public IWritableFeatureProvider ConstructTargetProvider(Type oidType, IGeometryFactory geometryFactory, ICoordinateSystemFactory csFactory, FeatureDataTable schemaTable) { if (oidType == typeof(UInt16)) { oidType = typeof(Int16); } else if (oidType == typeof(UInt32)) { oidType = typeof(Int32); } else if (oidType == typeof(UInt64)) { oidType = typeof(Int64); } _targetProviderOidType = oidType; Type typ = typeof(PostGisProvider <>); _specializedType = typ.MakeGenericType(oidType); header("Construct PostGis target provider\n" + "* Author Felix Obermaier 2009\n" + "* Ingenieurgruppe IVV GmbH & Co. KG\n" + "*"); string connectionString = GetValue( "Please enter the connection string for the source database file.", Settings.Default.SourceConnectionString); string schema = GetValue("Please enter the schema name", Settings.Default.SourceSchema); string tableName = GetValue("Please enter the table name.", null); //PostGisProviderStatic.CreateDataTable<oidType.GetType()>( schemaTable, schema, tableName, connectionString) Type pgpstatic = typeof(PostGisProviderStatic); MethodInfo miCreateDataTable = pgpstatic.GetMethod( "CreateDataTable", BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Static, null, new[] { typeof(FeatureDataTable), typeof(string), typeof(string), typeof(string), typeof(string) }, null); MethodInfo miCreateDataTableGeneric = miCreateDataTable.MakeGenericMethod(new[] { oidType }); miCreateDataTableGeneric.Invoke( null, new object[] { schemaTable, schema, tableName, connectionString, PostGisProviderStatic.DefaultGeometryColumnName }); _targetProvider = (IWritableFeatureProvider) Activator.CreateInstance(_specializedType, schemaTable.GeometryFactory, connectionString, schema, tableName, schemaTable.Columns[0].ColumnName, PostGisProviderStatic.DefaultGeometryColumnName, new GeometryServices().CoordinateTransformationFactory); _targetProvider.Open(); return(_targetProvider); }
private void DoConversion(ProviderItem input, IEnumerable <ProcessorItem> processors, ProviderItem output) { using (IConfigureFeatureSource csource = (IConfigureFeatureSource)Activator.CreateInstance(input.Builder)) { IFeatureProvider psource = csource.ConstructSourceProvider(_geometryServices); Type srcOidType = GetTypeParamsOfImplementedInterface(psource.GetType(), typeof(IFeatureProvider <>))[0]; List <IProcessFeatureDataRecords> realProcessors = new List <IProcessFeatureDataRecords>(); foreach (ProcessorItem pi in processors) { realProcessors.Add((IProcessFeatureDataRecords)Activator.CreateInstance(pi.ProcessorType)); } FeatureDataRecordProcessor processChain = null; foreach (IProcessFeatureDataRecords processor in realProcessors) { processChain = Equals(processChain, null) ? processor.Processor : ((IEnumerable <IFeatureDataRecord> o, ref int i) => processor.Processor(processChain(o, ref i), ref i)); } processChain = processChain ?? new FeatureDataRecordProcessor((IEnumerable <IFeatureDataRecord> o, ref int i) => o); if (!psource.IsOpen) { psource.Open(); } FeatureQueryExpression exp = csource.ConstructSourceQueryExpression(); FeatureDataTable sourceModel = psource.CreateNewTable(); int index = sourceModel.Columns.IndexOf(sourceModel.PrimaryKey[0]); IEnumerable <IFeatureDataRecord> sourceRecords = processChain(psource.ExecuteFeatureQuery(exp), ref index); //jd: TODO: need to test what happens if the IFeatureDataRecord shape is changed by the processor chain IConvertData converter = null; /* Some Data Providers do not respect the oidType param passed in. * For instance Shapefile will always be IWritableFeatureProvider<UInt32> * so we need to make sure we can coerce OID values */ using ( IConfigureFeatureTarget ctarget = (IConfigureFeatureTarget)Activator.CreateInstance(output.Builder)) { Type oidType = csource.OidType; using (IWritableFeatureProvider ptarget = ctarget.ConstructTargetProvider(oidType, sourceModel.GeometryFactory, _geometryServices.CoordinateSystemFactory, sourceModel)) { if (!ptarget.IsOpen) { ptarget.Open(); } converter = GetConverter(csource.OidType, ctarget.OidType, sourceModel.NewRow(), index, sourceModel.GeometryFactory); Console.WriteLine("Beginning Import."); List <FeatureDataRow> features = new List <FeatureDataRow>(); int count = 0; foreach (IFeatureDataRecord fdr in sourceRecords) { try { features.Add(converter.ConvertRecord(fdr)); if (++count % 100 == 0) { ptarget.Insert(features); features.Clear(); } } catch (GeometryInvalidException ex) { Console.WriteLine("An Error Occured : " + ex.Message); continue; } } if (features.Count > 0) { ptarget.Insert(features); } count += features.Count; features = null; ptarget.Close(); Console.WriteLine(string.Format("{0} records processed", count)); ctarget.PostImport(); } } } Console.WriteLine("Finished"); }
