public static async Task <ScrapedSong> GetSongByKeyAsync(string key, CancellationToken cancellationToken) { var uri = new Uri(BEATSAVER_DETAILS_BASE_URL + key); string pageText = ""; ScrapedSong song = null; IWebResponseMessage response = null; try { response = await WebUtils.GetBeatSaverAsync(uri, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false); if (response.IsSuccessStatusCode) { pageText = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().ConfigureAwait(false); } else { Logger?.Error($"Error getting song by key, {uri} responded with {response.StatusCode}:{response.ReasonPhrase}"); return(song); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(pageText)) { Logger?.Warning($"Unable to get web page at {uri}"); return(null); } } catch (WebClientException ex) { string errorText = string.Empty; if (ex.Response != null) { switch (ex.Response.StatusCode) { case 408: errorText = "Timeout"; break; default: errorText = "Site Error"; break; } } Logger?.Error($"{errorText} while trying to populate fields for {key}"); return(null); } catch (AggregateException ae) { ae.WriteExceptions($"Exception while trying to get details for {key}"); } catch (Exception ex) { Logger?.Exception($"Exception getting page {uri}", ex); throw; } finally { response?.Dispose(); response = null; } song = ParseSongsFromPage(pageText, uri).FirstOrDefault(); return(song); }
/// <summary> /// Downloads a file from the specified URI to the specified path (path includes file name). /// Creates the target directory if it doesn't exist. All exceptions are stored in the DownloadResult. /// </summary> /// <param name="uri"></param> /// <param name="path"></param> /// <exception cref="OperationCanceledException"></exception> /// <returns></returns> public static async Task <DownloadResult> DownloadFileAsync(Uri uri, string path, CancellationToken cancellationToken, bool overwrite = true) { string actualPath = path; int statusCode = 0; if (uri == null) { return(new DownloadResult(null, DownloadResultStatus.InvalidRequest, 0)); } if (!overwrite && File.Exists(path)) { return(new DownloadResult(null, DownloadResultStatus.IOFailed, 0)); } try { using (IWebResponseMessage response = await SongFeedReaders.WebUtils.GetBeatSaverAsync(uri, cancellationToken, 30, 2).ConfigureAwait(false)) { statusCode = response?.StatusCode ?? 0; try { Directory.GetParent(path).Create(); actualPath = await response.Content.ReadAsFileAsync(path, overwrite, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false); } catch (IOException ex) { // Also catches DirectoryNotFoundException return(new DownloadResult(null, DownloadResultStatus.IOFailed, statusCode, response.ReasonPhrase, ex)); } catch (InvalidOperationException ex) { // File already exists and overwrite is false. return(new DownloadResult(null, DownloadResultStatus.IOFailed, statusCode, response.ReasonPhrase, ex)); } catch (OperationCanceledException) { throw; } catch (Exception ex) { return(new DownloadResult(null, DownloadResultStatus.Unknown, statusCode, response?.ReasonPhrase, ex)); } } } catch (WebClientException ex) { int faultedCode = ex.Response?.StatusCode ?? 0; DownloadResultStatus downloadResultStatus = DownloadResultStatus.NetFailed; if (faultedCode == 404) { downloadResultStatus = DownloadResultStatus.NetNotFound; } return(new DownloadResult(null, downloadResultStatus, faultedCode, ex.Response?.ReasonPhrase, ex.Response?.Exception)); } catch (OperationCanceledException ex) { return(new DownloadResult(null, DownloadResultStatus.Canceled, 0, ex?.Message, ex)); } catch (Exception ex) { return(new DownloadResult(null, DownloadResultStatus.NetFailed, 0, ex?.Message, ex)); } return(new DownloadResult(actualPath, DownloadResultStatus.Success, statusCode)); }
