GetUnallocatedBalance UnAllocBal = new GetUnallocatedBalance(IceDtContext);
                            UnAllocBal.GetUnallocatedBalanceAmount(ObjBO.VoteCompany, SubBudgetClass, CostCenter, RefTrxCtrlNum, DataGLJrnDtlMnlJoinRow.GLAccount, out UnallocatedTrxAmt, out UnallocatedBankBal, out UnallocatedCCBudget, CostCenterAlloc, out CentralPayment);
                            LogMsg.AppendLine("UpdateBefore => UnallocatedTrxAmt : " + UnallocatedTrxAmt + "    UnallocatedBankBal : " + UnallocatedBankBal + "    UnallocatedCCBudget : " + UnallocatedCCBudget + "    CentralPayment : " + CentralPayment);

                            string  CurrenyCode  = DataGLJrnDtlMnlJoinRow.CurrencyCode;
                            decimal AvialWithAmt = (UnallocatedTrxAmt + ObjBO.OrigCreditAmount);        /*- DataGLJrnDtlMnlJoinRow.TotCredit*/
                            LogMsg.AppendLine("UpdateBefore => CurrenyCode : " + CurrenyCode + "  AvialWithAmt : " + AvialWithAmt + "  CostCenterAlloc : " + CostCenterAlloc);

                            if ((CostCenterAlloc == true) && ((UnallocatedTrxAmt + ObjBO.OrigCreditAmount - DataGLJrnDtlMnlJoinRow.TotCredit) < 0))
                                ErrorMessage = "Insufficient Cash Allocation for line: " + Convert.ToString(GlAccountDisp) +
                                               ", Available: " + CurrenyCode + " " + (UnallocatedTrxAmt + ObjBO.OrigCreditAmount).ToString("0,0.00", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                                throw new BLException(ErrorMessage);
                            else if ((CostCenterAlloc == true) && ((UnallocatedTrxAmt + ObjBO.OrigCreditAmount - DataGLJrnDtlMnlJoinRow.TotCredit) >= 0))
                                if ((IsPartialWithDrawal == false) && (Convert.ToInt32(SWTrxAmt) > 0))
                                    ErrorMessage = "Subwarrant already issued for current warrant release." +
                                                   "Insufficient Cash Allocation for line : " + Convert.ToString(GlAccountDisp) +
                                                   ", Available : " + CurrenyCode + " " + (0.00).ToString("0,0.00", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                                    throw new BLException(ErrorMessage);
                                else if ((IsPartialWithDrawal == false) && (Convert.ToInt32(SWTrxAmt) == 0) && (AvialWithAmt != DataGLJrnDtlMnlJoinRow.TotCredit))
                                    ErrorMessage = "You are only allowed to do full withdrawal! " + Convert.ToString(GlAccountDisp) +
                                                   ", Available       : " + CurrenyCode + " " + (UnallocatedTrxAmt + ObjBO.OrigCreditAmount).ToString("0,0.00", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                                    throw new BLException(ErrorMessage);
                                else if ((IsPartialWithDrawal == false) && (Convert.ToInt32(SWTrxAmt) == 0) && (AvialWithAmt == DataGLJrnDtlMnlJoinRow.TotCredit))
                                    string Message = "Cash Allocation amount for line : " + Convert.ToString(GlAccountDisp) +
                                                     ", Available       : " + CurrenyCode + " " + (UnallocatedTrxAmt + ObjBO.OrigCreditAmount).ToString("0,0.00", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                                    InfoMessage.Publish(Message, Ice.Common.BusinessObjectMessageType.Information, Ice.Bpm.InfoMessageDisplayMode.Individual);
                                else if ((IsPartialWithDrawal == true) && (DataGLJrnDtlMnlJoinRow.TotCredit <= AvialWithAmt))
                                    string Message = "Cash Allocation amount for line : " + Convert.ToString(GlAccountDisp) +
                                                     ", Available       : " + CurrenyCode + " " + (UnallocatedTrxAmt + ObjBO.OrigCreditAmount).ToString("0,0.00", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                                    InfoMessage.Publish(Message, Ice.Common.BusinessObjectMessageType.Information, Ice.Bpm.InfoMessageDisplayMode.Individual);
                                else if ((IsPartialWithDrawal == true) && (DataGLJrnDtlMnlJoinRow.TotCredit > AvialWithAmt))
                                    ErrorMessage = "Insufficient Cash Allocation for line : " + Convert.ToString(GlAccountDisp) +
                                                   ", Available : " + CurrenyCode + " " + (UnallocatedTrxAmt + ObjBO.OrigCreditAmount).ToString("0,0.00", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                                    throw new BLException(ErrorMessage);
                    throw new BLException("SessionBookId and SessionJournalCode does not match with global constant value, Please check global constant value");
                LogMsg.AppendLine("UpdateBefore => End.......");
            catch (Exception ex)
                GlobalSysFunctions.ShowCallerInfo("Warrant Release Withdrawal => " + LogMsg.ToString(), ex);
                throw new BLException("Warrant Release Withdrawal => " + ex.Message);