public IWritableFeatureProvider ConstructTargetProvider(Type oidType, IGeometryFactory geometryFactory, ICoordinateSystemFactory csFactory, FeatureDataTable schemaTable) { if (oidType == typeof (UInt16)) oidType = typeof (Int16); else if (oidType == typeof (UInt32)) oidType = typeof (Int32); else if (oidType == typeof (UInt64)) oidType = typeof (Int64); Type typ = typeof (MsSqlServer2008Provider<>); _specializedType = typ.MakeGenericType(oidType); _targetProviderOidType = oidType; Console.WriteLine( "Please enter the connection string for the target database server. Press enter to use the one below.(Remember 'Connection Timeout=0' for large datasets.)"); Console.WriteLine(Settings.Default.TargetConnectionString); string connectionString = Console.ReadLine(); if (connectionString == "") connectionString = Settings.Default.TargetConnectionString; else Settings.Default.TargetConnectionString = connectionString; Settings.Default.Save(); Console.WriteLine("Please enter the schema for the table."); string schemaName = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine("Please enter the table name."); string tableName = Console.ReadLine(); _targetProvider = (IWritableFeatureProvider) _specializedType.GetMethod( "Create", BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Static, null, CallingConventions.Standard, new[] { typeof (string), typeof (IGeometryFactory), typeof (string), typeof (string), typeof (FeatureDataTable) }, null) .Invoke(null, new object[] { connectionString, geometryFactory, schemaName, tableName, schemaTable }); _targetProvider.Open(); return _targetProvider; }
public IWritableFeatureProvider ConstructTargetProvider(Type oidType, IGeometryFactory geometryFactory, ICoordinateSystemFactory csFactory, FeatureDataTable schemaTable) { if (oidType == typeof (UInt16)) oidType = typeof (Int16); else if (oidType == typeof (UInt32)) oidType = typeof (Int32); else if (oidType == typeof (UInt64)) oidType = typeof (Int64); _targetProviderOidType = oidType; Type typ = typeof (PostGisProvider<>); _specializedType = typ.MakeGenericType(oidType); header("Construct PostGis target provider\n" + "* Author Felix Obermaier 2009\n" + "* Ingenieurgruppe IVV GmbH & Co. KG\n" + "*"); string connectionString = GetValue( "Please enter the connection string for the source database file.", Settings.Default.SourceConnectionString); string schema = GetValue("Please enter the schema name", Settings.Default.SourceSchema); string tableName = GetValue("Please enter the table name.", null); //PostGisProviderStatic.CreateDataTable<oidType.GetType()>( schemaTable, schema, tableName, connectionString) Type pgpstatic = typeof (PostGisProviderStatic); MethodInfo miCreateDataTable = pgpstatic.GetMethod( "CreateDataTable", BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Static, null, new[] {typeof (FeatureDataTable), typeof (string), typeof (string), typeof (string), typeof (string)}, null); MethodInfo miCreateDataTableGeneric = miCreateDataTable.MakeGenericMethod(new[] {oidType}); miCreateDataTableGeneric.Invoke( null, new object[] {schemaTable, schema, tableName, connectionString, PostGisProviderStatic.DefaultGeometryColumnName}); _targetProvider = (IWritableFeatureProvider) Activator.CreateInstance(_specializedType, schemaTable.GeometryFactory, connectionString, schema, tableName, schemaTable.Columns[0].ColumnName, PostGisProviderStatic.DefaultGeometryColumnName, new GeometryServices().CoordinateTransformationFactory); _targetProvider.Open(); return _targetProvider; }
public IWritableFeatureProvider ConstructTargetProvider(Type oidType, IGeometryFactory geometryFactory, ICoordinateSystemFactory csFactory, FeatureDataTable schemaTable) { if (oidType == typeof(UInt16)) { oidType = typeof(Int16); } else if (oidType == typeof(UInt32)) { oidType = typeof(Int32); } else if (oidType == typeof(UInt64)) { oidType = typeof(Int64); } Type typ = typeof(MsSqlServer2008Provider <>); _specializedType = typ.MakeGenericType(oidType); _targetProviderOidType = oidType; Console.WriteLine( "Please enter the connection string for the target database server. Press enter to use the one below.(Remember 'Connection Timeout=0' for large datasets.)"); Console.WriteLine(Settings.Default.TargetConnectionString); string connectionString = Console.ReadLine(); if (connectionString == "") { connectionString = Settings.Default.TargetConnectionString; } else { Settings.Default.TargetConnectionString = connectionString; } Settings.Default.Save(); Console.WriteLine("Please enter the schema for the table."); string schemaName = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine("Please enter the table name."); string tableName = Console.ReadLine(); _targetProvider = (IWritableFeatureProvider)_specializedType.GetMethod( "Create", BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Static, null, CallingConventions.Standard, new[] { typeof(string), typeof(IGeometryFactory), typeof(string), typeof(string), typeof(FeatureDataTable) }, null) .Invoke(null, new object[] { connectionString, geometryFactory, schemaName, tableName, schemaTable }); _targetProvider.Open(); return(_targetProvider); }