Exemple #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Construct a <see cref="WorkProcessor{T}"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ringBuffer">to which events are published.</param>
        /// <param name="barrier">on which it is waiting.</param>
        /// <param name="workHandler">is the delegate to which events are dispatched.</param>
        /// <param name="exceptionHandler">to be called back when an error occurs.</param>
        /// <param name="workSequence">from which to claim the next event to be worked on. It should always be initialised <see cref="Sequence.InitialValue"/></param>
        public WorkProcessor(
            RingBuffer <T> ringBuffer,
            ISequenceBarrier barrier,
            IWorkHandler <T> workHandler,
            IExceptionHandler <T> exceptionHandler,
            ISequence workSequence)
            _ringBuffer       = ringBuffer;
            _barrier          = barrier;
            _workHandler      = workHandler;
            _exceptionHandler = exceptionHandler;
            _workSequence     = workSequence;
            _sequence         = new Sequence();

            if (_workHandler is ITimeoutHandler timeoutHandler)
                _timeoutHandler = timeoutHandler;

            if (_workHandler is ILifecycleAware lifecycleAware)
                _lifecycleAware = lifecycleAware;

            if (_workHandler is IEventReleaseAware eventReleaseAware)
                _eventReleaser = new EventReleaser(_sequence);
Exemple #2
 public CacheManager(IEventAggregator eventAggregator, IWorkHandler workHandler, IDbContext dbContext)
     _eventAggregator = eventAggregator;
     _workHandler     = workHandler;
     _dbContext       = dbContext;
     _timer = new Timer(PersistCacheData, null, Timeout.Infinite, Timeout.Infinite);
Exemple #3
 public MainViewModel(IWorkHandler workHandler, DataContext dbContext)
     _workHandler = workHandler;
     _dbContext = dbContext;
     GetDataCommand = new DelegateCommand(ExecuteGetDataCommand);
     SaveDataCommand = new DelegateCommand(ExecuteSaveDataCommand);
     Posts = new ObservableCollection<PostViewModel>();
Exemple #4
 /// <summary>
 /// Construct a <see cref="WorkProcessor{T}"/>.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="ringBuffer">ringBuffer to which events are published.</param>
 /// <param name="sequenceBarrier">sequenceBarrier on which it is waiting.</param>
 /// <param name="workHandler">workHandler is the delegate to which events are dispatched.</param>
 /// <param name="exceptionHandler">exceptionHandler to be called back when an error occurs</param>
 /// <param name="workSequence">workSequence from which to claim the next event to be worked on.  It should always be initialised
 /// as <see cref="Sequencer.InitialCursorValue"/></param>
 public WorkProcessor(RingBuffer <T> ringBuffer, ISequenceBarrier sequenceBarrier, IWorkHandler <T> workHandler, IExceptionHandler exceptionHandler, Sequence workSequence)
     _ringBuffer       = ringBuffer;
     _sequenceBarrier  = sequenceBarrier;
     _workHandler      = workHandler;
     _exceptionHandler = exceptionHandler;
     _workSequence     = workSequence;
Exemple #5
 public CacheManager(IEventAggregator eventAggregator, IWorkHandler workHandler, IDbContext dbContext)
     _eventAggregator = eventAggregator;
     _workHandler = workHandler;
     _dbContext = dbContext;
     _timer = new Timer(PersistCacheData, null, Timeout.Infinite, Timeout.Infinite);
        public NotificationService(IEventAggregator eventAggregator, IStatisticsViewModel statistics, IUserSettingsProvider userSettings, IWorkHandler workHandler)
            _eventAggregator = eventAggregator;
            _statistics = statistics;
            _userSettings = userSettings;
            _workHandler = workHandler;

 public AutoUpdateDialog(IWorkHandler workHandler, IWindowManager windowManager, IStatisticsViewModel statistics)
     _workHandler   = workHandler;
     _windowManager = windowManager;
     _statistics    = statistics;
     Owner          = Application.Current.MainWindow;
     Loaded += OnLoaded;
        public NotificationService(IEventAggregator eventAggregator, IStatisticsViewModel statistics, IUserSettingsProvider userSettings, IWorkHandler workHandler)
            _eventAggregator = eventAggregator;
            _statistics      = statistics;
            _userSettings    = userSettings;
            _workHandler     = workHandler;

            eventAggregator.GetEvent <ShellInitializedEvent>().Subscribe(OnShellInitialized);
Exemple #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Construct a <see cref="WorkProcessor{T}"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ringBuffer">ringBuffer to which events are published.</param>
        /// <param name="sequenceBarrier">sequenceBarrier on which it is waiting.</param>
        /// <param name="workHandler">workHandler is the delegate to which events are dispatched.</param>
        /// <param name="exceptionHandler">exceptionHandler to be called back when an error occurs</param>
        /// <param name="workSequence">workSequence from which to claim the next event to be worked on.  It should always be initialised
        /// as <see cref="Disruptor.Sequence.InitialCursorValue"/></param>
        public WorkProcessor(RingBuffer <T> ringBuffer, ISequenceBarrier sequenceBarrier, IWorkHandler <T> workHandler, IExceptionHandler <T> exceptionHandler, ISequence workSequence)
            _ringBuffer       = ringBuffer;
            _sequenceBarrier  = sequenceBarrier;
            _workHandler      = workHandler;
            _exceptionHandler = exceptionHandler;
            _workSequence     = workSequence;
            _eventReleaser    = new EventReleaser(this);

