//<SnippetCreateAndWriteToXpsDocument> // ---------------------------- Create() ------------------------------ /// <summary> /// Creates an XpsDocument using the Xps.Packaging APIs.</summary> /// <param name="xpsDocument"> /// The XpsDocument to create.</param> /// <remarks> /// The Xps.Packaging APIs are used to create the DocumentSequence, /// FixedDocument, and FixedPage "PackageParts" of an XpsDocument. /// The applicationt is responsible for using the XmlWriter to /// serialize the page markup and for supplying the streams for any /// font or image resources.</remarks> public void Create(XpsDocument xpsDocument) { // Create the document sequence IXpsFixedDocumentSequenceWriter docSeqWriter = xpsDocument.AddFixedDocumentSequence(); // Create the document IXpsFixedDocumentWriter docWriter = docSeqWriter.AddFixedDocument(); // Create the Page IXpsFixedPageWriter pageWriter = docWriter.AddFixedPage(); // Get the XmlWriter XmlWriter xmlWriter = pageWriter.XmlWriter; // Write the mark up according the XPS Specifications BeginFixedPage(xmlWriter); AddGlyphRun(pageWriter, xmlWriter, "This is a photo of the famous Notre Dame in Paris", 16, 50, 50, @"C:\Windows\fonts\arial.ttf"); AddImage(pageWriter, xmlWriter, "ParisNotreDame.jpg", XpsImageType.JpegImageType, 100, 100, 600, 1100); // End the page. EndFixedPage(xmlWriter); // Close the page, document, and document sequence. pageWriter.Commit(); docWriter.Commit(); docSeqWriter.Commit(); _fontDictionary.Clear(); }// end:Create()
}// end:AddPackageContent() //</SnippetXpsCreateAddPkgContent> //<SnippetXpsCreateAddDocContent> // ------------------------- AddDocumentContent --------------------------- /// <summary> /// Adds a predefined set of content to a given document writer.</summary> /// <param name="fixedDocumentWriter"> /// The document writer to add the content to.</param> private void AddDocumentContent(IXpsFixedDocumentWriter fixedDocumentWriter) { // Collection of image and font resources used on the current page. // Key: "XpsImage", "XpsFont" // Value: List of XpsImage or XpsFont resources Dictionary <string, List <XpsResource> > resources; try { // Add Page 1 to current document. IXpsFixedPageWriter fixedPageWriter = fixedDocumentWriter.AddFixedPage(); // Add the resources for Page 1 and get the resource collection. resources = AddPageResources(fixedPageWriter); // Write page content for Page 1. WritePageContent(fixedPageWriter.XmlWriter, "Page 1 of " + fixedDocumentWriter.Uri.ToString(), resources); // Commit Page 1. fixedPageWriter.Commit(); // Add Page 2 to current document. fixedPageWriter = fixedDocumentWriter.AddFixedPage(); // Add the resources for Page 2 and get the resource collection. resources = AddPageResources(fixedPageWriter); // Write page content to Page 2. WritePageContent(fixedPageWriter.XmlWriter, "Page 2 of " + fixedDocumentWriter.Uri.ToString(), resources); // Commit Page 2. fixedPageWriter.Commit(); } catch (XpsPackagingException xpsException) { throw xpsException; } }// end:AddDocumentContent()
public bool CreateNewXPSFromSource(string sourceXpsPath, string destinationXpsPath, ReplaceCallBackType cb) { this.m_CallBack = cb; bool blnResult = false; try { // Delete the old file generated by our code. if (File.Exists(destinationXpsPath)) { File.Delete(destinationXpsPath); } // Creating the output XPS file. XpsDocument document = new XpsDocument(destinationXpsPath, FileAccess.ReadWrite, System.IO.Packaging.CompressionOption.NotCompressed); IXpsFixedDocumentSequenceWriter docSeqWriter = document.AddFixedDocumentSequence(); // Loading the source xps files to list to read them for edit. List <string> sourceFiles = new List <string>(); sourceFiles.Add(sourceXpsPath); // Looping each source files. foreach (string sourceFile in sourceFiles) { XpsDocument docToRead = new XpsDocument(sourceFile, FileAccess.ReadWrite); IXpsFixedDocumentSequenceReader docSequenceToRead = docToRead.FixedDocumentSequenceReader; foreach (IXpsFixedDocumentReader fixedDocumentReader in docSequenceToRead.FixedDocuments) { IXpsFixedDocumentWriter fixedDocumentWriter = docSeqWriter.AddFixedDocument(); AddStructure(fixedDocumentReader, fixedDocumentWriter); foreach (IXpsFixedPageReader fixedPageReader in fixedDocumentReader.FixedPages) { IXpsFixedPageWriter pageWriter = fixedDocumentWriter.AddFixedPage(); AddImages(fixedPageReader, pageWriter); AddFonts(fixedPageReader, pageWriter); AddContent(fixedPageReader, pageWriter); // Commmit all changes. pageWriter.Commit(); } fixedDocumentWriter.Commit(); } // Close the current source before openeing next one. docToRead.Close(); } docSeqWriter.Commit(); // Close newly created XPS document. document.Close(); blnResult = true; } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); } return(blnResult); }