public static async Task <PageReadResult> GetSongByHashAsync(string hash, CancellationToken cancellationToken) { var uri = new Uri(BEATSAVER_GETBYHASH_BASE_URL + hash); ScrapedSong song = null; var pageError = PageErrorType.None; Exception exception = null; IWebResponseMessage response = null; try { response = await WebUtils.GetBeatSaverAsync(uri, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false); response.EnsureSuccessStatusCode(); var pageText = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().ConfigureAwait(false); song = ParseSongsFromPage(pageText, uri).FirstOrDefault(); } catch (WebClientException ex) { string errorText = string.Empty; if (ex.Response != null) { switch (ex.Response.StatusCode) { case 408: errorText = "Timeout"; break; default: errorText = "Site Error"; break; } } string message = $"{errorText} while trying to populate fields for {hash}"; Logger?.Error(message); exception = new FeedReaderException(message, ex, FeedReaderFailureCode.PageFailed); } catch (OperationCanceledException ex) { exception = new FeedReaderException(ex.Message, ex, FeedReaderFailureCode.Cancelled); } catch (AggregateException ae) { string message = $"Exception while trying to get details for {hash}"; ae.WriteExceptions(message); exception = new FeedReaderException(message, ae, FeedReaderFailureCode.Generic); } catch (Exception ex) { string message = $"Exception getting page {uri.ToString()}"; Logger?.Exception(message, ex); exception = new FeedReaderException(message, ex, FeedReaderFailureCode.Generic); } finally { response?.Dispose(); response = null; } List <ScrapedSong> retList = new List <ScrapedSong>(); if (song != null) { retList.Add(song); } return(new PageReadResult(uri, retList, exception, pageError)); }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="authorName"></param> /// <param name="cancellationToken"></param> /// <exception cref="OperationCanceledException"></exception> /// <returns></returns> public static async Task <string> GetAuthorIDAsync(string authorName, CancellationToken cancellationToken) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(authorName)) { return(string.Empty); } if (_authors.ContainsKey(authorName)) { return(_authors[authorName]); } string mapperId = string.Empty; int page = 0; int? totalResults; Uri sourceUri = null; string pageText; JObject result; JToken matchingSong; JToken[] songJSONAry; var queryBuilder = new SearchQueryBuilder(, authorName); do { Logger?.Debug($"Checking page {page + 1} for the author ID."); sourceUri = new Uri(Feeds[BeatSaverFeed.Search].BaseUrl.Replace(SEARCHTYPEKEY, "advanced").Replace(SEARCHQUERY, queryBuilder.GetQueryString()).Replace(PAGEKEY, (page * SongsPerPage).ToString())); result = new JObject(); IWebResponseMessage response = null; try { response = await WebUtils.GetBeatSaverAsync(sourceUri, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false); response.EnsureSuccessStatusCode(); pageText = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().ConfigureAwait(false); result = JObject.Parse(pageText); } catch (WebClientException ex) { string errorText = string.Empty; if (ex.Response != null) { switch (ex.Response.StatusCode) { case 408: errorText = "Timeout"; break; default: errorText = "Site Error"; break; } } Logger?.Error($"{errorText} getting UploaderID from author name, {sourceUri} responded with {ex.Response?.StatusCode}:{ex.Response?.ReasonPhrase}"); return(string.Empty); } catch (JsonReaderException ex) { // TODO: Should I break the loop here, or keep trying? Logger?.Exception("Unable to parse JSON from text", ex); } catch (OperationCanceledException) { throw; } catch (Exception ex) { Logger?.Error($"Uncaught error getting UploaderID from author name {authorName}"); Logger?.Debug($"{ex}"); return(string.Empty); } finally { response?.Dispose(); response = null; } totalResults = result["totalDocs"]?.Value <int>(); // TODO: Check this if (totalResults == null || totalResults == 0) { Logger?.Warning($"No songs by {authorName} found, is the name spelled correctly?"); return(string.Empty); } songJSONAry = result["docs"].ToArray(); matchingSong = (JObject)songJSONAry.FirstOrDefault(c => c["uploader"]?