Exemple #1
        /// <summary>
        ///  Downloads audio and saves it to the provided audioPath folder
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="id">id of the youtube video</param>
        /// <param name="audioPath">Path where file should be saved without extension at the end</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public async Task DownloadAudioAsync(string id, string audioPath)
            MediaStreamInfoSet streamInfoSet = await client.GetVideoMediaStreamInfosAsync(id);

            var audioInfo = streamInfoSet.Audio.WithHighestBitrate();
            await client.DownloadMediaStreamAsync(audioInfo, audioPath);
        public static async Task DownloadMusic(string url, FileInfo desinationFile)
            if (desinationFile.Exists)
                Console.WriteLine($"\t{desinationFile.Name} already downloaded. Skipping...");
            Console.Write($"\t-Downloading {desinationFile.Name}...");
            //Get video
            var vidId      = YoutubeClient.ParseVideoId(url);
            var streamInfo = await _client.GetVideoMediaStreamInfosAsync(vidId);

            var stream            = streamInfo.Audio.WithHighestBitrate();
            var ext               = stream.Container.GetFileExtension();
            var videoDownloadFile = Path.ChangeExtension(Path.GetTempFileName(), ext);
            await _client.DownloadMediaStreamAsync(stream, videoDownloadFile);

            //Write video to file
            Console.Write($"Done. Converting to mp3...");
            //Extract mp3 from video
            var result = await Conversion.Convert(videoDownloadFile, desinationFile.FullName)

Exemple #3
        public async Task <string> Download(string url, Action <int> progressCallback, string newPath, bool onlyMusic)
            string result        = null;
            var    streamInfoSet = await client.GetVideoMediaStreamInfosAsync(url);

            MediaStreamInfo stream = null;

            if (onlyMusic)
                stream = streamInfoSet.Audio.WithHighestBitrate();
                stream = streamInfoSet.Muxed.WithHighestVideoQuality();

            var fileExtension = stream.Container.GetFileExtension();

            result = newPath + "." + fileExtension;
            var fileStream = File.Create(result);

            var progress = new DownladProgress(progressCallback);

            await client.DownloadMediaStreamAsync(stream, fileStream, progress);

        /// <inheritdoc />
        public async Task DownloadAndProcessMediaStreamsAsync(IReadOnlyList <MediaStreamInfo> mediaStreamInfos,
                                                              string filePath, string format,
                                                              IProgress <double> progress         = null,
                                                              CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken))

            // Determine if transcoding is required for at least one of the streams
            var transcode = mediaStreamInfos.Any(s => IsTranscodingRequired(s.Container, format));

            // Set up progress-related stuff
            var progressMixer           = progress != null ? new ProgressMixer(progress) : null;
            var downloadProgressPortion = transcode ? 0.15 : 0.99;
            var ffmpegProgressPortion   = 1 - downloadProgressPortion;
            var totalContentLength      = mediaStreamInfos.Sum(s => s.Size);

            // Keep track of the downloaded streams
            var streamFilePaths = new List <string>();

                // Download all streams
                foreach (var streamInfo in mediaStreamInfos)
                    // Generate file path
                    var streamIndex    = streamFilePaths.Count + 1;
                    var streamFilePath = $"{filePath}.stream-{streamIndex}.tmp";

                    // Add file path to list

                    // Set up download progress handler
                    var streamDownloadProgress =
                        progressMixer?.Split(downloadProgressPortion * streamInfo.Size / totalContentLength);

                    // Download stream
                    await _youtubeClient.DownloadMediaStreamAsync(streamInfo, streamFilePath, streamDownloadProgress, cancellationToken);

                // Set up process progress handler
                var ffmpegProgress = progressMixer?.Split(ffmpegProgressPortion);

                // Process streams (mux/transcode/etc)
                await _ffmpeg.ProcessAsync(streamFilePaths, filePath, format, transcode, ffmpegProgress, cancellationToken);

                // Report completion in case there are rounding issues in progress reporting
                // Delete all stream files
                foreach (var streamFilePath in streamFilePaths)