public ActionResult Index(string parkCode)
            List <Weather> weathers = dal.GetWeatherByParkCode(parkCode);

            if (GetTempetureChoice() == "Celcius")
                foreach (var weather in weathers)
                    weather.IsCelcius = true;

            return(PartialView("Index", weathers));
        /// <summary>
        /// Detail View of Parks with 5 Day weather forecast
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="id">Park.ParkCode to GET that park upon Click()</param>
        /// <returns>Detail View</returns>
        public ActionResult Detail(string id)
            // If no park was clicked then return to index page
            if (id == null)
                return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Park"));

            //Gets current Temp unit to work with in View
            string tempUnit = GetCurrentTempUnit();

            //Get park by param: id
            Park           park    = _parkDAL.GetPark(id);
            List <Weather> weather = _weatherDAL.GetWeatherByParkCode(id);
            ParkWeather    pw      = new ParkWeather()
                Park     = park,
                Weather  = weather,
                TempUnit = tempUnit

            return(View("Detail", pw));