Exemple #1
        public override void Execute(string code)
                if (engine.IsRunning)

                // Load the script code
                IVsaCodeItem codeItem = (IVsaCodeItem)items.CreateItem("Script", VsaItemType.Code, VsaItemFlag.None);
                codeItem.SourceText = code;

                // compile and run
                if (engine.Compile())
            catch (Exception e)
                //XXX: AAAHHH
                // MessageBox.Show(e.Message + "\n" + e.StackTrace + "\n" + e.ToString());
                Console.WriteLine(e.Message + "\n" + e.StackTrace + "\n" + e.ToString());
Exemple #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Sets the script from a string
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="scriptText">Script text</param>
        /// <param name="language">Script language</param>
        public void SetScript(string scriptText)
            _isInitialized = false;
            // Make sure the last allocated engine is stopped.
            if (_engine != null)

            _scriptText = scriptText;

            // Initialize globale vars

            _engine = new Microsoft.VisualBasic.Vsa.VsaEngine();

            // Initialize Engine
            _engine.RootMoniker = "nScriptHost://VSAScript/Instance" + NewInstanceID.ToString();
            _engine.Site        = this;
            _engine.RootNamespace = "__Script__";



            // Set the script code.
            IVsaCodeItem item = _engine.Items.CreateItem("Code", VsaItemType.Code, VsaItemFlag.None) as IVsaCodeItem;

            item.SourceText = _scriptText;
Exemple #3
        public override void Initialise()
            // Get the Items
            items = engine.Items;
            // Load the preamble code
            string       preamble = @"
        var document = window.document;
		    function setTimeout(script : String, delay : ulong) : String { return window.setTimeout(script, delay); }
		    function clearTimeout(token : String) : void  { window.clearTimeout(token); }
		    function setInterval(script : String, delay : ulong) : String { return window.setInterval(script, delay); }
		    function clearInterval(token : String) : void { window.clearInterval(token); }
		    function getSrc() : String { return window.getSrc(); }
		    function printNode(node : Object) : String { return window.printNode(node); }
		    function parseXML(xml : String, owner : Object) : Object { return window.parseXML(xml, owner); }
        function alert(msg : String) : void { window.alert(msg); }
        function browserEval(src : String, evt : Object) : String { return eval( src, 'unsafe'); }
            IVsaCodeItem codeItem = (IVsaCodeItem)items.CreateItem("Preamble", VsaItemType.Code, VsaItemFlag.None);

            codeItem.SourceText = preamble;

            // Add the global "window" item
            IVsaGlobalItem globalItem = (IVsaGlobalItem)items.CreateItem("window", VsaItemType.AppGlobal, VsaItemFlag.None);

            globalItem.TypeString    = "SharpVectors.Scripting.IScriptableSvgWindow";
            globalItem.ExposeMembers = true;
Exemple #4
            /// <summary>
            /// スクリプトコードを追加する
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="name">スクリプトコード名</param>
            /// <param name="code">追加するスクリプトコード</param>
            public void AddScriptCode(string name, string code)
                IVsaCodeItem codeItem = (IVsaCodeItem)vsaEngine.Items.CreateItem
                                            (name, VsaItemType.Code, VsaItemFlag.None);

                codeItem.SourceText = code;
Exemple #5
 private void AddSourceFile(IVsaEngine engine, string fileName, int codepage, bool fForceCodepage){
   // We don't use the filename as the item name because filenames are allowed to contain
   // things that identifiers aren't (like commas and periods).
   string itemName = "$SourceFile_" + this.codeItemCounter++;
   IVsaCodeItem item = (IVsaCodeItem)engine.Items.CreateItem(itemName, VsaItemType.Code, VsaItemFlag.None);
   item.SetOption("codebase", fileName);
   item.SourceText = this.ReadFile(fileName, codepage, fForceCodepage);
Exemple #6
        public void AddCodeBlock(string name, string code)
            if (m_Engine.IsRunning)

