private void InvokeAll(Ice.OutputStream os, int requestId) { if (_traceLevels.protocol >= 1) { FillInValue(os, 10, os.Size); if (requestId > 0) { FillInValue(os, Protocol.headerSize, requestId); } TraceUtil.TraceSend(os, _logger, _traceLevels); } var iss = new Ice.InputStream(os.Communicator, os.Encoding, os.GetBuffer(), false); iss.Pos = Protocol.requestHdr.Length; int invokeNum = 1; ServantManager servantManager = _adapter.getServantManager(); try { while (invokeNum > 0) { // // Increase the direct count for the dispatch. We increase it again here for // each dispatch. It's important for the direct count to be > 0 until the last // collocated request response is sent to make sure the thread pool isn't // destroyed before. // try { _adapter.incDirectCount(); } catch (Ice.ObjectAdapterDeactivatedException ex) { HandleException(requestId, ex, false); break; } var inS = new Incoming(_reference.GetCommunicator(), this, null, _adapter, _response, 0, requestId); inS.Invoke(servantManager, iss); --invokeNum; } } catch (Ice.LocalException ex) { InvokeException(requestId, ex, invokeNum, false); // Fatal invocation exception } _adapter.decDirectCount(); }
public void SendResponse(int requestId, Ice.OutputStream os, byte status, bool amd) { OutgoingAsyncBase?outAsync; lock (this) { Debug.Assert(_response); if (_traceLevels.Protocol >= 1) { FillInValue(os, 10, os.Size); } // Adopt the OutputStream's buffer. var iss = new Ice.InputStream(os.Communicator, os.Encoding, os.GetBuffer(), true); iss.Pos = Protocol.replyHdr.Length + 4; if (_traceLevels.Protocol >= 1) { TraceUtil.TraceRecv(iss, _logger, _traceLevels); } if (_asyncRequests.TryGetValue(requestId, out outAsync)) { outAsync.GetIs().Swap(iss); if (!outAsync.Response()) { outAsync = null; } _asyncRequests.Remove(requestId); } } if (outAsync != null) { if (amd) { outAsync.InvokeResponseAsync(); } else { outAsync.InvokeResponse(); } } _adapter.DecDirectCount(); }
internal static void TraceSend(Ice.OutputStream str, Ice.ILogger logger, TraceLevels tl) { if (tl.Protocol >= 1) { int p = str.Pos; var iss = new Ice.InputStream(str.Communicator, str.Encoding, str.GetBuffer(), false); iss.Pos = 0; using (var s = new System.IO.StringWriter(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture)) { byte type = PrintMessage(s, iss); logger.Trace(tl.ProtocolCat, "sending " + GetMessageTypeAsString(type) + " " + s.ToString()); } str.Pos = p; } }
internal static void Trace(string heading, Ice.OutputStream str, Ice.ILogger logger, TraceLevels tl) { if (tl.protocol >= 1) { int p = str.Pos; var iss = new Ice.InputStream(str.Communicator, str.Encoding, str.GetBuffer(), false); iss.Pos = 0; using (var s = new System.IO.StringWriter(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture)) { s.Write(heading); PrintMessage(s, iss); logger.Trace(tl.protocolCat, s.ToString()); } str.Pos = p; } }
public EndpointI create(string str, bool oaEndpoint) { string[]? arr = IceUtilInternal.StringUtil.splitString(str, " \t\r\n"); if (arr == null) { throw new System.FormatException("mismatched quote"); } if (arr.Length == 0) { throw new System.FormatException("value has no non-whitespace characters"); } List <string> v = new List <string>(arr); string protocol = v[0]; v.RemoveAt(0); if (protocol.Equals("default")) { protocol = _communicator.defaultsAndOverrides().defaultProtocol; } EndpointFactory factory = null; lock (this) { for (int i = 0; i < _factories.Count; i++) { EndpointFactory f = _factories[i]; if (f.protocol().Equals(protocol)) { factory = f; } } } if (factory != null) { EndpointI e = factory.create(v, oaEndpoint); if (v.Count > 0) { throw new System.FormatException($"unrecognized argument `{v[0]}' in endpoint `{str}'"); } return(e); // Code below left in place for debugging. /* * EndpointI e = f.create(s.Substring(m.Index + m.Length), oaEndpoint); * BasicStream bs = new BasicStream(_instance, true); * e.streamWrite(bs); * Buffer buf = bs.getBuffer(); * buf.b.position(0); * short type = bs.readShort(); * EndpointI ue = new IceInternal.OpaqueEndpointI(type, bs); * System.Console.Error.WriteLine("Normal: " + e); * System.Console.Error.WriteLine("Opaque: " + ue); * return e; */ } // // If the stringified endpoint is opaque, create an unknown