["username"]?.Value <string>()?.ToLower() == authorName.ToLower()); page++; sourceUri = new Uri(Feeds[BeatSaverFeed.Search].BaseUrl.Replace(SEARCHQUERY, authorName).Replace(PAGEKEY, (page * SongsPerPage).ToString())); } while ((matchingSong == null) && page * SongsPerPage < totalResults); if (matchingSong == null) { Logger?.Warning($"No songs by {authorName} found, is the name spelled correctly?"); return(string.Empty); } mapperId = matchingSong["uploader"]["_id"].Value <string>(); _authors.TryAdd(authorName, mapperId); return(mapperId); }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="settings"></param> /// <returns></returns> /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">Thrown when settings is null.</exception> public static async Task <FeedResult> GetBeatSaverSongsAsync(BeatSaverFeedSettings settings, CancellationToken cancellationToken) { if (settings == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(settings), "settings cannot be null for BeatSaverReader.GetBeatSaverSongsAsync"); } if (cancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested) { return(FeedResult.CancelledResult); } // TODO: double checks the first page int feedIndex = settings.FeedIndex; bool useMaxPages = settings.MaxPages != 0; bool useMaxSongs = settings.MaxSongs != 0; Dictionary <string, ScrapedSong> songs = new Dictionary <string, ScrapedSong>(); string pageText = string.Empty; JObject result = new JObject(); var pageUri = GetPageUrl(feedIndex); IWebResponseMessage response = null; try { response = await GetBeatSaverAsync(pageUri, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false); response.EnsureSuccessStatusCode(); pageText = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().ConfigureAwait(false); result = JObject.Parse(pageText); } catch (WebClientException ex) { string errorText = string.Empty; if (ex.Response != null) { switch (ex.Response.StatusCode) { case 408: errorText = "Timeout"; break; default: errorText = "Site Error"; break; } } string message = $"{errorText} getting a response from {pageUri}: {ex.Message}"; Logger?.Debug(message); Logger?.Debug($"{ex.Message}\n{ex.StackTrace}"); return(new FeedResult(null, null, new FeedReaderException(message, ex, FeedReaderFailureCode.SourceFailed), FeedResultError.Error)); } catch (JsonReaderException ex) { string message = "Unable to parse JSON from text on first page in GetBeatSaverSongAsync()"; Logger?.Debug(message); Logger?.Debug($"{ex.Message}\n{ex.StackTrace}"); return(new FeedResult(null, null, new FeedReaderException(message, ex, FeedReaderFailureCode.SourceFailed), FeedResultError.Error)); } catch (OperationCanceledException) { return(FeedResult.CancelledResult); } catch (Exception ex) { string message = $"Uncaught error getting the first page in BeatSaverReader.GetBeatSaverSongsAsync(): {ex.Message}"; return(new FeedResult(null, null, new FeedReaderException(message, ex, FeedReaderFailureCode.SourceFailed), FeedResultError.Error)); } finally { response?.Dispose(); response = null; } int?numSongs = result["totalDocs"]?.Value <int>(); int?lastPage = result["lastPage"]?.Value <int>(); if (numSongs == null || lastPage == null || numSongs == 0) { Logger?.Warning($"Error checking Beat Saver's {settings.FeedName} feed."); return(new FeedResult(null, null, new FeedReaderException($"Error getting the first page in GetBeatSaverSongsAsync()", null, FeedReaderFailureCode.SourceFailed), FeedResultError.Error)); } Logger?.Info($"Checking Beat Saver's {settings.FeedName} feed, {numSongs} songs available"); int maxPages = settings.MaxPages; int pageNum = Math.Max(settings.StartingPage - 1, 0); if (pageNum > 0 && useMaxPages) { maxPages += pageNum; // Add starting page to maxPages so we actually get songs if maxPages < starting page } List <Task <PageReadResult> > pageReadTasks = new List <Task <PageReadResult> >(); bool continueLooping = true; do { pageUri = GetPageUrl(feedIndex, pageNum); Logger?.Trace($"Creating