            (_workHandler as IEventReleaseAware)?.SetEventReleaser(_eventReleaser);
            _timeoutHandler = _workHandler as ITimeoutHandler;
 public UserStatisticsParticipationDialog(IWorkHandler workHandler)
     _workHandler = workHandler;
     Owner = Application.Current.MainWindow;
     if (!UserSettings.DisableUserStatisticsParticipation.HasValue) return;
     if (UserSettings.DisableUserStatisticsParticipation == true)
         No.IsChecked = true;
     else if (UserSettings.DisableUserStatisticsParticipation == false)
         Yes.IsChecked = true;
Exemple #11
        public ISimplePipeline CreatePipeline()
            _disruptor = new Disruptor <StepPayload>(() => new StepPayload(), 1024, TaskScheduler.Default /*, ProducerType.Multi, new BlockingSpinWaitWaitStrategy()*/);
            var handlerGroup = _disruptor.HandleEventsWithWorkerPool(_steps.First());

            for (int i = 1; i < _steps.Count; i++)
                var step            = _steps[i];
                var makeStepToArray = new IWorkHandler <StepPayload>[] { step };
                handlerGroup = handlerGroup.HandleEventsWithWorkerPool(makeStepToArray);

Exemple #12
 public UserStatisticsParticipationDialog(IWorkHandler workHandler, IWindowManager windowManager, IStatisticsViewModel statisticsViewModel)
     _workHandler = workHandler;
     Owner        = Application.Current.MainWindow;
     if (!UserSettings.DisableUserStatisticsParticipation.HasValue)
     if (UserSettings.DisableUserStatisticsParticipation == true)
         No.IsChecked = true;
     else if (UserSettings.DisableUserStatisticsParticipation == false)
         Yes.IsChecked = true;
Exemple #13
        /// <summary>
        ///  Construct a <see cref="WorkProcessor"/>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ringBuffer">to which events are published.</param>
        /// <param name="sequenceBarrier">on which it is waiting</param>
        /// <param name="workHandler">is the delegate to which events are dispatched.</param>
        /// <param name="exceptionHandler">to be called back when an error occurs</param>
        /// <param name="workSequence">from which to claim the next event to be worked on.  It should always be initialised as <see cref="Sequencer.INITIAL_CURSOR_VALUE"/></param>
        public WorkProcessor(RingBuffer <T> ringBuffer,
                             ISequenceBarrier sequenceBarrier,
                             IWorkHandler <T> workHandler,
                             IExceptionHandler exceptionHandler,
                             Sequence workSequence)
            this.ringBuffer       = ringBuffer;
            this.sequenceBarrier  = sequenceBarrier;
            this.workHandler      = workHandler;
            this.exceptionHandler = exceptionHandler;
            this.workSequence     = workSequence;
            this.eventReleaser    = new EventReleaser(this.sequence);

            if (this.workHandler is IEventReleaseAware)
                (this.workHandler as IEventReleaseAware).SetEventReleaser(eventReleaser);
        public FileManagerWindow(IUnityContainer container, IEventAggregator eventAggregator, IWorkHandler workHandler)
            _container       = container;
            _eventAggregator = eventAggregator;
            _workHandler     = workHandler;
            Title            = String.Format("GODspeed v{0}", App.ApplicationVersion);

            CommandBindings.Add(new CommandBinding(FileManagerCommands.OpenDriveDropdownCommand, ExecuteOpenDriveDropdownCommand));
            CommandBindings.Add(new CommandBinding(FileManagerCommands.SettingsCommand, ExecuteSettingsCommand));
            CommandBindings.Add(new CommandBinding(FileManagerCommands.StatisticsCommand, ExecuteStatisticsCommand));
            CommandBindings.Add(new CommandBinding(FileManagerCommands.AboutCommand, ExecuteAboutCommand));
            CommandBindings.Add(new CommandBinding(FileManagerCommands.VisitWebsiteCommand, ExecuteVisitWebsiteCommand));
            CommandBindings.Add(new CommandBinding(FileManagerCommands.UserStatisticsParticipationCommand, ExecuteUserStatisticsParticipationCommand));
            CommandBindings.Add(new CommandBinding(FileManagerCommands.ExitCommand, ExecuteExitCommand));
            CommandBindings.Add(new CommandBinding(FileManagerCommands.SplitterCommand, ExecuteSplitterCommand));

