private ActionResult IndexGetDataGrid() { string wherestr = string.Empty; int page; if (!int.TryParse(Request["page"], out page)) { page = 1; } int rows; if (!int.TryParse(Request["rows"], out rows)) { rows = 10; } string type = Request["type"]; string name = Request["name"]; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(type)) { wherestr += " and [" + type + "] like '%" + name + "%' "; } var currentUser = HttpContext.Session[Constants.USER_KEY] as User; //if (currentUser != null&¤tUser.SysOperator.ID!=0) // wherestr += " and FSUPPLIERID='" +currentUser.Supplier.FSUPPLIERID + "'"; var result = webVediosBll.GetAll(page, rows, wherestr, "", ""); return(Json(result, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); }
// GET: Default public ActionResult Index() { ViewBag.WebNotice = webNoticeBll.GetAll(1, 6, " And Auditor is not null And AuditTime is not null", " a.CreateTime ", " Desc ").rows.ToList(); ViewBag.WebNews = webNewsBll.GetAll(1, 10, " And Auditor is not null And AuditTime is not null ", " CreateTime ", "Desc").rows.ToList(); ViewBag.WebVedios = webVedioBll.GetAll(1, 1, " And Auditor is not null And AuditTime is not null ", " CreateTime ", "Desc").rows.ToList(); ViewBag.WebNesThumbnail = webNewsBll.GetAll().Where(x => x.Reserve != null).OrderByDescending(x => x.CreateTime).ToList(); ViewBag.WebServiceGuide = webServiceGuideBll.GetAll(1, 8, " And Auditor is not null And AuditTime is not null ", " CreateTime ", "Desc").rows.ToList(); return(View()); }