task for {pageUri.ToString()}"); pageReadTasks.Add(GetSongsFromPageAsync(pageUri, cancellationToken)); pageNum++; if ((pageNum > lastPage)) { continueLooping = false; } if (useMaxPages && (pageNum >= maxPages)) { continueLooping = false; } if (useMaxSongs && pageNum * SongsPerPage >= settings.MaxSongs) { continueLooping = false; } } while (continueLooping); try { // TODO: Won't hit max songs if a song is added while reading the pages. (It'll bump all the songs down and we'll get a repeat) await Task.WhenAll(pageReadTasks.ToArray()).ConfigureAwait(false); } #pragma warning disable CA1031 // Do not catch general exception types catch (Exception ex) #pragma warning restore CA1031 // Do not catch general exception types { string message = $"Error waiting for pageReadTasks: {ex.Message}"; // TODO: Probably don't need logging here. Logger?.Debug(message); Logger?.Debug(ex.StackTrace); return(new FeedResult(null, null, new FeedReaderException(message, ex, FeedReaderFailureCode.SourceFailed), FeedResultError.Error)); } var pageResults = new List <PageReadResult>(); foreach (var job in pageReadTasks) { var pageResult = await job.ConfigureAwait(false); pageResults.Add(pageResult); foreach (var song in pageResult.Songs) { if (songs.ContainsKey(song.Hash)) { continue; } if (!useMaxSongs || songs.Count < settings.MaxSongs) { songs.Add(song.Hash, song); } } } return(new FeedResult(songs, pageResults)); }
public static void CompareGetAsync(IWebClient client1, IWebClient client2, Func <IWebClient, Task <IWebResponseMessage> > action) { IWebResponseMessage response1 = null; IWebResponseMessage response2 = null; Exception client1Exception = null; Exception client2Exception = null; try { response1 = action(client1).Result; } catch (AssertFailedException) { throw; } catch (AggregateException ex) { var assertFailedException = ex.InnerExceptions.Where(e => e is AssertFailedException).FirstOrDefault(); if (assertFailedException != null) { throw assertFailedException; } if (ex.InnerExceptions.Count == 1) { client1Exception = ex.InnerException; } else { client1Exception = ex; } } catch (Exception ex) { client1Exception = ex; } try { response2 = action(client2).Result; } catch (AssertFailedException) { throw; } catch (AggregateException ex) { var assertFailedException = ex.InnerExceptions.Where(e => e is AssertFailedException).FirstOrDefault(); if (assertFailedException != null) { throw assertFailedException; } if (ex.InnerExceptions.Count == 1) { client2Exception = ex.InnerException; } else { client2Exception = ex; } } catch (Exception ex) { client2Exception = ex; } if (client1Exception != null || client2Exception != null) { Console.WriteLine($"{client1?.GetType().Name}: {client1Exception?.GetType().Name}: {client1Exception?.Message}"); Console.WriteLine($"{client2?.GetType().Name}: {client2Exception?.GetType().Name}: {client2Exception?.Message}"); Assert.AreEqual(client1Exception?.GetType(), client2Exception?.GetType()); if (client1Exception is WebClientException webException1 && client2Exception is WebClientException webException2) { Assert.AreEqual(webException1.Uri?.ToString(), webException2.Uri?.ToString(), "WebClientExceptions' Uris do not match."); CompareResponses(webException1.Response, webException2.Response); } else if (client1Exception is OperationCanceledException || client2Exception is OperationCanceledException) { if (client1Exception is OperationCanceledException && client2Exception is OperationCanceledException) { Console.WriteLine($"Operation canceled"); } else { Assert.Fail($"One client was canceled, the other wasn't."); } } else { Assert.Fail("Not a WebClientException"); } return; }