endpoint, // then see whether the type matches one of the known endpoints. // if (protocol.Equals("opaque")) { EndpointI ue = new OpaqueEndpointI(v); if (v.Count > 0) { throw new System.FormatException($"unrecognized argument `{v[0]}' in endpoint `{str}'"); } factory = get(ue.type()); if (factory != null) { // // Make a temporary stream, write the opaque endpoint data into the stream, // and ask the factory to read the endpoint data from that stream to create // the actual endpoint. // Ice.OutputStream os = new Ice.OutputStream(_communicator, Ice.Util.currentProtocolEncoding); os.WriteShort(ue.type()); ue.streamWrite(os); Ice.InputStream iss = new Ice.InputStream(_communicator, Ice.Util.currentProtocolEncoding, os.GetBuffer(), true); iss.pos(0); iss.ReadShort(); // type iss.StartEncapsulation(); EndpointI e =; iss.EndEncapsulation(); return(e); } return(ue); // Endpoint is opaque, but we don't have a factory for its type. } return(null); }
private async ValueTask InvokeAllAsync(Ice.OutputStream os, int requestId) { // The object adapter DirectCount was incremented by the caller and we are responsible to decrement it // upon completion. Ice.Instrumentation.IDispatchObserver?dispatchObserver = null; try { if (_traceLevels.Protocol >= 1) { FillInValue(os, 10, os.Size); if (requestId > 0) { FillInValue(os, Protocol.headerSize, requestId); } TraceUtil.TraceSend(os, _logger, _traceLevels); } var requestFrame = new Ice.InputStream(os.Communicator, os.Encoding, os.GetBuffer(), false); requestFrame.Pos = Protocol.requestHdr.Length; int start = requestFrame.Pos; var current = Protocol.CreateCurrent(requestId, requestFrame, _adapter); // Then notify and set dispatch observer, if any. Ice.Instrumentation.ICommunicatorObserver?communicatorObserver = _adapter.Communicator.Observer; if (communicatorObserver != null) { int encapsSize = requestFrame.GetEncapsulationSize(); dispatchObserver = communicatorObserver.GetDispatchObserver(current, requestFrame.Pos - start + encapsSize); dispatchObserver?.Attach(); } bool amd = true; try { Ice.IObject?servant = current.Adapter.Find(current.Id, current.Facet); if (servant == null) { amd = false; throw new Ice.ObjectNotExistException(current.Id, current.Facet, current.Operation); } ValueTask <Ice.OutputStream> vt = servant.DispatchAsync(requestFrame, current); amd = !vt.IsCompleted; if (requestId != 0) { var responseFrame = await vt.ConfigureAwait(false); dispatchObserver?.Reply(responseFrame.Size - Protocol.headerSize - 4); SendResponse(requestId, responseFrame, amd); } } catch (Ice.SystemException ex) { Incoming.ReportException(ex, dispatchObserver, current); // Forward the exception to the caller without marshaling HandleException(requestId, ex, amd); } catch (System.Exception ex) { Incoming.ReportException(ex, dispatchObserver, current); if (requestId != 0) { // For now, marshal it // TODO: revisit during exception refactoring. var responseFrame = Protocol.CreateFailureResponseFrame(ex, current); dispatchObserver?.Reply(responseFrame.Size - Protocol.headerSize - 4); SendResponse(requestId, responseFrame, amd); } } } catch (Ice.LocalException ex) { HandleException(requestId, ex, false); } finally { dispatchObserver?.Detach(); _adapter.DecDirectCount(); } }
internal static void trace(string heading, Ice.OutputStream str, Ice.Logger logger, TraceLevels tl) { if (tl.protocol >= 1) { int p = str.pos(); Ice.InputStream iss = new Ice.InputStream(str.communicator(), str.GetEncoding(), str.GetBuffer(), false); iss.pos(0); using (System.IO.StringWriter s = new System.IO.StringWriter(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture)) { s.Write(heading); printMessage(s, iss); logger.trace(tl.protocolCat, s.ToString()); } str.pos(p); } }
internal static void traceSend(Ice.OutputStream str, Ice.Logger logger, TraceLevels tl) { if (tl.protocol >= 1) { int p = str.pos(); Ice.InputStream iss = new Ice.InputStream(str.communicator(), str.GetEncoding(), str.GetBuffer(), false); iss.pos(0); using (System.IO.StringWriter s = new System.IO.StringWriter(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture)) { byte type = printMessage(s, iss); logger.trace(tl.protocolCat, "sending " + getMessageTypeAsString(type) + " " + s.ToString()); } str.pos(p); } }