            IVsaCodeItem item =
                    name, (JSVsaItemType)VsaItemType.Code, (JSVsaItemFlag)VsaItemFlag.Module);

            item.SourceText = code;
Exemple #7
        // specify script
        public void setScript(string script)
            foreach (VsaItem currentItem in vsaEngine.Items)
                if (currentItem.Name == "code")

            IVsaCodeItem codeItem = (IVsaCodeItem)vsaEngine.Items.CreateItem("code", VsaItemType.Code, VsaItemFlag.None);

            codeItem.SourceText = script;
Exemple #8
        // Entry point
        private static void Main(string [] args)
            if (args.Length < 1)
            VsaEngine engine = new VsaEngine();

            engine.InitVsaEngine("mjs:com.mono-project", new MonoEngineSite());

            foreach (string asm in references)
                IVsaReferenceItem item = (IVsaReferenceItem)engine.Items.CreateItem(asm, VsaItemType.Reference, VsaItemFlag.None);
                item.AssemblyName = asm;

            string asm_name = String.Empty;

            foreach (Assembly assembly in assemblies)
                asm_name = assembly.GetName().FullName;
                IVsaReferenceItem item = (IVsaReferenceItem)engine.Items.CreateItem(asm_name, VsaItemType.Reference, VsaItemFlag.None);
                item.AssemblyName = asm_name;

            foreach (string file in files)
                IVsaCodeItem item = (IVsaCodeItem)engine.Items.CreateItem(file, VsaItemType.Code, VsaItemFlag.None);
                item.SourceText = GetCodeFromFile(file);
            engine.SetOption("debug", want_debugging_support);
            engine.SetOption("link_path", link_paths);
            engine.SetOption("first_source", first_source);
            engine.SetOption("assemblies", assemblies);
            engine.SetOption("out", output_file);
            if (warning_level != -1)
                engine.SetOption("WarningLevel", warning_level);
Exemple #9
        public void Init()
            // UNDONE: this is crap. The whole engine shouldn't have to be recreated and
            // reinitialized for each compile. Unfortunately it's the only way I've found
            // to work around the "Variable 'AED' has not been declared" problem.
            // A better solution needs to be found as this one seems to consume roughly
            // 240K of RAM each compile.

            m_vsae             = new Microsoft.JScript.Vsa.VsaEngine();
            m_vsae.RootMoniker = "com.spiffcode://script";
            m_vsae.Site        = this;

            m_vsae.SetOption("print", true);                    // Enable the 'print' function for scripters
            m_vsae.SetOption("fast", false);                    // Enable legacy mode
            m_vsae.RootNamespace = "script";
            m_vsaciScript        = (IVsaCodeItem)m_vsae.Items.CreateItem("scriptspace",
                                                                         VsaItemType.Code, VsaItemFlag.None);

            m_vsae.Items.CreateItem("mscorlib.dll", VsaItemType.Reference, VsaItemFlag.None);
            m_vsae.Items.CreateItem("System.Windows.Forms.dll", VsaItemType.Reference, VsaItemFlag.None);
//			m_vsae.Items.CreateItem("System.dll", VsaItemType.Reference, VsaItemFlag.None);

            string[] astrNames = new String[m_htGlobals.Count];
            m_htGlobals.Keys.CopyTo(astrNames, 0);

            for (int i = 0; i < m_htGlobals.Count; i++)
                IVsaGlobalItem vsagi = (IVsaGlobalItem)m_vsae.Items.CreateItem(astrNames[i],
                                                                               VsaItemType.AppGlobal, VsaItemFlag.None);
                // UNDONE: this doesn't seem to be working
                vsagi.ExposeMembers = true;
//				object obInstance = m_htGlobals[astrNames[i]];
//				vsagi.TypeString = obInstance.GetType().FullName;
Exemple #10
        private bool _LoadScript(string sScriptFilename)
            if (!CONFIG.bLoadScript)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(sScriptFilename))
            if (!File.Exists(sScriptFilename))
            if (this._BeforeRulesCompile != null)
            foreach (object obj2 in htMenuScripts.Keys)
            foreach (PreferenceBag.PrefWatcher watcher in this.listWeaklyHeldWatchers)
            StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(new FileStream(sScriptFilename, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.ReadWrite), Encoding.UTF8, true);
            string       str    = reader.ReadToEnd();