            LayoutRoot.PreviewKeyDown += LayoutRootOnPreviewKeyDown;
            Closing += OnClosing;
        public OldCacheManager(IEventAggregator eventAggregator, IWorkHandler workHandler)
            _eventAggregator = eventAggregator;
            _workHandler = workHandler;

            //Read cache to memory to fasten access
            _workHandler.Run(() =>
                                     //TODO: for cache migration

                                     //var dbFactory = new OrmLiteConnectionFactory(GetConnectionString(), SqliteDialect.Provider);
                                     //using (var db = dbFactory.Open())
                                     //    db.CreateTableIfNotExists<CacheItem>();
                                     //    var sw = new Stopwatch();
                                     //    sw.Start();
                                     //    var keys = _cacheStore.Keys;
                                     //    Debug.WriteLine("[DEBUG] {0} keys in cache", keys.Length);
                                     //    foreach (var key in keys.Where(k => k.StartsWith(KeyPrefix)))
                                     //    {
                                     //        var v = Get(key);
                                     //        var c = new CacheItem
                                     //                    {
                                     //                        Id = key.SubstringAfter(KeyPrefix),
                                     //                        Date = v.Date,
                                     //                        Expiration = v.Expiration,
                                     //                        Size = v.Size,
                                     //                        Title = v.Content.Title,
                                     //                        Type = v.Content.Type,
                                     //                        TitleType = v.Content.TitleType,
                                     //                        ContentType = v.Content.ContentType,
                                     //                        Thumbnail = v.Content.Thumbnail,
                                     //                        Content =
                                     //                            string.IsNullOrEmpty(v.TempFilePath)
                                     //                                ? null
                                     //                                : File.ReadAllBytes(v.TempFilePath)
                                     //                    };
                                     //        db.Insert(c);
                                     //    }
                                     //    sw.Stop();
                                     //    _cachePopupated = true;
                                     //    Debug.WriteLine("Cache fetched [{0}]", sw.Elapsed);
                                     //return _inMemoryCache;

                                     var sw = new Stopwatch();
                                     var keys = _cacheStore.Keys;
                                     Debug.WriteLine("[DEBUG] {0} keys in cache", keys.Length);
                                     foreach (var key in keys.Where(k => k.StartsWith(KeyPrefix)))
                                     _cachePopupated = true;
                                     Debug.WriteLine("Cache fetched [{0}]", sw.Elapsed);
                                     return _inMemoryCache;
                                b =>
                                _eventAggregator.GetEvent<CachePopulatedEvent>().Publish(new CachePopulatedEventArgs(b, _cacheStore)));
        public OldCacheManager(IEventAggregator eventAggregator, IWorkHandler workHandler)
            _eventAggregator = eventAggregator;
            _workHandler     = workHandler;

            //Read cache to memory to fasten access
            _workHandler.Run(() =>
                //TODO: for cache migration

                //var dbFactory = new OrmLiteConnectionFactory(GetConnectionString(), SqliteDialect.Provider);
                //using (var db = dbFactory.Open())
                //    db.CreateTableIfNotExists<CacheItem>();
                //    var sw = new Stopwatch();
                //    sw.Start();
                //    var keys = _cacheStore.Keys;
                //    Debug.WriteLine("[DEBUG] {0} keys in cache", keys.Length);
                //    foreach (var key in keys.Where(k => k.StartsWith(KeyPrefix)))
                //    {
                //        var v = Get(key);
                //        var c = new CacheItem
                //                    {
                //                        Id = key.SubstringAfter(KeyPrefix),
                //                        Date = v.Date,
                //                        Expiration = v.Expiration,
                //                        Size = v.Size,
                //                        Title = v.Content.Title,
                //                        Type = v.Content.Type,
                //                        TitleType = v.Content.TitleType,
                //                        ContentType = v.Content.ContentType,
                //                        Thumbnail = v.Content.Thumbnail,
                //                        Content =
                //                            string.IsNullOrEmpty(v.TempFilePath)
                //                                ? null
                //                                : File.ReadAllBytes(v.TempFilePath)
                //                    };
                //        db.Insert(c);
                //    }
                //    sw.Stop();
                //    _cachePopupated = true;
                //    Debug.WriteLine("Cache fetched [{0}]", sw.Elapsed);
                //return _inMemoryCache;

                var sw = new Stopwatch();
                var keys = _cacheStore.Keys;
                Debug.WriteLine("[DEBUG] {0} keys in cache", keys.Length);
                foreach (var key in keys.Where(k => k.StartsWith(KeyPrefix)))
                _cachePopupated = true;
                Debug.WriteLine("Cache fetched [{0}]", sw.Elapsed);
                             b =>
                             _eventAggregator.GetEvent <CachePopulatedEvent>().Publish(new CachePopulatedEventArgs(b, _cacheStore)));