public async Task <FeedResult> GetSongsFromScoreSaberAsync(ScoreSaberFeedSettings settings, CancellationToken cancellationToken) { if (settings == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(settings), "settings cannot be null for ScoreSaberReader.GetSongsFromScoreSaberAsync"); } // "{CATKEY}&limit={LIMITKEY}&page={PAGENUMKEY}&ranked={RANKEDKEY}" int songsPerPage = settings.SongsPerPage; if (songsPerPage == 0) { songsPerPage = 100; } int pageNum = settings.StartingPage; //int maxPages = (int)Math.Ceiling(settings.MaxSongs / ((float)songsPerPage)); int maxPages = settings.MaxPages; if (pageNum > 1 && maxPages != 0) { maxPages = maxPages + pageNum - 1; } //if (settings.MaxPages > 0) // maxPages = maxPages < settings.MaxPages ? maxPages : settings.MaxPages; // Take the lower limit. Dictionary <string, ScrapedSong> songs = new Dictionary <string, ScrapedSong>(); StringBuilder url = new StringBuilder(Feeds[settings.Feed].BaseUrl); Dictionary <string, string> urlReplacements = new Dictionary <string, string>() { { LIMITKEY, songsPerPage.ToString() }, { PAGENUMKEY, pageNum.ToString() }, { RANKEDKEY, settings.RankedOnly ? "1" : "0" } }; if (settings.Feed == ScoreSaberFeed.Search) { urlReplacements.Add(QUERYKEY, settings.SearchQuery); } GetPageUrl(ref url, urlReplacements); var uri = new Uri(url.ToString()); string pageText = ""; var pageResults = new List <PageReadResult>(); IWebResponseMessage response = null; try { response = await WebUtils.WebClient.GetAsync(uri, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false); response.EnsureSuccessStatusCode(); pageText = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().ConfigureAwait(false); } catch (WebClientException ex) { string errorText = string.Empty; int statusCode = ex?.Response?.StatusCode ?? 0; if (statusCode != 0) { switch (statusCode) { case 408: errorText = "Timeout"; break; default: errorText = "Site Error"; break; } } string message = $"{errorText} getting first page in ScoreSaberReader: {uri}: {ex.Message}"; Logger?.Debug(message); // No need for a stacktrace if it's one of these errors. if (!(statusCode == 408 || statusCode == 500)) { Logger?.Debug($"{ex.Message}\n{ex.StackTrace}"); } return(new FeedResult(null, null, new FeedReaderException(message, ex, FeedReaderFailureCode.SourceFailed), FeedResultError.Error)); } catch (Exception ex) { string message = $"Uncaught error getting the first page in ScoreSaberReader.GetSongsFromScoreSaberAsync(): {ex.Message}"; return(new FeedResult(null, null, new FeedReaderException(message, ex, FeedReaderFailureCode.SourceFailed), FeedResultError.Error)); } finally { response?.Dispose(); response = null; } var result = GetSongsFromPageText(pageText, uri); pageResults.Add(result); foreach (var song in result.Songs) { if (!songs.ContainsKey(song.Hash) && (songs.Count < settings.MaxSongs || settings.MaxSongs == 0)) { songs.Add(song.Hash, song); } } bool continueLooping = true; do { pageNum++; int diffCount = 0; if ((maxPages > 0 && pageNum > maxPages) || (settings.MaxSongs > 0 && songs.Count >= settings.MaxSongs)) { break; } url.Clear(); url.Append(Feeds[settings.Feed].BaseUrl); if (!urlReplacements.ContainsKey(PAGENUMKEY)) { urlReplacements.Add(PAGENUMKEY, pageNum.ToString()); } else { urlReplacements[PAGENUMKEY] = pageNum.ToString(); } GetPageUrl(ref url, urlReplacements); uri = new Uri(url.ToString()); if (Utilities.IsPaused) { await Utilities.WaitUntil(() => !Utilities.IsPaused, 500).ConfigureAwait(false); } // TODO: Handle PageReadResult here var pageResult = await GetSongsFromPageAsync(uri, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false); pageResults.Add(pageResult); foreach (var song in pageResult.Songs) { diffCount++; if (!songs.ContainsKey(song.Hash) && (songs.Count < settings.MaxSongs || settings.MaxSongs == 0)) { songs.Add(song.Hash, song); } } if (diffCount == 0) { Logger?.Debug($"No diffs found on {uri.ToString()}, should be after last page."); continueLooping = false; } //pageReadTasks.Add(GetSongsFromPageAsync(url.ToString())); if ((maxPages > 0 && pageNum >= maxPages) || (settings.MaxSongs > 0 && songs.Count >= settings.MaxSongs)) { continueLooping = false; } } while (continueLooping); return(new FeedResult(songs, pageResults)); }