                this._engine             = new VsaEngine();
                this._engine.RootMoniker = "fiddler://script/" + _scriptCount;
                this._engine.Site        = this.objVSASite;
                this._engine.RootNamespace     = "Fiddler.ScriptNamespace";
                this._engine.GenerateDebugInfo = false;
            catch (EntryPointNotFoundException)
                FiddlerApplication.DoNotifyUser("Unable to initialize FiddlerScript. This typically indicates that you are attempting to run Fiddler on .NET Framework v4.\n\nYour machine may have the unsupported OnlyUseLatestCLR registry key set.", "Unsupported configuration", MessageBoxIcon.Hand);
                this.Ready = false;
            IVsaItems items = this._engine.Items;

            foreach (string str2 in CONFIG.sScriptReferences.Split(new char[] { ';' }))
                if (str2.Trim().Length > 0)
                    IVsaReferenceItem item = (IVsaReferenceItem)items.CreateItem(str2, VsaItemType.Reference, VsaItemFlag.None);
                    item.AssemblyName = str2;
            IVsaGlobalItem item2 = (IVsaGlobalItem)items.CreateItem("FiddlerObject", VsaItemType.AppGlobal, VsaItemFlag.None);

            item2.TypeString = "Fiddler.FiddlerScript";
            item2            = (IVsaGlobalItem)items.CreateItem("FiddlerScript", VsaItemType.AppGlobal, VsaItemFlag.None);
            item2.TypeString = "Fiddler.FiddlerScript";
            IVsaCodeItem item3 = (IVsaCodeItem)items.CreateItem("Handlers", VsaItemType.Code, VsaItemFlag.None);

            item3.SourceText = str;
            if (!this._engine.Compile())
                this.Ready = false;
            this.Ready = true;
            this._typeScriptHandlers = this._engine.Assembly.GetType("Fiddler.ScriptNamespace.Handlers");
            if (this._typeScriptHandlers == null)
                foreach (FieldInfo info in this._typeScriptHandlers.GetFields(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Static))
                    if (info.FieldType == typeof(bool))
                        RulesOption customAttribute = (RulesOption)Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(info, typeof(RulesOption));
                        if (customAttribute != null)
                            this.CreateRulesMenuItem(info, customAttribute);
                    else if (info.FieldType == typeof(string))
                        RulesString oRule = (RulesString)Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(info, typeof(RulesString));
                        if (oRule != null)
                            RulesStringValue[] customAttributes = (RulesStringValue[])Attribute.GetCustomAttributes(info, typeof(RulesStringValue));
                            if ((customAttributes != null) && (customAttributes.Length > 0))
                                Array.Sort <RulesStringValue>(customAttributes);
                                this.CreateRulesMenuForStrings(info, oRule, customAttributes);
                bool flag = true;
                foreach (MethodInfo info2 in this._typeScriptHandlers.GetMethods())
                    MenuItem    item4;
                    ToolsAction action = (ToolsAction)Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(info2, typeof(ToolsAction));
                    if (action != null)
                        item4 = new MenuItem(action.Name);
                        htMenuScripts.Add(item4, info2);
                        item4.Click += new EventHandler(this.HandleScriptToolsClick);
                    ContextAction action2 = (ContextAction)Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(info2, typeof(ContextAction));
                    if (action2 != null)
                        if (flag)
                            item4 = new MenuItem("-");
                            htMenuScripts.Add(item4, null);
                            FiddlerApplication._frmMain.mnuSessionContext.MenuItems.Add(0, item4);
                            flag = false;
                        item4 = new MenuItem(action2.Name);
                        htMenuScripts.Add(item4, info2);
                        item4.Click += new EventHandler(this.HandleScriptToolsClick);
                        FiddlerApplication._frmMain.mnuSessionContext.MenuItems.Add(0, item4);
                    BindUIColumn column = (BindUIColumn)Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(info2, typeof(BindUIColumn));
                    if (column != null)
                        getColumnStringDelegate delFn = (getColumnStringDelegate)Delegate.CreateDelegate(typeof(getColumnStringDelegate), info2);
                        FiddlerApplication._frmMain.lvSessions.AddBoundColumn(column._colName, column._iColWidth, delFn);
                    QuickLinkMenu menu = (QuickLinkMenu)Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(info2, typeof(QuickLinkMenu));
                    if (menu != null)
                        QuickLinkItem[] array = (QuickLinkItem[])Attribute.GetCustomAttributes(info2, typeof(QuickLinkItem));
                        if ((array != null) && (array.Length > 0))
                            Array.Sort <QuickLinkItem>(array);
                            this.CreateQuickLinkMenu(menu.Name, info2, menu.Name, array);
                MenuExt.ReadRegistry(FiddlerApplication._frmMain.mnuTools, htMenuScripts);
                    MethodInfo method = this._typeScriptHandlers.GetMethod("Main");
                    if (method != null)
                        method.Invoke(null, null);
                catch (Exception exception)
                    FiddlerApplication.DoNotifyUser(string.Concat(new object[] { "There was a problem with your FiddlerScript.\n\n", exception.Message, "\n", exception.StackTrace, "\n\n", exception.InnerException }), "JScript main() failed.");
            if (this._AfterRulesCompile != null)
        public void Init()
            // UNDONE: this is crap. The whole engine shouldn't have to be recreated and
            // reinitialized for each compile. Unfortunately it's the only way I've found
            // to work around the "Variable 'AED' has not been declared" problem.
            // A better solution needs to be found as this one seems to consume roughly
            // 240K of RAM each compile.