public bool WriteDocument(List <byte[]> images, string file_out) { XpsDocument doc = null; IXpsFixedDocumentSequenceWriter docSeqWriter = null; IXpsFixedDocumentWriter docWriter = null; if (LogHelper.CanDebug()) { LogHelper.Begin("XpsHelper.WriteDocument"); } try { // xps doc does not manage overwrite, so delete before if exist if (File.Exists(file_out)) { File.Delete(file_out); } // create the document doc = new XpsDocument(file_out, FileAccess.ReadWrite, CompressionOption.NotCompressed); // Create the document sequence docSeqWriter = doc.AddFixedDocumentSequence(); // Create the document docWriter = docSeqWriter.AddFixedDocument(); for (int i = 0; i < images.Count; ++i) { // Create the Page IXpsFixedPageWriter pageWriter = docWriter.AddFixedPage(); // Get the XmlWriter XmlWriter xmlWriter = pageWriter.XmlWriter; //create the xps image resource XpsImage xpsImage = pageWriter.AddImage(XpsImageType.JpegImageType); using (Stream dstImageStream = xpsImage.GetStream()) { dstImageStream.Write(images[i], 0, images[i].Length); xpsImage.Commit(); } //this is just to get the real WPF image size as WPF display units and not image pixel size !! using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(images[i])) { BitmapImage myImage = new BitmapImage(); myImage.BeginInit(); myImage.CacheOption = BitmapCacheOption.OnLoad; myImage.StreamSource = ms; myImage.EndInit(); //write the page WritePageContent(xmlWriter, xpsImage, myImage.Width, myImage.Height); } //with the first page, create the thumbnail of the xps document if (i == 0) { XpsThumbnail thumb = doc.AddThumbnail(XpsImageType.JpegImageType); using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(images[i])) { BitmapImage thumbImage = new BitmapImage(); thumbImage.BeginInit(); thumbImage.DecodePixelWidth = 256; thumbImage.CacheOption = BitmapCacheOption.OnLoad; thumbImage.StreamSource = ms; thumbImage.EndInit(); using (Stream xpsThumbStream = thumb.GetStream()) { JpegBitmapEncoder encoder = new JpegBitmapEncoder(); encoder.Frames.Add(BitmapFrame.Create(thumbImage)); encoder.Save(xpsThumbStream); } } thumb.Commit(); } xmlWriter.Flush(); // Close the page pageWriter.Commit(); } return(true); } catch (Exception err) { LogHelper.Manage("XpsHelper.WriteDocument", err); return(false); } finally { if (docWriter != null) { docWriter.Commit(); } if (docSeqWriter != null) { docSeqWriter.Commit(); } if (doc != null) { doc.Close(); } LogHelper.End("XpsHelper.WriteDocument"); } }
private static void AddDocumentContent(IXpsFixedDocumentWriter fixedDocumentWriter, XmlNodeList selectedThumbnails) { Console.WriteLine("Using PackWebRequest and PackWebResponse APIs to retrieve selected photos ..."); Console.WriteLine("------------------------------------------------------------------------------"); foreach (XmlNode node in selectedThumbnails) { Uri packageUri; Uri partUri; string selectedId = node.Attributes["Id"].InnerText; try { GetSelectedPhotoUri(selectedId, out packageUri, out partUri); } catch (Exception e) { // We catch all exceptions because we don't want any // exception caused by invalid input crash our server. // But we record all exceptions, and try to continue. Console.WriteLine("Hit exception while resolving photo Uri " + "for selected thumbnail ID " + selectedId); Console.WriteLine("Exception:"); Console.WriteLine(e.ToString()); continue; } // Using PackWebRequest to retrieve the photo. using (WebResponse response = PackWebRequestForPhotoPart(packageUri, partUri)) { Stream s = response.GetResponseStream(); // Add a fixed page into the fixed document. IXpsFixedPageWriter fixedPageWriter = fixedDocumentWriter.AddFixedPage(); // Add the photo image resource to the page. XpsImage xpsImage = fixedPageWriter.AddImage(response.ContentType); SharedLibrary.CopyStream(s, xpsImage.GetStream()); xpsImage.Commit(); s.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin); // Use BitmapFrame to get the dimension of the photo image. BitmapFrame imgFrame = BitmapFrame.Create(s); // Write the XML description of the fixed page. WritePageContent(fixedPageWriter.XmlWriter, xpsImage.Uri, imgFrame); fixedPageWriter.Commit(); } } Console.WriteLine("------------------------------------------------------------------------------"); Console.WriteLine("All selected photos retrieved."); }