            m_vsae = new Microsoft.JScript.Vsa.VsaEngine();
            m_vsae.RootMoniker = "com.spiffcode://script";
            m_vsae.Site = this;

            m_vsae.SetOption("print", true);	// Enable the 'print' function for scripters
            m_vsae.SetOption("fast", false);	// Enable legacy mode
            m_vsae.RootNamespace = "script";
            m_vsaciScript = (IVsaCodeItem)m_vsae.Items.CreateItem("scriptspace",
                    VsaItemType.Code, VsaItemFlag.None);

            m_vsae.Items.CreateItem("mscorlib.dll", VsaItemType.Reference, VsaItemFlag.None);
            m_vsae.Items.CreateItem("System.Windows.Forms.dll", VsaItemType.Reference, VsaItemFlag.None);
            //			m_vsae.Items.CreateItem("System.dll", VsaItemType.Reference, VsaItemFlag.None);

            string[] astrNames = new String[m_htGlobals.Count];
            m_htGlobals.Keys.CopyTo(astrNames, 0);

            for (int i = 0; i < m_htGlobals.Count; i++) {
                IVsaGlobalItem vsagi = (IVsaGlobalItem)m_vsae.Items.CreateItem(astrNames[i],
                        VsaItemType.AppGlobal, VsaItemFlag.None);
                // UNDONE: this doesn't seem to be working
                vsagi.ExposeMembers = true;
            //				object obInstance = m_htGlobals[astrNames[i]];
            //				vsagi.TypeString = obInstance.GetType().FullName;
        /// <summary>
        /// Complies and runs the specified script code
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="script">The script code to execute</param>
        public virtual bool Execute(string script)
                // raise the event that assembly references are needed
                this.OnAssemblyReferencesNeeded(this, new VsaScriptingHostEventArgs(this));

                // raise the event that global items are needed
                this.OnGlobalItemsNeeded(this, new VsaScriptingHostEventArgs(this));

                // create the one and only code item that will be executed by this engine
                _codeItem = this.CreateCodeItem(@"Script");

                if (script != null)
                    // set the source text to the script contents
                    _codeItem.SourceText = script;

                    // compile the script

                    // run the script
                return true;
            catch (Exception ex)

            return false;
            //			// Call the VB entry point
            //			if( et == EngineType.VBScript )
            //			{
            //				// Execute ClockScript.Script.Main()
            //				Assembly   assem = _engine.Assembly;
            //				Type       type = assem.GetType("ClockScript.Script");
            //				MethodInfo method = type.GetMethod("Main");
            //				method.Invoke(null, null);
            //			}