private bool CreateNewXPSFromSource() { bool blnResult = false; try { // Delete the old file generated by our code. if (File.Exists(destinationXpsPath)) { File.Delete(destinationXpsPath); } // Creating the output XPS file. XpsDocument document = new XpsDocument(destinationXpsPath, FileAccess.ReadWrite, System.IO.Packaging.CompressionOption.Maximum); IXpsFixedDocumentSequenceWriter docSeqWriter = document.AddFixedDocumentSequence(); // Loading the source xps files to list to read them for edit. List <string> sourceFiles = new List <string>(); sourceFiles.Add(sourceXPS); // Looping each source files. foreach (string sourceFile in sourceFiles) { XpsDocument docToRead = new XpsDocument(sourceFile, FileAccess.ReadWrite); IXpsFixedDocumentSequenceReader docSequenceToRead = docToRead.FixedDocumentSequenceReader; foreach (IXpsFixedDocumentReader fixedDocumentReader in docSequenceToRead.FixedDocuments) { IXpsFixedDocumentWriter fixedDocumentWriter = docSeqWriter.AddFixedDocument(); AddStructure(fixedDocumentReader, fixedDocumentWriter); foreach (IXpsFixedPageReader fixedPageReader in fixedDocumentReader.FixedPages) { IXpsFixedPageWriter pageWriter = fixedDocumentWriter.AddFixedPage(); AddImages(fixedPageReader, pageWriter); AddFonts(fixedPageReader, pageWriter); AddContent(fixedPageReader, pageWriter); // Commmit all changes. pageWriter.Commit(); } fixedDocumentWriter.Commit(); } // Close the current source before openeing next one. docToRead.Close(); } docSeqWriter.Commit(); // Show the modified content in a DocumentViewer. dvModifiedXPS.Document = document.GetFixedDocumentSequence(); ModifiedGrid.Visibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Visible; // Close newly created XPS document. document.Close(); blnResult = true; } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); } return(blnResult); }
}// end:AddPackageContent() // ------------------------- AddDocumentContent --------------------------- /// <summary> /// Adds a predefined set of content to a given document writer.</summary> /// <param name="fixedDocumentWriter"> /// The document writer to add the content to.</param> private void AddDocumentContent(IXpsFixedDocumentWriter fixedDocumentWriter) { // Collection of image and font resources used on the current page. // Key: "XpsImage", "XpsFont" // Value: List of XpsImage or XpsFont resources Dictionary <string, List <XpsResource> > resources; try { // Add Page 1 to current document. IXpsFixedPageWriter fixedPageWriter = fixedDocumentWriter.AddFixedPage(); // Add the resources for Page 1 and get the resource collection. // resources = AddPageResources(fixedPageWriter); // Write page content for Page 1. fixedPageWriter.XmlWriter.WriteStartElement("FixedPage"); fixedPageWriter.XmlWriter.WriteAttributeString("Width", "816"); fixedPageWriter.XmlWriter.WriteAttributeString("Height", "1056"); fixedPageWriter.XmlWriter.WriteAttributeString("xmlns", "http://schemas.microsoft.com/xps/2005/06"); fixedPageWriter.XmlWriter.WriteAttributeString("xml:lang", "en-US"); fixedPageWriter.XmlWriter.WriteStartElement("Table"); fixedPageWriter.XmlWriter.WriteAttributeString("Margin", "6,16,0,0"); fixedPageWriter.XmlWriter.WriteStartElement("Table.Columns"); fixedPageWriter.XmlWriter.WriteStartElement("TableColumn"); fixedPageWriter.XmlWriter.WriteAttributeString("Width", "63.5"); fixedPageWriter.XmlWriter.WriteEndElement(); //column fixedPageWriter.XmlWriter.WriteStartElement("TableColumn"); fixedPageWriter.XmlWriter.WriteAttributeString("Width", "3"); fixedPageWriter.XmlWriter.WriteEndElement(); //column fixedPageWriter.XmlWriter.WriteStartElement("TableColumn"); fixedPageWriter.XmlWriter.WriteAttributeString("Width", "63.5"); fixedPageWriter.XmlWriter.WriteEndElement(); //column fixedPageWriter.XmlWriter.WriteStartElement("TableColumn"); fixedPageWriter.XmlWriter.WriteAttributeString("Width", "3"); fixedPageWriter.XmlWriter.WriteEndElement(); //column fixedPageWriter.XmlWriter.WriteStartElement("TableColumn"); fixedPageWriter.XmlWriter.WriteAttributeString("Width", "63.5"); fixedPageWriter.XmlWriter.WriteEndElement(); //column fixedPageWriter.XmlWriter.WriteEndElement(); //columns fixedPageWriter.XmlWriter.WriteStartElement("TableRowGroup"); for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) { fixedPageWriter.XmlWriter.WriteStartElement("TableRow"); fixedPageWriter.XmlWriter.WriteStartElement("TableCell"); fixedPageWriter.XmlWriter.WriteElementString("Paragraph", "Hello!!!"); fixedPageWriter.XmlWriter.WriteEndElement(); //TableCell fixedPageWriter.XmlWriter.WriteEndElement(); //row } fixedPageWriter.XmlWriter.WriteEndElement(); //TableRowGroup fixedPageWriter.XmlWriter.WriteEndElement(); //table // Commit Page 1. fixedPageWriter.Commit(); } catch (XpsPackagingException xpsException) { throw xpsException; } }// end:AddDocumentContent()